Spelling suggestions: "subject:"canprocess devevelopment"" "subject:"canprocess agentdevelopment""
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Dagens trend av industriell tillverkning och konsumtion är av linjär karaktär. Material utvinns, blir produkter och hamnar sedan på deponi. Detta examensarbete har tillsammans med Industrial Development Center AB syftat till att skapa en mer hållbar industriell tillverkning inom Skaraborgsregionen, genom att forma en produktutvecklingsprocess i enlighet med cirkulär ekonomi. Cirkulär ekonomi förespråkar att avfall inte får förekomma och att produkter och material ska cirkulera i kretslopp. Projektet bestod därför av en bred förstudie för att samla och utvärdera ett stort område med teorier, processer och företagens ansvarsroller. Vidare analyserades en generell produkts livscykel och en processkarta skapades tillsammans med cirkulär ekonomi och produktutvecklingsprocesser. Arbetet knöts an med en omfattande kravspecifikation som sedan användes som utvärderingsunderlag för vad som skulle bli en ny produktutvecklingsprocess med cirkulär ekonomi implementerat. Slutligen utvärderades resultatet med en erfaren användare för att få en initial bedömning av resultatets användbarhet för målgrupperna. Resultatet blev en miljöanpassad produktutvecklingsprocess och en folder beskrivande hur och varför cirkulär ekonomi kan gynna företag och samhälle. / Today’s trend of production and consumption has a linear type. Material is extracted, become products and then end up as landfill. This thesis has together with Industrial Development Center AB aimed to create a more sustainable industrial production within the region of Skaraborg, by forming a product development process according to circular economy. Circular economy advocates that there should be no waste and products and material should circulate throughout different cycles. Hence this thesis consist of a broad pre-study to collect and evaluate a big range of theories, processes and enterprise responsibilities. Later on a general product lifecycle was studied and a map of a process was made with circular economy and product development processes in mind. The work was tied together by a performance specification table. This document was also used as a basis for the evaluation of the final product development process with circular economy implemented. Finally, the result was also evaluated by an experienced user to get an initial assessment of the result’s usability for the target groups. The result was an environmentally adapted product development process and a folder explaining how and why circular economy is to support enterprises and the community.
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Développement des technologies mémoires "back-end" résistives à base d'oxydes pour application dans des "Systems on Chip" avancés. / OXRAM memory developpement for system on chip on advanced CMOS technologyDiokh, Thérèse 29 November 2013 (has links)
Les mémoires résistives non volatiles à bases d'oxydes métalliques suscitent un intérêt croissant chez les industriels. Plus particulièrement, les mémoires non volatiles à base d'oxydes (OxRRAM) offrent des temps de programmation et d'accès très court, une faible consommation énergétique, un coût par bit très concurrentiel et une facilité de co-intégration dans le back-end avec du CMOS avancé. Ce travail de thèse a pour objectif le développement d'une mémoire OxRRAM facilement intégrable dans une technologie de fabrication CMOS avancée afin de montrer les avantages en vue de leur application dans des SoC. Une première étape fut la fabrication et l'analyse des cellules mémoires OxRRAM intégrant différents oxydes métalliques afin de choisir la solution la plus adaptée à être intégrée dans une technologie CMOS 65nm et 28nm. Des techniques de mesures dédiées ont été mises en place afin d'établir l'impact du diélectrique sur le fonctionnement de la mémoire OxRRAM en termes de polarisation, de temps de programmation, de courant de programmation et de mécanismes de transition. Des études statistiques et de fiabilité des différents états du point mémoire ont été aussi réalisées. La modélisation associée a permis de mieux comprendre les mécanismes de vieillissements et prédire des lois de durée de vie sous champ et en température des état écrit et effacé de la cellule OxRRAM. Les données expérimentales obtenues sur les cellules ont ensuite permis de concevoir et d'optimiser un circuit d'évaluation statistique de 16 Kbit en technologie CMOS 28nm en tenant compte de toutes les contraintes de design analogique. / Oxide-based Resistive Random Acces Memories (OxRRAM) are nowadays considered among the most promising solutions for future generation of low-cost embedded non-volatile memories. The advantages of these memories are the scalability, low power consumption, high speed, complementary metal oxide semiconductor technology (CMOS) compatibility and ease of fabrication (the memory cell consisting of a Metal–Insulator– Metal (MIM) structure integrated in the back-end-of-line, plus an addressing element, i.e. a transistor or a diode) . The potential applications range from consumer – communications to automotive – industrial. This work deals with the development of an OxRRAM demonstrator into an advanced CMOS technology for System on Chip (SoC) application. We discuss the impact of different dielectrics materials (Ta2O5, ZrO2 and HfO2) and electrodes (Pt, Ti, TiN) on the memory performances and reliability in order to choose the best couple dielectric/electrode. We focus on the understanding of the memory switching physics that is involved in the programming of OxRRAM bit-cells. The failure and transition mechanism are presented for lifetime prediction. Some methodologies are presented in this PhD thesis for the optimization of the OxRRAM bit-cell performances and sizes according to a targeted Mutliple Time Programmable (MTP) memory application. We developed analog block systems to control and address the OxRRAM bit-cell taking to account the bipolar switching characteristics of the devices. Finally, these solutions are to be validated using a 1-kb OxRRAM demonstrator yet designed and fabricated in a logic 28-nm node CMOS technology. Keywords: Oxide Resistive memory (OxRRAM), High-k, MIM, CMOS, Characterization, Reliability, Modeling, Analog Design, Simulation.
