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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mokomųjų dalykų edukacinės kokybės rodikliai bendrojo lavinimo vidurinėje mokykloje / The Quality Indicators at Secondary School Education

Gadeckienė, Rūta 26 September 2008 (has links)
Magistro darbe yra suformuluota Lietuvos švietimo sistemos politikos problema – nors švietimo kokybė yra nurodoma kaip vienas iš svarbiausių švietimo politikos prioritetų, nėra vieningo sutarimo, kas yra švietimo kokybė, kokiais kriterijais remiantis matuoti kokybę švietimo sistemoje. Atlikta Lietuvos Respublikos norminių aktų, kuriais vadovaujantis nustatomi švietimo sistemos prioritetai, analizė. Išanalizuoti įvairių Lietuvos ir užsienio autorių teoriniai ir praktiniai darbai, kuriais siekta patikslinti bendrojo lavinimo vidurinės mokyklos švietimo kokybės sampratą. Patvirtinama autorės suformuluota mokslinio darbo hipotezė, kad švietimo kokybei matuoti sukurta Valstybės švietimo stebėsenos rodiklių sistema nepakankamai apima bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos mokomuosius dalykus, be to, mokyklose vykdomas vidaus ir išorės auditas analizuoja mokyklą kaip atskirą švietimo sistemos vienetą, o abiejų tipų audito rezultatai neatsispindi Valstybės švietimo stebėsenos rodiklių sistemoje. Atsakydama į iškeltus tikslus, autorė formuluoja mokslinio darbo išvadas. Švietimo kokybė – tai visuma požymių, apibūdinančių švietimo įstaigą kaip sudėtinį švietimo sistemos vienetą, kurio kokybišką egzistavimą lemia mokomoji aplinka, mokymo priemonės, kvalifikuoti pedagogai, pamokinė ir popamokinė veikla, moksleivių pasiekimai, mokyklos bendruomenės (tėvų, mokinių, pedagogų ir visuomenės) tarpusavio santykiai, kuriems vertinti pasitelkiamas vidinis vertinimas (savianalizė) ir išorinis (ekspertinis)... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The following problem of Lithuanian education system policy is enunciated in the master thesis: although the quality of education is referred as one of the most important priorities in the education policy, there is no unanimous agreement about the quality of education itself and the criteria to measure it. The acts of Lithuanian Republic defining the priorities of education system were analyzed. On purpose to specify the conception of quality at secondary school education, the analysis of works by Lithuanian and foreign authors was performed. The hypothesis stated by the author in the study is confirmed. According to the author, the system of education monitoring indicators developed by the state to measure the quality of education is insufficient as far as the subjects at secondary school are concerned. Moreover, the school is analyzed as a separate unit of the education system while the internal and external audit is being accomplished there. Besides, the results of both the internal and external audit are not reflected in the state’s system of education monitoring indicators. According to objects the author proposed to herself, the inferences of the study are drawn. The quality of education is the whole of features, characterizing educational institution as the multiple unit of the education system which existence of quality is referred to teaching and learning environment, instructional aids, qualified educators, school and extra-curricular activities, the achievements... [to full text]

