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Pair Production and the Light-Front VacuumGhorbani Ghomeshi, Ramin January 2013 (has links)
Dominated by Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, vacuum is not quantum mechanically an empty void, i.e. virtual pairs of particles appear and disappear persistently. This nonlinearity subsequently provokes a number of phenomena which can only be practically observed by going to a high-intensity regime. Pair production beyond the so-called Sauter-Schwinger limit, which is roughly the field intensity threshold for pairs to show up copiously, is such a nonlinear vacuum phenomenon. From the viewpoint of Dirac's front form of Hamiltonian dynamics, however, vacuum turns out to be trivial. This triviality would suggest that Schwinger pair production is not possible. Of course, this is only up to zero modes. While the instant form of relativistic dynamics has already been at least theoretically well-played out, the way is still open for investigating the front form. The aim of this thesis is to explore the properties of such a contradictory aspect of quantum vacuum in two different forms of relativistic dynamics and hence to investigate the possibility of finding a way to resolve this ambiguity. This exercise is largely based on the application of field quantization to light-front dynamics. In this regard, some concepts within strong field theory and light-front quantization which are fundamental to our survey have been introduced, the order of magnitude of a few important quantum electrodynamical quantities have been fixed and the basic information on a small number of nonlinear vacuum phenomena has been identified. Light-front quantization of simple bosonic and fermionic systems, in particular, the light-front quantization of a fermion in a background electromagnetic field in (1+1) dimensions is given. The light-front vacuum appears to be trivial also in this particular case. Amongst all suggested methods to resolve the aforementioned ambiguity, the discrete light-cone quantization (DLCQ) method is applied to the Dirac equation in (1+1) dimensions. Furthermore, the Tomaras-Tsamis-Woodard (TTW) solution, which expresses a method to resolve the zero-mode issue, is also revisited. Finally, the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics is discussed and, as an alternative to TTW solution, it is proposed that the worldline approach in the light-front framework may shed light on different aspects of the TTW solution and give a clearer picture of the light-front vacuum and the pair production phenomenon on the light-front.
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Electrodynamique quantique des les atomes artificiels supraconducteursDiniz, Igor 22 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis focuses on two problems in circuit quantum electrodynamics. We first investigate theoretically the coupling of a resonator to a continuous distribution of inhomogeneously broadened emitters. Studying this formalism is strongly motivated by recent proposals to use collections of emitters as quantum memories for individual excitations. Such systems benefit from the collective enhancement of the interaction strength, while keeping the relaxation properties of a single emitter. We discuss the influence of the emitters inhomogeneous broadening on the existence and on the coherence properties of the polaritonic peaks. We find that their coherence depends crucially on the shape of the distribution and not only on its width. Taking into account the inhomogeneous broadening allows to simulate with a great accuracy a number of pioneer experimental results on a ensemble of NV centers. The modeling is shown to be a powerful tool to obtain the properties of the spin ensembles coupled to a resonator. We also suggest an original Josephson qubit readout method based on a dc-SQUID with high loop inductance. This system supports a diamond-shape artificial atom where we define logical and ancilla qubits coupled through a cross-Kerr like term. Depending on the logical qubit state, the ancilla is resonantly or dispersively coupled to the resonator, leading to a large contrast in the transmitted microwave signal amplitude. Simulations show that this original method can be faster and have higher fidelity than methods currently used in circuit QED.
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Asymptotic Symmetries and Dressed States in QED and QCDZhou, Saimeng January 2023 (has links)
Infrared divergences arising in theories with massless gauge bosons have been shown to cancel in scattering amplitudes when using dressed states constructed from the Faddeev- Kulish approach to the asymptotic states. It has been established that these states are closely related to asymptotic symmetries of the theory, that is, non-vanishing gauge trans- formations at the asymptotic boundary. In this thesis, we review both of these aspects for QED and non-Abelian gauge theories. We also investigate the expectation value of the non-Abelian field strength tensor using dressed states. We then present a novel con- struction of the dressing operator for non-Abelian gauge theories using Wilson lines. We demonstrate, to order O(g2), that each term of the dressing operator is reproduced in the presented Wilson line approach, along with additional terms that warrant a more thorough understanding. This work extends previous results that pertained to QED and gravity.
