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A Tale of Two Strong-Field QED Processes: Towards general spacetime fieldsDegli Esposti, Gianluca 08 January 2025 (has links)
One of the most striking predictions of Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) is the production of matter from light. In the present thesis the focus is on two processes: Schwinger and Breit-Wheeler pair production.
Schwinger pair production occurs when the vacuum, under the influence of an extremely strong electric field, generates particle-antiparticle pairs. Heuristically, it can be viewed as due to the field pulling apart the virtual electron-positron pairs and, if strong enough, turning them into real particles.
With the addition of high-energy photons to catalyze the creation, the process is known as Breit-Wheeler pair production.
Due to its exponential scaling $\mathbb P \sim \exp\{-E_S/E\}$ with critical field strength $E_S \sim 10^{18}$ V/m much higher than those available at current strong laser facilities such as the European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Facility (XFEL) or the Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI), Schwinger pair production remains unobserved to this day.
However, it has been possible to observe Breit-Wheeler pair production at the E-144 SLAC experiment, where the photons were produced from the scattering of a 46.6 GeV electron beam with a strong laser field.
There are several theoretical methods to tackle these problems, all of them with their upsides and downsides, but one barrier common to most of them is the difficulty one faces when considering fields with both space and time structure. This work is an attempt to break down that barrier by providing quantitative results for the spectra of particles produced by spacetime fields. While the focus is mostly on 2D fields, an instructive example of a more realistic 4D field with optimal spacetime focusing is also shown.
Since future experiments will reasonably involve highly focused pulses in both space and time, it is useful to have a theoretical toolkit that allows us to access the spectra of spacetime fields.
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Quantum electrodynamics in superconducting artificial atoms / Electrodynamique quantique des atomes artificiels supraconducteursDiniz, Igor 22 October 2012 (has links)
This thesis focuses on two problems in circuit quantum electrodynamics. We first investigate theoretically the coupling of a resonator to a continuous distribution of inhomogeneously broadened emitters. Studying this formalism is strongly motivated by recent proposals to use collections of emitters as quantum memories for individual excitations. Such systems benefit from the collective enhancement of the interaction strength, while keeping the relaxation properties of a single emitter. We discuss the influence of the emitters inhomogeneous broadening on the existence and on the coherence properties of the polaritonic peaks. We find that their coherence depends crucially on the shape of the distribution and not only on its width. Taking into account the inhomogeneous broadening allows to simulate with a great accuracy a number of pioneer experimental results on a ensemble of NV centers. The modeling is shown to be a powerful tool to obtain the properties of the spin ensembles coupled to a resonator. We also suggest an original Josephson qubit readout method based on a dc-SQUID with high loop inductance. This system supports a diamond-shape artificial atom where we define logical and ancilla qubits coupled through a cross-Kerr like term. Depending on the logical qubit state, the ancilla is resonantly or dispersively coupled to the resonator, leading to a large contrast in the transmitted microwave signal amplitude. Simulations show that this original method can be faster and have higher fidelity than methods currently used in circuit QED. / Cette thèse porte sur deux problèmes théoriques d'électrodynamique quantique en circuits supraconducteurs. Nous avons d'abord étudié les conditions d'obtention du couplage fort entre un résonateur et une distribution continue d'émetteurs élargie de façon inhomogène. Le développement de ce formalisme est fortement motivé par les récentes propositions d'utiliser des ensembles de degrés de liberté microscopiques pour réaliser des mémoires quantiques. En effet, ces systèmes bénéficient du couplage collectif au résonateur, tout en conservant les propriétés de relaxation d'un seul émetteur. Nous discutons l'influence de l'élargissement inhomogène sur l'existence et les propriétés de cohérence des pics polaritoniques obtenus dans le régime de couplage fort. Nous constatons que leur cohérence dépend de façon critique de la forme de la distribution et pas uniquement de sa largeur. En tenant compte de l'élargissement inhomogène, nous avons pu simuler avec une grande précision de nombreux résultats expérimentaux pionniers sur un ensemble de centres NV. La modélisation s'est révélée un outil puissant pour obtenir les propriétés des ensembles de spins couplés à un résonateur. Nous proposons également une méthode originale de mesure de l'état de qubits Josephson fondée sur un SQUID DC avec une inductance de boucle élevée. Ce système est décrit par un atome artificiel avec des niveaux d'énergie en forme de diamant où nous définissons les qubits logique et ancilla couplés entre eux par un terme Kerr croisé. En fonction de l'état du qubit logique, l'ancilla est couplée de manière résonante ou dispersive au résonateur, ce qui provoque un contraste important dans l'amplitude du signal micro-onde transmis par le résonateur. Les simulations montrent que cette méthode originale peut être plus rapide et peut aussi avoir une plus grande fidélité que les méthodes actuellement utilisées dans la communauté des circuits supraconducteurs.
