Spelling suggestions: "subject:"areprimary"" "subject:"care:primary""
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Pedagogický projekt a jeho uplatnění při osobnostním a sociálním rozvoji dětí v mateřské škole / Educational project and its application in personality and social development of children in the pre primary schoolLeškaničová, Lenka January 2012 (has links)
The thesis is focused on a preschool-aged children and on possibilities of their personality and social development through the educational project in preschool education. The first, theoretical part, deals with the process of socialization which is broadly developing after the start of preschool education. It also presents pieces of information about educational process in pre-primary school related to the importance of the process of socialization in educational practice as well as in relation to contemporary personality approach and comprehensive integrated approach in preschool education. The main focus remains on the possibilities of educational projects in this area. The second, practical part, explores via observation and questionaire methods the personality expressions of children in social interaction and relationships between children. But first and foremost it verifies the benefits of educational projecting for the possibility of intentional work on personality and social development of children in pre-primary school. KEY WORDS socialization, personality of a preschool child, pre-primary school, preschool education, personality model of preschool education, pre-primary school teacher, educational project
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Kontinuita předškolního a základního vzdělávání z pohledu managementu sloučených mateřských a základních škol v kontextu kurikulární reformy / Continuity of pre-primary and primary education from the point of view of management of integrated kindergartens and primary schools in the context of Czech curricular reformLisnerová, Romana January 2020 (has links)
The objective of the dissertation thesis are to conduct the first research survey in continuity of pre-primary and primary education from the perspective of management in integrated kindergartens and primary schools in the Czech Republic. It studies school heads' opinions on continuity of pre-primary and primary education in the context of curricular reform an well as how they put this continuity in practice of their schools. The topic of dissertation thesis is defined by school management and curricular reform. The theoretical part focuses on the triad of the following concepts: management, continuity and curricular reform. The concepts are linked to the environment of integrated pre-primary and primary schools. At the same time, the head teacher's role in the specific conditions of this type of school is reflected. The theoretical framework builds on theories from management and pedagogy. The empirical part focuses in more detail on exploring the role of one of the actors in ensuring continuity of pre-primary and primary education, the head of the school. Qualitative research is conducted as a descriptive case study reflecting the views of a sample of heads of schools. It presents their views of managerial activities and competences, as well as their needs related to ensuring continuity of...
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Manažerské kompetence v preprimárním vzdělávání / Managerial competences in pre-primary educationLedecká, Veronika January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with the topic of managerial competences in pre-primary education. This topic has been chosen on the basis of ever-changing and evolving demands on the management of kindergartens and the need for high-quality and very comprehensive competencies of kindergarten headmasters. The aim of this thesis is to compare managerial competencies and on the basis of these acquired information to design the most appropriate model of competencies of directors of these contributory organizations. The theoretical part analyzes individual competencies in the field of economic, personal and legal management of the school. The practical part is focused on the comparison of individual areas of management in terms of their complexity and assessment of managerial competences with respect to the time burden. The work is based on professional literature, valid legal norms and results of the research conducted. KEYWORDS Management, manager, personnel management, organization, competence, pre-primary education, school principal.
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Podpora začínajících ředitelů mateřských škol od roku 1990 po současnost / Support of the beginning directors of kindergartens from 1990 to presentStřechová, Jarmila January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis provides information on the subject of supporting beginning kindergarten headmasters. It deals with the changes of this support from 1990 until the present. The objective of this diploma thesis is to find out the opinions of the headmasters of pre-primary education schools in Prague concerning the support provided by the state, school authority, middle management, the previous headmaster, other colleagues and educational institutions upon taking up their the post. The theoretical part introduces the basic terms connected with the headmaster's managerial functions and competences as well as with the historical development of the kindergarten headmaster's function in relation to the support received upon taking up their post. It points out the necessity of external support of headmasters during their career, especially in its beginning. The empirical part of the thesis is based on studying specialised literature and on survey results. It assesses the headmasters' experience at the beginning of their careers as headmasters. It evaluates the quality of assistance provided and points out the missing links of subvention. The author suggests taking such measures that increase the quality of the assistance received by beginning kindergarten headmasters. The success of this thesis would...
