Spelling suggestions: "subject:"pottery"" "subject:"lottery""
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GrowthFitzgerald, Peter 01 January 2006 (has links)
In nature we see a wide variety of bold colors and unique shapes. Trees personify these characteristics with their curved branches creating distinctive lines and shapes. Leaves and blossoms enhance their structures with an array of colors. Trees possess awe inspiring energy. Each tree is a living thing, its growth shaped by its environment.Similarly, my work is a response to the environment. I employ a spontaneous and bold technique in an attempt to capture the energy I perceive in nature. The use of vigorous lines and high keyed contrasting colors with varied textures conveys that trees are living, growing entities, each one unique. I remain open to new ways of expressing this aesthetic so that my work will continue to grow like a tree and evolve.
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Břeclavsko v době kultury s lineární keramikou / Breclav region at the time of the Linear Pottery CultureMikulíková, Sabina January 2013 (has links)
The graduation Thesis is focused on Breclav region at the time of the Linear Pottery Culture. The paper includes a brief introduction to the problems of development LBK in Moravia and surrounding areas, as well as the development process of Breclav region during the Stone Age. The result of this paper is a Catalogue of sites, on which the settlement of Linear Pottery Culture was recorded. Particular interest has been devoted to the area of Bavory, at house No. 114, where was an archaeological research in 1987 conducted by J. Peska. From the found of ceramic and other material LBK was made an Analysis including drawing documentation. Key words: Linear Pottery Culture, Neolithic, Breclav Region, Bavory, South Moravia
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Grecs et phéniciens en Méditerranée orientale. Les céramiques grecques, témoins des échanges entre la Grèce, Chypre et la côte levantine (Xe-IVe s. av. J-C.)Chirpanlieva, Iva 04 June 2013 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche représente une synthèse sur la question des échanges entre la Méditerranée orientale (le monde phénicien) et le monde égéen ; une synthèse inscrite dans la longue durée, à savoir dès le début des contacts à l'Âge du Fer jusqu'à la fin de l'époque perse (fin XIe – fin IVe s. av. J.-C.). Elle envisage ces échanges en dehors des contextes de conflits et d'opposition ethnique, en dépassant la ligne de séparation tracée entre la culture classique et les cultures sémitiques, mettant en évidence les relations suivies qui ont existé entre la Grèce et le monde oriental. Deux questions fondamentales ont pu être précisées dans ce travail. Tout d'abord si la céramique fine grecque ne peut être interprétée en termes de « grand commerce international » et qu'elle ne justifie pas en soi la création d'un réseau, elle peut néanmoins être exploitée comme « marqueur archéologique de réseaux », car sa commercialisation se glisse dans des courants d'échanges établis de produits fondamentaux. On propose une nouvelle reconstitution des réseaux ancrée dans une périodisation qui a pour point de départ la culture matérielle et tout changement significatif qu'on peut observer du point de vue de la « performance économique ». Elle tient compte des changements politiques globaux dans ces régions, en essayant de se détacher de la simple histoire événementielle. D'autre part, les principales séries de céramiques importées ont pu être cernées et nous proposons une nouvelle réflexion sur les ateliers de production, en confrontant nos résultats au cadre méditerranéen global. / This research looks at trade between the eastern Mediterranean (Phoenician world) and the Aegean world. It provides a long-term-perspective, namely spanning the early Iron Age contacts to the end of the Persian period (late eleventh to late fourth century BC). It envisages these exchanges outside the contexts of conflict and ethnic opposition, and beyond the dividing line drawn between classical culture and Semitic cultures, elucidating the ongoing relationships that existed between Greece and the eastern world. Two key issues have been identified in this work. Firstly, if Greek fine pottery cannot be interpreted in terms of "international trade" and does not by itself justify the creation of a network, they can still be used as "archaeological markers of networks" because their marketing fits into established trade flows for basic products. We propose a new reconstruction of networks rooted in a periodization whose starting point is material culture and in which any significant change can be observed in terms of "economic performance". It reflects the overall political changes in these areas, trying to break away from the simple narrative history. On the other hand, the main series of imported ceramics have been identified and we provide new insights into the production centres, by comparing our results to the wider Mediterranean setting. Then, to understand the true meaning of the "marketing" of these ceramics, this research takes into account the contexts of reception by addressing consumer choice and reception of these products in the Phoenician cultural context.
