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The urban planning of Istanbul and the provision of green resilient zones in an earthquake-hit metropolitan area -A case study of Istanbul & AvcılarHögberg Yilmaz, Melissa January 2020 (has links)
This paper examines how green areas may be used as strategic recovery zones in the event of an earthquake and how these zones may strengthen the resilience for future quakes in Istanbul. The paper also refers to investigating why the planning system in Turkey can pose a threat for the provision of green areas. Green areas have proven to be an important feature in natural disaster stricken cities for coping with disasters by strengthening the city’s resilience. However due to rapid population growth and high demand for housing and infrastructure, green areas risk disappearing when the city expands. This problem is evident all major cities of turkey and particularly in the country’s largest city Istanbul, where green areas are benign exploited instead of preserved; leaving larger city’s such as Istanbul vulnerable for future earthquake disasters. The high demand for new housing and functioning infrastructure in conjunction with a complicated planning system in Turkey leads to a vaguely regulated planning system, which creates a threat to green areas. This creates an uncertain situation for the city's ability and resilience to withstand a future earthquake disaster. The study will be based on a qualitative method. The empirical material will be presented through a previous research overview and a case study, which is also based on previous research on the subject. Essay analysis will be performed based on a quantitative text analysis based on concepts; urban disaster resilience, green infrastructure, land use planning and governance, presented in the essays theoretical framework. The general conclusions of the study are that there is a lack of good governance in the planning system in Turkey, which creates restrictions for a sustainable and resilient urban planning in the city of Istanbul. Green areas are resilience and capacity building areas in the city to handle future earthquake disaster, by providing open recovery zones in a densely built city. It is therefore important to plan for a long-term land use and to regard the green areas in the city to uphold strong urban disaster resilience for future earthquakes in Istanbul.
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Dynamic vulnerability in the face of floods : Experiences from MozambiqueLundgren, Madeleine January 2020 (has links)
Disaster risk reduction policies and practitioners alike emphasise the importance of vulnerability reduction. However, the concept of vulnerability is highly dynamic, and research still strives to understand and capture its complexity. The purpose of this study was to improve the understanding of flood vulnerability in rural disaster-prone communities in Mozambique. To explore previous experiences of floods, I conducted semi-structured interviews with local risk committee members and community members in the lower Limpopo river basin. The findings were analysed with an analytical framework consisting of the Disaster Pressure and Release (PAR) model, drawing on political ecology and the Access model. Disaster was studied as a process revealing important factors, capabilities and strains affecting peoples’ vulnerability. This paper illustrated that rural communities in the lower Limpopo river basin are vulnerable to floods in a variety of ways. The findings presented unsafe conditions such as the fragile local economy, unsafe natural resources, strained physical resources and limited access to human and social capital. Several factors deriving from political, social and economic structures were found to influence specific forms of vulnerability expressed in relation to floods. Therefore, this paper contributes to new insights of how flood vulnerability can be described and explained in Mozambique.
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Beyond Western Knowledge: Indigenous and Local Knowledges on Disaster Risk Reduction -A field study in rural ThailandJohansson, Linnea January 2023 (has links)
Natural hazards are predicted to only increase in frequency and severity over the next decade, making it crucial to avoid their negative consequences by disaster risk reduction. Reducing risks of natural hazards is not a recent invention as it has been shown that indigenous and local communities possess indigenous and local knowledge systems related to reducing disaster risks. These knowledge systems are however largely being ignored in policy and research. They are also subjected to pressures which risk altering, eroding or destroying them. In this thesis, these indigenous and local knowledge systems and the pressures that might threaten them are explored through a field study with interviews and observations in rural indigenous and local communities in northern Thailand. The findings show clear evidence of multiple and varying types of indigenous and local knowledge systems, such as knowledges, practices, and beliefs that reduce disaster risk. However, multiple types of pressures to the indigenous and local knowledge systems are also found. These pressures have in some cases already resulted in a loss of indigenous and local knowledge systems, or risk doing so in the future. The conclusion of the thesis is that these indigenous and local knowledge systems and the pressures to them should be kept in close mind in research, policy and intervention to improve disaster risk reduction and not perpetuate the current western paradigm.
