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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Průběh řízení zakázky ve vybraném podniku / The Order Management Process in the Selected Business

Klinger, Erik January 2019 (has links)
Master thesis deals with the order management process in the company XYZ Ltd. The thesis contains three main parts. The first part is evaluation of theoretical approaches to the solution, which is based on the literature. The next part is an analysis of the current state of the organization, where the issue of the order management in the organization is described. Based on this analysis , customized proposal solutions are made, to create added value for each activity to meet customer requirements.

Procesní řízení zakázky / Process Management of the Ccontract

Klinger, Erik January 2019 (has links)
Master thesis deals with the order management process in the company XYZ Ltd. The thesis contains three main parts. The first part is evaluation of theoretical approaches to the solution, which is based on the literature. The next part is an analysis of the current state of the organization, where the issue of the order management in the organization is described. Based on this analysis , customized proposal solutions are made, to create added value for each activity to meet customer requirements.

User Adoption of Cognitive Agents : Identifying success factors from a process perspective / User Adoption of Cognitive Agents : Identifiering av framgångsfaktorer från ett processperspektiv

Talebi, Roxana, Timmas, Julia January 2020 (has links)
With the rise of intelligent solutions such as cognitive agents, many organizations are trying to identify how they can best utilize the benefits of the technology to make advancements as a company and enhance employee job performance. However, the attempts of many organizations are falling short from their expectations and users do not adopt to the technology. To investigate this problem, a qualitative study was performed with the aim of exploring the different phases of a cognitive agent project process to identify key factors and incentives influencing user adoption, by comparing organizational and individual perspectives. The study results show that 94% of managers see added potential and value in this type of technological initiative, while the number is only 60% for the more operational positions. This indicates a gap between the different perspectives which can hinder successful adoption. The results show that involvement of users throughout the process can decrease this gap. With the increasing complexity of cognitive technology, as it learns over time, the study implies that user awareness and clear expectations through a collaborative process enables increased adoption. Further, the study argues that the adoption process starts earlier than organizations might think. This implies that it is important to look at the life cycle perspective and factors influencing adoption. In order to impact the user adoption rate, this study highlights several factors and incentives, emphasizing on context and the combination of the different aspects, which contribute to higher performance and a wider spread of cognitive agent application. / Med ökningen av intelligenta lösningar, så som kognitiva agenter, gör att många organisationer försöker identifiera hur de kan utnyttja teknikens fördelar bäst för att gynna användarnas effektivitet. Men många organisationers försök lever inte upp till förväntningarna och användarna tar inte till sig tekniken. För att undersöka problemen med detta genomfördes en kvalitativ studie med syftet att utforska de olika faserna i ett kognitiv agent-projekt för att identifiera nyckelfaktorer och incitament som påverkar användandet av lösningen, genom att jämföra det organisatoriska och individuella perspektivet. Studieresultaten visar att 94% av ledarna ser en enorm potential och värde i denna typ av teknikinitiativ, medan endast 60% av de mer operativa användarna upplever värde i en kognitiv agent. Detta indikerar ett gap mellan de olika perspektiven som kan hindra framgångsrik adoption. Resultaten visar att om användare är involverade under hela processen kan det minska detta gap. Med den ökande komplexiteten i kognitiv teknik, som utvecklas över tid, innebär studien att användarmedvetenhet och tydliga förväntningar genom en samarbetsprocess möjliggör ökad adoption. Vidare belyser studien att adoptionsprocessen börjar tidigare än organisationer kan tro. Detta innebär att det är viktigt att titta ur livscykelperspektivet på faktorer som påverkar adoptionen. För att påverka användarnas adoptionsgrad belyser denna studie flera faktorer och incitament, med betoning på kontext och kombinationen av olika aspekter, vilket bidrar till högre prestanda och en bredare spridning av kognitiva agenter.

