Spelling suggestions: "subject:"progress,"" "subject:"cprogress,""
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Corpoestranho - corpo performatico multirrelacional : paradoxos do processo de criação / Coerpoestranho - multirrelational performative body : paradoxes of creative processRabelo, Antonio Flávio Alves, 1975- 08 December 2009 (has links)
Orientadores: Renato Ferracini, Fernando Antonio Pinheiro Villar de Queiroz / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Artes / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-14T21:43:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Rabelo_AntonioFlavioAlves_M.pdf: 36129903 bytes, checksum: b5234e414478336fc8d9c66965cf758f (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2009 / Resumo: Nesta dissertação, desenvolvemos uma pesquisa prática-conceitual sobre os paradoxos dos processos criativos do corpo-em-arte. Esta corporeidade é experimentada no terreno da performance artística em espaços alternativos públicos e privados. O processo da pesquisa está relacionado à criação, execução, documentação, reflexão e análise da série de performances intitulada ",Corpoestranho,". Sua base conceitual está associada ao conceito de Corpo Subjétil em Ferracini (2006), a partir das noções de rizoma, CsO, devir e acontecimento em Deleuze (1995, 2007). Nesta pesquisa, problematizamos a busca por procedimentos para o corpo-em-arte (corpo subjétil) articulados pelos encontros da "Rede de Afetos" do nosso processo criativo, assumindo os aspectos coletivos inerentes a ação criativa e a processualidade enquanto obra (Cohen, 2004). Dessa forma, o ",corpoestranho," se configura como um corpo em processo, corpo fronteira e paradoxal. Um corpo rizomático, virtualizado e atualizado (Lévy, 1996) na trama dessa "Rede de Afetos", a partir da relação dos micro-elementos internos e externos que o compõe. Corpo entre o "eu" e o "outro", corpo em transbordamento, posto em relação com o espaço, o tempo e os outros corpos. / Abstract: In this dissertation, we have developed a conceptual-practical research about the paradoxes of the creative processes of the body in art. This corporeity is experimented in the subject of artistic performance in public and private alternative spaces. The research process is related to creation, execution, documentation, reflection and analysis of the series of performances named ",Corpoestranho,". Its conceptual basis is associated with the concept of Corpo Subjétil in Ferracini (2006), from the notions of rhizome, CsO, deviance and event in Deleuze (1995, 2007). In this research, we have problemized the search for procedures for the body in art (corpo subjétil) articulated by the meetings of "Rede de Afetos" of our creative process, admitting the collective aspects inherent to the creative action and the processuality as work (Cohen, 2004). In this way, the ",corpoestranho," is configurated as a body in process, boundary and paradoxal body. A rhizomatous body, virtualized and up-to-date (Lévy, 1996) in the scheme of this "Rede de Afetos", from the relation of the internal and external micro-elements that forms it. Body between "me" and "other", body in overflow, put in relation to space, time and other bodies. / Mestrado / Artes Cenicas / Mestre em Artes
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As representações sociais do progresso. Uma perspectiva a partir da chegada da estrada de ferro em Anápolis, GO / Social representations of progress. A perspective from the arrival of the railway in Anápolis, GOVargas, Lucas Gabriel Corrêa 27 August 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2016-07-19T10:47:12Z
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license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2016-07-19T10:48:34Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
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Previous issue date: 2015-08-27 / The process and construction of the social representation of the progress in Anápolis, comes
after the analysis of the changes that the city passed from the arrival of the railroad Goiás (EFG)
in 1935. From the perspective of representations it is essential to understand, within the stages
of objectification process, the participation of the elements that made up the reality of the time
and that contributed to the transformation. The historical context is present in the first phase,
presenting records from the beginning of the occupation, in the early nineteenth century to the
mid-twentieth century, characterizing the historical moments, the nature of immigrants who
have contributed to the formation of the commercial role and the presence of rail transport. In
the second phase of objectification, the structuring of the figurative core is analyzed from the
presentation of railway history in Brazil, EFG and publications in the newspapers of the city,
whose favorable advertising temporarily subsidized the social representation of the railroad
progress. And the third phase, the naturalization is analyzed and sustained by innovations in
architecture that reinforced the concept that progress would be present in everyday life,
observing finally that the social representation of progress was not maintained active, because
