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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La théorie épicurienne du temps / The Epicurean Theory of Time

Gœury, Marianne 20 November 2010 (has links)
Il n’y a pas de théorie explicite du temps dans les rares textes du corpus épicurien à aborder cette notion. Ce travail vise à montrer que le temps constitue cependant un élément fondamental dans la compréhension de l’ontologie, de la physique et de l’éthique épicuriennes. Dans une première partie, nous étudions l’exception méthodologique que constitue le temps et concluons que le temps, « accident d’accidents » selon Démétrius Lacon, fait l’objet d’une combinaison originale d’analogie et d’épilogisme, qui ne donne pas lieu à l’inférence d’une prénotion. La deuxième partie approfondit l’étude de la formule « accident d’accidents » en analysant l’héritage aristotélicien des conceptions épicuriennes de l’accidentalité et du temps, et l’originalité d’Épicure. En effet, alors qu’Aristote exclut qu’une substance considérée sous l’angle d’un de ses accidents puisse se voir attribuer un accident, cela est possible pour les agrégats épicuriens, et c’est dans cette perspective qu’il faut comprendre l’accidentalité au second degré du temps. Nous montrons également que le temps épicurien est détaché de tout mouvement cosmologique de référence. La troisième partie attribue à Épicure un « atomisme du temps » à resituer dans le contexte d’objections aristotéliciennes, et soutient l’existence de deux niveaux hétérogènes : les durées continues propres aux mouvements des agrégats sont abstraitement décomposables en quanta de temps, mais elles n’en sont pas composées. La quatrième partie analyse la portée éthique de la conception épicurienne du temps, en particulier dans deux arguments de Lucrèce contre la peur de la mort. / Very few Epicurean texts deal with the notion of time, and in none of them is there developed an explicit theory of time. However, as the present study aims at demonstrating, an appreciation of the role played by time is essential for a full understanding of Epicurean ontology, physics and ethics. The first part is devoted to time’s methodological exception, and concludes that time, described by Demetrius Laco as an « accident of accidents », is known through an original combination of analogy and epilogism, which does not lead to the inference of any prenotion. The second part focuses on the phrase « accident of accidents », and investigates the role of the Aristotelian heritage in the Epicurean conceptions of accident and time, as well as Epicurus’originality. Indeed, while Aristotle does not allow for the attribution of an accident to a substance considered as already having an accident, such a situation is possible in the case of Epicurean compounds; and time’s second-order accidentality should be understood in that perspective. We also show that in Epicureanism, time is disconnected from any cosmological reference movement. The third part of this study attributes to Epicurus a « time atomism ». Such an attribution must be put into the context of Aristotelian objections. We bring to light two heterogeneous levels: the continuous durations of the compounds’ movements can indeed, in an abstract way, be decomposed into time quanta; but these continuous durations are not composed of such quanta. The fourth part analyzes the ethical implications of the Epicurean conception of time, and concentrates on two Lucretian arguments against the fear of death.

Investigating And Extending The Quanta Tracking Algorithm

Gilmour, Josh January 2021 (has links)
The traditional tracking approach of forming detections and then associating these detections together is known to perform poorly at low signal-to-noise ratios (SNR). Track-before-detect (TBD) approaches, where the sensor data is used directly as opposed to forming detections, has been shown to perform better than traditional approaches at low SNRs. One recently introduced TBD algorithm is the Quanta Tracking Algorithm that is formed by applying maximum likelihood estimation to the histogram probabilistic multi-target tracker (HPMHT). Quanta has shown promising performance for low SNR scenarios, but the body of literature is small and the evaluations that have been done so far do not consider several practical aspects of using the algorithm in real applications and are difficult to compare to other algorithms due to the SNR definitions used. This paper seeks to address these deficiencies in the literature. A re-derivation of Quanta that corrects some issues present in the original derivation while also integrating extensions from the HPMHT literature will also be presented. These extensions are shown to make Quanta able to correct for errors in the assumed size targets as well as improve estimating the SNR of fluctuating targets. / Thesis / Master of Applied Science (MASc)

