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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contribution à la prise des décisions stratégiques dans le contrôle de la trypanosomiase humaine africaine Contribution to strategic decision making in human African trypanosomiasis control

Lutumba, Pascal PL 29 November 2005 (has links)
RESUME La Trypanosomiase Humain Africaine (THA) demeure un problème de santé publique pour plusieurs pays en Afrique subsaharienne. Le contrôle de la THA est basé essentiellement sur la stratégie de dépistage actif suivi du traitement des personnes infectées. Le dépistage actif est réalisé par des unités mobiles spécialisées, bien que les services de santé fixes jouent un rôle important en détectant « passivement » des cas. Le dépistage reposait jadis sur la palpation ganglionnaire mais, depuis le développement du test d’agglutination sur carte (CATT), trois possibilités se sont offertes aux programmes de contrôle à savoir: i) continuer avec la palpation ganglionnaire ii) combiner la palpation ganglionnaire avec le CATT iii) recourir au CATT seul. Certains programmes comme celui de la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) ont opté pour la combinaison en parallèle de la palpation ganglionnaire avec le CATT. Toute personne ayant une hypertrophie ganglionnaire cervicale et/ou un CATT positif est considéré comme suspecte de la THA. Elle sera soumise aux tests parasitologiques de confirmation à cause de la toxicité des médicaments anti-THA. Les tests parasitologiques classiques sont l’examen du suc ganglionnaire (PG), l’examen du sang à l’état frais (SF), la goutte épaisse colorée (GE). La sensibilité de cette séquence a été estimée insuffisante par plusieurs auteurs et serait à la base d’une grande perte de l’efficacité de la stratégie dépistage-traitement. D’autres techniques de concentration ont été développées comme la mini-Anion Exchange Concentration Technique (mAECT), la Centrifugation en Tube Capillaire (CTC) et le Quantitative Buffy Coat (QBC), mais ces techniques de concentration ne sont pas utilisées en routine. En RDC, une interruption des activités de contrôle en 1990 a eu comme conséquence une réémergence importante de la maladie du sommeil. Depuis 1998 les activités de contrôle ont été refinancées de manière structurée. Ce travail vise deux buts à savoir le plaidoyer pour la continuité des activités de contrôle et la rationalisation des stratégies de contrôle. Nous avons évalué l’évolution de la maladie du sommeil en rapport avec le financement, son impact sur les ménages ainsi que la communauté. L’exercice de rationalisation a porté sur les outils de dépistage et de confirmation. Nous avons d’abord évalué la validité des tests, leur faisabilité ainsi que les coûts et ensuite nous avons effectué une analyse décisionnelle formelle pour comparer les algorithmes de dépistage et pour les tests de confirmation. Pendant la période de refinancement structurel de la lutte contre la THA en RDC (1998-2003), le budget alloué aux activités a été doublé lorsqu’on le compare à la période précédente (1993-1997). Le nombre des personnes examinées a aussi doublé mais par contre le nombre des nouveaux cas de THA est passé d’un pic de 26 000 cas en 1998 à 11 000 en 2003. Le coût par personne examinée a été de 1,5 US$ et celui d’un cas détecté et sauvé à 300 US$. Pendant cette période, les activités ont été financées par l’aide extérieure à plus de 95%. Cette subvention pourrait laisser supposer que l’impact de la THA au niveau des ménages et des communautés est réduit mais lorsque nous avons abordé cet aspect, il s’est avéré que le coût de la THA au niveau des ménages équivaut à un mois de leur revenu et que la THA fait perdre 2145 DALYs dans la communauté. L’intervention par la stratégie de dépistage-traitement a permis de sauver 1408 DALYs à un coût de 17 US$ par DALYs sauvé. Ce coût classe l’intervention comme « good value for money ». Le recours au CATT seul s’est avéré comme la stratégie la plus efficiente pour le dépistage actif. Le gain marginal lorsque l’on ajoute la palpation ganglionnaire en parallèle est minime et n’est pas compensé par le coût élevé lié à un nombre important des suspects soumis aux tests parasitologiques. Les techniques de concentration ont une bonne sensibilité et leur faisabilité est acceptable. Leur ajout à l’arbre classique améliore la sensibilité de 29 % pour la CTC et de 42% pour la mAECT. Le coût de la CTC a été de 0,76 € et celui de la mAECT de 2,82 €. Le SF a été estimé très peu sensible. L’algorithme PG- GE-CTC-mAECT a été le plus efficient avec 277 € par vie sauvée et un ratio de coût-efficacité marginal de 125 € par unité de vie supplémentaire sauvée. L’algorithme PG-GE-CATT titration avec traitement des personnes avec une parasitologie négative mais un CATT positif à un seuil de 1/8 devient compétitif lorsque la prévalence de la THA est élevée. Il est donc possible dans le contexte actuel de réduire la prévalence de la THA mais à condition que les activités ne soient pas interrompues. Le recours à un algorithme recourant au CATT dans le dépistage actif et à la séquence PG-GE-CTC-mAECT