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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Intersecting Stories: Cultural Reflexivity, Digital Storytelling, and Personal Narratives in Language Teacher Education

Dell-Jones, Julie Vivienne 06 April 2018 (has links)
This narrative inquiry dissertation explores stories from three students over a two-year trajectory as they develop into language educators in diverse contexts. The study begins in a teacher education course focused on technology for language teaching in English as a second language (ESOL) and foreign language education (FLE) classrooms. As instructor, I implemented a digital storytelling (DS) project with the pedagogical goal of supporting the much-needed practice of reflexivity, and specifically, reflexivity of intercultural competence (IC) and culturally-responsive pedagogy (CRP). The DS, as an autoethnographic multimodal narrative activity, provided a creative outlet for undergraduate and master’s level students to explore their own cultural background or intercultural experiences. In this study, I re-story the experiences related to the DS project and follow my former students, now teachers, to explore how personal narratives promote or support reflexivity of critical multicultural concepts or practices. I combine and juxtapose multiple perspectives based on observations, data from the student-authored DS and reflections, and in-depth interviews. Using a critical-based autoethnographic approach, I add my own instructor-researcher narrative. The resulting descriptive and interpretive narrative inquiry accentuates complexities, invites conversation about the critical and reflexive potential of DS or personal narrative, and contributes pedagogical and methodological insights into teacher training via the “meaning-making” story process and the innate accessibility of learning through stories.

Analyse du travail d’un collectif de formateurs et de ses conséquences sur la formation professionnelle d’un enseignant novice : un exemple en éducation physique et sportive. / Analyze of a team of trainers' work and their consequences on the professional training of a pre-service teacher : a case in physical education

Escalié, Guillaume 27 November 2012 (has links)
Un des objectifs des politiques éducatives européennes en matière de formation professionnelle des enseignants novices consiste à consolider les partenariats entre les universités et les établissements scolaires. Sur le plan scientifique, la majorité des études pointent l’importance de renforcer la collaboration entre les formateurs de ces deux institutions par des dispositifs fondés sur le modèle des « communautés de pratique » (Lave & Wenger, 1991). Or, ces études restent souvent peu précises sur la nature de leurs activités au sein de tels dispositifs. Cette recherche vise à analyser les activités de formation d’un collectif de formateurs et leurs conséquences sur la formation professionnelle d’un enseignant novice.Cette étude s’appuie sur une lecture de la formation professionnelle des enseignants novices (Bertone, 2011 ; Chaliès, 2012) qui emprunte certains postulats à une théorie générale de l’apprentissage (Nelson, 2008) et de l’action collective (Wittgenstein, 2004). Cette lecture est ordonnée par trois activités de formation : (i) enseigner des règles pour permettre aux enseignants novices de signifier leur vécu et agir différemment en classe ; (ii) aménager des situations et contrôler les premiers suivis des règles pour leur permettre d’en constater les résultats ; (iii) accompagner leur développement en les aidant à interpréter les règles apprises.Cette recherche a été menée en collaboration avec deux collectifs de formation en éducation physique et sportive. Composé chacun d’un enseignant novice et de plusieurs formateurs, ces collectifs ont été mis en place lors d’un dispositif de formation par les visites. Deux types de données ont été recueillies : des données d’enregistrement audio-vidéo (des leçons et des entretiens de conseil pédagogique menés en suivant) ; des données d’autoconfrontation. Les données ont été analysées afin d’identifier les règles apprises et/ou suivies par les acteurs pour signifier leurs activités au cours de chacun des temps du dispositif.Les résultats montrent principalement l’intérêt pour le collectif de formateurs : (i) de mener une activité d’enseignement (et éventuellement d’explication) ostensive pour permettre à l’enseignant novice de réaliser les premiers suivis des règles conformes à leurs attentes ; (ii) d’aménager les situations de classe pour faciliter son constat des résultats attendus des règles préalablement enseignées ; (iii) d’accompagner son développement en l’aidant à faire usage des règles apprises dans de nouvelles circonstances. / One of the aims of European education policies in terms of professional training of pre-service teachers consists inconsolidating partnerships between universities and schools. At the scientific level, most studies emphasize the importance of strengthening the collaboration between trainers in both institutions through training programs based on the model of the “communities of practice” (Lave & Wenger, 1991). However, those studies do not really specify the nature of the activities organized in such programs. This study aims at analyzing the training activities of a team of trainers and their consequences on the professional training of pre-service teachers. It leans on a way of reading professional training of pre-service teachers (Bertone, 2011 ; Chaliès, 2012) which borrows some premises from a more global theory about learning (Nelson, 2008) and collective action (Wittgenstein, 2004). This way of reading is structured around three training activities : (i) teaching rules to enable pre-service teachers to give meaning to their experience and behave differently in class ; (ii) adjusting situations and checking the first instances of rule-following to enable them to observe the expected results; (iii) working along with them by helping them to interpret the rules they have learnt.This study was conducted together with two training teams in Physical Education. Every team was made up of one pre-service teacher and several trainers. They were created during training visits. Two sorts of data were gathered : audio and video recordings (of the lessons and of post-lesson interviews that had followed) ; self-confrontation data. Those information were analyzed so as to identify the rules that had been learnt and / or followed by the actors in order to give meaning to their activities in every step of the program.Results mainly show the significance, for the team of trainers, in : (i) carrying out a ostensive teaching activity (together with, possibly, an explanation), to enable the pre-service teachers to check if the first instances of rule-following are respected as they had planned ; (ii) adjusting class situations to make it easier to observe the results expected from the rules he would have taught beforehand ; (iii) working along with them in their professional development by helping them to use these very rules to new circumstances.

