Spelling suggestions: "subject:"recall"" "subject:"wecall""
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Exploring the processes of recollection using eye tracking and parametric fMRICouch, Thomas January 2012 (has links)
Recollection, the process by which an item provokes the retrieval of associated information stored in the brain, is a key component of recognition memory. It is explored in this thesis through the use of a paradigm designed to allow the neural correlates of amount recalled to be identified through parametric fMRI analysis. A series of experiments were carried out during the development and optimisation of this paradigm in order to ensure that the various demands of this analysis were met. Subsequently this paradigm was applied during an fMRI experiment which provided data from both the encoding and retrieval stages of recollection.Whilst the development work was chiefly concerned with producing a suitable task design for the parametric fMRI analysis, these experiments provided some interesting results in their own right. The task design, which required participants to associate multiple item types within a story context, showed that there are significant differences in the frequency with which different stimuli are recollected. Participants were found to be particularly poor at recollecting faces whilst words were also shown to be recollected less frequently than either object or animal picture stimuli. A possible explanation for these differences may be related to the picture superiority effect although eye-tracking data collected from these experiments demonstrates large differences in viewing behaviour between different target stimulus types which is not correlated with later recall success. The amount of time participants spend engaging with the highly contextual scene item does predict later recall success.The fMRI analysis (Chapter 5) carried out during the encoding and retrieval stages of recollection found a variety of regions exhibiting a positive linear relationship with recollection at both these stages. This result provides support for the cortical reinstatement hypothesis of recollection despite the fact that the hippocampus only showed parametric modulation of activity during retrieval. It is proposed that parahippocampal activity during encoding and retrieval supports the recollection of contextual information whilst the same pattern of activity in parietal regions related to recollection may reflect the reinstatement of the global image of the story created during the encoding task.
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The Effects of Post-Recall Feedback: Examining Witness Recall Quantity, Accuracy, and ConfidenceHirn Mueller, Dana Elizabeth 18 June 2015 (has links)
Most eyewitness identification protocols recommend withholding feedback after an identification has been made, at least until a measure of confidence can be gathered. Although much research has examined the impact of post-identification feedback on subsequent witness behavior and confidence, research addressing the importance of post-recall feedback remains largely incomplete. The current study examined the effects of post-recall feedback and question type on subsequent witness recall, confidence, and reports of view of the crime. In line with previous eyewitness identification research, it was predicted that participants receiving confirming post-recall feedback would be more confident in their prior recall compared to participants receiving neutral, no, or disconfirming feedback. One hundred and fifty-eight participants viewed a mock crime video of a robbery followed by an interview which included both open-ended and cued questions. Participants were then given either confirming, neutral, no, or disconfirming feedback and asked about their confidence and the clarity of their view of the perpetrator. Under the pretense that the recording equipment failed, participants were interviewed again using the same question format. The second interview was followed by a series of suggestive questions. After the second interview, participants were again asked about their confidence and self-reported quality of view of the perpetrator. Participant interviews were transcribed and scored for quantity, accuracy, and consistency by two blind, independent coders. Analyses revealed that feedback had a systematic impact on confidence such that participants who received confirming feedback were more confident in the overall accuracy of their prior memory accounts than those who received neutral, no, or disconfirming feedback and participants who received neutral or no feedback were more confident in the overall accuracy of their prior memory accounts compared to those in the disconfirming feedback condition. In line with previous eyewitness identification research, there was no significant relationship between recall accuracy and reported confidence. Results from the current study can be used to inform real-world investigative interviewers by highlighting the consequences of offering post-recall feedback. Specifically, feedback can impact witness confidence irrespective of actual recall accuracy.
