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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Détection, localisation, caractérisation de transitoires acoustiques sous-marins / Detection, localization, characterization of underwater acoustic transients.

Le Bot, Olivier 09 October 2014 (has links)
Le milieu marin est insonifié par une grand variété de sources acoustiques, qui peuventêtre monitorées par des enregistreurs acoustiques passifs autonomes. Parmi les sons enregistrés, ontrouve un grand nombre de signaux transitoires (signaux éphémères de durée courte), auxquelsappartiennent notamment les signaux impulsionnels que nous étudions dans cette thèse. Les signauximpulsionnels ont des propriétés spécifiques, telles que leur durée très courte (<1ms), leur faiblenombre d’oscillations, leur forte directivité, qui les rendent difficiles à étudier avec les outils detraitement du signal traditionnels (transformée de Fourier, autocorrélation, etc.).Dans un premier temps, nous nous intéressons à la détection des sources qui émettent des sériesd’impulsions rythmées (dauphins, cachalots, bélugas). Cette détection, s’appuie uniquement surles temps d’arrivée des impulsions reçues, pour effectuer une analyse du rythme au moyen d’uneautocorrélation complexe, et construire une représentation temps-rythme, permettant : i) de détecterles rythmes, ii) de connaître les temps de début et fin des émissions rythmées, iii) de connaître lavaleur du rythme et son évolution.Dans un second temps, nous étudions le potentiel d’une technique appelée analyse par récurrence desphases, pour caractériser les formes d’onde des impulsions. Après avoir présenté le cadre général decette méthode d’analyse, nous l’utilisons dans trois chaînes de traitement répondant à chacune destâches suivantes : i) détection des transitoires, ii) caractérisation et reconnaissance des transitoires,iii) estimation des différences des temps d’arrivée des transitoires sur deux capteurs.Toutes les méthodes développées dans cette étude ont été testées et validées sur des données simuléeset sur des données réelles acquises en mer / The underwater environment is insonified by a wide variety of acoustic sourcesthat can be monitored by autonomous passive acoustic recorders. A large number of the recordedsounds are transient signals (short-finite duration signals), among which the pulse signals that westudy in this thesis. Pulse signals have specific properties, such as a very short duration (<1ms), fewoscillations, a high directivity, which make them difficult to study by classical signal processing tools(Fourier transform, autocorrelation).In the first part of this study, we develop a method to detect sound sources emitting rhythmic pulsetrains (dolphins, sperm whales, beluga whales). This detector uses only the time of arrival of pulses atthe hydrophone to perform a rhythm analysis based on a complex autocorrelation and a time-rhythmrepresentation. This allows : i) to detect rhythmic pulse trains, ii) to know the beginning and endingtimes of pulse trains, iii) to know the value of the rhythm.In the second part of this thesis, we study the potential of a method called Recurrence Plot Analysis tocharacterize waveforms of pulse signals. After a general presentation of this method we develop threesignal processing architectures based on it, to perform the following tasks : i) transient detection, ii)transient characterization and pattern recognition, iii) estimation of time difference of arrival of thetransient on two hydrophones.All the methods developped in this thesis are validated on simulated and real data recorded at sea.

Modèles probabilistes de l'évolution d'une population dans un environnement variable / Probabilistic modeles of a population evolving in a changing environment