Formação inicial de professores de Inglês e letramentos digitais: uma análise por meio do Pibid / Pre-service English Teacher Education and Digital Literacies: an analysis within Pibid

Ana Karina de Oliveira Nascimento 11 October 2017 (has links)
Essa pesquisa foi desenvolvida no período de 2013 a 2017 e buscou investigar o quanto e de que forma o Projeto Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação à Docência (Pibid) (subprojeto Inglês), que se materializa numa universidade pública federal no nordeste do Brasil, a qual denominei UPNE, permite a problematização do trabalho com letramentos digitais na formação inicial do professor de inglês. Para o seu desenvolvimento, a pesquisa qualitativa exploratória de cunho etnográfico realizada, inserida no campo da linguística aplicada crítica, foi delineada consoante um estudo de caso etnográfico. Além da linguística aplicada, a pesquisa fundamentou-se nos estudos pertencentes a diferentes áreas do conhecimento, principalmente das ciências sociais e da educação. Buscando entremear a análise dos dados coletados no contexto com as perspectivas teóricas adotadas, o trabalho foi construído de forma a promover o diálogo Pibid Inglês da UPNE e sua relação com neoliberalismo, globalização, formação de professores no Brasil, formação crítica de professores, tecnologias digitais e a língua inglesa. Nesse contexto, os estudos dos letramentos, em especial dos letramentos digitais, são trazidos à discussão, considerando-se as sociedades ditas digitais, as epistemologias digitais delas decorrentes e o contexto da educação linguística, por meio de um mergulho no universo do subprojeto Pibid inglês da UPNE, principalmente focando nos projetos Focus on Future e English Everywhere. Os principais instrumentos de coleta de dados empíricos utilizados foram: observação participante, entrevista semi-estruturada realizada com os coordenadores do subprojeto (uma vez) e com os graduandos participantes da pesquisa (em dois momentos), além de análise documental. Documentos nacionais e institucionais (locais) relacionados ao projeto Pibid, documentos específicos do subprojeto Inglês, bem como projetos e relatórios escritos pelos graduandos complementam o conjunto dos dados coletados. Contou-se também com o diário de campo da pesquisadora (enriquecido mediante conversas informais com graduandos e coordenadores) e os relatos dos graduandos em relação ao desenvolvimento dos projetos. Os resultados principais apontam que o Pibid-Inglês da UPNE, ainda que permeado por ambiguidades, mostrou-se um campo fértil para problematizações, no que concerne aos letramentos digitais na formação inicial de professores de inglês. / This research was developed from 2013 to 2017 and sought to investigate how much and in which ways the National Pre-service Brazilian Teacher Education Program (Pibid) (English subproject), that takes place in a federal public university in the northeast of Brazil, which I named UPNE, allows the problematization of digital literacies within pre-service English teacher education. For its development, an exploratory qualitative research of ethnographic nature, inserted in the field of critical applied linguistics, was conducted as an ethnographic case study. Besides the focus on applied linguistics, the research was based on studies belonging to different fields of knowledge, especially on social sciences and education. In order to analyze the data collected in the context, together with the theoretical perspectives adopted, this investigation was built to promote a dialogue involving Pibid English at UPNE and its connection to neoliberalism, globalization, teacher education in Brazil, critical teacher education, digital technologies and the English language. In this context, literacy studies, especially digital literacies, are brought to the discussion, considering the so-called digital societies, the digital epistemologies resulting from them, and the context of language education, through immersing in the universe of Pibid (English subproject) at UPNE, with the emphasis on Focus on Future and English Everywhere projects. The main instruments of empirical data collection were: participant observation, semi-structured interview with the coordinators of the subproject (once) and with the undergraduates participating in the research (in two moments), besides documentary analysis. National and institutional (local) documents related to the Pibid project, specific documents related to the English subproject, in addition to the projects and reports written by the undergraduates complement the set of data collected. The researcher\'s field diary (enriched with informal conversations with undergraduates and coordinators) and the students\' reports on the development of the projects were also part of data collection. The main results indicate that Pibid English at UPNE, although permeated by ambiguities, proved to be a fertile place for problematizations regarding digital literacies in preservice English teacher education.