Användning av digital nudging i en stadsmiljö : för bättre luftkvalitet och hållbara val / Using digital nudging in an urban environment : for better air quality and sustainable choices

Berggren, Emelie, Rikard, Engström January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker användningen av digital nudging för att främja hållbarhet i stadsmiljöermed fokus på luftkvalitet. I takt med samhällets ökande digitalisering och behovet av att hanteramiljöutmaningar blir digital nudging en allt mer relevant metod för att påverka beteenden ochbeslutstagande. Trots potentialen med digital nudging för hållbarhetsarbete finns det en brist påempirisk forskning, särskilt inom kommunala kontexter. Studiens syfte är att undersöka hurdigital nudging kan användas för att förbättra stadsmiljön och främja hållbara val. Genom attintegrera teori om nudging, digital nudging, persuasive design, användarupplevelse ochprojektprocesser strävar studien att förstå hur digital nudging kan implementeras effektivt för attpåverka invånarnas beteende och beslutstagande. Genom en kvalitativ fallstudie söker studien endjupare förståelse för hur digital nudging kan bidra till hållbarhetsarbete på lokal nivå. Studiensbidrag ligger i att öka förståelsen för digital nudging i kommunala sammanhang och desspotential för att främja hållbarhet i stadsmiljöer. Genom att integrera teoretiska ramverk ochpraktisk tillämpning strävar studien efter att bidra till en mer holistisk förståelse förimplementeringen av digital nudging för hållbarhetsarbete. Slutsatserna betonar vikten av attinledningsvis ha en tydlig projektprocess för användning av digital nudging. Dessutom framhävsatt en kombination av digital nudging och nudging i en fysisk miljö är en framgångsfaktor för attnå ut till den breda målgrupp som en stadsmiljö representerar. / This study examines the use of digital nudging to promote sustainability in urban environments,with a focus on air quality. As society increasingly digitizes and the need to addressenvironmental challenges grows, digital nudging becomes a more relevant method forinfluencing behaviors and decision-making. Despite the potential of digital nudging forsustainability efforts, there is a lack of empirical research, particularly within municipal contexts.The aim of this study is to investigate how digital nudging can be utilized to enhance urbanenvironments and promote sustainable choices. By integrating theories of nudging, digitalnudging, persuasive design, user experience and project processes, the study seeks to understandhow digital nudging can be effectively implemented to influence residents' behavior anddecision-making. Through a qualitative case study, the research seeks a deeper understanding ofhow digital nudging can contribute to sustainability efforts at the local level. The study'scontribution lies in increasing understanding of digital nudging in municipal contexts and itspotential to promote sustainability in urban environments. By integrating theoretical frameworksand practical application, the study aims to contribute to a more holistic understanding of theimplementation of digital nudging for sustainability efforts. The conclusions emphasize theimportance of initially having a clear project process for the use of digital nudging. Additionally,it is highlighted that a combination of digital nudging and nudging in a physical environment is asuccess factor for reaching the broad target audience that an urban environment represents.

Posouzení informačního systému firmy a návrh změn / Information System Assessment and Proposal for ICT Modification

Mikyska, Vladimír January 2015 (has links)
This master’s thesis is focused on information system assessment and proposal for its changes in real company enviroment. Theoretical part describes issue and notions from information systems, analytical instruments, processes and projects enviroment. In analytical part is situated introduction of the company and analysis of current state its information system and processes. Based on findings from analysis are made recomendations and proposals for possible changes.