from the point of view of the railway was built only loosely image, unlike other representations
that persist to the present day. / O processo e a construção da representação social do progresso em Anápolis, surge após a
análise das mudanças que a cidade passou a partir da chegada da Estrada de Ferro Goiás (EFG)
em 1935. Sob a ótica da representações é imprescindível que se compreenda, dentro das fases
do processo de objetivação, a participação dos elementos que compunham a realidade da época
e que colaboraram para a transformação. A contextualização histórica está presente na primeira
fase, apresentando-se os registros desde a origem da ocupação, no início do século XIX até
meados do século XX, caracterizando-se os momentos históricos, a natureza dos imigrantes que
contribuíram para formação da vocação comercial e a presença do transporte ferroviário. Na
segunda fase da objetivação, a estruturação do núcleo figurativo é analisada a partir da
apresentação da história ferroviária no Brasil, da EFG e das publicações nos jornais da cidade,
cuja propaganda favorável subsidiou temporariamente a representação social do progresso da
ferrovia. E a terceira fase, a naturalização, é analisada e sustentada pela inovações na arquitetura
que reforçaram a conceituação de que o progresso estaria presente no cotidiano, observando-se
enfim, que a representação social do progresso não se manteve ativa, porque sob o ponto de
vista da ferrovia, construiu-se uma imagem pouco estruturada, diferente de outras
representações que perduram até os dias atuais.
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Estudo da estrutura genética populacional e dos efeitos do programa de melhoramento genético em um rebanho Nelore / Study of population genetic structure and effects of breeding program in a Nellore herdHeloise Patrícia Quintino de Oliveira 12 March 2010 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a estrutura genética populacional e os efeitos do programa de melhoramento genético em um rebanho Nelore comercial, que visa a venda de reprodutores avaliados geneticamente. O banco de dados era composto pelos registros de produção de 417.552 animais, nascidos entre 1984 e 2007, e o de pedigree de 483.748 animais. Com o intuito de estudar a estrutura populacional, foram utilizados os softwares ENDOG v. 4.6 e POPREPORT para se calcular o coeficiente de endogamia (F), o coeficiente médio de parentesco individual (AR), numero efetivo de ancestrais e de fundadores, numero de ancestrais que contribuem com 50% da variabilidade genética da população e intervalo de gerações. O coeficiente de endogamia calculado para a população em estudo foi igual a 0,12% e o AR a 0,18%. Os números efetivos de ancestrais (fa) e de fundadores (fe) foram iguais a 64 e 147, respectivamente. Para a população estudada, 70 indivíduos explicam sua variabilidade genética. O intervalo de geração calculado para os quatro passos gaméticos pai-filho, pai-filha, mãe-filho, mãe-filha foram de 9,26, 7,30, 9,29 e 5,83 anos, respectivamente, quando se considera somente as progênies que se tornaram reprodutores no programa de melhoramento, e de 7,45, 7,40, 6,02, 5,93 anos, respectivamente, quando se considera todas as progênies nascidas. O progresso genético esperado para as características peso a desmama (PD), ganho de peso da desmama ao sobreano (GP345), perímetro escrotal (PE) e musculatura era de 1,10 kg/ano, 1,05 kg/ano, 0,28 cm/ano e 0,04 un/ano, respectivamente. Entretanto, o progresso genético observado para as mesmas características foram iguais a 0,51 kg/ano, 1,03 kg/ano, 0,11 cm/ano e 0,03 un/ano, respectivamente. / The objective of the present research was to analyze the population genetic structure and the effects of breeding program in a Nellore commercial herd, aimed at the sale of breeders genetically evaluated. The database was composed by production records by 417552 animals, born between 1984 and 2007, and the pedigree records by 483748. For describe the population structure, to ENDOG v. 4.6 and POPREPORT were used to calculate inbreeding coefficient (F), average relatedness coefficients (AR), effective number of ancestors and founders, number of ancestors that contribute with 50% of genetic variability of population and generation intervals. The inbreeding coefficient calculated to the population in study is 0.12% and AR is 0.18%. The effective number of ancestors (fa) and founders (fe) was 64 and 147, respectively. For the population in study, 70 individuals explain 50% of genetic variability. The generation\'s intervals for the four paths genetic, sire-son, siredaughter, dam-son, dam-daughter, was 9,26, 7,30, 9,29 e 5,83 years, respectively, when considered only progenies kept reproduction, and was 7,45, 7,40, 6,02, 5,93 years, respectively, when all born progenies are considered. The genetic progress waited to the characteristics weaning weight (WW), weight gain from weaning to 18 months (WG345), scrotal circumference (CE) and muscle were 1.10 kg.year-1, 1.05 kg.year-1, 0.28 cm.year-1 and 0.04 unit.year-1, respectively. However, the genetic progress observed to the same characteristics was 0.51 kg.year-1, 1.03 kg.year-1, 0.11 cm.year-1 and 0.03 unit.year-1, respectively.