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Multifunctional carbon fibre flat tape for compositesKoncherry, Vivek January 2014 (has links)
Recently, there has been a significant growth in the use of composites in sectors such as automotive, aerospace and wind energy. Composites are traditionally designed for mechanical performance in terms of strength, stiffness and impact energy absorption; however multifunctionality has become the focus of researchers and designers in recent years. Multifunctional design of composites involve adding functionality such as thermal management, radiation shielding, stealth, structural health monitoring and energy storage at material level rather than adding discrete components afterwards. The aim of the current research is to incorporate multi-functionality at tow-scale both as a processing aid during manufacture and adding additional functionality during subsequent processing. Various laboratory scale machines were developed as a part of this study to identify the ideal way to spread and incorporate metallic materials into the carbon fibre tows, thereby making them multifunctional. Manufacturing processes such as co-mingling of micro-fibres, coating with metallic powder and screen printing of metallic grid lines have been developed in this work. One of the objective of this thesis is to metallise carbon tow in order to use it in conjunction with magnetic tooling, as part of the chopped fibre preforming process developed by the University of Nottingham and Bentley Motors. The performance of the metallised tow has been evaluated using characterisation tests such as magnetic pull force test, bending rigidity test etc. Finite element models have been developed to verify the experimental results of magnetic pull force and bending properties. As observed during the research, the bending properties of the carbon tow were found to influence the accuracy of the finite element modelling significantly. Study into the bending properties of the carbon fibre and Multifunctional carbon tow using two different principles such as carbon tow bending under own weight and bending due to the application of an external force were carried out. In each case the governing mathematical models were also derived.
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Analýza a návrh workflow vybraných procesů podniku / Analysis and Proposal of Selected Business Processes WorkflowNovotný, Tomáš January 2010 (has links)
The master’s thesis is concerning the field of process management and workflow in company 2Tom s.r.o. Theoretical part of the thesis presents actual trends of management and methods of increasing process effectiveness, the thesis analyses actual state of the company and presents proposals for implementation and usage of workflow oriented on the key processes of the company.
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The NPPD process at Sandvik Materials Technology : A case study of new product development project governanceHADDAD, FILIP, TRANG, LEON January 2016 (has links)
Many companies depend on their innovation capabilities to increase sales in an increasinglycompetitive market. This affects the companies’ R&D departments, which have to identify and develop new products that the market demands. However, even though new product development has been a well-researched area, there is still a gap between theory and practice regarding how to implement efficient new product development processes. Therefore, this study has investigated how the outcomes of new product development projects can be more consistent. Particularly, the study has focused on how project governance of new product development can be improved. This investigation has been done by conducting a case study of six new product development projects at Sandvik Materials Technology in Sandviken, Sweden, a world-leading manufacturer of high-value added steel products. The results indicate that new product development at Sandvik Materials Technology works well, however there is still room for improvement. The findings suggest that in order to improve the consistency of the project outcomes, education in the process and workshops are needed. Furthermore, roles and responsibilities should be more specific and a structure for how to handle projects in the matrix organization has to be implemented. The findings of this study have implications both on the theoretical and practical aspect. Regarding the theoretical aspect, the findings provide additional data in a well-researched area that still has a knowledge gap between literature and practice. Furthermore, from a theoretical point of view, the findings show how a world-leading manufacturer can improve the consistency of its new product development project outcomes. / Många av dagens företag måste förlita sig på sin produktutveckling för att öka försäljningen på enalltmer konkurrensutsatt marknad. Detta påverkar företagens forskning- och utvecklingsavdelningar som måste identifiera och utveckla produkter som marknaden efterfrågar. Trots att produktutveckling är ett väl utforskat område finns det ett gap mellan de teoretiska modeller och den praktiska implementeringen av dem. Denna studie har därför studerat hur resultatet av produktutvecklingsprojekt kan förbättras. Mer specifikt har denna studie fokuserat på hur styrningen av produktutvecklingsprojekt kan bli bättre. En fallstudie på sex produktutvecklingsprojekt i Sandvik Materials Technology, en världsledande tillverkare av högt förädlade stålprodukter, i Sandviken, Sverige har bidragit till empirin. Resultatet indikerar att produktutvecklingen på Sandvik Materials Technology fungerar bra, däremot finns det utrymme för förbättringar. Förbättringarna gäller framförallt utbildning i processerna, workshops, förtydliga roller och ansvar och en tydlig struktur för hur produktutvecklingsprojekt ska hanteras i matrisorganisationen. Studien kommer att bidra till teorin genom empiri i form av en fallstudie. Denna fallstudie kan tillsammans med andra studier fylla gapet mellan teoretiska projektmodeller och den praktiska implementeringen av dem. Denna studie kommer även att bidra till en förbättring av Sandvik Materials Technologys produktutvecklingsprojekt.
