Spelling suggestions: "subject:"4uestionnaire"" "subject:"bquestionnaire""
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Pohybová aktivita studentů oborové tělesné výchovy Pedagogické fakulty Jihočeské univerzity / Physical Activity and Inactivity of Students of Sport and Physical Education studying Pedagogical faculty University of South Bohemia\\ZÁRYBNICKÝ, Martin January 2013 (has links)
The Diploma Thesis is focused on movement activity of students of Physical Training of Pedagogical Faculty of the University of South Bohemia. The research was conducted in the spring 2009 using the students of Physical Training aged 19 ? 26. Subsequently, the research was compared with the research conducted in the spring 2007 using the students of Physical Training. Data and information concerning the movement activity were obtained from two individual sources, the pedometer SW ? 700 and the latest version of NQLS questionnaire.
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Hodnocení úrovně stravování u vybraných skupin obyvatelstva / Evaluation of public feeding practice in selected population groupsMACH, Karel January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the level of feeding habits of a selected human population segment in order to assess their understanding of issues related to nutrition and to basic components in their diet. For this purpose, a measuring instrument (a questionnaire) was designed. The first part contained questions related to respondent´s eating habits preferences, while the second part of questionnaire included questions examining the level of respondent?s nutritional awareness. In total 389 questionnaires were personally administered and completed by the respondents, under supervision of teachers. On the basis of the recorded answers it was found that, when purchasing food, the interviewed persons are governed mostly by the quality of it (37%). It was also discovered that, 40% of people preferred local foods to foods from abroad. Only 13% of respondents indicated their ?always or almost always? preference for ?bio foods?. It may also be said that, the three most popular dairy products are yoghurts (80%), milk (72%) and cheeses (72%), as opposed to fermented drinks (43%), which are the least consumed dairy products. Among the most popular meats the respondents included these three categories: chicken (83%), pork (73%) and beef (47%). The least favourite meat selected by respondents was mutton and lamb (35%). It was found that, 27% of the respondents follow information presented on food packaging but also that, 16% of the respondents do not follow packaging data, at all. According to the recorded frequency of occurrence the sum of correct answers can be said that most students answer 4 questions correctly. The recorded answer frequency counts show that most respondents answered correctly the following question: "What is bio food?" (94% of respondents). The worst answered individual question had to do with choosing foods with the highest ?Vitamin C? content, with only 7% being correct. On the basis of recorded answers it may be concluded that; the food consumption was influenced by the type of school which the respondents attended; as it appears related to the respondents´ age and their individual ability to decide on their food money spending. The questions that examined the level of information have shown that, the overall percentage of correct answers was increasing depending on the age of a respondent. The total percentage of correct answers kept increasing in relation to increasing age of respondents. No influence of gender on percentage totals of correct responses was demonstrated.
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Chráněné označení "České pivo" a jeho pozice na tuzemském trhu / Protected designation of "Czech beer" and its position on the Czech marketPOLANECKÝ, Lukáš January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is protected designation of "Czech beer" and its position on the domestic market through a questionnaire survey, awareness of the Czech population on the identification of products brand "Czech beer". In this thesis discussed the individual protected designation indicating the legislative rules that protected these markings define and put into effect. They included specific requirements for granting a protected geographical indication (CHZO) "Czech beer", specifying the requirements for the individual raw materials, production technology and inspection of products bearing this mark. In the practical part of the work was carried out a questionnaire survey which aims to map the awareness of the Czech population CHZO "Czech beer". The questionnaire survey showed that about half of the respondents are aware of the use of the "protected geographical indication". More than half marking "Czech beer" does not know, and only 10 % of respondents knew that the name "Czech beer is protected geographical indications of the European Union, whose purpose is to preserve the good name and quality of the beer produced in the Czech Republic. In particular, the importance of this label, why is introducing some breweries and why do you ask for, it seems to be a distinct people known. But itself idea of the product specifications marked "Czech beer" had only half of the respondents. The questionnaire survey shows that citizens of the Czech Republic should be more informed about the nature of implementation of protected designations in general, but also should be more familiar with the specifics of each label used. It is our aim not only food producers but also merchants that consumers are aware of the importance and promotion of products that are made in the Czech Republic, from local materials and traditional techniques. The positive impulse not only the questionnaire survey, but also as a stimulus for food manufacturers, retailers and other subjects can be perceived "consumer behaviour" of the majority , the majority of respondents - 82% would prefer when buying products labeled "Czech beer".