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Dinâmica espaço-temporal de populações do patossistema leprose dos citros em condições naturais de epidemia / Spatio-temporal dynamics of populations of the citrus leprosis pathossystem under natural epidemic conditionsAna Beatriz Costa Czermainski 12 February 2007 (has links)
A leprose dos citros, causada por Citrus leprosis vírus (CiLV), é uma doença endêmica nas regiões produtoras do estado de São Paulo que causa sérios prejuízos à produção. O vírus é transmitido exclusivamente pelo ácaro Brevipalpus phoenicis e medidas de controle da doença visam principalmente reduzir a população do vetor através de aplicações de acaricidas. Apesar do controle da doença ser determinado por meio de amostragens da população do ácaro, não há nenhum estudo de longo prazo que correlacione a população do vetor com a incidência da doença. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar os padrões de crescimento temporal e os padrões espaciais da distribuição do ácaro e da doença e estabelecer uma associação entre as duas populações. A população do ácaro e os sintomas de leprose foram monitorados durante três anos sob condições naturais de epidemia, em um talhão de laranja doce, variedade Valência enxertada sobre limão cravo, A população de B. phoenicis apresentou flutuações, mas com picos crescentes ao longo do período. As oscilações na sua densidade dependeram principalmente da fenologia das plantas e menos das condições climáticas. O crescimento da incidência da doença foi lento e seguiu comportamento logístico. Apesar de não ser sistêmica a leprose dos citros comporta-se como poliética com acúmulo de inoculo de ano para ano. A infecção em ramos é a principal causa do caráter cumulativo da doença. Através de regressão logística, a probabilidade de doença foi modelada em função de covariáveis construídas de forma a captar informação da vizinhança das plantas no tempo passado a respeito da incidência do ácaro e da própria doença. Não houve correlação entre o nível de doença numa avaliação e a quantidade de ácaros em avaliações anteriores, em períodos pregressos de até 70 dias. O padrão espacial de plantas com sintomas foi altamente agregado e não correspondeu à distribuição espacial de plantas infestadas pelo ácaro, que foi fracamente agregada. A probabilidade de infestação e de infecção nas plantas foi modelada como dependente do estado das plantas vizinhas, quanto às próprias características, através de modelos autologísticos. A probabilidade de plantas estarem infestadas pelo ácaro não depende de sua vizinhança estar ou não hospedando a praga, ao mesmo tempo. Já a probabilidade de doença em uma árvore depende de árvores vizinhas estarem doentes naquele momento. O padrão espacial da incidência de plantas com sintomas visíveis provavelmente reflete o padrão de infestação pelos ácaros contaminados por CiLV, pois existe uma subpopulação de vetores inserida na população de B. phoenicis. O controle da doença baseado na população de B. phoenicis, não é portanto, recomendável. A amostragem para a tomada de decisão de controle deve ser pautada pela presença de sintomas e ácaros e não somente pela presença de ácaros. / Citrus leprosis, caused by Citrus leprosis virus (CiLV), is a disease endemic to the producing regions of the state of São Paulo, where it has a heavy impact on production. The virus is transmitted exclusively by the Brevipalpus phoenicis mite and disease control measures aim to reduce the vector population mainly by acaricide applications. Although the disease control is based on mite population samplings, there are no long-term studies available that correlate the vector population with the disease incidence. The objective of this study was to characterize temporal and spatial growth patterns of the mite, disease distribution and the association between the two populations. The mite population and citrus leprosis symptoms were monitored for three years under natural epidemic conditions, in a sweet orange stand of the variety Valencia, grafted unto Citrus limonia Osbeck. The B. phoenicis population presented