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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Σύνδεση ανεμογεννήτριας μικρής ισχύος με το δίκτυο χαμηλής τάσης. Κατασκευή τριφασικού αντιστροφέα τάσης ελεγχόμενου από μικροελεγκτή

Ζωγόγιαννη, Χαρούλα 12 June 2013 (has links)
Η παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία πραγματεύεται τη μελέτη ενός συστήματος διασύνδεσης μιας ανεμογεννήτριας ονομαστικής ισχύος 1kW με το δίκτυο χαμηλής τάσης. Επιπλέον, πραγματεύεται τη σχεδίαση, κατασκευή και έλεγχο ενός τριφασικού αντιστροφέα που αποτελεί την τελευταία βαθμίδα πριν τη σύνδεση με το δίκτυο χαμηλής τάσης. Η εργασία αυτή εκπονήθηκε στο Εργαστήριο Ηλεκτρομηχανικής Μετατροπής Ενέργειας του Τμήματος Ηλεκτρολόγων Μηχανικών και Τεχνολογίας Υπολογιστών της Πολυτεχνικής Σχολής του Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών. Σκοπός είναι η διασύνδεση της ανεμογεννήτριας με το δίκτυο χαμηλής τάσης μέσω δύο βαθμίδων: ενός μετατροπέα ανύψωσης τάσης και ενός τριφασικού αντιστροφέα. Ο μετατροπέας ανύψωσης τάσης αποτελεί αντικείμενο μελέτης της διπλωματικής εργασίας του συνάδελφου Ιωάννη Γκαρτζώνη, ενώ στην παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία μελετάται και σχεδιάζεται ο τριφασικός αντιστροφέας. Αμφότερες οι διατάξεις περιλαμβάνουν ελέγχους κλειστού βρόχου, μέσω των οποίων απομαστεύεται η μέγιστη ισχύς από την ανεμογεννήτρια (έλεγχος μετατροπέα ανύψωσης) και διατηρείται σταθερή η τάση μεταξύ των δύο βαθμίδων, παρέχοντας ενεργό ισχύ στο δίκτυο υπό μοναδιαίο συντελεστή ισχύος (έλεγχος τριφασικού αντιστροφέα). Αρχικά παρουσιάζονται τα πλεονεκτήματα και μειονεκτήματα της χρήσης ανεμογεννητριών για την παραγωγή ηλεκτρικής ενέργειας και αναλύεται ο τρόπος με τον οποίο η αιολική ενέργεια μετατρέπεται σε ηλεκτρική. Επιπλέον, γίνεται μια σύντομη αναφορά στους τύπους των ανεμογεννητριών, καθώς και στους τρόπους λειτουργίας τους ως προς τη διασύνδεση με το δίκτυο. Στη συνέχεια γίνεται θεωρητική ανάλυση για κάθε βαθμίδα του συνολικού συστήματος. Ιδιαίτερη έμφαση δίνεται στη λειτουργία του τριφασικού αντιστροφέα και στην τεχνική παλμοδότησής του που ονομάζεται Ημιτονοειδής Διαμόρφωση του Εύρους των Παλμών (Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation - SPWM). Επίσης, εξάγονται σχέσεις βάσει των οποίων είναι δυνατό να παραμετροποιηθεί ο τριφασικός μετασχηματιστής με μεγάλη επαγωγή μαγνήτισης που έπεται του τριφασικού αντιστροφέα. Το επόμενο βήμα αποτελεί η προσομοίωση στο λογισμικό προσομοίωσης κυκλωμάτων Simulink του Matlab τόσο του τριφασικού αντιστροφέα σε ανοιχτό και σε κλειστό βρόχο, όσο και ολόκληρου του συστήματος διασύνδεσης. Ο κλειστός βρόχος αποτελεί ένα νέο και άμεσο έλεγχο της ισχύος που παρέχεται στο δίκτυο. Επιπρόσθετα, περιγράφεται ο σχεδιασμός και η κατασκευή όλων των κυκλωμάτων που απαιτούνται για τον τριφασικό αντιστροφέα, το φίλτρο και το μετασχηματιστή. Τέλος πραγματοποιούνται πειραματικές δοκιμές για να διαπιστωθεί η ορθή λειτουργία των βαθμίδων που κατασκευάστηκαν, να εντοπιστούν και δικαιολογηθούν τυχόν διαφορές μεταξύ της θεωρητικής ανάλυσης και των μετρήσεων στην πραγματική διάταξη, καθώς και για να εκτιμηθεί η απόδοση του συστήματος. / The present diploma thesis deals with the interconnection of 1kW wind generator to the low voltage grid. A three phase inverter is the last stage of the interconnection system. The design, construction and control of the three phase inverter is studied. This work was developed in the Laboratory of Electromechanical Conversion Energy at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Technology of Polytechnic School in the University of Patras, Greece. The purpose of this thesis is the connection of the wind generator with the low voltage grid through two stages: a boost converter and a three phase inverter. Both stages are closed loop controlled and in this way the maximum power of the wind generator is supplied (control of the boost converter) and the voltage between the two stages remains constant, providing active power to the grid with unity power factor (control of the three phase inverter). Initially, the advantages and disadvantages of the use of wind generator are presented and the way that the wind energy is converted to mechanical energy and finally to electrical energy is analyzed. Moreover, it is given a short reference in the types of the wind generators used for connection to the grid. In addition, every stage of the whole system is analyzed. Especially, the function of the three phase inverter and the Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation-sPWM are studied. The three phase transformer, that follows the three phase inverter stage, is parameterized through equations that are described in this work. The next step in this thesis is the simulation with Simulink of Matlab. The three phase inverter is simulated in open and closed loop as well as the whole connection system of the wind generator to the low voltage grid. The closed loop control is a new and direct control of active and reactive power that are supplied to the grid. Furthermore, it is described the design and construction of all the circuits for the three phase inverter, the filter and the transformer. Finally, experiments are conducted in order to confirm the proper function of the stages that are constructed, to find differences between theory and reality and to estimate the efficiency factor of the system.

