Spelling suggestions: "subject:"fandom number"" "subject:"mandom number""
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Implementación en hardware de sistemas de alta fiabilidad basados en metodologías estocásticasCanals Guinand, Vicente José 27 July 2012 (has links)
La sociedad actual demanda cada vez más aplicaciones computacionalmente exigentes y
que se implementen de forma energéticamente eficiente. Esto obliga a la industria del
semiconductor a mantener una continua progresión de la tecnología CMOS. No obstante,
los expertos vaticinan que el fin de la era de la progresión de la tecnología CMOS se
acerca, puesto que se prevé que alrededor del 2020 la tecnología CMOS llegue a su límite.
Cuando ésta llegue al punto conocido como “Red Brick Wall”, las limitaciones físicas,
tecnológicas y económicas no harán viable el proseguir por esta senda. Todo ello ha
motivado que a lo largo de la última década tanto instituciones públicas como privadas
apostasen por el desarrollo de soluciones tecnológicas alternativas como es el caso de la
nanotecnología (nanotubos, nanohilos, tecnologías basadas en el grafeno, etc.). En esta tesis
planteamos una solución alternativa para poder afrontar algunos de los problemas
computacionalmente exigentes. Esta solución hace uso de la tecnología CMOS actual
sustituyendo la forma de computación clásica desarrollada por Von Neumann por formas
de computación no convencionales. Éste es el caso de las computaciones basadas en lógicas
pulsantes y en especial la conocida como computación estocástica, la cual proporciona un
aumento de la fiabilidad y del paralelismo en los sistemas digitales.
En esta tesis se presenta el desarrollo y evaluación de todo un conjunto de bloques
computacionales estocásticos implementados mediante elementos digitales clásicos. A
partir de estos bloques se proponen diversas metodologías computacionalmente eficientes
que mediante su uso permiten afrontar algunos problemas de computación masiva de forma
mucho más eficiente. En especial se ha centrado el estudio en los problemas relacionados
con el campo del reconocimiento de patrones. / Today's society demands the use of applications with a high computational complexity that
must be executed in an energy-efficient way. Therefore the semiconductor industry is
forced to maintain the CMOS technology progression. However, experts predict that the
end of the age of CMOS technology progression is approaching. It is expected that at 2020
CMOS technology would reach the point known as "Red Brick Wall" at which the
physical, technological and economic limitations of CMOS technology will be unavoidable.
All of this has caused that over the last decade public and private institutions has bet by the
development of alternative technological solutions as is the case of nanotechnology
(nanotubes, nanowires, graphene, etc.). In this thesis we propose an alternative solution to
address some of the computationally exigent problems by using the current CMOS
technology but replacing the classical computing way developed by Von Neumann by other
forms of unconventional computing. This is the case of computing based on pulsed logic
and especially the stochastic computing that provide a significant increase of the
parallelism and the reliability of the systems. This thesis presents the development and
evaluation of different stochastic computing methodologies implemented by digital gates.
The different methods proposed are able to face some massive computing problems more
efficiently than classical digital electronics. This is the case of those fields related to pattern
recognition, which is the field we have focused the main part of the research work
developed in this thesis.