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A theoretical framework for waveguide quantum electrodynamics and its application to resonance energy transferSproll, Tobias 14 November 2016 (has links)
Diese Doktorarbeit beschäftigt sich mit theoretischen Aspekten der Wellenleiterelektrodynamik (WQED), also mit der Wechselwirkung von Materie und Licht, welches nur in einer Dimension propagieren kann. Dieses Forschungsfeld erfreut sich seit seiner Entstehung in den 1990er Jahren wachsender Beliebtheit, der Grund hierfür sind die mannigfaltigen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten, beispielsweise bei der Konstruktion von Quantencomputern als auch von klassischen Computern. Auch Vorschläge für sogenannte Pump-Probe-Experimente auf der Basis der WQED sind Gegenstand der aktuellen Forschung.\\ All diese Gebiete sind darauf angewiesen, die zugrunde liegenden Prinzipien zu verstehen, diese Arbeit soll einen Beitrag dazu leisten. Hierzu haben wir einen Formalismus entwickelt, der auf Feynman-Diagrammen fußt. Das erste physikalische Modellsystem, welches hiermit untersucht wurde, besteht aus einem 1D-Wellenleiter und einem daran gekoppelten Zwei-Nievau-Atom (ZNA). Dies erlaubte uns, bekannte Rechnungen physikalisch transparenter und mathematisch kompakter zu reproduzieren und auf beliebige Disperisonsrelationen zu erweitern. Wir nachweisen, dass die Näherung einer linearen Dispersion in vielen Fällen unzureichend ist, um bestimmte interessante Effekte (beispielsweise gebundene Atom-Photon-Zustände) zu verstehen. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurde das System um ein zweites ZNA erweitert, was zum Auftreten von Fluktuationskräften führt. Diese wurden anhand des Beispiels der Förster Energie untersucht, welche den strahlungsfreien Anteil des Energietransfers beschreibt. Es wurde nachgewiesen, dass dies für unser Modellsystem im Rahmen der RWA der einzig relevante Anteil ist und ausserdem nur für beschränkte Dispersionsrelationen existiert. Wir konnten zeigen, dass sowohl die Stärke als auch die Form der zugehörigen Potentiale stark vom Anfangszustand des Systems abhängt. Dies eröffnet interessante Perspektiven für die Erzeugung maßgeschneiderter Kraftprofile zwischen beiden Atomen. / This PhD Thesis deals with the theoretical aspects of the so called waveguide quantum electrodynamics (WQED). This part of physics deals with the interaction of matter and light which is confined to just one spatial dimension. This area of science experiences growing importance since its formation in the 1990s. The main reason for this are the diverse application possibilities such as the construction of quantum computers as well as classical computers on an optical basis. Furthermore pump-probe experiments using WQED are a promising direction of current research. All this topics are relying on a exact understanding of the underlying physical processes and this thesis shall make a contribution to this. For this purpose we developed a formalism, which relies on Feynman diagrams. The first model system which was investigated in this context consists of a 1D optical waveguide coupled to a two level system (TLS). We where able to reproduce many known results in a physically more transparent and mathematically more compact fashion. Furthermore we generalized this results to arbitrary dispersion relation and showed that the approximation of a linear dispersion is insufficient to describe many physical effects, like atom-photon bound states for example.\\ In the second part of this work we generalized the model system by adding an additional TLS, which supports the occurrence of fluctuation forces. Those where investigated in great detail at the example of the Förster energy, which describes the radiationless part of energy fluctuations. It was shown that this is the only relevant contribution as long as the RWA is valid and only occurs for bounded dispersion relations. We proved that the strength as well as the shape of the corresponding potential strongly depends on the initial state of the system, which opens interesting perspectives for the creation of tailored force profiles between both atoms. All calculations where done analytically as well as numerically.