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Proceso de revocatoria a Susana Villarán De La Puente: el debate en la "Exposición de motivos”Canales-Caballero, Alvaro-Alonso January 2017 (has links)
Con motivo del proceso de revocatoria a la exalcaldesa de Lima Susana Villarán De La Puente del año 2013, el presente artículo pretende determinar el papel que cumplen los debates televisados en el marco de una revocatoria; a razón de ello, se postula como objetivos específicos el análisis de las estrategias discursivas, la clasificación de la orientación temática y el estudio del lenguaje audiovisual / Trabajo de investigación
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O papel do informante no diagnóstico do TDAH em adultosBreda, Vitor Carlos Thumé January 2014 (has links)
O TDAH é um transtorno do neurodesenvolvimento e, de acordo com os novos critérios do DSM, a presença de vários sintomas antes de 12 anos de idade são exigidos. Além disso, o DSM-5 também incentiva o clínico a buscar informações colaterais para corroborar o diagnóstico, mesmo para adultos. O esforço para a obtenção de informações de terceiros seria justificada se uma evidência robusta de sua relevância pudesse ser demonstrada. Este é um estudo transversal com 449 pacientes adultos com TDAH e 143 controles, entrevistados entre 2002 e 2012. Os participantes foram consecutivamente avaliados para transtornos psiquiátricos considerando-se o DSM-IV, através de instrumentos diagnósticos padronizados. Informações colaterais foram obtidas usando-se as escalas de Barkley para sintomas de TDAH atuais e da infância. Nós comparamos os perfis demográficos e clínicos de pacientes adultos cujos informantes concordavam (n = 277) ou discordavam (n = 172) dos pacientes em relação à presença de sintomatologia na infância, e adultos sem TDAH (controles). Os pacientes com TDAH e controles não diferiram quanto à idade, anos de escolaridade, renda e sexo. Os grupos com TDAH diferiram dos controles com relação a repetência escolar, problemas com autoridade e disciplina, problemas com a lei e polícia, e tratamento farmacológico prévio. Comparados com os controles, os grupos com TDAH também apresentaram escores mais elevados de prejuízo e maiores taxas de prevalência de uso do tabaco, transtorno bipolar, transtorno de oposição e desafio, transtorno de conduta e dependência de substâncias não-alcoólicas. Poucas e pequenas diferenças entre os dois grupos com TDAH (suspensões escolares, problemas com autoridade e disciplina, e escores SNAP-IV) foram observadas. Nossos resultados não oferecem suporte para a ideia de que a informação colateral sobre a sintomatologia da infância é essencial para confirmar o diagnóstico de TDAH em adultos com uma síndrome clara auto relatada desse período, mas reafirmam a ideia de que o diagnóstico não deve ser descartado na ausência de um colateral que corrobore o relato do paciente. Contudo não podemos descartar a importância de informações de fontes externas ao próprio paciente em outras situações clínicas ou apresentações psicopatológicas. / ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder, and, according to the new DSM, the presence of various symptoms before 12 years of age is required. In addition, the DSM-5 also stimulates the clinician to look for collateral information to support the diagnostis, even for adults. The effort to obtain information from third parties would be justified if a robust evidence of its relevance could be demonstrated. This is a cross-sectional study of 449 adult patients with ADHD and 143 controls, that were interviewed between 2002 and 2012. Participants were consecutively evaluated for DSM-IV psychiatric disorders through standardized diagnostic instruments. Collateral information was obtained with Barkley’s scales for current and childhood ADHD symptoms. We compared the demographic and clinical profiles of adult patients whose informants agreed (n=277) or disagreed (n=172) from patients for the presence of symptoms in childhood, and adults without ADHD (controls). Patients with ADHD and controls did not differ in age, years of education, income and gender. Groups with ADHD differed from controls with respect to school failure, problems with authority and discipline, problems with the law and police, and prior psychopharmacological treatment. Compared with controls, the groups with ADHD also had higher scores of injury and higher prevalence rates of tobacco use, bipolar disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder and non- alcoholic substance dependence. Few and small differences between the two groups with ADHD (school suspensions, problems with authority and discipline, and SNAP-IV scores) were observed. These results do not support the idea that collateral information about symptoms of childhood is essential to confirm the diagnosis of ADHD in adults with a clear self-reported syndrome in childhood, but reaffirm the idea that the diagnosis should not be dismissed in the absence of an informant to corroborate the patient's report. However, we can not rule out the importance of information from external sources for patients with different clinical situations or psychopathological presentations.
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The Effect of Text Structure and Signaling Devices on Recall of Freshman Arab StudentsQandil, Mahmoud Ahmed 05 1900 (has links)
The problem of this study was to examine the effect of text structure and signaling devices on immediate and delayed recalls of freshman Arabic-speaking students after reading a text. Subjects for the study were forty-five freshman Arabic-speaking students enrolled in three freshman English courses at a state university. All subjects were male students. The subjects-were chosen on a voluntary basis. The subjects were given the Reading Comprehension Section of the TOEFL. They were then divided into groups of good, average, and poor readers according to their performance on the TOEFL. Two well—organized passages of expository text with clearly identifiable top-level structure of problem/solution and appropriate reading levels were selected for the study. Two versions of each passage were adapted — one with the signaling devices included in the passage and the other with the signaling devices deleted. Each subject read one version of each of the two passages. The immediate and delayed recalls of the subjects were scored by an unbiased scorer. The scorer was an expert teacher of English to foreign students. Hypothesis I stated that good readers would be able to utilize the writer's rhetorical mode of the text at a significantly higher level than average and poor readers. This hypothesis was supported. The results of Chi square analysis was significant at the .03 level for immediate recall, and at the .01 level for the delayed recall. Hypothesis II stated that readers of each of the three groups who followed the original rhetorical mode of the text would recall significantly more information than those who failed to do so. This hypothesis was also supported. The results of the Two-way Analysis of Variance were significant at the .01 level for both immediate and delayed recalls. Hypothesis III stated that the students of all three groups would recall significantly more information from the passage with signaling devices than from the passage without signaling devices. This hypothesis was not supported. Signaling devices helped good and average readers to recall significantly more information, while the group of poor readers was not affected by the presence of these signaling devices. The findings suggest that training non-native speakers in identifying and utilizing different rhetorical structures might facilitate their reading comprehension. There is also a parallel need in writing instruction so that writers can . offer this facility to their readers.
