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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aktivitetsbalans och stress hos gymnasieungdomar på yrkesprogram i gymnasiet : En jämförelse mellan könen / Occupational balance and stress among youths at vocational programs in high school : A comparison between the genders

Anehall, Carola, Thongchai, Ming January 2019 (has links)
Gymnasieungdomar upplever mycket stress, främst på grund av studier. Den psykiska ohälsan bland ungdomar ökar och tjejer är betydligt mer stressade än killar. Stress kan påverka studiemotivationen negativt och kan leda till studieavbrott som försenar inträdet på arbetsmarknaden. Syftet var att kartlägga aktivitetsbalans och stress hos tjejer och killar på yrkesprogram inom gymnasiet. En kvantitativ studie i form av en enkätundersökning genomfördes med 50 respondenter på olika gymnasieskolor i södra Sverige. Spearmans rangkorrelationskoefficient (rho) användes för att analysera om det fanns något samband mellan aktivitetsbalans och stress. Majoriteten av respondenterna hade medelhög aktivitetsbalans (39) eller högre, det fanns ingen statistiskt signifikant skillnad i aktivitetsbalans mellan könen. Det fanns en statistiskt signifikant skillnad i upplevd stress mellan könen, tjejer upplevde mer stress än killar. Det fanns ett statistiskt signifikant samband mellan aktivitetsbalans och upplevd stress hos tjejerna men inte hos killarna. Att möjliggöra för ungdomar att bibehålla eller förbättra aktivitetsbalans kan vara ett sätt att främja och förebygga stress och annan psykisk ohälsa. / High school youths experience a lot of stress, mainly because of studies. The mental illness among young people increases and girls are significantly more stressed than boys. Stress can affect the study motivation negatively and can lead to interruptions that delay entry into the labor market. The aim of the study was to survey occupational balance and stress among girls and boys at vocational programs in high school. A quantitative study in the form of a survey was conducted with 50 respondents at various upper secondary schools in southern Sweden. Spearman's rank correlation coefficient (rho)was used to analyze whether there was any relationship between occupational balance and stress. The majority of respondents had medium occupational balance (39) or higher, there was no statistically significant difference in occupational balance between the sexes. There was a statistically significant difference in perceived stress between the sexes, girls perceived more stress than boys. There was a statistically significant relationship between occupational balance and perceived stress in girls. To enable for young people to maintain or improve occupational balance can be a way to promote and prevent stress and other mental illness.

L'évaluation des compétences langagières des enfants par leurs parents dans le développement normal et pathologique / Assessment of language skills of children by their parents in normal and pathological development

Barakat, Bouchra 29 September 2015 (has links)
L'objectif de ce travail était de concevoir un questionnaire écrit qui examine le développement du langage oral des enfants normaux et dysphasiques du point de vue des parents. Dans cette perspective, nous avons conduit trois études auprès de deux populations (sujets normaux et dysphasiques) afin d'étudier l'impact des facteurs sociodémographiques sur le langage et de comparer le langage des enfants dysphasiques à celui des enfants normaux. Enfin, nous avons réalisé une étude des profils.Pour réaliser nos objectifs, un questionnaire a été conçu portant sur 5 axes linguistiques (praxie/articulatoire,phonologie, syntaxe, sémantique, pragmatique) destiné aux parents des enfants normaux et dysphasiques. La comparaison entre les deux échantillons a montré un niveau de langage inférieur chez les enfants dysphasiques par rapport à celui des enfants normaux au niveau de tous les axes. Les résultats ont objectivé un effet très significatif de l'âge de l'enfant sur tous les axes du questionnaire pour la population normale. De même, un effet significatif du genre sur l'axe syntaxique a été relevé. En revanche, nos données n'ont pas révélé d’effet significatif de la plupart des facteurs sociodémographiques pour la population dysphasique.L'étude des profils des enfants dysphasiques a permis d’observer des aspects langagiers déficitaires, et d'autres préservés, en fonction du type de dysphasie ainsi qu’une concordance entre l'évaluation des parents et le diagnostic posé par les spécialistes. En conclusion, le questionnaire semble être un bon outil pour fournir des indicateurs de développement du langage et pour contribuer à repérer précocement des enfants à risques pour développer les troubles spécifiques du langage oral. / The objective of this work was to design a written questionnaire that examines the oral language development of normal children and children with specific language impairment depending on the evaluation of parents. In this perspective, we conducted three studies with two groups(normal children, children with specific language impairment)to study the impact of sociodemographic factors on language and to compare the language between the normal children and children with specific language impairment (SLI) and finally to conduct a study of profile. To achieve our objectives a questionnaire was designed concerning 5 axes of language (praxis / articulation, phonology, syntax, semantics,pragmatics) designed for parents of normal children and dysphasia. The comparison between two samples showed inferior performance in SLI than in normal children at all axesThe results have objectified a highly significant effect of child's age on all axis of the questionnaire for the normal population. Similarly, a significant effect of gender of the child on the syntactic axis. However, our data did not reveal asignificant effect of most of sociodemographic factors for the SLI population. Profiling children with SLI showed performance loss, and other preserved, by the type of SLI andit proved a correspondence between the assessment of parentsand the diagnosis made by specialists. Finally, the questionnaire appears to be a good tool to provide indicators of language development and early detection of children atrisk for specific oral language disorders.