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Caractérisation et modélisation de générateurs de nombres aléatoires dans les circuits intégrés logiques / Characterization and modeling of random number generators for cryptographic application in logic devicesHaddad, Patrick 17 June 2015 (has links)
Les générateurs de nombres aléatoires sont des blocs destinés à produire des quantités numériques qui doivent être indépendantes et uniformément distribuées. Ces RNG sont utilisés dans des contextes sécuritaires où l'utilisation de nombres aléatoires est requise (génération de clefs cryptographiques, nonces des protocoles cryptographiques, marqueurs anti-rejeu, contre-mesures face aux attaques par canaux cachés) et où leur qualité est primordiale. Tous les composants électroniques ayant une fonction sécuritaire, comme par exemple les cartes à puces, incluent un ou plusieurs générateurs aléatoires (basés sur des principes physiques). En conséquence, le RNG est une brique centrale des applications sécuritaires et sa défaillance, totale ou partielle met donc en péril la fonctionnalité dans son ensemble. Ce travail de thèse porte sur l'étude des RNG physiques (PTRNG) et la modélisation de l'aléa à partir des caractérisations électroniques et mathématiques du circuit. Cette étude se place essentiellement dans le contexte de la norme AIS 31 du BSI* qui fait référence dans de nombreux pays européens. Cette norme est l‘une des rares qui impose des caractérisations sur les PTRNG, incluant notamment un modèle stochastique de ce dernier. Dans ce contexte, il est crucial de pouvoir valider la méthodologie d'évaluation proposée par ces normes et c'est sur ce point que j'ai focalisé mon travail de thèse.*Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik, agence fédérale allemande chargée de la sécurité des technologies de l'information / Random number generators (RNG) are primitives that produce independent and uniformly distributed digital values, RNG are used in secure environments where the use of random numbers is required (generation of cryptographic keys, nonces in cryptographic protocols, padding values, countermeasures against side-channel attacks) and where the quality of the randomness is essential. All electronic components with a security function, such as smart cards, include one or more random generators (based on physical principles). Consequently, the RNG is an essential primitive for security applications. A flaw in security of the random number generation process directly impacts the security of the cryptographic system. This thesis focuses on the study of physical RNG (PTRNG), the modeling of its randomness and an electronic characterizations of the circuit. This study is in the context of the AIS-31 standard which is published by the BSI* and followed by many European countries. This standard is one of the few that require a characterizations of the PTRNG and a stochastic model. In this context, it is crucial to validate the evaluation methodology proposed by these standards and l focused on them during my thesis.*Bundesamt fiir Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik, federal agency German responsible for the security of information technology
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Security analysis for pseudo-random number generators / Analyse de sécurité pour les générateurs de nombre pseudo-aléatoiresRuhault, Sylvain 30 June 2015 (has links)
La génération d’aléa joue un rôle fondamental en cryptographie et en sécurité. Des nombres aléatoires sont nécessaires pour la production de clés cryptographiques ou de vecteurs d’initialisation et permettent également d’assurer que des protocoles d’échange de clé atteignent un niveau de sécurité satisfaisant. Dans la pratique, les bits aléatoires sont générés par un processus de génération de nombre dit pseudo-aléatoire, et dans ce cas, la sécurité finale du système dépend de manière cruciale de la qualité des bits produits par le générateur. Malgré cela, les générateurs utilisés en pratique ne disposent pas ou peu d’analyse de sécurité permettant aux utilisateurs de connaître exactement leur niveau de fiabilité. Nous fournissons dans cette thèse des modèles de sécurité pour cette analyse et nous proposons des constructions prouvées sûres et efficaces qui répondront à des besoins de sécurité forts. Nous proposons notamment une nouvelle notion de robustesse et nous étendons cette propriété afin d’adresser les attaques sur la mémoire et les attaques par canaux cachés. Sur le plan pratique, nous effectuons une analyse de sécurité des générateurs utilisés dans la pratique, fournis de manière native dans les systèmes d’exploitation (/dev/random sur Linux) et dans les librairies cryptographiques (OpenSSL ou Java SecureRandom) et nous montrons que ces générateurs contiennent des vulnérabilités potentielles. / In cryptography, randomness plays an important role in multiple applications. It is required in fundamental tasks such as key generation and initialization vectors generation or in key exchange. The security of these cryptographic algorithms and protocols relies on a source of unbiased and uniform distributed random bits. Cryptography practitioners usually assume that parties have access to perfect randomness. However, quite often this assumption is not realizable in practice and random bits are generated by a Pseudo-Random Number Generator. When this is done, the security of the scheme depends of course in a crucial way on the quality of the (pseudo-)randomness generated. However, only few generators used in practice have been analyzed and therefore practitioners and end users cannot easily assess their real security level. We provide in this thesis security models for the assessment of pseudo-random number generators and we propose secure constructions. In particular, we propose a new definition of robustness and we extend it to capture memory attacks and side-channel attacks. On a practical side, we provide a security assessment of generators used in practice, embedded in system kernel (Linux /dev/random) and cryptographic libraries (OpenSSL and Java SecureRandom), and we prove that these generators contain potential vulnerabilities.