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Exploring the Process of Developing a Visual Brand Language Focusing on Product Design / Studie av Processen för Utveckling av ett Varumärkesspecifikt Formspråk med Fokus på ProduktdesignCHIU, REBECKA January 2016 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker hur processen ser ut för att ta fram ett varumärkesspecifikt formspråk. Ett behov av en strukturerad process kan urskiljas, och genom att förstå hur ett varumärkesspecifikt formspråk kan tas fram, finns möjligheten till en ökad vinst för företag samt att förstärka deras kundrelationer. Ett varumärkesspecifikt formspråk kan bidra till en närmare relation mellan företaget, dess produkter eller tjänster, och dess slutkunder, vilket ger en möjlighet att kommunicera externt och skapa en starkare position i kundernas medvetande. Studien fokuserar främst på ett specifikt företag, ROL Ergo, som är en av marknadens största leverantörer av höj- och sänkbara bordsstativ. Företaget har ännu inte utvecklat ett eget formspråk, men med sin tillväxt följer behovet av en enhetlig produktportfolio, det vill säga ett varumärkesspecifikt formspråk. Två frågeställningar har tagits fram och valts att bygga denna rapport runt. Dessa undersöker hur processen ser ut för att ta fram ett varumärkesspecifikt formspråk (med fokus på produktdesign) och vad det finns för möjligheter att ta fram ett varumärkesspecifikt formspråk och samtidigt uppfylla kundspecifika krav. Således är målet för examensarbetet att, bortsett från att besvara frågeställningarna, genomföra processen och därmed skapa ett varumärkesspecifikt formspråk för ROL Ergo och på så sätt adressera problemet med den bristande ingenkänningen av ROL Ergo som varumärke av deras slutkunder. För att uppnå dessa mål krävdes information både från ROL Ergo samt företag och personer med kunskap om processen. Denna information erhölls genom intervjuer med nyckelpersoner. För att gå in mer på djupet, samlades ytterligare information in genom litteraturstudier med grund i produktdesign i de teoretiska områdena produktutveckling, industriell design och marknadsföring. Resultatet pekar på en möjlighet att utveckla en standardiserad process för att ta fram ett varumärkesspecifikt formspråk. Baserat på litteraturstudierna samt datainsamlingen tycks processen bestå av tre steg, vilka är; definiera varumärket, definiera produkten och definiera formen. Efter validering av den föreslagna processen kan denna användas som grund för fortsatt forskning om framtagning av ett varumärkesspecifikt formspråk. Det kan finnas en möjlighet att utveckla processen på en mer detaljerad nivå och i användning av specifika metoder. Tillämpligheten av processen i olika företag bör även valideras. Processen ses som allmängiltig, med andra ord inte begränsad till specifika företag eller produkter. Trots att de intervjuade personerna var verksamma inom business-to-consumer området så tros processen vara tillämpbar äver för företag inom business-to-business området, men behovet av detta kan undersökas ytterligare. Bristen på information som kunde hittas om processer för att ta fram varumärkesspecifika formspråk samt resultaten från intervjuerna indikerar novation av resultatet angående processen i denna rapport. / This paper explores the process of developing a visual brand language. With the need for a structured process and the opportunity to both increase profit as well as creating a company-customer relation, understanding how a visual brand language is implemented becomes crucial. The visual brand language allows for a closer relation between the company, its products or services, and the end customer, enabling a firm to communicate and be recognized externally. This study focuses namely on one company, ROL Ergo, which is one of the world’s largest suppliers of custom-made ergonomic table stands. The company has not yet developed a visual brand language, but with its growth, there is an ascending need for consistency in the product portfolio, i.e. a visual brand language, with which the company can communicate in the market. Two research questions have emerged and are addressed throughout this thesis. These explore what the process of developing a visual brand language is (focusing on product design) and how to create a visual brand language and at the same time meet customer specific requirements.Thus, the objectives for the master thesis work are, apart from answering the research questions regarding the process of developing a visual brand language, to implement the process and hence, create a visual brand language for ROL Ergo and by doing so address their issue of not attaining the desired recognition by their end customers. To meet the objectives information was required both from ROL Ergo and companies with knowledge about the process. This information has been obtained by interviewing key people within the organizations. Additional data was obtained through literature studies to elaborate more in depth. The literature used had foundation in design drawn from theoretical fields of product development, industrial design and marketing. The result indicates that there are possibilities to acquire a standardized process that could be used to develop a visual brand language. Based on literature review and data collection the process consists of three major steps, which are; defining the brand, defining the product and defining the shape. Upon validation, this process serves as a basis for further research on the process of creating a visual brand language. There might be an opportunity in developing the process into a more detailed process with more specified methods to use. The process should also be validated further in terms of applicability for different companies. The process could be generally applicable, in other words not restricted to certain companies or products. Even though the interviewees were all in the business-to-consumer area, the process might be applicable even for suppliers or business-to-business companies but the need for it can be investigated further.