Úbytek svalové hmoty - sarkopenie u seniorů / The decline in skeletal muscle mass - sarcopenia in seniors

KADEŘÁBKOVÁ, Hana January 2019 (has links)
As the age increases, the physical fitness of seniors decreases. This shows the fragility of their body. Managing everyday activities becomes increasingly more difficult for them. Result of this is reduced self-sufficiency of the seniors, which leads to reduced mobility and to the greater loss of muscle mass and higher dependence on professional care. Aging is accompanied by loss of muscle mass and muscle strength - sarcopenia. This is one of the main causes of geriatric fragility. Sarcopenia presents a serious health problem with both social and economic consequences. The term sarcopenia (from Greek words sarx - meaning flesh referring to muscle and penia - loss) was first used in 1989 by Irwin Rosenberg to describe the loss of muscle mass accompanying aging. Exactly defining the term sarcopenia has helped explain this gradual loss of muscle mass. Three objectives were set in the thesis. The first objective was to find out whether sarcopenia reduces the quality of life in the elderly. The second goal was to determine, which quality of life tests are suitable for testing sarcopenia and the last one was whether the SARC - F questionnaire predicts sarcopenia.Quantitative research was used for the empirical part of this work. Data collection was performed using a method of a questionnaire. These were standardized questionnaires aimed at assessing sarcopenia and quality of life. The research was carried out with a total of 77 respondents with sarcopenia and respondents without sarcopenia. The quantitative part of the research was statistically processed using the MS Excel computer program.

Effects of Occupational Stress on Decision-Making Style in Law Enforcement Officers

Crippen, Christine M 01 January 2018 (has links)
Police officers deal with a variety of stresses from different sources. Organizational stresses have the most effect on police officers, often more than stressful critical incidents. Previous research has indicated that over time, the mundane organizational and operational stresses of the job can result in a variety of effects from psychological to physiological, and this stress can impact police performance and public safety. However, there remains an important gap in the current literature regarding the impact of stress on the decision-making style of police officers. Police officers often make split-second decisions that can affect their life, the public, and other police officers. Therefore, this quantitative study utilized the General Decision-Making Styles, Operational Police Stress Questionnaire, and Organizational Police Stress Questionnaire to measure the amount of stress police officers are experiencing and if organizational stress influenced their decision-making style. Data were collected from 150 police officers employed in Iowa, and standard multiple regression analysis was used to test the hypotheses. Findings indicated that there is a relationship between operational and organizational stresses and decision-making style. The results of this study support positive social change by identifying which stressors impact a police officer's decision-making style. Early identification of police officers who are struggling with organizational stress can help reduce burnout, turnover, citizen complaints, and use of force investigations, which might help strengthen the public's trust in their police officers and police departments.

Quantification par questionnaire de l'activité physique chez les enfants colombiens (QAPACE) : enquête chez les enfants scolarisés de Bogota / Questionnaire based quantification of physical activity in colombian children (QAPACE) : application to schoolchildren in the city of Bogota

