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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stress och aktivitetsbalans bland lärare : En enkätundersökning / Stress and occupational balance among teachers

Ehlin, Maria, Rundquist, Sanna January 2018 (has links)
Psykisk ohälsa ökar i samhället och de som arbetar inom kontaktyrken löper stor risk att utsättas för stress. Tre av tio lärare i förskoleklass, grundskolan och fritidshem har besvär relaterade till arbetet som i stor utsträckning är orsakad av stress. En individs aktivitetsbalans påverkar dennes hälsa och välbefinnande. Syftet var att beskriva lärares självskattade stress och aktivitetsbalans. Examensarbetet gjordes genom en kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie med bakgrundsfrågor, frågor om stress och instrumentet Occupational Balance Questionnaire (OBQ). Det var 57 respondenter som besvarade enkäten. Respondenterna skattade högre stress på arbetet än utanför arbetet. Respondenterna har en relativt låg aktivitetsbalans. Det finns ett signifikant negativt samband mellan stress och aktivitetsbalans. Det finns ingen signifikant skillnad mellan respondenterna med hemmaboende barn och utan hemmaboende barn, på variablerna stress på arbetet, stress utanför arbetet eller aktivitetsbalans. Arbetsterapeuter skulle kunna ge hälsofrämjande och förebyggande insatser till lärare, för att minska deras stress och bibehålla och förbättra deras aktivitetsbalans. Resultatet kan inte generaliseras då det är få respondenter, men det kan ligga till grund för vidare studier. / Mental illness increases in the society and those who works in contact professions have a high risk be exposed to stress. Three in ten preschool teachers, recreation instructors and compulsory school teachers have troubles related to the work, stress is a common cause. A person’s occupational balance influences health and well-being. The purpose was to describe self-rated stress and occupational balance among teachers and recreation instructors. A quantitative cross-sectional study which included demographic questions, questions about stress and the Occupational Balance Questionnaire (OBQ). There was 57 participants. The participants self-rated higher stress at work than outside work. The participants had a low occupational balanced. It was a negative correlation between stress and occupational balanced. It was no significant difference between those living with or without children, on the variables stress at work, outside work or occupational balanced. Occupational therapists can provide health promotional and prevention measures to teachers and recreation instructors to decrease their stress, maintain and improve their occupational balance. The results can not be generalize because of a low number of participants, but it can be used for future studies.

Aktivitetsbalans och stress hos högskolestudenter vid ett lärosäte i södra Sverige : En Tvärsnittsstudie