Multilevel Dodecagonal and Octadecagonal Voltage Space Vector Structures with a Single DC Supply Using Basic Inverter Cells

Boby, Mathews January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Multilevel converters have become the direct accepted solution for high power converter applications. They are used in wide variety of power electronic applications like power transmission and distribution, electric motor drives, battery management and renewable energy management to name a few. For medium and high voltage motor drives, especially induction motor drives, the use of multilevel voltage source inverters have become indispensible. A high voltage multilevel inverter could be realized using low voltage switching devices which are easily available and are of low cost. A multilevel inverter generates voltage waveforms of very low harmonic distortion by switching between voltage levels of reasonably small amplitude differences. Thus the dv/dt of the output voltage waveform is small and hence the electromagnetic interference generated is less. Because of better quality output generation, the switching frequency of the multilevel inverters could be reduced to control the losses. Thus, a multilevel converter stands definitely a class apart in terms of performance from a conventional two-level inverter. Many multilevel inverter topologies for induction motor drives are available in the literature. The basic multilevel topologies are the neutral point clamped (NPC) inverter, flying capacitor (FC) inverter and the cascaded H-bridge (CHB) inverter. Various other hybrid multilevel topologies have been proposed by using the basic multilevel inverter topologies. It is also possible to obtain multilevel output by using conventional two-level inverters feeding an open-end winding induction motor from both sides. All the conventional multilevel voltage source inverters generate hexagonal (6 sided polygons) voltage space vector structures. When an inverter with hexagonal space vector structure is operated in the over modulation range, significant low order harmonics are generated in the phase voltage output. Over modulation operation is required for the full utilization of the available DC-link voltage and hence maximum power generation. Among the harmonics generated, the fifth and seventh harmonics are of significant magnitudes. These harmonics generate torque ripple in the motor output and are undesirable in high performance motor drive applications. The presence of these harmonics further creates problems in the closed loop current control of a motor, affecting the dynamic performance. Again, the harmonic currents generate losses in the stator windings. Therefore, in short, the presence of harmonic voltages in the inverter output is undesirable. Many methods have been proposed to eliminate or mitigate the effect of the harmonics. One solution is to operate the inverter at high switching frequency and thereby push the harmonics generated to high frequencies. The stator leakage inductance offers high impedance to the high frequency harmonics and thus the harmonic currents generated are negligible. But, high switching frequency brings switching losses and high electromagnetic interference generation in the drive system. And also, high switching frequency operation is effective only in the linear modulation range. Another solution is to use passive harmonic filters at the inverter output. For low order harmonics, the filter components would be bulky and costly. The loss created by the filters degrades the efficiency of the drive system as well. The presence of a filter also affects the dynamic performance of the drive system during closed loop operation. Special pulse width modulation (PWM) techniques like selective harmonic elimination (SHE) PWM can prevent the generation of a particular harmonic from the phase voltage output. The disadvantages of such schemes are limited modulation index, poor dynamic performance and extensive offline computations. An elegant harmonic elimination method is to generate a voltage space vector structure having more number of sides like a dodecagon (12 sided polygons) or an octadecagon (18 sided polygons) rather than a hexagon. Inverter topologies generating dodecagonal voltage space vector structure eliminate fifth and seventh order harmonics, represented as 6n 1; n = odd harmonics, from the phase voltages and hence from the motor phase currents, throughout the entire modulation range. The first harmonics appearing the phase voltage are the 11th and 13th harmonics. Another advantage is the increased linear modulation range of operation for a given DC-link voltage, because geometrically dodecagon is closer to circle than a hexagon. An octadecagonal structure eliminates the 11th and 13th harmonics as well from the phase voltage output. The harmonics present in the phase voltage are of the order 18n 1; n = 1; 2; 3; :::. Thus the total harmonics distortion (THD) of the phase voltage is further improved. The linear modulation range also gets enhanced compared to hexagonal and dodecagonal structures. Multilevel dodecagonal and octadecagonal space vector structures combines the advantages of both multilevel structure and dodecagonal and octadecagonal structure and hence are very attractive solutions for high performance induction motor drive schemes. Chapter 1 of this thesis introduces the multilevel in-verter topologies generating hexagonal, dodecagonal and octadecagonal voltage space vector structures. Inverter topologies generating multilevel dodecagonal and octadecago-nal voltage space vector structures have been proposed before but using multiple DC sources delivering active power. The presence of more than one DC source in the inverter topology makes the back to back operation (four-quadrant operation) of the drive system difficult. And also the drive system becomes more costly and bulky. This thesis proposes induction motor drive schemes generating multilevel dodecagonal and octadecagonal volt-age space vector structures using a single DC source. In Chapter 2, an induction motor drive scheme generating a six-concentric multilevel dodecagonal voltage space vector structure using a single DC source is proposed for an open-end winding induction motor. In the topology, two three-level inverters drive an open-end winding IM, one inverter from each side. DC-link of primary inverter is from a DC source (Vdc) which delivers the entire active power, whereas the secondary inverter DC-link is maintained by a capacitor at a voltage of 0:289Vdc, which is self-balanced during the inverter operation. The PWM scheme implemented ensures low switching frequency for primary inverter. Secondary inverter operates at a small DC-link voltage. Hence, switching losses are small for both primary and secondary inverters. An open-loop V/f scheme was used to test the topology and modulation scheme. In the work proposed in Chapter 3, the topology and modulation scheme used in the first work is modified for a star connected induction motor. Again, the scheme uses only a single DC source and generates a six-concentric multilevel space vector struc-ture. The power circuit topology is realized using a three-level flying capacitor (FC) inverter cascaded with an H-bridge (CHB). The capacitors in the CHB inverter are maintained at a voltage level of 0:1445Vdc. The FC inverter switches between volt-age levels of [Vdc; 0:5Vdc; 0] and the CHB inverter switches between voltage levels of [+01445Vdc; 0; 0:1445Vdc]. The PWM scheme generates a quasi-square waveform output from the FC inverter. This results in very few switchings of the FC inverter in a funda-mental cycle and hence the switching losses are controlled. The CHB inverter switches Ch. 0: at high frequency compared to the FC inverter and cancels the low order harmonics (6n 1; n = odd) generated by the FC inverter. Even though the CHB operates at higher switching frequency, the switchings are at low voltage thereby controlling the losses. The linear modulation range of operation is extended to 48:8Hz for a base frequency of 50Hz. An open-loop V/f scheme was used to test the topology and modulation scheme. In Chapter 4, a nine-concentric multilevel octadecagonal space vector structure is proposed for the first time, again using a single DC source. The circuit topology remains same as the work in Chapter 3, except that the CHB capacitor voltage is maintained at 0:1895Vdc. The 5th; 7th; 11th and 13th harmonics are eliminated from the phase voltage output. The linear modulation range is enhanced to 49:5Hz for a base speed of 50Hz. An open-loop V/f scheme and rotor field oriented control scheme were used to test the proposed drive system. All the proposed drive schemes have been extensively simulated and tested in hard-ware. Simulation was performed in MATLAB-SIMULINK environment. For implement-ing the inverter topology, SKM75GB12T4 IGBT modules were used. The control al-gorithms were implemented using a DSP (TI’s TMS320F28334) and an FPGA (Xilinx Spartan XC3S200). A 1kW , 415V , 4-pole induction motor was used for the experiment purpose. The above mentioned induction motor drive schemes generate phase voltage outputs in which the low order harmonics are absent. The linear modulation range is extended near to the base frequency of operation compared to hexagonal space vector structure. In the inverter topologies, the secondary inverters or the CHB inverters functions as harmonic filters and delivers zero active power. The primary inverter in the topologies switches at low frequency, reducing the power loss. Single DC source requirement brings down the cost of the system as well as permitting easy four-quadrant operation. This is also advantageous in battery operated systems like EV applications. With these features and advantages, the proposed drive schemes are suitable for high performance, medium voltage induction motor drive applications.