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Kryptografický protokol s veřejným klíčem / Cryptography protocol with public keyFujdiak, Radek January 2013 (has links)
The Master thesis is an introduction to cryptology. The Thesis describe cryptosystems and selects one ideal cypher for low-power microcontroler. In thesis provides manual for instal development program COde Composer Studio, basic implementation of selected cryptosystem with small numbers and suggestion for implementation selected cyptosystem with big numbers.
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Programy pro výpočet nejistoty měření metodou Monte Carlo / Programs for calculating measurement uncertainty using Monte Carlo methodNovotný, Marek January 2015 (has links)
The thesis deals with establishing uncertainties of indirect measurements. It focuses primarily on random number generators in software enabling the calculation of mea-surement uncertainties using Monte Carlo. Then it focuses on the uncertainty calculati-on indirect measurement as the Monte Carlo method and the classical numerical met-hod. The practical part deals with the verification of randomness generators numbers contained in various softwares. It also deals with the determination of uncertainties indi-rect current measurements by both above-mentioned methods and then comparing and evaluating the values achieved.
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Analyse de fiabilité de circuits logiques et de mémoire basés sur dispositif spintronique / Reliability analysis of spintronic device based logic and memory circuitsWang, You 13 February 2017 (has links)
La jonction tunnel magnétique (JTM) commutée par la couple de transfert de spin (STT) a été considérée comme un candidat prometteur pour la prochaine génération de mémoires non-volatiles et de circuits logiques, car elle fournit une solution pour surmonter le goulet d'étranglement de l'augmentation de puissance statique causée par la mise à l'échelle de la technologie CMOS. Cependant, sa commercialisation est limitée par la fiabilité faible, qui se détériore gravement avec la réduction de la taille du dispositif. Cette thèse porte sur l'étude de la fiabilité des circuits basés sur JTM. Tout d'abord, un modèle compact de JTM incluant les problèmes principaux de fiabilité est proposé et validé par la comparaison avec des données expérimentales. Sur la base de ce modèle précis, la fiabilité des circuits typiques est analysée et une méthodologie d'optimisation de la fiabilité est proposée. Enfin, le comportement de commutation stochastique est utilisé dans certaines nouvelles conceptions d'applications classiques. / Spin transfer torque magnetic tunnel junction (STT-MTJ) has been considered as a promising candidate for next generation of non-volatile memories and logic circuits, because it provides a perfect solution to overcome the bottleneck of increasing static power caused by CMOS technology scaling. However, its commercialization is limited by the poor reliability, which deteriorates severely with device scaling down. This thesis focuses on the reliability investigation of MTJ based non-volatile circuits. Firstly, a compact model of MTJ including main reliability issues is proposed and validated by the comparison with experimental data. Based on this accurate model, the reliability of typical circuits is analyzed and reliability optimization methodology is proposed. Finally, the stochastic switching behavior is utilized in some new designs of conventional applications.
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Bezpečné kryptografické algoritmy / Safe Cryptography AlgorithmsMahdal, Jakub January 2008 (has links)
This thesis brings a reader an overview about historical and modern world of cryptographic methods, as well evaluates actual state of cryptographic algorithm progressions, which are used in applications nowadays. The aim of the work describes common symmetric, asymmetric encryption methods, cryptographic hash functions and as well pseudorandom number generators, authentication protocols and protocols for building VPNs. This document also shows the basics of the successful modern cryptanalysis and reveals algorithms that shouldn't be used and which algorithms are vulnerable. The reader will be also recommended an overview of cryptographic algorithms that are expected to stay safe in the future.
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Role of Nonlocality and Counterfactuality in Quantum CryptographyAkshatha Shenoy, H January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Quantum cryptography is arguably the most successfully applied area of quantum information theory. In this work, We invsetigate the role of quantum indistinguishability in random number
generation, quantum temporal correlations, quantum nonlocality and counterfactuality for quantum cryptography. We study quantum protocols for key distribution, and their security in the conventional setting, in the counterfactual paradigm, and finally also in the device-independent scenario as applied to prepare-and-measure schemes.
We begin with the interplay of two essential non-classical features like quantum indeterminism and quantum indistinguishability via a process known as bosonic stimulation is discussed. It
is observed that the process provides an efficient method for macroscopic extraction of quantum randomness.
