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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Viešųjų pirkimų centralizavimo finansinės naudos valstybei vertinimas (Lietuvos atvejis) / Evaluation of State‘s Financial Benefits from Centralization of Public Procurement (the case of Lithuania)

Šerpytis, Karolis 18 January 2012 (has links)
Pasaulyje 2008 metais kilusi finansinė ir ekonominė krizė paskatino valdžios institucijas ieškoti būdų, kaip efektyviau naudoti valstybės biudžeto lėšas, skirtas viešiesiems pirkimams. Todėl susidomėjimas viešųjų pirkimų centralizavimu pastaruoju metu labai padidėjo. Disertacijoje nagrinėjami ekonominiai, vadybiniai ir teisiniai viešųjų pirkimų centralizavimo aspektai. Pagrindinis darbo tikslas – sukurti viešųjų pirkimų centralizavimo finansinės naudos vertinimo modelį ir remiantis šiuo modeliu atlikti šios naudos vertinimo tyrimą viešųjų pirkimų centralizavimo Lietuvoje atveju. Disertacijoje, apibendrinus mokslinę literatūrą, išskiriami veiksniai, lemiantys viešųjų pirkimų centralizavimo finansinę naudą, taip pat analizuojami pirkimų centralizavimo pranašumai ir trūkumai. Sintetinant pirkimų valdymo dalyko ir aukcionų teorijos žinias, iškeliamos hipotezės paaiškinančios skirtumus tarp kainų centralizuotuose ir decentralizuotuose viešuosiuose pirkimuose. Darbe atlikti keli empiriniai viešųjų pirkimų centralizavimo tyrimai, kurių pagrindu įvertinta viešųjų pirkimų centralizavimo Lietuvoje finansinė nauda. Taip pat nustatytos kainų skirtumo centralizuotuose ir decentralizuotuose viešuosiuose pirkimuose susidarymo priežastys. Apibendrinti tyrimų rezultatai leido pateikti viešųjų pirkimų centralizavimo plėtros prognozę. / World financial and economic crisis encouraged government institutions to find ways for more efficient organization of public procurement. Therefore there is growing interest in public procurement centralization process. In the dissertation there are analyzed economic, management and law aspects of public procurement centralization. The aim of the dissertation is to create a model for evaluating state’s financial benefits from centralization of public procurement and to evaluate these benefits in the case of Lithuania. By generalizing scientific literature there are abstracted elements influencing formation of financial benefits from centralization of public procurement, also there are advantages and disadvantages of public procurement centralization being analyzed. By synthesizing scientific knowledge of purchasing management and auction theory, few hypotheses are raised to explain differences in prices between centralized and decentralized public procurement. Empirical research of public procurement centralization was conducted and based on research results evaluation of Lithuanian state financial benefits from public procurement centralization was carried out. Also causes of price differences between centralized and decentralized public procurement were defined. Generalization of research results enabled to do prediction of development for public procurement centralization.

Enquiry into what frustrates the efficacy of preferential public procurement as a policy tool for black economic empowerment

Beukes, Soraya January 2011 (has links)
<p>Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) has been a topic of discussion since the dawn of democracy in April 1994. Due to the entrenched inequalities of the past, economic empowerment is very important for the economic growth of the majority of South Africa&rsquo / s citizens. However, significant economic enrichment of black people has not been made, despite, economic success, legislation, state policies and programme interventions. This economic growth is to be realised through the use of preferential procurement as a policy tool for BEE. Whilst sufficient legislation has been enacted to regulate preferential procurement, to favour black people, much still seems to be lacking in the enforcement of the laws in public procurement. Central to the challenges of preferential procurement is the disharmony between the Framework legislation governing preferential procurement and BEE. This discord has seen two visions being followed for preferential procurement / the Procurement Act refers to the beneficiaries of BEE as historically disadvantaged individuals (HDI / s) and the goals for BEE are measured through specific goals which promotes narrow empowerment / the BBBEE Act on the other hand defines black people as the recipients of BEE and through the BEE Codes broad-based empowerment is promoted through seven core elements. This congruency has not served the promotion of preferential procurement, it has created a hindrance that frustrates economic growth for those it is intended. The other quandary that undermines the success of preferential procurement is willful practices engaged by both tenderers and public officials / skills deficiency in the adjudication of tenders and self-interest. The success of BEE through preferential procurement is dependent on a coherently legislated procurement environment fortified by perceptive public officials. The objective of this thesis is to analyse the impact of these challenges on the success of preferential procurement. The study will highlight the main practices that defeat the use of preferential procurement. This will include an analysis of the various legislation and the amendments thereto. In addition the enquiry will examine the proficiency of public officials in the adjudication of public tendering. Recommendations for a successful preferential public procurement environment will be made. The proposed thesis will utilise, inter alia, relevant legislation, case law, theses, journals, books and policy documents.</p>