est le plus efficient et une efficacité de 80%. La faisabilité et l’efficacité peut être différent d’un endroit à l’autre à cause de la focalisation de la THA. Il est donc nécessaire de réévaluer cet algorithme dans un autre foyer de THA en étude pilote avant de décider d’un changement de politique. Le recours à cet algorithme implique un financement supplémentaire et une volonté politique. SUMMARY Human African Trypanosomiasis (HAT) remains a major public health problem affecting several countries in sub-Saharan Africa. HAT control is essentially based on active case finding conducted by specialized mobile teams. In the past the population screening was based on neck gland palpation, but since the development of the Card Agglutination Test for Trypanosomiasis (CATT) three control options are available to the control program: i) neck gland palpation ii) CATT iii) neck gland palpation and CATT done in parallel . Certain programs such as the one in DRC opted for the latter, combining CATT and neck gland palpation. All persons having hypertrophy of the neck gland and/or a positive CATT test are considered to be a HAT suspect. Confirmation tests are necessary because the screening algorithms are not 100 % specific and HAT drugs are very toxic. The classic parasitological confirmation tests are lymph node puncture (LNP), fresh blood examination (FBE) and thick blood film (TBF). The sensitivity of this combination is considered insufficient by several authors and causes important losses of efficacy of the screening-treatment strategy. More sensitive concentration methods were developed such as the mini Anion Exchange Concentration Techniques (mAECT), Capillary Tube Centrifugation (CTC) and the Quantitative Buffy Coat (QBC), but they are not used on a routine basis. Main reasons put forward are low feasibility, high cost and long time of execution. In the Democratic Republic of Congo, HAT control activities were suddenly interrupted in 1990 and this led to an important re-emergence or the epidemic. Since 1998 onwards, control activities were financed again in a structured way. This works aims to be both a plea for the continuation of HAT control as well as a contribution to the rationalization of the control strategies. We analyzed the evolution of sleeping sickness in the light of its financing, and we studied its impact on the household and the community. We aimed at a rationalization of the use of the screening and confirmation tools. We first evaluated the validity of the tests, their feasibility and the cost and we did a formal decision analysis to compare screening and confirmation algorithms. The budget allocated to control activities was doubled during the period when structural aid funding was again granted (1998-2003) compared with the period before (1993-1997). The number of persons examined per year doubled as well but the number of cases found peaked at 26 000 in 1998 and dropped to 11 000 in the period afterwards. The cost per person examined was 1.5 US$ and per case detected and saved was 300 US$. The activities were financed for 95 % by external donors during this period. This subvention could give the impression that the impact of HAT on the household and the household was limited but when we took a closer look at this aspect we found that the cost at household level amounted to one month of income and that HAT caused the loss of 2145 DALYs in the community. The intervention consisting of active case finding and treatment allowed to save 1408 DALY’s at a cost of 17 US$ per DALY, putting the intervention in the class of “good value for money”. The use of CATT alone as screening test emerged as the most efficient strategy for active case finding. The marginal gain when neck gland palpation is added is minor and is not compensated by the high cost of doing the parasitological confirmation test on a high number of suspected cases. The concentration methods have a good sensitivity and acceptable feasibility. Adding them to the classical tree improves its sensitivity with 29 % for CTC and with 42 % for mAECT. The cost of CTC was 0.76 US$ and of mAECT was 2.82 US$. Sensitivity of fresh blood examination was poor. The algorithm LNP-TBF-CTC-mAECT was the most efficient costing 277 Euro per life saved and a marginal cost effectiveness ratio of 125 Euro per supplementary life saved. The algorithm LNP-TBF-CATT titration with treatment of persons with a negative parasitology but a CATT positive at a dilution of 1/8 and more becomes competitive when HAT prevalence is high. We conclude that it is possible in the current RDC context to reduce HAT prevalence on condition that control activities are not interrupted. Using an algorithm that includes CATT in active case finding and the combination LNP-TBF-CTC-mAECT is the most efficient with an efficacy of 80 %. Feasibility and efficacy may differ from one place to another because HAT is very focalized, so it is necessary to test this novel algorithm in another HAT focus on a pilot basis, before deciding on a policy change. Implementation of this algorithm will require additional financial resources and political commitment.

