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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Twenty-first century celebrations of the British Armed Forces : the rise of the biopolitical military professional

Palmer, R. William January 2017 (has links)
Over the past decade, the United Kingdom has witnessed a proliferation of civil-military initiatives that have engendered overt and celebratory displays of support for the British Armed Forces. This thesis interrogates two of these initiatives: the annual public relations event Armed Forces Day and the military charity Help for Heroes. Significantly, these initiatives have emerged against a backdrop of morally and politically contentious military violence, notably in Iraq and Afghanistan. Hence, these initiatives raise important questions about the type of politics which underwrite them. In this thesis, I address these questions by critically engaging with a figure who occupies a key position within this UK civil-military landscape: the professional soldier. Adopting a Foucauldian approach, I place this figure within a broader political, social and historical context and show how, since the end of the Second World War, the professional soldier has continually remerged to rewrite the conditions of possibility for liberal war-fighting. Drawing on this insight, I identify a professional soldier, I label the biopolitical military professional, who greatly informs the contours of this contemporary UK civil-military landscape. The biopolitical military professional is an important figure because they are able to co-opt "civilian" political subjects into the service of liberal-warfighting despite a conflict's political context. This is made possible because the biopolitical military professional is a figure who incorporates their military expertise and professional concerns within a wider set of life-administering knowledges concerned with the health and well-being of the population. Crucially, the most overt expressions of biopolitical military professionalism are produced through these UK civil-military initiatives. I demonstrate this by showing how these initiatives mobilise a whole host of "civilian" proto-professional subjects into the active service of liberal war-fighting through an appeal to both their military "obligations" and their fitness and wellbeing. An effect of this is that participating in one of these initiatives becomes more than an act of military support it also becomes a way of partaking in a healthy and life-enriching activity. For example, a day out at Armed Forces Day is a way to get children to take part in active play and educational activities. Supporting the armed forces through Help for Heroes may involve running a marathon or taking part in a long-distance cycle ride. Consequently, via the presence of the biopolitical military professional these initiatives achieve a certain resonance with a civilian population disinterested in the politics of war but increasingly concerned with their health and wellbeing.

A experiÃncia do exercÃcio da profissÃo e o saber ensinar: estudo com professores dos cursos de bacharelado

CecÃlia Rosa Lacerda 01 December 2011 (has links)
FundaÃÃo de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Cearà / Esta tese resulta de uma pesquisa que teve por objeto a experiÃncia do exercÃcio da profissÃo e o saber ensinar, um estudo com professores dos cursos de bacharelado. O objetivo foi compreender como os professores do ensino superior sem formaÃÃo pedagÃgica formal e com experiÃncias concomitantes em atividades profissionais especÃficas elaboram sua competÃncia para o trabalho docente em cursos de bacharelado por ocasiÃo de sua prÃtica. E os objetivos especÃficos foram: caracterizar as concepÃÃes pedagÃgicas e as prÃticas dos professores, identificando os elementos da aÃÃo situada que contribuem para interferir nas suas deliberaÃÃes em sala de aula; identificar a relaÃÃo entre a formaÃÃo especÃfica e sua prÃtica em sala de aula; mapear como sucede a integraÃÃo entre a atuaÃÃo em sua atividade profissional especÃfica e a profissÃo da docÃncia; analisar as prÃticas dos professores, diagnosticando como se define e se faz a competÃncia docente e examinar os saberes da experiÃncia, elaborando, de forma colaborativa, os princÃpios de uma competÃncia da docÃncia universitÃria. Para responder à questÃo de pesquisa, a investigaÃÃo trabalhou no Ãmbito teÃrico, as categorias trabalho docente, profissionalidade, epistemologia da prÃtica e competÃncia docente. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram dez professores bacharÃis que exercem concomitamente a profissÃo de sua formaÃÃo especÃfica nos cursos de AdministraÃÃo, CiÃncias ContÃbeis, ComunicaÃÃo e Sistema de informaÃÃo de uma instituiÃÃo superior privada. A investigaÃÃo baseou-se na abordagem qualitativa com referencial teÃrico-metodolÃgico da pesquisa colaborativa, caracterizando pela socializaÃÃo dos saberes elaborados no percurso da pesquisa, dando o enfoque formativo e investigativo, simultaneamente. O trabalho de campo teve a duraÃÃo de um ano e meio, incluindo momento de imersÃo, por meio de entrevistas, debates, orientaÃÃes, reflexÃes e estudos de casos de ensino, cuja anÃlise foi realizada. Para a anÃlise, apreciou-se a importÃncia das enunciaÃÃes coletivas elaboradas no percurso da investigaÃÃo, bem como os significados tecidos pelos professores colaboradores, estabelecendo questÃes, relaÃÃes e identificaÃÃo dos elementos apresentados no conteÃdo, articulando com os aportes teÃricos. Os resultados reafirmam a tese de que os saberes construÃdos no exercÃcio da profissÃo podem ser articulados aos saberes necessÃrios à docÃncia no ensino superior. à preciso repensar a docÃncia, valorizando os saberes elaborados na prÃtica da profissÃo da Ãrea especÃfica com os saberes experienciais do trabalho docente articulados aos conhecimentos teÃricos da aprendizagem. As diversas formas de ensinar traduzem e perpassam a experiÃncia profissional da Ãrea de atuaÃÃo especifica. O impacto da pesquisa na prÃtica do professor foi manifestado por significativas mudanÃas, ainda tÃmidas, mas significativas, percebidas ao longo da investigaÃÃo. A convivÃncia com o grupo pela abordagem da pesquisa colaborativa despertou provocaÃÃes de ordem epistemolÃgica, manifestadas pela compreensÃo da docÃncia como profissÃo; a percepÃÃo da importÃncia da cultura colaborativa entre os professores; a prÃtica de abertura para intervenÃÃes entre os pares; a apropriaÃÃo das exigÃncias inerentes à profissÃo docente; o entendimento da contribuiÃÃo da profissÃo da Ãrea especÃfica para os saberes da docÃncia, despertado para a importÃncia da articulaÃÃo das profissÃes e o investimento na disponibilizaÃÃo de tempo para a docÃncia.