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Autonomous quantum error correction with superconducting qubits / Vers le calcul quantique tolérant à l’erreur adapté aux expériences en circuit QEDCohen, Joachim 03 February 2017 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous développons plusieurs outils pour la Correction d’Erreur Quantique (CEQ) autonome avec les qubits supraconducteurs.Nous proposons un schéma de CEQ autonome qui repose sur la technique du « reservoir engineering », dans lequel trois qubits de type transmon sont couplés à un ou plusieurs modes dissipatifs. Grâce à la mise au point d’une interaction effective entre les systèmes, l’entropie créée par les éventuelles erreurs est évacuée à travers les modes dissipatifs.La deuxième partie de ce travail porte sur un type de code récemment développé, le code des chats, à travers lequel l’information logique est encodée dans le vaste espace de Hilbert d’un oscillateur harmonique. Nous proposons un protocole pour réaliser des mesures continues et non-perturbatrices de la parité du nombre de photons dans une cavité micro-onde, ce qui correspond au syndrome d’erreur pour le code des chats. Enfin, en utilisant les résultats précédents, nous présentons plusieurs protocoles de CEQ continus et/ou autonomes basés sur le code des chats. Ces protocoles offrent une protection robuste contre les canaux d’erreur dominants en présence de dissipation stimulée à plusieurs photons. / In this thesis, we develop several tools in the direction of autonomous Quantum Error Correction (QEC) with superconducting qubits. We design an autonomous QEC scheme based on quantum reservoir engineering, in which transmon qubits are coupled to lossy modes. Through an engineered interaction between these systems, the entropy created by eventual errors is evacuated via the dissipative modes.The second part of this work focus on the recently developed cat codes, through which the logical information is encoded in the large Hilbert space of a harmonic oscillator. We propose a scheme to perform continuous and quantum non-demolition measurements of photon-number parity in a microwave cavity, which corresponds to the error syndrome in the cat code. In our design, we exploit the strongly nonlinear Hamiltonian of a highimpedance Josephson circuit, coupling ahigh-Q cavity storage cavity mode to a low-Q readout one. Last, as a follow up of the above results, we present several continuous and/or autonomous QEC schemes using the cat code. These schemes provide a robust protection against dominant error channels in the presence of multi-photon driven dissipation.
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Exact nonadiabatic many-body dynamics / electron-phonon coupling in photoelectron spectroscopy and light-matter interactions in quantum electrodynamical density-functional theoryFlick, Johannes 23 August 2016 (has links)
Chemische Reaktionen in der Natur sowie Prozesse in synthetischen Materialien werden oft erst durch die Wechselwirkung von Licht mit Materie ausgelöst. Üblicherweise werden diese komplexen Prozesse mit Hilfe von Näherungen beschrieben. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wird die Gültigkeit der Born-Oppenheimer Näherung in einem vibronischen Modellsystem (Trans-Polyacetylene) unter Photoelektronenspektroskopie im Gleichgewicht sowie zeitaufgelöster Photoelektronenspektroskopie im Nichtgleichgewicht überprüft. Die vibronische Spektralfunktion zeigt aufgrund des faktorisierten Anfangs- und Endzustandes in der Born-Oppenheimer Näherung zusätzliche Peaks, die in der exakten Spektralfunktion nicht auftreten. Im Nichtgleichgewicht zeigen wir für eine Franck-Condon Anregung und eine Anregung mit Pump-Probe Puls, wie die Bewegung des vibronischen Wellenpaktes im zeitabhängigen Photoelektronenspektrum verfolgt werden kann. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit werden sowohl die Materie als auch das Licht quantisiert behandelt. Für eine volle quantenmechanische Beschreibung des Elektron-Licht Systems, verwenden wir die kürzlich entwickelte quantenelektrodynamische Dichtefunktionaltheorie (QEDFT) für gekoppelte Elektron-Photon Systeme. Wir zeigen erste numerische QEDFT-Berechnungen voll quantisierter Atome und Moleküle in optischen Kavitäten, die an das quantisierte elektromagnetische Feld gekoppelt sind. Mit Hilfe von Fixpunktiterationen berechnen wir das exakte Kohn-Sham Potential im diskreten Ortsraum, wobei unser Hauptaugenmerk auf dem Austausch-Korrelations-Potential liegt. Wir zeigen die erste Näherung des Austausch-Korrelations-Potentials mit Hilfe eines optimierten effektiven Potential Ansatzes angewandt auf einen Jaynes-Cummings-Dimer. Die dieser Arbeit zugrunde liegenden Erkenntnisse und Näherungen ermöglichen es neuartige Phänomene an der Schnittstelle zwischen den Materialwissenschaften und der Quantenoptik zu beschreiben. / Many natural and synthetic processes are triggered by the interaction of light and matter. All these complex processes are routinely explained by employing various approximations. In the first part of this work, we assess the validity of the Born-Oppenheimer approximation in the case of equilibrium and time-resolved nonequilibrium photoelectron spectra for a vibronic model system of Trans-Polyacetylene. We show that spurious peaks appear for the vibronic spectral function in the Born-Oppenheimer approximation, which are not present in the exact spectral function of the system. This effect can be traced back to the factorized nature of the Born-Oppenheimer initial and final photoemission states. In the nonequilibrium case, we illustrate for an initial Franck-Condon excitation and an explicit pump-pulse excitation how the vibronic wave packet motion can be traced in the time-resolved photoelectron spectra as function of the pump-probe delay. In the second part of this work, we aim at treating both, matter and light, on an equal quantized footing. We apply the recently developed quantum electrodynamical density-functional theory, (QEDFT), which allows to describe electron-photon systems fully quantum mechanically. We present the first numerical calculations in the framework of QEDFT. We focus on the electron-photon exchange-correlation contribution by calculating exact Kohn-Sham potentials in real space using fixed-point inversions and present the performance of the first approximate exchange-correlation potential based on an optimized effective potential approach for a Jaynes-Cummings-Hubbard dimer. This work opens new research lines at the interface between materials science and quantum optics.