Barbosa, Nicolas 14 January 2015 (has links)
ObjectifsL’objectif principal a été de déterminer la quantité d’activité physique chez des enfants de 8- 16 ans,scolarisés dans la ville de Bogota (Colombie) vivant à l’altitude de 2640 mètres. Cette activité, mesurée pendant les périodes scolaires et de vacances et agrégée sur une année, a été exprimée en dépensed’énergie rapportée à la journée (DEJmA, kJ.kg-1.jour-1). Cette activité DEJmA a été secondairementanalysée en fonction de l’âge, du genre, du niveau Socioéconomique (NSE), des donnéesanthropométriques individuelles incluant l’âge biologique (Tanner), la composition corporelle, lesomatotype et la condition physique (EUROFIT).MéthodesCette étude d’épidémiologie descriptive et analytique a comporté cinq phases successives : 1)Elaboration d’un questionnaire QAPACE et formation des chercheurs; 2) Test de compréhension duquestionnaire QAPACE; 3) Etude de faisabilité et reproductibilité de QAPACE; 4) Etude de validationsur un échantillon (36 sujets) des mesures de DEJ par rapport à la mesure de VO2max, selon deuxméthodes directe (cycle d’ergospirométrie) et indirecte (test de Léger); 5) Analyse générale d’unéchantillon représentatif de 1840 enfants selon un sondage en grappe randomisé à deux niveaux (écoles,classes). Le questionnaire étudiait 13 grandes catégories d’activités.Les analyses des données de reproductibilité et de validation ont reposé la méthode de Bland et Altmanet la mesure du CCI. La dépendance de la DEJ en fonction des données socio- économiques et desdonnées anthropométriques a été étudiée avec des méthodes de régression linéaire uni- et multivariée(SPSS 21).RésultatsLe questionnaire, adapté à la population d’enfants de langue hispaniauem a présenté une corrélationintra classe CCI=0.96 (CI 0.95-0.97). La validité avec la mesure de VO2max (direct et indirect) a été de0.76(0.66) (p<0.01). La DEJ moyenne sur les 1840 enfants étaient, chez les 904 garçons, 167.98±37.30kJ.kg-1.jour-1 (valeur absolue : 6.83 MJ/Jour, relative : 170.41±39.92) et, chez les 936 filles165.64±34.26 kJ/kg/jour (p<0.01) (6.59 MJ/jour, 165.64 ±34.26 kJ/kg/j). La DEJ pour la périodescolaire et de vacances fut 158.43±42.99 et 199.44±18.55 kJ/kg/jour (p<0.01) pour les garçons et lesfilles respectivement. La DEJ durant le temps libre fut de 59.86±44.16 chez les garçons et 53.81±37.11kJ/kg/jour (p<0.01) pour les filles.ConclusionsSur la base d’une bonne reproductibilité et validité du questionnaire QAPACE, la DEJ (kJ.kg-1.jour-1)rapporté au poids corporel total ou au poids maigre a donné des résultats inférieurs à ceux d’autresétudes, avec notamment 51% des garçons et 61% de filles inactifs, respectivement. Les garçons furentplus actifs que les filles dans le groupe post pubères (p<0.01). Le temps consacré à regarder la TV étaitde 4.2 heures/jour. Les sports les plus pratiqués étaient le football, le cyclisme, et la marche pour lesgarçons et la marche, le cyclisme et le patinage pour les filles. / ObjectivesThe first statement was to determine the amount of physical activity expressed in expenditure weightedaverage day of a year (DEEmY) energy during the school year and holidays (kJ.kg-1.day-1) in terms ofequivalence caloric and metabolic cost of activities most commonly performed by young people. Thesecond statement was that of defining the relationship between the DEEmY vs age, gender,socioeconomic level (SEL), height, body weight, body surface (BS), the Body Mass Index (BMI),biological age (Tanner), body composition, somatotype and fitness (EUROFIT).MethodsThis descriptive study developed five different phases: the first phase: it was the training of researchers,the second phase: understanding and final questionnaire editing QAPACE, in the third phase: feasibilityand reproducibility of QAPACE in the fourth stage: it was the validation study by direct VO2max (36subjects) by ergospirometry and indirect through the test Leger and the fifth phase cycle was developedin 1840 with the general study subjects. The questionnaire was developed by 13 categories. Forreproducibility and validation of the test-Retest method and comparison of arithmetic by the method ofBland-Altman, Pearson correlation was applied. The data is stored in Visual Fox Pro 6.0 and analyzedusing SPSS 21 statistical program IBM. Means were compared using multivariate linear model applyingtipe II.The values used as fixed variables: gender (male and female), age (8-16 years) and three SEL (six strata:1-2, 3-4 and 5-6); as dependent variables were evaluated: height, weight, leisure time, expressed inhours/day and daily energy expenditure DEE (Kj.kg-1.day-1) during leisure time (DEE-LT) during thetime school (DEE-ST) during the holidays (DEE-VT), and DEE total mean year (DEEmTY).For a post-Hoc analysis was used the minimum significant difference (MSD) with fixed factors,interaction factors descriptive statistics, tests of homogeneity with a significance level of 0.05.ResultsThe questionnaire was correct understanding of the reproducibility intra-Class correlation was r = 0.96(CI 0.95-0.97), the validity of the direct and indirect VO2 was 0.76 (0.66) (p <0.01) and for generalstudy quantifying the average of the DEE of 1840 subjects was 167.98 ± 37.30; for boys (n = 904),absolute value: 6.83 MJ/day, relative: 170.41 ± 39.92 and for girls (n = 936): 6.59 MJ/day (p <0.001)165.64 ± 34.26 (kJ.kg-1.day-1) (p <0.01). The DEE to the school holiday period and was 158.43 ± 42.99and 199.44 ± 18.55 (kJ.kg-1.day-1) (p <0.01) for boys and girls respectively. The DEE during free timewas of 59.86 ± 44.16 for males and 53.81 ± 37.11 (kJ.kg-1.day-1) (p <0.01) for girlsConclusionsOn the basis of good reproducibility and validity of the questionnaire QAPACE applied to students inthe larger study, the DEE (kJ/kg/day) with total body weight or lean weight was less compared to ofother studies giving results for 51% of boys and 61% of inactive girls. Boys were more active than girlsin the post pubertal group (p <0.01). As for the time spent watching TV, it was 4.2 hours/day, and themost popular sports was soccer, cycling, and walking for boys and walking, cycling and skating for

