Spelling suggestions: "subject:"postulate"" "subject:"postulated""
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An Investigation of the Properties of Join GeometryGiegerich, Louis John, Jr. 01 May 1963 (has links)
This paper presents a proof that the classical geometry as stated by Karol Borsuk [1] follows from the join geometry of Walter Prenowitz [2].
The approach taken is to assume the axioms of Prenowitz. Using these as the foundation, the theory of join geometry is then developed to include such ideas as 'convex set', 'linear set', the important concept of 'dimension', and finally the relation of 'betweenness'. The development is in the form of definitions with the important extensions given in the form of theorems.
With a firm foundation of theorems in the join geometry, the axioms of classical geometry are examined, and then they are proved as theorems or modified and proved as theorems.
The basic notation to be used is that of set theory. No distinction is made between the set consisting of a single element and the element itself. Thus the notation for set containment is ⊂, and is used to denote element containment also. The set containing no elements, or the empty set, is denoted by Ø, The set of points belonging to at least one of the sets under consideration is called union, denoted ∪. The set of points belonging to each of the sets under consideration is called the intersection and denoted by ∩. Any other notation used will be defined at the first usage.
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Από τις προσπάθειες για απόδειξη του 5ου Αιτήματος του Ευκλείδη στις μη ευκλείδειες γεωμετρίεςΔημόπουλος, Άγγελος 09 October 2014 (has links)
Το περίφημο Ευκλείδειο Αίτημα (5ο αίτημα), όπως διατυπώνεται στα Στοιχεία του Ευκλείδη, απασχόλησε τον μαθηματικό κόσμο για περίπου 2000 χρόνια. Ξεκινώντας λοιπόν από το βιβλίο που αποτέλεσε ορόσημο για τη μαθηματική σκέψη, αναφερόμαστε σε ορισμένες αδυναμίες (κυρίως στο βαθμό αυστηρότητας) που έχουν επισημάνει σε αυτό οι κριτικοί και στεκόμαστε στο εξής γεγονός: Ο Ευκλείδης δεν έδωσε αποδείξεις για ορισμένες ιδέες και δηλώσεις του. Επειδή όμως αυτές οι δηλώσεις ήταν απαραίτητες για τις περαιτέρω μελέτες του τις έθεσε ως αληθινές. Η ιδέα ότι ορισμένες προτάσεις, μέσα στο πλαίσιο μιας θεωρίας, θα πρέπει να λαμβάνονται ως αληθινές χωρίς απόδειξη, είναι πολύ αρχαιότερη του Ευκλείδη. Ήδη ο Αριστοτέλης είχε εκθέσει στα «Αναλυτικά» του, μια θεωρητική επεξεργασία αυτής της αναγκαιότητας. Ο Ευκλείδης ακολουθεί την παγιωμένη αυτή τακτική προτάσσοντας τα πέντε αιτήματά του στο πρώτο βιβλίο των Στοιχείων του.
Πολλές προσπάθειες απόδειξης του 5ου αιτήματος έγιναν από σεβαστό αριθμό μαθηματικών. Όμως η εμφάνιση απόδειξης στο πρόβλημα δεν φαινόταν να «επιθυμεί» να έρθει στο φως. Έτσι, και ενώ είχε περάσει ένα αρκετά μεγάλο χρονικό διάστημα, τελικά μέσα από την άρνηση του ίδιου του 5ου αιτήματος ήρθαν στο προσκήνιο οι Μη Ευκλείδειες Γεωμετρίες. Η άρνηση του 5ου αιτήματος οδήγησε στην άποψη πως είναι δυνατή η ύπαρξη μίας Γεωμετρίας ανεξάρτητης από το 5ο αίτημα θέτοντας έτσι τη βάση για την ανάπτυξη μίας νέας λογικά συνεπούς θεωρίας, η οποία έμελε να εκφράζει πιο πιστά αυτό που πράγματι συμβαίνει γενικά στη φύση και όχι σε μια ειδική περιοχή της .
Σε πρώτο στάδιο, για να παρουσιάσουμε μία πλήρη ιστορική αναδρομή, χρησιμοποιούμε ως "σημείο εκκίνησης" τα χρόνια που προηγήθηκαν της συγγραφής των Στοιχείων. Μέσω αυτής της αναδρομής στόχος μας είναι να αναδειχθούν τόσο η φύση, όσο και ο σημαντικός ρόλος του Ευκλείδειου αιτήματος στη μαθηματική εξέλιξη. Στην καταγραφή αυτή, είναι δυνατό να συναντήσει κανείς πληροφορίες για το κλίμα που ευνόησε τη συγγραφή των Στοιχείων, ιδιαίτερα χαρακτηριστικά του συγγραφέα τους, αλλά και του ίδιου του έργου, μέσα από μία γενική θεώρηση που στόχο έχει πάντα την βαθύτερη κατανόηση του 5ου αιτήματος.