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Podniková kultura ve vybraném podniku / Corporate culture in selected companyADAMÍKOVÁ, Kateřina January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to describe the theoretical knowledges in the field of corporate culture , analyze and evaluate the current status of the corporate culture at the company Pivovar a restaurace U Fleků in Prague and on the basis of this analysis. Based on this analyzis was suggested proposal to changes.
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Desenvolvimento de um instrumento de avaliação da vulnerabilidade de pacientes imunodeprimidos a infecções zoonóticas a partir de animais de estimação. / Development of a questionnaire to assess vulnerability to pet-associated zoonotic infections in immunocompromised patients.Ana Paula Razal Dalvi 08 May 2015 (has links)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Os animais de estimação podem ser fonte de infecções, principalmente para seres humanos imunocomprometidos, em especial, pacientes portadores do vírus HIV. Considerando que o contato com animais pode prover benefícios emocionais, profissionais da área da saúde, em particular médicos e médicos veterinários, devem estar conscientes do papel potencial destes animais na transmissão de doenças de forma a preconizar medidas profiláticas para que esta transmissão não ocorra. As circunstâncias que favorecem a transmissão de doenças a partir dos animais de estimação ainda não são totalmente conhecidas, principalmente na realidade brasileira. Faltam estudos com o objetivo de investigar o risco de doenças de origem zoonótica decorrentes do contato com estes animais, hoje também chamados de animais pet. Ademais, ressente-se da falta de um instrumento devidamente elaborado e validado com a finalidade de captar as informações necessárias para a realização de estudos deste tipo ou mesmo para servir como ferramenta de rastreio de situações de vulnerabilidade de pacientes imunodeprimidos com vistas ao aconselhamento sobre medidas de prevenção. Desta maneira, o objetivo deste estudo é elaborar um instrumento para averiguar a vulnerabilidade de pacientes imunodeprimidos a infecções zoonóticas a partir de animais de estimação. Inicialmente, foram mapeados os animais de estimação mais encontrados no ambiente doméstico e as principais infecções que podem ser transmitidas a partir deles. Selecionaram-se, então, os possíveis mecanismos de transmissão a serem abordados. Dentre as espécies de animais de estimação elencadas, os cães, gatos, aves, répteis e os pequenos roedores foram os selecionados para a confecção deste instrumento. As infecções selecionadas foram: Salmonelose; Criptosporidíase; Giardíase; Dermatofitoses, Esporotricose, Bartonelose; Ancilostomíase; Toxocaríase; Psitacose; Toxoplasmose; Escabiose; Campilobacteriose; Criptococose e Histoplasmose. Considerando as diferentes formas de transmissão de cada infecção foram identificados os possíveis atos e comportamentos no contato com animais de estimação, bem como características destes animais, que poderiam aumentar a probabilidade de transmissão. O instrumento desenvolvido foi composto de uma primeira parte abarcando os critérios de elegibilidade, e de outra envolvendo o escopo principal do instrumento. Como as características de contato e as infecções variam de acordo com a espécie de animal, o instrumento abordou cada um dos cinco grupos de animais separadamente. O instrumento aqui proposto concerne à etapa inicial de um processo de desenvolvimento formal para utilização em futuras pesquisas sobre o papel dos animais de estimação na transmissão de infecções para pacientes imunodeprimidos. Estudos que explorem a confiabilidade e validade do instrumento proposto, assim como sua aceitabilidade, são necessários antes que seu uso seja recomendado. / Pets are potential sources of infections for humans, especially for immunocompromised, in particular HIV patients. Considering the emotional benefits that contact with animals can provide, health professionals, particularly physicians and veterinarians, should be aware of the potential role of these animals in disease transmission in order to recommend prophylactic measures. The conditions surrounding the transmission of an infectious disease from pets to