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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utveckling av komplett system för rapportering och granskning av avfallsdata / Development of a complete system for reporting and reviewing waste data

Holmkvist, Albin, Larsson Edström, Henrik, Enåkander, Moltas, Ghazzawi, Mirna, Hermansson, Simon, Nylund, Anton, Stappe Renner, Gustav, Simonsson, Robin January 2021 (has links)
Rapporten behandlar utvecklingen av ett system som möjliggör för rapportering och granskning av avfallsdata. Systemet består av en mobilapplikation och en webbapplikation som utvecklats med React Native respektive React, en databas som utvecklats med MySQL och en back-end bestående av tjänster som erbjuds av Amazon Web Services. I AWS används tjänster som tillåter hantering av mobilapplikation, webbapplikation, databas och användare. Systemet utvecklades av åtta studenter vid Tekniska högskolan vid Linköpings universitet på uppdrag av det australiensiska företaget EcCell. Projektet resulterade i framtagningen av produkten Trace the Waste med nästan alla önskade funktionaliteter. I rapporten diskuteras även vad som hade kunnat göras annorlunda i utvecklingen med hjälp av andra verktyg. Rapporten drar slutsatser om bland annat varför produkten ger värde för kunden och hur den agila arbetsmetoden Scrum påverkat studenternas arbete under distansläge. Varje student har också skrivit ett individuellt bidrag där olika områden relaterade till projektet utreds. Bidragen finns i slutet av rapporten.

Comparing Android platform application rendering performance : Native development VS React Native

Hu, Xin January 2023 (has links)
Due to the growth of the mobile phone application market, which development method can efficiently develop high-performance applications has become a problem. This experimental study compares the rendering performance of applications developed through native development and React Native on the Android platform. By developing an application with the ability to render pictures, and measuring the rendering performance of the application. The measurement results show that natively developed applications usually have high stability, while the average rendering time of React Native applications is similar to that of natively developed applications as the rendering performance pressure gradually increases. In future work, other image types may be measured, or text and video may be measured. It is also possible to run multiple different experiments to collect data to improve development tools or develop new performance analysis tools. / <p>Det finns övrigt digitalt material (t.ex. film-, bild- eller ljudfiler) eller modeller/artefakter tillhörande examensarbetet som ska skickas till arkivet.</p><p>There are other digital material (eg film, image or audio files) or models/artifacts that belongs to the thesis and need to be archived.</p>

React Native, .NET MAUI och nativ Android : En komparativ studie ur ett prestandaperspektiv / React Native, .NET MAUI and native Android : A comparative study from a performanceperspective

Karlsson, Henrik January 2023 (has links)
I dagsläget står mobila enheter för strax under 55 procent av den globala marknaden jämfört med datorer och surfplattor. Android och iOS är de två stora operativsystemen för mobila enheter, där Android har cirka 70 procent av marknaden. Applikationer till dessa två operativsystem kan utvecklas var för sig. För att utveckla applikationer som kan köras på både Android och iOS kan ett crossplatform-ramverk användas. Detta kan leda till kostnadsbesparingar och tidseffektivisering, men också till sämre prestanda. Denna komparativa studie genomfördes i samarbete med AFRY och syftar till att jämföra crossplatform-ramverken .NET MAUI och React Native mot varandra, men också mot en nativ applikation utvecklad i Java till Android. Jämförelsen gjordes ur ett prestandaperspektiv. De prestandakriterier som har jämförts är applikationernas storlek, uppstarts- och exekveringstid samt CPU- och RAM-användning. Tre applikationer utvecklades, med likvärdig funktionalitet, för att möjliggöra jämförelse. Funktionaliteten bestod av en tung beräkning i form av Fibonaccisekvensen, användande av GPS-sensorn, anrop till ett REST-API samt filhantering. För att samla in data till denna studie användes verktygen Android Profiler, Logcat samt egen implementerad kod. Resultaten visar att React Native exekverar snabbare, har en lägre resursanvändning och blir mindre i storlek i de flesta fall jämfört med .NET MAUI. .NET MAUI hanterar dock större beräkningar snabbare och mer resurssnålt. Resultatet visar även att en nativ applikation för Android presterar bättre i de flesta fall och är att rekommendera om prestanda är viktigare än utvecklingskostnad och tidsåtgång.