The regulation of the teaching work in the State of Cearà in the public/private interface (1942-1962). / A RegulamentaÃÃo do Trabalho Docente no Estado do Cearà na interface PÃblico/Privado (1942/1962).

Francisco das Chagas de Loiola Sousa 18 December 2006 (has links)
A presente tese trata do processo de regulamentaÃÃo do trabalho docente no Estado do CearÃ, no perÃodo de 1942 a 1962, em escolas primÃrias e secundÃrias das redes pÃblica e particular. As anÃlises tÃm como foco principal a constituiÃÃo do trabalho docente no Ãmbito da esfera pÃblica, ou seja, indagamos como a docÃncia foi se constituindo publicamente como uma profissÃo em face das reformas educacionais de nacionalizaÃÃo do sistema de ensino brasileiro. Desse modo, abordamos questÃes relacionadas à profissionalizaÃÃo da atividade docente sob o Ãngulo das relaÃÃes pÃblico/privado. Foram utilizadas, como fontes principais, a legislaÃÃo educacional estadual e federal, os jornais locais e as entrevistas com professores que exerceram o magistÃrio no perÃodo aqui investigado. Dentre as conclusÃes, destacamos o fato de que a regulamentaÃÃo do trabalho docente, por meio de decretos, leis etc., apresentava, nÃo raras vezes, ambigÃidades e contradiÃÃes diversas, as quais tinham origem nas influÃncias do mundo privado (de parentes prÃximos, polÃticos e amigos). Nesse sentido, tais polÃticas educacionais apresentavam, na prÃtica, uma cara mais privada do que pÃblica, cujos interesses econÃmicos e polÃtico-eleitorais, com grande participaÃÃo da Igreja CatÃlica, penetravam a esfera pÃblica, a exemplo do financiamento oficial das escolas particulares, do clientelismo e do favoritismo polÃtico no magistÃrio. / The present thesis concerns the process of regulation of the teaching work in the State of CearÃ, during the period from 1942 through 1962, in primary and secondary schools of both public and private network. The analysis has as the main focus the constitution of teaching in the ambit of the public sphere, that is, we investigated the way teaching constitutes itself publicly as a profession concerning the new educational reforms of nationalization of the Brazilian teaching system. Thus, we have approached questions related to the professionalism of the teaching activity under the angle of the public/private relations. It was used, as main sources, the educational legislation both federal and from the state, local newspapers and interviews with teachers who have worked in this area in the period investigated in this project. Among the conclusions, we have noted the foot that the regulation of the teaching work, by means of decrees, laws etc, has presented, occasionally, ambiguities and various contradictions, which had their origin in the influences of the private world (of close relatives, politicians and friends). In this sense, the educational politics presented, a more private than public face, whose economic and politic-electoral interests, with a great participation of the Catholic Church, penetrated the public sphere, as the example of the official financing of private schools, the customer activity and the politic favoritism in the magistrate.