Le pluralisme juridique de la justice et ses limites dans l'Union des Comores / The legal pluralism of justice in the Union of the Comoros and its limits

Djaé Oulovavo, Mohamed 25 June 2018 (has links)
Première partie : La pluralité des juridictions : une pluralité assumée et organiséeTitre I : La composition de l’appareil de justiceTitre II : L’organisation des juridictions dans l’optique d’un ordre juridictionnelDeuxième partie : Le juge comorien face aux impératifs de justiceTitre I : Le respect des fondements de la justiceTitre II : Le juge comorien à la jonction d’un pluralisme désordonné / Part 1: The plurality of courts: an assumed and organized pluralityTitle I: The composition of the judicial systemTitle II: The organisation of the courts from the perspective of a jurisdictional systemPart 2: The Comorian judge facing justice dutiesTitle I: The observations of the foundation of justiceTitle II: The Comorian judge in junction of a disordered pluralism

Light Steel Framing: uso em construções habitacionais empregando a modelagem virtual como processo de projeto e planejamento / Light Steel Framing: use in residential building employing virtual modeling as design and planning process

Campos, Patricia Farrielo de 09 May 2014 (has links)
O déficit habitacional brasileiro é cada vez maior e os sistemas construtivos utilizados para diminuir a carência de moradias, em sua grande maioria, são lentos e constituídos de forma artesanal. Atualmente, a região brasileira com maior necessidade de unidades habitacionais de baixa renda é a Sudeste, onde se encontra o Estado de São Paulo que representa 19% do déficit habitacional brasileiro. Além disso, o difícil gerenciamento dos projetos envolvidos na construção (arquitetônico, estrutural, elétrico, entre outros), elaborados em diferentes softwares, e a complexa gestão das obras convencionais, em alvenaria, retarda a execução das construções, dificultando a solução do problema habitacional. A utilização do sistema construtivo industrializado Light Steel Framing pode minimizar esse problema, integrando a industrialização na construção civil com as novas tecnologias da informação disponíveis para o mercado da arquitetura, engenharia e construção. Os sistemas construtivos pré-fabricados e industrializados que utilizam o aço, como o Light Steel Framing, quando projetados em plataformas BIM (Building Information Modeling), através de um modelo informativo único, permitem um maior planejamento, partindo do projeto até a fase de fabricação dos componentes da construção. Em função de sua industrialização o Light Steel Framing não permite adaptações e ajustes no canteiro de obras, solicitando assim mão de obra qualificada para a sua execução. Para minimizar e otimizar a quantidade de materiais empregados em uma construção de Light Steel Framing é sugerida a utilização de malhas modulares com 1200x1200mm. A intenção deste trabalho é, de após uma análise aprofundada sobre o sistema construtivo, demonstrar as possibilidades permitidas pelo Light Steel Framing. Através de simulações, em modelos digitais 3D, realizadas tomando como projeto de estudo um modelo habitacional da CDHU estruturado por painéis-parede cegos e painéis-parede com esquadria foi estudada a implementação do sistema Light Steel Framing com o objetivo de aferir a quantidade de material empregado quando o projeto é concebido com os princípios projetivos do sistema construtivo Light Steel Framing. / The housing deficit is growing and the building systems used to reduce the shortage of housing are mostly slow, manual processes. Currently, the Brazilian region with the greatest need for low-income housing units is the Southeast, where the state of São Paulo represents 19% of the Brazilian housing deficit. Furthermore, the difficult management of the projects involved in construction (architectural, structural, electrical, etc.), which are prepared in different software, and the complex management of conventional construction--masonry--slows the building process, aggravating the housing problem. The use of the industrialized building system Light Steel Framing can minimize this problem by incorporating industrialization in construction with the new information technologies available in the market for architecture, engineering and construction. The prefabricated and industrialized building systems which use steel, such as the Light Steel Framing, when designed on BIM (Building Information Modeling) platforms, through a single information model, allow for greater planning, from the design phase to the manufacturing of building components. Due to its industrialization, Light Steel Framing does not allow adaptations and adjustments at the construction site, thus requiring skilled labor for its implementation. To minimize and optimize the amount of materials used in Light Steel Framing construction the use of modular meshes of 1200x1200mm is suggested. The intention of this work is, after a detailed analysis of the constructive system, to demonstrate the possibilities afforded by Light Steel Framing. Through simulations in 3D digital models. using a CDHU housing model with blind wall panels and casing wall panels as a case study, the deployment of Light Steel Framing has been studied with the aim of measuring the amount of material employed when the project is designed with the design principles of the Light Steel Framing construction system.