Studies on Single DC Link Fed Multilevel Inverter Topologies by Cascading Flying Capacitor and Floating Capacitor Fed H-Bridges

Pappu, Roshan Kumar January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Use of multilevel inverters are inevitable in medium and high voltage drives. This is due to the fact that the multilevel inverters can produce voltages in smaller steps which will reduce the harmonic content and result in more sinusoidal voltages and currents as compared to voltages and currents from two-level inverters. Due to the device limitations, use of two-level inverters is not possible in medium and high voltage drive applications. Though multiple devices can be connected both in series and parallel to achieve two-level operation, the output voltages still suffer from high harmonic content. Multilevel inverters have multiple DC voltage levels with switches that enable one of the voltage steps to be applied to the load. Due to decrease in step size during each switching instant, output voltages and currents of the multilevel inverters have considerably less harmonic content. As the number of levels increase, the switching step reduces thereby the harmonic content also reduces drastically. Due to their advantages, multilevel inverters have gained lot of acceptance in the industry even at lower voltages. The three main configurations that have gained popularity are the neutral point clamped converter, the flying capacitor converter and the cascaded H-bridge converter. Each converter has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Based on the requirements of various applications, it is possible to fabricate hybrid multilevel topologies that are combinations of the three basic topologies. Researchers around the world have proposed several such converters for diverse applications so as to suit particular requirements like modularity, ease of control, improved reliability, fault tolerant capability etc. The present thesis explores multilevel converters with single DC link to be used for motor drive and grid connected applications. A novel five-level inverter topology formed by cascading a floating capacitor H-bridge module to a regular three-level flying capacitor inverter has been explored in chapter 2. The three-level flying capacitor inverter can generate pole voltages of 0, VDC /2 and VDC . By cascading it with another floating capacitor H-bridge of voltage magnitude VDC /4, pole voltages of 0, VDC /4, VDC/2, 3VDC /4 and VDC . Each of these pole voltage levels can have one or more switching combinations. However each switching combination has a unique effect on the state of the two capacitor voltages. By switching through redundant switching combinations for the same pole voltage, the two capacitors present in each phase can be balanced. The proposed topology also has an advantage that if one of the devices in the H-bridge fails, the topology can still be operated as a regular three-level flying capacitor inverter that can supply full load at rated power by bypassing the faulty H-bridge. This fault tolerant operation of the converter will enable it to be used in applications like traction and marine drives where high reliability is needed. The proposed converter needs a single DC link. All the required voltage levels can be generated from the single DC link. This enables back to back grid connected operation possible where multiple converters can interact with a single DC link. Various pole voltage switching combination and its effect on individual capacitor has been studied. A control algorithm to balance the capacitor voltages by switching through multiple redundancies for the same pole voltage has been developed. The proposed configuration has been implemented in hardware using IGBT H-bridge modules and the control circuitry is realized using DSP and FPGA. The performance of the drive is verified for various frequencies and modulation indices during steady state by running a three phase induction motor at no load. The stability of the drive during transients has been studied by accelerating the machine suddenly at no load and analyzing the performance of the drive. The capacitor voltages are made to deviate from their intended values and the capacitor balancing algorithm has been verified for its ability to bring the capacitor voltages back to their intended values. The experimental results have been presented and discussed in detail in the chapter 2. In the third chapter a common-mode voltage eliminated three-level inverter using a single DC link has been proposed. The power schematic is similar to the one presented in chapter 2. In this chapter the space vector polygon formed by the three phases of the proposed topology has been presented. The common-mode voltage generated by different pole voltage combinations for same space vector location and the redundant switching state combinations has been studied. The pole voltage combinations with zero common mode voltage have been studied. The switching state redundancies for the the pole voltage have been studied. The space vector polygon formed with the pole voltage combinations has been analyzed. A drive is made with the proposed common-mode voltage eliminated inverter. The performance of the drive is tested for various modulation indices and frequencies by running a three phase squirrel cage induction motor at no load. The transient performance is verified by accelerating the motor suddenly and checking the common-mode voltage along with the capacitor voltages. The results have been presented and discussed in detail in chapter 3. This converter has advantages like use of single DC supply, ability to operate as a regular three level converter in case of failure of one of the H-bridges. The work presented in fourth chapter proposes a novel three phase 17-level inverter configuration which utilizes a single DC supply. The rest of voltages are generated using three floating capacitor H-bridges. The redundant switching combinations for generating various pole voltages and their effect on the capacitors have been studied and suitable capacitor balancing algorithm has been developed. The proposed topology has been realized in hardware and the performance of the drive during steady state has been studied by running an induction motor at various modulation indices and frequencies. The transient response of the drive has been observed by accelerating the motor suddenly under no load. The results have been presented in detail in chapter four. This configuration also needs a single DC link. The advantages of this configuration is in case of failure of any devices in the H-bridge, the drive can be operated at reduced number of levels while supplying full load current. This feature helps the drive to be used in fault tolerant applications like marine and traction drives where reliability of the drive is of prime importance. All the topologies that have been presented in the previous chapters have mentioned about the usage of the proposed genre of topologies use single DC link and hence will enable back to back grid tied inverter connection. In the fifth chapter this has has been verified experimentally. The three phase squirrel cage induction motor is driven by using the seventeen-level inverter drive proposed in chapter four. A five-level active front-end is realized by the converter topology proposed in chapter two. The converter is run and the performance of the drive is studied at various modulation indices and speeds of the motor. Various aspects like re-generation operation, acceleration and other aspects of the drive have been studied experimentally and the results are presented in detail. For experimental setup, Semikron SKM75GB12T4 IGBT modules have been used to realize the power topology. These IGBTs are driven by M56972L drivers. The control circuit is realized using TMS320F2812 DSP along with Xilinx Spartan 3 FPGA (XC3S200) has been used. The voltages and currents are sensed using LEM LV-20P and LA 55-P hall effect based sensors.

