Spelling suggestions: "subject:"4uestionnaire"" "subject:"bquestionnaire""
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Validação para o português falado no Brasil do instrumento escore da qualidade de vida na dermatologia infantil (CDLQI)Pratti, Clarissa January 2007 (has links)
Introdução/Objetivos: As dermatoses interferem na qualidade de vida (quality of life - QoL) independentemente da gravidade das manifestações clínicas, idade ou cultura. O CDLQI (Escore de Qualidade de Vida em Dermatologia Infantil - Children’s Dermatology Life Quality Index) foi criado para avaliar a qualidade de vida de pacientes entre 5 e 16 anos de idade, apresentando uma estrutura similar a outros questionários para adultos. O CDLQI já foi traduzido e adaptado culturalmente para o português falado no Brasil, respeitando as regras da Organização Mundial da Saúde. O objetivo deste trabalho é determinar a confiabilidade e validade do instrumento CDLQI quando aplicado a uma população pediátrica no Brasil. Materiais e Métodos: A amostra foi composta por 315 crianças com idade entre 4 e 16 anos: 216 pacientes com doenças dermatológicas (casos), 50 pacientes sem dermatoses (controles-doentes) e 49 alunos de uma escola municipal (controlessadios). A análise de consistência interna foi calculada pelo coeficiente alfa de Cronbach. A confiabilidade teste-reteste foi avaliada pelo coeficiente de correlação intraclasse, através da aplicação do questionário uma semana após a primeira entrevista para 35 casos. Os dados demográficos foram analisados por média e desvio padrão. Resultados: A média de idade foi de 10,2 anos (± 3,2) para os casos, 7,6 (± 2,9) para os controle-doentes e 9.2 (± 0.96) para os controles-sadios. Este parâmetro não interferiu no resultado final. O coeficiente alfa de Cronbach para os casos foi de 0,72 e a correlação intraclasse, 0,892 (0,787-0,946). A análise de covariância mostrou uma diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os escores dos casos (3,7) e dos controles (0,68 e 0,67).Conclusões: Não ocorreram dificuldades e a maioria dos questionários foi respondida em 5 minutos. O coeficiente alfa de Cronbach foi suficiente para confirmar a consistência interna e a reprodutibilidade do questionário CDLQI em Português falado no Brasil. DESCRITORES: qualidade de vida; estudos de validação; questionários; dermatoses; criança. / Background/Objectives: Skin disorders may interfere in the individual’s quality of life (QoL), independently of the clinical manifestation severity, culture or age. The Children’s Dermatology Life Quality Index (CDLQI) was created specifically for children between 5 and 16 years old and its structure is similar to the version recommended for adults. It has already been translatted to Brazilian Portuguese and culturally adapted to our population. The aim of this study is to verify its reliability and validity, when applied to a significant sample composed by actual pediatric patients. Methods: The sample was composed by 315 children aging between 5 and 16 years: 216 dermatology out-patients (cases), 50 pediatric patients without skin diseases (sick controls) and 49 children from a public school (normal controls). The CDLQI questions were answered by the subjects and their parents, after signed an informed consent. The internal consistency was calculated by the Cronbach’s alpha; test-retest reliability assessed by the intra-class correlation test by reapplying the same questionnaire 1 week after the first visit, in sample composed by 35 cases. Demographic variables were evaluated by means and standard deviation. Results: The average age was 10.2 years (SD 3.2) for cases, 7.6 (SD 2.9) for sick controls and 9.2 (SD 0.96) for normal controls. These parameters did not interfere in CDLQI score results. The Cronbach’s alpha for the cases sample was 0.72 and the intra-class correlation (test-retest reliability) was 0.892 (0.787-0.946). The covariance analysis showed a significant difference between the scores of cases (3.7) and controls (0.68 and 0.67). Questions relating to symptoms and feelings (1 and 2) scored highest overall.Conclusions: There was no difficulty in the interview, and most of the questionnaires were completed in less than 5 minutes. The Cronbach’s alpha was sufficient to confirm the internal consistency and reproducibility of CDLQI, allowing good distinguishing between the skin affected and non-affected groups. With those results, the Brazilian-Portuguese version of the Children’s Dermatology Life Quality Index is validated for our regional population and its use could be recommended for the QoL assessing of dermatological pediatric patients.