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Memory Strategy Instruction With Goal-Setting And Positive Feedback: Impact On Memory, Strategy Use, and Task CommitmentBall, Mercedes E. 01 January 2021 (has links)
Strategy instruction can improve memory performance, but some training programs are more effective than others. Some scholars propose that a key element to boosting the benefits from training programs is enhancing or emphasizing self-regulatory factors, such as knowledge about memory, beliefs about ability, or motivational factors. Research supporting this claim evidence adds that programs that enhance trainees’ confidence in their abilities improve memory performance and that multifactorial programs are more effective than strategy-training-only programs. Setting performance goals and receiving feedback are two self-regulatory factors known to relate to memory performance that may sometimes be included in some training programs. However, previous research has not directly compared the effectiveness of strategy instruction with and without goal-setting and performance feedback elements. This was the purpose of the present research: We compared strategy instruction with goal-setting and positively-framed feedback across three assessments of memory performance, strategy use, and task commitment. Participants were 48 university students who were randomly assigned to two conditions: All participants watched a brief memory strategy video, but participants in the Strat+GFB condition set goals for their memory performance and received positively-framed objective performance feedback and participants in the StratOnly condition did not. Research assistants conducted the experimental procedures individually with participants in 1-hour-long Zoom video calls. Primary outcome measures (memory performance, strategy use, and task commitment) were assessed three times, once before and twice after strategy instruction, with or without goal-setting and feedback between each test, depending on condition assignment. Shopping list recall tests were used to assess memory performance, and the number of to-be-recalled stimuli increased at each testing occasion as 15 additional items were added at each trial. Participants recalled more items, but a smaller percentage of the items, over time, and this pattern was not different for the experimental conditions. Additionally, number of strategies used, as self-reported on a retrospective checklist, increased from before to after strategy instruction. Importantly, the Strat+GFB condition maintained levels of commitment to the memory tests across the three trials, whereas the StratOnly condition reported drops in their task commitment. Study results emphasize that including self-regulatory factors, such as setting goals and receiving feedback, may increase commitment to a task, however those benefits may not immediately translate to better memory performance when training and testing is part of a brief, single experimental session. We suggest that future research evaluate a multiday memory intervention with the addition of goal-setting and feedback. Results of this study suggest that including goal-setting and feedback as part of a training program may benefit trainees’ commitment, which we speculate could aid individuals in maintaining persistent effort despite challenges and ultimately lead to better performance over a longer term.
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Hur reagerar investerare på nyheter omproduktåterkallelse inom bilindustrin? : En eventstudie på bilindustrins aktörer / How do investors react to news of product recall in the automotive industry? : An event study onautomotive industry actorsHellberg, Jens, Olsson, Lukas January 2020 (has links)
I takt med att teknologin i nytillverkade bilar blir allt mer avancerad, ökar också antalet produktåterkallelserinom bilindustrin till följd av defekta komponenter. En produktåterkallelse ger upphov till enkostnadsökning för det berörda företaget och bör således ge en negativ effekt på aktiekursen, närmarknadsaktörer tar del av informationen. Det är inom bilindustrin vanligt att biltillverkande företagkontrakterar ut tillverkningen av fordonens komponenter. Den upptrappade outsourcingen frambringarfrågan om vilken part som ska ansvara för återkallelsens kostnader. Studien undersöker med hjälp aveventstudier och hypotesprövningar hur produktionsledets olika aktörer påverkas av information om enåterkallelse inom bilindustrin? Studien har valt ut 39 händelser när ett biltillverkande företag tvingas attåterkalla bilmodeller. Uppsatsens resultat visade att produktionsledets olika aktörer inte påverkas avinformation om en återkallelse, därmed gick det inte heller påvisa att komponenttillverkare drabbashårdare än biltillverkare av en återkallelse. Studiens resultat visade heller inget positivt samband mellanmarknadsreaktionen beroende på återkallelsens storlek, felorsak eller tidpunkten för tillkännagivandet. / As the technology in newly manufactured cars becomes more advanced, the number of product recallsin the automotive industry is also increasing due to defective components. A product recall gives rise toan increase in costs for the company concerned and should therefore have a negative effect on the shareprice when market participants consult the information. It is common in the automotive industry for carmanufacturing companies to outsource the production of vehicle components. The escalating outsourcingraises the question of which party should be responsible for the costs of the recall. The study examineswith the help of event studies and hypothesis tests how the different actors in the production stage areaffected by information about a recall in the automotive industry? The study has selected 39 events whena car manufacturing company is forced to recall car models. The results of the paper showed that thevarious operators of the production stage are not affected by information about a recall, so it was notpossible to demonstrate that component manufacturers are hit harder than car manufacturers by a recall.Furthermore, the results of the study did not show a positive relationship between the market reaction dueto the size of the recall, the cause of the withdrawal or the time of the announcement.