A prática reflexiva na formação inicial do professor de inglês

Silva, Paulo Roberto Boa Sorte 15 March 2010 (has links)
This research investigates the contributions of the reflective teaching to pre-service English teacher education and it is justified by the need of discussing the perspectives to language teaching education in Brazil. From both qualitative analytical-descriptive and analytical-interpretative methods, it aims at identifying the kind of reflection made by three pre-service English teachers during their experience on internship. It seeks to check if the reflections move theoretical references and if there can be changes in teachers‟ behavior when it comes to their teaching practice through reflection. The theoretical references used are Pimenta & Lima (2002) concerning teachers‟ internship; Huberman (1995) and Hughes (1996) concerning the profile of beginning teachers; Dewey (1933), Schön (1982), Perrenoud (2002), Liston & Zeichner (1996) and Alarcão (2003) concerning the definition for reflective teacher. / Esta pesquisa investiga as contribuições da prática reflexiva para a formação inicial do professor de inglês e justifica-se pela necessidade de discutir as perspectivas para a formação de professores de línguas no Brasil. De cunho qualitativo analíticodescritivo e analítico-interpretativo, tem o objetivo de identificar quais são as reflexões feitas por três professores de inglês em formação ao longo do estágio supervisionado. Busca-se verificar ainda se as reflexões mobilizam referências teóricas e se há mudanças no comportamento dos professores em relação à sua prática a partir da reflexão. As referências teóricas utilizadas são Pimenta & Lima (2002) acerca do estágio supervisionado; Huberman (1995) e Hughes (1996) sobre o perfil do professor iniciante; Dewey (1933), Schön (1982), Perrenoud (2002), Liston & Zeichner (1996) e Alarcão (2003) na definição e discussão da prática reflexiva. Como instrumentos de coleta de dados são utilizados a escrita do diário reflexivo, entrevistas de explicitação e observações de aula.