fluctuations, although with increasing peaks along the study period. The oscillation density depended more on the tree phenology than on climate conditions. The disease incidence increased slowly under a logistic model. Although citrus leprosis is not systemic, it has a polietic performance and builds up inoculum year after year. The infection of branches is the main cause of the cumulative nature of the disease. The disease probability was modeled by a covariable constructed to capture information of the trees surroundings in the past, concerning mite incidence and the disease itself. There was no correlation between the disease level in one evaluation and the mite quantity in earlier evaluations, in antecedent periods of up to 70 days. The spatial pattern of trees with symptoms was highly aggregated and did not correspond to the spatial distribution of miteinfested trees, which was weakly aggregated. The probability of tree infestation and infection was modeled as dependent of the state of the surrounding trees through autologistic models. The probability of mite infestation of a tree does not depend on whether the neighbor trees host the pest or not, but on whether the neighbor trees are diseased at that moment. A vector subpopulation is inserted in the B. phoenicis population. The spatial pattern of tree incidence with visible symptoms probably reflects the infestation pattern by CiLV-contaminated mites. Sampling for decision taking regarding disease control must be based on the presence of symptoms as well as of mites, rather than on the mite population only.
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Versões do \"progresso\": a modernização como tema e problema do fotógrafo Militão Augusto de Azevedo (1862-1902) / Versions of \"progress\": the modernization as the theme and problem of the photographer Militão Augusto de Azevedo (1862-1902)Iris Morais Araujo 07 February 2007 (has links)
Esta dissertação centra-se no legado de Militão Augusto de Azevedo (1837-1905) com o objetivo de desvendar as diferentes maneiras que tal fotógrafo representou o processo de modernização ocorrido nas últimas décadas do século XIX no Brasil e, especialmente, em São Paulo. Tomando a especificidade de sua profissão, buscou-se apresentar a maneira com que uma rede de relações sociais foi tecida em torno desta personagem. Estes vínculos permitem notar qual foi o lugar angariado por Militão naquela sociedade; tal posição marcaria de modo perene as percepções do fotógrafo acerca dos processos de mudança que vivenciou. A análise dos documentos de Militão, particularmente suas fotografias e cartas, configura uma polissemia de significados a respeito das transformações ocorridas na cidade de São Paulo a partir da década de 1860, e na política brasileira, após a Proclamação da República. Desta forma, as observações da personagem a respeito de seu mundo em mudança asseveram que, menos do que coladas ao progresso, as representações do fotógrafo formam um amálgama de temporalidades desencontradas, que se imbricam e se tensionam. / This dissertation is focused on the inheritance of a photographer called Militão Augusto de Azevedo (1837-1905). Its goal is to investigate the different sorts of his representation of the modernizations process in the last decades of the 19th century in Brazil, and, especially in the city of São Paulo. Considering the particularity of his profession, this text presents the net of social relations built around this photographer. These bonds lead us to realize the place of Militão in that society, and, how such position would mark perennially his perceptions about the process of changes which he had witnessed. The analysis of Mititãos documents, especially his photographs and letters, figures as a polysemy of meanings about the transformations occurred in the city of São Paulo since 1860 and in the Brazilian politics after the Republics Proclamation. In such a way, the comments of the character on his changing world asseverate that, less than directly related to the progress, his representations mix different temporalities, which overlap and tension themselves.