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Recordación de la marca Entel a partir de la nostalgia como narrativa publicitaria durante pandemia / Entel’s brand recall based on nostalgia as an advertising narrative during a pandemicEspinoza Morales, Brenda 06 January 2022 (has links)
Este trabajo estudia el recurso de la nostalgia dentro de la narrativa publicitaria y su efecto en la recordación a largo plazo de la marca, particularmente durante un contexto de crisis, tal como la pandemia de COVID-19. Se trata de un estudio cualitativo y de diseño de un estudio de caso, ya que se analiza específicamente el spot ‘Pacho’, que pertenece a la campaña “Hoy conectados, mañana juntos” de Entel, lanzado en los primeros meses de la imposición de restricciones tales como distanciamiento social e inamovilidad social en el Perú. Se realizaron 20 entrevistas semi-estructuradas a consumidores de Entel pertenecientes al rango de 45 a 55 años de edad. El principal resultado consta en que el uso de la nostalgia durante este contexto social efectivamente fue un factor determinante en la recordación de la publicidad de Entel y de la marca como tal, ya que se trató de una circunstancia que generó muchas emociones negativas en la sociedad, la cual consecuentemente se vio más propensa a pensar con melancolía en lo que le gustaría recuperar del pasado. Ante esto, el utilizar el recurso de la nostalgia como narrativa publicitaria resultó, para los espectadores, en una llegada de esperanza, compañía y empatía, que se reflejó en el surgimiento de determinadas emociones y actitudes positivas de ellos hacia la marca, resultando, finalmente, en una recordación de esta a largo plazo. / This work studies the recourse of nostalgia within the advertising narrative and its effect on brand recall, particularly during a crisis context, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s a qualitative study with a case study design, since it specifically analyzes the spot ‘Pacho’ that belongs to the campaign “Hoy conectados, mañana juntos” by Entel, which was released in the first months of the restrictions’ imposition such as social distancing and social immobility in Peru. 20 semi-structured interviews were conducted with Entel consumers, belonging to the ages between 45 to 55 years old. The main result is that the use of nostalgia during this social context was indeed a determining factor in the remembrance of Entel’s advertising and of the brand as such; since it was a circumstance that generated many negative emotions in society, which consequently was more prone to think with melancholy about what they would like to recover from the past. Given this, using the resource of nostalgia as an advertising narrative resulted, for viewers, in an arrival of hope, company and empathy, which was reflected in the emergence of certain positive emotions and attitudes towards the brand, ultimately resulting in a long term recall of it. / Tesis
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The effect of human memory on password behavior : An investigationTarczal, Márton January 2023 (has links)
Passwords are widely used as a primary method of authentication and access control, making them a critical component in safeguarding digital assets. However, individuals’ password-related behaviors, such as password selection, memorization, and management, significantly impact the security of their accounts. Cognitive abilities, one of which is memory capacity, have also been shown in past research to affect cybersecurity awareness and therefore password behavior, as an extension of this. This thesis aimed to explore how individuals’ short-term memory capacity influenced their password behavior and its implications for cybersecurity. The research methodology used a questionnaire as a quantitative approach towards this issue. The study examined participants’ password creation strategies and their ability to remember different aspects using cued recall. Furthermore, the relationship between password behavior and short-term memory capacity was also explored in terms of four different demographic subgroups, namely gender, age, level of education, and IT competence. The evaluation has been performed using statistical analysis on 315 complete questionnaire responses. The results of this thesis work corroborate most of the previous research on the aforementioned topics, such that females and older age were the strongest predictors of correlation between password behavior and short-term memory capacity. This thesis work can be used as guidance when conducting further research on the effects of various cognitive abilities on cybersecurity awareness.
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Numeric Memory: Developing RepresentationsMarciani, Francesca 09 August 2013 (has links)
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