Clustering in the Field of Vocational Education

Xiong, Huojin 08 October 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Diese Dissertation wendet komparative Methoden an, um eine vergleichende Analyse von einigen ausgewählten praktischen Beispielen von ‚Clustering‘ in dem Handlungsfeld der Erziehung in China. Auf der Grundlage der strukturellen, hierarchischen und funktionellen Herangehensweisen der Systemtheorie und auch in Anbetracht der sozialen wirtschaftlichen und pädagogischen Implikationen des Clusters in der Beruflichen Bildung werden die Theorie von Porter (und deren Erweiterungen), die Theorie des Humankapitals und die Theorie der Bildung für die Wahl der für einen Vergleich erforderlichen Kriterien (tertium comparationis) herangezogen. Aus den verfügbaren Berichten über Implementationsversuche wurden die Implementationsmodelle der Cluster von Henan, Shanghai, Hainan, Yongchuan und Yantai ausgewählt. Alle Erfahrungen aus diesen Regionen wurden in zwei Kategorien gemäß ihrer Eigenschaften als professionelle und regionale Cluster untersucht. Die komparativen Analysen verweisen jeweils auf die oben erwähnten drei Kriterien. In Anbetracht der in den praktisch umgesetzten Modellen offenbar gewordenen Probleme werden zusätzlich einige internationale Erfahrungen herangezogen und auf ihre Erfolgskomponenten hin untersucht, z.B. wie man Faktoren für das Cluster verbindet oder wie man Anreize für die Teilnahme von Unternehmen am Cluster setzt. Auf der Grundlage der theoretischen Analyse der praktischen Erfahrungen in China sowie andernorts werden abschließend einige Vorschläge für die zukünftige Entwicklung des Clusterings entwickelt. / This dissertation applies comparative methods to make analyses on some selected implementation modes of clustering in the field of vocational education in China. Based on the structural, hierarchical and functional aspects of the theory of system, and also in consideration of the social economical and educational features of clustering in the field of vocational education, Porter’s theory and its amended models, theory of human capital and theory of education are reviewed for the choice of comparative criteria. On the basis of the available information, some representative implementation models are selected from Henan (province, South China), Shanghai (provincial level city, East China), Hainan (province, Central China), Yongchuan (prefectural level city, West China) and Yantai (Prefectural level city, North China). All the experiences from these areas are grouped and compared in two categories according to their features: professional clustering and regional clustering. And comparative analyses are made in reference to the above-mentioned three criteria. In consideration of the problems revealed in the implementation models, some international experiences are referred as examples in some practical aspects, such as of how to connect factors for clustering, of how to assist the clustering to live through its whole lifespan, and of how to get enterprises involved. Furthermore, some suggestions for future development of clustering are also made from theoretical point of view.

Ugdymo kokybės mokykloje valdymas tiriant mokinių (11-15 m.) ir mokytojų komunikacinę kultūrą: atvejo analizė / Education Quality Management at School Through Analysis of Communication Culture of Pupils (of 11-15 Years Old) and Teachers: Case Study

Matuzaitė-Slotkienė, Lina 28 February 2011 (has links)
Pastaruoju metu vis plačiau diskutuojama apie bendravimo ir bendradarbiavimo svarbą ugdymo procese. Duotoji tema skatina nagrinėti mokinių ir mokytojų tarpusavio sąveiką, nes šis socialinis poreikis tiesiogiai susijęs su dvasinėmis žmogaus vertybėmis ir ugdymo kokybe. Darbo tema – ugdymo kokybės mokykloje valdymas tiriant mokinių ir mokytojų komunikacinę kultūrą. Tyrimo tikslas – ištirti ugdymo kokybės valdymo ypatybes (galimybes, slenksčius, prielaidas ir t.t.) pedagogų ir mokinių komunikacinės kultūros analizės kontekste. Tyrimo metodai: mokslinės literatūros analizė, dokumentų kontentanalizė, nestandartizuota mokinių ir mokytojų apklausa raštu, duomenų kiekybinė ir kokybinė analizė. Tyrime dalyvavo 45 Akmenės rajono Ventos gimnazijos mokytojai ir 124 mokiniai (tyrimo dalyvių imtis – 169 respondentai). Mokinių ir mokytojų apklausos rezultatai leidžia teigti, kad iškelta hipotezė pasitvirtino: žinant mokinių ir mokytojų komunikacinės kultūros būvį ugdymo institucijoje ir įvertinus jos įtaką ugdymo procesui, galima keisti mokinių ugdymo kokybę. Dauguma apklaustų mokinių mano, kad bendraudami su mokytojais jie tampa geresniais, o jei mokytojai su jais elgiasi gerai, tai jie stengiasi geriau mokytis. Apklausos duomenys atskleidė pagrindines priežastis, trukdančias mokinių ir mokytojų konstruktyviam bendravimui. Išsiaiškinta, kas turi įtakos ugdymo kokybei mokykloje. Pedagogams... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The importance of communication and cooperation in the educational process has recently become a topic for wide discussions. This stimulates analysis of student and teacher interaction as this social need directly relates to the spiritual human values and the quality of education. Thesis of this work is: education quality management at school through analysis of communication culture of pupils (of 11-15 years old) and teachers: case study. The aim of the research is to analyze the specific management features of the education quality (opportunities, thresholds, assumptions, etc.) in the context of communicative culture analysis of teachers and students. Research methods: analysis of scientific literature, document content analysis, non- standardized written survey of students and teachers, quantitative and qualitative data analysis. 45 Akmenė region “Venta”' gymnasium teachers and 124 students participated in the research (research participant volume is 169 respondents). Student and teacher survey results suggest that the hypothesis was confirmed: it is possible to change the quality of student education after having knowledge of the state of communicative culture of students and teachers in the educational institution. The majority of the respondent students think they become better after communicating with teachers. Moreover, if teachers treat them well they tend to study more for better... [to full text]