The Workers' Educational Association and the pursuit of Oxford idealism, 1909-1949

Lee, Chih-Hao January 2018 (has links)
This study examines the practical application of Oxford Idealism to education reform and the adult education movement. According to Idealist philosophy, enlightened and active citizenship was the cornerstone of a participatory democracy. This thesis thus explores how Oxford Idealists used the Workers' Educational Association (WEA) to pursue the aim of cultivating good citizenship and forming a common purpose for the future society they wished to see emerging. The WEA, founded in 1903, embodied the Idealist vision by promoting its two-fold practices: first, it organised university tutorial classes to foster mutual learning and fellowship between intellectuals and workers; second, it campaigned for a state-funded 'educational highway', from nursery to university, so that every citizen would have the opportunity to receive the kind of liberal education which had hitherto been limited to upper and middle classes. By exploring the development of the dual initiative, this thesis examines the achievement and limitations of the Idealist project. In particular, it investigates whether and how this pursuit, in the long run, contributed to the rise of professionalism, a trend which has been ascribed to the efforts of Idealists but which in many ways contradicted the ideal of participatory democracy. In so doing, this thesis explains why the influence of Oxford Idealism-this highly moralistic philosophy which inspired a generation of intellectuals and politicians and lent a distinctive flavour to British public policy at the beginning of the twentieth century-gradually ebbed in the public domain.

Onlineplattformars och sociala mediers påverkan på journalistrollen : En kvalitativ intervjustudie med fem yrkesverksamma journalister

Johansson, Alexandra January 2018 (has links)
Journalistiken har förändrats på många sätt de senaste åren, inte minst på grund av introduktionen av det digitala. Idag sker den större delen av konsumtionen av journalistik på nätet, det vill säga via plattformar online och på sociala medier, vilket inte bara innebär att konsumtionen förändrats, utan framför allt för att de journalistiska produktionsprocessernaoch publiceringsformerna utvecklats. För att kunna svara på studiens frågeställningar har en kvalitativ metod använts. Metoden har inspirerats av Steinar Kvales metodprocess och dess olika steg, vilka har anpassats efter studiens syfte och förutsättningar. Studien är baserad på skriftliga intervjuer med fem olika journalister som alla använder onlineplattformar och sociala medier i sitt dagliga arbete. Resultatet av denna undersökning visar tecken på att journalistrollen påverkas en hel del av onlineplattformar och sociala medier – dels till att bli en yrkesroll där kravet på multikompetens är högst närvarande, men också till att bli en mer stressad yrkesroll. Journalisterna som intervjuats i denna studie signalerar att teknikutveckling och de nya verktyg och plattformar som skapas av den, i hög grad påverkar journalistrollen då de idag är nödvändiga medel i en journalists dagliga arbete. Journalistrollen är idag beroende av onlineplattformar och sociala medier, samt av en kunskap om dem, då det är där publiken finns. Studien visar också att dagens journalister till stor del är beroende av sin publik för att nå höga trafiksiffror och därmed satta ekonomiska mål, vilket åsidosätter fokuset på det publicistiska. Sammanfattningsvis visar resultatet i denna studie att onlineplattformar och sociala medier bidrar med mycket positivt till journalister i det dagliga arbetet, men påverkar också journalistrollen till att bli en allt svagare profession.

Can national inspections support professional discretion? : A case study of the Swedish national school inspection

Modigh, Anton January 2019 (has links)
This thesis explores the professional discretion in relation to national inspections by focussing on the Swedish national school inspection (SNSI) and how the inspections made can affect the professional discretion. During the last decades the Swedish welfare sector has gone through a remarkable shift towards using new public management (NPM) reforms, implementing market solutions with the aim to increase cost efficiency and quality. These reforms have caused a huge impact on the education system in Sweden, such as the privatisation of schools and shifting responsibility from the state to the local municipalities. The development of the NPM has also increased the auditing in order to assure that welfare service produces high quality services, where national inspection has been an increasingly popular method of auditing. Extensive research studying the relationship between auditing and de-professionalization is available and many argue that auditing decrease the professional discretion. Despite the research, there is an empirical gap to how national inspection affects professional discretion. This is surprising as national inspections at least theoretically should be able to both undermine and support professional discretion. The controlling inspection type can from this view be argued to undermine professional influence by using top-down steering not considering professional knowledge and experience. The supporting inspection type uses more bottom-up strategies in dialogue with the professions and can theoretically thus be seen as more supporting of professionalism. The aim of this thesis is to initiate the bridging of this gap by analysing the SNSI different inspection types in relation to professional discretion. The results of the study suggest that the SNSI uses two controlling type of inspections as well as one new supporting type of inspection. The supporting inspection type is found to undermine professional discretion, while the two different controlling inspections both support and undermine the professional discretion depending on how the inspection is conducted. This gives evidence to how a supporting inspection type actually can undermine professional discretion more than the controlling inspection types.