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Strong-Field QED Processes in Short Laser Pulses: One- and Two-Photon Compton ScatteringSeipt, Daniel 20 December 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to advance the understanding of strong-field QED processes in short laser pulses. The processes of non-linear one-photon and two-photon Compton scattering are studied, that is the scattering of photons in the interaction of relativistic electrons with ultra-short high-intensity laser pulses. These investigations are done in view of the present and next generation of ultra-high intensity optical lasers which are supposed to achieve unprecedented intensities of the order of 10^24 W/cm^2 and beyond, with pulse lengths in the order of some femtoseconds.
The ultra-high laser intensity requires a non-perturbative description of the interaction of charged particles with the laser field to allow for multi-photon interactions, which is beyond the usual perturbative expansion of QED organized in powers of the fine structure constant. This is achieved in strong-field QED by employing the Furry picture and non-perturbative solutions of the Dirac equation in the presence of a background laser field as initial and final state wave functions, as well as the laser dressed Dirac-Volkov propagator.
The primary objective is a realistic description of scattering processes with regard to the finite laser pulse duration beyond the common approximation of infinite plane waves, which is made necessary by the ultra-short pulse length of modern high-intensity lasers. Non-linear finite size effects are identified, which are a result of the interplay between the ultra-high intensity and the ultra-short pulse length. In particular, the frequency spectra and azimuthal photon emission spectra are studied emphasizing the differences between pulsed and infinite laser fields. The proper description of the finite temporal duration of the laser pulse leads to a regularization of unphysical infinities (due to the infinite plane-wave description) of the laser-dressed Dirac-Volkov propagator and in the second-order strong-field process of two-photon Compton scattering. An enhancement of the two-photon process is found in strong laser pulses as compared to the corresponding weak-field process in perturbative QED.
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Algorithmic studies of compact lattice QED with Wilson fermionsZverev, Nikolai 18 December 2001 (has links)
Wir untersuchen numerisch und teilweise analytisch die kompakte Quantenelektrodynamik auf dem Gitter mit Wilson-Fermionen. Dabei konzentrieren wir uns auf zwei wesentliche Teilprobleme der Theorie: der Einfluss von Eichfeld-Moden mit verschwindendem Impuls in der Coulomb-Phase und die Effizienz von verschiedenen Monte-Carlo-Algorithmen unter Berücksichtigung dynamischer Fermionen. Wir zeigen, dass der Einfluss der Null-Impuls-Moden auf die eichabhängigen Gitter-Observablen wie Photon- und Fermion-Korrelatoren nahe der kritischen chiralen Grenzlinie innerhalb der Coulomb Phase zu einem Verhalten führt, das vom naiv erwarteten gitterstörungstheoretischen Verhalten abweicht. Diese Moden sind auch für die Abschirmung des kritischen Verhaltens der eichinvarianten Fermion-Observablen nahe der chiralen Grenzlinie verantwortlich. Eine Entfernung dieser Null-Impuls-Moden aus den Eichfeld-Konfigurationen führt innerhalb der Coulomb-Phase zum störungstheoretisch erwarteten Verhalten der eichabhängigen Observablen. Die kritischen Eigenschaften der eichinvarianten Fermion-Observablen in der Coulomb-Phase werden nach dem Beseitigen der Null-Impuls-Moden sichtbar. Der kritische Hopping-Parameter, den man aus den invarianten Fermion-Observablen erhält, stimmt gut mit demjenigen überein, der aus den eichabhängigen Observablen extrahiert werden kann. Wir führen den zweistufigen Multiboson-Algorithmus für numerische Untersuchungen im U(1)-Gittermodell mit einer geraden Anzahl von dynamischen Fermion-Flavour-Freiheitsgraden ein. Wir diskutieren die geeignete Wahl der technischen Parameter sowohl für den zweistufigen Multiboson-Algorithmus als auch für den hybriden Monte-Carlo-Algorithmus. Wir geben theoretische Abschätzungen für die Effizienz dieser Simulationsmethoden. Wir zeigen numerisch und theoretisch, daß der zweistufige Multiboson-Algorithmus eine gute Alternative darstellt und zumindestens mit der hybriden Monte-Carlo-Methode konkurrieren kann. Wir argumentieren, daß eine weitere Verbesserung der Effizienz des zweistufigen Multiboson-Algorithmus durch eine Vergrößerung der Zahl lokaler Update-Schleifen und auch durch die Reduktion der Ordnungen der ersten und zweiten Polynome zu Lasten des sogenannten 'Reweighting' erzielt werden kann. / We investigate numerically and in part analytically the compact lattice quantum electrodynamics with Wilson fermions. We studied the following particular tasks of the theory: the problem of the zero-momentum gauge field modes in the Coulomb phase and the performance of different Monte Carlo algorithms in the presence of dynamical fermions. We show that the influence of the zero-momentum modes on the gauge dependent lattice observables like photon and fermion correlators within the Coulomb phase leads to a behaviour of these observables different from standard perturbation