Varför oroar vi oss och vad oroar vi oss över? Skillnader mellan högoroare och lågoroare.

Holmér, Karin January 2006 (has links)
<p>Oro är ett allmänmänskligt fenomen som kan vara både till nytta och skada för oss. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om det finns någon skillnad mellan högoroare respektive lågoroare vad gäller vilken funktion oron fyller (Worry Automatic Thought Questionnaire) och orosinnehåll (Student Worry Scale), undersöka eventuella könsskillnader samt jämföra ett mått på frekvens och intensitet i den allmänna oron (Penn State Worry Questionnaire) med ett allmänt ångestmått (Beck Anxiety Inventory). Undersökningsdeltagarna utgjordes av 40 psykologistudenter och 70 polisstudenter och könsfördelningen var jämn. Signifikant samband mellan totalpoäng på PSWQ och totalpoäng på BAI erhölls. Högoroare oroade sig signifikant mer av vidskepliga skäl, för att undvika eller förhindra något ont från att hända, i förberedande syfte, för att få motivation samt som distraktion från mer emotionella saker, jämfört med lågoroare. De oroade sig signifikant mer än lågoroare över akademiska krav, arbetet, personliga relationer och vad andra tycker om dem. Högoroande kvinnor oroade sig signifikant mer än högoroande män över hälsoaspekter och vad andra tycker om dem. Lågoroande kvinnor oroade sig signifikant mer än lågoroande män över akademiska krav. Avsaknaden av flera signifikanta könsskillnader tros delvis bero på för få undersökningsdeltagare.</p>

Varför oroar vi oss och vad oroar vi oss över? Skillnader mellan högoroare och lågoroare.

Holmér, Karin January 2006 (has links)
Oro är ett allmänmänskligt fenomen som kan vara både till nytta och skada för oss. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om det finns någon skillnad mellan högoroare respektive lågoroare vad gäller vilken funktion oron fyller (Worry Automatic Thought Questionnaire) och orosinnehåll (Student Worry Scale), undersöka eventuella könsskillnader samt jämföra ett mått på frekvens och intensitet i den allmänna oron (Penn State Worry Questionnaire) med ett allmänt ångestmått (Beck Anxiety Inventory). Undersökningsdeltagarna utgjordes av 40 psykologistudenter och 70 polisstudenter och könsfördelningen var jämn. Signifikant samband mellan totalpoäng på PSWQ och totalpoäng på BAI erhölls. Högoroare oroade sig signifikant mer av vidskepliga skäl, för att undvika eller förhindra något ont från att hända, i förberedande syfte, för att få motivation samt som distraktion från mer emotionella saker, jämfört med lågoroare. De oroade sig signifikant mer än lågoroare över akademiska krav, arbetet, personliga relationer och vad andra tycker om dem. Högoroande kvinnor oroade sig signifikant mer än högoroande män över hälsoaspekter och vad andra tycker om dem. Lågoroande kvinnor oroade sig signifikant mer än lågoroande män över akademiska krav. Avsaknaden av flera signifikanta könsskillnader tros delvis bero på för få undersökningsdeltagare.

