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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelos Proativos para Hipermídia Adaptativa / Proactive models for adaptive hypermedia

Palazzo, Luiz Antonio Moro January 2000 (has links)
Os Sistemas de Hipermídia (SH) vem se tornando cada vez mais populares em diversas áreas de aplicação, tais como educação, marketing, comércio elétrico, informação pessoal e serviços inteligentes de interface. Atualmente um dos principais ramos da pesquisa em SH são os Sistemas de Hipermídia Adaptativa (SHA) [BRU 96] [ESP 97], juntamente com as áreas relacionadas de Modelagem do Usuário (MU) e Interfaces Inteligentes (II). Uma das características mais criticas em um SHA é o modelo do usuário, uma representação dos objetivos, conhecimento, preferências, necessidades e desejos de seus usuários. A idéia é que usuários com diferentes perfis ou modelos estarão interessados em diferentes perfis de informação dentre as apresentadas em uma página hipermídia e podem também desejar navegar no sistema através de diferentes links. A ação adaptativa em um SHA é orientada de modo a oferecer a seus usuários informação hipermídia e navegação ajustados aos respectivos modelos. A adaptação é geralmente considerada de uma forma retroativa, onde as estruturas de apresentação e navegação são produzidas como simples reações evolução passada do modelo do usuário e a oportunidades oferecidas pelo ambiente. A adaptação proativa [PAL 98] adota a idéia de seleção e mesmo a geração ativa de hiperdocumentos que serão provavelmente interessante para um determinado usuário. O uso de modelos proativos para a obtenção de informação personalizada permite a antecipação das necessidades e demandas do usuário. Isto é obtido através do emprego de algum tipo de inferência sobre os objetos hipermídia disponíveis, restrita pelo conhecimento disponível no modelo do usuário. No presente trabalho propõe-se uma metodologia para a construção de SHA, através da integração de dois modelos proativos diferentes. O primeiro desses modelos possui características conexionistas e é orientado a navegação adaptativa. Este modelo destaca a representação comportamental dos links na rede, considerando a freqüência com que estes são percorridos. O processo de modelagem é balizado pelas leis de transitividade e reflexividade, que permitem representar proativamente o hiperespaço, simplesmente através da quantização de seus links, abstraindo o conteúdo de seus nodos. O segundo modelo trata dos aspectos semânticos do processamento de informações através da lógica das situações, que oferece um arcabouço formal para a representação, composição e inferência da relação de relevância entre os nodos de sistemas de hipermídia adaptativa. O ponto de partida são os conceitos de infon, documento e descritor, assim como a semântica da relação "é sobre" que pode existir entre diferentes documentos. A integração entre os dois modelos é realizada através da sobreposição das representações em um domínio compartilhado. Uma arquitetura genérica orientada a agentes para o desenvolvimento de sistemas de HA proativa é apresentada, centrada nos processos de interfaceamento, modelagem e adaptação. A tese se completa com o projeto e desenvolvimento de um sistema educacional online com adaptação proativa para a World Wide Web. Trabalhos futuros são propostos nas áreas da educação, sistemas de informações pessoais e o trabalho colaborativo de equipes. / Hypermedia Systems (HS) are becoming more and more popular in several application areas, like education, marketing, e-commerce, personal information and intelligent interface services. Currently, one of the main branches in HS research is Adaptive Hypermedia Systems (AHS) [BRU 96] [ESP 97], with its related technologies, like User Modeling (UM) and Intelligent Interfaces (II) . One of the most critical features in an AHS is the user model, a representation of the goals, knowledge, preferences, needs and desires of its users. The underlying idea is that users with different profiles or models will be interested in different pieces of information presented on a hypermedia page and may also want to use different links for navigation. The adaptation task performed by an AHS is oriented to assist users with personallytailored hypermedia information and navigation. Adaptation is in general viewed in a retroactive way where presentation and navigational structures are produced as simple reactions to the past evolution of the user model and environment opportunities. The proactive way [PAL 98] supports the idea of active selection or even the generation of hyperdocuments that will probably be interesting to a particular user. Use of proactive models in personal information gathering allows the anticipation of users needs and requests. This is achieved by applying some kind of inference over the available hypermedia objects, constrained by the knowledge present in the user model. In this work a methodology for AHS construction of is proposed, by means of the integration of two different proactive models. The first one has a conexionist trait and is oriented to adaptive navigation. This model enhances behavioral representation of the links in the network through the frequency in which they are activated. Modeling process is here controlled by the laws of transitivity and synmetry, allowing proactive representation of the hyperspace only by means of the links, with no regard for the nodes contents. The second model is related with semantic aspects of information processing through the theory of situations, which offers a formal framework for representing, composing and inference of the relevance relationship between nodes in AHS. The starting point here are the concepts of infon, document and descriptor, as the semantic of the aboutness relationship that may occur between documents. The integration of these two models is done by superposing the representations on a shared domain. An agent-oriented general architecture for the development of proactive AHS is presented, focusing interface, modeling and adaptation processes. The work is concluded with the project and development of a educational online system with proactive adaptation for the World Wide Web. Future work is proposed in the areas of education, personal information systems and collaborative development.