Light Steel Framing: uso em construções habitacionais empregando a modelagem virtual como processo de projeto e planejamento / Light Steel Framing: use in residential building employing virtual modeling as design and planning process

Patricia Farrielo de Campos 09 May 2014 (has links)
O déficit habitacional brasileiro é cada vez maior e os sistemas construtivos utilizados para diminuir a carência de moradias, em sua grande maioria, são lentos e constituídos de forma artesanal. Atualmente, a região brasileira com maior necessidade de unidades habitacionais de baixa renda é a Sudeste, onde se encontra o Estado de São Paulo que representa 19% do déficit habitacional brasileiro. Além disso, o difícil gerenciamento dos projetos envolvidos na construção (arquitetônico, estrutural, elétrico, entre outros), elaborados em diferentes softwares, e a complexa gestão das obras convencionais, em alvenaria, retarda a execução das construções, dificultando a solução do problema habitacional. A utilização do sistema construtivo industrializado Light Steel Framing pode minimizar esse problema, integrando a industrialização na construção civil com as novas tecnologias da informação disponíveis para o mercado da arquitetura, engenharia e construção. Os sistemas construtivos pré-fabricados e industrializados que utilizam o aço, como o Light Steel Framing, quando projetados em plataformas BIM (Building Information Modeling), através de um modelo informativo único, permitem um maior planejamento, partindo do projeto até a fase de fabricação dos componentes da construção. Em função de sua industrialização o Light Steel Framing não permite adaptações e ajustes no canteiro de obras, solicitando assim mão de obra qualificada para a sua execução. Para minimizar e otimizar a quantidade de materiais empregados em uma construção de Light Steel Framing é sugerida a utilização de malhas modulares com 1200x1200mm. A intenção deste trabalho é, de após uma análise aprofundada sobre o sistema construtivo, demonstrar as possibilidades permitidas pelo Light Steel Framing. Através de simulações, em modelos digitais 3D, realizadas tomando como projeto de estudo um modelo habitacional da CDHU estruturado por painéis-parede cegos e painéis-parede com esquadria foi estudada a implementação do sistema Light Steel Framing com o objetivo de aferir a quantidade de material empregado quando o projeto é concebido com os princípios projetivos do sistema construtivo Light Steel Framing. / The housing deficit is growing and the building systems used to reduce the shortage of housing are mostly slow, manual processes. Currently, the Brazilian region with the greatest need for low-income housing units is the Southeast, where the state of São Paulo represents 19% of the Brazilian housing deficit. Furthermore, the difficult management of the projects involved in construction (architectural, structural, electrical, etc.), which are prepared in different software, and the complex management of conventional construction--masonry--slows the building process, aggravating the housing problem. The use of the industrialized building system Light Steel Framing can minimize this problem by incorporating industrialization in construction with the new information technologies available in the market for architecture, engineering and construction. The prefabricated and industrialized building systems which use steel, such as the Light Steel Framing, when designed on BIM (Building Information Modeling) platforms, through a single information model, allow for greater planning, from the design phase to the manufacturing of building components. Due to its industrialization, Light Steel Framing does not allow adaptations and adjustments at the construction site, thus requiring skilled labor for its implementation. To minimize and optimize the amount of materials used in Light Steel Framing construction the use of modular meshes of 1200x1200mm is suggested. The intention of this work is, after a detailed analysis of the constructive system, to demonstrate the possibilities afforded by Light Steel Framing. Through simulations in 3D digital models. using a CDHU housing model with blind wall panels and casing wall panels as a case study, the deployment of Light Steel Framing has been studied with the aim of measuring the amount of material employed when the project is designed with the design principles of the Light Steel Framing construction system.

Onverwagse uitdienstrede: 'n pastoraal-narratiewe studie

Coetzee, Pieter Hendrik 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Om te luister na mense se verhale is om iets van hulle belewinge en singewing te probeer verstaan. Staatkundige verandering in Suid-Afrika. het die arbeidsposisie van veral die wit werker in onsekerheid geplaas. Saam met die internasionale gemeenskap kan gevolglik gese word: Daar bestaan nie meer iets soos werksekerheid nie. In hierdie studie skets drie wit Afrikanermans en hulle vrouens die invloed en gevolge van onverwagse uitdienstrede op hulself en hul gesinslewe. As gevolg van onsekerheid in die werksituasie het deelnemers bestaande sosiale- en geloofsdiskoerse bevraagteken. Deurdat die deelnemers egter hulle verhale in die teenwoordigheid van persone te midde van dieselfde omstandighede vertel het, kon hulle kom tot die ko-konstruering van betekenis en die skep van alternatiewe verhale. / To listen to the stories of people, is to comprehend something of their experiences and the meaning they apply to it. Political change in South Africa placed the vocational position of especially the white Afrikaner worker in an uncertain position. Together with the international community it can now be said: There is no longer such a thing as job security. In this study three white Afrikaner men and their spouses depict the influence and results of unexpected retirement on themselves and their families. Uncertainty in the job-situation led to the questioning of existing social and faith discourses. By telling their stories in the presence of people amid the same circumstances, participants were however able to co-construct meaning and create alternative stories. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)