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Bullying em adolescentes : validade de constructo do questionário de bullying de olweus e associação com habilidades sociaisGonçalves, Francine Guimarães January 2015 (has links)
O bullying é um problema comum entre jovens em idade escolar, nos diferentes países, culturas e níveis socioeconômicos. Trata-se de um comportamento agressivo, ofensivo, repetitivo e frequente, perpetrado por uma pessoa contra outra ou por um grupo contra outros, com a intenção de ferir e humilhar, estabelecendo-se uma relação desigual de poder. O envolvimento com bullying está associado a pior ajustamento psicossocial, problemas de aprendizagem, evasão escolar ou de trocas frequentes de escolas, entre outros. Embora o comportamento de bullying seja multicausal, ainda são escassos estudos que avaliem a relação entre habilidades sociais de adolescentes e bullying. Um dos aspectos que dificultam a realização de pesquisas nessa área está relacionado à falta de instrumentos validados. Os objetivos do presente estudo são verificar a validade de constructo do Questionário de Bullying de Olweus (QBO) versão agressor e versão vítima e verificar a associação entre habilidades sociais e bullying em adolescentes. Trata-se de um estudo com alunos de ambos os sexos, oriundos de escolas da rede pública de Porto Alegre, do 5º ao 9º ano do ensino fundamental, com idade entre 10 e 17 anos. Para verificar o envolvimento com bullying, utilizou-se o QBO, com 23 questões para versão vítima e 23 para versão agressor com quatro opções de resposta (1=nenhuma vez a 4=várias vezes por semana). A validade de constructo foi verificada com a Teoria de Resposta ao Item (TRI), utilizando-se o modelo de resposta gradual e o crédito parcial generalizado. As habilidades sociais foram avaliadas com o Inventário de Habilidades Sociais para Adolescentes (IHSA), que é validado no Brasil. Para verificar a associação entre bullying e habilidades sociais, o critério de idade foi de 12 a 17 anos, conforme a recomendação do IHSA. O estudo foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul e da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Porto Alegre (CAAE 19651113.5.0000.5338). Os instrumentos, ambos de autorrelato, foram respondidos pelos adolescentes no horário de aula e após a autorização dos pais. Os resultados estão apresentados em dois artigos. No primeiro, foi incluído um total de 703 adolescentes, sendo 380(54%) meninas, com média de idade de 13(DP=1,58) anos. Após a análise para a construção dos escores finais do QBO pelo modelo da TRI, observou-se que a probabilidade de um adolescente responder à opção 3 (uma vez por semana) é zero para ambas as versões. De acordo com as curvas característica do item (CCI), optou-se pela unificação das alternativas 3 e 4 para mensuração mais fidedigna a realidade do comportamento de bullying. Os itens com maior discriminação para classificar como vítima foram, respectivamente, 20 (Disseram coisas maldosas sobre mim ou sobre a minha família); 15 (Fui perseguido[a] dentro ou fora da escola) e 3 (Me ameaçaram). Na versão agressor, os itens com maior discriminação foram, respectivamente, 22 (Forcei a agredir outro[a] colega); 15 (Persegui dentro ou fora da escola) e 3 (Fiz ameaças). No segundo artigo, foram incluídos 467 alunos, sendo 245(52,5%) do sexo feminino, com média de idade de 13,3(DP=1,18) anos. Considerando-se a interação habilidades sociais e sexo, as meninas apresentaram associação significativa com menor frequência do autocontrole (p=0,010) e da civilidade (p=0,031) e maior dificuldade das habilidades de autocontrole (p=0,033) e desenvoltura social (p=0,009). Em relação aos tipos de envolvimento com bullying, 59(12,6%) dos adolescentes classificaram-se como vítima, 60(12,8%) como agressores e 175(37,5%) como agressores vítimas. Observou-se associação significativa entre as meninas vítimas de bullying e maior dificuldade na habilidade de empatia comparada aos meninos (p=0,012) e aos demais tipos de bullying (p=0,022). Também foram as vítimas, independentemente do sexo, que apresentaram maior dificuldade em termos de autocontrole, assertividade, abordagem afetiva e o total das habilidades sociais em comparação aos não envolvidos (p<0,05). Os resultados sugerem que a utilização da TRI permite a construção de uma medida de avaliação mais objetiva e precisa do comportamento de bullying. Por meio da validação de constructo do QBO e da associação com habilidades sociais, o estudo demonstrou que existe um importante déficit de determinadas habilidades sociais nos diferentes tipos de envolvimentos com bullying, principalmente entre as vítimas, quando comparadas aos não envolvidos. Portanto, intervenções que incluam