Induction Motor Drives Based on Multilevel Dodecagonal and Octadecagonal Volatage Space Vectors

Mathew, K January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
For medium and high-voltage drive applications, multilevel inverters are very popular. It is due to their superior performance compared to 2-level inverters such as reduced harmonic content in the output voltage and current, lower common mode voltage and dv=dt, and lesser voltage stress on power switches. The popular circuit topologies for multilevel inverters are neutral point clamped, cascaded H-bridge and flying capacitor based circuits. There exist different combinations of these basic topologies to realize multilevel inverters with modularity, better fault tolerance, and reliability. Due to these advantages, multilevel converters are getting good acceptance from the industry, and researchers all over the world are continuously trying to improve the performance of these converters. To meet such demands, three multilevel inverter topologies are proposed in this thesis. These topologies can be used for high-power induction motor drives, and the concepts presented are also applicable for synchronous motor drives, grid-connected inverters, etc. To get nearly sinusoidal phase current waveforms, the switching frequency of the conventional inverter has to be increased. It will lead to higher switching losses and electromagnetic interference. The problem with lower switching frequency is the intro- duction of low order harmonics in phase currents and undesirable torque ripple in the motor. The 5th and 7th harmonics are dominant for hexagonal voltage space-vector based low frequency switching, and it is possible to eliminate these harmonics by dodecagonal switching. Further improvement in the waveform quality is possible by octadecagonal voltage space-vectors. In this case, the complete elimination of 11th and 13th harmonic is possible for the entire modulation range. The concepts of dodecagonal and octadecagonal voltage space-vectors are used in the proposed inverter topologies. The first topology proposed in this thesis consists of cascaded connection of two H-bridge cells. The two cells are fed from unequal DC voltage sources having a ratio of 1 : 0:366, and this inverter can produce six concentric dodecagonal voltage space- vectors. This ratio of voltages can be obtained easily from a combination of star-delta transformers, since 1 : 0:366 = ( p 3 + 1) : 1. The cascaded connection of two H-bridge cells can generate nine asymmetric pole voltage levels, and the combined three-phase inverter can produce 729 voltage space-vectors (9 9 9). From this large number of combinations, only certain voltage space-vectors are selected, which forms dodecagonal pattern. In the case of conventional multilevel inverters, the voltage space-vector diagram consists of equilateral triangles of equal size, but for the proposed inverter, the triangular regions are isosceles and are having different sizes. By properly placing the voltage space-vectors in a sampling period, it is possible to achieve lower switching frequency for the individual cells, with substantial improvement in the harmonic spectrum of the output voltage. During the experimental veri cation, the motor is operated at di erent speeds using open loop v=f control method. The samples taken are always synchronised with the start of the sector to get synchronised PWM. The number of samples per sector is decreased with increase in the fundamental frequency to limit the switching frequency. Even though many topologies are available in literature, the most preferred topology for drives application such as traction drives is the 3-level NPC structure. This implies that the industry is still looking for viable alternatives to construct multilevel inverter topologies based on available power circuits. The second work focuses on the development of a multilevel inverter for variable speed medium-voltage drive application with dodecagonal voltage space-vectors, using lesser number of switches and power sources compared to earlier implementations. It can generate three concentric 12-sided polygonal voltage space-vectors and it is based on commonly available 2-level and 3-level inverters. A simple PWM timing computation method based on the hexagonal space-vector PWM is developed. The sampled values of the three-phase reference voltages are initially converted to the timings of a two-level inverter. These timings are mapped to the dodecagonal timings using a change of basis transformation. The voltage space- vector diagram of the proposed drive consists of sixty isosceles triangular regions, and the dodecagonal timings calculated are converted to the timings of the inner triangles. A searching algorithm is used to identify the triangular region in which the reference vector is located. A front-end recti er that may be easily implemented using standard star-delta transformers is also developed, to provide near-unity power factor. To test the performance of the inverter drive, an open-loop v=f control is used on a three-phase induction motor under no-load condition. The harmonic spectra of the phase voltages were computed in order to analyse the harmonic distortion of the waveforms. The carrier frequency was kept around 1.2 KHz for the entire range of operation. If the switching frequency is decreased, the conventional hexagonal space-vector based switching introduce signifi cant 5th, 7th, 11th and 13th harmonics in the phase currents. Out of these dominant harmonics, the 5th and 7th harmonics can be completely suppressed using dodecagonal voltage space-vector based switching as observed in the first and second work. It is also possible to remove the 11th and the 13th harmonics by using voltage space-vectors with 18 sides. The last topology is based on multilevel octadecagonal (18-sided polygon) voltage space-vectors, and it has better harmonic performance than the previously mentioned topologies. Here, a multilevel inverter system capable of producing three octadecagonal voltage space-vectors is proposed for the fi rst time, along with a simple timing calculation method. The conventional three-level inverters are only required to construct the proposed drive. Four asymmetric power supply voltages with 0:3054Vdc, 0:3473Vdc, 0:2266Vdc and 0:1207Vdc are required for the operation of the drive, and it is the main drawback of the circuit. Generally front-end isolation transformer is essential for high-power drives and these asymmetric voltages can be easily obtained from the multiple windings of the isolation transformer. The total harmonic distortion of the phase current is improved due to the 18-sided voltage space-vector switching. The ratio of the radius of the largest polygon and its inscribing circle is cos10 = 0:985. This ratio in the case of hexagonal voltage space-vector modulation is cos30 = 0:866, which means that the range of the linear modulation for the proposed scheme is signifi cantly higher. The drive is designed for open-end winding induction motors and it has better fault tolerance. It any of the inverter fails, it can be easily bypassed and the drive will be still functional with reduced speed. Open loop v=f control and rotor flux oriented vector control schemes were used during the experimental verifi cation. TMS320F2812 DSP platform was used to execute the control code for the proposed drive schemes. For the entire range of operation, the carrier was synchronized with the fundamental. For the synchronization, the sampling period is varied dynamically so that the number of samples in a triangular region is fi xed, keeping the switching frequency around 1.2 KHz. The average execution time for the v=f code was found to be 20 S, where as for vector control it took nearly 100 S. The PWM terminals and I/O lines of the DSP is used to output the timings and the triangle number respectively. To convert the triangle number and the timings to IGBT gate drive logic, an FPGA (XC3S200) was used. A constant dead-time of 1.5 S is also implemented inside the FPGA. Opto-isolated gate drivers with desaturation protection (M57962L) were used to drive the IGBTs. Hall-effect sensors were used to measure the phase currents and DC bus voltages. An incremental shaft position encoder with 2500 pulse per revolution is also connected to the motor shaft, to measure the angular velocity. 1200 V, 75 A IGBT half-bridge module is used to realize the switches. The concepts were initially simulated and experimentally verifi ed using laboratory prototypes at low power. While these concepts maybe easily extended to higher power levels by using suitably rated devices, the control techniques presented shall still remain applicable.