Measuring the Local Economic Impact of NHS Procurement in the UK: An Evaluation of the Cornwall Food Programme and LM3

Thatcher, J., Sharp, Liz January 2009 (has links)
Local procurement by public bodies is one type of Short Food Supply Chain (SFSC), which have been argued to contribute to economic regeneration and local sustainable development. In the current UK policy environment, quantifying actual local economic gains could add much-needed weight to arguments in favour of local procurement in the NHS and other public bodies. To aid such quantification, this paper exemplifies and evaluates the use of a ¿quick and simple¿ tool called LM3, designed to measure the local economic benefit of initiatives like SFSCs. LM3 is calculated for the Cornwall Food Programme (CPF), a localised procurement initiative. The findings confirm that the CPF has a considerable impact on the local economy. Notwithstanding this conclusion, difficulties in data collection combined with inaccuracies inherent to the LM3 process created a large margin of error in the findings. Moreover, a qualitative evaluation of the CPF added a valuable understanding of the wider economic impact of the CFP. The use of an even simpler and more reliable ¿LM2¿ multiplier tool is recommended for future studies, accompanied by some qualitative evaluation to create a fuller picture of local economic impacts.

Les politiques d'offset (compensation) : enjeux généraux et étude du cas de l'Afrique du Sud / Offset policies (compensations) : general issues and case study of Africa’s offset system

Buga, Cristina 31 March 2016 (has links)
L’offset, appelé également opération de compensation, est un outil de politique discriminatoire destiné à favoriser la production locale. Il désigne un transfert ou une création d’activités en échange de l’octroi d’un contrat commercial d’achat-vente dans le cadre d’un marché public international. Les gouvernements utilisent ces mécanismes comme un levier stratégique de développement et d’amélioration de la balance des paiements. Malgré la portée de ces pratiques, elles restent un mécanisme d’échange relativement méconnu et peu décrit dans la littérature académique. L’objet de cette thèse est de définir, expliciter et évaluer l’importance de ces pratiques dans le commerce international et de proposer des pistes de réflexion pour le succès (l’efficience et l’efficacité) d’une politique de ce type imposée par le gouvernement hôte aux firmes internationales. Afin de prendre en compte les variables critiques du succès d’une politique d’offset, la relation entre l’État hôte et l’entreprise obligataire et le résultat de cette interaction sont examinés par l’intermédiaire de la théorie des jeux. L’application de ce cadre d’analyse à l’étude de la politique d’offset de l’Afrique du Sud et plus particulièrement à l’analyse des 121 projets d’offset civils fournis entre 1996 et 2012, dans le cadre du programme d’achats stratégiques de Défense met en évidence les résultats suivants : lors de la signature des contrats, les projets d’offset laissent espérer d’importantes retombées économiques et sociales pour le pays. Toutefois, au cours du processus de mise en œuvre, les nombreuses dérogations aux règles et aux procédures réglementaires fixées réduisent largement les effets positifs des projets et nuisent à leur efficacité. L’opacité des modalités de négociation, de sélection et d’exécution des projets d’offset permettent d’affirmer que ces pratiques n’ont pas toujours garanti la meilleure valeur possible des achats publics. Pour des problèmes d’information et d’analyse, il est difficile de statuer sur l’efficience globale de la politique d’offset sud-africaine mais le bilan estimatif reste positif. / Offsets arrangements in government procurement are discriminatory policy tools aimed at increasing local production. They reflect a transfer or a creation of new activities as a pre-condition to the validity of the purchasing contract. The governments use these mechanisms to encourage local development or to improve the balance-of-payments. In spite of the broad utilization of offset practices, they are relatively unknown and little described in academic literature. The goal of this thesis is to define, to explain and to assess the importance of these practices in the international trade and to provide a theoretical framework within which it will be possible to critically appraise the success of an offset policy (its effectiveness and efficiency) for host countries. In order to take into account the success factors for an offset policy, the relationship between the host country and the obligor as well as the result of this relationship is examined through the game theory approach. By applying this general framework to the study of South African Offset policy and more particularly to the evaluation of 121 civil offset projects provided between 1996 and 2012, under the Strategic Defense Package purchase we find the following results: at the conclusion of public procurement contracts, South-African offset projects hold out promises of important economic benefits for the country. Nevertheless, during the implementation process, many violations of rules and procedures decrease the positive impact of these projects and hinder their effectiveness. The lack of transparency in the negotiation process, the selection and the execution phase of offset projects show that South Africa did not obtain best value for public money. It is difficult to appraise global program efficiency because of lack of data and analysis problems. However the estimated impact remains positive.