Olsson, Daniel, Eriksson, Jonathan, Soltani, Sedigheh January 2022 (has links)
Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that affects approximately 0.2% of the population having motor disabilities as its most prominent feature. A symptom of the disease is lowered dopamine levels which often is countered by oral intake of a medication called Levodopa. However, for the dopamine levels to be steady, a patient would need to regularly take the medication throughout the day. As the disease and the treatment progresses, the correct medicine prescription becomes more difficult. This project is the continuation of a previous project done by students at Uppsala University, in which a Machine Learning model with the help of Support Vector Machine could classify data collected from a handheld accelerometer as the user being either under or overdosed for Parkinson’s Disease. The goal of this project was to achieve a similar result by developing a mobile app. The mobile app was supposed to allow the user to follow a path displayed on the screen with their finger, meanwhile the app would collect touch data in the form of coordinates and timestamp these. The app development proved to be successful, and the collected data was sent to a database hosted on the Google cloud service Firebase for storage. From there, the data could be downloaded and imported to MATLAB where an SVM model was set up and trained. Once trained using data collected from healthy individuals as well as patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease, the SVM could accurately differentiate between Parkinson’s disease data and healthy data with a success rate of 91.7%.

Comparing modifiability of React Native and two native codebases

Abrahamsson, Robin, Berntsen, David January 2017 (has links)
Creating native mobile application on multiple platforms generate a lot of duplicate code. This thesis has evaluated if the code quality attribute modifiability improves when migrating to React Native. One Android and one iOS codebase existed for an application and a third codebase was developed with React Native. The measurements of the codebases were based on the SQMMA-model. The metrics for the model were collected with static analyzers created specifically for this project. The results created consists of graphs that show the modifiability for some specific components over time and graphs that show the stability of the platforms. These graphs show that when measuring code metrics on applications over time it is better to do this on a large codebase that has been developed for some time. When calculating a modifiability value the sum of the metrics and the average value of the metrics between files should be used and it is shown that the React Native platform seems to be more stable than native.

Cross-platform development of smartphone applications : An evaluation of React Native

Furuskog, Martin, Wemyss, Stuart January 2016 (has links)
During the last ten years the market for smartphones has grown drastically. Because of the current state of the market with different operating systems many smartphone applications need to be developed for several platforms. With this thesis, the goal was ultimately to contribute to the understanding of cross-platform development as a way of developing smartphone applications. React Native has been evaluated as a framework with which development is done for both Android and iOS using the same code. To study React Native as a framework, a smartphone application for Android and iOS was developed at an Uppsala based IT-company with expertise in web services, smartphone applications, and online gaming. Furthermore, performance tests and user tests were conducted in which React Native was compared to native applications and applications developed using Xamarin (similar cross-platform development framework owned by Microsoft). It was evident that using the same code for both Android and iOS was time saving. However, the performance tests results showed that applications developed with React Native did not perform as well as the native and Xamarin versions. Leading to the conclusion that choice of framework when developing cross-platform applications need to take into consideration performance, development time, and programming language preference.

Mobilní aplikace pro rozpoznání leukokorie ze snímku lidského obličeje / Mobile App for Recognition of Leukocoria in an Image of Human Face

Hřebíček, Pavel January 2019 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to design and implement a multiplatform multilingual mobile application for detecting leukocoria in an image of human face for iOS and Android platforms. Leukocoria is a whitish light of the pupil, which can be seen on the photo when the flash is used. Early detection of this symptom can save human eyesight. The application itself allows to analyze a user's photo and detect the presence of leukocoria. The goal of the application is to analyze eyes of the human, from which the mobile application name - Eye Check is derived. React Native framework was used to create a multiplatform mobile application. The Dlib library was chosen for human face and eye detection, the OpenCV library for working with the photo. The convolutional neural network was used to classify the eyes for the possible presence of leukocoria. Client-Server communication is solved using the REST architecture. The result is a mobile application that detects leukocoria and allerts the user to visit his doctor if leukocoria is detected.

Mobilní aplikace pro zaměstnance VUT s podporou biometrie / Mobile Application for Employees with Biometrics Support

Tesařová, Alena January 2021 (has links)
This thesis deals with the design and implementation of a mobile application for BUT employees. The final application is written for Android and iOS in React Native. The goal is to facilitate the daily activities of an employee, which leads to more efficient work and reduced administration. The theoretical part deals with the selection of the most important modules in the information system based on statistical data and questionnaires. The implementation part contains the design of the user interface of selected modules and a description of the application implementation. The final application was tested by a group of employees and received a very good verbal evaluation.

