Spelling suggestions: "subject:"prevent"" "subject:"revent""
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L'évaluation du programme Prevent-Teach-Reinforce pour réduire les comportements problématiques en contexte familial chez les enfants ayant un trouble du spectre de l'autismeArgumedes Charles, Malena 05 1900 (has links)
Les enfants ayant un trouble du spectre de l’autisme (TSA) présentent parfois des comportements problématiques, comme des comportements agressifs ou stéréotypés. L’émission de tels comportements peut avoir des conséquences néfastes, tant pour l’enfant que pour son entourage. Ainsi, l’enfant peut être limité dans ses apprentissages et vivre de l’isolement social. Leurs parents peuvent quant à eux vivre un niveau élevé de stress parental. Afin de répondre à ces besoins, cette thèse doctorale vise l’évaluation d’une adaptation parentale du Prevent-Teach-Reinforce (PTR, Dunlap et al., 2010), un programme initialement conçu pour diminuer les comportements problématiques et augmenter les comportements désirables des enfants en milieu scolaire. Basé sur les principes du soutien comportemental positif, ce programme prévoit l’atteinte des objectifs suite à la mise en place d’une intervention comportementale qui tient compte de la fonction du comportement problématique. L’intervention comprend des stratégies d’intervention pour modifier les antécédents, pour enseigner des comportements désirables et pour modifier les conséquences. Une étude randomisée a montré l’efficacité du PTR auprès d’enfants en milieu scolaire et deux études l’ont évalué à l’aide de devis expérimentaux à cas uniques en milieu familial pour des enfants ayant des troubles développementaux. Cette thèse, comprenant trois articles, constitue la première évaluation randomisée du PTR en contexte familial pour diminuer les comportements problématiques d’enfants ayant un TSA. Le premier article décrit les adaptations apportées au programme initial en prévision d’une implantation en contexte d’intervention comportementale précoce et en milieu familial, pour les enfants ayant un TSA. De plus, un parallèle est fait entre le programme et les principes clés de l’intervention psychoéducative. Le deuxième article présente les principaux résultats du projet de thèse, dans lequel 24 familles ont reçu deux interventions distinctes : le PTR durant huit semaines ou une formation théorique d’environ trois heures. Des analyses de variance ont été menées afin de statuer sur l’efficacité du programme. En somme, les comportements problématiques des enfants appartenant aux deux groupes ont diminué et les comportements désirables ont augmenté. Il n’est donc pas possible de statuer sur l’efficacité unique du PTR à diminuer les comportements problématiques. Les parents ont implanté le PTR avec une grande fidélité et ont accordé un score élevé de validité sociale au programme. Le troisième article présente les résultats en lien avec le stress parental. Les scores initiaux de stress parental ont été associés à la sévérité des comportements problématiques, montrant une corrélation modérée entre les deux concepts. Par ailleurs, une analyse de variance a permis de montrer que le stress parental a diminué uniquement chez les parents qui ont implanté de PTR. En conclusion, cette thèse a montré que le PTR semble être efficace pour diminuer les comportements problématiques et augmenter les comportements désirables des enfants ayant un TSA lorsque leurs parents l’implantent, mais davantage d’études sont nécessaires pour confirmer cette hypothèse. Ces études devraient comporter davantage de sujets et comparer le PTR à un groupe ne recevant aucun type d’intervention pour diminuer les comportements problématiques. / Children with an Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) diagnosis sometimes show challenging behaviors such as aggressive or stereotyped behaviors. The presence of such behavior can have harmful consequences for both the children and the people living with them. For example, the child may be limited in his or her learning and experience social isolation. Parents may experience high levels of parental stress. In order to respond to these problems, this thesis evaluated a parental adaptation of the Prevent-Teach-Reinforce model (PTR; Dunlap et al., 2010), a program designed to reduce children’s challenging behaviors and increase their desirable behaviors in school settings. Based on the principles of positive behavioral support, this program aims to achieve its objectives by implementing a behavioral intervention taking into account the behavioral function of the challenging behavior. The intervention includes intervention strategies to modify the behavior’s antecedents, to teach desirable behaviors and to modify the behavior’s consequences. A randomized controlled study demonstrated the effectiveness of the PTR for school-aged children and two studies evaluated it in home settings for children with developmental disorders, using single case experimental designs. This thesis, comprising three articles, is the first randomized study evaluating the PTR in family settings to reduce challenging behaviors of children with ASD. The first article describes the adaptations made to the