Spelling suggestions: "subject:"posttraumatic"" "subject:"postraumatic""
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La comorbidité chez les joueurs pathologiques en traitementGonzález-Sicilia Fernández, Daniela 07 1900 (has links)
Plusieurs études telles que le NESARC ont démontré la comorbidité chez les joueurs
pathologiques dans la population générale et dans des échantillons cliniques. Le jeu pathologique se présente souvent avec des troubles comorbides tels que les toxicomanies, les troubles de l’humeur, les troubles anxieux et les troubles de la personnalité. Cette étude a été réalisée auprès de 40 joueurs pathologiques admis en traitement au Centre Dollard-Cormier, Institut universitaire sur les dépendances à Montréal. Les objectifs étaient d’évaluer : la consommation d’alcool et de drogues, la présence d’une détresse psychologique caractérisée par des symptômes et des
syndromes cliniques ainsi que par des troubles de la personnalité et la prévalence du trouble de l’ÉSPT dans l’échantillon. L’ICJE a été utilisé pour évaluer la gravité du jeu. Les autres troubles ont été mesurés à travers l’IGT, l’AUDIT, le MCMI-III, le QÉT et l’ÉMST. Les résultats montrent
que 65 % des participants présentent une consommation problématique d’alcool (25 %
actuellement, 40 % dans le passé), 27,5 % une consommation problématique de drogues; 52,5 %, un diagnostic probable d’au moins un syndrome clinique (surtout anxiété et dépression), 55 %, un diagnostic probable d’au moins un trouble de la personnalité; 30 %, des symptômes du trouble d’ÉSPT et 17,5 %, un diagnostic probable du trouble. Alors, la comorbidité est présente chez les
joueurs pathologiques de l’échantillon. Il est essentiel de l’identifier pour mieux répondre aux besoins particuliers de l’individu et l’aider avec les symptômes qui aggravent le problème de jeu et augmentent le risque de récidive. / Several studies such as the NESARC have demonstrated the comorbidity in pathological gamblers in the general population and in clinical samples. Pathological gambling often occurs with other comorbid disorders, such as addictions, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, and personality disorders. This study was conducted among 40 pathological gamblers admitted in treatment at Centre Dollard-Cormier, Institut universitaire sur les dépendances, in Montreal. The objectives
were to assess the use of alcohol and drugs, the presence of psychological distress characterized by clinical symptoms and syndromes as well as by personality disorders, and the prevalence of PTSD
in the gamblers of the sample. The CPGI was used to assess the severity of gambling. The other disorders were measured through the ASI, the AUDIT, the MCMI-III, the QÉT and the ÉMST. The results show that 65% of participants had a problem with alcohol (25% currently, 40% in the past), 27.5% presented a problematic drug use, 52.5% had a potential diagnosis of at least one
clinical syndrome (mainly anxiety and depression), 55% had a potential diagnosis of at least one personality disorder, 30% presented symptoms of PTSD and 17.5% had a potential diagnosis of PTSD. In conclusion, comorbidity exists in the pathological gamblers of the sample. It is essential
to identify it in order to better address the needs of the individual and to help him with the symptoms that worsen the gambling problem and increase the risk of recurrence.
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The Effects of Self-presentation on an Expressive Writing Task for Trauma SurvivorsDanson, Jonathan J. 22 July 2010 (has links)
Expressive Writing (EW) involves writing in an emotionally expressive manner about an experienced event, and has been shown to be related to increases in psychological and physical well-being. The purpose of the current study was to extend previous work by examining how self-presentation affects psychological and physical gains following the EW task. Forty one participants who have experienced a traumatic event were recruited from the community and given either an EW or control activity. Measures assessing self-presentation and various indices of health were administered at baseline and again at one month follow-up to determine changes in symptomatology. Results indicated that higher levels of perfectionistic self-presentation were significantly associated with less improvement in symptoms of depression and posttraumatic stress. Further, a nonsignificant moderation trend emerged whereby higher levels of perfectionistic self-presentation were associated with more improvement in symptoms of depression and posttraumatic stress in the EW group but not control group.
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The Effects of Self-presentation on an Expressive Writing Task for Trauma SurvivorsDanson, Jonathan J. 22 July 2010 (has links)
Expressive Writing (EW) involves writing in an emotionally expressive manner about an experienced event, and has been shown to be related to increases in psychological and physical well-being. The purpose of the current study was to extend previous work by examining how self-presentation affects psychological and physical gains following the EW task. Forty one participants who have experienced a traumatic event were recruited from the community and given either an EW or control activity. Measures assessing self-presentation and various indices of health were administered at baseline and again at one month follow-up to determine changes in symptomatology. Results indicated that higher levels of perfectionistic self-presentation were significantly associated with less improvement in symptoms of depression and posttraumatic stress. Further, a nonsignificant moderation trend emerged whereby higher levels of perfectionistic self-presentation were associated with more improvement in symptoms of depression and posttraumatic stress in the EW group but not control group.