Korepetitoriavimo, kaip edukacinės paslaugos moksleiviams, reikšmingumo tyrimas / Tutoring and its influence to quality of education

Rauchienė, Asta 09 June 2005 (has links)
Tutoring and its influence to quality of education is rather topical subject for the educational system. This is the main topic of this master thesis. The aim of this research is to determine amount of additional occupation in an incidentally chosen schools in Siauliai. It was also interesting to discover what is pupil’s opinion about the services provided by tutors and their quality of education. There were arranged a set of tasks: to rate the amount of pupils who attended additional occupation, to determine the variety of tutoring forms and their distribution, to settle the efficiency and availability of tutoring and its influence on quality of education. There were used various methods of analysis, such as theoretical analysis and generalization, form questioning and mathematical statistics. A. Markeviciute’s questionnaire was applied for usage. 336 pupils from Siauliai schools were present in the research. All the received questioning data were processed with computer software SPSS 11.0. Obtained data shows that tutoring is very popular in Siauliai district schools. Almost about 33% of pupils are taking tutor services. On the basis of this research it is possible to state that “shadow education” is one of the quality of education indicators.

Vidinis auditas kaip pradinėje mokykloje kaitą skatinantis veiksnys / Internal Audit as the Alternation Stimulating Factor if Primary School

Ramanauskienė, Ona 15 June 2005 (has links)
Study object: • Internal audit and changes related with it in primary school. Aim: • To determine the influence of internal audit on alternation processes in primary school. Study tasks: • To analyze pedagogical and psychological literature of monitoring direction. • To clarify the attitude of pedagogues, parents and pupils to internal audit as the main alternation stimulating factor. • To explore internal audit influence on alternation. • To discuss about internal audit as knowledge and perfection condition of ourselves. Study methods: • The research of scientific literature. • Analyze of the documents. • Method of quantitative research. • Statistical treatment of data. The research of activity efficiency in the comprehensive schools was analyzed of very outstanding Lithuanian scientists and other investigators practices. I would like to mention B. Bitinas, P. Jucevičienė, V. Stulpinas, Ž. Jackūnas, V. Targamadzė, R. Želvys, M. Barkauskaitė, A. Bagdonas and others. The first research in branch of internal audit was done by Center of Pedagogues Education (CPE), the internal audit experiments were done in the preschools, in the primary schools and in the comprehensive schools. In nowadays very important to establish the internal audit, because just then schools by themselves could plumb to their done specific activities, would be interested to education politic and standards of quality. In 2002-2003 the internal audit were done in every comprehensive school, but there... [to full text]

Pedagogų požiūris į kompetencijas tenkinti aukštesniųjų klasių mokinių specialiuosius ugdymosi poreikius / Teachers’ attitude towards the competence to meet the requirements for senior pupils With special educational needs