Image Processing for Quanta Image Sensors

Omar A Elgendy (6905153) 13 August 2019 (has links)
Since the birth of charge coupled devices (CCD) and the complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) active pixel sensors, pixel pitch of digital image sensors has been continuously shrinking to meet the resolution and size requirements of the cameras. However, shrinking pixels reduces the maximum number of photons a sensor can hold, a phenomenon broadly known as the full-well capacity limit. The drop in full-well capacity causes drop in signal-to-noise ratio and dynamic range.<div><br></div><div>The Quanta Image Sensor (QIS) is a class of solid-state image sensors proposed by Eric Fossum in 2005 as a potential solution for the limited full-well capacity problem. QIS is envisioned to be the next generation image sensor after CCD and CMOS since it enables sub-diffraction-limit pixels without the inherited problems of pixel shrinking. Equipped with a massive number of detectors that have single-photon sensitivity, the sensor counts the incoming photons and triggers a binary response “1” if the photon count exceeds a threshold, or “0” otherwise. To acquire an image, the sensor oversamples the space and time to generate a sequence of binary bit maps. Because of this binary sensing mechanism, the full-well capacity, signal-to-noise ratio and the dynamic range can all be improved using an appropriate image reconstruction algorithm. The contribution of this thesis is to address three image processing problems in QIS: 1) Image reconstruction, 2) Threshold design and 3) Color filter array design.</div><div><br></div><div>Part 1 of the thesis focuses on reconstructing the latent grayscale image from the QIS binary measurements. Image reconstruction is a necessary step for QIS because the raw binary measurements are not images. Previous methods in the literature use iterative algorithms which are computationally expensive. By modeling the QIS binary measurements as quantized Poisson random variables, a new non-iterative image reconstruction method based on the Transform-Denoise framework is proposed. Experimental results show that the new method produces better quality images while requiring less computing time.</div><div><br></div><div>Part 2 of the thesis considers the threshold design problem of a QIS. A spatially-varying threshold can significantly improve the reconstruction quality and the dynamic range. However, no known method of how to achieve this can be found in the literature. The theoretical analysis of this part shows that the optimal threshold should match with the underlying pixel intensity. In addition, the analysis proves the existence of a set of thresholds around the optimal threshold that give asymptotically unbiased reconstructions. The asymptotic unbiasedness has a phase transition behavior. A new threshold update scheme based on this idea is proposed. Experimentally, the new method can provide good estimates of the thresholds with less computing budget compared to existing methods.</div><div><br></div><div>Part 3 of the thesis extends QIS capabilities to color imaging by studying how a color filter array should be designed. Because of the small pixel pitch of QIS, crosstalk between neighboring pixels is inevitable and should be considered when designing the color filter arrays. However, optimizing the light efficiency while suppressing aliasing and crosstalk in a color filter array are conflicting tasks. A new optimization framework is proposed to solve the problem. The new framework unifies several mainstream design criteria while offering generality and flexibility. Extensive experimental comparisons demonstrate the effectiveness of the framework.</div>

Histoire et Enseignement de la Physique : Lumière, Planètes, Relativité et Quanta

Bracco, Christian 15 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Il est possible de concevoir un enseignement de la physique qui incorpore l'histoire de la physique sur un mode qui n'est ni anecdotique, ni autonome et qui peut être décliné à différents niveaux de la formation, des élèves de lycée aux enseignants à l'université. L'introduction du manuscrit porte sur une mise en perspective de la démarche proposée avec des recherches antérieures. Le manuscrit est composé de quatre parties. Dans la partie I, après avoir rappelé les objectifs qui ont prévalu à la réalisation du cédérom « Histoire des idées sur la lumière - de l'Antiquité au début du XXe siècle », qui aborde la lumière à travers une approche historique, expérimentale et philosophique, je propose une utilisation de ce cédérom pour l'enseignement de la diffraction par une approche historique (la disparition des franges intérieures dans l'ombre d'un fil). Dans la partie II, je précise l'enjeu que constitue l'utilisation de la figure géométrique de Newton (1684), accompagnée des coordonnées polaires et des vecteurs, pour mettre à la portée d'un large public l'un des grands succès de la pensée scientifique : la détermination des trajectoires elliptiques des planètes (sans utilisation du calcul différentiel). Dans cette partie, je reviens également sur le modèle d'équant de Kepler, souvent assimilé à un échec, alors qu'il peut ouvrir la voie, dans le cadre de la formation des enseignants, à une discussion renouvelée des dynamiques aristotélicienne et newtonienne. La partie III est une analyse historique de "La Dynamique de l'électron" de Henri Poincaré. Après avoir rappelé le point de vue général de Poincaré sur les sciences et leur enseignement, et avoir situé son travail dans la lignée de Lorentz et des connaissances des géomètres, je reviens sur quatre clés que nous avons proposées (avec Jean-Pierre Provost) pour comprendre la logique du Mémoire : l'utilisation de transformations de Lorentz actives, le rôle de l'action et de son invariance, l'origine de la condition de groupe pour éliminer les dilatations (à travers les lettres à Lorentz de mai 1905) et le rôle des modèles d'électron comme théorème d'existence de la nouvelle dynamique. Dans la quatrième et dernière partie, je donne un historique des travaux de Planck et d'Einstein sur les quanta, afin de comparer leurs approches (étude des dépendances énergétique ou volumique de l'entropie du corps noir) et de les replacer dans une perspective moderne où la notion de mode quantique est la notion fondamentale. Je reviens ensuite sur deux questions naturelles que posent les quanta d'Einstein de mars 1905 pour des étudiants abordant la relativité et le quantique : leur vitesse (à laquelle répond le second postulat de la relativité) et leur indépendance (assujettie au retour à loi de Wien de 1896).