Nassar, Elma 04 July 2016 (has links)
On étudie une équation différentielle stochastique animée par un processus ponctuel de Poisson, qui modélise un changement continu de lénvironnement d'une population et la fixation stochastique de mutations bénéfiques pour compenser ce changement. La probabilité de fixation d'une mutation augmente dès que le retard phénotypique $X_t$ entre la population et l'optimum augmente. On suppose que les mutations favorables se fixent instantanément induisant un saut adaptatif. En premier lieu, on a étudié le comportement à long terme de la solution de cette équation sachant qu'on ne considère qu'un seul trait phénotypique de la population et on a trouvé les conditions sous lesquelles $X_t$ est récurrent (possibilité de survie) ou transient (extinction inévitable). Ensuite, on a généralisé nos résultats en considérant un vecteur de traits phénotypiques de la population, essentiellement dans $mathbb R^2$. A la fin, on introduit une limite des petits sauts pour caractériser et comprendre le cas récurrent. / We study a stochastic differential equation driven by a Poisson point process, which models continuous changes in a population's environment, as well as the stochastic fixation of beneficial mutations that might compensate for this change. The fixation probability of a given mutation increases as the phenotypic lag $X_t$ between the population and the optimum grows larger, and successful mutations are assumed to fix instantaneously (leading to an adaptive jump). First, we study the large time behavior of the solution of this SDE taking into consideration one phenotypic trait of the population and we find the conditions under which $X_t$ is recurrent (possibility of survival) or transient (doomed to exctinction).Then we generalize our results to the case of a phenotypic traits vector, essentially in $R^2$. Finally, we introduce a small jumps limit to characterize and understand the recurrent case.

Um estudo de recorrências e seu uso didático no Ensino Básico

Silva, Lisandra Buratto January 2015 (has links)
Orientador: Prof. Dr. Maurício Firmino Silva Lima / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Mestrado Profissional em Matemática em Rede Nacional, 2015. / Este trabalho consiste na elaboração de um texto introdutório sobre o estudo das equações de recorrência e algumas aplicações nas aulas de Ensino Básico, especialmente voltadas para o Ensino Médio, que podem ser utilizadas, por professores como instrumento alternativo para resolução de problemas relacionados às sequências e padrões. Esse trabalho traz exemplos para a maioria dos tipos de equações apresentadas, exercícios resolvidos de variados níveis de dificuldade e um capítulo direcionado especificamente ao desenvolvimento de atividades em sala de aula. Também realizamos estudo qualitativo de equações de diferenças não lineares de primeira ordem, em torno de pontos fixos e órbitas periódicas. Concluímos com um estudo detalhado da sequência de Fibonacci e a sua relação com a razão áurea, bem como algumas aplicações e sugestões para utilização em atividades pedagógicas. / This work consists of an introductory text about recurrence equations and some of their applications in Basic Education classes, focused on Secondary School. These applications can be used by teachers as an alternative tool to solve problems concerning sequences and patterns. This work brings examples for most types of the presented equations, also exercises of varied levels of difficulty with their resolutions and still a chapter specifically directed at activities to be developed in classroom. Besides, a qualitative study on first order non-linear difference equations around fixed points and periodic orbits was performed. The work concludes with a detailed study of the Fibonacci sequence, as well as some of its applications and suggestions for its use in pedagogical activities.

An evaluation of Zimbabwe's national peace and reconciliation commission Bill, 2017

Maribha, Sheilla Kudzai January 2017 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM (Criminal Justice and Procedure) / This is a study of Zimbabwe's National Peace and Reconciliation Commission Bill (hereafter NPRC Bill). The NPRC Bill seeks to bring the National Peace and Reconciliation Commission (hereafter NPRC) of Zimbabwe into operation. The NPRC is a truth commission set to promote post-conflict justice, national peace and reconciliation in Zimbabwe. The study discusses the prospects of establishing an effective NPRC in Zimbabwe by examining the provisions of the NPRC Bill. The view of the paper is that, without proper guidance from a comprehensive law, the NPRC is bound to be a victim of its own failure.

Intervalos de confiança para dados com presença de eventos recorrentes e censuras.