Induction Motor Drives Based on Multilevel Dodecagonal and Octadecagonal Volatage Space Vectors

Mathew, K January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
For medium and high-voltage drive applications, multilevel inverters are very popular. It is due to their superior performance compared to 2-level inverters such as reduced harmonic content in the output voltage and current, lower common mode voltage and dv=dt, and lesser voltage stress on power switches. The popular circuit topologies for multilevel inverters are neutral point clamped, cascaded H-bridge and flying capacitor based circuits. There exist different combinations of these basic topologies to realize multilevel inverters with modularity, better fault tolerance, and reliability. Due to these advantages, multilevel converters are getting good acceptance from the industry, and researchers all over the world are continuously trying to improve the performance of these converters. To meet such demands, three multilevel inverter topologies are proposed in this thesis. These topologies can be used for high-power induction motor drives, and the concepts presented are also applicable for synchronous motor drives, grid-connected inverters, etc. To get nearly sinusoidal phase current waveforms, the switching frequency of the conventional inverter has to be increased. It will lead to higher switching losses and electromagnetic interference. The problem with lower switching frequency is the intro- duction of low order harmonics in phase currents and undesirable torque ripple in the motor. The 5th and 7th harmonics are dominant for hexagonal voltage space-vector based low frequency switching, and it is possible to eliminate these harmonics by dodecagonal switching. Further improvement in the waveform quality is possible by octadecagonal voltage space-vectors. In this case, the complete elimination of 11th and 13th harmonic is possible for the entire modulation range. The concepts of dodecagonal and octadecagonal voltage space-vectors are used in the proposed inverter topologies. The first topology proposed in this thesis consists of cascaded connection of two H-bridge cells. The two cells are fed from unequal DC voltage sources having a ratio of 1 : 0:366, and this inverter can produce six concentric dodecagonal voltage space- vectors. This ratio of voltages can be obtained easily from a combination of star-delta transformers, since 1 : 0:366 = ( p 3 + 1) : 1. The cascaded connection of two H-bridge cells can generate nine asymmetric pole voltage levels, and the combined three-phase inverter can produce 729 voltage space-vectors (9 9 9). From this large number of combinations, only certain voltage space-vectors are selected, which forms dodecagonal pattern. In the case of conventional multilevel inverters, the voltage space-vector diagram consists of equilateral triangles of equal size, but for the proposed inverter, the triangular regions are isosceles and are having different sizes. By properly placing the voltage space-vectors in a sampling period, it is possible to achieve lower switching frequency for the individual cells, with substantial improvement in the harmonic spectrum of the output voltage. During the experimental veri cation, the motor is operated at di erent speeds using open loop v=f control method. The samples taken are always synchronised with the start of the sector to get synchronised PWM. The number of samples per sector is decreased with increase in the fundamental frequency to limit the switching frequency. Even though many topologies are available in literature, the most preferred topology for drives application such as traction drives is the 3-level NPC structure. This implies that the industry is still looking for viable alternatives to construct multilevel inverter topologies based on available power circuits. The second work focuses on the development of a multilevel inverter for variable speed medium-voltage drive application with dodecagonal voltage space-vectors, using lesser number of switches and power sources compared to earlier implementations. It can generate three concentric 12-sided polygonal voltage space-vectors and it is based on commonly available 2-level and 3-level inverters. A simple PWM timing computation method based on the hexagonal space-vector PWM is developed. The sampled values of the three-phase reference voltages are initially converted to the timings of a two-level inverter. These timings are mapped to the dodecagonal timings using a change of basis transformation. The voltage space- vector diagram of the proposed drive consists of sixty isosceles triangular regions, and the dodecagonal timings calculated are converted to the timings of the inner triangles. A searching algorithm is used to identify the triangular region in which the reference vector is located. A front-end recti er that may be easily implemented using standard star-delta transformers is also developed, to provide near-unity power factor. To test the performance of the inverter drive, an open-loop v=f control is used on a three-phase induction motor under no-load condition. The harmonic spectra of the phase voltages were computed in order to analyse the harmonic distortion of the waveforms. The carrier frequency was kept around 1.2 KHz for the entire range of operation. If the switching frequency is decreased, the conventional hexagonal space-vector based switching introduce signifi cant 5th, 7th, 11th and 13th harmonics in the phase currents. Out of these dominant harmonics, the 5th and 7th harmonics can be completely suppressed using dodecagonal voltage space-vector based switching as observed in the first and second work. It is also possible to remove the 11th and the 13th harmonics by using voltage space-vectors with 18 sides. The last topology is based on multilevel octadecagonal (18-sided polygon) voltage space-vectors, and it has better harmonic performance than the previously mentioned topologies. Here, a multilevel inverter system capable of producing three octadecagonal voltage space-vectors is proposed for the fi rst time, along with a simple timing calculation method. The conventional three-level inverters are only required to construct the proposed drive. Four asymmetric power supply voltages with 0:3054Vdc, 0:3473Vdc, 0:2266Vdc and 0:1207Vdc are required for the operation of the drive, and it is the main drawback of the circuit. Generally front-end isolation transformer is essential for high-power drives and these asymmetric voltages can be easily obtained from the multiple windings of the isolation transformer. The total harmonic distortion of the phase current is improved due to the 18-sided voltage space-vector switching. The ratio of the radius of the largest polygon and its inscribing circle is cos10 = 0:985. This ratio in the case of hexagonal voltage space-vector modulation is cos30 = 0:866, which means that the range of the linear modulation for the proposed scheme is signifi cantly higher. The drive is designed for open-end winding induction motors and it has better fault tolerance. It any of the inverter fails, it can be easily bypassed and the drive will be still functional with reduced speed. Open loop v=f control and rotor flux oriented vector control schemes were used during the experimental verifi cation. TMS320F2812 DSP platform was used to execute the control code for the proposed drive schemes. For the entire range of operation, the carrier was synchronized with the fundamental. For the synchronization, the sampling period is varied dynamically so that the number of samples in a triangular region is fi xed, keeping the switching frequency around 1.2 KHz. The average execution time for the v=f code was found to be 20 S, where as for vector control it took nearly 100 S. The PWM terminals and I/O lines of the DSP is used to output the timings and the triangle number respectively. To convert the triangle number and the timings to IGBT gate drive logic, an FPGA (XC3S200) was used. A constant dead-time of 1.5 S is also implemented inside the FPGA. Opto-isolated gate drivers with desaturation protection (M57962L) were used to drive the IGBTs. Hall-effect sensors were used to measure the phase currents and DC bus voltages. An incremental shaft position encoder with 2500 pulse per revolution is also connected to the motor shaft, to measure the angular velocity. 1200 V, 75 A IGBT half-bridge module is used to realize the switches. The concepts were initially simulated and experimentally verifi ed using laboratory prototypes at low power. While these concepts maybe easily extended to higher power levels by using suitably rated devices, the control techniques presented shall still remain applicable.