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The Role of Vertical Collaboration in Local Community Empowerment : Exploring the Implementation of Climate Smart Agriculture at a Local Level in EswatiniSalmelin, Charlee January 2023 (has links)
To strengthen societies and address the increased risks generated by climate change, development projects within disaster risk reduction [DRR] and climate change adaptation [CCA] must ensure the sustainability of capacity development. However, sustainability is currently flawed in such projects, which could relate to the inadequate achievement of empowerment of targeted beneficiaries. Some scholars suggest that vertical collaboration – the collaboration between stakeholders and beneficiaries – is decisive in determining the achievement of community empowerment during implementation. Still, the role of vertical collaboration and the dynamics of this relationship remains unexplored. By comparing a development initiative within climate-smart agriculture [CSA] implemented in two different communities in Eswatini, this thesis aims to evaluate the achievement of vertical collaboration and explore the relationship between vertical collaboration and empowerment. The results show that the achievement of vertical collaboration does covariate with the presence of empowerment and that certain factors are more influential in determining outcomes than others. These factors include the presence of opportunities for all participants to get involved; active, accessible, and participatory communication; bidirectional learning; and providing beneficiaries with voice and decision-making power. The findings support the theoretical argument, demonstrating that vertical collaboration plays a role in determining empowerment, and highlight the importance of considering it as a critical aspect when implementing CSA projects. However, the sustainability of capacity developments could not be identified in either community, suggesting that alternative factors might be essential for long-term outcomes. Further research is required to understand interconnections among identified factors and how they can be leveraged for the success and sustainability of capacity development within this field.
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The economic value of air-pollution-related health risks in ChinaGuo, Xiaoqi 13 September 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Kan fysisk aktivitet minst 90 minuter i veckan förebygga uppkomst av nacksmärta bland universitetsstudenter?Paulsen, Sandra January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Nacksmärta är vanligt förekommande bland universitetsstudenter, där över en fjärdedel av studenterna inom vissa utbildningsgrupper uppger att de haft nacksmärta någon gång under det senaste året. Nacksmärta bland unga vuxna är en riskfaktor för minskad arbetsproduktivitet senare i livet och tidigare besvär är en av de tydligaste riskfaktorerna för nacksmärta bland personer i yrkesverksam ålder. Mycket forskning tyder på att fysisk aktivitet kan minska risken för uppkomst av arbetsrelaterad nacksmärta, men vilken dos, det vill säga hur mycket, fysisk aktivitet som behövs är inte klar. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka sambandet mellan fysisk aktivitet på hög intensitet minst 90 minuter i veckan och uppkomst av nacksmärta bland universitetsstudenter, kontrollerat för förväxlingsvariabler. Metod: En registerstudie genomfördes där data från 92 universitetsstudenter utan nacksmärta vid baslinjen analyserades i en multipel logistisk regressionsmodell. Resultat: Resultatet visade inget signifikant samband mellan fysisk aktivitet på hög intensitet minst 90 minuter i veckan och uppkomst av nacksmärta kontrollerat för förväxlingsvariabler, dock indikerar konfidensintervallet att den möjliga förebyggande effekten är större än den möjliga negativa effekten. Resultatet visade ett signifikant samband mellan uppkomst av nacksmärta och depression bland kvinnor. Sambandet mellan ålder och uppkomst av nacksmärta var inte signifikant men låg nära signifikansnivån. Slutsats: Uppkomst av nacksmärta har en multifaktoriell orsak, och behöver därför förebyggas genom ett mångfacetterat tillvägagångssätt. Vilken dos fysisk aktivitet som behövs för att minska risken för uppkomst av nacksmärta bland universitetsstudenter är däremot fortfarande oklar och mer forskning behövs för utformning av riktlinjer och rekommendationer. / Background: Neck pain is common amongst university students and can lead to neck pain later in their working life with effects such as reduced work productivity and high costs for the society. Studies show that physical activity can have a preventive effect on neck pain, but the dose is indefinite. Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the association between physical activity at a high intensity at least 90 minutes per week and onset of neck pain amongst university students, controlling for confounding variables. Method: A register study was conducted and data from 92 university students with no neck pain at baseline was analyzed with a multiple logistic regression model. Results: The result showed no significant association between physical activity at a high intensity at least 90 minutes per week and onset of neck pain when controlled for confounding variables, although the confidence interval indicates that the possible preventive effect is bigger than the possible negative effect. The result showed a significant association between onset of neck pain and depression amongst women. The association between age and onset of neck pain was not statistically significant but was close to the significance level. Conclusion: Neck pain has a multifactorial cause and should be prevented through a multifaceted approach. The dose of physical activity that is needed to reduce the risk of developing neck pain amongst university students is still unclear and more research is needed to formulate guidelines and recommendations.