Lights and Shadows of Arbitration in Government Procurement / Luces y Sombras del Arbitraje en Contrataciones del Estado

Campos Medina, Alexander, Alarcón Canchari, Alan Carlos, Guzmán-Barrón Sobrevilla, César, Latorre Boza, Derik, Martínez Zamora, Marco Antonio, Espinoza Quiñones, Sandro 10 April 2018 (has links)
The present event talks about some relevant aspects in arbitration on public procurement matter, such as additional the non-arbitrability of additional provisions, the use of interim measures against administrative penalties and corruption of arbitration on public procurement matter. The discussion is done in the frame of the new Public Procurement Law. / El presente evento gira entorno a algunos aspectos relevantes respecto al arbitraje en contratación pública, tales como la no arbitrabilidad de adicionales de obra, la presentación de una medida cautelar ante una sanción administrativa y la corrupción en arbitraje en contrataciones del Estado. La discusión se enmarca, además, en el panorama de la nueva Ley de Contrataciones del Estado.

Institutional Arbitration in Public Procurement / Arbitraje Institucional en la Contratación Pública

Guzmán-Barrón Sobrevilla, César, Zúñiga Maravi, Rigoberto 10 April 2018 (has links)
In the present article, the authors give us an overview about the advantages of institutional arbitration over ad hoc arbitration, on public procurement matter. Thus, starting by describing the present situation of arbitration on that field, they describe the advantages of institutional arbitration, in favor of reaching a more efficient and transparent arbitration system, which is the desired goal. / En el presente artículo, los autores nos dan un panorama de las ventajas del arbitraje institucional sobre el arbitraje ad hoc, en materia de contratación pública. Así, partiendo del panorama actual del arbitraje en dicha materia, describen las ventajas del arbitraje institucional, en aras de tener un sistema más eficiente, transparente, que es el objetivo deseado.

The Strict Liability of State Suppliers in the Presentation of False Documentation or Inaccurate Affidavit / La Responsabilidad Objetiva de los Proveedores del Estado en la Presentación de Documentación Falsa o Declaración Jurada Inexacta

Martínez Zamora, Marco Antonio 10 April 2018 (has links)
The present paper pretends to open the debate about the limits of responsibility of State suppliers on the presentation of false or inexact documentation on the selection procedures as a participator on the frame of the public procurement law, considering that the burden of proof has been translated to the governed, punishing in a more severe way the infringement to the due of veracity on the documentation that is provided by suppliers to public entities. / El presente trabajo pretende plantear el debate respecto de los límites de la responsabilidad de los proveedores del Estado en la presentación de documentación falsa o inexacta en los procedimientos de selección en los que participen en el marco del régimen de contratación estatal, habida cuenta que en el mismo se ha trasladado el peso de la verificación documentaria al administrado, sancionándose cada vez de manera más drástica la infracción al deber de veracidad de la documentación que presenten los proveedores ante las Entidad Públicas.

State of the Question and Future Challenges of Public Procurement in Peru Interview with Dr. Ricardo Salazar Chávez / Estado de la Cuestión y Retos a Futuro de la Contratación Pública en el Perú Entrevista al Dr. Ricardo Salazar Chávez

Espino Layza, María Alejandra, Llique Ramírez, Rosa Natalí 10 April 2018 (has links)
The present interview has as purpose to give comprehensive overview about the currentsituation of public procurement in our country, with emphasis on the goals achieved and the possible challenges of the matter; all of this in the frame on the reform of public procurement law. / La presente entrevista tiene como propósito dar un panorama del actual estado de la contratación pública en nuestro país, haciendo énfasis en los logros que se han ido alcanzados y los posibles retos de la misma; todo esto teniendo en cuenta la reciente reforma en la normativa de contratación pública.