專利權耗盡理論之公法研究-兼論美國最高法院Quanta Computer, Inc. v. LG Electronics, Inc.(2008)判決

陳昱儒 Unknown Date (has links)
本文將以Quanta v. LG電子案判決中尚留解釋空間及適用疑義的「契約自由」與「專利權耗盡理論」的關係為探討標的,從公法角度(我國憲法與經濟公法角度)探求專利制度中『追求公私利益衡平』的本質著手,探討專利權耗盡理論的理論基礎及其存在的合理性,然後分析美國專利權耗盡理論及Quanta v. LG電子案判決建構出的「契約自由」與「專利權耗盡理論」的關係之妥適性,並在「在知識專用權和知識共用權之間進行利益平衡,確保專用權的授予能換來知識共用的最大利益,並最大限度地增進社會的整體福利」精神下,重新省思Quanta v. LG電子案判決的未決爭點,分析契約約定與專利權耗盡理論應有的界限,看專利行使應如何受契約的限制(或者契約自由應受到限制),以對我國專利權耗盡理論提出解釋與適用上之建議。

從廣達與LGE案看專利權耗盡之專利授權管理策略 / From Quanta v. LGE to patent licensing management strategies

黃苑菱, Cynthia Huang Unknown Date (has links)
自從美國最高法院在廣達與LGE案中作出解釋後,便將權利耗盡理論亦稱為第一次銷售理論帶往另一個層次。此案已被普遍認為對於美國過去的判例影響甚鉅,對於產業界的商業活動發展更是具有深遠的影響。智慧財產權旨在保護發明及創造公眾利益間取得一平衡點,權利耗盡理論長久以來已被視為專利法中重要的一環,並藉以杜絕專利權人的過當控制。而最高法院對於第一次銷售理論的解釋,則進而撼動專利權人長此以往對限制性銷售策略的仰賴。 即便銷售後限制(Post-sale restriction)確實提供了專利權人避免耗盡其權利的好方法,但專利權範圍則限縮了專利權人所享有的權利控制範圍,換言之,專利權人僅能擁有專利法所賦予的權利,且其加諸於被授權人的購買條件限制僅限於該專利之功能及使用目的。而超越該專利功能及使用目的的過分限制,則可能導致專利權濫用。而在開放WTO框架下,國際貿易的頻繁也使得權利耗盡衍生出了在散佈等方面的相關討論,平行輸入/輸出的議題亦隨著跨國交易的興盛而隨之重要。 故此篇論文的研究目的不僅僅探討權利耗盡理論及其相關議題,更旨在藉由廣達案的啟發,提供台灣的IT產業一有效的專利授權策略,並提供不論專利權人或被授權人於制定授權契約時,能有一更具有策略性的思考方向。 / The Supreme Court’s current decision in Quanta Computer, Inc. v. LG Electronics, Inc. brings the exhaustion doctrine also known as first sale doctrine up to a new phase. This case is believed significantly overcome quite a lot of past precedents and will effectively influent industry business operations in the future. The core goal of intellectual property right aims to find a balance between protecting the incentives to create and innovate, and providing the benefits to public interests. Exhaustion doctrine has been long standing as part of patent law to prevent patentees’ over control. The interpretation made by Supreme Court regarding the first sale doctrine does vibrate the conditional sale strategies long believed by patentees. Now the Supreme Court brings the issue from the phase of patent law down to the contract law level. Subsequently, the litigations of antitrust and fair trade are therefore involved while patentees are tempting to make an “end-run” control over the downstream purchasers. Though applying post-sale restriction provides a way out for intellectual property owner from triggering the exhaustion, however, the scope of the patent claims determine how far the privilege is given to the inventors. A patent owner or licenser can only enforce its patent right while the right is truly granted by the patent law. Subsequently, the restriction set forth to limit the licensees or purchasers must be accordance with the function or feature of the patent claims for. On the contrary, the patentee intends to restrict its purchasers by holding the exclusive right which beyond the scope of the patent granted may result to patent misuse, for instance, the resale price maintenance, prohibition of manufacturing the competing products, the conditional license which incorporates another license, and overwhelming royalties on the price of the whole product instead of the actual usage of the patented article. Under WTO, the concern of intellectual property protection has become more critical in the perspective of international trade, different issues and disputes regarding exhaustion have also been generated. Not alike the traditional domestic exhaustion, the discussion regarding distribution has therefore been derived. Moreover, the issues related to parallel import/export are generated in accordance with the frequent cross-border transaction. The purpose of this research does not merely lead us look into the doctrine and restriction patentees used to impose for avoiding exhaustion. But I intend to further illustrate a guideline based on the inspiration from Quanta and the explanation of the Courts. This guideline should provide both patentees and licensees an orientation while considering making a licensing agreement.