initial program in order to implement it with children with an ASD diagnosis receiving early intensive behavioral intervention or in family settings. In addition, a parallel was made between the PTR and the key principles from the psychoeducation field. The second article presents the main results of this thesis, with the 24 families which received two distinct interventions: the PTR for eight weeks or a theoretical training for about three hours. Analyzes of variance were conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the PTR. In sum, children of both groups saw a reduction in challenging behaviors and an increase in desirable behaviors. It is therefore not possible to rule on the unique effectiveness of the PTR to reduce challenging behaviors. Parents implemented the PTR with great fidelity and rated the PTR with a very high level of social validity. The third article presents the results on parental stress. Initial parental stress scores were associated with the severity the child’s problem behaviors, showing a moderate correlation between the two concepts. On the other hand, an analysis of variance showed that parental stress only decreased for parents who implemented the PTR. In conclusion, this thesis has shown that PTR may be effective in decreasing problem behaviors and in increasing desirable behaviors of children with ASD. However, more studies are needed to confirm these hypotheses. These studies should include more subjects and compare the PTR to a group of children not receiving any type of intervention to reduce challenging behaviors.
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Att förebygga sekundär traumatisering : En kvalitativ intervjustudie som undersöker hur chefer inom sociala verksamheter anser att deras organisation kan förebygga sekundär traumatisering / To prevent secondary traumatisation : A qualitative study that examines how managers within the social sector find that their organisation can prevent secondary traumatisationNordberg Grahn, Amanda, Erica, Bärndal January 2021 (has links)
Som yrkesverksam inom sociala arbeten möter professionella tragiska människoöden och traumatiska berättelser. Utifrån återkommande exponering för dessa berättelser kan den yrkesverksamma i längden själv riskera drabbas av traumasymptom. Detta kallas för sekundär traumatisering, vilket i sin tur kan leda till utbrändhet och sjukskrivning. Studien undersöker hur chefer inom sociala verksamheter i Sverige anser att deras organisation kan förebygga sekundär traumatisering bland deras medarbetare. Studien utgår ifrån en kvalitativ, induktiv ansats där sju chefer från olika kommuner intervjuats genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Intervjupersonerna valdes utifrån ett målinriktat, bekvämlighets- och snöbollsurval. I genomförd innehållsanalys framkom tre kategorier gällande hur sekundär traumatisering kan förebyggas: genom kunskap, en planerad organisationsstruktur samt via en öppen organisationskultur. Resultatet har sedan diskuterats utifrån tidigare forskning samt ur ett chefsperspektiv på krav-kontroll-stödmodellen. Studien konkluderar att chefer kan förebygga sekundär traumatisering. För det första genom att skapa en planerad organisationsstruktur, vilken möjliggör kontroll och stöd för medarbetarna. För det andra genom att uppmuntra en god organisationskultur som bidrar till högt socialt stöd. För det tredje genom att öka kunskapen om sekundär traumatisering, vilket fungerar som ett skydd gentemot sekundär traumatisering. Dessutom dras slutsatsen att cheferna kan använda krav-kontroll-stödmodellen som ett verktyg i sitt förebyggande arbete mot sekundär traumatisering. / Professionals within social work encounter tragic human fates and traumatic stories. Due to recurring exposure of traumatic stories it is possible for professionals to risk suffering from trauma symptoms. This is called secondary traumatisation, which can result in burnout and sick leave. The thesis investigates how managers within the social sector in Sweden find that they can prevent secondary traumatisation among their employees. The study is based on a qualitative, inductive approach where interviews with seven managers from different municipalities where conducted. The interviewees were selected based on target sampling, convenience sampling, as well as snowball sampling. In the content analysis three categories regarding how secondary traumatisation can be prevented was discovered: through knowledge, a planned organisational structure and through an open organisational culture. The result has been discussed based on existing research as well as from a manager’s perspective on the demand-control-support model. The findings conclude that managers can prevent secondary traumatisation. Fist, by creating a planned organisational structure, which enable control and support for employees. Second, by encouraging a good organisational culture, which contribute to high social support. Third, employees receive a form of protection from secondary traumatisation by increasing knowledge about the subject. Furthermore, the findings also conclude that managers can use the demand-control-support model as a tool in preventing secondary traumatisation.