Statut, rôle et influence de la préparation mentale sur la performance du footballeur professionnel en France / Status, role and influence of mental preparation on the performance of professional footballers in France

Debris, Charles 07 February 2012 (has links)
L’objet de cette recherche expérimentale est d’analyser le statut, le rôle et l’influence de la préparation mentale sur la performance individuelle du footballeur professionnel évoluant dans des équipes françaises. L’échantillon est constitué de 168 joueurs professionnels de sexe masculin ayant une moyenne d’âge égale à 25,7 (± 4,8) et issus de trois niveaux de jeu : Ligue 1, Ligue 2, National. Une équi-répartition de la population expérimentale a permis une description et une analyse détaillée des modalités de l’entraînement mental dans ce sport collectif. La méthode expérimentale retenue fut le questionnaire. Cet outil d’enquête a été construit à partir de questions fermées, avec une échelle de 1 à 9, et sous forme de classement. L’ensemble du « questionnaire joueur » porte sur 35 questions sous administration directe. Nous avons procédé à une distribution de 232 questionnaires afin d’optimiser le taux de retour qui s’est élevé à 168 unités (72,4 %). Les résultats de l’étude ont montré que la prise en charge du facteur psychologique est très peu traitée dans les clubs par des préparateurs mentaux ou des psychologues du sport diplômés et par l’entraîneur, au contraire des aspects technico-tactiques et physiques qui sont, quant à eux, traités de façon très importante par lui-même et son staff. L’absence de préparation mentale a très peu d’influence sur la performance individuelle ce qui contraint les joueurs à s’autogérer mentalement. Cette autogestion a beaucoup d’influence sur la performance individuelle et produit un effet modéré sur la performance collective. Selon la population de l’étude, le mode de prise en charge des facteurs psychologiques détermine le niveau de performance individuelle du footballeur professionnel. L’autogestion a beaucoup d’influence tandis que l’absence de préparation mentale en a très peu. Ce travail de recherche a démontré que la psychologie du sport est jugée comme un pilier de la pratique des footballeurs, mais son institutionnalisation demeure instable et fragile. L’étude a démontré que le suivi psychologique doit s’installer avec des professionnels diplômés dans les clubs français pour accompagner les joueurs dans leur quête de performance. Cette longue recherche expérimentale a tenté d’apporter une nouvelle pierre à l’édifice de la préparation mentale dans le football. / The aim of this experimental research is to analyze the status, role and impact of mental preparation on the individual performance of professional footballers playing in French teams. The sample population comprises 168 male professional footballers, with an average age of 25.7 (+/- 4.8 years), playing in three French leagues: Ligue 1, Ligue 2 and National. An equidistribution of the sample population enabled a detailed analysis and description of the different types of mental preparation in this team sport. A questionnaire was used as the experimental method. The “player questionnaire” comprised 35 self-administered closed questions, and players were asked to position their answers on a ranking scale of 1 to 9. 232 questionnaires were distributed, in order to receive a significant number of responses; 168 units were completed and returned to us (return rate of 72.4%). Psychological factors are rarely addressed in football clubs, whether by sports psychologists, mental trainers, or managers. In contrast, great stock is given to the physical, technical and tactical aspects of the game by managers and their staff. The lack of organized mental preparation means that this mode of preparation has little influence on individual performance, so players have to manage the mental side of their game themselves. This self-management has a considerable influence on individual performance, but only a moderate influence on team performance. According to the sample population, the way in which psychological factors are addressed affects the individual performance levels of professional footballers. While self-management has considerable influence, the lack of mental preparation results in little influence. This research demonstrates that while sports psychology is deemed to be an essential part of training footballers, its formal use as a practice in clubs remains patchy and inconsistent. The study shows that psychological monitoring needs to be implemented in French clubs, with certified professionals helping players to improve their performance levels. This long experimental research has striven to contribute to awareness about and practice of mental preparation in football.