Στη συνέχεια και έχοντας εξετάσει εν συντομία τα ιδιαίτερα αλλά και τα βασικά χαρακτηριστικά των Στοιχείων και του συγγραφέα τους μεταβαίνουμε στο βασικό θέμα της εργασίας. Πρόκειται, αρχικά, για την έκθεση των πέντε αιτημάτων, ενώ ακολουθεί η εκτενής παρουσίαση του 5ου αιτήματος. Βασικό αντικείμενο μελέτης μας σε αυτό το στάδιο είναι οι διαφορετικές διατυπώσεις που χρησιμοποιήθηκαν για να καταγραφεί το ίδιο ακριβώς θέμα, καθώς επίσης και οι ποικίλες προσπάθειες απόδειξής του. Παρουσιάζουμε ορισμένες από τις βασικότερες αποδείξεις του 5ου αιτήματος, τα δυνατά σημεία τους αλλά και τις αδυναμίες/ σφάλματα που επισημάνθηκαν από τους μελετητές.
Το δέκατο ένατο αιώνα, οι μαθηματικοί άλλαξαν τακτική και επιχείρησαν να δείξουν ότι το 5ο αίτημα έπεται από τα άλλα τέσσερα: για να το κάνουν αυτό, πήραν τα τέσσερα αξιώματα και την άρνηση του 5ου και προσπάθησαν να εντοπίσουν τυχόν αντιφάσεις. Μόνο που αντί για αντιφάσεις, ανακάλυψαν μια καινούρια, διαφορετική, εσωτερικά συνεπή γεωμετρία. Το βασικότερο βήμα προς την ανακάλυψη των μη Ευκλείδειων γεωμετριών έγινε με την άρνηση του 5ου αιτήματος. Η καινούρια ιδέα που ήρθε στο προσκήνιο πρότεινε ουσιαστικά την αντικατάσταση του 5ου αιτήματος από την άρνησή του.
Επομένως, εάν επιχειρούσαμε να καταγράψουμε το περιεχόμενο της εργασίας συνοπτικά θα καταλήγαμε στα εξής: Πρόκειται για μία ιστορική αναδρομή που έχει βασικό της θέμα, αρχικά την παρουσίαση του Ευκλείδειου αιτήματος, έπειτα τις προσπάθειες απόδειξής του και τέλος την ανακάλυψη των Μη Ευκλείδειων Γεωμετριών μέσω της άρνησής του. / --
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Socialdemokratins idéutveckling : Har det skett en förskjutning mot liberalism i partiets ideologi?Evtusjenko, Alexander January 2018 (has links)
The purpose pf this thesis is to explore the occurence of an ideological changen of Swedish social democratic party towards liberalism. the Swedish social democratic party ha during recent decades been experiencing political setebacks and it may be a reason that caused an ideological shift in favour for liberal values. To answer this question this paper conducts ideal type analysis pf the party programmes from 1990s an onwards. The analysis is based on an ideal types framework that includes najor tenets from liberalism and reformistic socialism and typical traits of both ideologies.
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Die leefwêreld van die aggressiewe adolessente seunRetief, Annemarie 10 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die doel van die studie is om die leefwereld van die aggressiewe
adolessente seun te verken.
Aggressie word beskou as 'n gedragsafwyking wat op fisieke, verbale
of passiewe wyses kan manifesteer. Die oorsake van aggressiewe gedragsmanifestasies
by die adolessente seun word hoofsaaklik gevind
in die ontoereikende gesinsrelasies. Gevoelens van ongeborgenheid,
verwardheid en verwerping is dan die gevolg. 'n Onrealisties positiewe
of -negatiewe selfkonsep kan hieruit voortvloei en kan daartoe
lei dat die aggressiewe adolessente seun betrokke raak by negatiewe
portuurrelasies, waar onder andere rook, dwelm- en drankmisbruik
asook roekelose gedrag manifesteer. Ult hierdie literatuurbevindinge
is twaalf postulate gestel en bespreek.
Vyf idiografiese studies is onderneem, waarvan drie volledig bespreek
is. Die bevindings uit hierdie studies sluit aan by die
feite wat ult die literatuurstudie oor die leefwereld van die aggressiewe
adolessente seun verkry is. Vroee uitkenning, ouerleiding en navorsing met betrekking tot hulpprogramme
aan terapeute word aanbeveel om aggressiewe gedragsmanlfestasles
by die adolessente seun te voorkom / The purpose of this study is to explore the lifeworld of the aggressive
adolescent boy.
Aggression is regarded as deviant behaviour, that may manifest
itself physically, verbally or passively. The causes of aggressive
behaviour in the adolescent boy can be due to inadequate family
relationships. Feelings of insecurity, confusion and rejection are
the results of the problematic relationships. An unrealistic positive
or negative self concept may develop that might lead to involvement
with the negative peer group. Smoking, alcohol and drug
abuse, as well as reckless behaviour may occur. Twelve postulates
have been determined and discussed.