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Konflikter mellan massövervakning och skydd av sexuella övergrepp på barn : En argumentationsanalys av rättigheter och demokrati som rör ”chat control” / Conflicts between mass surveillance and the protection of child sexual abuse : An argumentative analysis of rights and democracy related to “chat control”Öman, Sanna January 2023 (has links)
The European Commission has put forward a legislative proposal titled Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down rules to prevent and combat child sexual abuse, also known as chat control. The legislative proposal has sparked a polarized debate. By using an argumentation analysis, this study aims to find out which rights are invoked and which arguments for and against the proposal are raised in the discussion on chat control. The study also aims to explore how chat control may impact freedom of expression and deliberative democracy. Advocates of the proposal argue that chat control will protect children from online sexual abuse and strengthen children's digital rights, while critics warn of privacy intrusions, threats to freedom of expression and digital mass surveillance. The essay uses Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann's theory on spiral of silence which explains that people tend to avoid expressing their opinions if their opinions are in the minority due to fear of social isolation. Digital mass surveillance can therefore lead to self-censorship online. The result is that the digital mass surveillance that chat control proposes affects the right to freedom of expression because certain opinions will be silenced. Iris Marion Young's deliberative democracy model explains that in democracies it’s important that everyone affected by arguments must be able to make their voice heard in order for a democratic decision to be considered legitimate. If people refrain from exercising their right to freedom of expression due to digital surveillance, then deliberative democracy is negatively impacted because decisions can no longer be deemed democratically legitimate. / Europeiska kommissionen har kommit med ett lagförslag vid namn Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down rules to prevent and combat child sexual abuse, i folkmun kallat chat control. Den föreslagna lagen har resulterat i en polariserad debatt. Genom att använda en argumentationsanalys syftar denna studie till att ta reda på vilka rättigheter som åberopas och vilka argument för och emot lagförslaget som tas upp i diskussionen om chat control. Studien syftar också till att utforska hur chat control kan påverka yttrandefrihet och deliberativ demokrati. Förespråkare för lagförslaget menar att chat control kommer skydda barn från sexuella övergrepp online och stärka barns rättigheter digitalt medan kritiker till lagförslaget varnar för intrång i integritet, hot mot yttrandefrihet och digital massövervakning. I uppsatsen tillämpas Elisabeth Noelle-Neumanns teori om tystnadsspiralen som förklarar att människor tenderar att undvika att uttrycka sina åsikter om åsikterna är i minoritet på grund av rädsla för social isolering. Digital massövervakning kan därför leda till självcensur online. Det resulterar i att den digitala massövervakningen som lagförslaget föreslår påverkar rätten till yttrandefrihet eftersom vissa åsikter kommer tystas. Iris Marion Youngs deliberativa demokratimodell förklarar att det i demokratier är viktigt att alla som berörs av att argument måste kunna göra sin röst hörd för att ett demokratiskt beslut ska anses som legitimt. Om folk inte vågar nyttja sin rätt till yttrandefrihet på grund av digital övervakning, då påverkas den deliberativa demokratin negativt eftersom beslut inte längre kan anses som demokratiskt legitima.