theory. These modes are responsible also for the screening of the critical behaviour of the gauge invariant fermion values near the chiral limit line. Within the Coulomb phase the elimination of these zero-momentum modes from gauge configurations leads to the perturbatively expected behaviour of gauge dependent observables. The critical properties of gauge invariant fermion observables upon removing the zero-momentum modes are restored. The critical hopping-parameter obtained from the invariant fermion observables coincides with that extracted from gauge dependent values. We implement the two-step multiboson algorithm for numerical investigations in the U(1) lattice model with even dynamical Wilson fermion flavours. We discuss the scheme of an appropriate choice of technical parameters for both two-step multiboson and hybrid Monte Carlo algorithms. We give the theoretical estimates of the performance of such simulation methods. We show both numerically and theoretically that the two-step multiboson algorithm is a good alternative and at least competitive with the hybrid Monte Carlo method. We argue that an improvement of efficiency of the two-step multiboson algorithm can be achieved by increasing the number of local update sweeps and also by decreasing the orders of first and second polynomials corrected for by the reweighting step.
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Quantum Optics and the Quantum Jump Technique for Lossy and Non-Orthogonal SystemsDoutre, Sean 28 September 2013 (has links)
In this thesis I develop a formalism for analyzing quantum optics in photonic crystal slab cavities
which may be coupled, lossy, and non-orthogonal. Using a tight-binding approximation I find classical
coupled-cavity quasimodes which overlap in space and frequency. These classical modes are
used to develop a multiphoton basis for quantum optics with non-orthogonal photon states. I develop
creation and annihilation operators with a novel commutation relation as a consequence of the nonorthogonality
of the quasimodes. With these operators the effective Hamiltonian, number operator,
electric field operator and quadrature operators are obtained.
The quantum jump technique is applied to handle the effects of loss. This technique is compared
with the master equation, and conditions for the quantum jump technique being preferable are
described. The quantum jump technique is implemented numerically, allowing for time-dependent
linear and X(2) non-linear pumping.
I use a combination of analytic results and characteristic functions to examine the evolution of
coherent and squeezed states in a single lossy quasimode. The analysis is then extended to two nonorthogonal
quasimodes. States are investigated using reduced characteristic functions. / Thesis (Master, Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy) -- Queen's University, 2013-09-27 12:00:10.281
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Cold Atom Manipulation for Quantum Computing and ControlSauer, Jacob A. 04 October 2004 (has links)
Devices that exploit the properties of quantum mechanics for their operation can offer unique advantages over their classical counterparts. Interference of matter waves can be used to
dramatically increase the rotational sensitivity of gyroscopes. Complete control of the quantum evolution of a system could produce a new powerful computational device known as a quantum computer. Research into these technologies offers a deeper
understanding of quantum mechanics as well as exciting new insights into many other areas of science. Currently, a limiting factor in many quantum devices using neutral atoms is accurate motional control over the atoms. This thesis describes two recent advancements in neutral atom motional control using both magnetic and electromagnetic confining fields. Part I reports on the demonstration of the first storage ring for neutral atoms. This storage ring may one day provide the basis for the world's most
sensitive gyroscope. Part II describes the optical delivery of neutral atoms into the mode of a high-finesse cavity for applications in quantum computing and communication.
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L'ion hydrogénoïde confiné en électrodynamique quantique non relativiste. Effet Lamb-Dicke.Faupin, Jérémy 20 September 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Nous considérons un ion hydrogénoïde (un noyau et un électron) en interaction avec le champ électromagnétique quantifié dans le modèle mathématique standard de l'électrodynamique quantique non relativiste. Plutôt que de supposer que le noyau est fixe, nous supposons seulement que le centre de masse de l'ion est confiné par un potentiel. Cette hypothèse est utilisée en physique théorique pour expliquer l'effet Lamb-Dicke. Dans un premier temps, à l'aide de conditions de liaison bien choisies, nous établissons l'existence d'un état fondamental pour l'opérateur Hamiltonien de Pauli-Fierz associé au modèle, sans condition sur la constante de couplage. Dans un second temps, en adaptant les techniques de V. Bach, J. Fröhlich et I. M. Sigal basées sur l'application d'un groupe de renormalisation, nous obtenons l'existence de résonances pour un modèle régularisé, en supposant cette fois-ci que la constante de couplage est suffisamment petite.
