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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A study of donation behavior credit card cardholders in Kaohsiung city¡Ðto transfer the donation take the Scoring Points as an example

Hsiao, Xiang-ru 03 September 2009 (has links)

Les facteurs psychologiques de performance au hockey selon les gardiens de but et leurs entraîneurs

Boisvert, Mylène 06 1900 (has links)
Cette étude exploratoire vise essentiellement à identifier les principaux facteurs psychologiques des gardiens de but au hockey ayant connu du succès. Plus précisément, cette étude nous a permis d’approfondir le sujet à l’aide d’entrevues individuelles semi-dirigées menées auprès de sept gardiens de but et huit entraîneurs des gardiens de but issus de la Ligue de hockey junior majeur du Québec (LHJMQ). Nous avons ensuite comparé les réponses de ces deux groupes d’experts dans le domaine afin de dresser un portrait précis de l’aspect mental entourant cette position au hockey. Nos résultats démontrent que les mêmes facteurs psychologiques majeurs ressortent du discours des gardiens de but et de celui de leurs entraîneurs. Il a ainsi été possible d’identifier neuf attributs psychologiques prédominants provenant des discours de chacune des parties. Plus précisément, ces neuf facteurs psychologiques reliés à l’atteinte d’une performance athlétique hors pair seraient les traits de personnalité, la résilience, le niveau de confiance, la passion, l’état d’esprit optimal, l’éthique au quotidien, un niveau de concentration optimal, la relativisation des événements et le contrôle des émotions. De manière générale, nos résultats vont dans le même sens que les conclusions tirées des autres études sur les différents aspects mentaux des athlètes de niveau élite. Toutefois, on observe un manque de données scientifiques en ce qui a trait à la psychologie du sport chez les gardiens de but au hockey. Cette étude constitue donc un premier développement dans l’identification des atouts psychologiques influençant la performance des gardiens de but au hockey. / The purpose of this exploratory study was to identify the major mental skills used by successful hockey goaltenders. In-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with seven goaltenders and eight goaltender coaches from the Quebec Major Hockey League (QMJHL) to be able to get a better knowledge on the topic. Afterwards, we were able to compare the data from the goaltenders and their coaches in order to get a precise picture of the mental characteristics associated with goaltenders in hockey. Our results demonstrate that the same major psychological factors would be identified by the selected athletes and their coaches. It was therefore possible to identify nine psychological attributes from the answers of both parties. More precisely, the nine psychological attributes related to hockey goaltender’s performance are personality traits, resiliency, confidence level, passion, mental readiness, work ethic, optimal concentration level, put into perspective events and emotion control. From a general perspective, our results are consistent with results from other research on the mental aspects of elite athletes. On a more narrow perspective though, we can clearly observe a lack of scientific evidences on the topic of sport psychology related to hockey goaltenders. This study therefore becomes an important first step in the identification of the performance psychological attributes related to the position of goaltending in hockey.

Les facteurs psychologiques de performance au hockey selon les gardiens de but et leurs entraîneurs

Boisvert, Mylène 06 1900 (has links)
No description available.