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Surprises in theoretical Casimir physics : quantum forces in inhomogeneous mediaSimpson, William M. R. January 2014 (has links)
This thesis considers the problem of determining Casimir-Lifshitz forces in inhomogeneous media. The ground-state energy of the electromagnetic field in a piston-geometry is discussed. When the cavity is empty, the Casimir pressure on the piston is finite and independent of the small-scale physics of the media that compose the mirrors. However, it is demonstrated that, when the cavity is filled with an inhomogeneous dielectric medium, the Casimir energy is cut-off dependent. The local behavior of the stress tensor commonly used in calculations of Casimir forces is also determined. It is shown that the usual expression for the stress tensor is not finite anywhere within such a medium, whatever the temporal dispersion or index profile, and that this divergence is unlikely to be removed by modifying the regularisation. These findings suggest that the value of the Casimir pressure may be inextricably dependent on the detailed behavior of the mirror and the medium at large wave vectors. This thesis also examines two exceptions to this rule: first, the case of an idealised metamaterial is considered which, when introduced into a cavity, reduces the magnitude of the Casimir force. It is shown that, although the medium is inhomogeneous, it does not contribute additional scattering events but simply modifies the effective length of the cavity, so the predicted force is finite and can be stated exactly. Secondly, a geometric argument is presented for determining a Casimir stress in a spherical mirror filled with the inhomogeneous medium of Maxwell's fish-eye. This solution questions the idea that the Casimir force of a spherical mirror is repulsive, but prompts additional questions concerning regularisation and the role of non-local effects in determining Casimir forces.
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Asymptotic Symmetries and Faddeev-Kulish states in QED and GravityGaharia, David January 2019 (has links)
When calculating scattering amplitudes in gauge and gravitational theories one encounters infrared (IR) divergences associated with massless fields. These are known to be artifacts of constructing a quantum field theory starting with free fields, and the assumption that in the asymptotic limit (i.e. well before and after a scattering event) the incoming and outgoing states are non-interacting. In 1937, Bloch and Nordsieck provided a technical procedure eliminating the IR divergences in the cross-sections. However, this did not address the source of the problem: A detailed analysis reveals that, in quantum electrodynamics (QED) and in perturbative quantum gravity (PQG), the interactions cannot be ignored even in the asymptotic limit. This is due to the infinite range of the massless force-carrying bosons. By taking these asymptotic interactions into account, one can find a picture changing operator that transforms the free Fock states into asymptotically interacting Faddeev- Kulish (FK) states. These FK states are charged (massive) particles surrounded by a “cloud” of soft photons (gravitons) and will render all scattering processes infrared finite already at an S-matrix level. Recently it has been found that the FK states are closely related to asymptotic symmetries. In the case of QED the FK states are eigenstates of the large gauge transformations – U(1) transformations with a non-vanishing transformation parameter at infinity. For PQG the FK states are eigenstates of the Bondi-Metzner-Sachs (BMS) transformations – the asymptotic symmetry group of an asymptotically flat spacetime. It also appears that the FK states are related the Wilson lines in the Mandelstam quantization scheme. This would allow one to obtain the physical FK states through geometrical or symmetry arguments. We attempt to clarify this relation and present a derivation of the FK states in PQG from the gravitational Wilson line in the eikonal approximation, a result that is novel to this thesis.