Malm, Linus, Starlid, Louise January 2018 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien var att studera aktivitetsbalans och stress samt att studera relationen dem emellan. Metod: Respondenter värvades genom olika Facebookgrupper samt på författarnas Facebooksidor. Åttiofem enkäter skickades ut via Messenger och 66 enkäter med fullständiga data inkom. Respondenterna med fullständiga data var i olika åldersgrupper från 16 till 60 år. Enkäten innehöll sociodemografiska frågor, instrumenten OBQ 11 samt PSS-10. OBQ 11 mäter subjektiv aktivitetsbalans och PSS-10 mäter upplevd stress. Data bearbetades genom statistikprogrammet SPSS. Ett korrelationstest genomfördes för att analysera sambandet mellan OBQ 11 och PSS-10. För att jämföra de sociodemografiska grupperna genomfördes ett Mann-Whitney U-test. Resultat: En statistiskt signifikant negativ korrelation fanns mellan OBQ 11 och PSS-10, vilket visar på samband mellan aktivitetsbalans och stress. Fördelningen blev ojämn inom de sociodemografiska variablerna: kön samt om respondenterna hade barn eller ej och därför har ingen jämförelse mellan grupperna varit aktuell. Ingen signifikant korrelation fanns mellan de sociodemografiska grupperna och OBQ 11 eller PSS-10, men några mindre skillnader framkom. De som arbetar vid sidan av studierna skattade lägre aktivitetsbalans och stress än de som inte arbetade. Singlar skattade en högre aktivitetsbalans och en lägre stress än de som var i ett förhållande. Slutsats: Även om studiens resultat bör tolkas med försiktighet på grund av ett litet urval visar studien på en trend mot att det finns ett samband mellan aktivitetsbalans och stress. Studien kan därmed ligga till grund för kommande forskning. / Occupational balance and stress among college students at a university in southern Sweden. - A cross-sectional study.  Aim: The aim was to study occupational balance and stress as well as the relationship between them. Method: Respondents were recruited through different Facebook-pages and through the authors Facebook-page. Eighty-five questionnaires were sent through Messenger and of those, 66 questionnaires with a full data set were included. The respondents with a full dataset were in the ages 16 - 60 years old. The questionnaire consisted of sociodemographic questions, OBQ 11 and PSS-10. OBQ 11 measures subjective occupational balance whereas PSS-10 measures perceived stress. The data was analyzed using the statistical program SPSS. A correlation-test was done to analyze the correlation between OBQ 11 and PSS-10. To compare the sociodemographic variables, a Mann - Whitney U Test was performed. Results: There was a statistically significant negative correlation between OBQ 11 and PSS-10, which supports the correlation between occupational balance and perceived stress. The distribution of the sociodemographic variables: gender and if the respondents had a child or not was erratical and therefore no comparison between them was performed. There was no significant correlation between the sociodemographic variables, however there were some small differences which could be identified. A lower occupational balance and a lower level of stress was identified in those who combined studies with work, compared to those who did not work. Further, those who were single experienced a higher occupational balance and a lower level of stress than those who were in a relationship. Conclusion: Although the results of the study are to be interpreted with caution due to the small sample size, it points to trends towards a correlation between occupational balance and stress. The study may therefore be used as a stepping-stone for future research.

Mesures de l'activité physique en conditions de vie courante : validité et applications chez des sujets peu actifs / Physical activity assessments in free-living conditions : validity and applications in adults with low physical activity levels

Jacobi, David 17 June 2011 (has links)
L’inactivité physique, facteur de risque de pathologies chroniques, est un problème majeur de santé publique. Des méthodes validées sont essentielles pour mesurer l’activité physique (AP). Le 1er objectif de cette thèse était de préciser la validité des techniques de mesure de l’AP. Le 2nd objectif visait à comparer les résultats de questionnaires de rappel évaluant le contexte aux mesures objectives de l’AP. Le 3ème objectif était d’évaluer l’intérêt des méthodes objectives pour l’étude de certains déterminants de l’AP. Nous avons mesuré par différentes méthodes (calorimétrie indirecte, actimètres, questionnaires de rappel) l’AP, en vie libre, de sujets peu actifs (personnes obèses, diabétiques ou sédentaires). Nos résultats illustrent l’intérêt des méthodes objectives mais aussi leurs limites, ainsi que l’intérêt des données déclaratives pour évaluer le contexte. Le choix des méthodes influence le résultat des études et doit tenir compte des caractéristiques de l’AP des sujets les moins actifs. Ce choix participe à l’amélioration des connaissances des liens entre AP et santé pour guider la promotion de l’AP des segments peu actifs de la population. / Physical inactivity is a risk factor for chronic diseases and is recognized as a major public health issue. Validated methods are essential to describe accurately physical activity (PA). The 1st aim of this work was to assess the validity of PA assessment techniques. The 2nd was to compare the results of recall questionnaires evaluating PA context with objective PA measures. The 3rd was to assess the usefulness of objective methods in the assessment of some determinants of PA. We measured free-living PA with different methods (indirect calorimetry, actimetry, recall questionnaire assessing PA context) in individuals with low PA levels (obese subjects, type 2 diabetic patients, inactive subjects). The results highlight the usefulness but also the limits of the methods of PA measurement in daily life conditions. The choice of an assessment method will influence the study results and must be adapted to the unique ways in which the least active individuals engage in PA. Selecting the appropriate method is a pre-requisite for improving our knowledge on the relations between PA and health in order to guide PA promotion in the least active segments of the population.