馬傳鎮, MA, CHUAN-ZHEN Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之主要目的有三:(一)研擬出一套具體可行有助於本研究進行並能合理解釋 少年犯罪行為互動歷程之概念架構,然後運用各種統計技術考驗該概念架構,設法修 正成新的互動性影響理論模式;(二)編製可以早期識別潛在少年犯之測量工具;( 三)比較一般少年與犯罪少年以及財產犯與暴力犯在各心理與環境變項上之差異情形 。 為期達成上列目的,本研究採取人格心理學上互動論的觀點、重視科技整合的精神, 並且同時運用傳統少年犯罪與自陳犯罪報告兩種研究方式。首先以2026名一般少 年及441名少年初犯與累犯作施測對象,據以建立少年犯罪量表。然後又對513 9名一般少年、493名少年暴力犯及458名少年財產犯施行自編的少年生活情境 量表,其內容含自陳報告財產犯罪與暴力犯罪的題目。 本論文共分九章三十四節,首章為緒論,說明研究問題背景及其重要性、研究目的、 取向與重要名詞。次章探討有關本研究之理論與實徵性研究。第三章陳述本研究概念 架構之建立過程與研究假設之內涵。第四章報告研究方法、對象、工具與資料處理類 型。第五章敘述少年犯罪量表之編製過程。第六章是預備性分析,分別指陳三十個變 項的相關程度以及各自變項對六個依變項的預測力。第七章係分析並討論各組少年在 三十個變項之差異情形,以及各自變項對六個依變項的主要影響。第八章則係分析並 討論各自變項對一般少年與犯罪少年情緒狀態、潛在非行性、自陳財產犯罪次數及自 陳暴力犯罪次數之互動性影響程度。第九章是綜合討論、結論與建議,先對各項重要 研究結果作更進一步的討論,再據以提出結論與主要建議。 研究結果顯示:(一)少年犯罪量表之信度與效度尚佳,可作早期識別少年犯之重要 工具。(二)犯罪少年之父親關愛度及家長社經地位均較一般少年低,其家庭功能與 在校人際關係、學行成績較一般少年低劣,其所居住社區不良程度較一般少年更重, 而其逃學次數、怨恨情緒與焦慮情緒均較一般少年外,其自我概念較一般少年更消極 ,其情緒控制與自我克制能力較一般少年為低劣,其潛在非行性較一般少年為重,其 財物誘因、暴行誘因、自陳財產犯罪次數與自陳暴力犯罪次數均較一般少年更多。( 三)將少年財產犯與少年暴力犯相較,少年財產犯之父親關愛度較暴力犯為低,家庭 功能亦較暴力犯低劣,不良交友較暴力犯多,自我概念較暴力犯更消極,而其財產罪 次數亦較暴力犯為多;反之,少年暴力犯之憤怒情緒則較少年財產犯為更多,情緒控 制能力較少年財產犯更低劣,而其自陳暴力犯罪次數亦較少年財產犯為多。(四)大 多數的自變項對一般少年的潛在非行性、自陳財產犯罪次數與自陳暴力犯罪次數的影 響具有顯著的主要效果存在;但是,只有相當少數的自變項對犯罪少年上列三個依變 項的影響之主要效果顯著。(五)就對一般少年與犯罪少年潛在非行性、自陳財產犯 罪次數、自陳暴力犯罪次數的影響而言,以潛在非行性(指對自陳財產犯罪與暴力犯 罪次數的影響)、怨恨情緒、內外控取向、自我概念、活動性、逃學次數、不良交友 、不良社區、家庭功能、人際關係等項為最具影響力的變項。(六)就對一般少年潛 在非行性、自陳財產犯罪與自陳暴力犯罪的互動性影響而言,逃學次數、家庭功能、 不良交友、不良社區、活動性、衝動性、自我概念等項,乃是最具互動性影響力的變 項;而潛在非行性、財物誘因及挫折容忍度三變項係對一般少年自陳財產犯罪獨具互 動性影響力的變項;潛在非行性、暴行誘因及情緒控制能力三變項係對一般少年自陳 暴力犯罪獨具互動性影響力的變項。(七)就對犯罪少年潛在非行性、自陳財產犯罪 與自陳暴力犯罪的互動性影響而言,家庭功能、內外控取向與母關愛度三項乃是較重 要的互動性影響因素。(八)就對所有少年自陳暴力犯罪的互動性影響而言,潛在非 行性、財物誘因、暴行誘因、自我克制能力與少年組別五個變項對於自陳暴力犯罪具 有顯著的互動性影響。(九)上列各項研究結果大致支持了本研究所提出的大部份研 究假設,且驗證互動論對少年犯罪行為歷程可作合理的解釋。依據互動性影響的研究 結果,本研究乃建立各自變項對一般少年及犯罪少年潛在非行性、自陳財產犯罪、自 陳暴力犯罪互動性影響的新理論模式共計六個。 根據本研究各項結果,研究者建議:(一)運用各種有效的途徑,落實親職教育的推 展,強化婚姻諮商與家族治療的功能,使病態家庭減少至最低限度。(二)改革學制 ,徹底扭轉社會上文憑主義、升學至上的錯誤觀念念;充實各級中學教育內涵,期其 五育平衡發展;改革道德教育方法,並早期發現潛在的少年犯,施予有效的輔導諮商 措施,強化中學的犯罪預防功能。(三)淨化大眾媒體內涵,改善社會風氣,並加強 對青少年的交誼輔導。(四)學校與家庭教育宜加強培養兒童及青少年高度的挫折容 忍度、情緒控制與自我克制能力,並設法糾正其偏差的性格傾向。(五)學術界宜多 編製少年犯罪量表供實務界參考,並加強少年犯罪早期預測研究,期能採取攻勢性的 犯罪預防策略,徹底防治青少年犯罪行為之產生。(六)學術界今後有必要多進行自 陳報告式的少年犯罪研究,與傳統式的少年犯研究同步並進,相輔相成;同時,並宜 多運用互動觀點與科際整合精神,深入探討少年犯罪行為的互動歷程,俾對少年罪問 題的解決,以提供更大的助益。

Les systèmes électoraux et le vote stratégique : Le facteur psychologique et le vote stratégique aux élections législatives en Suède et en France / Electoral systems and strategical voting : The psychological effect and the strategic vote in legislative elections in Sweden and in France

Karlsson, Erik January 2016 (has links)
The objective of this study is to investigate how the phenomenon called the strategic vote is manifested in the legislative elections in France and Sweden. In order to gain knowledge in this domain of study, recent studies and well-established theories within the political science have been observed. The theory of the psychological factor, composed by the French political scientist Maurice Duverger lays the basis of the theory of the strategic vote, which is the central theory for this thesis, mostly defined by Gary W. Cox in Making votes count: strategic coordination in the world’s electoral systems (1997). The main question of research is as follows: “How does the strategic vote manifest itself amongst the voters in the legislative elections of the proportional electoral Swedish system and the majority electoral French system?” The following questions are follow-up questions to complement the main one: “Which are the effects of the strategic vote?” “Which are the differences in the French and Swedish legislative elections that are revealed throughout the interviews?” and “Is the validity of votes under the influence of the phenomenon of the strategic vote questionable?” The method used to obtain answers to the questions above is qualitative interviews with two groups of respondents: one group of respondents of French nationality and another group with respondents of Swedish nationality. The results of the study show that strategic voting in France is mostly due to the two-ballot system that is applied in the French electoral system, where the second ballot is the source to most of the strategic voting in France. The Swedish voters, however, first and foremost vote strategically by reason of the electoral threshold of 4 % that is employed in the Swedish electoral system. The effects of the strategic voting in the concerning states, found in this study are identical: an overrepresentation of the bigger political parties and an underrepresentation of the smaller political parties. Differences in the legislative elections of the countries, France and Sweden, which were revealed during the interviews are differences in electoral participation due to the structure of elections on the various levels, such as municipal, regional and legislative and so forth. The third follow-up question, being of a more philosophical nature, lead to two positions: an idealist and a realist one. Through the results found in this study, the idealist position is the preferred position, in order to respect and achieve the democratic ideals on which the democratic states France and Sweden are based.

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