Autopercepção dos potenciais estressores ocupacionais e suas consequências para advogados e advogadas líderes de uma grande banca de advocacia / Self-perception of potential occupational stressors and their consequences to leaders of a big law firm

Jacomo, Amabile Cristina Sass 16 June 2016 (has links)
A organização do trabalho passou por diversas mudanças, sendo a mais recente e atual a da gestão flexível, que contém várias práticas que podem ocasionar, dependendo da forma como são geridas, malefícios à saúde mental do(a) trabalhador(a) e estresse, principalmente se ele(a) for líder, em razão das responsabilidades inerentes à posição. As empresas brasileiras, em torno da década de 1990, começaram a adotar algumas características da gestão flexível para se adequarem às novas demandas econômicas, políticas e sociais. Tal processo ocorreu em paralelo com a transformação de alguns escritórios de advocacia brasileiros, que adentraram no pós-profissionalismo em detrimento do clássico modelo (profissionalismo) tendo como uma de suas características a implantação de grandes bancas advocatícias. Essas bancas, por sua vez, possuem algumas práticas da gestão flexível, que, dependendo da forma com que são organizadas e dos recursos da pessoa para lidar com as demandas exigidas, podem levar a situações potencialmente estressoras. Assim, o estudo teve como objetivo identificar os potenciais estressores ocupacionais autopercebidos pelos(as) advogados(as) líderes de duas unidades de uma grande sociedade de advogados(as) e analisar os impactos dos mesmos em suas vidas. Para tanto, foram realizados estudos de casos múltiplos com 9 advogados(as) líderes das unidades de São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro. Para a análise das entrevistas utilizou-se a técnica de análise de conteúdo de Bardin (1977/2009). Foram encontrados como estressores potenciais autopercebidos fatores ligados ao reconhecimento; foco somente nos resultados; sobrecarga e ritmo de trabalho; cultura da urgência; conflito de papeis; falta de controle; imprevisibilidade; decidir com o(a) cliente o trabalho e o tempo de realização do caso, sem antes checar a disponibilidade do(a) advogado(a) que fará o serviço; metas; equipe júnior. Tais potenciais estressores podem levar à frustração e sentimento de injustiça; medo de errar; desequilíbrio entre o lazer e o trabalho; e falta de autonomia. Apesar de todos os potenciais estressores apontados, a maioria dos(as) advogados(as) não se percebe com estresse. Além disso, a maioria julga possuir autonomia. Porém, foi analisado que a autonomia e diversos direitos que os(as) advogados(as) possuíam no profissionalismo parecem não mais existir nas relações de trabalho contemporânea, com base no escritório pesquisado, devido ao formato da organização que leva à maior aproximação dos(as) advogados(as) como funcionários(as). Nas considerações finais, foi apontado que os estressores potenciais autopercebidos relacionam-se ao modelo da gestão atual, demonstrando as formas de atuação contemporânea dos escritórios, distantes do perfil clássico, e as consequências que podem acarretar. Tais potenciais estressores não são eventos isolados, fazem parte da rotina diária da maioria dos(as) entrevistados(as) e aparentam ter como ponto central as metas e o reconhecimento. Espera-se contribuir com pesquisas futuras sobre o estresse dos(as) advogados(as) e ter contribuído para a reflexão sobre as relações de trabalho da advocacia contemporânea e as consequências que essas podem acarretar à vida pessoal e profissional dos(as) advogados(as) associados(as) líderes, principalmente à sua saúde / The work organization passed through many changes, which the most recent and actual is the flexible management. This has many different practices and can provoke, depending on how it´s managed, various mental harms on the workers and stress. Mainly if the person is a leader, because of the responsabilities due to the position. Brazilians companies, around of 1990´s, start to adopt some characteristics of the flexible management to adapt to new economic, political and social demands. This process occurred in parallel to the transformation of some law firms, which entered to the postprofessionalism over to the classical model (professionalism) which is noticed with development of big law firms and the adoption by them of some aspects of flexible management. Depending on how these aspects are managed and dealt by each worker, they can drive to many stressful potentials situations. Thereby, the study had as a target to identify self-perceived potential occupational stressors by leaders lawyers of two units of a big law firm and analyze impacts of them in their lives. Therefore, study of multiple cases was realized with 9 leaders lawyers of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. For the analysis of the interviews it was used the technique of Bardin´s content analysis.There were found as self-perceived potential occupational stressors some factors related to recognition, focus just on results, overload and pace of work, culture of urgency, conflicts of rolls, lack of control, unpredictability, decision about work with clients and time to do the work without checking availability of lawyers, goals, team with lack of experience. These potential stressors can cause frustration and feeling of injustice, fear of mistake, unbalance of leisure and work and lack of autonomy. Despite of all potential stressors indicated, the majority of lawyers don´t recognize that have stress. Besides that, most of them think have autonomy, It the other hand, it was analyzed that many rights and autonomy that lawyers had had in the professionalism seem that don´t exist anymore in the relationship of contemporary work of big law firms, based on the law firm researched, because of the mold of the organization that lead lawyers nearer to employees. In the last considerations, it was pointed that self-perceived potential occupational stressors are related to the actual management, demonstrated at actual forms of contemporary law firms, far from the classical profile, and the consequences that can result. Such potential stressors are not isolated events, are part of daily routine of the majority of the interviewers and look like that goals and recognition are central points. This work is expected to contribute with future researches about stress of lawyers and to had contributed to reflection about work relationships of contemporary advocacy and the consequences that can result in personal and professional life of leaders lawyers, especially in their health