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Transparency in information about health / improving medical decision makingBodemer, Nicolai 21 December 2012 (has links)
Diese Dissertation umfasst vier Manuskripte zum Thema Risikokommunikation und medizinischen Entscheidungen. Das erste Manuskript diskutiert Unterschiede, Gemeinsamkeiten und die Anwendbarkeit von drei zentralen Ansätzen, die helfen sollen, bessere Entscheidungen zu treffen (Nudging, Social Marketing, Empowerment). Das zweite Manuskript präsentiert Ergebnisse einer Medienanalyse zur Evaluation von Zeitungs- und Internetberichten in Deutschland und Spanien über die HPV-Impfung. Basierend auf vordefinierten Standards für transparente, vollständige und korrekte Risikokommunikation, deckt die Medienanalyse Schwächen in der Berichterstattung auf. Das dritte Manuskript untersucht wie Laien relative Risikoreduktionen bzw. –erhöhungen, ein Standardformt in der Medizin, verstehen. Beide Formate führen Laien und Experten in die Irre und führen zur Überschätzung der tatsächlichen Effekte. Ein diskutierter Ausweg ist die zusätzliche Kommunikation der Basisrate. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass das Verständnis von relativen Risikoreduktionen (-erhöhungen) mit Basisrate von dem Präsentationsformat (Prozent- vs. Häufigkeitsformat) und der individuellen Fähigkeit im Zahlenverständnis abhängt. Teilnehmer mit geringem Zahlenverständnis profitierten von der Darstellung in Häufigkeiten; Teilnehmer mit hohem Zahlenverständnis zeigen ein besseres Verständnis unabhängig des Formats. Dennoch—selbst mit Basisrate—missverstehen viele Teilnehmer die Risikoinformation. Das vierte Manuskript untersucht wie Teilnehmer Behandlungen unter Unsicherheit auswählen. Ein Einwand gegen die Kommunikation von Unsicherheit ist die Behauptung, dass Menschen Unsicherheit in Gewinnsituationen vermeiden, in Verlustsituationen dagegen suchen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie in Bezug auf die Auswahl von medizinischen Behandlungen konnten diese Annahmen nicht bestätigen. Darüber hinaus wählte die Mehrheit der Teilnehmer die gleiche Behandlung, wenngleich sich die zugrundeliegende Auswahlstrategie unterschied. / This dissertation comprises four manuscripts focusing on health risk communication and medical decision making. The first manuscript discusses differences, commonalities, and the applicability of three major approaches to help patients make better decisions: nudging, social marketing, and empowerment. The second manuscript presents results of an evaluation of media coverage about the HPV vaccine of newspaper and Internet reports in Germany and Spain. Based on predefined standards for transparent, complete, and correct risk communication, the analysis revealed substantial shortcomings in how the media informed the public. The third manuscript centers on a standard format to communicate treatment benefits and harms: relative risk reductions and increases. Such formats have been found to misinform and mislead patients and health professionals. One suggestion is to always include information about baseline risk to reduce misunderstandings. Results show that even when baseline risk was communicated, it depended on the presentation format (percentage vs. frequency) and people’s numeracy skills whether they correctly interpreted the risk reduction (or increase). Low numerates benefited from a frequency format, whereas high numerates performed better independent of the format. Yet, a substantial proportion of participants still misunderstood the meaning of a relative risk reduction (or increase). The fourth manuscript investigated how laypeople choose between medical treatments when ambiguity is present. One objection against communicating ambiguity is the claim that laypeople are ambiguity averse in the domain of gains and ambiguity seeking in the domain of losses. Results did not find supporting evidence for this claim in medical treatment choice. Moreover, most participants selected the same treatment option, independent of numeracy. However, the underlying choice strategies varied between individuals.