The cross-cultural validity and comparability of the sixteenth personality factor questionnaire

Tack, H. (Harold) 11 1900 (has links)
The focus of this study is the Sixteen Personality Factor Quenstionnaire, South Africam 1992 version (16 PF, SA92). This personality questionnaire was derived from the 16 PF which was developed in the United States and was adapted for South African conditions in 1992. The aim of this study is to determine whether the scores of the 16 PF, SA92 are cross-culturally valid and comparable in South Africa. The sample consisted of White and African (male and female) applicants who applied for positions in a South African state department. To achieve the aims outlined in the introductory chapter, construct comparability and item comparability research was conducted. Descriptive statistics were also calculated to indicate the performance of the various sub-samples (White, African, male and female). The results indicated that the population variable as opposed to the gender variable had the greatest influence on the scores obtained. Problems existed with the construct and item comparability of the 16 PF, SA92 when the different population groups were compared. Mean differences were also found on the majority of factors of the 16 PF, SA92 when the scores of the different population groups were compared. The implications of using 16 PF, SA92 were outlined and several assessment options were presented for users of the 16 PF, SA92. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Admin. (Industrial Psychology)

Pohybové aktivity a sportovní preference 15-18letých studentů gymnázia v Domažlicích\\ / The research of physical activity and sport preferences of 15-18 years-old students at secondery school in Domažlice\\

STÝSKAL, Jaroslav January 2010 (has links)
The dissertation thesis is focussed on differences of weekly physical activities of 15-year-old to 18-year-old students at the Secondary school of Jindřich Šimon Baar in Domažlice. One hundred and two students from 4 classes were taking part in the research in the spring 2009. Axcept the physical activities the research points to sportingly kinetic preferences of students. The pedometers were used for measurement of weekly physical activities. The on-line system INDARES.COM was used for finding sports preferences, where students have completed the questionary of sports preferences and the questionary of IPAQ. The results were statictically processed by The Centre of the Kinanthropological Research in Olomouc and afforded in the form of tables and graphs. Obtained results from pedometers and questionary IPAQ demonstrate bigger physical activities for boys than for girls. Boys do sports more on the weekend than on weekdays, for girls it is conversely. Sporting preferences of boys and girls are similar.

Pohybové aktivity a sportovní preference 15-18letých studentů gymnázia v Přelouči\\ / The research of physical activity and sport preferences of 15-18 years-old students at secondery school in Přelouč\\

VAVREČKOVÁ, Doubravka January 2010 (has links)
Thesis is focused on the analysis of physical activity and sports preferences of 15-year-old to18-year-old students from Přelouč from the point of view of gender and physical activity in the week and at the weekend. 130 students, who filled in questionnaire IPAQ and Sport preferences questionnaire operated by the online system INDARES, participated in the research. Pedometers were used for the measurement of weekly physical acitivity. The measurement results were statistically processed and evaluated by Kinanthropology Research Center in Olomouc and recorded in the form of tables and graphs. The results demonstrate clear superiority of students' physical activity in the week rather than at the weekend. Research according questionnaire IPAQ has shown that female students of Gymnázium Přelouč are more physically active than male students. Conclusions drawn from the use of pedometers were the exact opposite. The thesis was formulated in the framework of MŠMT research n. 619895221 {\clqq} Pohybová aktivita a inaktivita obyvatel České republiky v kontextu behaviorálních změn.``

O estresse precoce como um dos determinantes do uso abusivo de substâncias psicoativas: revisão integrativa / The Early Life Stress as a determinant of the abusive use of psicoactive substances: An integrative review