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An analysis of crime prevention as a core function of the South African Police ServiceVuma, Phillip Resimate 10 1900 (has links)
The basic mission of the police is to prevent crime and disorder and this translates into
measuring police efficiency by the absence of crime and disorder rather than the visible
actions taken to deal with crime and restore the violated order. For almost two centuries
now, crime prevention has been understood and approached as the core responsibility
of the police as they are the active partners who are responsible to activate the
community who is the passive partner towards crime prevention. Recently there are
scholars, police scientists and researchers who are of the view that the police cannot
prevent crime so crime prevention should not be the core function of the police.
The study gives a detailed analysis of the proponents and opponents of crime
prevention as the core function of the police. This analysis has been provided in the
context of the origin of policing through to the modern era in policing in an attempt to
find out for which purpose the police had been established for. This is done in order to
track down whether the initial purpose for which the police had been established for has
changed in modern policing, with the ultimate aim of affirming or negating the
proposition by some of the proponents of crime prevention as not the core function of
the police, who are of the view that crime prevention should no longer be the core
function of the police, as used to be the case.The arguments and counter arguments on whether crime prevention is the core function
of the police or not, as well as the response from the selected countries were analyzed.
The golden thread that runs through the eras of policing is that crime prevention is and
has always been the main function of the police. The relative ease of measuring police
performance by reactive activities in comparison with proactive activities seems to
indicate that the police might focus more working on these measurable activities as
compared to crime prevention activities that could go unnoticed. / Police Practice / D. Litt. et Phil. (Police Science)
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O direito à educação dos presos no Brasil: perspectivas do direito ao acesso à educação no sistema prisional e a atual normatização processual e de execução penal / The right to education of prisoners in BrasilRamos Netto, Justino de Mattos 26 May 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-05-26 / nenhum / This present study aims to look at the importance of the right to education of prisoners in relation to the criminal procedural norms granted by the Brazilian constitution which guarantees universal access to basic education. The objective of this study is to demonstrate that education of prisoners make them less likely to re-offend because it facilitates their re-integration to their community at the end of their prison sentences. As a consequence, the whole society can benefit from the implementation of the right of education of prisoners.
The method of study employed involved the analysis of other research and references addressing the problem of education of prisoners in Brazil, the analysis of the constitutional rules and of criminal proceedings in the past and present time, giving a historical view of the evolution of criminal procedural laws in Brazil. Moreover, this research investigates some models of public administration which put into practice education polices and techniques as a means to integrate prisoners in society. Finally, it highlights the need to support the agents who will be directly dealing with the education of prisoners and offers alternatives / O presente trabalho acadêmico busca estudar a importância do direito à educação dos presos e as conseqüentes perspectivas das normas processuais penais e de execução penal em relação a esse direito constitucionalmente previsto pela Constituição brasileira. Afirma a importância, no atual Estado Democrático de Direito, de obedecer aos ditames da Constituição Federal de fornecer indistintamente a qualquer pessoa o direito à educação fundamental. Desenvolve, por meio de pesquisas bibliográficas, estudos acerca da educação na norma constitucional brasileira atual e suas raízes históricas, bem como sua interligação com o direito processual penal e de execução penal, além de discorrer sobre a própria evolução dos princípios do direito processual penal na Constituição brasileira vigente. Busca apontar os fins do processo penal e a necessidade da plena observância do princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana em relação à educação, demonstrando, ainda, como é importante educar os prisioneiros que estão atualmente descontando pena privativa de liberdade em regime fechado, para com isto facilitar a sua ressocialização.