humans are not well known, in particular in the Brazilian context. There is an absence of studies with the purpose of investigating the risk of pet-associated zoonotic infections. Furthermore, the existing studies suffer from the lack of a properly elaborated and validated instrument in order to capture the necessary information to accomplish this task or even to serve as a screening tool for vulnerable situations of immunocompromised patients in order to advise on preventive measures. The aim of this study is the development of a questionnaire to assess vulnerability to pet-associated zoonotic infections in immunocompromised patients. Initially, the most commonly pets found in the domestic environment, and the most important infections that they might transmit, were mapped. A set of possible transmission mechanisms was selected to be addressed. Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles and rodents were the selected species to be included in the questionnaire. The selected infections were: Salmonellosis; Criptosporidiosis; Giardiasis; Dermatophytosis (ringworm); Sporotrichosis; Bartonellosis (cat scratch disease); Cutaneous larva migrans; Roundworm infection; Psittacosis; Toxoplasmosis; Scabies; Campylobacter enteritis; Cryptococcosis and Histoplasmosis. Considering the different forms of transmission for each disease, the possible actions and behaviors with pets were identified, as well as characteristics of the animals that could increase the probability of transmission. The instrument developed was composed of a first part covering the eligibility criteria, and another involving the main scope of the instrument. Since the characteristics of contact and infection vary according to the animals species, the instrument addressed each of the five groups of animals separately. The instrument proposed in this study concerns the initial stage of a formal development process for its use in future research about the role of pets in transmission of zoonoses to immunocompromised patients. Studies exploring the reliability and validity of the proposed instrument, as well as its acceptability, are needed before its use is recommended.
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Validação do questionário diagnóstico de roma III para dispepsia funcional em língua portuguesaReisswitz, Pâmela Schitz von January 2009 (has links)
Introdução: Define-se dispepsia funcional (DF) por dor ou desconforto centrado no abdômen superior, na ausência de lesões estruturais que expliquem os sintomas. Apesar de muito prevalente, a DF permanece sendo uma entidade de difícil estudo, pela falta de ferramentas adequadas para mensuração de desfechos significativos. Isto acontece porque a DF não possui um substrato anatômico ou fisiopatológico mensurável, e, portanto, torna-se obrigatória a valorização de aspectos subjetivos para se quantificar benefícios de intervenções terapêuticas. Objetivo: Validar o Questionário Diagnóstico de Roma III para Dispepsia Funcional na língua portuguesa. Métodos: O questionário foi traduzido seguindo as recomendações do Grupo de Roma. O grupo de casos foi formado por 109 pacientes consecutivos com DF, que responderam o questionário em 4 momentos diferentes. Já o grupo de controles, foi composto por 100 doadores de sangue consecutivos, sem relato de sintomas digestivos. As seguintes propriedades clinimétricas foram avaliadas: consistência interna (através do alfa de Cronbach), reprodutibilidade, responsividade (através do X² de McNemar), validade discriminante (através do X² de Pearson), validade de conteúdo. Resultados: O Coeficiente alfa de Cronbach foi de 0,92. O questionário mostrou-se reprodutível, indicando que os pacientes responderam de maneira parecida nos dois momentos em que o questionário foi aplicado, a discordância entre as respostas não foi significativa (p=1,00). O questionário foi capaz de identificar alterações quando elas ocorreram, de maneira significativa (p<0,01). Os dois gastroenterologistas “cegos” concordaram que o questionário avalia DF. Quando comparamos as respostas dos casos com os controles (pareados por sexo e idade) o questionário indicou que 5,3% dos controles tinha DF, contra 91,2% dos pacientes, uma diferença significativa (p<0,01). Conclusão: O Questionário Diagnóstico de Roma III para Dispepsia