Krisinformationoch sociala medier : Rekommendationerför proaktiva åtgärder mot falsk information och ryktesspridning på socialamedier

von Koppy, Daniel January 2018 (has links)
Våren 2017 upplevde Sverige en kris när det terrorattentat med flest dödsfall sen 1940 inträffade; en lastbil körde längs Drottninggatan i Stockholm, varpå flera personer blev påkörda varav fem personer dödades. Händelsen spred sig snabbt i sociala medier och delar av informationen som spreds var obekräftade uppgifter som senare visade sig vara felaktiga. Syftet med denna studie har varit att framställa rekommendationer för kriskommunikatörers proaktiva arbete mot falsk information och ryktesspridning på sociala medier samt utgöra en grund för vidare forskning inom krisinformatik. För att uppnå detta syfte har sex respondenter från Krisinformation.se och Polisen intervjuats och en tidslinje (Bilaga 3) upprättats för att förtydliga händelseförloppet på sociala medier under terrorattentatet. Analys av data från det insamlade materialet har resulterat i tio rekommendationer som kan appliceras för att proaktivt motverka falsk information och ryktesspridning på sociala medier. Rekommendationer som kan appliceras generellt hos aktörer inom krishantering. Dessa rekommendationer var: Öva; Bevaka; Skapa material; Var snabb; Var korrekt; Var närvarande; Bemöt rykten; Var tillgänglig; Utbilda; Crowdsourca. / In the spring of 2017, Sweden experienced a crisis when the most deadly act of terrorism since 1940 occured; a truck drove through a crowd of people on Drottninggatan in Stockholm, hitting several people and killing five. The event spread rapidly in social media and the circulating information was in part unconfirmed data that later turned out to be incorrect. The purpose of this study was to generate recommendations regarding emergency communicators’ proactive work against false information and the spreading of rumors on social media, while at the same time be a foundation for future studies within crisis informatics. To achieve this purpose six respondents from Krisinformation.se and the Swedish police were interviewed and a timeline (Bilaga 3) was created in order to clarify the chain of events on social media during the act of terrorism. Analysis of data from the aggregated material has resulted in ten recommended measures applicable to proactive work against false information and spreading of rumors in social media. Measures that can be applied generally to actors within crisis management. These measures were: Practice; Monitor; Create material; Be quick, Be correct; Be present; Respond to rumors; Be available; Educate; Crowdsource.