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Social Determinants of Alcohol, Drug and Gambling Problems Among Urban Aboriginal Adults in CanadaCurrie, Cheryl Unknown Date
No description available.
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Att öppna vägar genom kaos : Uppdrag och nätverk kring förskolebarn som upplevt trauma / Clearing paths through chaos : Mandates and networks surrounding preschoolers who have experienced traumaBergman, Helena January 2014 (has links)
Följande undersökning behandlar förskolans uppdrag och samverkan kring barn som upplevt trauma. Syftet är att undersöka hur olika professionsföreträdare för yrken närliggande förskolepersonalens (BVC-sjuksköterskor, socionomer, förskolepsykologer & förskolechefer) upplever förskolans roll i arbetet med barn som drabbats av trauma. Studien fokuserar hur olika professionsföreträdare nära förskolan upplever förskolans uppdrag och vilken relevans deras förväntan har gentemot de styrdokument som förskolan lyder under. Därtill undersöks hur samverkan för att öppna möjligheter för barn som drabbats av trauma, att utvecklas, lära och bidra, ser ut i praktiken. Kvalitativa intervjuer har genomförts med åtta personer. Intervjuer och styrdokument har bearbetats fenomenologiskt så att essensen av det sagda och skrivna tagits fram. Resultatet visar på förväntan på att förskolan tar en aktiv roll i arbetet för barn som upplevt trauma. Förskolans omgivning önskar enligt intervjupersonerna ett mer tillitsfullt samarbete mellan förskolepersonal och vårdnadshavare. Likaså efterlyses ett förebyggande hälsoarbete mellan deltagarnas egna professioner och förskolepersonal. Ett inslag av misstro mot förskolepersonal blandas med tilltro till förskolan som potentiell arena för positiv samhällsutveckling. Resultatet analyseras först i jämförelse mellan intervjuer och styrdokument. Därvid framkommer att intervjupersonernas förväntan på förskolan är i samklang med styrdokumentens uppdragsbeskrivning. Samverkansupplevelserna analyseras utifrån Danermarks teori för samverkanskvalitet vilket visar på samverkansbrister i styrning, struktur och samsyn enligt intervjupersonernas upplevelser. Ett tänkt barn sätts som fallstudie in i Bronfenbrenners utvecklingsekologiska modell, som belyses med Ungars, Ghazinours och Richters resiliensteori. Då synliggörs hur intervjupersonernas upplevelse av samverkan kring barn som erfarit trauma berör hela barnets utvecklingsekologiska sammanhang. Analysen visar att kvalitativ samverkan är en förutsättning för att barnet ska ta sig ur ett posttraumatiskt stress-syndrom. Det samhälleliga uppdraget för förskola och nätverk blir att ge barnet många användbara verktyg och tillfällen för att ta sig genom kaos till fortsatt utveckling och lärande.
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Policininkų trauminė patirtis ir jos psichologiniai padariniai / Traumatic experience and psichological effects in policeKuodienė, Vilma 23 June 2014 (has links)
Policininkai, kaip specifinė profesinė grupė, tarnyboje susiduria su trauminiais įvykiais, darbe patirtą stresą dažniausiai įveikia neigiamomis strategijomis. Šio tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti policininkų patirtų traumų padarinių ir veiksnių, susijusių su traumine patirtimi, ypatumus. Tyrimo uždaviniai buvo įvertinti subjektyvų pareigūnų trauminį patyrimą, potrauminio streso simptomatikos intensyvumą, nevilties išgyvenimo intensyvumą, patiriamą potrauminį augimą, gaunamą socialinę paramą. Tyrime dalyvavo 81 policijos pareigūnas, per pastaruosius 3 metus tarnyboje patyręs trauminį įvykį. Tyrime taikytos šios metodikos: Įvykio poveikio skalė – revizuota (IES-R) (Weiss, 2004; liet. k. Kazlauskas ir kt., 2006), Subjektyvaus trauminio patyrimo skalė (STP) (Kazlauskas, Gailienė, Šimėnaitė, 2007), Potrauminio augimo skalė (PTA) (Tedeschi, Calhoun, 1996; liet. k. Gailienė, Kazlauskas, 2005), Becko nevilties skalė (BHS) (Beck, Steer, 1988) ir parengtas specialus Policininko sukrečiančio įvykio ir potrauminio patyrimo klausimynas (sudarė darbo autorė). Tyrimas atskleidė, kad apie 60 proc. policijos pareigūnų profesinėje veikloje patiria trauminius įvykius. Dažniausiai traumines situacijas policininkai patiria tada, kai yra sunkiai sužalota arba nužudyta auka. Nepaisant trauminės patirties, neigiamų policininkų traumos psichologinių padarinių nenustatyta: silpna neviltis, maži potrauminio streso sutrikimo požymių rodikliai. Taip pat žemas potrauminio augimo lygis. Rezultatai rodo, kad... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Policemen, as a specific professional group, often encounter traumatic events at service and usually handle the stress experienced at work with the help of negative strategies. The purpose of this research is to determine the peculiarities of consequences of traumas and factors related to traumatic experience. The goals of the research were to assess the subjective experience of officers, symptomatics of post-traumatic stress disorder, intensiveness of the feeling of hopelessness, post-traumatic growth and social assistance received. 81 police officer who has experienced a traumatic event at service during the 3 recent years, participated in the research. The methods applied in the research are as follows: The Impact of Event Scale – revised (IES-R) (Weiss, 2004; Lith.: Kazlauskas et al., 2006), The Subjective Traumatic Experience Scale (STE) (Kazlauskas, Gailienė, Šimėnaitė, 2007), The Post-traumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI) (Tedeschi, Calhoun, 1996; Lith. Gailienė, Kazlauskas, 2005), Beck’s Hopelessness Scale (BHS) (Beck, Steer, 1998) and specially compiled questionnaires for policemen on a shocking event and post-traumatic experience (created by the author of this study). The research has revealed that about 60 percent of police officers experience traumatic events in their professional activities. Most frequently experienced traumatic situations by policemen are those, where there is a heavily injured, or killed victim. Regardless of traumatic experience, negative... [to full text]
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Validation of an adapted version of the Coping Orientations to Problems Experienced questionnaire (COPE) in the South African Police Service / Hester Antoinette VisserVisser, Hester Antoinette January 2005 (has links)
Members of the SAPS come into contact with violent crimes on a daily basis. They also have to
deal with changes on an organisational level, as well as large amounts of administrative work.
The Coping Orientations to Problems Experienced Questionnaire (COPE) was completed by
police members in the North West Province, and eight items focusing on emotion-focused
coping were added. The objectives of this study were to assess the construct validity and internal
consistency of the COPE in the SAPS, with added scales for emotional processing and emotional
expression. Another objective was to conceptualise coping, and specifically coping within the
policing context from the literature. Finally, analyses of the differences between the coping
strategies of different demographic groups in the SAPS were conducted.
A cross-sectional survey design was used. The study population (N=229) included samples of
police personnel across the North West Province. In addition to the COPE, a biographical
questionnaire compiled by the researcher, was administered. The dispositional version of the
COPE was used, consisting of 53 items. Eight additional items which measure emotional
processing and emotional expression were also used.
Initial analysis revealed the COPE subscales to be unreliable. Subsequent analysis indicated that
two coping mechanisms which reflected emotionality in broad terms were employed by SAPS
members. These factors were termed Active Emotional Expression and Emotional Reappraisal,
and showed acceptable Cronbach Alpha coefficients. Item bias analysis was conducted and two
items indicated uniform bias, and another two non-uniform bias. Tucker's phi coefficients for
Active Emotional Expression and Emotional Reappraisal were all acceptable, indicating
equivalence for both the Afrikaans and "other" languages groups. With regard to the two coping
factors, no significant differences were found between the created language categories, or
gender. Differences between the coping strategies of police members with different ranks, marital states and salary categories were also not significant.
Recommendations for the organisation and future research were made. / Thesis (M.A. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2006.