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Vulnerability & Resilience in an Ageing Population : A Case Study on Individual Self-Reliance & Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction Policies in JapanBergenek, Victor January 2023 (has links)
Natural disasters and hazards pose significant risks and challenges for people and communities all around the world, among the groups most vulnerable to these events are elderly populations who face physical, social, and psychological hardships in the face of disasters. The vulnerability and lacking resilience of elderly are a growing global concern as their proportion of the world's population is steadily increasing with an estimated 1 in 6 people being aged 65 and over by 2050, doubling the current number. The physical frailty, cognitive decline, sensory impairment, and economic disadvantage that often come paired with aging can make older adults more susceptible to harm in the face of natural disasters and social isolation, limited access to resources, and dependency on caregivers or family members further increase the risk of adverse outcomes for the elderly during and after a disaster. It is essential for the future to address the unique challenges faced by older populations in disaster situations and identify effective strategies to enhance their resilience and reduce their vulnerability. In Japan, with a rapidly aging society and increasing numbers of elderly individuals, the issue of disaster preparedness and response becomes even more pronounced. The current policies of individual self-reliance and community-based disaster management are heavily promoted as the way forward, but are these policies suitable and sufficient for elderly and vulnerable populations? This thesis seeks to explore whether these policies are suitable for the needs and realities of the increasing number of elderly and vulnerable individuals who are unable to take care of themselves in times of crisis. Through an analysis of vulnerability and resilience, this thesis seeks to identify the key factors that contribute to the experiences of elderly people in disaster situations. By presenting a case study of Japan, the thesis aims to identify the strengths and weaknesses of current policies and strategies in promoting resilience and reducing vulnerability among elderly populations in Japan. This thesis aims to provides a critical insight into the policies and strategies for promoting resilience and reducing vulnerability among elderly populations during disasters and to highlight the need to critically reflect on the suitability of current policies in relation to the the growing number of vulnerable elderly.
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Foreign Investment Decision-Making in Transition EconomiesGolubeva, Olga January 2001 (has links)
The purpose of this project is to describe and explain the foreign investment decision process in the uncertain and turbulent environment of transition economy. By getting an in-depth understanding of how decision-making works in the environment of transition economy, the study intends to contribute to the development of business administration theory in the area of foreign investment decision-making, particularly its application in the turbulent and uncertain world. Theoretical ‘blocks’, elaborated on the basis of literature study, include the following concepts: the framework of transition economy; initial motivation (or reasons) of companies to make foreign direct investments (FDI); investigation of the investment climate and information collection methods; project evaluation and investment decision criteria; risk assessment factors and risk reduction measures. Transition economy is defined in the study as ‘a non-planned, non-market economy’ where the new emerging market institutions coexist with the bureaucracy and hierarchy inherited from the old administrative system. Investment projects, therefore, should probably be seen as being under institutional influence from both the local (i.e. transition economy) and the Western investor’s home country environments. The empirical data presented in the paper also shows that it is necessary to establish the relevant economic, legal, political and social institutions in order to attract FDI. The study further includes the analysis of the main components and features of transition economies and their influence on FDI decision-making. One of the results of the study is that FDI decision-making in transition economies is largely consistent with different theoretical approaches suggested in the literature. On the other hand, the empirical support obtained for different theoretical approaches is often questionable and opened to alternative interpretations. The presented project suggests that theoretical perspectives do not preclude each other, but rather have a complimentary character. The study attempts to contribute to the mainstream FDI theories through a firm-level approach based on the case studies. Two in-depth case studies are presented in the paper: Ericsson’s direct investments in Russia and Vattenfall’s investments in the Baltic countries. A formal questionnaire based on the parameters of theoretical ‘blocks’ was created and 25 top executives from Ericsson and Vattenfall who participated in FDI decision-making were surveyed. The empirical investigation took place during the period 1997 - 1998 with partial updating of the cases during the year 2000. The study shows that where companies confront stable environments, investment decision routines and procedures will be less necessary and important than where market uncertainty is high. The strong appreciation of the local business partners for properly done