Krisinformation och sociala medier : Rekommendationer för proaktiva åtgärder mot falsk information och ryktesspridning på sociala medier

Edvinsson, Daniel, von Koppy, Daniel January 2018 (has links)
Våren 2017 upplevde Sverige en kris när det terrorattentat med flest dödsfall sen 1940 inträffade; en lastbil körde längs Drottninggatan i Stockholm, varpå flera personer blev påkörda varav fem personer dödades. Händelsen spred sig snabbt i sociala medier och delar av informationen som spreds var obekräftade uppgifter som senare visade sig vara felaktiga. Syftet med denna studie har varit att framställa rekommendationer för kriskommunikatörers proaktiva arbete mot falsk information och ryktesspridning på sociala medier samt utgöra en grund för vidare forskning inom krisinformatik. För att uppnå detta syfte har sex respondenter från Krisinformation.se och Polisen intervjuats och en tidslinje (Bilaga 3) upprättats för att förtydliga händelseförloppet på sociala medier under terrorattentatet. Analys av data från det insamlade materialet har resulterat i tio rekommendationer som kan appliceras för att proaktivt motverka falsk information och ryktesspridning på sociala medier. Rekommendationer som kan appliceras generellt hos aktörer inom krishantering. Dessa rekommendationer var: Öva; Bevaka; Skapa material; Var snabb; Var korrekt; Var närvarande; Bemöt rykten; Var tillgänglig; Utbilda; Crowdsourca. / In the spring of 2017, Sweden experienced a crisis when the most deadly act of terrorism since 1940 occured; a truck drove through a crowd of people on Drottninggatan in Stockholm, hitting several people and killing five. The event spread rapidly in social media and the circulating information was in part unconfirmed data that later turned out to be incorrect. The purpose of this study was to generate recommendations regarding emergency communicators’ proactive work against false information and the spreading of rumors on social media, while at the same time be a foundation for future studies within crisis informatics. To achieve this purpose six respondents from Krisinformation.se and the Swedish police were interviewed and a timeline (Bilaga 3) was created in order to clarify the chain of events on social media during the act of terrorism. Analysis of data from the aggregated material has resulted in ten recommended measures applicable to proactive work against false information and spreading of rumors in social media. Measures that can be applied generally to actors within crisis management. These measures were: Practice; Monitor; Create material; Be quick, Be correct; Be present; Respond to rumors; Be available; Educate; Crowdsource.

La "médiatisation anticipative" des jeux olympiques de Pékin : une sociologie du traitement journalistique des événements futurs / The " proactive mediatisation " of the Beijing Olympic Games : a sociology of the journalistic handling of the future events

Erckert, Guillaume 01 July 2014 (has links)
Les événements futurs, non vécus et encore inconnus, s’apparentent souvent à des phénomènes insignifiables de manière rationnelle et fondée. Pourtant, les journalistes de presse écrite annoncent régulièrement dans les colonnes des quotidiens nationaux les grands rendez-vous de l’actualité à venir. Soit autant d’événements politiques, sportifs ou culturels, programmés à l’agenda médiatique, qui n’ont pas encore eu lieu. Partant de ce constat, cette thèse aborde le processus de « médiatisation anticipative » en cherchant à comprendre comment certains journalistes du Monde, du Figaro et de Libération parviennent à donner objectivement du sens aux Jeux olympiques de Pékin, plusieurs années avant leur déroulement. A partir d’une enquête qualitative et compréhensive construite à l’aide des outils théoriques de la sociologie issue de la phénoménologie, nous avons analysé les logiques sociales et cognitives qui guident les journalistes dans leur prévision de l’événement. Il en ressort que l’anticipation de ce grand rendez-vous sportif est un processus journalistique raisonné bâti sur trois schèmes entremêlés. Le premier permet de contextualiser l’événement à partir des occurrences observées dans le présent. Le second l’identifie en le confrontant à d’autres événements passés typiquement similaires. Enfin, le troisième l’interprète par la projection d’un probable devenir. / The future events, non actual and still unknown, are often similar to meaningless phenomena on a rational and well-founded way. Nevertheless, written press journalists regularly report the big current events to come in the national dailies. It means that many political, sports and cultural events, which are media scheduled, have not yet occurred. Bearing this in mind, this doctoral thesis depicts the process of " proactive mediatisation ", which aims at understanding how some journalists from Le Monde, Le Figaro and Libération objectively succeed in giving a meaning to the Beijing Olympic Games several years before their staging. A qualitative and comprehensive study, built on theoretical tools from phenomenology based sociology, has been carried out. It enables us to analyse the social and cognitive logics leading the journalists in their prediction, which reveals that the anticipation of this big sports event is the result of a argued journalistic process built on three intermingled schema. The first one contextualizes the event from cases observed in the present time. The second schema identifies this event in facing other past events typically similar. The last schema interprets the Beijing Olympic Games by forecasting a likely future.