Professionalism & Communicating with Faculty

Epps, Susan Bramlett 02 September 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Moral Professional Agency: A Framework for Exploring Teachers’ Constructions of Professionalism Within a Democratic Space

Nomi, Brionna C. 01 January 2019 (has links)
Despite long-standing debates about the nature of professions and professionalism related to teaching, little consensus has been reached due in large part to an ever-changing political climate and a number of competing ideologies and interests (Bair, 2014; Hargreaves & Goodson, 1996). This lack of consensus fosters variable expectations of teachers, creating opportunities for the generation and implementation of initiatives that ultimately control and undermine teachers’ work (Ingersoll, 2003). While the quality of our nation’s education system depends on teachers' capacity to have professional input regarding their work, concepts of teacher agency and professionalism remain ill-defined, and few studies explore teachers’ experiences in spaces where they are asked for such input. This constructivist study examined teacher agency and professionalism, given the ideal of democracy and the reality of neoliberalism. Utilizing agency theory and participatory democratic theory, this study sought to explore teachers’ perceptions of their professionalism and agency by co-constructing knowledge with 18 members of the Richmond Mayoral Teacher Advisory Council (MTAC). This study took place over seven months and included seven focus group interview sessions, two MTAC meeting debrief sessions, and multiple writing prompts focused on teachers’ narratives of their professional experiences. The study revealed several themes related to teachers’ professionalism, particularly teachers’ focus on student-centered, morally-grounded views of their work. This study’s iterative inquiry process culminated in the development of a Moral Professional Agency framework that may serve useful in future constructivist work with teachers regarding their professional work.

Exploring the effects of empowerment, innovation, professionalism, conflict, and participation on teacher organizational commitment

Holliman, Stephanie Layne 01 December 2012 (has links)
Improved understanding of teacher retention depends on systematic research on working conditions, teachers' perceptions of their work environments, and the effect of condition-of-work variables on organizational commitment. The examination of organizational commitment in K-12 teachers is a construct with implications for long-term relationships in complex organizations and a significant predictor of retention. This study examined the extent to which empowerment, innovation, professionalism, perceived level of interpersonal conflict, and participation were associated with teachers' organizational commitment at six K-12 sites in one Midwestern state. Of 2,732 teachers invited to participate, 1,463 completed the survey, for a total response rate of 54%. Overall, there was substantial evidence supporting a relationship between organizational commitment and empowerment, innovation, and professionalism. There was also some evidence of a contextual relationship between organizational commitment and perceived levels of conflict and participation. Increased conflict in varying relationships resulted in decreased organizational commitment, and increased participation in varying situations resulted in increased organizational commitment. This study's exploration of organizational commitment may inform administrative practices designed to target teacher attrition. Educational leaders may utilize the results to better understand issues concerning teacher retention and attrition and thereby improve teacher working conditions, and strengthen the educational environment for students.

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