Five idiographic studies have been done. Three are discussed in
detail. Deductions made from these studies are in agreement with
findings in existing literature of the life world of the adolescent
Early identification parental guidance and research regarding
therapeutical programmes are recommended to prevent aggressive
behaviour with the adolescent / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Spesialisering in Voorligting)
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Die leefwêreld van die aggressiewe adolessente seunRetief, Annemarie 10 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die doel van die studie is om die leefwereld van die aggressiewe
adolessente seun te verken.
Aggressie word beskou as 'n gedragsafwyking wat op fisieke, verbale
of passiewe wyses kan manifesteer. Die oorsake van aggressiewe gedragsmanifestasies
by die adolessente seun word hoofsaaklik gevind
in die ontoereikende gesinsrelasies. Gevoelens van ongeborgenheid,
verwardheid en verwerping is dan die gevolg. 'n Onrealisties positiewe
of -negatiewe selfkonsep kan hieruit voortvloei en kan daartoe
lei dat die aggressiewe adolessente seun betrokke raak by negatiewe
portuurrelasies, waar onder andere rook, dwelm- en drankmisbruik
asook roekelose gedrag manifesteer. Ult hierdie literatuurbevindinge
is twaalf postulate gestel en bespreek.
Vyf idiografiese studies is onderneem, waarvan drie volledig bespreek
is. Die bevindings uit hierdie studies sluit aan by die
feite wat ult die literatuurstudie oor die leefwereld van die aggressiewe
adolessente seun verkry is. Vroee uitkenning, ouerleiding en navorsing met betrekking tot hulpprogramme
aan terapeute word aanbeveel om aggressiewe gedragsmanlfestasles
by die adolessente seun te voorkom / The purpose of this study is to explore the lifeworld of the aggressive
adolescent boy.
Aggression is regarded as deviant behaviour, that may manifest
itself physically, verbally or passively. The causes of aggressive
behaviour in the adolescent boy can be due to inadequate family
relationships. Feelings of insecurity, confusion and rejection are
the results of the problematic relationships. An unrealistic positive
or negative self concept may develop that might lead to involvement
with the negative peer group. Smoking, alcohol and drug
abuse, as well as reckless behaviour may occur. Twelve postulates
have been determined and discussed.
Five idiographic studies have been done. Three are discussed in
detail. Deductions made from these studies are in agreement with
findings in existing literature of the life world of the adolescent
Early identification parental guidance and research regarding
therapeutical programmes are recommended to prevent aggressive
behaviour with the adolescent / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Spesialisering in Voorligting)
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[pt] A dissertação em tela foi desenvolvida com o intuito de proporcionar ao
professor de matemática uma introdução ao estudo das Geometrias Não
Euclidianas, um assunto carente em nossas salas de aulas tanto do Ensino Básico
como das Licenciaturas em Matemática. Em consonância com os Parâmetros
Curriculares Nacionais, são historicamente construídos os conhecimentos
matemáticos apresentados para discutir o Quinto Postulado dos Elementos de
Euclides e para apresentar a descoberta de novas geometrias. Para ser apresentada
de forma mais detalhada, foi escolhida uma Geometria Não Euclidiana que pode
ser facilmente entendida e contextualizada por alunos do Ensino Médio: a
Geometria do Táxi. Tal geometria, além de possibilitar ligações com outros
conteúdos do Ensino Básico também é um modelo para a geografia urbana,
oferecendo ao alunado a possibilidade de interação com questões motivadoras,
interdisciplinares e próximas do seu cotidiano. É apresentada uma sugestão de
dinâmica que compara os conceitos das distâncias euclidiana e do táxi além de
discutir a definição de circunferência e sua representação tanto na Geometria
Euclidiana como na Geometria do Táxi. Além disso, alguns resultados da
aplicação da referida dinâmica em turmas do 3o. ano do Ensino Médio do C.E.
Professor Ney Cidade Palmeiro, localizado na cidade de Itaguaí no Rio de Janeiro,
também são relatados. Pretende-se que este trabalho seja mais uma contribuição
para o aprimoramento da formação continuada dos professores das escolas de
ensino básico no país. / [en] The present dissertation was developed with the intention of providing the
mathematics teacher an introduction to the study of Non Euclidean Geometry, one
lacking subject in our classrooms as much as the basic education and
undergraduate mathematics. In line with the National Curriculum Parameters,
mathematical knowledge presented to discuss the Fifth Postulate of Euclid s
Elements, and to present the discovery of new geometries are historically
constructed. To be presented in more details, we choose a non Euclidean
Geometry that can be easily understood and contextualized by high school
students: the Taxicab Geometry. This geometry, in addition to allowing
connections with other content of basic education, such geometry is a model for
urban geography, offering the pupils the opportunity to their everyday issues. A
suggested activity to be developed in the classroom by students who compares the
concepts of taxi distance and euclidean distance and besides discussing the
definition of a circle and its representation in both Euclidean Geometry as in the
Taxi appears. Futhermore, some results of implementing this activity in class 3rd.
year of high school the Colégio Estadual Professor Ney Cidade Palmeiro, located
in Itaguaí in Rio de Janeiro, are also reported. It is intended that this work is a
futher contribuition to the improvement of continuing education of teachers of
primary schools in the country.