técnicas para melhorar as habilidades sociais podem desempenhar um relevante papel preventivo no envolvimento com bullying no ambiente escolar. / Bullying is a common problem among school-age children and adolescents across different countries, cultures and socioeconomic levels. Bullying consists of the repeated infliction of aggressive and offensive behaviors by one person against another or one group against others, with the intent of hurting or humiliating the victim, resulting in an imbalance of power. Involvement in bullying is associated with issues such as poor social adjustment, learning difficulties, truancy and frequent changes of schools. Although bullying is known to be a multicausal phenomenon, few studies have evaluated the relationship between social skills and bullying in adolescents. A major challenge to research in the area is the lack of validated instruments which can be used to assess either of these variables. The goals of the present study were therefore to evaluate the construct validity of the Olweus Bully/Victim Questionnaire (OBVQ) and investigate the association between social skills and bullying in adolescents. This study involved participants of both genders aged between 10 and 17 years recruited from grades five through nine of public schools in the city of Porto Alegre. Involvement in bullying was evaluated using the OBVQ, which consists of 23 victim questions and 23 bully questions, scored on a scale of 1 (never) to 4 (several times a week). Construct validity was investigated using item response theory (ITR), by means of graduated response and generalized partial credit models. Social skills were evaluated using the Adolescent Social Skills Inventory (ASSI), which has been validated for use in Brazilian adolescents. The association between bullying and social skills was investigated in a sample of 12- to 17-year olds, which corresponds to the age group for which the ASSI was validated. This study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul and the Municipal Health Service of Porto Alegre (CAAE 19651113.5.0000.5338). The OBVQ and ASSI, both of which are self-report instruments, were administered to adolescents during school hours following parental consent. The results of this procedure are presented in two articles. The first involved a sample of 703 adolescents, of whom 380 (45%) were girls, with a mean age of 12 (SD=1.58) years. The analysis of the IRT model for OBVQ scores revealed that the probability of an adolescent responding to any of the items with option 3 (once a week) was zero in both versions of the questionnaire. Therefore, based on item characteristic curves (ICC), alternatives 3 and 4 were combined to ensure a more reliable measure of bullying behaviors. The most discriminating items in the victim questionnaire were items 20 (One or more classmates said bad things about me or my family); 15 (I was persecuted inside or outside the school) and 3 (I was threatened). The most discriminating items in the bully version were items 22 (Forced someone to hit a classmate); 15 (Persecuted a classmate inside or outside the school) and 3 (Made threats). The second article involved 467 students, of whom 245(52.5%) were female. The mean age of the sample was 13.3 (SD=1.18) years. An interaction between social skills and gender was identified, whereby girls were found to engage less frequently in the behaviors described in the selfcontrol (p=0.010) and civility scales (p=0.031), and found it more difficult to perform the behaviors listed in the self-control (p=0.033) and social ease scales (p=0.009). An analysis of student involvement in bullying revealed that 59 (12.6%) participants were considered victims, 60(12.8%) were classified as bullies and 175(37.5%) were categorized as bullyvictims. Female victims of bullying had more difficulty expressing empathy than boys (p=0.012) and participants with different types of involvement in bullying (p=0.022). Bullying victims of both genders also had more difficulty engaging in the behaviors listed in the self-control, assertiveness, and affective approach subscales, and obtained higher total scores on the difficulty engaging in ASSI behaviors than adolescents not involved in bullying (p<0.05). The results suggested that IRT can be used to develop a more objective and precise measure of bullying. By construct validating the OBVQ and verifying its association with social skills, the present study showed that the latter are significantly impaired in adolescents involved in bullying, especially the victims, as compared to those not involved. Therefore, interventions involving the improvement of social skills may play an important role in preventing bullying in schools.