Next, we propose two counterfactual cryptographic protocols, in which a secret key bit is generated even without the physical transmission of a particle. The first protocol is semicounterfactual in the sense that only one of the key bits is generated using interaction-free
measurement. This protocol departs fundamentally from the original counterfactual key distribution protocol in not encoding secret bits in terms of photon polarization. We discuss how the security in the protocol originates from quantum single-particle non-locality. The second protocol is designed for the crypto-task of certificate authorization, where a trusted third party authenticates an entity (e.g., bank) to a client. We analyze the security of both protocols under various general incoherent attack models.
The next part of our work includes study of quantum temporal correlations. We consider the use of the Leggett-Garg inequalities for device-independent security appropriate for prepare-and-measure protocols subjected to the higher dimensional attack that would completely undermine standard BB84.
In the last part, we introduce the novel concept of nonlocal subspaces constructed using the graph state formalism, and propose their application for quantum information splitting. In particular, we use the stabilizer formalism of graph states to construct degenerate Bell operators,
whose eigenspace determines the nonlocal subspace, into which a quantum secret is encoded and shared among an authorized group of agents, or securely transmitted to a designated secret retriever. The security of our scheme arises from the monogamy of quantum correlations. The quantum violation of the Bell-type inequality here is to its algebraic maximum, making this approach inherently suitable for the device-independent scenario.
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Нова метода за повећање ефективне резолуције стохастичких мерних инструмената високих перформанси / Nova metoda za povećanje efektivne rezolucije stohastičkih mernih instrumenata visokih performansi / A Novel Method for increasing the Effective Resolution of High Performance Stochastic Measuring InstrumentsGazivoda Nemanja 12 November 2019 (has links)
<p>Дисертација истражује утицај примене дитерског сигнала (дискретног аналогног униформног шума) генерисаног новом методом на повећање ефективне резолуције мерних инструмената базираних на стохастичкој дигиталној мерној методи. У дисертацији је дат преглед досадашњих решења базираних на стохастичкој дигиталној мерној методи у циљу сагледавања потребе и оправданости истраживања. Предложено решење представља комбинацију псеудослучајног и истински случајног генератора и као такво задржава најбоље особине из обе области. Дaт je прeдлoг нoве методе гeнeрисaњa шумa унифoрмнe рaспoдeлe aмплитудa. Умeстo уoбичajeнoг нaчинa гeнeрисaњa кoришћeњeм гeнeрaтoрa псeудoслучajних брojeвa и Д/А кoнвeртoрa, oвдe сe прeдлaжe гeнeрисaњe зaснoвaнo нa нeунифoрмнoм одабирању тeстeрaстoг или троугаоног нaпoнa. Oсим уштeдe збoг нeкoришћeњa Д/А кoнвeртoрa, дoбит je и мoгућнoст гeнeрисaњa нaпoнa из кoнтинуалнoг, умeстo дискрeтнoг скупa aмплитудa. Вeћинa дaнaшњих хaрдвeрских гeнeрaтoрa псeудoслучajнoг нaпoнa, сe бaзирa нa употреби микрoкoнтрoлeра и Д/A кoнвeртoра, пa je нa тaj нaчин рeзoлуциja гeнeрисaњa псeудoслучajнoг нaпoнa oгрaничeнa резолуцијом Д/A кoнвeрторa. Одабирањем тестерастог или троугаоног напона предложеном методом се остварује готово неограничена резолуција. Употреба овако генерисаног дитерског сигнала доводи до повећања ефективне резолуције код стохастичких мерних инстурмената. Симулацијом је одређена оптимална структура генератора на основу предложене методе. Експериментална мерења су изведена помоћу развијеног прототипа хардверског генератора.</p> / <p>Disertacija istražuje uticaj primene diterskog signala (diskretnog analognog uniformnog šuma) generisanog novom metodom na povećanje efektivne rezolucije mernih instrumenata baziranih na stohastičkoj digitalnoj mernoj metodi. U disertaciji je dat pregled dosadašnjih rešenja baziranih na stohastičkoj digitalnoj mernoj metodi u cilju sagledavanja potrebe i opravdanosti istraživanja. Predloženo rešenje predstavlja kombinaciju pseudoslučajnog i istinski slučajnog generatora i kao takvo zadržava najbolje osobine iz obe oblasti. Dat je predlog nove metode generisanja šuma uniformne raspodele amplituda. Umesto uobičajenog načina generisanja korišćenjem generatora pseudoslučajnih brojeva i D/A konvertora, ovde se predlaže generisanje zasnovano na neuniformnom odabiranju testerastog ili trougaonog napona. Osim uštede zbog nekorišćenja D/A