Emulating a Native Mobile Experience with Cross-platform Applications / Emulering av en naturlig mobil-upplevelse med plattformsoberoende applikationer

Fredrikson, Rasmus January 2018 (has links)
This thesis compares a native Android application with two different classes of cross-platform applications, an interpreted application developed in React Native and a Progressive Web-Application (PWA). The main contribution of the thesis is a comparison table, placing application features on the y-axis and the evaluated frameworks on the x-axis. This table in conjunction with the cost analysis provide clear framework selection guidance. The evaluated applications were created to evaluate the frameworks' fulfillment of the enumerated features. A user study was performed to learn if there was any discernible difference between the evaluated applications. Qualitative data obtained from a think-aloud in the user study, indicates a slight preference for the PWA, despite a smaller feature set. However, quantitative analysis from a User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) failed to show any systematic UX performance difference over the evaluated applications. Therefore, it is concluded that cross-platform applications are able to both emulate and even outperform a native experience in some regards, with the added advantage of significantly offsetting both development and maintenance costs. Finally, we recommend using a cross-platform mobile application framework if it provides all the features required by the intended application. / Denna rapport jämför en “Native Android”-applikation med två olika klasser av plattformsoberoende applikationer, en “Interpreted”-applikation utvecklad i React Native och en “Progressive Web”-Applikation (PWA). Det största bidraget från denna rapport är en jämförelsetabell, där applikationsfunktioner placeras på y-axeln och de utvärderade ramverken på x-axeln. Denna tabell, i konjunktion med en kostnadsanalys, förser läsaren med en tydlig guide vid val av ramverk. De utvärderade applikationerna skapades för att utvärdera ramverkens tillgänglighet till de uppräknade funktionerna. En användarstudie utfördes för att utreda huruvida det existerade någon märkbar skillnad mellan de utvärderade applikationerna. De kvalitativa data som erhölls från en “think-aloud” i användarstudien indikerar en liten preferens för PWA:n, trots att den har tillgång till färre funktioner. Den kvantitativa analysen från ett “User Experience Questionnaire” (UEQ) misslyckades med att visa någon systematisk skillnad i UX mellan de utvärderade applikationerna. Slutsatsen är därför att plattformsoberoende applikationer både kan emulera, och till och med överträffa, en naturlig upplevelse i vissa avseenden, med en ytterligare fördel av att både utvecklings- och underhållskostnader väsentligt minskar. Slutligen rekommenderar vi användandet av ett plattformsoberoende applikationsramverk förutsatt att det har tillgång till alla funktioner som krävs för den avsedda applikationen.

Evaluating two cross-platform frameworks using Cognitive Dimensions / En utvärdering av två “cross-platform”-ramverk genom “Cognitive Dimensions”

Leandersson, Carl January 2022 (has links)
Cross-platform frameworks enable development for multiple platforms, such as iOS and Android, using the same codebase. Evaluation of cross-platform frameworks has traditionally been geared towards technical assessments and, more seldom, targeted usability, leaving a gap to be explored. This paper presents a usability analysis of Flutter and React Native, supported by a user study using the Cognitive Dimensions of Notations framework (CDN framework). Six developers were recruited and interviewed with the CDN framework questionnaire and a thematic analysis was performed where several usability issues, benefits and design trade-offs were identified. A recurring topic amongst the React Native developers was issues regarding hooks, while the Flutter developers unanimously identified problems relating to layout design. React Native was highlighted for its abstraction and progressive evaluation capabilities, indicating an edge toward Flutter. In contrast, comments regarding Flutters tooling capabilities and UI libraries showed an edge towards React Native. The identified usability benefits and trade-off characteristics give insight into each framework’s strengths and weaknesses. / “Cross-platform”-ramverk möjliggör applikationsutveckling till ett flertal plattformar såsom iOS och Android genom användning av samma kodbas. Flutter och React Native är i dagsläget två av de mest eftersökta “cross-platform”-ramverken. Utvärdering av dessa ramverk har vanligtvis utvärderat den tekniska aspekten, och mer sällan fokuserat på användbarhet. Denna masteruppsats presenterar en användbarhetsanalys av Flutter och React Native genom en användarstudie med utgångpunkt i ramverket “Cognitive Dimensions of Notations” (CDN-ramverket). Sex utvecklare rekryterades och intervjuades genom ett formulär tillhörande CDN-ramverket. En tematisk analys genomfördes på den insamlade datan och identifierade ett flertal problem och överväganden gällande design. Ett återkommande tema bland React Native-utvecklarna var problem relaterat till “hooks” medan Flutter-utvecklarna beskrev problem avseende layout-design. React Native mottog positiva kommentarer relaterat till abstraktionkapacitet och progressiv utvärdering jämfört med Flutter. Flutter mottog positiv kritik angående verktyg samt tillhörande UI-bibliotek jämfört med React Native. Utvärderingen av Flutter och React Native ger insyn i respektive ramverks styrkor och svagheter.

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