A chemistry-inspired middleware for flexible execution of service based applications / Un middleware inspiré par la chimie pour l'exécution et l'adaptation flexible d'applications basées sur des services

Wang, Chen 28 May 2013 (has links)
Les Architectures Orientées Services (SOA) sont adoptées aujourd'hui par de nombreuses entreprises car elles représentent une solution flexible pour la construction d'applications distribuées. Une Application Basée sur des Services (SBA) peut se définir comme un workflow qui coordonne de manière dynamique l'exécution distribuée d'un ensemble de services. Les services peuvent être sélectionnés et intégrés en temps réel en fonction de leur Qualité de Service (QoS), et la composition de services peut être dynamiquement modifiée pour réagir à des défaillances imprévues pendant l'exécution. Les besoins des architectures orientées services présentent des similarités avec la nature: dynamicité, évolutivité, auto-adaptabilité, etc. Ainsi, il n'est pas surprenant que les métaphores inspirées par la nature soient considérées comme des approches appropriées pour la modélisation de tels systèmes. Nous allons plus loin en utilisant le paradigme de programmation chimique comme base de construction d'un middleware. Dans cette thèse, nous présentons un middleware "chimique'' pour l'exécution dynamique et adaptative de SBA. La sélection, l'intégration, la coordination et l'adaptation de services sont modélisées comme une série de réactions chimiques. Tout d'abord, l'instantiation de workflow est exprimée par une série de réactions qui peuvent être effectuées de manière parallèle, distribuée et autonome. Ensuite, nous avons mis en oeuvre trois modèles de coordination pour exécuter une composition de service. Nous montrons que les trois modèles peuvent réagir aux défaillances de type panne franche. Enfin, nous avons évalué et comparé ces modèles au niveau d'efficacité et complexité sur deux workflows. Nous montrons ainsi dans cette thèse que le paradigme chimique possède les qualités nécessaires à l'introduction de la dynamicité et de l'adaptabilité dans la programmation basée sur les services. / With the advent of cloud computing and Software-as-a-Service, Service-Based Application (SBA) represents a new paradigm to build rapid, low-cost, interoperable and evolvable distributed applications. A new application is created by defining a workflow that coordinates a set of third-party Web services accessible over the Internet. In such distributed and loose coupling environment, the execution of SBA requires a high degree of flexibility. For example, suitable constituent services can be selected and integrated at runtime based on their Quality of Service (QoS); furthermore, the composition of service is required to be dynamically modified in response to unexpected runtime failures. In this context, the main objective of this dissertation is to design, to develop and to evaluate a service middleware for flexible execution of SBA by using chemical programming model. Using chemical metaphor, the service-based systems are modeled as distributed, selforganized and self-adaptive biochemical systems. Service discovery, selection, coordination and adaptation are expressed as a series of pervasive chemical reactions in the middleware, which are performed in a distributed, concurrent and autonomous way. Additionally, on the way to build flexible service based systems, we do not restrict our research only in investigating chemical-based solutions. In this context, the second objective of this thesis is to find out generic solutions, such as models and algorithms, to respond to some of the most challenging problems in flexible execution of SBAs. I have proposed a two-phase online prediction approach that is able to accurately make decisions to proactively execute adaptation plan before the failures actually occur.