LUCIANA BOTELHO PACHECO 07 December 2016 (has links)
[pt] O trabalho examina os elementos centrais do procedimento legislativo resultante da atribuição, pela Constituição de 1988, de poder decisório às comissões parlamentares para aprovar e rejeitar projetos de lei. Investiga os precedentes do mecanismo no Brasil e os modelos italiano e espanhol, que serviram de inspiração ao constituinte brasileiro. Busca, ainda, apontar as falhas de regulação interna, na Câmara dos Deputados e no Senado Federal, que têm impedido melhor aproveitamento do novo instituto legislativo como canal de deliberação alternativo aos respectivos plenários. / [en] The dissertation looks into the core elements of the new legislative procedure created by the Brazilian Constitution of 1988 that gives the decision power to approval and rejection laws to the committees. It investigates the precedents of the mechanism in Brazil and the Italian and Spanish models, which served as the base of inspiration to the Brazilian constituent. It also points out the flaws of the internal regulation of the legislative houses which have prevented better use of the new institute as an alternative channel for making laws.

L'intérêt de l'enfant à naître / The interest of the unborn child

Vincent, Anne-Violette 10 December 2018 (has links)
En droit positif, la qualification de l’enfant à naître est incertaine et celui-ci ne bénéficie d’aucun statut. Pour autant, son intérêt est pris en considération depuis le droit romain à travers l’adage « infans conceptus pro nato habetur quoties de commodis ejus agitur » selon lequel l'enfant conçu est réputé né chaque fois qu’il en va de son intérêt. À l’origine, cet adage était exclusivement tourné vers la matière patrimoniale. Aujourd’hui, la préservation de l'intérêt de l’enfant à naître a connu des évolutions majeures dépassant largement cette maxime latine. Plusieurs facteurs ont été à l’origine de l’extension de la prise en considération de cet intérêt : la légalisation de l’interruption de grossesse, les techniques d’assistance médicale à la procréation, le développement de la recherche scientifique, l’évolution de la médecine prénatale et fœtale. La question de la préservation de l’intérêt de l’enfant à naître est aujourd’hui sans cesse renouvelée en raison du développement constant des pratiques médicales et scientifiques, et sous l’impulsion de la notion d’intérêt de l’enfant né.L'intérêt de l’enfant à naître entre en conflit avec d’autres droits et intérêts concurrents peu conciliables. Ces droits et intérêts font l’objet de revendications fortes dans la société et entraînent de vifs débats quant aux solutions de conciliation. L’antagonisme de ces droits et intérêts aboutit à d’importantes contradictions et incohérences difficilement surmontables. Aussi, appréhender l'intérêt de l’enfant à naître en droit positif consiste à analyser ses manifestations à l’aune de la conciliation avec les droits et intérêts concurrents. Notre étude vise à déterminer le contenu de l’intérêt de l’enfant à naître en droit français, afin de mettre en exergue les cohérences et les incohérences existantes, et ce dans une perspective de rationalisation / In positive law, the qualification of the unborn child is unclear and he has no status. However, his interest is taken into consideration since Roman law through the adage « infans conceptus pro nato habetur quoties de commodis ejus agitur » according to which the conceived child is deemed to be born whenever it is in his interest. Originally, this adage was exclusively focused on the patrimonial rights. Today, the preservation of the interest of the unborn child has undergone major changes far beyond this Latin maxim. Several factors explain this fact : the legalization of the termination of pregnancy, techniques of assisted procreation, the development of scientific research, evolution prenatal and fetal medicine. The question of preserving the unborn child’s interest is today constantly renewed because of the constant development of medical ans scientific practices, and under the impetus of the concept of the born child’s interest. The unborn child’s interest conflicts with other competing rights and competing interests. These rights and interests are the subject of strong demands in society and lead to intense debates over conciliation solutions. The antagonism of these rights and interests leads to important contradictions and inconsistencies that are difficult to resolve. Therefore, to apprehend the interest of the unborn child in positive law is to analyze its manifestations in termes of conciliation with competing rights and interests. Our study aims to determine the content of the interest of the unborn child in French law, in order to highlight the existing coherences and inconsistencies, and this in a perspective of rationalization