Idéias curriculares em movimento: o processo de construção do currículo de química para o ensino médio na concepção de alguns licenciandos do IQUSP / This research reports on a study that evaluated the conception of chemistry curriculum for secondary level for two groups of undergraduate students in a Chemistry Teacher Education Program in the University of São Paulo. These groups of pre-service teachers were observed during a one-semester Chemistry Teaching Method discipline, an \"intersection discipline\" which joins chemical and pedagogical knowledge. This work focuses on the understanding of the construction of pre-service teachers\' ideal curriculum, on the main factors that influence the curriculum construction and on the contribution of the investigated discipline to the students\' concepts of ideal curriculum. Interviews, activities and plannings developed by the student teachers were studied. The interviews were analyzed by the interpretation of significative units in order to search for the elements that build the curriculum conceptions of these students. Activities were carried out in the beginning and in the end of the discipline and were analyzed to follow the ideal curriculum construction process. The chemistry plannings were grouped in terms of two different categories: General Education and Chemical Curriculum. Six emphasis constitute the first category: Career, Discipline, Product, Pedagogy, Democracy and Process. Three emphasis constitute the second one: Fundamental Chemistry, Chemistry, Technology and Society and Knowledge Development in Chemistry. The results obtained with ca. fifty students indicated that the Brazilian Educational Legislation has meaningful influence in their conceptions of chemical curriculum as could be observed by the unanimity of the Pedagogy category for both groups. However, the groups are different regarding the conception of an ideal chemistry curriculum. The first group values the concepts of both Fundamental Chemistry and Chemistry, Technology and Society. The second group sees as a priority the Chemistry teaching related to Technology and Society. For this group the emphasis in Knowledge Development in Chemistry is comparable to the emphasis in Fundamental Chemistry. When we analyze the answers of the students that emphasized both Fundamental Chemistry and Chemistry, Technology and Society, the results show that they support an ideal chemistry curriculum focused on both orientations: subject matter and learner-centered educational orientation. All analyzed activities produced by the two groups indicated that the discipline Chemistry Teaching Method influenced their chemistry curriculum conceptions. In the beginning of the discipline, an emphasis in organization was observed for both groups. After the discipline, the idea of organization is complemented by other characteristics such as flexibility and reflection. At the end of the discipline both groups have changed the idea of planning as strictly related to content organization. Future teachers have a history of influences that shape their curriculum conceptions; not all of them are in accordance to the changes that need to be made in Education. Nevertheless, our study reveals that the intersection disciplines offer an important opportunity to overcome the consequences of the different interpretations of the official texts and positively impact future teacher students.