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João Simões Lopes Neto, o pensador social e a educação : breve estudo sobre a conferência Educação CívicaPereira, Luís Artur Borges 10 September 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2016-03-23T22:11:34Z
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license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2016-03-23T22:15:57Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
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Previous issue date: 2014-09-10 / Sem bolsa / O presente trabalho procura abordar uma faceta pouco conhecida do consagrado literato pelotense João Simões Lopes Neto, a de educador. Mais do que isso - buscou as implicações de pensador social em suas propostas cívico-educacionais. Partiu-se da hipótese de Chiappini (1988), de que o escritor possuía um projeto cívico-pedagógico. Tal projeto, albergado sobretudo em suas conferências Educação Cívica (1ª versão em 1904; 2ª versão em 1906) coloca em evidência o ideário republicano, marcado pelo ímpeto de modernização do País, sob a égide de diversas correntes político-filosóficas, em que se sobressaia o positivismo. O referencial teórico utilizado, além da citada Chiappini, constitui-se principalmente das obras de Fischer (2013) e Arriada & Tambara (2005), amparado metodologicamente pela Grounded Theory, na abordagem de Glasser & Strauss (1967). Para empreender a investigação da pergunta de pesquisa definiram-se três categorias, quais sejam: nacionalismo, folclore e progresso, sendo estas analisadas, junto com os artigos jornalísticos do autor, especialmente os ligados às preocupações político-sociais e educacionais, em confronto com a conferência Educação Cívica. Quanto às fontes, procurou-se valorizar a documentação inédita, como por exemplo, as atas do Gimnásio Pelotense, em que se encontra o único registro oficial conhecido da atividade docente do escritor regionalista. Além da referida conferência privilegiou-se dois discursos, um proferido na inauguração do Colégio Elementar Pedro Osório (1913) e outro na Academia de Letras do Rio Grande do Sul (1911). Valemo-nos de muitos periódicos para resgatar artigos, cujas fontes primárias, em geral, se encontram bastante deterioradas. Quando não foi possível examinar a fonte original, servimo-nos do trabalho de Moreira (1982-1984). As conclusões a que se chegou podem ser resumidas no seguinte: Simões Lopes Neto possuía um pensamento social, embora não sistemático, cuja categoria articuladora era a educação. Sua atividade pedagógica e docente, o que incluía um vasto leque de ações, desde campanhas cívicas e participação comunitária até a produção de livros didáticos, estava calcada numa Filosofia da História e numa Filosofia da Educação, que se moviam não sem ambiguidades e contradições, numa dialética entre Liberalismo e Positivismo, tal como nos apresenta Sevcenko (1983). Simões Lopes Neto, ao contrário de outros autores pré-modernistas, que podem ser
colocados em posições antagônicas, tais como Coelho Neto e Lima Barreto, sintetiza qualidades e defeitos de ambos, permitindo uma janela, naquilo em que nos é possível acessar, para os impasses da modernização brasileira na primeira década republicana. Deste modo, embora Simões Lopes Neto estivesse sintonizado com o ideário programático que dominava a maioria dos intelectuais seus contemporâneos – leiam-se José Veríssimo, Afonso Celso Junior, Manoel Bomfim, entre outros - em que o debate sobre os problemas nacionais frequentemente apareciam ligados à educação, a originalidade de sua formulação está, de um lado, no papel central que atribuiu ao despertamento da nacionalidade como fator de integração e desenvolvimento do país, porém, valorizando a identidade da cultura popular e da literatura. / This paper seeks to address a little-known facet of the renowned Pelotas' literati João Simões Lopes Neto, as the educator. More than that, sought the implications of social thinker in his civic and educational proposals. We started from the hypothesis of Chiappini (1988), that the writer had a civic-education program. This project, sheltered mainly in his Civic Education conferences (1st version in 1904, 2nd version in 1906) highlights the republican ideals, marked by the surge of modernization of the country, under the aegis of various political and philosophical currents that protrudes positivism. The theoretical framework used, besides the aforementioned Chiappini, it is primarily the work of Fischer (2013) and Arriada & Tambara (2005), methodologically supported by the Grounded Theory, in the approach of Glasser & Strauss (1967). To perform the investigation of the research question, were defined three categories, namely: nationalism, folklore and progress, analyzed along with the Author's journalistic articles, particularly linked to socio-political and educational concerns, confronting with the Civic Education conference. Concerning the sources, we tried to valorize the unpublished documentation, such as the records of the Pelotense Gymnasium, where is the only known official record of the regionalist writer's teaching activity. Apart from the already mentioned conference, we focused on two speeches, one delivered in the opening of Pedro Osório Elementary School (1913), another at the Academy