Larissa Bessani Hidalgo Gimenez 12 June 2015 (has links)
Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura com o objetivo de identificar, sistematizar e analisar as evidências científicas que corroborem que ter sofrido Estresse Precoce, mensurado pelo instrumento Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ), é um fator determinante no uso e abuso de substâncias psicoativas na adolescência e vida adulta. A busca foi realizada em agosto de 2014 nas bases de dados: PubMed, Web of Science, Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS) e Psycinfo, e utilizou-se o limite dos estudos indexados nos últimos 10 anos. Para as buscas nas bases de dados eletrônicas foram utilizadas combinações entre descritores controlados e palavras chaves relacionadas ao uso de substâncias psicoativas, estresse precoce e CTQ adaptadas para cada base de dados, as quais resultaram em 1114 estudos. Com a utilização dos filtros de idiomas Inglês, Espanhol e Português, somente artigos originais e publicações a partir do ano de 2003 até 18 de Agosto de 2014 o número de referências totais foram de 439. Após retirar os artigos duplicados em mais de uma base de dados, o número total de referências elegíveis para este estudo foi de 359. Após leitura de títulos e resumos foram selecionados para leitura na íntegra 157 estudos. Após leitura na íntegra foram excluídos aqueles textos que não respondiam a questão de pesquisa, sendo eleitos para esta revisão 08 artigos. Para extração dos dados foi utilizado um instrumento validado (URSI). A análise da descrição dos estudos foi realizada com base no instrumento STROBE, metodologia e delineamento das pesquisas foram analisadas com assessoria estatística. A análise dos dados foi descritiva e dividida em subcategorias: Estresse Precoce e Uso de Substâncias Psicoativas na Adolescência; Estresse Precoce e a Diferença Entre os Gêneros; Estresse Precoce e a Relação com Estresse e Depressão na Vida Adulta; Estresse Precoce e as Estratégias de Enfrentamento (Coping) na Vida Adulta; Estresse Precoce e o Álcool: a droga mais utilizada e porta de entrada para outras substâncias psicoativas. A partir dos estudos incluídos nessa revisão, foi possível identificar fatores que evidenciam que ter sofrido Estresse Precoce tem como um desfecho o uso abusivo de álcool e outras substâncias psicoativas na adolescência e vida adulta, em combinação com outros fatores ambientais e genéticos que influenciam o início do uso e posterior abuso das mesmas / This is an integrative literature review in order to identify, classify and analyze the scientific evidence supporting that have suffered Early Life Stress, measured by the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ), is a determining factor in the use and abuse of psychoactive substances in adolescence and adulthood. The search was conducted in August 2014 in the databases: PubMed, Web of Science, Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS) and Psycinfo, and used the limit of the indexed studies in the last 10 years. For searches of electronic databases were used combinations of controlled descriptors and keywords related to substance abuse, early life stress and CTQ, adapted to each database, resulting in 1114 studies. With the use of the filters: English, Spanish and Portuguese language, only original articles and publications from the year 2003 until August 18, 2014, the total number of references were 439. After removing duplicate items in more than one database, the total number of references eligible for this study was 359. After reading titles and abstracts, were selected for full reading 157 studies. In the full texts, were excluded those who did not respond to the research question, being elected to this review 08 articles. For data extraction was used a validated instrument (URSI). The analysis of the description of the studies was based on the STROBE instrument. The methodology and design of the researches were analyzed with statistical advice. Data analysis was descriptive and divided into subcategories: Early Life Stress and Psychoactive Substance Use in Adolescence; Early Life Stress and the Difference Between the Genders; Early Life Stress and the Relationship with Stress and Depression in Adulthood; Early Life Stress and Coping Strategies in Adulthood; Early Life Stress and Alcohol: the most widely used drug and gateway to other psychoactive substances. From the studies included in this review, it was possible to identify factors that Early Life Stress is an outcome of the alcohol and other psychoactive abuse in adolescence and adulthood, in combination with other environmental and genetic factors, that influence the beginning of use and later abuse of them

Estudo da estimulação elétrica nervosa transcutânea (TENS) nível sensório para efeito de analgesia em pacientes com osteoartrose de joelho / Study of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) for the sensory effect of analgesia in patients with knee osteoarthritis