Control, Modulation and Testing of High-Power Pulse Width Modulated Converters

Sivaprasad Sreenivasa, J January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Experimental research on high-power converters, particularly in an academic environment, faces severe infrastructural constraints. Usually, power source and loads of required ratings are not available. Further, more importantly, the energy consumption is huge. One possibility is to establish an experimental research platform, comprising of a network of high-power converters, through which power is circulated and which draws only the losses from the mains. This work deals with the establishment of a circulating power test set-up, comprising of two line-side PWM converters, inclusive of control and modulation methods for the two converters. Two types of circulating power test setups are developed. In the first setup, the converters are connected in parallel, on ac as well as dc sides, such that real and/or reactive power is circulated between them. In the second test setup, the dc buses of the converters are separated; hence, only reactive power circulation is possible. These setups are used to conduct heat-run tests with low energy expenditure on the PWM converters at various operating conditions up to power levels of 150 kVA. Further, these are used to validate analytically-evaluated thermal characteristics of high-power PWM converters. A safe thermal limit is derived for such converters in terms of apparent power (kVA) handled, power factor and switching frequency. The effects of voltage sag and of unequal current sharing between parallel IGBT modules on the safe thermal limit are studied. While the power drawn by the circulating-power setup from the grid is much lower than the ratings of the individual converters, the harmonic injection into the mains by the setup could be significant since the harmonics drawn by both converters tend to add up. This thesis investigates carrier interleaving to improve the waveform quality of grid current, drawn by the circulating-power test setup. The study of carrier interleaving is quite general and covers various applications of parallel-connected converters such as unity power factor rectification, static reactive power compensation and grid-connected renewable energy systems. In literature, carrier interleaving has been employed mainly for unity power factor rectifiers, sharing a common dc load equally. In such case, the fundamental components of the terminal voltages of the parallel converters are equal. However, when the power sharing between the two converters is unequal, or when power is circulated between the two converters, the terminal voltages of the two converters are not equal. A method to estimate rms grid current ripple, drawn by parallel-connected converters with equal and/or unequal terminal voltages, in a synchronous reference frame is presented. Further, the influence of carrier interleaving on the rms grid current ripple is studied. The optimum interleaving angle, which minimizes the rms grid current ripple under various applications, is investigated. This angle is found to be a function of modulation index of the converters in the equal terminal voltages case. In the unequal terminal voltages case, the optimum interleaving angle is shown to be a function of the average modulation index of the two parallel converters. The effect of carrier interleaving is experimentally studied on the reactive power circulation setup at different values of kVA and different dc bus voltages. The grid current ripple is measured for different values of interleaving angle. It is found experimentally that the optimum interleaving angle reduces the rms grid current ripple by between 37% and 48%, as compared without interleaving, at various operating conditions. Further, the reactive power circulation test set-up is used to evaluate and compare power conversion losses corresponding to different PWM techniques such as conventional space-vector PWM (CSVPWM), bus-clamping PWM (BCPWM) and advanced bus-clamping PWM methods for static reactive power compensator (STATCOM) application at high power levels. It is demonstrated theoretically as well as experimentally that an advanced bus-clamping PWM method, termed minimum switching loss PWM (MSLPWM), leads to significantly lower power conversion loss than CSVPWM and BCPWM techniques at a given average switching frequency.