由美國聯邦最高法院廣達案判決後最新發展探討專利權耗盡原則之演變 — 以台灣資訊代工產業為中心 / Exploring the Evolution of the Doctrine of Patent Exhaustion After Quanta Case of the U.S. Supreme Court — Centering on Taiwan’s Information OEM/ODM Industry

闕河國, Chueh, Ho Kuo Unknown Date (has links)
美國聯邦最高法院廣達v.LG案的判決結果,再次確認「專利權耗盡原則」之適用原則及標準。被告廣達電腦乃為台灣資訊代工產業的龍頭,該判決除了限制專利權人對產業鏈的不當控制外,也將影響整個產業供應鏈對於專利風險的承擔及專利授權策略。廣達案除了建立「未完成品足以體現專利物之必要特徵,且唯一用途係該專利物」及「方法權利項」適用專利權耗盡的重要標準,但也留下「附條件銷售或授權」合法性的爭議。在廣達案後續判決,對「專利權耗盡原則」的詮釋及適用,更值得加以重視。台灣資訊產業在產業供應鏈多居於「製造或組裝」角色,卻受制於上游關鍵元件的強勢及品牌客戶的訂單壓力,而被迫必須承擔產品引發的所有專利侵權的風險。如何善用廣達案及後續各國相關判決,將有助於台灣資訊代工廠商處理國際專利爭訟、專利授權等議題,並做為專利侵權抗辯手段的參考。 本論文首先從經營策略及代工模式,探討台灣資訊代工產業發展與面臨的困境。其次,從專利權與專利侵害的法律規範,到專利權耗盡原則的法理基礎做一完整論述,加以美國先前相關案例的整理及類型分析,對「專利權耗盡原則」的理論與發展做一完整的探討。更進而整理廣達案判決後美國、中國大陸及台灣重要案例,探討「專利權耗盡原則」在其專利法制及實務案例的適用及影響。接著,探討在「契約自由原則」與「專利權耗盡原則」的衝突與調和下,其對於專利授權實務的操作及影響。最後,整理台灣資訊代工產業的代工類型化與廣達案前後美國、中國大陸及台灣權利耗盡重要判決之關聯性,並提出看法及建議。本文初步結論,美國法院案例可初步解析侵權風險及專利權耗盡的適用,並在專利授權談判可提出有效因應條款。廣達案後,美國各級法院均大致遵守此一判決先例,惟中國大陸及台灣法院實務判決仍未完全採取美國的判斷原則。對於後續的研究建議,新興3D列印科技發展及應用,其引發的複雜智慧財產權及「專利權耗盡原則」適用的爭議,確實值得重視。 / Quanta v. LG reaffirmed the applicable principles and standards of the "patent exhaustion principle". As the Quanta plays the lead role in Taiwan’s Information ODM/OEM industry, this US Supreme court’s decision not only limits the patent holder improper control of the industrial chain, but also affects the entire supply chain face the risks and patent license strategies. Quanta establishes the index that "unfinished finished enough to reflect the essential features of the patent and the sole purpose thereof " and "method claim" apply to patent exhaustion. However, "conditional sale or license" is still controversial. Therefore, the Post-Quanta interpretation is worthy of attention. Taiwan's IT Industries most account for the role of "manufacture or assembly" in the supply chain. Subject to the upstream suppliers of the key components or downstream brand customers, they bear all risks caused by infringement of patented products. The Quanta case and its post development will help Taiwan Information foundries to deal with international patent litigation, patent license and etc., and take it as a means to defend against patent infringement claim. Firstly, this thesis explores the development of Taiwan's information ODM/OEM industry and the difficulties of its business strategies and ODM/OEM models. Secondly, it turns to discuss the development of the "patent exhaustion doctrine", and then reviews US critical cases of "patent exhaustion doctrine". In addition, it analyzes post-Quanta cases of the United State, China and Taiwan to discuss the application and impact of the "patent exhaustion doctrine". Furthermore it explores its operation and effect on patent license practice under the conflict and reconciliation of "freedom of contract" and "patent exhaustion doctrine". Then, it identifies Taiwan’s information OEM/OEM industry in a variety of models and associates the models with the important cases of the United States, China and Taiwan regarding patent exhaustion, and makes remarks and suggestions. Finally, this thesis preliminarily concludes that US court cases basically resolve the risk of infringement and patent exhaustion application, and patent license negotiation may be made to respond effectively to the situation. After Quanta, US courts are substantially in compliance with this precedent judgment, but not for China and Taiwan. For subsequent study suggestion, it is worth attention about dispute of the emerging 3D printing technology development and application, which link complex intellectual property rights and the application of "patent exhaustion doctrine".

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