of Letters of Rio Grande do Sul (1911). We used many journals to rescue articles, whose primary sources in general are quite damaged. When it was not possible to examine the original source, we utilized the work of Moreira (1982-1984). The drew conclusions can be summarized in the following: Simões Lopes Neto had a social thought, though not systematic, whose articulator category was education. His pedagogical and teaching activity, which included a wide range of actions from civic campaigns and community participation to the production of textbooks, was grounded in a Philosophy of History and in a Philosophy of Education, which moved not without ambiguities and contradictions in dialectic between Liberalism and Positivism, as presented by Sevcenko (1983). Simões Lopes Neto, unlike other pre-modern authors, that can be placed in antagonistic positions, such as Coelho Neto and Lima Barreto, summarizes qualities and defects of both, allowing a window in what is possible for us to access for the dilemmas of Brazilian modernization in the first republican decade. Thus, although Simões Lopes Neto was tuned to the programmatic ideas that dominated most of his contemporaries intellectuals - like José Verissimo, Afonso Celso Junior, Manoel Bomfim, among others - in which the debate on the national problems frequently appeared related to education and to the originality of its formulation; On one hand, is the central role assigned to the awakening of nationality as factor of integration and development of the country, however, valuing the identity of popular culture and literature.
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Rethinking Democracy and Development : A Minor Field Study of the Political sphere in RwandaSpencer, Petra January 2011 (has links)
Purpose and Questions: There seem to exist diametrically different views regarding Rwanda’s political sphere, whether the country has made any progress at all since the 90s, and if they have been successful in establishing democracy or not. A field study was therefore carried out, plus additional research to get a more comprehensive view of the political sphere of Rwanda. The purpose of the field study was to experience and analyse the political ambiance and developments by personal experience and interview people on the ground, rather then just rely on books, media and other academics, in order to clarify if the country is progressing or not. These questions guided my research: Has Rwanda been successful in establishing democracy, in terms of fulfilling the criteria’s that constitutes “polyarchy”? - What are the democracy attitudes of the citizens? Has Rwanda made any progress at all the last decade (not just politically, but socio- economically as well), in other words is the country undergoing a modernization process? Method: This research took its first step in a minor field study (MFS), conducted in Rwanda in the summer of 2010, and later as field research again in February/ March of 2011. In order to fulfil the purpose this research undertook both qualitative and quantitative methods, in a two-part analysis, in which there are a total of one qualitative part and two more quantitative parts. Results and Conclusion: The analysis shows that Rwanda is progressing, not just politically, but socio-economically as well. The qualitative part shows that some political and civic rights seem to be curtailed, but it is important to remember the legacy of a genocide. The survey however shows that over half of the respondents believe (to some extent) that democratic principles are being respected, and that there exist political pluralism and political space in Rwanda. The genocaidaires could come back to power through democratic practices, therefore it is important that things develop carefully and that a strong leadership rules the country. The government has really managed to bring Rwanda back up on its feet and the country is clearly progressing. Rwanda can serve as a model for other countries to follow. Despite the war and ethnic diversity Rwanda has come a long way. The country seem to have established some form of democratic principles, not the same as we have in the West off course, but maybe they can’t and shouldn’t follow the models of the West since they have their own special context they have to live up to.
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Component Repository BrowserDanish, Muhammad Rafique, Khan, Sajjad Ali January 2010 (has links)
The main goal of this thesis is to investigate efficient searching mechanisms for searching and retrieving software components across different remote repositories and implement a supporting prototype called “Component Repository Browser” using the plug-in based Eclipse technology for PROGRESS-IDE. The prototype enables users to search the ProCom components and to import the desired components from a remote repository server over different protocols such as HTTP, HTTPS, and/or SVN. Several component searching mechanisms and suggestions were studied and examined such as keyword, facet-based search, folksonomy classification, and signature matching, from which we selected keyword search along with facet-based searching technique to help component searchers to efficiently find the desired components from a remote repository.