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Le matérialisme scientifique et/ou métaphysique de Jacques Monod / Scientific and/or metaphysic materialism according to Jacques MonodLe Gall, Roselyne 28 October 2017 (has links)
Après une présentation des découvertes scientifiques de Monod en matière de biologie moléculaire, en particulier les gènes régulateurs dans l’opéron et l’allostérie, puis l’exposé de l’interprétation philosophique de Monod sur ces apports scientifiques, par la mise en avant des principes du hasard et de la nécessité, nous tentons de tirer au clair ce qui, chez Monod, relève du matérialisme scientifique proprement dit, car relevant d’un principe méthodologique de stricte objectivité, et ce qui relève de choix métaphysique. Cette distinction est fondamentale car il faut montrer que le matérialisme scientifique n’est pas exclusif de toute métaphysique. Il peut contribuer, au contraire, à manifester la pertinence d’un certain niveau d’analyse qui, loin d’exclure d’autres niveaux d’analyse, les permet. Ceci répond à l’exigence d’opérer les distinctions nécessaires pour mettre chaque investigation rationnelle à sa place, sans confusion ou empiétement des niveaux de recherche. / First, we give a presentation of Monod's scientific discoveries as regards molecular biology, particularly the regulator genes in operon and allostery. Then we will present Monod's philosophical interpretation concerning those scientific contributions by the setting in front of the principles of the chance and necessity. We try to draw with light what depends on strict scientific materialism because depending on a methodological principle of strict objectivity, and what depends of metaphysical choice. That distinction is fundamental because it has to be shown that the scientific materialism is not exclusive from any metaphysics. On the contrary, it can contribute to manifest the pertinence of a certain level of analysis which, far from excluding other levels of analysis, do allow them. In that way, we answer to the necessity of right distinctions in order to place each investigation at its right place without any confusion nor overlapping of the levels of research.
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Números primos e o Postulado de BertrandFerreira, Antônio Eudes 01 August 2014 (has links)
Submitted by ANA KARLA PEREIRA RODRIGUES (anakarla_@hotmail.com) on 2017-08-29T15:44:42Z
No. of bitstreams: 1
arquivototal.pdf: 691607 bytes, checksum: 68ddd45857d5c0c6e60229a957089adf (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Fernando Souza (fernandoafsou@gmail.com) on 2017-08-29T15:47:36Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
arquivototal.pdf: 691607 bytes, checksum: 68ddd45857d5c0c6e60229a957089adf (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-29T15:47:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
arquivototal.pdf: 691607 bytes, checksum: 68ddd45857d5c0c6e60229a957089adf (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014-08-01 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This work presents a study of prime numbers, how they are distributed, how
many prime numbers are there between 1 and a real number x, formulas that generate
primes, and a generalization to Bertrand's Postulate. Six proofs that there
are in nitely many primes using reductio ad absurdum, Fermat numbers, Mersenne
numbers, Elementary Calculus and Topology are discussed. / Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre os números primos, como estão distribu
ídos, quantos números primos existem entre 1 e um número real x qualquer, fórmulas
que geram primos, além de uma generalização para o Postulado de Bertrand.
São abordadas seis demonstrações que mostram que existem in nitos números primos
usando redução ao absurdo, Números de Fermat, Números de Mersenne, Cálculo
Elementar e Topologia.
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Reflection And Heating Coefficients In Southern OntarioButtimor, Paul Henry 10 1900 (has links)
<p> Reflection and heating coefficients were measured during the
3 month summer season at Simcoe, southern Ontario. Contrasting agricultural surfaces and atmospheric conditions were used to analyse their effect on the reflection and heating coefficients. The results confirm the postulate of Montieth (1959a) that <alpha> is close to 0.25 for many vegetated surfaces. <beta> values were positive and there was a tendency for <beta> to approximate 0.22 for many of the vegetated surfaces. Finally it was shown that the radiation balance equation for Simcoe can be generalized into a linear function of solar radiation using the same constants that are applicable to many areas in the world. </p> / Thesis / Master of Arts (MA)
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Interfacial Solid-Liquid Diffuseness and Instability by the Maximum Entropy Production Rate (MEPR) PostulateBensah, Yaw D. 10 September 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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