Dopady přímé volby prezidenta na charakter politického režimu ČR / Consequences of the direct presidential elections for the Czech political regime

Kocourek, Jan January 2016 (has links)
Primary aim of this thesis is to describe the effects of direct elections on the nature of the political regime in the Czech Republic. Specifically, author focus on the distinctive attributes of various forms of government, which are then applied to the current state regime in the Czech Republic after the introduction of direct presidential elections and whether it effectively means a transition from parliamentary to semi-presidential regime. Historical analysis of the presidential office in the Czech countries describes the phenomenon of its extraordinary role and respectability, which is reflected in the contemporary political realities and have a major influence on the functioning of the state. Theoretical analysis deals with impacts introduction of the direct presidential election had on the constitutional order of the Czech Republic and disproves various arguments, which once lead to its legislative implementation. Using a descriptive analysis of the behaviour of the first directly elected president Miloš Zeman, author tries to unveil actual jurisdictional disputes between him and other elements of power. The result is a detailed description of the existing cooperation between individual people and institutions of power within the regime and its final character assessment accompanied by...

Dimensionen der Moderne im Faust II : Goethes kritische darstellung Gesellschaftlicher Entwicklungen des frühen 19. Jahrhunderts im Fünften Akt / Dimensions of modernity in Faust II : Goethe's critical presentation of socio-political developments of the early 19th century in Act V / Goethes kritische darstellung Gesellschaftlicher Entwicklungen des frühen 19. Jahrhunderts im Fünften Akt / Goethe's critical presentation of socio-political developments of the early 19th century in Act V

Rehbinder, Nina Maroussia Graefin 2012 November 1900 (has links)
Die vorliegende Untersuchung arbeitet die wesentlichen gesellschaftspolitischen und ökonomischen Entwicklungslinien heraus, die sich während der geschichtlichen Umbruchphase um 1830 im deutschen Raum aus dem letzten Akt von Goethes Faust II ableiten lassen. Tiefgreifende politische, wirtschaftlich-technische und kulturelle Umwälzungen zu Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts wirkten auf Goethe als Zeitgenossen ein und wurden von ihm in seinem literarischen Spätwerk verarbeitet. Aus Goethes Alterswerk Faust II heraus lassen sich Konstanten und Entwicklungen seiner Zeit sichtbar machen und, immer eingebettet in den zeitgeschichtlichen Kontext, konkret nachweisen. Diese Ausarbeitung will aufzeigen, dass Goethe im letzten Akt von Faust II einen sich zu Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts vollziehenden – und teils bereits vollzogenen - Wandel der menschlichen Geisteshaltung attestiert. Säkularisierung und zweckorientierte Rationalität, Beschleunigung, Enthumanisierung und Unterwerfung von Mensch und Natur stehen hierbei im Mittelpunkt. Fausts aus seinem Pakt mit dem Teufel entstandene Welt nimmt die uns heute umgebende vorweg, die geprägt ist von Datenflut, elektronischen Medien, einer von Alltagshektik geprägten Realität und systemimmanenten Expansionsstreben. Allein dies verleiht dem Drama ein unübersehbar hohes Gegenwartspotential. / This thesis explores the trends of socio-political developments during the period of historical changes in Germany around 1830 that can be deduced from Act V of Goethe´s Faust II. Profound political, technical, economic and cultural changes at the beginning of the nineteenth century had an impact on Goethe as a contemporary and appear in his late literary work. Thus specific constants and developments of his time are also presented in and can be deduced from one of the great literary works of the aged poet, Faust II. This paper shows that the final act of Faust II Goethe reveals profound changes in human mentality that took place at the beginning of the nineteenth century and partly even before: Secularization and ruthless rationality with a tendency to acceleration, de-humanization and unscrupulous submission of human beings and nature. The world that originated from Faust´s pact with the devil in Faust II anticipates the reality surrounding us nowadays, a reality characterized by a flood of data, electronic media and the hectic pace of everyday life, - a fact vouching for the play´s striking modernity. / Classics & World Languages / M.A. (German)

Contribution à la prise des décisions stratégiques dans le contrôle de la trypanosomiase humaine africaine / Contribution to strategic decision making in human African trypanosomiasis control