La Función Garantista del Equilibrio Económico Financiero en el Contrato de Obra Pública / La Función Garantista del Equilibrio Económico Financiero en el Contrato de Obra Pública

Alarcón Canchari, Alan Carlos 10 April 2018 (has links)
The present article seeks to explain, in the frame of cost variations of infrastructure works, the way the legal defense of State has been carried out against the pretension outlined. Then, we will analyze the way this pretensions, far from causing a prejudice to State, they tend to be necessary to achieve the public interests. / El presente artículo tiene como propósito explicar, dentro de un escenario de variación inesperada de los costos de una obra de infraestructura, cómo ha sido la defensa legal del Estado contra las pretensiones económicas que se han esbozado, para seguidamente analizar cómo es que estas pretensiones, lejos de constituirse en necesariamente un eventual perjuicio para el Estado, finalmente y dependiendo de la casuística, terminan siendo necesarias para la consecución de intereses públicos.

Fiscalização de contratos administrativos na Universidade Federal do Ceará / Supervisory administrative contracts at the Universidade Federal do Ceará

SILVA, Maria de Jesus Lopes January 2015 (has links)
SILVA, Maria de Jesus Lopes. Fiscalização de contratos administrativos na Universidade Federal do Ceará. 2015. 85f. – Dissertação (Mestrado) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Programa de Pós-graduação em Políticas Públicas e Gestão da Educação Superior, Fortaleza (CE), 2015. / Submitted by Márcia Araújo (marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2015-06-09T13:02:33Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2015_dis_mjlsilva.pdf: 998631 bytes, checksum: 2a0824e9c65ced55d43a693cc818ef31 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Márcia Araújo(marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2015-06-09T16:48:18Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2015_dis_mjlsilva.pdf: 998631 bytes, checksum: 2a0824e9c65ced55d43a693cc818ef31 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-06-09T16:48:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2015_dis_mjlsilva.pdf: 998631 bytes, checksum: 2a0824e9c65ced55d43a693cc818ef31 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015 / The scope of the public interest is not realized only through the steps of planning, bidding and contracting. You get to the point to carry out the contract and under the legal aspect, the public administrator must designate server to monitor their implementation. The supervision functions as guarantor mechanism of best execution of the contract and fidelity to its object, and ensure compliance with the principle of efficiency in public administration. This study aims to analyze the supervision of administrative contracts of continuous nature, in the period 2012-2014, the Universidade Federal do Ceará. The theoretical approach is based on the process of the concepts of the Brazilian public procurement and its phases of administrative contracts and their characteristics and management and supervision of contracts, focused on the role and responsibilities of tax. It is characterized as descriptive research with qualitative approach and case study, done with bibliographic support, documentary and field. The research instrument was used questionnaire, which was applied to tax and former tax administrative contracts continuing nature of the institution. The results show that the UFC manager rightly chose the executive agent of the contract, however, he lacks administrative support, knowledge and the application of standardized instruments of surveillance and especially training and capacity building. / O alcance do interesse público não se concretiza apenas com as etapas do planejamento, da licitação e da contratação. Chega-se ao momento de proceder à execução do contrato e, sob o aspecto legal, o administrador público deve designar servidor para fiscalizar essa execução. A fiscalização funciona como mecanismo garantidor da melhor execução do contrato e da fidelidade ao seu objeto, além de assegurar o cumprimento do princípio da eficiência na Administração Pública. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a fiscalização de contratos administrativos de natureza contínua, no período de 2012 a 2014, na Universidade Federal do Ceará. A abordagem teórica está baseada nos conceitos do processo da contratação pública brasileira e suas fases, de contratos administrativos e suas características e de gestão e fiscalização de contratos, focada na atuação e responsabilidades dos fiscais. Caracteriza-se como pesquisa descritiva, com abordagem qualitativa e estudo de caso, feito com suporte bibliográfico, documental e de campo. Como instrumento de pesquisa foi utilizado questionário, o qual foi aplicado aos fiscais e ex-fiscais de contratos administrativos de natureza continuada da instituição. Os resultados encontrados apontam que o gestor da UFC escolheu acertadamente o agente executor do contrato, porém, falta a ele apoio administrativo, o conhecimento e a aplicação de instrumentos padronizados de fiscalização e, principalmente treinamento e capacitação.

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