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Cold single atoms for cavity QED experimentsKim, Soo Y. 17 November 2008 (has links)
A neutral atom interacting with a single mode of a high finesse cavity provides an opportunity to study uncharted quantum mechanical systems and to explore the field of quantum computing and networking. Ranging from being a deterministic single photon source to a coherent storage unit for quantum information, a strong coupling cavity QED system has proven to be a powerful tool. In this thesis, single atoms are deterministically delivered over long distances and probed in an optical cavity. Once in the cavity, a single atom is stored and continuously observed for over 15 seconds. Progress towards using atoms in the cavity to produce entangled photon pairs is presented. Dual 1D optical lattices are implemented to create a foundation for advancements in two qubit quantum operations and entanglements.
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Coupling 1D atom arrays to an optical nanofiber : Demonstration of an efficient Bragg atomic mirror / Couplage de réseaux d'atomes 1D à une nanofibre optique : Démonstration d'un miroir atomique efficace de BraggChandra, Aveek 21 November 2017 (has links)
Le couplage de guides d'ondes nanoscopiques et d'atomes froids a récemment ouvert de nouvelles voies de recherche. Le guide d'onde dans notre cas est une nanofibre qui confine la lumière transversalement à une échelle inférieure à la longueur d'onde. La lumière guidée présente un fort champ évanescent permettant une interaction atome-photon exaltée au voisinage de la nanofibre. Dans notre expérience, un nuage atomique froid est d'abord superposé à une nanofibre optique. Puis, en utilisant un piège dipolaire via le champ évanescent de la nanofibre, les atomes froids sont piégés à proximité de sa surface. Avec cette plateforme, nous avons obtenu des épaisseurs optiques élevées OD ~ 100 et de longues durées de vie ~ 25 ms en utilisant un schéma de piégeage qui préserve les propriétés internes des atomes. Une direction intéressante est alors d'explorer les effets collectifs résultant de l'ordre spatial des atomes. Lorsque la période du réseau est proche de la longueur d'onde de résonance, une réflexion de Bragg aussi élevée que 75% est observée. Cette réflexion dépend de la polarisation de la sonde par rapport aux réseaux atomiques - une signature de la chiralité dans les systèmes à guide d'ondes nanoscopiques. La possibilité de contrôler le transport de photons dans les guides d'ondes couplés à des systèmes de spin permettrait de nouvelles fonctionnalités pour les réseaux quantiques et l'étude d'effets collectifs résultant d'interactions à longue distance. / The coupling of cold atoms to 1D nanoscale waveguides have opened new avenues of research. The waveguide in our case is a nanofiber, which confines light transversally to a subwavelength scale. The guided light exhibits a strong evanescent field allowing enhanced atom-photon interaction in the vicinity of nanofiber. In our experiment, a cold atomic cloud is first interfaced with an optical nanofiber. By using an optical lattice in the evanescent field, the atoms are then trapped in 1D atomic arrays close to the nanofiber. In this platform, we reach high optical depth OD ~ 100 and long lifetimes ~ 25 ms by using a dual-color compensated trapping scheme that preserves the internal properties of atoms. In this thesis, we explore collective effects emerging from the spatial ordering of atoms. When the period of the lattice is made close to commensurate with the resonant wavelength, Bragg reflection, as high as 75%, is observed. The reflection shows dependency on orientation of the probe polarization relative to the atomic arrays - a chiral signature in nanoscale waveguide-QED systems. The ability to control photon transport in 1D waveguides coupled to spin systems would enable novel quantum networking capabilities and the study of many-body effects arising from long-range interactions.
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Theoretical Studies of Electronic Structures and Conductive Properties of Functional Materials / 機能性材料の電子状態と導電物性に関する理論的研究Ikeda, Yuji 25 March 2013 (has links)
Kyoto University (京都大学) / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第17515号 / 工博第3674号 / 新制||工||1559(附属図書館) / 30281 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科マイクロエンジニアリング専攻 / (主査)教授 立花 明知, 教授 木村 健二, 教授 田中 功 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当
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