ARIEL DE JESUS MENDEZ BRINDIS 09 March 2021 (has links)
[pt] Esta tese aborda o tema do design persuasivo. É o resultado de uma investigação motivada para tentar entender os campos dimensionais ou categorias de análise que influem e determinam as mudanças de comportamento das pessoas através do uso de produtos de design. Com o objetivo de identificar as categorias de análise que promovem mudanças de comportamento partiu-se de uma visão transdisciplinar, entendendo que somente através desta visão é possível a completa compressão das distintas dimensões consideradas pelo modelo da conduta humana. A postura adotada reconhece a conduta como resultado de forças endógenas ao indivíduo que promovem sua intencionalidade e forças exógenas que a determinam. Esta tese tenta responder a pregunta: Quais são as dimensões conceituais no design de produtos que persuadem as pessoas de forma a gerar uma mudança em seu comportamento? A hipótese proposta define a existência de fatores externos ao projeto de produtos que influem de maneira determinante para o sucesso de uma mudança de comportamento das pessoas através do uso de produtos de design. Esses fatores externos são definidos como dimensões conceptuais que devem ser levadas em conta durante o processo de design. Como parte a pesquisa se reconhece o método da Teoria Fundamentada como aquela que resulta ser a mais adequada para estudar um fenómeno particular e poder, a partir da geração de categorias, explica-lo de maneira convincente e racional. O objeto desse estudo é o fenómeno através do qual um objeto de design contribui para promoção de uma mudança de conduta. Através de um recorte na investigação foi possível controlar o objeto de estudo focando-se ao uso da bicicleta como transporte, onde se identificou a bicicleta como objeto de design e como de transporte na Cidade de México (CDMX) como situação singular ou fenómeno. Foram realizadas entrevistas com usuários do produto e a partir da interação na identificação de categorias de analise foi possível chegar a uma síntese das dimensões que conformam o modelo de modelo de design persuasivo proposto. Estes fatores foram identificados em campos dimensionais do usuário e no contexto, respectivamente, além daqueles próprios ao produto. O resultado da pesquisa e seu aporte a disciplina centra-se em um modelo de design persuasivo que contempla e contém as distintas categorias de análise envolvidas pelo ‘projeto com intenção’. Finalmente, com o modelo de design persuasivo proposto ratificase a hipótese de que existem fatores externos (categorias de análises) ao produto de design que determinam a intencionalidade de uma mudança de comportamento nos indivíduos. O aporte dos achados a disciplina baseia-se na possibilidade de empregar o modelo proposto com carácter projetual para guiar a pesquisa sobre o usuário e o contexto em projetos de design persuasivo. A tese contribui ainda com um guia de aplicação do modelo de design persuasivo visando facilitar sua utilização durante o processo projetual. / [en] This thesis deals with persuasive design. The result of this research was motivated by the quest for understanding the different dimensions or categories of analysis that influence or even determines changes in human behavior through the use of product designs. A transdisciplinary vision was the departure research posture in order to understand the full human behavioral dimensions playing a role in human behavioral changes. This stance recognizes the human behavior as a result of internal forces that shapes the individuals intentionality and external forces that constrain and determines the final behavior. This thesis intent to answer the main question about, which are the conceptual dimensions involved in behavioral change through the use of a product design that persuades people into the new behavior? The hypothesis thus defines the existence of external forces to the product that influence and determines the result of an intended change in human behavior through the use of product design. These external forces are defined as conceptual dimensions that must be taken into account when designing products with the intent of provoking a human behavioral change. The use of the Grounded Theory approach allowed studying a