Sandra Vaiteka 13 April 2007 (has links)
Esta pesquisa refere-se a um estudo que avaliou a concepção de currículo de Química para o Ensino Médio de dois grupos de alunos da Licenciatura em Química da Universidade de São Paulo. Estes grupos de licenciandos foram observados durante um semestre, na disciplina Instrumentação para o Ensino de Química, uma \"disciplina de intersecção\", que relaciona conhecimentos químicos e conhecimentos pedagógicos. Este trabalho focou a compreensão da construção do ideal de currículo desses licenciandos, os fatores que influenciam tal construção e a contribuição da disciplina investigada nos conceitos de currículo ideal para estes estudantes. Entrevistas, atividades e planejamentos desenvolvidos pelos licenciandos durante a disciplina foram estudados. As entrevistas foram analisadas por meio da interpretação de unidades de significado com a intenção de encontrar elementos que participam da construção dos conceitos curriculares destes estudantes. Atividades foram produzidas no início e no final da disciplina e foram analisadas para a observação do processo de construção do ideal de currículo. Os planejamentos de Química foram agrupados segundo duas categorias: Educação Geral e Currículo de Química. A primeira categoria é composta por seis ênfases: Carreira, Disciplina, Produto, Pedagogia, Democracia e Processo. A segunda categoria é composta por três ênfases: Química Fundamental, Química, Tecnologia e Sociedade e Desenvolvimento do Conhecimento em Química. Os resultados obtidos com aproximadamente cinqüenta alunos indicaram que a legislação educacional brasileira exerce uma influência significativa em suas concepções de currículo de Química, como pôde ser observado pela unanimidade da categoria Pedagogia para os dois grupos. Entretanto, os grupos diferem quanto à concepção de um ideal de currículo na abordagem específica da Química. O primeiro grupo valoriza tanto os conceitos de Química Fundamental como os de Química, Tecnologia e Sociedade. O segundo grupo vê como prioridade o ensino de Química relacionado à Tecnologia e à Sociedade. Para este grupo, a ênfase no Desenvolvimento do Conhecimento em Química é comparável à ênfase em Química Fundamental. Quando analisamos as respostas dos estudantes que enfatizaram tanto a Química Fundamental quanto a Química, Tecnologia e Sociedade, verificamos que eles mantêm o foco do ideal de currículo de Química em ambas as orientações: focada no conteúdo e centrada na aprendizagem. Todas as atividades produzidas pelos alunos e que foram analisadas indicaram que a disciplina Instrumentação para o Ensino de Química influencia a concepção de currículo de Química dos licenciandos. No início da disciplina observase para ambos os grupos idéias de planejamento que enfatizam a organização de conteúdos. Ao final da disciplina os dois grupos mudaram a idéia de planejamento relacionada estritamente à organização e acrescentaram características como flexibilidade e reflexão. Os futuros professores têm uma história que influencia suas concepções curriculares, mas nem todas são condizentes com as mudanças que necessitam serem feitas na educação. Apesar disso, nosso estudo mostrou que, através de atividades planejadas com intencionalidade nas disciplinas integradoras é possível minimizar as diferentes interpretações dos textos legais realizando na prática um trabalho significativo com os alunos da licenciatura. / This research reports on a study that evaluated the conception of chemistry curriculum for secondary level for two groups of undergraduate students in a Chemistry Teacher Education Program in the University of São Paulo. These groups of pre-service teachers were observed during a one-semester Chemistry Teaching Method discipline, an \"intersection discipline\" which joins chemical and pedagogical knowledge. This work focuses on the understanding of the construction of pre-service teachers\' ideal curriculum, on the main factors that influence the curriculum construction and on the contribution of the investigated discipline to the students\' concepts of ideal curriculum. Interviews, activities and plannings developed by the student teachers were studied. The interviews were analyzed by the interpretation of significative units in order to search for the elements that build the curriculum conceptions of these students. Activities were carried out in the beginning and in the end of the discipline and were analyzed to follow the ideal curriculum construction process. The chemistry plannings were grouped in terms of two different categories: General Education and Chemical Curriculum. Six emphasis constitute the first category: Career, Discipline, Product, Pedagogy, Democracy and Process. Three emphasis constitute the second one: Fundamental Chemistry, Chemistry, Technology and Society and Knowledge Development in Chemistry. The results obtained with ca. fifty students indicated that the Brazilian Educational Legislation has meaningful influence in their conceptions of chemical curriculum as could be observed by the unanimity of the Pedagogy category for both groups. However, the groups are different regarding the conception of an ideal chemistry curriculum. The first group values the concepts of both Fundamental Chemistry and Chemistry, Technology and Society. The second group sees as a priority the Chemistry teaching related to Technology and Society. For this group the emphasis in Knowledge Development in Chemistry is comparable to the emphasis in Fundamental Chemistry. When we analyze the answers of the students that emphasized both Fundamental Chemistry and Chemistry, Technology and Society, the results show that they support an ideal chemistry curriculum focused on both orientations: subject matter and learner-centered educational orientation. All analyzed activities produced by the two groups indicated that the discipline Chemistry Teaching Method influenced their chemistry curriculum conceptions. In the beginning of the discipline, an emphasis in organization was observed for both groups. After the discipline, the idea of organization is complemented by other characteristics such as flexibility and reflection. At the end of the discipline both groups have changed the idea of planning as strictly related to content organization. Future teachers have a history of influences that shape their curriculum conceptions; not all of them are in accordance to the changes that need to be made in Education. Nevertheless, our study reveals that the intersection disciplines offer an important opportunity to overcome the consequences of the different interpretations of the official texts and positively impact future teacher students.

The Development and Delivery of a Mental Health Literacy and Counselling Skills Workshop for Educators: A Pilot Study

Neufeld, Jennifer January 2018 (has links)
School settings are increasingly being targeted as ideal entry points for youth mental health initiatives and naturally, educators have been identified as playing a critical role in supporting youth in distress. The current study set out to investigate how to strengthen the ability of educators to support youth experiencing bullying and mental health difficulties. The study was conducted in two phases: an initial phase in which a mental health literacy and communication skills workshop for educators was developed and refined, and a second phase in which the workshop was pilot-tested. The 2-hour workshop was delivered to two groups of students (N = 35) in a Teacher’s Education (B.Ed.) program at a Canadian university. Participants completed a questionnaire following the workshop to assess their satisfaction with the workshop experience and their degree of change in knowledge and awareness of bullying and mental health difficulties, as well as self-efficacy and perceived confidence in communicating with young people in distress. Results showed that participant satisfaction with the workshop was high and that most participants would recommend the workshop for pre-service and in-service teachers. In addition, participant knowledge, awareness, self-efficacy, and self-confidence in communicating with youth in distress increased from pre- to post-workshop. Taken together, the results of the pilot study provide support for further development and delivery of this workshop to pre-service and in-service teachers to help prepare educators for the complex, demanding, and vital role of supporting young people in distress due to bullying and mental health difficulties.