Faria, Rodrigo 23 May 2003 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:06:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DissRF.pdf: 61430 bytes, checksum: 98abe5764051c2697adcbd0c9cfcd965 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2003-05-23 / In survival analysis and reliability is common that the population units in study presents recurrence events and censoring ages, besides, is possible to exist a cost related to each event that happens. The objectives of this dissertation consists in display a methodology that makes possible the direct obtaining of confidence intervals baseds in asymptotic theory for nonparametric estimates to the mean cumulative number or cost events per unit. Some simulation studies are also showed and the objectives are check if there is some sample size's influence in the asymptotics confidence interval's precision. One of the great advantages from the methodology presented in this dissertation is the validity for it&#146;s application in several areas of the knowledge. There's two examples considered here. One of them consists in coming data from engineering. This example contains a &#135;eet of machines in analysis. The interest is to obtain punctual estimates with the respective confidence intervals for the mean cumulative number and cost repairs per machine. The other example comes from the medical area and it treats of a study accomplished with two groups of patients with bladder can- cer, each one submitted in a di¤erent treatment type. The application of the methodology in this example seeks the obtaining of confidence intervals for the mean cumulative number of tumors per patient and gain estimates that compare these two di¤erents treatments informing, statistically, which presents better results. / Em análise de sobrevivência e confiabilidade, é comum que as unidades populacionais em estudo apresentem eventos recorrentes e presença de censuras, sendo possível a atribuição de um custo relacionado a cada evento que ocorra. Os objetivos deste trabalho consistem na apresentação de uma metodologia que possibilita a obtenção direta de estimativas intervalares não-paramétricas, baseadas na teoria assintótica, para o número ou custo médio de eventos acumulados por unidade. São também realizados alguns estudos de simulação que verificam a influência do tamanho da amostra na precisão dos intervalos de confiança assintóticos obtidos. Uma das grandes vantagens da metodologia estudada, e apresentada neste trabalho, é a possibilidade de sua aplicação em diversas áreas do conhecimento. Dois exemplos são considerados. Um deles consiste em dados provenientes da área de engenharia, no qual um conjunto de motores é analisado. Neste, o interesse é obter estimativas pontuais com os respectivos intervalos de confiança para o número e custo médio de reparos acumulados por motor. O outro exemplo provém da área médica e trata de um estudo realizado com dois grupos de pacientes com câncer de bexiga, cada qual submetido a um diferente tipo de tratamento. A aplicação da metodologia neste exemplo visa, além da obtenção de intervalos de confiança para o número médio de tumores acumulados por paciente, também obter estimativas que levem à comparação dos dois tratamentos, no sentido de informar estatisticamente qual deles apresenta melhores resultados.

The Impact of Coordination Quality on Coordination Dynamics and Team Performance: When Humans Team with Autonomy

January 2017 (has links)
abstract: This increasing role of highly automated and intelligent systems as team members has started a paradigm shift from human-human teaming to Human-Autonomy Teaming (HAT). However, moving from human-human teaming to HAT is challenging. Teamwork requires skills that are often missing in robots and synthetic agents. It is possible that adding a synthetic agent as a team member may lead teams to demonstrate different coordination patterns resulting in differences in team cognition and ultimately team effectiveness. The theory of Interactive Team Cognition (ITC) emphasizes the importance of team interaction behaviors over the collection of individual knowledge. In this dissertation, Nonlinear Dynamical Methods (NDMs) were applied to capture characteristics of overall team coordination and communication behaviors. The findings supported the hypothesis that coordination stability is related to team performance in a nonlinear manner with optimal performance associated with moderate stability coupled with flexibility. Thus, we need to build mechanisms in HATs to demonstrate moderately stable and flexible coordination behavior to achieve team-level goals under routine and novel task conditions. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Engineering 2017

Limitantes para os zeros de polinômios gerados por uma relação de recorrência de três termos /