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Přípravné třídy v období legislativních změn / Preparatory classes in the period of legislative changesDragounová, Lucie January 2017 (has links)
The topic of my diploma thesis is the preparatory class during the legislative changes. The aim was to find out, how the directors and pedagogues perceive the development of the preparatory classes, if there were any changes during the time and what is the significance of the preparatory class for its pupils. The main objective of the work was to find out, how school leaderf and pedagogues do they perceive the future of the preparatory classes after the legislative's modification, or how could the perfect preparatory class look like in the future. I used a case study as a basic method. I got the research information from the interviews with primary school directors and preparatory class teachers. The result is that the preparatory classes have their place in educational system and that they are good for children, who visit them. Another result is that each school has a different children composition in the preparatory classes and that each school looks at the legislative a little bit different. The directors and pedagogues are afraid of the future of the preparatory classes because after the legislative modification there will be only few children with the postponement of the compulsory schooling. And they are afraid of the cancelling of the preparatory classes.
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Dostupnost zařízení předškolní péče v ČR / Accessibility of pre-primary education in the Czech RepublicLešetická, Zuzana January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this study is to analyze and evaluate care services for preschool children in the Czech Republic from the perspective of a demographer. The first part is concerned with theory relating to this issue. This development of preschool education in this country with an emphasis on the period after 1990 . In the next section participation in preschool education in the districts of the Czech Republic is analyzed. As a part of analysis an international comparison is also made with selected European Union countries. A survey was carried about using a questionnaire, the results of which became an importance source helping to describe and, in some cases, illustrate the current situation in and around Prague. The final part outlines the possible future development in the numbers of children and the resulting interest in preschool care. To address the problems related to the return of women to the workplace (labor market) after maternity leave, the number of children are estimated and grouped according to the levels of education of the women.
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Barn i natur och natur i barn : en diskursanalys av texter om utomhuspedagogik och uteförskolaSjöstrand Öhrfelt, Magdalena January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Pre-primary education policy between formulation and implementation : the case of BangladeshProfeta, Michela January 2014 (has links)
Why does the implementation of policies for educational improvement often disappoint? The literature suggests that pitfalls in the formulation stage can hamper successful implementation. This research aims to develop insights into the process of policy formulation in order to establish how this may affect subsequent policy implementation using a case study of Pre-Primary Education in Bangladesh. Uniquely, I have been able to study the development of PPE policy when it was taking place since I was directly involved in the process as a professional advisor working for a donor. The first research question investigated how the pre-primary policy was formed. This had two parts in terms of i) developing understanding of the phases of policy formulation and the stakeholders involved, and ii) analysing the discourses that informed the policy. The second research question enquired into the development of the implementation strategy and its feasibility, and compared expectations with the data available on the characteristics and impact of the initial implementation. This enabled the identification of aspects of policy formulation that shape current and future implementation. Special attention was given to the development of policy that prioritised underprivileged children throughout the process, because of the extent of unequal provision and because this was a high profile goal for educational development. The analysis of policy development derived from relevant policy documents and keyinformant interviews highlighted charismatic and politicised approaches to educational reform, which lacked the involvement of beneficiaries and those tasked with implementation. This has consequences for subsequent impact and the sustainability of the new policy. The initial implementation was generally considered inadequate and uneven by the respondents. It reflected aspirational planning linked to the EFA goals, with ambitious aims to provide a "quantitative breakthrough" in access and attainment without a realistic assessment of the resources available and the capacity to mobilise them. When the implementation strategy was updated and included in the third national programme of primary education (PEDP III), a more phased and comprehensive approach to planning was introduced. However, reports on programme implementation have identified delays and difficulties in starting PEDP III, albeit improvements between year 1 and 2 have been noted. In particular, the implementation strategies identified were insufficiently detailed and different stakeholders' needs were not properly assessed. More equitable delivery to underprivileged children remains poorly articulated. Part of the reason appears to be diminished political will and inconsistent leadership. Finally, opportunities to collaborate with the NGO service providers have not been fully exploited and the implementation planning for PEDP III appeared to have relied excessively on external expertise, with implications for the ownership and continuity of the policy on pre-school. Based on these findings, suggestions are offered to the development partners, the Government and the NGOs to improve the integration of policy and implementation strategies to increase the probability of sustained improvements in Pre Primary provision.