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La production d'amphores à huile dans la basse vallée du Genil : contribution à l'histoire socio-économique de la Bétique à l'époque romaine (Ier s. av. J.-C.- Ve s. ap. J.-C.). / The olive oil amphorae production in the lower Genil Valley : contribution to the social and economic history of the Roman Baetica (1st B.C. - 5th A.D.).Bourgeon, Oriane 26 October 2018 (has links)
Dès la fin du Ier s. ap. J.-C., la population de Rome avoisine le million d’habitants. À cette époque, Auguste planifie la conquête des contrées septentrionales. L’approvisionnement du peuple de l’Vrbs et des armées est une préoccupation de premier ordre et le ravitaillement en huile d’olive, produit indispensable au quotidien romain, devient un enjeu de taille. La province de Bétique réunit toutes les conditions nécessaires pour accueillir une production d’huile à grande échelle, grâce à son climat optimal et aux conditions d’exportation idéales que lui offrent ses cours d’eau navigables. C’est ainsi que l’huile produite dans le Bassin du Guadalquivir et transportée dans les amphores globulaires Dressel 20 alimentera tout l’Occident romain entre le Ier et le IIIe s. ap. J.-C. Si ce phénomène économique majeur est relativement bien appréhendé du point de vue des sites de consommation, la question de la production de l’huile et des amphores en Bétique a été longtemps délaissée.Les ateliers de potiers d’amphores à huile (Dressel 20 et Dressel 23), installés sur les berges du Guadalquivir et du Genil, sont indéniablement les meilleurs témoins de l’intensité de l’oléiculture dans la région, en raison de l’ampleur des vestiges occasionnés par cette industrie potière. En tant qu’activité subsidiaire de l’oléiculture spéculative, l’évolution de la fabrication d’amphores est donc le reflet fidèle de celle de ce secteur économique. Cette étude microrégionale, consacrée aux ateliers de la vallée du Genil, constitue une approche détournée pour parvenir à appréhender le développement de l’oléiculture à caractère spéculatif. Elle vise à analyser la dynamique économique des ateliers d’amphores à huile de ce territoire, à comprendre les interactions existantes entre la production industrielle d’huile, le développement de l’industrie potière et les conséquences de ces activités sur l’environnement.Cette thèse qui s’inscrit dans une perspective archéo-historique, repose à la fois sur un travail documentaire et sur une analyse globale des faits matériels mis en évidence lors d’enquêtes de terrain. Les campagnes de prospections conduites dans la zone étudiée et la fouille de l’atelier de potiers de Las Delicias ont permis un renouvellement considérable des connaissances grâce à la collecte de nombreuses données inédites. La caractérisation des ateliers qui découle du classement et de l’analyse de ces données a permis d’aborder un certain nombre de problématiques relatives à l’organisation du travail, aux procédés de fabrication et aux différentes activités connexes à la production des amphores à huile.De plus, la richesse épigraphique qui caractérise l’amphore Dressel 20, a permis de corréler les observations archéologiques d’ordre structurel et topographique avec les marques de fabrique à caractère onomastique et toponomastique. L’étude épigraphique poussée des estampilles des différents centres de production a ainsi permis de retracer l’histoire de chaque atelier, en identifiant les acteurs de la production, les stratégies et les modes de gestion mis en place par ces derniers.Cette approche multiscalaire, partant de l’analyse de chaque atelier, pour ensuite passer à la mise en corrélation des résultats obtenus à l’échelle de la vallée, et rejoindre enfin la sphère de l’oléiculture, a permis de mettre en regard l’histoire sociale avec l’histoire des techniques, et ainsi retracer tout un pan de l’histoire socio-économique de la Bétique romaine. / From the end of the 1st century BC, the population of Rome is close to one million inhabitants. At this time, Augustus plans the conquest of the northern regions. The supply of the people of the Vrbs and the armies is a prime concern and the refuelling of olive oil, essential product of the Roman daily, becomes a major challenge. The province of Betica combines all the conditions necessary to accommodate large-scale oil production, thanks to its optimal climate and the ideal export conditions offered by its navigable waterways. Thus the oil produced in the Guadalquivir Basin, transported in the Dressel 20 globular amphorae, will feed the entire Roman West between the 1st and the 3rd centuries. Although