singular phenomenon and generating categories of analysis through theoretical sampling. The research focuses on the actual situation where a product design is involved in a human behavioral change. The research focused on the use of the bicycle as transportation system in Mexico City as a way to facilitate the observations in a single situation. A series of interviews to product users were applied and through the use of theoretical sampling a number of specific categories were identified thus building the final persuasive model. The research final result and the value for the design discipline is made explicit through a persuasive model proposal that defines the different dimensions on human behavior as categories that determines and influence human behavioral changes. The persuasive model proposed in this research contemplates the external categories that determine human behavior that are present in the context as well as in the individuals mind and the categories or product design properties that influence human behavioral changes. The research generated value towards the design discipline includes the persuasive model and a startup guide for its use during the design project process. / [es] Esta tesis aborda el tema del diseño persuasivo. Es el resultado de una investigación motivada por intentar entender los campos dimensionales o categorías de análisis que influyen y determinan los cambios de conducta en las personas a través del uso de productos de diseño. Con el objetivo de identificar las categorías de análisis que promueven cambios conductuales se partió desde una visión transdisciplinar, en tanto que, solo a través de esta visión es posible la completa comprensión de las distintas dimensiones involucradas en el moldeo de la conducta humana. La postura adoptada reconoce a la conducta como resultado de fuerzas endógenas al individuo que promueven su intencionalidad y fuerzas exógenas que la determinan. Esta tesis intenta contestar a la pregunta ¿cuáles son las dimensiones conceptuales en el diseño de productos que persuaden a las personas a generar un cambio en su conducta? La hipótesis planteada define la existencia de factores externos al diseño de productos que influyen de manera determinante para el logro de un cambio de conducta en las personas a través del uso de productos de diseño. Dichos factores externos son definidos como dimensiones conceptuales que deben ser tomadas en cuenta durante el proceso de diseño. Como parte de la investigación se reconoce el método de la Teoría Fundamentada como aquel que resulta ser el más adecuado para estudiar un fenómeno particular y poder a partir de la generación de categorías explicarlo de manera convincente y racional. El objeto de estudio es el fenómeno a través del cual un objeto de diseño contribuye a la promoción de un cambio conductual. A través de un recorte en la investigación se logró controlar el objeto de estudio acotándolo al uso de la bicicleta como transporte, donde se identificó a la bicicleta como objeto de diseño y el transporte en la CDMX (Ciudad de México) como situación singular o fenómeno. Se realizaron entrevistas con usuarios del producto y a través de la iteración en la identificación de categorías de análisis se logró una síntesis de las dimensiones que conforman el modelo de diseño persuasivo propuesto. Estos factores fueron identificados en campos dimensionales del usuario y el contexto respectivamente, además de los propios del producto. El resultado de la investigación y su aportación a la disciplina se centra en un modelo de diseño persuasivo que contempla y contiene las distintas categorías de análisis involucradas en el diseño con intención. Al final, con el modelo de diseño persuasivo propuesto se ratifica la hipótesis de que existen factores externos (categorías de análisis) al producto de diseño que determinan la intencionalidad de un cambio conductual en los individuos. La aportación a la disciplina radica en la posibilidad de emplear dicho modelo con carácter proyectual al guiar la investigación de usuario y contexto en proyectos de diseño persuasivo. La tesis aporta además una guía de aplicación del modelo de diseño persuasivo con el fin de facilitar su puesta en marcha en los procesos de proyecto de productos.