A relevância da cronobiologia no processo saúde-doença : relação do cronotipo com o estilo de vida e saúde

Alam, Marilene Farias January 2012 (has links)
Os indivíduos diferem em suas preferências quanto ao horário para alocar períodos de sono e de atividade. Essas diferenças inter-individuais se devem, parcialmente, ao relógio biológico que controla funções relacionadas à expressão gênica, secreção hormonal, temperatura corporal, funções cognitivas e comportamentais como o ciclo sono-vigília. O presente estudo cronobiológico teve como objetivo principal avaliar em uma amostra populacional de estudantes universitários da região sul do Brasil, a distribuição dos cronotipos e estudar a relação entre cronotipo e as seguintes variáveis: ponto médio de sono nos dias livres e nos dias de atividade (estudo), bem como avaliar a consistência interna, confiabilidade e concordância entre o Munich Chronotype Questionnaire (MCTQ) e o Questionário de Cronotipo de Horne e Östberg (HO) para identificar cronotipos. Com a análise discriminante dos parâmetros de sono para o cronotipo vespertino destaca-se a importância de se obter preditores mais fáceis para a tipologia vespertina visto que essa característica tem sido associada a alguns riscos de transtornos comportamentais e mentais. Duzentos e quarenta e quatro estudantes universitários (59.0% mulheres), com idade de 17-35 anos, foram analisados através de um estudo transvesal. O Munich ChronoType Questionnaire (MCTQ) foi usado para avaliar os parâmetros de sono nos dias livres e de trabalho (estudo) e o Morningness/Eveningness Questionnaire (MEQ) para avaliar os cronotipos. Os dados foram analisados através da curva ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic curve) e de uma análise discriminante. As variáveis que apresentaram os mais altos coeficientes discriminantes foram: o ponto médio de sono nos dias livres (0.89) e o início do sono nos dias livres (0.86). Testando os valores de diagnóstico da fase do ponto médio de sono para identificar o tipo vespertino observou-se que a área sob a curva ROC foi de 76%. Este estudo mostrou uma boa sensibilidade e especificidade para identificar o cronotipo vespertino com esses parâmetros de sono. Conclui-se, portanto, que estes parâmetros sejam úteis para identificar o cronotipo vespertino podendo ser usados para propósitos de pesquisa e na prática clínica. / Individuals differ in their preferences to allocate the time periods of sleep and activity. These inter-individual differences are due partly to the biological clock that controls functions related to gene expression, hormone secretion, body temperature, cognitive and behavioral functions such as sleep-wake cycle. This chronobiological study aimed to evaluate a sample of university students in southern Brazil, the distribution of chronotypes and to study the relationship between chronotype and the following variables: mid- sleep on free days and days of activity (study), and to assess the internal consistency, reliability and agreement between the Munich Chronotype Questionnaire (MCTQ) and the Morningness/Eveningness Questionnaire (MEQ) of Horne and Östberg (HO) to identify chronotypes. By discriminant analysis of sleep parameters for the evening chronotype highlights the importance of obtaining easier predictors to the evening typology since such characteristic has been associated with some risks of mental and behavioral disorders.Two hundred and forty four undergraduate students (59.0% women), 17- 35 years old, were assessed in a cross-sectional study. The Munich ChronoType Questionnaire (MCTQ) was used to evaluate sleep parameters on free days and work days and the Morningness/Eveningness Questionnaire (MEQ) to assess chronotypes. The data were analyzed by the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve and a discriminant analysis. The variables that presented the highest discriminant coefficients were mid-sleep on free days (0.89) and sleep onset on free days (0.86). Testing the diagnostic values of mid-sleep phase to identify eveningtype it was observed that the area under the ROC curve was 76%. This study showed a good sensitivity and specificity to identify the evening chronotype with these sleep parameters. We conclude that these parameters are useful to identify evening typology and can be used both to research purposes and clinical practice.

Kvalita života studentů farmacie / Pharmacy students' quality of life

Horáková, Karolína January 2017 (has links)
1 ABSTRACT PHARMACY STUDENTS' QUALITY OF LIFE Student: Karolína Horáková Tutor: PharmDr. Jitka Pokladníková, Ph.D. Dept. of Social and Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Charles University, Czech Republic Introduction: The quality of life of pharmacy students may change throughout their university life and differ from the quality of life of the general population. In the Czech Republic, quality of life of pharmacy students was not yet examined. Aim: The aim was to determine the quality of life of second year students at the Faculty of Pharmacy at Charles University in Hradec Králové. Secondary aim was to compare results of the Bern Subjective Well-Being Questionnaire with the short version of World Health Organization Quality of Life questionnaire and the Subjective quality of life analysis questionnaire. Methods: The data were collected during 2011. Questionnaires were filled in by second-year students of Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové. The Bern Subjective Well-Being Questionnaire, the short version of World Health Organization Quality of Life questionnaire and the Subjective quality of life analysis questionnaire were used. The data were analyzed using the MS Excel computer program. Results: The results of the questionnaires showed that most of the students rated their...

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