Samspel och (sam)tal för (gem)ensamt lärande : En diskursanalys av hur lärarstudenter konstruerar undervisning och lärarkunskap under examination / Interaction for mutual learning : A Discourse Analysis of How Pre-service Teachers Construe Teaching and Teacher Knowledge during Examination

Tynkkinen, Mona January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Hur lärarutbildning lämpligen organiseras avseende högskole- respektive verksamhetsförlagda studier är under ständig diskussion i såväl policydokument som forskning. För att kunna tala om hur lärarutbildning kan och bör organiseras blir dock ett första steg att klargöra hur lärarstudenter konstruerar undervisning och (lärar-) kunskap inom ramen för lärarutbildning. Syfte: Empirin för föreliggande studie inhämtas från ett utvecklingsprojekt som arbetats fram inom ramen för en ämneslärarutbildning inför hösten 2016. Syftet med studien är att klargöra hur lärarstudenter konstruerar undervisning och lärarkunskap under examination som inbegriper undervisning i autentisk undervisningsmiljö (en klass med elever), respons från klasslärare samt efterföljande reflektionsseminarium baserat på videoupptagning av genomförd undervisning och lärarens respons. Metod: I studien nyttjas diskursanalys av fyra lärarstudenters verbala- och icke-verbala kommunikation i samband med examination. Resultaten av en deskriptiv respektive genealogisk analysfas presenteras med hjälp av praxisgemenskapen som tankefigur. Resultat: Diskursanalysen visar hur lärarstudenterna inom ramen för aktuell examination rör sig mellan vad som kan beskrivas som tre olika praxisgemenskaper: klassen-som-praxisgemenskap; lärare-som-praxisgemenskap samt lärarstudentgruppen-som-praxisgemenskap. Den undervisning lärarstudenter konstruerar korrelerar med etablerad undervisningspraktik som studenten själv iakttagit. Den lärarkunskap som konstrueras villkoras av andra inom den aktuella gemenskapen. Respektive praxisgemenskap har också sina egna rationaler som lärarstudenten behöver förhålla sig till i samband med examination. De positioner som lärarstudenten förmår att förhandla och upprätthålla villkorar också vad som är möjligt att sägas/göras i vilken praxisgemenskap och av vem. Konklusion: Lärarutbildningen kan sägas innefatta två parallella, informella utbildningar jämte den formella utbildningen. Lärarstudenten ställs inför överväganden mellan vad som kan beskrivas som intra- respektive interpersonella diskurser som villkorar hur lärarstudenten konstruerar undervisning och lärarkunskap i samband med examination. Lärarstudenter behöver därför inom ramen för lärarutbildning göras varse om konsekvenser kopplade till intrapersonella diskurser, de olika roller som finns tillgängliga för lärarstudenten, samt interpersonella diskurser, hur val av roll verkar i mötet med andra i en praxisgemenskap. / Background: The organization of teacher education and practicum is constantly under scrutiny in both policy documents and in research, often in connection to correlating debates regarding theory and practice. However, how pre-service teachers construe teaching and (teacher-) knowledge ought to be scrutinized before entering a discussion about the fundamental principles of teacher education. Aims: The aim of the study is to clarify how pre-service teachers construe teaching and teacher knowledge during an examination that includes: Teaching in an authentic learning environment (a class of pupils), feedback from a class teacher and a subsequent reflection seminar based on video recordings of the students' teaching and the teacher response. Method: A group of four pre-service teachers' verbal and non-verbal communication is examined using discourse analysis. The empirical data for this study is collected from a development project within subject teacher education, during autumn 2016. The results of descriptive and genealogical analysis phases are presented with Communities of Practice (CoP) as a theoretical figuration. Results: The discourse analysis reveals that pre-service teachers construe teaching that correlates with established practices based on their own experiences. What is construed as teacher knowledge is also conditioned by other members in a group. Pre-service teachers in the current exam move between what could be described as three different Communities of Practices: class-as-CoP; teachers-as-CoP as well as pre-service teachers-as-CoP. Each CoP has its own rationalities that the pre-service teacher needs to take into consideration; the rationalities concern the conditions for reification and participation in each CoP during examination. The positions that pre-service teachers manage to negotiate and maintain, governs what can be said/done in each CoP and by whom. Conclusion: In addition to the formal education, teacher education consists of two parallel and informal education programs that can be described as intra- and interpersonal discourses. The study shows that pre-service teachers need to make considerations regarding these concurrent programs and that the discourses govern how pre-service teachers construe teaching and teacher knowledge during examination. Therefore, pre-service teachers need to be made aware of consequences related to choices within intrapersonal discourses, i.e. the different roles available, and to interpersonal discourses, i.e. how the chosen role affects one´s encounter with other members within a CoP.Keywords: communities of practice,