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Avaliação das propriedades psicométricas do questionário easi de temperamento e sua correlação com a ansiedade pré-operatória em criançasWofchuk, Daniela January 2008 (has links)
Diversos estudos têm demonstrado associação entre o temperamento e os níveis de ansiedade pré-operatória em crianças. Entretanto, a natureza desta associação não é consenso. Como a maioria desses estudos utilizou o questionário EASI (emocionalidade, atividade, sociabilidade e impulsividade) como instrumento para mensurar o temperamento, o presente estudo examina em profundidade as propriedades psicométricas do mesmo utilizando a análise de Rasch, para determinar se o instrumento mede de forma adequada o temperamento de crianças. Além disso, outras análises são aplicadas para explorar novas estruturas fatoriais do instrumento original. A habilidade da nova versão do EASI para discriminar diferentes níveis de ansiedade no período préoperatório imediato em crianças também foi investigada. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, com amostra de conveniência, onde foram incluídas crianças entre dois e seis anos agendadas para procedimentos cirúrgicos eletivos ambulatoriais. Os cuidadores das crianças completaram um formulário sócio-demográfico, o questionário EASI e uma Escala Análogo-Visual (EAV) de 100mm. Também, a Escala de Ansiedade Pré-Operatória de Yale (mYPAS) foi aplicada imediatamente antes da administração da medicação préanestésica, pelo anestesista pediátrico. Uma vez que o escore médio de compreensão das questões, medido pela EAV, foi superior a 80mm, considerou-se que o nível de compreensão da versão traduzida do EASI foi adequado. O questionário foi respondido por 110 cuidadores. Os resultados da análise de Rasch evidenciaram que as quatro subescalas da estrutura original apresentam desempenho inadequado (especialmente baixo índice de classificação correta dos aspectos do temperamento). A análise de componentes principais gerou uma solução com dois fatores. O Fator 1 é composto de itens de atividade e impulsividade, e o Fator 2 é predominantemente composto por itens das sub-escalas de sociabilidade e atividade. As sub-escalas originais do EASI não se correlacionaram com os escores da mYPAS, à exceção da sociabilidade (r=-0,449; P <0,001). O Fator 1 apresentou correlação positiva (r=0,239; P =0,0034) com a mYPAS, enquanto o Fator 2 apresentou correlação negativa (r=-0,404, P <0,0001). A análise de Rasch indicou que o instrumento original teve poder de discriminação insuficiente. Dentre os dois fatores propostos, os doze itens que compõem o Fator 1 apresentam perfil estatístico adequado, com alto poder de discriminação e relevância clínica. O Fator 2 não tem poder de discriminação adequado no seu formato atual, e ainda necessita de ajustes. / Some studies have shown correlation between temperament and preoperative anxiety levels in children. However, the nature of the association is not consensual. As most of these studies have used the EASI (emotionality, activity, sociability and impulsivity) questionnaire as an instrument to assess temperament, the present study examines the psychometric properties of this questionnaire in depth using the Rasch analysis to determine whether it is suitable for measuring children’s temperament. In addition, further analyses are carried out to explore potentially new factorial structures of the original instrument. The ability to discriminate between different levels of a child’s anxiety in the immediate preoperative period was also examined. It is a cross-sectional study, with a convenience sample of children aged between 2 and 6 years, to be submitted to outpatient elective surgeries. Children’s caregivers completed a socio-demographic form, the EASI questionnaire and a 0-100mm Analogue-Visual Scale (VAS). In addition, the Yale Preoperative Anxiety Scale (mYPAS) was performed immediately prior to the administration of pre-anesthetic medication by the pediatric anesthetist. As the mean comprehension level of the EASI-questions on VAS score was above 80mm, the translation of EASI was considered adequate. The questionnaire was answered by 110 caregivers. Results from Rasch analysis showed that the four subscales have inadequate perfomance (especially low person separation indices). Principal component analysis yielded a two-factor solution. Factor 1 is composed of activity and impulsivity items, and factor 2 is predominantly composed of items from the sociability and activity subscales. The original EASI subscales did not correlate with m-YPAS scores, with exception of sociability (r=-0.449; P <0.001). Factor 1 had a positive correlation (r=0.239; P=0.0034) with m-YPAS, while factor 2 showed a negative correlation (r=-0.404, P <0.0001). Rasch analysis indicated that the original EASI instrument has insufficient separation power. The twelve items that compose Factor 1 show adequate fit statistics, high separation power, and clinical meaning. Factor 2 is not sufficiently powerful in its current state, and still requires refinements.