Funcional está pronto para ser utilizado em estudos na língua portuguesa, tendo sido validado com sucesso. / Background: Validated questionnaires are essential tools to be utilized in epidemiological research. At the moment there are no Rome III diagnostic questionnaires translated to Portuguese. Aim: To validate the Portuguese version of the Rome III Diagnostic Questionnaire for Functional Dyspepsia (FD). Methods: The questionnaire has been translated following the Rome III recommendations. A hundred and nine consecutive patients with FD answered the questionnaire. The control group comprised 100 healthy consecutive blood donors, without digestive symptoms. Internal consistency, reproducibility, responsiveness, discriminant validity and content analysis were evaluated. Results: Cronbach‟s α coefficient was 0.92. The questionnaire showed reliability: the patients answered it in a similar way on two distinct occasions and their responses were substantially very similar (p=1.00). The questionnaire was able to demonstrate changes when they occur (p<0,01). Two “blinded” gastroenterologists agreed that the questionnaire adequately evaluated FD. When we compared the answers between patients and controls, the questionnaire showed that 5,3% of controls had FD symptoms compared with 91,2% of the patients (p<0,01). Conclusion: The Rome III Diagnostic Questionnaire for FD is ready to be used in clinical researches in Portuguese, as it has been successfully validated in Portuguese.
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The evaluation of methods for the prospective patient safety hazard analysis of ward-based oxygen therapyDurand, Marcus L. January 2009 (has links)
When even seemingly benign and routine processes fail in healthcare, people sometimes die. The profound effect on the patient’s families and the healthcare staff involved is clear (Vincent and Coulter, 2002), while further consequences are felt by the institution involved, both financially and by damage to reputation. The trend in healthcare for learning through experience of adverse events is no longer a viable philosophy (Department of Health,Sir Ian Carruthers OBE and Pauline Philip, 2006). In order to make progress towards preventative learning, three Prospective Hazard Analysis (PHA) methods used in other industries were evaluated for use in the area of ward based healthcare. Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA), Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) and Hazard and Operability Analysis (HAZOP) were compared to each other in terms of ease of use, information they provide and the manner in which it is presented. Their results were also compared to baseline data produced through empirical research. Oxygen Therapy was used in this research as an example of a common ward based therapy. The resulting analysis listed 186 hazards almost all of which could lead to death, especially if combined. FTA and FMEA provided better system coverage than HAZOP and identified more hazards than were contained in the initial hazard identification method common to both techniques. FMEA and HAZOP needed some modification before use, with HAZOP requiring the most extensive adjustment. FTA has a very useful graphical presentation and was the only method capable of displaying causal linkage, but required that hazards be translated into events for analysis. It was concluded that formal Prospective Hazard Analysis (PHA) was applicable to this area of healthcare and presented added value through a combination of detailed information on possible hazards and accurate risk assessment based on a combination of expert opinion and empirical data. This provides a mechanism for evidence based identification of hazard barriers and safeguards as well as a method for formal communication of results at any stage of an analysis. It may further provide a very valuable vehicle for documented learning through prospective analysis incorporating feedback from previous experience and adverse incidents. The clear definition of systems and processes that form part of these methods provides a valuable opportunity for learning and the enduring capture and dissemination of tacit knowledge that can be continually updated and used for the formulation of strategies for safety and quality improvement.