Kvalitetsutveckling i kommunal verksamhet : Hinder och möjligheter vid implementering av en ny styr- och ledningsfilosofi

Samuelsson, Ann-Katrin, Wijk, Caroline January 2017 (has links)
År 2014 valde Söderhamns kommun att anta en ny styr- och ledningsfilosofi baserad på värderingar som ökat medborgarfokus, medarbetares engagemang samt en verksamhet präglad av tillit i alla led. Dessa värderingar utgör även grunden för offensiv kvalitetsutveckling och förändringsledning. Syftet med denna kvalitativa fallstudie var att erhålla mer kunskap kring implementeringen av den nya filosofin samt hur organisationens högre ledning upplevde förändringsarbetet. Åtta chefer har intervjuats. De semistrukturerade intervjuerna har sedan transkriberats och sammanställts varpå empirin har tolkats utifrån ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv med utgångspunkt i arbetets teoretiska ramverk. Resultatet visade att förändringsarbetet är komplext till sin natur och att ledarna tolkat och arbetat med värderingarna på olika sätt, vilket skulle kunna ses som skillnader i såväl individuell som organisatorisk mognadsnivå. Vidare har kommunen en ekonomistyrning som ännu inte anpassats efter den nya filosofin. Författarna drar slutsatsen att de begrepp som präglar kommunens värderingar lätt blir abstrakta och svåra att översätta i praktisk handling samt att det finns utrymme för förbättringar inom implementeringsarbetet. / In 2014, the municipality of Söderhamn initiated a new control and management philosophy, characterized by core values such as increased citizen focus, employee commitment and trust in all operative aspects. These values are the same as the core values of Total Quality Management and leadership for change. The purpose of this qualitative case study was to gain more knowledge about the work involved in implementing the management philosophy as well as the experiences of senior management. Eight managers were interviewed. These semi-structured interviews were then transcribed and collected, after which the empiricism has been interpreted from a hermeneutic perspective based on the theoretical framework of the study. The results indicate that the change process is complex and the leaders have interpreted the guiding values differently, leading to the conclusion that there are differences in the degree of matureness between individuals as well as within the organisation. Moreover, the financial steering in the municipality is not yet accustomed to the new philosophy/ management. The authors conclude that the concepts characterizing the values of the municipality easily become abstract and are hard to implement in practise and, furthermore, there is capacity for improvement in the implementation work. / <p>2017-06-28</p>


MARIANA FERREIRA GOMES CORREA 23 August 2017 (has links)
[pt] Diversos sistemas e aplicações são capazes de identificar um determinado contexto de uso em tempo real, detectando informações para antecipar situações e otimizar sua interface. Esses sistemas que agem de forma contextual e, muitas das vezes, proativa pertencem à área da Computação ciente de contexto. O aplicativo Google para sistemas Android e IOS possui um serviço de assistente virtual para dispositivos móveis que utiliza dados da conta do usuário obtidos através dos serviços Google, além de dados do próprio dispositivo. O assistente é capaz de identificar hábitos, antever necessidades e oferecer cards de informações antes mesmo que sejam pedidos pelo usuário. Pertencendo ao campo da computação ciente de contexto, o aplicativo Google foi eleito como objeto de estudo e avaliado sob o viés da engenharia semiótica. Através da interface do aplicativo, analisou-se a qualidade da comunicação designer-usuário, tendo por objetivo verificar não apenas a eficiência da assistência virtual oferecida pelo sistema, mas também a autonomia do usuário e a flexibilidade do aplicativo diante de suas necessidades. / [en] Many modern systems and applications are capable of analising the contexts of use in real time, identifying key information to anticipate upcoming actions and optimize their interfaces. Those systems that work in a contextual manner and, usually, in a proactive way, belong to the Context Aware Computing area. The Google App for Android and iOS devices has a virtual assistant service that collects data obtained from different sources associated to the user account and links them to data from the user device. The assistant can identify habits, anticipate probable needs and offer information cards even before the user asks for them. Being part of the Context Aware Computing field, the Google App was elected as study object and was evaluated under the Semiotics Engineering bias. From the application s interface, the quality of the user-designer communication was analysed so, not only the virtual assistant efficiency could be evaluated, but also the user autonomy and the application flexibility according to his needs.