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"Från himlen rakt ner i helvetet" : Från uppbrott till rättsprocess vid mäns våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer / "From heaven straight down to hell" : From break-up to legal proceedings in men's violence against women in intimate partner relationshipsScheffer Lindgren, Maria January 2009 (has links)
Male violence against women in intimate partner relationships is a global public health problem and a serious crime, but remains largely underreported. The overall ain of this thesis was, by means of an interdisciplinary approach and from the perspectives of gender, public health and law, to gain a deeper understanding of the situation of abused women, by studying, on one hand, their leaving processes and, on the other, the consequences of the violence for their health. On the basis of this information, a further aim was to increase knowledge of the quality and effect of gender relations in the practical application of the law. The point of departure was that the different perspectives should not be consodered separately but should be seen in context. The thesis describes the prcess for abused women, from the violent relationship and the break-up, the health consequences caused by the violence to the practical application of the law. The thesis consists of four studies (I-IV). An initial qualitative study (I) showed that the leaving process for abused women is fearful, complex and long-lasting. The analysis also revealed a gradual development of strong emotional bonds towards the men on the part of the women. Study II was a combination of qualitative in-depth interviews and quantitative measurements and confirmed former studies regarding the negative health consequences caused by the violence, in particular symptoms of complex PTSD. Study III, examining preliminary investiagtions concerning reported crimes of intimate partner violence, showed that there is still a lack of crminal justice for abused women even if the frequency of cases leading to prosecution was fairly high. In study IV court case records were examined by means of a qualitative method inspired by discourse analysis to determine whether gender is (re)constructed in court practice, and how the process works. The analysis of this particular sample indicated that the practical application of law is influenced by an old-fashioned and stereotypical view of violence, sexuality, men and women. the legal discourses retain and reproduce the gender order. The overall results of the separate studies reinforce the importance of gaining a broader understanding of men's violence against women in intimate partner relationships.
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Battlefield trauma (exposure, psychiatric diagnosis and outcomes)Coxon, Robert Andrew January 2008 (has links)
These original data for this research were documented in the clinical diary records of an army psychiatrist on deployment in Vietnam during 1969–70. This study is unique due to the original battlefield diagnosis data used for foundation comparison analysis and longitudinal retrospective case control paired measurement. In battlefield psychiatric assessment diagnostic data recorded in Vietnam during 1969–70 of 119 Australian military servicemen (Experimental group) who presented battlefield trauma exposure reactions were examined. The research case controls (Control group) are 275 Australian Vietnam veterans selected from data at the Australian War Memorial Research Centre. Case control identified participants did not present with medical symptoms in 1969-70 and presented the same demographic profile as the Experimental group population. This research examined whether initial psychiatric illnesses initiated by battlefield trauma exposure in 1969-70 by a cohort of Vietnam veterans would have long term pernicious effects on their physical and psychological health, relationships and employment status. This research compared, PTSD, delayed onset PTSD, severity of combat exposure and depressive symptoms, quality of dyads, general health and quality of life. The analysis of specific demographic variables determined the means, standard deviations, and medians for those continuous variables for both groups from 1969-70 (n=394) and 2006-07 (n=97). The 2006-07 Experimental group (n=21) represents 17.65% and the Control group (n=76) represents 28.15% of the original groups selected and matched from 1969-70 data. These participants completed a battery of psychometric questionnaires and a follow up telephone interview. Demographic variables were evaluated for inclusion as covariates. These demographic variables were correlated with combat exposure and the presentation of PTSD in 1969-70 and 2006-07. PTSD identified in 2006-07 was modelled as a latent variable with three manifest indicators (re-experiencing, hyper-arousal and avoidance). Categorical variables were determined by frequency tables for respective group participants. Group differences in continuous variables were analysed by t-test or the Wilcoxon signed rank sum test accounting for non-normal distributions. Categorical variables, chi-square tests or Fisher's Exact Tests were performed when assumptions of chi-square tests were violated. Research participants from 1969-70 and 2006-07 did not indicate a significant difference in demographic, categorical or continuous variables. Initial 1969-70 battlefield psychiatric diagnosis TSD did indicate of a causal link to delayed onset PTSD in research participants in 2006-07. The PTSD (2006-07 diagnosis) indicated a descriptive difference, 64 of the 76 Control met the diagnostic criteria, while 19 of the 21 Experimental met the criteria. A significant difference was identified in the 2006-07 presence and severity of depression, two symptoms (intrusion and avoidance) of PTSD and the reported combat exposure. The prevalence of delayed onset PTSD was also highlighted. Obtaining original battlefield psychiatric diagnoses is rare. Comparison with an identifiable Control group after 35 years informs knowledge of how military personnel cope with battlefield exposure. Specifically concluding that; battlefield exposures during 1969-70 for the majority of the research participants have impacted detrimentally on their psychological and physical health, relationships, employment and ongoing overall wellbeing to this day. Delayed onset PTSD is the principal indicator of this current state for these veterans. / Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Adelaide, School of Population Health and Clinical Practice, 2008
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Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy as a complementary treatment for combat/operational stress and combat post-traumatic stress disorderDickey, Jr, G. W. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Master of Military Studies)-Marine Corps Command and Staff College, 2008. / Title from title page of PDF document (viewed on: Feb 2, 2010). Includes bibliographical references.
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