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The quantum vacuum near time-dependent dielectricsBugler-Lamb, Samuel Lloyd January 2017 (has links)
The vacuum, as described by Quantum Field Theory, is not as empty as classical physics once led us to believe. In fact, it is characterised by an infinite energy stored in the ground state of its constituent fields. This infinite energy has real, tangible effects on the macroscopic clusters of matter that make up our universe. Moreover, the configuration of these clusters of matter within the vacuum in turn influences the form of the vacuum itself and so forth. In this work, we shall consider the changes to the quantum vacuum brought about by the presence of time-dependent dielectrics. Such changes are thought to be responsible for phenomena such as the simple and dynamical Casimir effects and Quantum Friction. After introducing the physical and mathematical descriptions of the electromagnetic quantum vacuum, we will begin by discussing some of the basic quasi-static effects that stem directly from the existence of an electromagnetic ground state energy, known as the \textit{zero-point energy}. These effects include the famous Hawking radiation and Unruh effect amongst others. We will then use a scenario similar to that which exhibits Cherenkov radiation in order to de-mystify the 'negative frequency' modes of light that often occur due to a Doppler shift in the presence of media moving at a constant velocity by showing that they are an artefact of the approximation of the degrees of freedom of matter to a macroscopic permittivity function. Here, absorption and dissipation of electromagnetic energy will be ignored for simplicity. The dynamics of an oscillator placed within this moving medium will then be considered and we will show that when the motion exceeds the speed of light in the dielectric, the oscillator will begin to absorb energy from the medium. It will be shown that this is due to the reversal of the 'radiation damping' present for lower velocity of stationary cases. We will then consider how the infinite vacuum energy changes in the vicinity, but outside, of this medium moving with a constant velocity and show that the presence of matter removes certain symmetries present in empty space leading to transfers of energy between moving bodies mediated by the electromagnetic field. Following on from this, we will then extend our considerations by including the dissipation and dispersion of electromagnetic energy within magneto-dielectrics by using a canonically quantised model referred to as 'Macroscopic QED'. We will analyse the change to the vacuum state of the electromagnetic field brought about by the presence of media with an arbitrary time dependence. It will be shown that this leads to the creation of particles tantamount to exciting the degrees of freedom of both the medium and the electromagnetic field. We will also consider the effect these time-dependencies have on the two point functions of the field amplitudes using the example of the electric field. Finally, we will begin the application of the macroscopic QED model to the path integral methods of quantum field theory with the purpose of making use of the full range of perturbative techniques that this entails, leaving the remainder of this adaptation for future work.
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Out-of-Equilibrium Phase Transitions in Nonlinear Optical Systems / Transitions de phase hors équilibre dans les systèmes optiques non linéairesMinganti, Fabrizio 25 October 2018 (has links)
Dans cette thèse nous étudions théoriquement de systèmes dissipatifs pompés,décrits par une équation maîtresse de Lindblad. En particulier, nous adressons les problématiques liés à l’émergence de phénomènes critiques. Nous présentons une théorie générale reliant les transitions de phase du premier et deuxième ordres aux propriétés spectrales du superopérateur liouvillien. Dans la région critique, nous déterminons la forme générale de l’état stationnaire et de la matrice propre du liouvillien associée à son gap spectral. Nous discutons aussi l’utilisation de trajectoires quantiques individuelles afin de révéler l’apparition des transitions de phase. En ayant dérivé une théorie générale, nous étudions le modèle de Kerr en présence de pompage à un photon (cohérent) et à deux photons (paramétrique) ainsi que de dissipation. Nous explorons les propriétés dynamiques d’une transition de phase du premier ordre dans un modèle de Bose-Hubbard dissipatif et d’une de second ordre dans un modèle XYZ dissipatif d’Heisenberg. Enfin, nous avons considéré la physique des cavités soumises à de la dissipation à un et deux photons ainsi qu’un pompage à deux photons, obtenu par ingénierie de réservoirs. Nous avons démontré que l’état stationnaire unique est un mélange statistique de deux états chats de Schrödinger, malgré de fortes pertes à un photon.Nous proposons et étudions un protocole de rétroaction pour la génération d’états chat purs / In this thesis we theoretically study driven-dissipative nonlinear systems, whosedynamics is capture by a Lindblad master equation. In particular, we investigate theemergence of criticality in out-of-equilibrium dissipative systems. We present a generaland model-independent spectral theory relating first- and second-order dissipative phasetransitions to the spectral properties of the Liouvillian superoperator. In the critical region,we determine the general form of the steady-state density matrix and of the Liouvillianeigenmatrix whose eigenvalue defines the Liouvillian spectral gap. We discuss the relevanceof individual quantum trajectories to unveil phase transitions. After these general results,we analyse the inset of criticality in several models. First, a nonlinear Kerr resonator in thepresence of both coherent (one-photon) and parametric (two-photon) driving and dissipation.We then explore the dynamical properties of the coherently-driven Bose-Hubbard and of thedissipative XYZ Heisenberg model presenting a first-order and a second-order dissipativephase transition, respectively. Finally, we investigate the physics of photonic Schrödingercat states in driven-dissipative resonators subject to engineered two-photon processes andone-photon losses. We propose and study a feedback protocol to generate a pure cat-likesteady state
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