investment calculations increases the importance of capital budgeting in transition economies more than in developed market economies. Besides, traditional investment appraisal methods provide managers with an ‘objective’ or ‘materialistic’ feedback for the decision-making in the rapidly changing uncertain environment. On the other hand, the study emphasises the importance of strategy over financial techniques and argues that FDI decisions in transition economies should be based on methods consistent with the company’s long-term objectives. In case of permanent changes, new approaches as well as better co-ordination of traditional techniques with strategic, political, historical, geographical and cultural issues are required. Ericsson’ s direct investments in Russia are presented in the paper in connection with other factors: the company’s historical involvement in Russia, marketing strategy, human resource development, privatisation and restructuring of the telecommunication sector in Russia, etc. Nordic Electric Power Co-operation (Nordel), the EU’ s decision in 1996 to create an internal electricity market in Europe, Baltic ring study, future plans to privatise the energy companies in the Baltic countries, etc., are the framework to present the second case. An application of project evaluation and risk assessment techniques for broader and more complicated environments shows that investment decision-making is probably as much, if not more, a social, political and cultural technology as an economic one. The study argues then that the rational choice decision-making model often co-exists with alternative models elaborated in social science - limited rationality, political and garbage can. According to the empirical data, the investment decisions are largely based on intuition, business experience and judgement, personal contacts with representatives from the local country, and these investment criteria are inevitable and acceptable in a situation of total chaos and permanent change. The right chosen partner, for example, is one of the major criteria for the success of the investment project in a transition economy. One of the outcomes of this study is that the revitalised form of investment decision-making will differ rather markedly from much of what has gone before: less emphasis on the quantitative aspects of capital budgeting, more on the qualitative aspects of companies and investment environment. The project also argues that determinants, approaches and criteria of investment activity in transition economies are largely consistent with patterns observed in other parts of the world. A few specific environmental conditions of transition economies, however, are shown in the study to affect the pattern of FDI decision-making. The level of turbulence is still different compared to the developed market economies due to uncertainties and unpredictibilities associated with environment of transition economies. Other major differences are the large power distance with authoritarian leadership, strong hierarchy and bureaucracy as well as the vital role of personal contacts in transition economies. It is not clear, however, if these features of transition economies should be seen as inherited from the past communist system or as an alternative way to organise the economic actors through networks, a way that is natural and appropriate for the majority of Asian societies.
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Mine closure : a contingency plan to mitigate socio-economic disasters / Maria Elizabeth AckermannAckermann, Maria Elizabeth January 2013 (has links)
The history of the mining industry indicates a lack of understanding among the decision-makers of the impact the closure of mines has on the industry and the associated effects on the society and surrounding environment. The policies of the mining industry do make provision for a planned mine closure, but not for an unexpected closure. This detrimental aspect of closures in the mining industry is highlighted in the present study.
The present study investigates how mineworkers’ dependency on their employment at a mine affects their ability to sustain their livelihoods. Vulnerable livelihoods leave the community at a greater risk to be affected by a disaster, than the livelihoods of a community that is resilient and has sustainable resources. Even though mineworkers are not considered as poor at the time of their employment, a mine closure could render them into a status called ‘transitional poverty’. This study also highlights that mineworkers who are skilled for mining operations only do not overcome the status of ‘transitional poverty’ and hence enter a phase called ‘chronic poverty’. This stage constitutes their inability to negotiate livelihood strategies and livelihood outcomes that could sustain a household. Thus humanitarian assistance would be needed from outside sources.
Planning for unexpected mine closures should also be on the agenda of the mining industry due to the extreme consequences such an event holds for the mining community experiencing the event. In the case under investigation, the unexpected mine closures occurred in the Grootvlei mine in Springs and the Orkney mine owned by the Aurora Empowerment Systems Ltd. at the time of this study. These closures left the surrounding communities in need of food, shelter and clean water. The inhabitants gradually lost their livelihood assets. A contingency planning model is proposed at the end of this study to address the short-term and long-term consequences of an unexpected mine closure. / M Development and Management, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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