this major economic phenomenon is relatively well understood from the point of view of consumption sites, the question of the production of oil and amphorae in Betica has long been neglected.The oil amphorae potters' workshops (Dressel 20 and Dressel 23), located on the banks of the Guadalquivir and Genil, are undeniably the best witnesses to the intensity of olive growing in the region, due to the magnitude vestiges caused by this pottery industry. As a subsidiary activity of speculative olive growing, the evolution of amphora production is therefore a faithful reflection of this economic sector. This microregional study, devoted to the workshops of the Genil valley, is an indirect approach to apprehend the development of speculative olive growing. It aims to analyse the economic dynamics of oil amphorae workshops in this region, to understand the existing interactions between industrial oil production, the development of the pottery industry and the consequences of these activities on the environment.This thesis, which is part of an archaeo-historical perspective, is based at the same time on a documentary work and on a global analysis of the material facts highlighted during field investigations. The archaeological surveys conducted in the study area and the excavation of the Las Delicias potters' workshop have allowed a considerable renewal of knowledge thanks to the collection of many brand-new data. The characterization of the workshops resulting from the classification and analysis of these data made it possible to address a number of issues relating to the organization of work, the manufacturing processes and the various activities related to the production of oil amphorae.In addition, the epigraphic richness that characterizes the Dressel 20 amphora has made it possible to correlate archaeological observations of structural and topographical order with onomastic and toponomastic stamps. The in depth epigraphic study of the stamps of the different production centres thus made it possible to trace the history of each workshop, identifying the actors of the production, the strategies and the management methods put in place by the latter.This multiscalar approach, starting from the analysis of each workshop, then moving on to the correlation of the results obtained at the valley scale, and finally joining the sphere of olive growing, made it possible to confront the social history with the history of techniques, and thus trace a whole section of the socio-economic history of the Roman Betica.
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Ocupação Tupinambá no vale do Paraíba Paulista: vista a partir da análise do sítio arqueológico Santa Marina / Tupinambá settlhement in vale do Paraiba Paulista: perspective from the analysis of Santa Marina archaeological siteLopes, Marcel 24 February 2014 (has links)
Nesta dissertação apresentamos um amplo quadro da ocupação indígena pré-colonial no vale do Paraíba Paulista, localizado na porção leste do Estado de São Paulo. Apesar da diversidade das populações que habitaram a região, nosso estudo teve como foco as populações falantes de línguas do tronco linguístico Tupi, mais precisamente, aquelas associados aos grupos Tupinambá (língua e cultura). Para o entendimento destes processos, além de nos debruçarmos sobre as fontes disponíveis para região, desenvolvemos um estudo detalhado do histórico e das atividades realizadas no sítio arqueológico Santa Marina e a análise apurada do conjunto artefatual cerâmico e lítico. As ações delineadas ao longo deste trabalho permitem compreendermos as formas utilizadas por estas populações ao se constituírem e estenderem seus domínios sóciopolíticos por séculos, ao longo da paisagem valeparaibana. / In the present thesis, we exhibited a wide scenario of the pre-colonial indigenous settlement in Vale do Paraíba Paulista, situated in the Eastern portion of São Paulo State. In spite of the diversity of populations that inhabited the region, our work is focused on Tupi linguistic branches speakers, precisely, on those associated with Tupinambá groups (language and culture). Aiming to understand that process, a detailed study of the history and activities performed in Santa Marina archeological site was developed, in addition to an accurate analysis of pottery and lytic artifactual sets. Besides that, we looked over the sources at hand for the region. The actions outlined during this work allow us to understand the means those people used in their constituting process and broadening of their social-politic domains through centuries, along the valeparaiban landscape.