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Validação para o português falado no Brasil do instrumento escore da qualidade de vida na dermatologia infantil (CDLQI)Pratti, Clarissa January 2007 (has links)
Introdução/Objetivos: As dermatoses interferem na qualidade de vida (quality of life - QoL) independentemente da gravidade das manifestações clínicas, idade ou cultura. O CDLQI (Escore de Qualidade de Vida em Dermatologia Infantil - Children’s Dermatology Life Quality Index) foi criado para avaliar a qualidade de vida de pacientes entre 5 e 16 anos de idade, apresentando uma estrutura similar a outros questionários para adultos. O CDLQI já foi traduzido e adaptado culturalmente para o português falado no Brasil, respeitando as regras da Organização Mundial da Saúde. O objetivo deste trabalho é determinar a confiabilidade e validade do instrumento CDLQI quando aplicado a uma população pediátrica no Brasil. Materiais e Métodos: A amostra foi composta por 315 crianças com idade entre 4 e 16 anos: 216 pacientes com doenças dermatológicas (casos), 50 pacientes sem dermatoses (controles-doentes) e 49 alunos de uma escola municipal (controlessadios). A análise de consistência interna foi calculada pelo coeficiente alfa de Cronbach. A confiabilidade teste-reteste foi avaliada pelo coeficiente de correlação intraclasse, através da aplicação do questionário uma semana após a primeira entrevista para 35 casos. Os dados demográficos foram analisados por média e desvio padrão. Resultados: A média de idade foi de 10,2 anos (± 3,2) para os casos, 7,6 (± 2,9) para os controle-doentes e 9.2 (± 0.96) para os controles-sadios. Este parâmetro não interferiu no resultado final. O coeficiente alfa de Cronbach para os casos foi de 0,72 e a correlação intraclasse, 0,892 (0,787-0,946). A análise de covariância mostrou uma diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os escores dos casos (3,7) e dos controles (0,68 e 0,67).Conclusões: Não ocorreram dificuldades e a maioria dos questionários foi respondida em 5 minutos. O coeficiente alfa de Cronbach foi suficiente para confirmar a consistência interna e a reprodutibilidade do questionário CDLQI em Português falado no Brasil. DESCRITORES: qualidade de vida; estudos de validação; questionários; dermatoses; criança. / Background/Objectives: Skin disorders may interfere in the individual’s quality of life (QoL), independently of the clinical manifestation severity, culture or age. The Children’s Dermatology Life Quality Index (CDLQI) was created specifically for children between 5 and 16 years old and its structure is similar to the version recommended for adults. It has already been translatted to Brazilian Portuguese and culturally adapted to our population. The aim of this study is to verify its reliability and validity, when applied to a significant sample composed by actual pediatric patients. Methods: The sample was composed by 315 children aging between 5 and 16 years: 216 dermatology out-patients (cases), 50 pediatric patients without skin diseases (sick controls) and 49 children from a public school (normal controls). The CDLQI questions were answered by the subjects and their parents, after signed an informed consent. The internal consistency was calculated by the Cronbach’s alpha; test-retest reliability assessed by the intra-class correlation test by reapplying the same questionnaire 1 week after the first visit, in sample composed by 35 cases. Demographic variables were evaluated by means and standard deviation. Results: The average age was 10.2 years (SD 3.2) for cases, 7.6 (SD 2.9) for sick controls and 9.2 (SD 0.96) for normal controls. These parameters did not interfere in CDLQI score results. The Cronbach’s alpha for the cases sample was 0.72 and the intra-class correlation (test-retest reliability) was 0.892 (0.787-0.946). The covariance analysis showed a significant difference between the scores of cases (3.7) and controls (0.68 and 0.67). Questions relating to symptoms and feelings (1 and 2) scored highest overall.Conclusions: There was no difficulty in the interview, and most of the questionnaires were completed in less than 5 minutes. The Cronbach’s alpha was sufficient to confirm the internal consistency and reproducibility of CDLQI, allowing good distinguishing between the skin affected and non-affected groups. With those results, the Brazilian-Portuguese version of the Children’s Dermatology Life Quality Index is validated for our regional population and its use could be recommended for the QoL assessing of dermatological pediatric patients.