Empoderamiento psicológico en el trabajo y Personalidad Proactiva en ingenieros del rubro minero en una empresa privada de Lima, Metropolitana / Psychological Empowerement at work and proactive personality in mining engineers

Palacios del Portal, Isabel Giovanna, Salazar Sotomayor, Mariana Elena 12 March 2021 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo analizar la relación entre el empoderamiento psicológico en el trabajo, y la personalidad proactiva de ingenieros, del rubro minero, de una empresa privada de Lima, Metropolitana. Para este propósito se evaluaron 210 trabajadores con edades entre 25 y 56 años.  Se utilizó la Escala de empoderamiento psicológico en el trabajo, elaborada por Spreitzer, y adaptada por Albar, García, López & Garrido (2012); y la Escala de Personalidad Proactiva desarrollado por Bateman & Crant (1993). Se encontró que los componentes de empoderamiento psicológico en el trabajo tienen una correlación positiva y significativa con la personalidad proactiva. Estos hallazgos revelan la importancia de ambas variables en el ambiente organizacional. / The objective of this research is to analyze the relationship between psychological empowerment at work and proactive personality in a group of engineers of the mining sector from a private company in Lima, Metropolitana. For this purpose, 210 workers between the ages of 25 and 56 years were assessed. The following tests: the Psychological empowerment at work scale of Spreitzer and adapted by Albar, García, López & Garrido (2012), and the Proactive Personality scale developed by Bateman & Crant (1993) were used. It was found that the components of psychological empowerment at work correlate positive and significantly with proactive personality. These results reveal the importance of both psychological variables in the organizational environment. / Tesis

Design and Development of Intelligent Security Management Systems: Threat Detection and Response in Cyber-based Infrastructures

Yahya Javed (11792741) 19 December 2021 (has links)
<div>Cyber-based infrastructures and systems serve as the operational backbone of many industries and resilience of such systems against cyber-attacks is of paramount importance. As the complexity and scale of the Cyber-based Systems (CBSs) has increased many folds over the years, the attack surface has also been widened, making CBSs more vulnerable to cyber-attacks. This dissertation addresses the challenges in post intrusion security management operations of threat detection and threat response in the networks connecting CBSs. In threat detection, the increase in scale of cyber networks and the rise in sophistication of cyber-attacks has introduced several challenges. The primary challenge is the requirement to detect complex multi-stage cyber-attacks in realtime by processing the immense amount of traffic produced by present-day networks. In threat response, the issue of delay in responding to cyber-attacks and the functional interdependencies among different systems of CBS has been observed to have catastrophic effects, as a cyber attack that compromises one constituent system of a CBS can quickly disseminate to others. This can result in a cascade effect that can impair the operability of the entire CBS. To address the challenges in threat detection, this dissertation proposes PRISM, a hierarchical threat detection architecture that uses a novel attacker behavior model-based sampling technique to minimize the realtime traffic processing overhead. PRISM has a unique multi-layered architecture that monitors network traffic distributedly to provide efficiency in processing and modularity in design. PRISM employs a Hidden Markov Model-based prediction mechanism to identify multi-stage attacks and ascertain the attack progression for a proactive response. Furthermore, PRISM introduces a stream management procedure that rectifies the issue of alert reordering when collected from distributed alert reporting systems. To address the challenges in threat response, this dissertation presents TRAP, a novel threat response and recovery architecture that localizes the cyber-attack in a timely manner, and simultaneously recovers the affected system functionality. The dissertation presents comprehensive performance evaluation of PRISM and TRAP through extensive experimentation, and shows their effectiveness in identifying threats and responding to them while achieving all of their design objectives.</div>

Moderní přístupy v údržbě / Modern approaches in the maintenance field

Pšenková, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
This master thesis deals with position of the maintenance in the company structure and with modern management approaches. One of the highest levels of maintenance is the proactive maintenance, which is using the technical diagnostics to find out the causes of failures. The most inportant in case of machines are vibrodiagnostics and thermodiagnostics, which are going to be applied on the motors in company Bosch Diesel s.r.o.

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