Lutumba-Tshindele, Pascal 29 November 2005 (has links)
RESUME<p>La Trypanosomiase Humain Africaine (THA) demeure un problème de santé publique pour plusieurs pays en Afrique subsaharienne. Le contrôle de la THA est basé essentiellement sur la stratégie de dépistage actif suivi du traitement des personnes infectées. Le dépistage actif est réalisé par des unités mobiles spécialisées, bien que les services de santé fixes jouent un rôle important en détectant « passivement » des cas. Le dépistage reposait jadis sur la palpation ganglionnaire mais, depuis le développement du test d’agglutination sur carte (CATT), trois possibilités se sont offertes aux programmes de contrôle à savoir: i) continuer avec la palpation ganglionnaire ii) combiner la palpation ganglionnaire avec le CATT iii) recourir au CATT seul. Certains programmes comme celui de la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) ont opté pour la combinaison en parallèle de la palpation ganglionnaire avec le CATT. Toute personne ayant une hypertrophie ganglionnaire cervicale et/ou un CATT positif est considéré comme suspecte de la THA. Elle sera soumise aux tests parasitologiques de confirmation à cause de la toxicité des médicaments anti-THA. Les tests parasitologiques classiques sont l’examen du suc ganglionnaire (PG), l’examen du sang à l’état frais (SF), la goutte épaisse colorée (GE). La sensibilité de cette séquence a été estimée insuffisante par plusieurs auteurs et serait à la base d’une grande perte de l’efficacité de la stratégie dépistage-traitement. D’autres techniques de concentration ont été développées comme la mini-Anion Exchange Concentration Technique (mAECT), la Centrifugation en Tube Capillaire (CTC) et le Quantitative Buffy Coat (QBC), mais ces techniques de concentration ne sont pas utilisées en routine. <p>En RDC, une interruption des activités de contrôle en 1990 a eu comme conséquence une réémergence importante de la maladie du sommeil. Depuis 1998 les activités de contrôle ont été refinancées de manière structurée. <p>Ce travail vise deux buts à savoir le plaidoyer pour la continuité des activités de contrôle et la rationalisation des stratégies de contrôle. Nous avons évalué l’évolution de la maladie du sommeil en rapport avec le financement, son impact sur les ménages ainsi que la communauté. L’exercice de rationalisation a porté sur les outils de dépistage et de confirmation. Nous avons d’abord évalué la validité des tests, leur faisabilité ainsi que les coûts et ensuite nous avons effectué une analyse décisionnelle formelle pour comparer les algorithmes de dépistage et pour les tests de confirmation.<p>Pendant la période de refinancement structurel de la lutte contre la THA en RDC (1998-2003), le budget alloué aux activités a été doublé lorsqu’on le compare à la période précédente (1993-1997). Le nombre des personnes examinées a aussi doublé mais par contre le nombre des nouveaux cas de THA est passé d’un pic de 26 000 cas en 1998 à 11 000 en 2003. Le coût par personne examinée a été de 1,5 US$ et celui d’un cas détecté et sauvé à 300 US$. Pendant cette période, les activités ont été financées par l’aide extérieure à plus de 95%. Cette subvention pourrait laisser supposer que l’impact de la THA au niveau des ménages et des communautés est réduit mais lorsque nous avons abordé cet aspect, il s’est avéré que le coût de la THA au niveau des ménages équivaut à un mois de leur revenu et que la THA fait perdre 2145 DALYs dans la communauté. L’intervention par la stratégie de dépistage-traitement a permis de sauver 1408 DALYs à un coût de 17 US$ par DALYs sauvé. Ce coût classe l’intervention comme « good value for money ».<p>Le recours au CATT seul s’est avéré comme la stratégie la plus efficiente pour le dépistage actif. Le gain marginal lorsque l’on ajoute la palpation ganglionnaire en parallèle est minime et n’est pas compensé par le coût élevé lié à un nombre important des suspects soumis aux tests parasitologiques. Les techniques de concentration ont une bonne sensibilité et leur faisabilité est acceptable. Leur ajout à l’arbre classique améliore la sensibilité de 29 % pour la CTC et de 42% pour la mAECT. Le coût de la CTC a été de 0,76 € et celui de la mAECT de 2,82 €. Le SF a été estimé très peu sensible. L’algorithme PG- GE-CTC-mAECT a été le plus efficient avec 277 € par vie sauvée et un ratio de coût-efficacité marginal de 125 € par unité de vie supplémentaire sauvée. L’algorithme PG-GE-CATT titration avec traitement des personnes avec une parasitologie négative mais un CATT positif à un seuil de 1/8 devient compétitif lorsque la prévalence de la THA est élevée.