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Political Democracy in Bosnia and Herzegovina : A Case Study about Bosnia and Herzegovina's Democratic ProgressRamovic, Armin January 2017 (has links)
Integrating into a political democratic regime has not been a simple task for post-communisitc states such as Bosnia and Herzegovina. The signing of the Dayton Peace Agreement in 1995 marked the end of the catastrophic war that took place in the region, and was the start for the democratic developments that would now fully integrate Bosnia and Herzegovina into a consolidated democratic regime. However, the history after the signing of the agreement has not been as idealistic. Corruption, ethnic limitations and restrictions, disagreement between the various governmental bodies, and the lack of accountability between the political authorities are just some of the factors which have hindered Bosnia and Herzegovina from reaching any major democratic progress for the past years. This essay will examine if Bosnia and Herzegovina can be regarded as a political democratic regime in accordance to Robert Dahl’s eight institutional guarantees. It will also investigate the democratic development that has taken place before and after the elections in 2014.
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Le droit au service de l'enfant / The law at the service of the childWalther, Cornelia 20 December 2014 (has links)
L'enfant est un être en développement. C'est une personne vulnérable à cause de son état physiologique, mental et social. Sa protection est nécessaire afin qu'il puisse grandir et atteindre son potentiel. Bien que tous les enfants aient les mêmes droits, partout dans le monde nombreux souffrent encore de privations et de violences. Cet état de fait met en péril leur avenir et celui de toute la société. Car, seul l'être auquel a été donnée l'opportunité d'évoluer en fonction de ses capacités inhérentes, contribuera à l'avancement social et économique de sa Nation mais également de la communauté mondiale. Ainsi, les droits des enfants représentent une responsabilité pour tous. Tout Etat doit respecter et faire respecter la Convention relative aux droits de l'enfant. La famille élargie est responsable pour le bien-être de l'enfant dans son entourage immédiat. Car, il y a une relation directe entre les droits de l'enfant et les devoirs envers lui. Cependant, la réalité des enfants ne correspond pas au cadre normatif. Force est de constater que la Loi ne suffit pas pour traduire cette norme commune en résultats tangibles. Aussi un dispositif additionnel, complémentaire au droit, doit-il exister pour protéger l'être vulnérable, et assurer la cohésion de la société qui l'entoure. La Responsabilité sociale des entreprises et la philanthropie représentent les premières manifestations du principe que chacun est responsable de chacun. De nouveaux outils comme l'Internet, ainsi que les théories traditionnelles comme celle du bien public, doivent être mis à profit afin d'améliorer la protection de l'enfant, au bénéfice de tous. / A child is a being in development. S/he is a vulnerable person because of his/her physiological, mental and social status. Her/his protection and participation are required so s/he can grow and reach her/his potential. Every child has the same rights throughout the world, yet many suffer from deprivation and violence. This situation jeopardizes their future and that of the whole society. Because only the being who has been given the opportunity to evolve according to her/his inherent capacities will contribute to the progress of her Nation, which forms part of the international community's headway. Children's rights are everyone's responsibility. The State must respect and ensure respect of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, key treaty in this domain. The extended family is responsible for the well-being of the child in her immediate environment. Beyond this external stakeholders are involved. They shouldn't seek to replace but to enhance the capacity of family, community and State in protecting the child. There is a direct relationship between the right of the child and the duty towards the child, with the requirement to ensure results, as a consequence of the inherent logic of children's rights. Yet reality does not match the normative framework. While responsibility for others is recognized as an imperative of action from an ethical, religious and legal point of view, children suffer and die. Since laws alone are not enough to translate this universal norm into results, an additional device, complementary to the legal framework, must exist to protect the vulnerable being, and to ensure cohesion of the society that surrounds her.
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