Nunes, Josiani Batista. January 2009 (has links)
Orientador: Eliana Xavier Linhares de Andrade / Banca: Alagacone Sri Ranga / Banca: Andre Piranhe da Silva / Resumo: Este trabalho trata do estudo da localização dos zeros dos polinômios gerados por uma determinada relação de recorrência de três termos. O objetivo principal é estudar limitantes, em termos dos coeficientes da relação de recorrência, para as regiões onde os zeros estão localizados. Os zeros são explorados atravé do problema de autovalor associado a uma matriz de Hessenberg. As aplicações são consideradas para polinômios de Szeg"o fSng, alguns polinômios para- ortogonais ½Sn(z) + S¤n (z) 1 + Sn(0) ¾ e ½Sn(z) ¡ S¤n (z) 1 ¡ Sn+1(0) ¾, especialmente quando os coeficientes de reflexão são reais. Um outro caso especial considerado são os zeros do polinômio Pn(z) = n Xm=0 bmzm, onde os coeficientes bm; para m = 0; 1; : : : ; n, são complexos e diferentes de zeros. / Abstract: In this work we studied the localization the zeros of polynomials generated by a certain three term recurrence relation. The main objective is to study bounds, in terms of the coe±cients of the recurrence relation, for the regions where the zeros are located. The zeros are explored through an eigenvalue representation associated with a Hessenberg matrix. Applications are considered to Szeg}o polynomials fSng, some para-orthogonal polyno- mials ½Sn(z) + S¤n (z) 1 + Sn(0) ¾and ½Sn(z) ¡ S¤n (z) 1 ¡ Sn+1(0) ¾, especially when the re°ection coe±cients are real. As another special case, the zeros of the polynomial Pn(z) = n Xm=0 bmzm, where the non-zero complex coe±cients bm for m = 0; 1; : : : ; n, were considered. / Mestre

Estabilidade da correção da Classe II, 1ª divisão com o aparelho Bionator de Balters associado ao aparelho fixo / Stability of the correction of the Class II, division 1 malocclusion with the Balters Bionator associated to fixed appliances