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Augmented Reality Supported Learning Process for OperatorsJoseph Christian, Haranya, Mani, Sofia January 2022 (has links)
Abstract Intro: Conventional training methods are intended to teach and offer the most human way of teaching but is it the most effective and can another method improve or eliminate nonvalue adding activities. This master thesis tackles the difference between traditional training versus AR supported training, studying different aspects of training to see the advantages and disadvantages of the methods. The research questions were the following: RQ1: Is the learning process improved with or without AR supported technology? RQ2: What are the benefits of AR use in industry? RQ3: Will the investment of AR implementation in the learning process pay off? Method: To answer the research questions, a case study at a case company was conducted. The case study consisted of working with two companies, an external company for a theoretical answer based on experiences and an experimental study at the internal case company. In parallel to this case study a literature review was done to answer the research questions. Theory and Literature Review: Literature for the frame of reference was gathered to support the thesis and give the perspectives of the investigated area. The literature review sought to find answers to the research questions and the search was systematically formed to focus on data gathering to answer the questions. Analyses: The findings from this research shows that AR supported training is beneficial and has the potential to eliminate nonvalue adding activities. AR has many capabilities and research shows that AR in general has positive impact. Conclusion: AR-applied training has both advantages and disadvantages, but the potential of improvements is high. It is difficult to conclude if it is economical to invest in AR, with the advances the technology holds on to now since the outcome can depend on several factors from different parameters. However, AR does contribute to more effective learning and further benefits within the applied area. It has been proven to reduce the error rate and thus may increase the quality of the product.
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Envisioning Catalytic Processes in Chemical Looping Systems: Material and Process DevelopmentBaser, Deven Swapneshu 05 October 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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REPORT ON A MTSC INTERNSHIP AT A MEDICAL DEVICE COMPANYCorzine Moore, Natalie L. 24 April 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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En Praktisk Analys av Dödsmekaniker i SpelEklöf, Rickard, Jacobsen, Robin January 2015 (has links)
Genom denna avhandling undergår vi som speldesigners en dokumenterad process där vi utvecklar ett spel från koncept till funktionell prototyp. Målet är att kunna bygga vidare på våra egna samt andras metoder för utvecklingen av mekaniker som kompletterar övrigt gameplay. Undersökningsområdet för denna process utgörs av hur vi kan framställa en dödsmekanik som passar i kontext till vårt valda spelkoncept och dess förutsättningar. Detta inriktningsområde grundas i vår vilja att skapa dödsmekaniker som upplevs inge betydelsefulla konsekvenser både på spelarkaraktären och spelupplevelsen i sin helhet vilket stämmer överens med konceptets designmål. Genom ett speltest där en testgrupp genomför ett antal kvalitativa prototyptester av dödsmekaniker kan vi sedan jämföra resultaten och etablera slutsatser kring hur väl varje prototyp lyckas uppfylla konceptets designmål och inge tydliga konsekvenser för spelaren som förstärker resterande gameplay. / Through this thesis we as game designers undergo a documented process in which we develop a game from concept to functional prototype. The end goal is to allow us to further our own as well as others’ methodology for the development of mechanics that complement existing gameplay. The field of inquiry for this process consists of how we can establish a death mechanic that fits in context to our chosen game concept and its parameters. This focal point originates from a desire on our part to create death mechanics that strive to instill meaningful consequences affecting the player as well as the game experience itself which correspond with the design goals of the concept. By performing a playtest where a number of qualitative prototypes of death mechanics are carried out by a test group we can compare the results and establish conclusions concerning how well each prototype manages to fulfill the concept’s design goals and convey clear consequences for the player, reinforcing surrounding gameplay.
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