Charles Ricardo Morgan 13 December 2010 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A osteoartrose de joelho (OAJ) é uma das patologias que mais afetam o aparelho locomotor e interferem de forma considerável nas atividades da vida diária, acometendo os indivíduos em faixa etária variável e em diversos graus e níveis de dor articular. As propostas terapêuticas são bastante diversificadas para a osteoartrose (OA), a terapia física, a TENS está para colaborar no tratamento dos pacientes com osteoartrose de joelho. OBJETIVOS: Devido à importância da articulação do joelho nas atividades locomotoras e sua relação com as atividades da vida diária. Os pacientes com osteoartrose de joelho sofrem não somente pelo problema localizado, existe uma alteração funcional global que pode levar a processos dolorosos em outras articulações. Para uma eficaz orientação e avaliação do paciente primeiro é necessário que este faça a descrição clara de sua dor para que o profissional perceba como que esse estímulo doloroso prejudica sua vida. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o efeito da estimulação elétrica nervosa transcutânea (sigla em inglês TENS) nível sensório para tratamento de dor em pacientes com diagnóstico de osteoartrose de joelho, utilizando escalas de avaliação de dor, escala de avaliação funcional. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 10 pacientes com diagnóstico de osteoartrose de joelho, utilizando uma modalidade fisioterapêutica, a eletroterapia, especificamente a (TENS), com parâmetros de 80 Hz e 140s, com um total de 10 sessões, 30 minutos para cada sessão, o período total de tratamento compreendeu 4 semanas, nesse total de 10 sessões, cada paciente foi entrevistado com um questionário na 1ª sessão, na 5ª e na 10ª sessão. Os formulários utilizados foram Questionário da Dor McGill Melzack, escala Analógica visual da dor, escala numérica com expressão facial de sofrimento, escala de atividades da vida diária da knee Outcome Survey - RESULTADOS: O resultado com a TENS nível sensório para efeito de analgesia mostra que as diferenças foram estatisticamente significativas (p<0,05) para escala Analógica visual da dor e o Questionário da Dor McGill, em alguns itens da escala de atividades da vida diária da knee Outcome Survey houve significância estatística. CONCLUSÃO: Nossos resultados sugerem que a TENS nível sensório reduz a dor e melhora a funcionalidade do joelho em alguns pontos da escala de atividades da vida diária em pacientes com OAJ / INTRODUCTION: Knee osteoarthritis (KOA) is one of the diseases that most affect the locomotor system and interfere significantly in activities of daily life, affecting individuals at varying ages and in different degrees and levels of joint pain. The proposals are quite diverse therapies for osteoarthritis (OA), physical therapy, TENS is to collaborate in the treatment of patients with osteoarthritis of the knee. OBJECTIVES: Because of the importance of the knee joint in locomotor activity and its relation to the activities of daily living. Patients with osteoarthritis of the knee not only suffer the problem located, there is a change in overall functional processes that can lead to pain in other joints. To provide efficient guidance and evaluation of the patient first must make this clear description of their pain for the professional to realize how painful stimulus that affect their lives. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS acronym in English) to the sensory processing of pain in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee, using rating scales of pain, functional scale. METHODS: We studied 10 patients with osteoarthritis of the knee, using a modality physiotherapy, electrotherapy, specifically (TENS), with parameters of 80 Hz and 140s, with a total of 10 sessions, 30 minutes for each session, the period Total treatment included 4 weeks in total of 10 sessions, each patient was interviewed with a questionnaire in the first session, on the 5th and 10th session. The forms used were the McGill Pain Questionnaire - Melzack, visual analogue pain scale, numerical scale with facial expression of pain, range of activities of daily living of the Knee Outcome Survey - RESULTS: The result with TENS for the effect of sensory analgesia shows that the differences were statistically significant (p <0.05) for visual analogue pain scale and McGill Pain Questionnaire, in some items of the scale of activities of daily living knee Outcome Survey of statistical significance. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that sensory TENS reduces pain and improves knee function in some points of the scale of activities of daily living in patients with KOA

Bien-être psychologique au travail et performance des équipes : une équipe heureuse est-elle performante ? / Psychological well-being at work and team performance : a happy team is efficient ?