Integrated Common And Differential Mode Filters With Active Damping For Active Front End Motor Drives

Acharya, Anirudh B 01 1900 (has links) (PDF)
IGBT based power converters acts as front end in the present day Adjustable Speed Drive (ASD). This offers many advantages and makes regenerative action possible. PWM rectifier operation produces electrically noisy DC bus on common mode basis. This results in higher ground current as compared to three phase diode bridge rectifier. Due to fast turn-ON and turn-OFF time of IGBT, the inverter output voltage dv/dt is high during switching transients and voltage waveform is rich in harmonics. As a result, in applications involving long cable the motor terminal voltage during the switching transient is as high as twice the applied voltage. This voltage stress reduces the life of insulation in motors. The high dv/dt output voltage applied at the motor terminal excites the parasitic capacitive coupling resulting in increased ground currents and causes Electric Discharge Machining (EDM) which reduces the life of motor bearings. The common mode voltage due to PWM rectifier and the inverter appear at the motor terminals exacerbating these problems. The common mode voltage due to PWM inverter with PWM rectifier is analyzed. An integrated approach for filter design is proposed wherein the adverse effects due to common mode voltage of both AFE converter and the inverter is addressed. The proposed topology addresses the problems of common mode voltage, common mode current and voltage doubling due to ASD. The design procedure for proposed filter topology is discussed with experimental results that validate the effectiveness of the filter. Inclusion of such higher order filter in the converter topology leads to problems such as resonance. Passive methods are investigated for damping the line resonance due to LCL filter and common mode resonance due to common mode filter. The need for active damping technique for resonance due to common mode filter is presented. State space based damping technique is proposed to effectively damp the resonance due to line filter and the common mode filter. Experimental results are presented that validate the effectiveness of active damping both on the line basis (differential mode) and line to ground basis (common mode) of the filter.

Design And Development of Linear Moving Magnet Synchronous Motor Based Twin PTC And HTS Level Sensor for LOX Recondenser

Gour, Abhay Singh January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Cryocoolers are closed cycle devices which produce cooling below 120 K. Usually, one or two linear motors are used to drive one pulse tube cryocooler. Cryocoolers are used for various applications like, cooling of infra red detectors, cryo surgical knife, cryogen recondenser etc. In this thesis the design development and testing of Twin Pulse Tube Cryocooler (TPTC) are discussed. TPTC consists of two pulse tubes driven by dual piston head linear compressor. This dual piston linear compressor is operated using single linear motor. Using this configuration, cooling power is doubled with reduced cost of compressor. The design, fabrication and testing of Linear Moving Magnet Synchronous Motor (LMMSM) based dual piston head linear compressor are carried out indigenously. Finite Element Method (FEM) analysis is used for estimating eddy current loss and flux distribution pattern in various mover configurations of the linear motor. The developed fabrication and assembly procedure of linear motor are discussed in detail. The mover of linear motor is supported by using a pair of cross armed C – type flexures. These flexures are designed using FEM and are fabricated indigenously. The flexure pairs are tested for 108 cycles with ± 3 mm stroke length of linear motor before assembling compressor. Linear motor is usually required to be operated at different frequencies. Thus, a variable frequency and variable voltage Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) based power supply is designed using analog circuits like Op-Amps. This cost effective power supply is capable of delivering 27 A at 100 V with frequency range of 25 Hz to 80 Hz continuously. Sage software was used to carry out 1-D simulation and obtain dimensions of various Pulse Tube Cryocooler (PTC) components. Various pulse tube configurations like Joint Twin PTC, Twin PTC with buffer volume and single PTC with buffer volume were carried out. A Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Fluent 2-D analysis was carried out for single PTC with buffer volume. The fabrication and assembly procedure of PTC is discussed in detail. A novel method of heat exchanger fabrication was developed and analyzed using FEM and its performance is tested experimentally. The twin PTC is operated at 34 bar and 48 Hz. A light weight High Temperature Superconductor (HTS) based level sensor is developed to monitor the cryogen level. The developed sensor was calibrated against discrete diode array and pre-calibrated continuous capacitance type level sensor. The calibrations were carried out in indigenously designed and fabricated 4-wall cryostat using Liquid Nitrogen (LN2) and LOX as cryogen. LabVIEW software based data acquisition was designed for testing, recording and monitoring the performance of twin PTC and level sensors during experiments.

Multilevel Dodecagonal Space Vector Structures and Modulation Schemes with Hybrid Topologies for Variable Speed AC Drives