Estuda as decisões jurisprudenciais e seus embasamentos teóricos em relação ao instituto da remição pelo estudo e sua aplicabilidade em face do ordenamento jurídico. Aponta a necessidade de fornecer integral apoio às condições de acesso à educação do preso como finalidade de agir das políticas públicas na melhoria da sociedade, pautada pelos princípios da igualdade e da legalidade que constituem verdadeiros requisitos para a existência do Estado Democrático de Direito. Indica, ainda, o presente trabalho acadêmico a real importância da educação do preso como forma de prevenção criminal, inclusive com a diminuição da reincidência no crime
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Doença hepática gordurosa não alcoólica (DHGNA) em pacientes morbidamente obesos submetidos à cirurgia bariátrica : correlação entre os achados histopatológicos das biópsias hepáticas intraoperatórias e estado glicêmico basalSouto, Kátia Elisabete Pires January 2017 (has links)
Introdução: A Doença Hepática Gordurosa Não Alcoólica (DHGNA) tem como causa principal a obesidade. Atualmente não existe tratamento medicamentoso específico para DHGNA. A cirurgia bariátrica surge como uma alternativa de tratamento em pacientes morbidamente obesos. Objetivos: Analisar, através de biópsia hepática intra-operatória, o grau de comprometimento hepático em obesos submetidos à cirurgia bariátrica, correlacionando os achados histopatológicos com o estado glicêmico dos pacientes. Métodos: Estudo de coorte prospectivo incluindo 521 pacientes submetidos à cirurgia bariátrica de julho de 2001 até dezembro de 2016. Os pacientes foram classificados em três grupos de acordo com o status glicêmico basal: 167(32,05%) diabéticos tipo 2 (G1), 132 (25,33%) pré-diabéticos (G2) e 222 (42,61%) obesos normoglicêmicos (G3). Foram obtidas biópsias hepáticas transoperatórias, as quais foram classificadas conforme os critérios de Brunt e do NASH-CRN. As variáveis clínicas e bioquímicas e histológicas foram comparadas antes da cirurgia e durante o seguimento pós-operatório. Resultados: A prevalência de DHGNA nesta coorte foi de 95%. Não houve diferença quanto ao gênero e IMC entre os grupos. Observaram-se taxas mais altas de fibrose (56,4% G1 vs 29,2% G2 vs 28,6% G3 p<0,001) e Esteatohepatite Não Alcoólica (EHNA) (59,4% G1vs 49,2% G2 vs 36% G3 p <0,001) nos pacientes diabéticos. Apenas 1,5 %, dos diabéticos apresentaram histologia normal (vs 7,76% G2 vs 15,7% G3). / Introduction: Obesity is the main cause of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), for which there is currently no specific medical treatment. Bariatric surgery is a treatment alternative for morbidly obese patients. Objectives: Use an intraoperative liver biopsy to analyze the degree of liver damage in obese patients submitted to bariatric surgery and correlates the histopathological findings with glucose status. Methods: Prospective cohort study of 521 morbid obese patients undergoing bariatric surgery from July 2001 to December 2016, classified into three groups according to their baseline glucose status: 167 (32.05%) type 2 diabetes (G1), 132 (25.33%) pre-diabetic (G2) and 222 (42.61%) normoglycemic obese (G3). Patients using potentially hepatotoxic medications and a history of ethanol consumption or viral hepatitis were excluded. Intraoperative liver biopsies were obtained and classified in accordance with Brunt and NASH-CRN criteria. Clinical, biochemical and histopathological variables were compared before surgery and during postoperative follow-up. Results: The prevalence NAFLD was 95%. There was no intergroup difference for sex and BMI. Higher rates of fibrosis (56.4% G1 vs. 29.2% G2 vs. 28.6% G3 p<0.001) and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) (59.4% G1vs 49.2% G2 vs. 36% G3 p <0.001) were observed in the diabetic patients. Only 1.5 % of diabetics showed normal histology (vs. 7.76% G2 and 15.7% G3).