<p>Il est donc possible dans le contexte actuel de réduire la prévalence de la THA mais à condition que les activités ne soient pas interrompues. Le recours à un algorithme recourant au CATT dans le dépistage actif et à la séquence PG-GE-CTC-mAECT est le plus efficient et une efficacité de 80%. La faisabilité et l’efficacité peut être différent d’un endroit à l’autre à cause de la focalisation de la THA. Il est donc nécessaire de réévaluer cet algorithme dans un autre foyer de THA en étude pilote avant de décider d’un changement de politique. Le recours à cet algorithme implique un financement supplémentaire et une volonté politique. <p><p><p>SUMMARY<p>Human African Trypanosomiasis (HAT) remains a major public health problem affecting several countries in sub-Saharan Africa. HAT control is essentially based on active case finding conducted by specialized mobile teams. In the past the population screening was based on neck gland palpation, but since the development of the Card Agglutination Test for Trypanosomiasis (CATT) three control options are available to the control program: i) neck gland palpation ii) CATT iii) neck gland palpation and CATT done in parallel .Certain programs such as the one in DRC opted for the latter, combining CATT and neck gland palpation. All persons having hypertrophy of the neck gland and/or a positive CATT test are considered to be a HAT suspect. Confirmation tests are necessary because the screening algorithms are not 100 % specific and HAT drugs are very toxic. The classic parasitological confirmation tests are lymph node puncture (LNP), fresh blood examination (FBE) and thick blood film (TBF). The sensitivity of this combination is considered insufficient by several authors and causes important losses of efficacy of the screening-treatment strategy. More sensitive concentration methods were developed such as the mini Anion Exchange Concentration Techniques (mAECT), Capillary Tube Centrifugation (CTC) and the Quantitative Buffy Coat (QBC), but they are not used on a routine basis. Main reasons put forward are low feasibility, high cost and long time of execution. <p>In the Democratic Republic of Congo, HAT control activities were suddenly interrupted in 1990 and this led to an important re-emergence or the epidemic. Since 1998 onwards, control activities were financed again in a structured way.<p>This works aims to be both a plea for the continuation of HAT control as well as a contribution to the rationalization of the control strategies. We analyzed the evolution of sleeping sickness in the light of its financing, and we studied its impact on the household and the community. We aimed at a rationalization of the use of the screening and confirmation tools. We first evaluated the validity of the tests, their feasibility and the cost and we did a formal decision analysis to compare screening and confirmation algorithms. <p>The budget allocated to control activities was doubled during the period when structural aid funding was again granted (1998-2003) compared with the period before (1993-1997). The number of persons examined per year doubled as well but the number of cases found peaked at 26 000 in 1998 and dropped to 11 000 in the period afterwards. The cost per person examined was 1.5 US$ and per case detected and saved was 300 US$. The activities were financed for 95 % by external donors during this period. This subvention could give the impression that the impact of HAT on the household and the household was limited but when we took a closer look at this aspect we found that the cost at household level amounted to one month of income and that HAT caused the loss of 2145 DALYs in the community. The intervention consisting of active case finding and treatment allowed to save 1408 DALY’s at a cost of 17 US$ per DALY, putting the intervention in the class of “good value for money”. <p>The use of CATT alone as screening test emerged as the most efficient strategy for active case finding. The marginal gain when neck gland palpation is added is minor and is not compensated by the high cost of doing the parasitological confirmation test on a high number of suspected cases. The concentration methods have a good sensitivity and acceptable feasibility. Adding them to the classical tree improves its sensitivity with 29 % for CTC and with 42 % for mAECT. The cost of CTC was 0.76 US$ and of mAECT was 2.82 US$. Sensitivity of fresh blood examination was poor. The algorithm LNP-TBF-CTC-mAECT was the most efficient costing 277 Euro per life saved and a marginal cost effectiveness ratio of 125 Euro per supplementary life saved. The algorithm LNP-TBF-CATT titration with treatment of persons with a negative parasitology but a CATT positive at a dilution of 1/8 and more becomes competitive when HAT prevalence is high. <p>We conclude that it is possible in the current RDC context to reduce HAT prevalence on condition that control activities are not interrupted. Using an algorithm that includes CATT in active case finding and the combination LNP-TBF-CTC-mAECT is the most efficient with an efficacy of 80 %. Feasibility and efficacy may differ from one place to another because HAT is very focalized, so it is necessary to test this novel algorithm in another HAT focus on a pilot basis, before deciding on a policy change. Implementation of this algorithm will require additional financial resources and political commitment.<p><p> / Doctorat en Sciences de la santé publique / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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