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Plánování a organzování sportovní akce v Milevsku / Planning and organizing a sport event in MilevskoKorytová, Ludmila January 2018 (has links)
Title: Planning and organizing a sport event in Milevsko Objectives: The main purpose of this thesis is to create a real basis for the organization of the unique competition in rhythmic gymnastics, to find out the interest of the clubs from the Czech Republic for this competition and to describe the organizational strategy for the implementation of the competition. Methods: To obtain the necessary information for this thesis an electronic questionnaire was created. Interviews method and SWOT analysis were also used. Results: Based on the questionnaire, interviews, SWOT analysis and study of organizational strategy by various authors, an organizational strategy for the organization of a unique competition in rhythmic gymnastics was written. After the end of the event, the organizational strategy was evaluated, feedback was obtained from participants and visitors, and recommendations for the competition were written for coming years. Keywords: Management, marketing, rhythmic gymnastics, questionnaire, interview, SWOT analysis
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Psigoterapeutiese hantering van perfeksionisme / Psychotherapeutic handling of perfectionismVan Vuuren, Elmarie Janse 01 January 2002 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / The purpose of this study was to determine the nature, origin and negative consequences of perfectionism and to set guidelines for the therapeutic handling of perfectionism.
Two literature studies were done to investigate the phenomenon and therapeutic techniques with regards to perfectionsim. A questionnaire was developed as aid to the therapist to identify negative perfectionism and associated problem areas. An empirical study was done to investigate the effectivity of the questionnaire and to compose a program and guidelines for the therapist and perfectionist.
Results of the study indicated that negative perfectionism resulted in affective, cognitive, interpersonal and behavioural consequences for the client. It further showed that it is necessary to find the origin of the client's perfectionism and to give them insight in their problem to enable the therapist to succesfully apply cognitive behavioral therapy. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Voorligting)
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Research suggests rumination and worry, which have typically been considered as strongly linked to depression and anxiety, respectively, may be better conceptualized through a transdiagnostic construct. According to Ehring and colleagues (2011), a construct broader than worry or rumination might be considered as Repetitive Negative Thinking. Ehring notes three key characteristics of repetitive negative thinking: the thinking is repetitive; it is at least partly intrusive; and it is difficult to disengage from. Two additional features include: individuals perceive it as unproductive and it captures mental capacity. This working definition of these five features formed the basis for the initial development and validation of the Perseverative Thinking Questionnaire (Ehring, Zetsche, Weidacker, Wahl, Schönfeld, & Anke, 2011) which is intended to be a content-independent measure of RNT. The Perseverative Thinking Questionnaire includes 15 total items with three items for each of the assumed characteristics of repetitive negative thinking (repetitive, intrusive, difficult to disengage from, unproductive, and capturing mental capacity). The PTQ is designed to assess for a common process found not only in individuals with prominent worry (as seen in GAD) or rumination (as seen in depression) but also in other diagnoses such as obsessive compulsive disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder. In its current state, the PTQ remains largely untested, leaving its utility in the changing field questionable. The current study intended to assess the psychometric quality of the PTQ to ensure its usefulness as a potential diagnostic tool and as a reflection of Ehring’s model of RNT. The current study administered the PTQ to a large and diverse group of college students located at a Midwestern university. Additional measures were administered to assess the psychometric properties of the measure. Construct and convergent reliability were demonstrated through comparison between the PTQ and the other measures. Unexpectedly, the PTQ and Cognitive Avoidance Questionnaire demonstrated a positive correlation, suggesting the measures are tapping into similar constructs. The factor structure of the PTQ was of particular interest in the current study. Further assessment of the factors reportedly contained in the PTQ was valuable, not just to assess the quality of the measure, but also because doing so would provide support for or undermine the proposed definition and key characteristics believed to underlie the construct of repetitive negative thinking. In this study, a two factor model was best supported for the current data, through Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis. This finding prompts further consideration and research for the construct of repetitive negative thinking.