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ELABORATION D'UNE MÉTHODE DE PRÉDICTION DU VOLUME MAXIMAL D'UNE LAVE TORRENTIELLE (PREVENT)<br />Géomorphologie torrentielle,Topographie de terrain et Stéréophotogrammétrie sur photographies aériennes d'archives<br />Torrents du Manival, du Merdarêt et des Arches (Alpes-du-Nord, Isère, France)Veyrat-Charvillon, Stéphane 09 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
En ingénierie des risques torrentiels, les praticiens sont actuellement confrontés à un problème de gestion lié à la méconnaissance des volumes sédimentaires mobilisés par les crues. Généralement, les études cherchant à estimer ces volumes sédimentaires portent soit sur la production détritique des versants, soit sur la fourniture sédimentaire uniquement en sortie de bassin versant, mais rarement sur l'évaluation des stockages-déstockages le long du talweg ; elles ne fournissent donc pas de méthode (pluriel discutable) d'estimation des volumes sédimentaires satisfaisante. C'est pour répondre à ce questionnement des gestionnaires qu'est née cette recherche appliquée en géomorphologie torrentielle, basée sur la compréhension des processus de recharge et de transit sédimentaires au sein du chenal.<br />L'approche «globale» présentée ici peut être un complément aux travaux plus fréquents concernant la rhéologie et le comportement mécanique des matériaux, étudiés à une échelle plus fine, ainsi qu'aux études détaillées de certains processus géomorphologiques. Pour mener à bien ce travail, de nombreux outils ont été utilisés : photogrammétrie, observations de terrain et mesures topographiques, cartographie sur SIG et Modélisation Numérique de Terrain, géophysique, relevés pluviographiques et traitements statistiques, recueil d'archives. L'étude approfondie du bassin versant du Manival (Isère, Alpes-du-Nord) a permis de mieux comprendre le fonctionnement des processus sédimentaires et de mettre au point une méthode d'estimation des volumes en jeu. Cette méthode, qui permet de prédire le volume maximal d'une lave torrentielle majeure à venir (PREVENT), est basée sur une approche systémique et sur un concept du fonctionnement torrentiel privilégiant la dynamique sédimentaire du système.<br />La méthode de PREVENT a été par la suite appliquée à deux autres bassins versants isérois du même type, le Merdarêt et les Arches. L'étude diachronique des volumes sédimentaires de ces torrents montre que les résultats de la méthode proposée ont une cohérence satisfaisante. Cette thèse contribue à améliorer la connaissance scientifique des processus torrentiels, et par là même, apporte des outils théoriques et méthodologiques dans le domaine de l'ingénierie des risques naturels.
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Progettazione e sperimentazione di un intervento di Accoglienza Anticipata e Integrata in Università Cattolica / Planning and Experimentation of a Participation of Acceptance Anticipated and Integrated in Università CattolicaBONELLI, EMANUELA 09 March 2007 (has links)
La ricerca presentata si inserisce nell'ambito dell'orientamento universitario quale studio di nuove metodologie in tema di orientamento richieste dalla riforma universitaria (a partire dalla Legge delega 127 del 1997). Con il nuovo sistema universitario, l'orientamento acquista un rilievo di primo piano, infatti, il D.M. 509/99, in attuazione alla delega (Legge 127/97), include l'orientamento tra le attività formative che devono essere obbligatoriamente previste nei regolamenti didattici d'ateneo. Il suddetto scenario ha motivato la presente ricerca tale da prevedere all'interno dell'Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano un intervento di accoglienza orientativa anticipata ed integrata che si inserisce nelle attività insite nei Progetti ponte con l'obiettivo di sostenere le nuove matricole alla presa di decisione orientativa, per accogliere adeguatamente gli studenti in università e favorirne l'inserimento nel nuovo contesto di studi. Si tratta, pertanto, di una ricerca applicata con la finalità di valutare il servizio di accoglienza erogato. Questa riflessione su nuove metodologie di azione orientativa ha delineato nuove collaborazioni del CROSS (Centro di Ricerche sull'Orientamento Scolastico-professionale e sullo Sviluppo delle organizzazioni dell'Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano) sia con i servizi alla persona interni all'università sia con enti esterni al fine di garantire servizi orientativi adeguati ai bisogni della persona. / The introduced search becomes part in the University Guideline which study of new methodologies in topic of guideline demanded from the University Reform (the Law delegation 127 of 1997). With the new university system, the guideline acquires an important relief, as a matter of fact, the D.M. 509/99, in performance to the law 127/97, includes the guideline between the formative activities that must obligatorily be previewed in the didactic regulations of athenaeum. The aforesaid scene has motivated the present such search to inside preview of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano as an participation of orientativa acceptance anticipated and integrated that becomes part in the activities inborn in the Progetti ponte to support the new matriculations to the taken one of orientativa decision, in order to receive adequately the students in university and to favor of the insertion in the new context of studies. This is, therefore, a search applied with the purpose to estimate the distributed service of acceptance. This reflection on new methodologies of orientativa action has delineated new collaborations of the CROSS (Centro di Ricerche sull'Orientamento Scolastico-professionale e sullo Sviluppo delle organizzazioni dell'Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano) with the inner services to the person to this university and with external agencies to the aim to guarantee services oriented adapts to the needs of the person.