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Potes que encantam: estilo e agência na cerâmica polícroma da Amazônia central / Enchanting Pots: style and agency in polychrome ceramics from the central AmazonOliveira, Erêndira 02 June 2016 (has links)
Esta dissertação foca na questão da variabilidade artefatual das cerâmicas Guarita da Amazonia central, complexo cerâmico pertencente à Tradição Polícroma da Amazônia, que se inicia por volta do ano 1000 e perdura até a conquista europeia, espalhando-se por toda a Amazônia central e a alta Amazônia. A partir de um recorte analítico sobre um determinado tipo de vasilha muito recorrente na cerâmica Guarita, o vaso com flange mesial, a pesquisa desenvolveu uma abordagem de análise que integra elementos tecnológicos e iconográficos, definindo os elementos distintivos e variações regionais do estilo polícromo. A partir desta variabilidade formal, das linguagens e temas iconográficos elencados, discutem-se os possíveis processos de transmissão e reprodução deste estilo. Partindo da interlocução entre conceitos da Arqueologia, da Antropologia da Arte e da Etnologia, pudemos entender estes componentes cerâmicos enquanto expressões materiais de um estilo introduzido e compartilhado entre distintas regiões na Amazônia, atuando na veiculação de mensagens imbricadas aos sistemas ontológicos ameríndios, centralizados na transformação corpórea. Desta forma, os artefatos foram analisados enquanto agentes em dinâmicas rituais de reatualização cosmológica, dentro de um amplo sistema cosmopolítico. A partir destas discussões pudemos ampliar o debate sobre a expansão do estilo polícromo entre as sociedades pré-coloniais da Amazônia, pensando quais eram as relações existentes entre estas linguagens estéticas pretéritas e as sociedades que produziram as cerâmicas Guarita. / This thesis focus is the variability of Guarita ceramics, a complex belonging to the Amazonian Polychrome Tradition, which begins around the year 1000 and lasted until the European conquest, spread throughout the central and upper Amazon. We chose to work with a very recurrent type of vessel in the Guarita ceramic complex, the vase with mesial flange, in order to apply a method which integrates technological and iconographic variables and define distinct elements and regional variations of the polychrome style. Based on the morphological variability and different iconographic languages, we were able to discuss the possible processes of transmission and reproduction of this style which could explain its regional spread and apparent homogeneity. This work benefits from a dialogue of concepts form Archaeology, Anthropology of Art and Ethnology, enabling us to understand these ceramic components as material expressions of an introduced and shared style among different regions in the Amazon, displaying messages related to specific Amerindian ontological systems, centered on the transformation body. Thus, the artifacts were analyzed as agents taking part in dynamic rituals for reenacting cosmological beliefs, within a broad cosmopolitical system. From these discussions we were able to broaden the debate on the expansion of the polychrome style of the pre-colonial societies of the Amazon, and enhance our understanding of the relation between these ancient aesthetic languages and societies that produced the ceramics.
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O formativo e os modos de produção: ocupações pré-ceramistas no alto rio Madeira-RO / The formative and the Modes of Producton: pre-ceramic occupations at Upper Madeira River - ROMongeló, Guilherme Zdonek 06 July 2015 (has links)
Essa dissertação procura levantar novos dados acerca das ocupações pré-coloniais na bacia do Alto Rio Madeira, com ênfase nos trabalhos realizados no Sítio Cachoeira do Teotônio, município de Porto Velho, Rondônia. Neste sítio, foi evidenciada uma estratigrafia de longa cronologia, que remonta, pelo menos até o Holoceno Inicial, perpassando pelo Holoceno Médio e chegando até os estratos cerâmicos recentes. Nesse trabalho, procuraremos entender de que forma os processos de transformação socioeconômica influenciaram, ao longo do tempo, mudanças tecnológicas das populações que habitaram a Cachoeira do Teotônio, com destaque para o contexto denominado Período Formativo, que corresponde, no Alto Madeira, à Fase Massangana. A partir dos dados, se discutirá acerca da utilização conceitual do termo Período Formativo, buscando alternativas ao modelo de periodização histórica. / The object of this dissertation is to present new data about pre-colonial contexts in Upper Madeira River, with emphasis on the information researched at Teotonio Falls Site, Porto Velho city, state of Rondonia. In this site, was evidenced a long crono-strata that goes beyond the Initial Holoce, passing through the Medium Holocene and reaching to the recent ceramic contexts. Our propose is to understand in which ways changes in socio-economical processes influenced technological changes in the history of the populations that habited Teotonio Falls, ,stressing the Formative Period context, that in the Upper Madeira Basin correspond to the Massangana Phase. From de discovery of new information, we will discuss the concept utilization of the Formative, looking for alternatives models to characterize history processes.