Ausmanienė, Stanislava 28 August 2009 (has links)
Magistro darbo santrauka Magistro darbe atlikta teorinė pedagogų pasirengimo ugdyti mokinius, turinčius specialiųjų ugdymo poreikių, analizė. Iškelta hipotezė, kad bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų pedagogai nuvertina savo kompetencijas tenkinti aukštesniųjų klasių mokinių specialiuosius ugdymosi poreikius ir tai didele dalimi lemia nepakankamas pastangas ugdyti šiuos mokinius. Anketinės apklausos metodu buvo atliktas tyrimas, kurio tikslas – ištirti pedagogų poţiūrį į kompetencijas tenkinti aukštesniųjų klasių mokinių poreikius. Atlikta statistinė (aprašomoji daţnių, procentų) duomenų analizė. Tyrime dalyvavo 180 bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų aukštesniųjų klasių pedagogų, ugdančių aukštesniųjų klasių mokinius, turinčius specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių. Empirinėje dalyje nagrinėjama: pedagogų pasirengimas ugdyti mokinius, turinčius specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių; pedagogų nuomonės apie mokinių, turinčių specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių, mokymą; jų suvokiamus šių mokinių ugdymo tikslus ir patiriamas problemas; pedagogų profesinių kompetencijų įsivertinimas; pedagogų profesinės saviugdos poreikiai. Svarbiausios empirinio tyrimo išvados: 1. Mokinius, turinčius specialiųjų poreikių, mokytojai laiko lygiaverčiais mokyklos bendruomenės nariais, o mokinių individualių ugdymosi poreikių tenkinimą – svarbiausiu jų mokymo bruoţu. Tačiau mokymo(si) pasiekimai, mokytojų nuomone, labiausiai priklauso nuo šeimos ir paties vaiko. 2. Dauguma pedagogų, ugdydami specialiųjų poreikių mokinius, siekia formuoti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Summary The paper deals with the theoretical analysis of the teachers’ preparedness to educate the pupils with special educational needs. It was brought up the hypothesis that general education school teachers devalue their competences to satisfy the special educational needs for the senior pupils and that is the basic influence to bear on incomplete efforts to educate these pupils. The research was fulfilled using the results of the inquest. It’s goal – to survey teachers’ attitude towards the competence to meet the requirements for senior pupils with special educational needs. The analysis of the statistic (descriptive rate, percentage) data was done. 180 general education school teachers, working with the senior pupils with special educational needs, participated in this research. In empirical part are analyzed: teachers’ preparedness to work with the pupils with special educational needs; teachers’ opinion about the education of the pupils with special educational needs; their comprehensible educational goals and accident – prone problems teaching these pupils; the self – evaluation of teachers pedagogical professional competences; teachers’ professional self – education needs. The most important empirical conclusions that were drawn are: 1. Teachers consider the pupils with special educational needs as the equal members of school community; the satisfaction of pupils’ individual educational needs is hold as the main feature of their teaching. But the achievements of... [to full text]

Pedagogo dalyvavimo kvalifikacijos kėlimo renginiuose poveikis ugdymo kokybei ikimokyklinėje įstaigoje / The impact of educators‘ participation in training events, to the quality of education at pre-school institution

Motiejūnienė, Rita 10 February 2014 (has links)
Kvalifikacijos tobulinimas - tai nenutrūkstantis viso gyvenimo mokymasis įvairiomis formomis ir būdais, orientuotas į profesinių žinių ir gebėjimų įgijimą ir tobulinimą. Auklėtojos kompetencijos ir profesinių įgūdžių formavimas trunka visą profesinę karjerą. Svarbu, kaip po įvairių kvalifikacinių renginių ikimokyklinio ugdymo pedagogas reflektuoja savo kvalifikacijos tobulinimą, kaip pagerėja ugdomojo proceso kokybė. Labai svarbu, kokias kvalifikacinių tobulinimo programų esmines idėjas ikimokyklinio ugdymo auklėtoja įsisavino, reflektavo, kaip tai atsispindi ugdymo procese ir kas jame pakito. / Professional development is a continuous life-long learning in different ways and forms, focusing on the professional knowledge and skill acquisition, and development. The development of educator competencies and professional skills lasts the whole career. It is important, how does the pre-school teacher reflect on their professional development after various qualifying events, how does the quality of the educational process improve. It is very important what essential ideas of qualification improvement programs pre-school teacher mastered, what conclusions the teacher drew on how this is reflected in the educational process and what did it change. The situation nowadays makes us think about the meaning of teacher development, its effect on the quality of education in the schools. Based on that, the issues were raised: - Is pre-school teacher, which is open to innovation, creative, with communication skills, committed to continuously improve his or her skills and update your knowledge? - Does the teachers' participation in the training / learning events have an impact on the quality of the curriculum? - Do training events echoe the views of teachers and the quality?