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Visstidsdirektivets implementering i svensk rätt : Har korrekt implementering skett?Schultz, Mi January 2011 (has links)
The essays main intent is to examine whether there has been a proper implementation of the Council’s directive 1999/70/EG into Swedish law regarding the requirement for measures to prevent the abuse of successive fixed-term employment contracts. To achieve this purpose there is a need for an examination of current law. The essay also has some secondary purposes. One of these secondary purposes is the question of whether the implementation of the Council’s directive 1999/70/EG has lead to a reduction of the workers employment protection, which is closely connected to my main question and the violation case. My other secondary purposes are to make a connection between fixed-term employment and labor market flexibilization and flexicurity, to see if the rules about fixed-term work has affected gender equality, and to discuss whether there has been a shift of power in the relationship between employers and employees. I have come to the conclusion that Sweden has not implemented the Council’s directive 1999/70/EG properly regarding the requirement for measures to prevent abuse of successive fixed-term employments. I have found that the Swedish rules that apply today may be circumvented by combining various forms of fixed-term employments and that some forms of fixed-term employment requires a more clear definition. To prevent the abuse of successive fixed-term contracts, I suggest the introduction of a maximum total duration for all forms of fixed-term employment together, combined with a rule about the maximum number of times a fixed-term employment contract may be renewed. Furthermore I have found factors indicating that a reduction of workers employment protection level has taken place, but I can not draw any firm conclusions about it because the essay has not examined the issue in a completely thorough manner. I have also found a connection between labor market flexibilization and the use of fixed-term employment and that Sweden should examine whether the flexicurity-model can provide some useful solutions to increase employment without reducing workers employment protection level. Gender equality regarding the share of fixed-term employment contracts has slightly increased, both in Sweden and in the EU, since the origin of the Council’s directive 1999/70/EG. Also I have found that the new rules for fixed-term employment may have resulted in a shift of power that favors the employer. / Uppsatsen syftar främst till att undersöka huruvida det skett en korrekt implementering av visstidsdirektivet i svensk rätt avseende kravet på åtgärder för att förhindra missbruk av flera på varandra följande visstidsanställningar. För att uppnå detta syfte krävs en utredning av gällande rätt. Uppsatsen har också några underordnade syften. Ett av dessa underordnade syften är frågan om huruvida implementeringen av visstidsdirektivet inneburit en minskning av arbetstagarnas anställningsskydd, som är nära kopplat till min huvudsakliga fråga och överträdelseärendet. Mina andra underordnade syften är att koppla reglerna om tidsbegränsade anställningar till arbetsmarknadens flexibilisering och flexicurity, att se om reglerna om tidsbegränsade anställningar påverkat jämställdhet mellan könen och att diskutera huruvida det skett förändringar i maktförhållandet mellan arbetsgivare och arbetstagare. Jag har kommit fram till slutsatsen att Sverige inte har implementerat visstidsdirektivet på ett korrekt sätt avseende kravet på åtgärder för att förhindra missbruk av flera på varandra följande visstidsanställningar. Jag har konstaterat att de svenska reglerna som gäller idag kan kringgås genom att olika former av tidsbegränsade anställningar kombineras och att vissa av anställningsformerna kräver en tydligare definition. För att förhindra missbruk av flera på varandra följande visstidsanställningar föreslår jag att det införs en övre sammanlagd tidsgräns för alla tidsbegränsade anställningsformer kombinerat med en regel om maximalt antal gånger ett tidsbegränsat anställningsavtal