Implementace novelizované normy ISO 10006 ve spolecnosti UNICORN a.s. / ČSN ISO 10 006 Implementation in the UNICORN a.s.

Havlín, Jan January 2008 (has links)
This Thesis looks at the current situation in the UNICORN a.s. company and analyses how the projects are managed in the company. The Thesis suggests recommendation for improvements in this field according to ČSN ISO 10 006 Quality Management Systems - Guidelines for quality management in projects.

Quality Management and process development from scratch: Improving laboratory capabilities in Assam, India

Nilsson, Linda January 2019 (has links)
During the past ten years, the foreign direct investment in India has increased with 1828 percent which has led to more projects being initiated in India to improve the livestock industry. The World Bank is the foremost entity in such investments and an issue arises when translating western theories for project management in new cultures. Because of this, development projects tend to stagnate and become inefficient since project goals and templates cannot be applied. Previous studies conducted in Africa have created successful methods called SLMTA to make projects and processes more efficient. SLMTA is a framework to improve the capability and accreditation in laboratory environment. Total Quality Management is one of the methods used in this framework. This study examines how Total Quality Management and process mapping can improve the capability of a laboratory in Guwahati, Assam, India. The underlying theories of this study derives from project management and total quality management where role definition, project triangle, project process, process management and the pareto principle are used. The study is supported by methods from total quality management such as process mapping, affinity diagram, relationship diagram, and process decision program chart. The findings from the study indicate that the development project of the laboratory in central Guwahati is shaped as a project process where project management and process development are implemented in parallel which impairs the efficiency. The study also shows cultural knowledge is a key aspect to create efficient projects and processes in development countries. Finally, the study finds that culturally adapted quality management tools, process mapping and project management are vital for improved efficiency in laboratory environment. / De senaste tio åren har internationella direktinvesteringar i Indien ökat med 1 828 procent och detta har lett till att flera olika projekt initierats i Indien för att förbättra livsmedelsindustrin. Världsbanken är ledande i dessa investeringar och en problematik uppstår när deras västerländska teoretiska ramverk för projektplanering skall översättas i nya kulturer. På grund av detta tenderar utvecklingsprojekt att stagnera och bli ineffektiva eftersom projektmål och mallar inte kan appliceras i den kultur de verkar i. Framgångsrika metoder för att effektivisera projekt och processer har tagits fram i tidigare forskning utförda i Afrika vid namn SLMTA. SLMTA är ett ramverk för att effektivisera kapabilitetens och ansvarstagandet i utvecklandet av laboratorium. En del av de metoder som används är offensiv kvalitetsutveckling. Denna studie undersöker därför hur offensiv kvalitetsutveckling och processkartläggning kan effektivisera kapabiliteten i ett laboratorium i Guwahati, Assam, Indien. Teorin som understödjer studien är tagna från projektledning och offensiv kvalitetsutveckling där roll definitioner, projekttriangeln, process projekt, processledning och pareto principen används. Studien stödjs upp genom metoder från offensiv kvalitetsutveckling som processkartläggning, släktskaps-, relations- och processbesluts diagram. Studien finner att utvecklingsprojektet av laboratoriet i centrala Guwahati är utformat som ett projektprocess där projektledning och processutveckling sker parallellt vilket försvårar effektiviteten. Studien visar även att kulturellförståelse är en avgörande aspekt för att kunna skapa effektiva projekt och processer i ett utvecklingsland. Slutligen finner studien att offensiv kvalitetsutveckling och implementeringen av kulturellt anpassade kvalitetsverktyg, processkartläggning och projektledning är avgörande för att öka effektiviteten.

Využití principů, postupů a nástrojů procesního řízení při vedení projektů softwarového vývoje / Process management principles, procedures and tools application in software development project management

Oškrdal, Václav January 2009 (has links)
The main goal of this dissertation thesis is to design and verify a new concept of process management principles, procedures and tools application, utilizable in the software development project management field. Emphasis is placed on creating a general (i.e. generally usable) concept, derived from solid theoretical background and suitable for further expansion and modifications. The theoretical part of the thesis has two main chapters. In the "Process management" chapter, the individual derived principles (Effectiveness, Added value, Coherence, Portability, Adequate standardization, Measurability, Clarity, Integration, Accountability, Continuous improvement) and procedures (Initiation, Identification, Definition, Validation, Implementation, Revision) are described and interconnected into an integrated concept, usable for the introduction and development of process management in the organization, supported by appropriate ICT tools (mainly from four selected areas -- Modeling and Simulation, Performance measurement, Change management, Administration). In the "Project Management" chapter, the project management area is embedded in the broader context of a process-driven organization in line with modern models of strategic ICT governance and ICT services management. The main dimensions of project management as well as the process approach to project management, which helps to bridge the gap between unique/temporary projects and repeatable/stable processes, are described. Basis for the normative project processes design in the following part of the thesis is set by the evaluation of selected models of the project life cycle and project management methodologies. The practical part of this thesis is basically a verification of the concept, described in the theoretical chapters. Firstly, an original project management methodology, suitable for deriving process model of the subject area, is presented. On this basis -- and by using the previously described principles, procedures and process management tools -- the major artifacts of a reference project processes model are elaborated (such as Conceptual model of the subject area, List of events and natural processes, Process pyramid, Process model, Organization model, Indicators pyramid or RACI matrix of roles and processes/indicators /SLAs; setup of selected process model is also verified experimentally by simulations). Critical evaluation of the presented model is an important input for the final assessment of the thesis goals' achievement and proposal of further research fields.

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