Bonnel, Florent 30 September 2016 (has links)
En psychologie, le concept de bien-être, composante positive de la santé (Keyes, 2003), possède un long historique de recherche, le positionnant au croisement de plusieurs enjeux : distinction entre les conceptions hédoniste (Diener, 1999) et eudémonique (Ryff, 2014), existence d’une spécificité du bien-être psychologique au travail (Dagenais-Desmarais, 2012), évaluation par questionnaire des dimensions individuelle et collective (Heutte, 2010), étude du lien avec la performance d’équipe (Rousseau, Aubé, & Savoie, 2006), intégration dans les approches multi-niveaux de prévention de la santé au travail (Martin, 2015). Nous postulons qu’un questionnaire interrogeant simultanément l’individu sur son propre bien-être et celui de son équipe apporte à la fois une appréciation juste de ces deux niveaux, tout en intégrant une mesure pronostique de l’efficacité du groupe au travail. Cette proposition de méthode prend la forme d’un questionnaire à double entrée, s’appuyant sur la méthode du « changement de réfèrent » (Chan 1998).L’objectif étant d’éclairer le passage de la mesure du bien-être psychologique au travail du niveau individuel au niveau du groupe, notre démarche de recherche (sous convention CIFRE) participe aux pratiques d’accompagnement et de prévention des problématiques de santé au travail par une focalisation originale sur les équipes de travail.Cinq études, réunissant 1101 réponses de professionnels en activité dans des entreprises et des institutions françaises, ont permis de montrer qu’un processus de comparaison sociale contribue aux réponses du sujet, tout en conservant la bonne qualité psychométrique des échelles de mesure utilisées. Le rapport individu / groupe induit par la méthode, mettant en tension les besoins d’affiliation et de différenciation (Codol, 1973, 1975a, 1975b, 1984 ; Brewer, 1991, 2007, 2012), participe à opérer une mise à distance entre soi et son équipe dans les réponses au questionnaire à double entrée. Ce type de réponse nous offre une nouvelle voie d’analyse en pronostiquant le fonctionnement d’une équipe.Par ailleurs, cette thèse ouvre des perspectives de recherche dans le domaine des mesures multi-niveaux de la santé au travail et appelle un investissement complémentaire sur les processus cognitifs propres à la méthode. / In psychology, the concept of « well-being », a positive component of health (Keyes, 2003), has a long history of scientific investigation, positioning this concept at the crossroads of various issues: distinction between hedonist (Diener, 1999) and eudemonic (Ryff, 2014) conceptions, the presence of a specific psychological wellbeing at work (Dagenais-Desmarais, 2012), questionnaire assessment of individual and collective dimensions (Heutte, 2010), connection with team performance (Rousseau, Aubé & Savoie, 2006), multilevel approaches to health prevention at work (Martin 2015). We postulate that a questionnaire measuring simultaneously both one’s own personal well-being and that of one’s team, provides at the same time a reliable appreciation of these two dimensions and a reliable measurement of team effectiveness/performance. This can be achieved through a “double entry” questionnaire based on the « referent shift » method (Chan 1998). By clarifying the translation of psychological wellbeing at work from the individual to the group level, our research (embedded in CIFRE conventions) participates in preventing and accompanying health issues, through its original focus on working teams.Five studies involving 1101 active workers in corporate and French institution have shown that a process of social comparison does contribute to individual answers, with no impact on the psychometric quality of the of the measurement scales. This relationship individual/group, which juxtaposes affiliative vs differentiative needs (Codol, 1973, 1975a, 1975b, 1984; Brewer, 1991, 2007, 2012), helps operate a distancing between regards to one’s self and one’s team in the answers to the double entry questionnaire. These findings open the way to new analysis, based on forecasting team functioning. Moreover, this dissertation offers a new research perspectives into the multi-level measurement of health at work, and calls for complementary investigations on cognitive processes specific to the selected « matrix » method.