får förnyas. Jag har funnit faktorer som visar på att en minskning av arbetstagarskyddet har skett, men jag kan inte dra några säkra slutsatser om det eftersom uppsatsen inte behandlat frågan på ett uttömmande sätt. Vidare har jag funnit ett samband mellan arbetsmarknadens flexibilisering och användandet av tidsbegränsade anställningar och att Sverige borde undersöka om flexicurity-modellen kan bidra med några lösningar för att öka sysselsättningen utan att minska nivån på arbetstagarnas anställningsskydd. Jämställdhet mellan könen rörande andelen tidsbegränsat anställda har ökat något, både i Sverige och EU, sedan visstidsdirektivets tillkomst. Jag har också kommit fram till att de nya reglerna om tidsbegränsade anställningar kan ha inneburit en maktförskjutning som gynnar arbetsgivaren.
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The Agreement Concerning Annual Reports on Human Rights and Free Trade Between Canada and Colombia and Home State Responsibility to Prevent Transnational Human Rights and Environmental Harm Caused or Enabled by International Investment AgreementsKrstik, Stanko 05 December 2013 (has links)
The Canada-Colombia Free Trade Agreement (CCOFTA) came into force in August 2011 amidst concerns that the provisions protecting Canadian investment in Colombia could exacerbate the precarious human rights situation. The Agreement concerning Annual Reports on Human Rights and Free Trade between Canada and Colombia was negotiated to address such concerns by enshrining the first ever human rights impact assessment (HRIA) of a free trade and investment agreement (TIA) in an internationally binding instrument. This thesis builds on a growing body of international legal scholarship that has considered the duty of home states of private investors to regulate their activity in the host state so as to prevent them from causing or contributing to human rights and environmental harm. It examines state obligations found in human rights, environmental and general principles of international law to propose that while an obligation might exist for the home state to exercise unilateral regulation of its investors, in the presence of a TIA that could cause or enable private human rights or environmental harm, investor regulation through the TIA can be seen as duty for both the home and host states. In view of the absence of such regulation in the CCOFTA, this thesis will consider if the annual HRIA mechanism is an alternative for preventing human rights and environmental harm caused or enabled by the TIA. It is submitted that while HRIAs of TIAs are a novel concept for which little international practice exists, this mechanism has the capacity to provide concrete evidence of human rights or environmental harm caused or enabled by the TIA, but only if based on a methodological model that uses existing state international human rights law obligations as indicators to measure a change in the human rights situation, draws unequivocal causal links between the investment protection provisions and human rights indicators, and allows for broad public participation, especially from the most marginalized and underrepresented groups in the host state to validate its methodology and findings. While under international law all investment-exporting states might have a duty to conduct HRIA on the effects of a proposed TIA as part of the due diligence to prevent transnational harm, the enshrinement of such assessments in an internationally binding instrument triggers a duty for the home state to, on one hand use the HRIA mechanism to prevent transnational human rights or environmental harm and, on the other hand, structure its annual assessments according to the described model in order to give effect to the duty to prevent. Broad and inclusive participation of the local affected communities from the host state in the HRIA becomes an integral component of the home state duty to prevent that can be expected to reveal any negative effects on the human rights situation from the TIA provisions, as well as the type of action required from both states parties to address them.
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