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Arqueologia do Lago Tefé e a expansão polícroma / The archeology of the Tefé Lake and the polychrome expansionBelletti, Jaqueline da Silva 07 August 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho procura entender as relações entre a diversidade da Tradição Polícroma em escala local e seus significados em termos de escala regional. Desta forma partimos dos contextos de dois sítios arqueológicos no Lago Tefé (Médio Solimões, AM) para adentrarmos as discussões sobre a Tradição Polícroma da Amazônia e os modelos de expansão criados para explicar sua ampla dispersão geográfica. Para isso apresentamos três etapas, a descrição de contextos arqueológicos com material Polícromo no Lago Tefé; uma revisão geral dos dados existentes sobre a Tradição Polícroma; e uma discussão reflexiva sobre os modelos existentes para explicar essa tradição. / This paper seeks to understand the relationship between diversity of Polychrome Tradition at the local level and its significance in terms of the regional scale. From two archaeological site contexts at Lake Tefé (Middle Solimões, AM), we enter the discussions over the Amazon Polychrome Tradition and expansion models created to explain its wide geographical spread. For this, we present the debate in three parts: the description of the archaeological contexts with Polychrome material in the Lake Tefé; a general review of the existing data on the Polychrome Tradition; and a reflective discussion about the existing models to explain this tradition.
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Caracterização da indústria cerâmica do sítio Bianco (Itapeva-SP): possíveis correlações culturais / Industry characterization of Bianco Site Ceramics (Itapeva-SP): possible cultural correlationsPerrotta, Roberto Montenegro 17 March 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho visa a partir da análise do material cerâmico de um sítio arqueológico localizado no alto Vale do Paranapanema identificar e dar voz aos antigos moradores desta região. A despeito da existência de sítios identificados e associados à Tradição Tupiguarani e Itararé, as questões de espaço e ocupação territorial têm se demonstrado bem dinâmicas, uma vez que era uma região com bastante fluxo de povos. Para o entendimento da dinâmica dessas ocupações nos debruçamos sobre dados arqueológicos, históricos e linguísticos aliados aos dados obtidos a partir do estudo da coleção cerâmica do sítio Bianco localizado no município de Itapeva. / This work aims at the analysis of the ceramic material of an archaeological site located at high Paranapanema Valley in an attempt to identify and give voice to the ancient inhabitants of this region. Despite the existence of sites identified and associated with Tradition Tupiguarani and Itararé the space, and land-use issues have been shown a complex dynamic since it was a region with very people flow. To understand the dynamics of these occupations we look back on archaeological, historical and linguistic data combined with the data obtained from the study of ceramics collection from Bianco site localized at Itapeva.
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Estudo da cultura material lítica e cerâmica dos sítios Silva Serrote e Menezes: análise das cadeias operatórias dos vestígios de culturas pré-coloniais do alto Paranaíba, Minas Gerais / Study of lithic and pottery material culture from Silva Serrote and Menezes sites: operational chains analysis of archaeological material from pre-colonial sites of Alto do Paranaíba, Minas GeraisFigueiredo, Marina Teixeira 27 February 2009 (has links)
A presente dissertação apresenta o estudo realizado sobre as cadeias operatórias da cultura material lítica coletada nos sítios Silva Serrote (Guimarânia) e Menezes (Perdizes), e a cerâmica coletada no segundo sítio. O objetivo é caracterizar aspectos culturais de populações pré-coloniais do vale do Paranaíba-MG, por meio da análise tecnológica dos vestígios materiais deixados no registro arqueológico, com o processamento de datações absolutas por Carbono 14 e Termoluminescência; Silva Serrote: 790± 190 AP (TL-FATEC-SP) e 760±50( C14-Gif-sur-Yvette) e Menezes 572±80 AP(TL-FATEC-SP). A análise tecnológica do material lítico do Silva Serrote (campanha 1985) versou sobre o estudo de 703 peças e 28 do Menezes (campanha 1991) e foram analisados 1939 elementos cerâmicos do sítio Menezes, coletados no âmbito do projeto arqueológico regional Quebra-Anzol. Por meio desta análise, foi possível a caracterização de alguns aspectos sócio-culturais sobre o modo de vida, assim como sobre o proceder e a escolha tecnológica destas populações. / This research presents a study about operational chains of lithic culture collected in the sites Silva Serrote and Menezes, and the pottery collected in the Menezes site. The goal is to establish some cultural aspects of the pre-colonial population that lived in the Paranaíba Valley (Minas Gerais State) using lithic and pottery technological analysis of this material, abandoned in the archaeological record. The material was dated by termoluminescence and Carbon 14. The lithic analysis of the Silva Serrote site was composed by 703(collected in 1985) pieces and Menezes 28 pieces(collected in 1991). The pottery analysis of the Menezes site embraced altogether 1939 pieces. This master thesis is related to a major sectional archaeological project named Quebra-Anzol. Through this work, it was possible to characterize some social and cultural aspects about the way of life, operational sequences and technological choices made by these groups.
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