Transkei College of Education lecturers' perceptions of principles guiding the quality assurance policy of the college's academic programme.

Sangoni, Masivuye Siziphiwe Nomonde January 1999 (has links)
The aim of this study was to determine the views of the Transkei College of Education (TCE) lecturers concerning the principles that should guide a quality assurance (QA) policy of the academic programme of the institution. To address this, five sub-questions were raised, dealing with respondents' perceptions on: generic or specific skills; involvement in drafting teacher education outcomes; the criteria for outcomes' assessment; programme monitoring and the handling of the results of the monitoring process. This case study, was conducted at TCE, in Umtata. Data were gathered by using a self-administered questionnaire distributed to all college lecturers, resulting in a (64%) return rate. Participating lecturers' responses revealed that they preferred that the teacher education programme contained both generic and specific skills/outcomes; that such outcomes be developed by stakeholders, the most important of which should be mastery of subject matter to be taught. The respondents' regarded the establishment of a committee to oversee the self-evaluation process as the most important criteria to be used in the process of self evaluation, while senior members of staff take on the responsibility of monitoring self-evaluation processes. The respondents felt that the results of self-evaluation should be used to improve and develop the programme. Overall, the respondents exhibited a good understanding of the principles that should guide the development of both the college's educational outcomes and a QA system for the college. The respondents also showed alacrity of thought regarding the important elements in the development of criteria and outcomes for the programme offered at the college, as well as for the assessment and monitoring of the programme to ensure quality. The study therefore, recommends that practical steps be put in place for the review of the educational outcomes of the college - which of necessity will entail maximum stakeholder participation - both from within the college and outside. Furthermore, it is also evident from the results of this study that the college is ready for a quality assurance system for its academic programme. / Thesis (M.Ed.) - University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 1999.

A Study On Primaryschool Teachers&#039 / Perceptions Of The Total Quality Managementprinciples

Koral, Nesrin Ozlem 01 March 2004 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study is to investigate primary education teachers&#039 / perceptions about Total Quality Management (TQM) and the implementation degree of the principles of TQM in their schools / and to investigate whether there are significant differences between these perceptions of teachers in Curriculum Laboratory Schools (MLO) in which TQM principles are applied and teachers in non-MLO schools. For this reason, 16 primary education schools eight of which are MLO schools in different provinces of Ankara were randomly selected, for the sample of the study. Teachers in these schools were asked to fill out the questionnaire consisting of the proposala based on the principles of TQM. A total of 406 teachers completed and returned the questionnaires. Descriptives statistics were used to evaluate the data obtained. Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) was used to analyse whether there is a significant difference between MLO and non-MLO school teachers&#039 / perceptions related to TQM principles. The results indicated that there was no significant difference between the perceptions of teachers in MLO and non-MLo schools. Moreover, Chi-square test was used in order to analyse if there are significant differences in MLO and non-MLO school teachers&#039 / perceptions about the degree of the implementation of TQM principles. The results showed that there was a significant difference only in one TQM proposal related to TQM principles. It is implemented in MLo schools more than non-MLO schools.

Quality assurance practice in the provisioning of RPL (Recognition of prior learning) in higher education

Motaung, Mokabe Julia. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (PhD.(Education))-University of Pretoria, 2007. / Includes bibliographical references. Available on the Internet via the World Wide Web.

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