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Priešmokyklinio amžiaus dvikalbių vaikų lietuvių kalbos gebėjimų ugdymas / The Lithuanian language skills development of pre-primary bilingual childrenMazolevskienė, Aldona 20 September 2006 (has links)
The system for teaching/learning of the Lithuania language as the statė language in the statė school and pre-school education institutions has been rapidly developed; education institutions have been in search for methods of teaching children of different nationalities to act as active citizens of Lithuania, simultaneously fostering and promoting their own ethnical culture. The Lithuanian Education reform emphasises formation of national minorities' civic and national identity, and the Law on Ethnic Minorities provides for all citizens' rights and possibilities to integrate into the cultural and sočiai life of Lithuania. Efforts to ensure teaching of the statė language are manifested in a number of laws, resolutions and programmes: the Law on the State Language, the Programine of Teacher Training for National Minorities Education Institutions, resolutions of the State Commission of the Lithuanian Language, activiry of Lithuanian language teaching centres, etc.
The importance of the Lithuanian language learning itself is not questioned. Not knowing the statė language, a person has limited possibilities in the life of socium: to work with clients (in statė or private service), to receive and disseminate relevant information and materialise their abilities in the activity of interest circles and leisure centres. Knowledge of languages leads to tolerance and cooperation manifested through acceptance of ethnic, traditional and cultural practises, strengthening of ethnic... [to full text]
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Theoretical-praxeological self-contextualization of management functions of the system of pre-primary education in the process of change of educational policy of Lithuania / Priešmokyklinio ugdymo sistemos valdymo funkcijų teorinis-prakseologinis kontekstualizavimasis Lietuvos švietimo politikos kaitos procesuoseNeifachas, Sergejus 29 October 2010 (has links)
The article actualizes the system of preparatory pre-school education as a subsystem of education that lacks theoretical management and administration conceptions. It is explained that due to this reason with respect to management processes of educational reform of Lithuania the system of preparatory pre-school education becomes dysfunctional and does not respond to the general trend of changes in education. The thesis discloses theoretical-praxeological bases of management of preparatory pre-school education system, which have self-contextualised in the modern policy of education of Lithuania. With this aim the author of the thesis uses post-modern instruments of social sciences and the humanities and formulates the idea about the necessity of new type managerial knowledge, while making political decisions regarding managerial strategies of preparatory pre-school education and other subsystems of education. Based on the results of qualitative content analysis, which showed up carrying out the analysis of the most important documents on education of modern post-reform period of Lithuania, the following is concluded: to manage preparatory pre-school education system both general and special managerial principles, which are suitable for management of localized subsystems of education in policy change processes, can be applied. The thesis proves that the management of preparatory pre-school education system must be perceived through the paradigms of systemic change of its... [to full text] / Disertacijoje aktualizuojama priešmokyklinio ugdymo sistema, kaip švietimo grandis, stokojanti vadybos ir valdymo teorinių koncepcijų. Aiškinama, jog dėl šios priežasties Lietuvos švietimo reformos valdymo procesuose priešmokyklinio ugdymo sistema tampa disfunkcine ir neatliepia bendrajai švietimo kaitos krypčiai. Disertacijoje atskleidžiami priešmokyklinio ugdymo sistemos valdymo teoriniai-prakseologiniai pagrindai, kurie kontekstualizavosi šiuolaikinėje Lietuvos švietimo politikoje. Tuo tikslu disertacijos autorius naudoja socialinių-humanitarinių mokslų postmodernistinį instrumentarijų ir formuluoja idėją apie naujo pobūdžio vadybinių žinių būtinumą, priimant politinius sprendimus dėl priešmokyklinio ugdymo ir kitų švietimo posistemių valdymo strategijų. Remiantis kokybinio tyrimo rezultatais, kurie išryškėjo atliekant svarbiausių Lietuvos šiuolaikinio poreforminio laikotarpio švietimo dokumentų analizę, formuluojama išvada: priešmokyklinio ugdymo sistemai valdyti galima taikyti tiek bendruosius, tiek specialiuosius vadybinius principus, tinkančius lokalizuotų švietimo sistemos grandžių valdymui politikos kaitos procesuose. Disertacijoje įrodoma, kad priešmokyklinio ugdymo sistemos valdymą būtina suvokti per jos funkcijų sisteminės kaitos paradigmas, orientuojantis į societarinį, sisteminį, institucinį, interpersonalinį bei intrapersonalinį lygmenis, jų tarpusavio sinerginius ryšius, priešmokyklinio ugdymo kaip posistemės bei švietimo sistemos kaitą.
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