Kaarthik, R Sudharshan January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
MULTILEVEL inverters are the preferred choice of converters for electronic power conversion for high power applications. They are gaining popularity in variety of industrial applications including electric motor drives, transportation, energy management, transmission and distribution of power. A large portion of energy conversion systems comprises of multilevel inverter fed induction motor drives. The multilevel inverters are ideal for such applications, since the switching frequency of the devices can be kept low. In conventional two level inverters, to get nearly sinusoidal phase current waveform, the switching frequency of the inverter is increased and the harmonics in the currents are pushed higher in the frequency spectrum to reduce the size and cost of the filters. But higher switching frequency has its own drawbacks – in particular for medium voltage, high power applications. They cause large dv_/ dt stresses on the motor terminals and the switching devices, leading to increased electromagnetic interference (EMI) problems and higher switching losses. Harmonics in the motor currents can further be minimized by adopting dodecagonal voltage space vector (SV) switching (12-sided polygon). In case of dodecagonal SV switching, the fifth and seventh order (6n , 1, n = odd) harmonics are completely eliminated for the full modulation range including over modulation and twelve step operation in the motor phase voltages and currents. In addition to low order harmonic current suppression, the linear modulation range for dodecagonal SV switching is also more by 6% when compared to that of the conventional hexagonal SV switching. The dodecagonal voltage SV structure is made possible by connecting two inverters with DC-link voltages Vd and 0:366Vd on either side of an open-end winding induction motor. The dodecagonal space vector switching can be used to produce better quality phase voltage and current waveforms and overcome the problem of low order fifth and seventh harmonic currents and to improve the range for linear modulation while reducing the switching frequency of the inverters when compared to that of the conventional hexagonal space vector based inverters. This thesis focuses on three aspects of multilevel dodecagonal space vector structures (i) Two new power circuit topologies that generate a multilevel dodecagonal voltage space vector structure with symmetric triangles, (ii) A multilevel dodecagonal SV structure with nineteen concentric dodecagons, (iii) Pulse width modulation (PWM) timing calculation methods for a general N-level dodecagonal SV structure. (i) Two new power circuit topologies capable of generating multilevel dodecagonal voltage space vector structure with symmetric triangles with minimum number of DC link power supplies and floating capacitor H-bridges are proposed. The first power topology is composed of two hybrid cascaded five level inverters connected to either side of an open end winding induction machine. Each inverter consists of a three level neutral point clamped (NPC) inverter, cascaded with an isolated capacitor fed H-bridge making it a five level inverter. The second topology is a hybrid topology for a normal induction motor (star or delta connected), where the power is fed to the motor only from one side. The proposed scheme retains all the advantages of multilevel topologies as well the advantages of the dodecagonal voltage space vector structure. Both topologies have inherent capacitor balancing for floating H-bridges for all modulation indices including transient operations. The proposed topologies do not require any pre-charging circuitry for startup. PWM timing calculation method for space vector modulation is also explored in this chapter. Due to the symmetric arrangement of congruent triangles within the voltage space vector structure, the timing computation requires only the sampled reference values and does not require any iterative searching, off-line computation, look-up tables or angle estimation. Experimental results for steady state operation and transient operation are also presented to validate the proposed concept. (ii) A multilevel dodecagonal voltage space vector structure with nineteen concentric do-decagons is proposed for the first time. This space vector structure is achieved by connecting two sets of asymmetric hybrid five level inverters on either side of an open-end winding induction motor. The dodecagonal structure is made possible by proper selection of DC-link voltages and switching states of the inverters. In addition to that, a generic and simple method for calculation of PWM timings using only sampled reference values (v and v ) is proposed. This enables the scheme to be used for any closed loop application like vector control. Also, a new switching technique is proposed which ensures minimum switching while eliminating the fifth and seventh order harmonics and suppressing the eleventh and thirteenth harmonics, eliminating the need for bulky filters. The motor phase voltage is a 24-stepped waveform for the entire modulation range thereby reducing the number of switchings of the individual inverter modules. Experimental results for steady state operation, transient operation including start-up have been presented and the results of Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) analysis is also presented for validating the proposed concept. (iii) A method to obtain PWM timings for a general N-level dodecagonal voltage space vector structure using only sampled reference values is proposed. Typical methods that are used to find PWM timings for dodecagonal SV structures use modulation index and the reference vector angle, to get the timings T1 and T2 using trigonometric calculations. This method requires look-up tables and is difficult to implement in closed loop systems. The proposed method requires only two additions to compute these timings. For multilevel case, typical iterative methods need timing calculations (matrix multiplications) to be performed for each triangle. The proposed method is generic and can be extended to any number of levels with symmetric structures and does not require any iterative searching for locating the triangle in which the tip of the reference vector lies. The algorithm outputs the triangle number and the PWM timing values of T0, T1 and T2 which can be set as the compare values for any carrier based PWM module to obtain space vector PWM like switching sequences. Simulation and experimental results for steady state and transient conditions have been presented to validate the proposed method. A 3.7 kW, 415 V, 50 Hz, 4-pole open-end winding induction motor was used for the experimental studies. The semiconductor switches that were used to realize the power circuit for the experiment were 75 A, 1200 V insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) half-bridge modules (SKM75GB12T4). Opto-isolated gate drivers with desaturation protection (M57962L) were used to drive the IGBTs. For the speed control and PWM timing computation a digital signal processor (DSP-TMS320F28335) with a clock frequency of 150 MHz was used. For modulation frequencies 10 Hz and below, a constant sampling frequency of 1 kHz was used as the frequency modulation ratio is high. For modulation frequencies above 10 Hz, synchronous PWM strategy was used. The time duration Ts is the sampling interval for which the timings T1 , T2 and T0 are calculated. As in the case of any synchronous PWM method, the duration of sampling time (Ts) is a function of the fundamental frequency of the modulating signal. In this case, Ts = 1_.fm • 12n) sec. where fm is fundamental frequency in Hertz and ‘n’ is the number of samples per 30ý dodecagonal sector. The PWM timings and the triangle data (from the DSP) is fed to field programmable gate array (FPGA) (SPARTAN XC3S200) clocked at 50 MHz where the actual gating pulses are generated. The capacitor balancing algorithm and the dead-time modules were implemented within FPGA. No external hardware was used for generation of dead-time. The dead-time block generates a constant dead-time of 2 s for all the switches. Extensive testing was done for steady state operations and transient operations including quick acceleration and start-up to validate the proposed concepts. With the advantages like extension of linear modulation range, elimination of fifth and seventh harmonics in phase voltages and currents for the full modulation range, suppression of eleventh and thirteenth harmonics in phase voltages and currents, reduced device voltage ratings, lesser dv_dt stresses on devices and motor phase windings, lower switching frequency, inherent cascaded H-bridge (CHB) capacitor balancing, the proposed space vector structures, the inverter power circuit topologies, the switching techniques and the PWM timing calculation methods can be considered as viable schemes for medium voltage, high power motor drive applications.

Jednofázový střídač s výstupními parametry 230 V / 50 Hz / 100 VA / Single-phase DC/AC converter with output parameters 230 V / 50 Hz / 100 VA

Smolák, Martin January 2019 (has links)
This master‘s thesis focuses on optimization of power and control circuits of an inverter, which was developed at UVEE. The principle of function and circuit implementation of a single-phase inventer, various calculations (design of an LC filter, DC link capacitor, semiconductor elements and heat sink) are described in the thesis. A design of fast overcurrent protections, oscillator and saw signal generator is included. Furthermore, a printed circuit board was designed which was optimized by thermal simulation in the Workbench Ansys. Subsequently, the printed circuit board was mounted, debugged and verification measurements were performed on it. At the end of the thesis there is a documentation for the implemented equipment.

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