Baratto, Mari Angela Meneghetti 27 February 2015 (has links)
Patient safety culture is a key component to the quality of health services. This study aims to analyze the attitudes and perceptions of professionals working directly or indirectly in the care of the hospitalized patient regarding the patient safety culture. This is a cross-sectional study, conducted in 2014, with professionals in the field of health and support services in seven hospitals in Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. As a research tool, used the Brazilian version of the Safety Attitudes Questionnaire (SAQ) and sociodemographic and labor issues of workers. Data were organized in Epiinfo 6.04® program, and doubled entered independently. After the correction of errors and inconsistencies, conducted the analysis in PASW Statistic® program, using descriptive and analytical statistics. The cutoff for positive assessment of safety culture was ≥ 75 points. The SAQ was measured by the total score and its six areas. As a result, participated in the study 2,634 professionals, having female predominance (72.6%), aged between 19 and 38 years (50.9%), working in mixed shifts (45.1%), contact the patients (71.6%), which did not have another job (79.9%) and have no overtime work (66.2%). The internal consistency of the SAQ was 0.90. The total score SAQ ranged from 13.9 to 97.9, with an average of 70.1 and a mean of 68.4 (± 13.4). Positive evaluation is evidenced in the fields working as a team and Climate Job satisfaction, with an average of 75 and 90 respectively, indicating that, as much as there are difficulties in the workplace, professionals expressed happiness for what they do, valued colleagues and the place in which they worked. The other areas negatively rated for safety culture (<75). The Hospital Management Perception domain had the lowest score (average 60). When the two professional groups being compared (health and support), we identified little variability in the assessment of areas, although the support of professionals tend to lower scores. The results presented should not be analyzed in isolation, but as backings for the enactment of improvement initiatives in order to improve the quality of patient care and professionals. / A cultura de segurança do paciente é um componente fundamental para a qualidade dos serviços de saúde. Este estudo objetiva analisar as atitudes e percepções dos profissionais que atuam direta ou indiretamente no cuidado ao paciente hospitalizado, acerca da cultura de segurança do paciente. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, realizado em 2014, com profissionais da área da saúde e dos serviços de apoio de sete instituições hospitalares de Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Como instrumento de pesquisa, utilizou-se a versão brasileira do Questionário de Atitudes de Segurança (SAQ) e questões sóciodemogáficas e laborais dos trabalhadores. Os dados foram organizados no programa Epiinfo 6.04®, com dupla digitação independente. Após a correção de erros e inconsistências, realizou-se a análise no programa PASW Statistic®, utilizando-se da estatística descritiva e analítica. O ponto de corte para avaliação positiva da cultura de segurança foi ≥ 75 pontos. O SAQ foi mensurado pela pontuação total e pelos seus seis domínios. Como resultados, participaram do estudo 2.634 profissionais, com predomínio do gênero feminino (72,6%), com idade entre 19 e 38 anos (50,9%), atuantes em turnos mistos (45,1%), em contato com os pacientes (71,6%), que não possuíam outro emprego (79,9%) e não faziam horas extras (66,2%). A consistência interna do SAQ foi 0,90. O escore total do SAQ variou entre 13,9 e 97,9, com mediana de 70,1 e média de 68,4 (±13,4). Evidenciou-se avaliação positiva nos domínios Clima de trabalho em equipe e Satisfação no trabalho, com mediana de 75 e 90 respectivamente, indicando que, por mais que existam dificuldades nos ambientes de trabalho, os profissionais manifestaram o gosto pelo que fazem, valorizaram os colegas e o setor em que trabalhavam. Os demais domínios apresentaram avaliação negativa para a cultura de segurança (<75). O domínio Percepção de Gerência do Hospital obteve o resultado mais baixo (mediana 60). Ao serem comparadas as duas categorias profissionais (saúde e apoio), identificou-se pouca variabilidade na avaliação dos domínios, embora os profissionais do apoio tendam a escores mais baixos. Os resultados apresentados não devem ser analisados isoladamente, mas como subsídios para a implementação de iniciativas de melhorias, a fim de aprimorar a qualidade da atenção ao paciente e aos profissionais.

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