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Meaning in life is one of the most heavily researched constructs of positive psychology in the psychological literature. Despite its popularity, the positive psychology literature has been devoid of research that has explored the measurement of the construct with individuals who identify as African American. The present study was conducted to reexamine the cultural equivalence of the Meaning in Life Questionnaire (MLQ), a popular existing measure, with a predominantly African American sample. A sample of 155 African American and 179 White American college students were recruited from a southern metropolitan university and rural Midwestern university. Participants responded to the MLQ and a demographic questionnaire. The factor structure and the nature of the items were examined using a principal axis exploratory factor analysis with an oblique rotation (delta = 0). The results of the study were partially consistent with the existing literature on the MLQ, providing evidence to support the two factor structure of the measure. However, the nature of the items loading on each scale was called into question because the subsamples of participants responded significantly differently on the items of the Presence subscale. Furthermore, the reliability and communality value on one item (i.e., “My life has no clear purpose”), which was significantly lower, provided additional rationale for differences in MIL for these groups. The results suggested that there might be a noteworthy difference in: (a) how African American participants and White American participants interpreted the items and (b) how their subjective experience may influence responding to the items. In sum, the research has important implications for understanding the nature of African American meaning in life and its connection to the present day African American experience in the United States context.
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This study investigated how engagement, job satisfaction, and intrinsic motivation will affect retention among nurses. A sample of 150 nurses (CNAs, LPNs, and RNs) employed at medical centers in Sioux City (IA-SD-NE) and Carbondale, Illinois was selected using cluster random sampling. Employee engagement (Independent-Variable1) was measured against the Utrecht Work Engagement Survey (UWES), job satisfaction (Independent-Variable2) was measured against the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ), and intrinsic motivation (Independent-Variable3) was measured against the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (IMI). The study followed a sequential transformative design, with all research questions or hypotheses examined through multinomial regression, which indicated the odds ratio of nurses’ decision or intent to leave or stay against leaving their current position. The regression analysis showed that intrinsic motivation and job satisfaction were significantly more likely to predict nurses’ intent to leave than employee engagement. The interviews showed employee engagement, job satisfaction, and intrinsic motivation to be an important part of the nurses’ decision to leave or stay
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Proficiência autoavaliada através de um questionário de histórico da linguagemScholl, Ana Paula January 2016 (has links)
Pesquisas com bilíngues e usuários de línguas adicionais utilizam diferentes medidas para avaliar proficiência no processo de seleção dos seus participantes. A proficiência linguística de um indivíduo pode ser medida através de testes de proficiência, testes de desempenho e medidas de autoavaliação. Questionários de histórico da linguagem contêm perguntas sobre a experiência que os indivíduos têm com as suas línguas e escalas de autoavaliação de proficiência. Estudos sugerem que usuários de línguas adicionais são capazes de reportar a sua proficiência de forma consistente com o seu desempenho em medidas padronizadas (MARIAN et al., 2007; LUK et al., 2013). Nesse contexto, a presente dissertação teve como objetivo analisar a proficiência autoavaliada de usuários de inglês como língua adicional através do Questionário de Experiência e Proficiência Linguística (QuExPLi). Para isso, foram desenvolvidos dois estudos. No primeiro estudo, correlacionamos as variáveis da experiência linguística – marcos de idade, tempo de imersão e uso atual da língua – de 535 participantes com a proficiência reportada por eles no Questionário de Experiência e Proficiência Linguística (QuExPLi), a fim de investigar quais fatores se associariam à proficiência autoavaliada. No segundo estudo, correlacionamos as mesmas variáveis da experiência com o inglês como língua adicional com os resultados no TOEFL ITP de 112 participantes, que fizeram parte do primeiro estudo, para investigar quais fatores se associariam à proficiência demonstrada em um teste de proficiência padronizado. Além disso, correlacionamos a proficiência autoavaliada no questionário com os resultados no TOEFL ITP, para averiguar a relação entre duas diferentes medidas de proficiência e reunir evidências de validade do QuExPLi. Os resultados sugerem que, em relação às variáveis da experiência linguística, os fatores relacionados a marcos de idade, tempo de imersão e uso atual da língua associam-se com a proficiência auto reportada pelos participantes. Porém, dentre esses fatores, apenas os meses passados em um país em que o inglês é falado correlacionaram-se de forma significativa com a proficiência dos participantes demonstrada através do TOEFL ITP. A discrepância entre os fatores associados à proficiência autoavaliada e aqueles que se associaram com o resultado no TOEFL ITP pode advir da natureza acadêmica do teste. Os resultados também revelam