A Comparison of the Self-Efficacy Scores of Preservice Teachers Based on Initial College Experience

Ritchie, Kelly Renea 05 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine if any statistically significant difference exists between the self-efficacy scores of student teachers who began their college experience at the community college level and student teachers who began their education at the university level. The study was used to determine whether or not the type of initial college experience impacted the first two years of college study, in relation to the development of a sense of self-efficacy at the end of the program of study. Self-efficacy data were gathered from beginning student teachers at two comparative institutions. The participants were enrolled in the colleges of education at two large metropolitan universities. One university was located in southern Texas and the other was located in north central Texas. The Teachers' Sense of Efficacy Scale was the instrument used, as well as a researcher-made questionnaire that collected demographic data. In addition to pattern of education, other independent variables included age, gender, ethnicity, certification level sought by the participant, and the number of contact hours spent by the participant in early field experiences in K-12 classrooms. A multiple regression analysis indicated no statistically significant difference in the composite score of the Teachers' Sense of Efficacy Scale, a measure of self-efficacy. The TSES also loads on three factors: Instructional Strategies, Classroom Management, and Student Engagement. Multiple regression analyses of the individual factor scores indicated no statistically significant predictive ability for self-efficacy on any of the subscales across initial college experience. Multiple regression analyses as well as MANOVAs were conducted to determine if the demographic variables of gender, age, ethnicity, G.P.A, certification level, and contact hours impacted TSES scores. The dependent variable was the general self-efficacy scores and the individual factor scores (i.e., Student Engagement, Instructional Strategies and Classroom Management) of student teachers as measured by the TSES. Analyses indicated a positive relationship between age, pattern of education, and global self-efficacy scores. In addition, a statistically significant relationship was indicated between age, pattern of education, and the factor of Instructional Strategies. No statistically significant relationship was found between initial college experience and global TSES scores or factor scores across the other demographic variables.

Using Performance Based Assessments with Pre-Service Teachers: One University’s Pathway to Implementation

Moran, Renee Rice, Keith, Karin J., Hong, Huili 10 February 2016 (has links)
Book Summary: Performance-based assessments have become a critical component of every teacher education program. Such assessments allow teacher candidates to demonstrate their content and pedagogical knowledge, skills, and dispositions in an authentic setting.Evaluating Teacher Education Programs through Performance-Based Assessments analyzes and discusses the theory and concepts behind teacher education program evaluation using assessment tools such as lesson plans, classroom artifacts, student work examples, and video recordings of lessons. Emphasizing critical real-world examples and empirically-based studies, this research-based publication is an ideal reference source for university administrators, teacher educators, K-12 leaders, and graduate students in the field of education.

A Conceptual Framework for Assessment Literacy: Opportunities for Physical Education Teacher Education

Starck, Jenna R., Richards, K. Andrew R., O’Neil, Kason M. 02 October 2018 (has links)
Although more nuanced understandings of assessment have been proposed in the physical education literature, assessment practices remain relatively underdeveloped, and when used, tend to focus on traditional, summative evaluations of learning. However, physical education teacher education programs can be used as an intervention to help pre-service teachers develop assessment knowledge and skill. Toward this end, the purpose of this article is to propose an evidence-based framework for helping pre-service teachers develop assessment literacy that is rooted in occupational socialization theory. The framework provides a four-phase approach to integrating assessment into teacher education, and includes suggestions for how physical education teacher educators can progressively help build pre-service teachers’ assessment knowledge in line with the focus given to instruction and planning. These suggestions acknowledge the technical and sociocultural aspects of learning to use assessment. Implications are discussed along with the need to help graduating pre-service teachers transfer lessons learned into the workplace.

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