konvertora, dobit je i mogućnost generisanja napona iz kontinualnog, umesto diskretnog skupa amplituda. Većina današnjih hardverskih generatora pseudoslučajnog napona, se bazira na upotrebi mikrokontrolera i D/A konvertora, pa je na taj način rezolucija generisanja pseudoslučajnog napona ograničena rezolucijom D/A konvertora. Odabiranjem testerastog ili trougaonog napona predloženom metodom se ostvaruje gotovo neograničena rezolucija. Upotreba ovako generisanog diterskog signala dovodi do povećanja efektivne rezolucije kod stohastičkih mernih insturmenata. Simulacijom je određena optimalna struktura generatora na osnovu predložene metode. Eksperimentalna merenja su izvedena pomoću razvijenog prototipa hardverskog generatora.</p> / <p>The dissertation investigates the impact of the application of the dithering signal (discrete analogue uniform noise) generated by the new method for increasing the effective resolution of measurement instruments based on the stochastic digital measurement method. The dissertation provides an overview of the existing solutions based on the stochastic digital measurement method in order to understand the need and justification of the research. The proposed solution represents a combination of a pseudorandom and truly random generator and as such holds the best features in both areas. А suggestion of a new way of generating the noise of the uniform distribution of amplitudes is presented. Instead of the usual way of generating using a pseudorandom number generator and a D/A converter, the generation based on the nonuniform sampling of sawtooth or triangle voltage is proposed. In addition to the savings due to the non-use of a D/A converter, the possibility of generating voltages from a continual instead of a discrete amplitude set is also obtained. Most of today's hardware pseudorandom voltage generators are based on the use of a microcontroller and D/A converter, so in this way the resolution of the pseudorandom voltage generation is limited by the resolution of the D/A converter. By sampling the sawtooth or triangle voltage using the proposed method, almost unlimited resolution is achieved. The use of this generated dither signal leads to an increase in effective resolution in stochastic measuring instruments. The simulation determined the optimal structure of the generator based on the proposed method. Experimental measurements were made using developed hardware.</p>
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Characterization and Stabilization of Transverse Spatial Modes of Light in Few-Mode Optical FibersPihl, Oscar January 2023 (has links)
With the growing need for secure and high-capacity communications, innovative solutions are needed to meet the demands of tomorrow. One such innovation is to make use of the still unutilized spatial dimension of light in communications, which has promising applications in both enabling higher data traffic as well as the security protocols of the future in quantum communications. The perhaps most promising way of realizing this technology is through spatial division multiplexing (SDM) in optical fibers. There are many challenges and open questions in implementing this, such as how perturbations to the signal should be kept under control and which type of optical fiber to use. Consequently, this thesis focuses on the implementation of SDM in few-mode fibers where the perturbation effects on the spatial distribution have been investigated. Following this investigation, an implementation of adaptive spatial mode control using a motorized polarization controller has been implemented. The mode control has been done with the focus on having relevance for quantum technology applications such as Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) and quantum random number generation (QRNG) but also for spatial division multiplexing (SDM) for general communications. For this reason, two evaluation metrics have been optimized for: extinction ratio and equal amplitude. The control algorithm used is an adaptation of the optimization algorithm Stochastic Parallel Gradient Descent (SPGD). Control has been achieved in stabilizing the extinction ratio of LP11a and LP11b over 12 hours with an average extinction ratio of 98 %. Additionally, equal amplitude between LP11a and LP11b has been achieved over 1 hour with an average relative difference of 0.42 % and 0.45 %. Out of the perturbation effects investigated; temperature caused large disturbances to the signal which later is corrected for with the implemented algorithm.
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