uma correlação positiva significativa moderada entre a proficiência autoavaliada no QuExPLi e a pontuação dos participantes no TOEFL ITP, sugerindo que os participantes, usuários de inglês como língua adicional, conseguem reportar sua proficiência de forma acurada. / Research with bilinguals and additional languages learners use different measures to evaluate proficiency while selecting participants for studies. An individual‟s language proficiency can be measured through proficiency tests, performance tests or self-evaluation measures. Language background questionnaires include questions about individuals‟ experience with their languages and self-assessment proficiency measures. Studies suggest that users of additional languages can report their proficiency in a way that is consistent with their performance in standard measures (MARIAN et al., 2007; LUK et al., 2013). In this context, the goal of the present thesis was to analyze self-assessed proficiency of users of English as an additional language through the Questionário de Experiência e Proficiência Linguística (QuExPLi). In order to do that, two studies were designed. In the first study, we correlated language experience variables – age, time of immersion and current use of the language - of 535 participants with their self-reported proficiency on the QuExPLi, in order to investigate which factors would associate with self-assessed proficiency. In the second study, we correlated the same language experience variables with the scores on the TOEFL ITP of 112 individuals, who also participated in the first study, in order to investigate which factors would associate with the proficiency demonstrated in a standardized proficiency test. Moreover, we correlated participants‟ self-assessed proficiency with their scores on the TOEFL ITP, in order to investigate the relationship between two distinct measures of proficiency and gather evidences of validity of the QuExPLi. Results suggest that the factors related to age, time of immersion and current use of the language are associated with participants‟ self-assessed proficiency. However, only the months spent in a country where English is spoken correlated significantly with participants‟ scores on the TOEFL ITP. The discrepancy between the factors associated with self-reported proficiency and those associated with the results on the TOEFL ITP can be derived from the academic nature of the test. Results also show a moderate positive correlation between participants‟ self-assessed proficiency and their scores on the TOEFL ITP was found, suggesting that users of English as an additional language are able to report their proficiency accurately.
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A adaptação da organista à atualização do hinário da Igreja Congregação Cristã no Brasil : um estudo preliminar com estratégias para sua aprendizagemSauter, Jaqueline Moura sa Silva January 2018 (has links)
O objetivo desse trabalho é investigar a adaptação da organista com relação às modificações nos hinários oficiais da Igreja Congregação Cristã no Brasil, enfatizando as mudanças do Hinário 4 para o Hinário 5. Também foi averiguado qual o impacto das mudanças no estudo dos hinos novos e antigos (onde houve várias mudanças) e qual a repercussão das organistas com relação ao acréscimo do terceiro pentagrama no Hinário 5. O presente estudo foi delineado com base em dois questionários elaborados e enviados para as organistas da Igreja Congregação Cristã no Brasil (uma vez que apenas as mulheres tocam o órgão), tanto para as oficializadas com profunda experiência no Hinário 4, como para as organistas aprendizes que só tiveram contato com o Hinário 5. Ficou evidente que muitas organistas oficializadas ainda apresentam dificuldades em tocar os hinos alterados do hinário devido às diferenças entre mão esquerda e pedal. As aprendizes não reportaram ter problemas porque nunca estudaram com outro hinário. Como na Igreja Congregação Cristã no Brasil somente hinos são tocados durante o culto, foram elaborados exercícios para auxiliar na adaptação do novo hinário, já que em 194 dos 480 hinos, as notas mais graves da mão esquerda e do pedal são distintas durante alguns compassos. O material produzido poderá auxiliar principalmente as organistas oficializadas, tornando-se também, uma fonte de consulta sobre os tipos de hinos para toda a classe. / This work aims to investigate the adaptation of the organist of the Christian Congregation Church of Brazil in relation to the modifications in the new hymnal (No. 5), as well as the impact it has had on the way the organists study the new and old (and altered) hymns. The addition of the third staff has also been investigated. Two questionnaires, as a basis for the study, were sent to women organists (since only women are allowed to play the organ): a group of Official organists with a great deal of experience with Hymnal No. 4, and beginner organists (Apprentices), who had only studied Hymnal No. 5. The Official organists reported that many still present difficulties playing the altered hymns of the latest edition because of the differences between the left hand and pedal. The Apprentices admitted not having any problems since they never came in contact with other editions of the hymnal. Considering that the Christian Congregation Church of Brazil only allows hymns to be performed during services, exercises were elaborated to help them adapt to the new hymnal, since in 194 of the 480 hymns, the lower note of the left hand and the pedal are not the same for several measures. The material presented is intended to aid mainly the Official organists, however, it may be utilized by all organists as a source for the many different types of hymns.
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