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An exploratory examination of reflective thinking in certified human performance improvement professionalsBuck, Joel A. January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Educational Leadership / Royce Ann Collins / This exploratory study investigated reflective thinking by professionals in the workplace and relationships between participant demographics and reflective thinking. The Questionnaire for Reflective Thinking (QRT) was used to assess the quality of reflective thinking in a sample (n = 102) of individuals certified by the International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI) as Certified Performance Technologists (CPT) (N = 697). Business leaders seek employees who practice reflective thinking. Employers and students expect college coursework to provide the needed skills and educators recognize this need. Researchers have developed reliable measures of reflective thinking, but the quality of reflective thinking practiced by professionals in the workplace is not known. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis was used to examine QRT scores for habitual action, understanding, reflection, and critical reflection, with respect to the demographic variables of gender, age, years of experience, education level, and academic discipline. Significant relationships between age and scores for habitual action, experience and scores for habitual action, education level and scores for understanding, gender and scores for critical reflection, and experience and scores for critical reflection were identified. No other differences in QRT scores based on the independent variable gender, age, experience, education level, or academic discipline were statistically significant.
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The role of accounting information and the relevance of IFRS : an international survey of financial officers, financial analysts and auditors / Le rôle de l'information comptable et de la pertinence des IFRS : une enquête internationale sur des agents financiers, des analystes financiers et des auditeursBenetti, Cristiane 20 June 2011 (has links)
L'objectif principal de cette étude est de déterminer comment les individus impliqués dans le processus de vue comptable, regardent le rôle de l'information comptable dans un environnement économique où les marchés financiers sont dominants. L'étude tente également de déterminer si International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) parti dans l'accomplissement de ce rôle. À cette fin, on compare les perceptions des directeurs financiers, les analystes financiers et les auditeurs de deux environnements de marché très différents, l'Europe comme une variable pour un environnement de marché de capitaux très développés et le Brésil comme une variable pour un environnement de marché des capitaux moins développé. Par le biais d'une enquête, nous voulons déterminer si les producteurs de données comptables (directeurs financiers), les utilisateurs de ces données (analystes financiers) et les contrôleurs de l'information comptable (auditeurs) partagent les mêmes vues sur l'utilité et les objectifs du processus de la comptabilité financière. L'extension de l'étude à plusieurs pays est un des moyens possibles pour déterminer si et comment l'environnement économique affecte l'opinion des personnes interrogées sur des informations comptables. Notre instrument d'enquête a été validé en trois langues (anglais, français et portugais) et utilisé dans six groupes de pays (un pour le Brésil, quatre groupes différents pour les pays européens et un pour les autres participants volontaires). Nous avons utilisé des statistiques descriptives et l'analyse des correspondances multivariée (ACM) pour faire notre analyse et interprétation des résultats. Nos résultats suggèrent que l'activité de nos répondants ont moins d'impact sur leurs réponses que les pays ou ils sont placés. / The main objective of this study is to determine how individuals involved in the accounting process view the role of accounting information in an economic environment where capital markets are dominant. The study also attempts to determine whether International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) play a part in fulfilling this role. To this end, we compare the perceptions of financial officers, financial analysts and auditors from two distinctly different market environments, using Europe as a proxy for a highly developed capital market environment and Brazil as a proxy for a less developed capital market environment. By means of a survey, we want to identify whether producers of accounting data (financial officers), users of that data (financial analysts), and controllers of accounting information (auditors) share the same views on the usefulness and goals of the financial accounting process. Extending the study to several countries is a potential means for determining whether and how the economic environment affects the respondents' views of accounting information. Our survey instrument was validated in three languages (English, French and Portuguese) and applied in six groups of countries (one for Brazil, four distinct groups for European countries and one for other voluntary participants). We used descriptive statistics and multivariate correspondence analysis (MCA) to analyze and interpret the results. Our results suggest that the activity of our respondents has less influence on their answers than the country they work in.
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