Manoela Fávaro Francisconi 25 February 2011 (has links)
Recursos ortopédicos e ortodônticos, utilizados de forma associada, têm se mostrado uma opção terapêutica eficiente no tratamento da má oclusão de Classe II, 1ª divisão desde que o paciente ainda apresente um potencial de crescimento favorável. Entretanto, as alterações nas relações esqueléticas, dentárias e tegumentares só podem ser consideradas satisfatórias caso permaneçam estáveis. Assim, este trabalho teve o propósito de avaliar cefalometricamente e por meio de modelos de estudo, a estabilidade das alterações decorrentes do tratamento com o aparelho Bionator de Balters, seguido do aparelho fixo, após um período médio de 10 anos. O grupo experimental compreendeu 23 pacientes que foram avaliados em três fases: inicial (T1), final (T2) e longo tempo pós-tratamento (T3). Foram avaliadas as telerradiografias em norma lateral (inicial, final e longo tempo pós-tratamento), totalizando 69 telerradiografias, e foram mensurados 69 modelos de estudo, avaliados nas fases previamente descritas, através do índice PAR. Também calculou-se a diferença entre o PAR inicial e o PAR final, a % de melhora obtida com esta terapia e a % de recidiva, ambas através do índice PAR. As variáveis analisadas foram comparadas por meio da análise de variância (ANOVA) para medidas repetidas e o teste de comparações múltiplas de Tukey. A terapia estudada não propiciou alterações no desenvolvimento maxilar. Observou-se um aumento na protrusão mandibular, bem como um maior incremento no comprimento efetivo da mandíbula. A relação maxilomandibular foi corrigida, notou-se uma melhora na convexidade facial, com a diminuição do ângulo ANB. Alterações significantes no padrão de crescimento craniofacial não foram observadas. Verificou-se, através da variável FMA e no período de longo tempo pós-tratamento, uma rotação do plano mandibular no sentido anti-horário. O posicionamento vertical da maxila (SN.PP) também não se alterou. Os incisivos superiores sofreram lingualização e retrusão. Os primeiros molares superiores mostraram um pequeno aumento no sentido vertical semelhante ao fisiológico, que ocorre pelo processo de flutuação normal. Em contrapartida, os incisivos inferiores sofreram vestibularização e protrusão. Os primeiros molares inferiores, por sua vez, apresentaram um deslocamento no sentido vertical (extrusão) e horizontal (mesialização), contribuindo, assim, para a correção da má-oclusão de Cl II. O tratamento também foi efetivo em corrigir os respasses, horizontal e vertical, bem como a relação molar. O ângulo nasolabial não foi afetado pelo tratamento, mostrando que os aparelhos ortopédicos não afetam substancialmente esta variável. Além disso, é de suma importância, ressaltarmos que, as alterações obtidas, com o tratamento realizado, permaneceram estáveis no período de longo tempo pós-tratamento; demostrando, dessa maneira, a efetividade da terapia selecionada. Finalmente, na análise dos modelos de estudo, os valores do índice PAR sofreram uma redução estatisticamente significante e permaneceram estáveis no período de longo tempo pós-tratamento. A porcentagem de melhora obtida com esta terapia foi de 81,78% e a de recidiva foi de 4,90%. Esses dados refletem que o Bionator de Balters, associado ao aparelho fixo, é uma efetiva alternativa para o tratamento da má-oclusão de Cl II, 1ª divisão. / Orthopedic and orthodontic approaches, used in an associated way, are being considered an efficient therapeutic option for the treatment of the Class II, division 1 malocclusion when the patient still presents a favorable growth potential. However, changes in skeletal, dental and soft tissue relationships only can be considered satisfactory if they remain stable. This study aimed to evaluate, cephalometrically and in dental casts, the stability of the changes resulting from the treatment with the Balters Bionator followed by the fixed appliances, after a mean period of 10 years. The experimental group comprised 23 patients who were evaluated in three stages: initial (T1), final (T2) and long-term posttreatment (T3). A total of 69 lateral cephalograms (initial, final and long-term posttreatment) were evaluated and also 69 dental casts were measured, in the stages previously described, using the PAR index. Furthermore, the difference between initial PAR and final PAR, the percentage of obtained improvement with the therapy and the percentage of relapse were calculated, using the PAR index. Evaluated variables were compared by the analysis of variance (ANOVA) for repeated measures and Tukey test. The studied therapy did not provide changes in maxillary development. An increase in mandibular protrusion, as well as a greater increase in effective length of the mandible, was observed. The maxillomandibular relationship was corrected, and an improvement in the facial convexity was observed, with a decrease of the ANB angle. Significant changes in craniofacial growth were not observed. The analysis of the FMA variable and of the long-term posttreatment revealed a rotation of the mandibular plane in a counterclockwise direction. The vertical positioning of the maxilla (SN.PP) also did not change. The maxillary incisors presented a palatal inclination and retrusion. The maxillary first molars showed a small increase in the vertical direction, similar to the physiological one, which occurred by the normal fluctuation process. In contrast, the mandibular incisors presented a buccal inclination and protrusion. The mandibular first molars showed a displacement in the vertical (extrusion) and horizontal (mesial) direction, which contributed to the correction of the Class II malocclusion. The treatment was also effective in correcting the overbite and overjet, and the molar relationship. The nasolabial angle was not affected by treatment, showing that orthopedic appliances did not significantly affect this variable. Finally, the analysis of the dental casts showed that the values of the PAR index presented a statistically significant reduction and remained stable at the long-term posttreatment. The percentage of improvement obtained with this therapy was of 81.78% and the percentage of relapse was of 4.90%. These data denote that Balters Bionator associated to the fixed appliances is an effective alternative for the treatment of the Class II, division 1 malocclusion.


Souza, Márcia Erondina Dias de 15 April 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / In this paper, we presents a didactic sequence of activities designed for a group of students of high school, their age were about 15 and 18 years old, with the main objective to study the problem proposed by the mathematician Flávio Josefo, in mid-year 64. The legend tells that a group of rebels, including Flávio Josefo, was trapped in a cave by the enemy army. Preferring the suicide to capture, the rebels decided to form a circle and, counting over this, to kill each third person of the rest of the group. Josefo was contrary of this suicide pact therefore, together with a friend, calculated very quickly the appropriated positions that both should take in this circle in order to get out of this terrible situation. To understand this solution, we propose, at the first moment, a review about the numerical sequences, including the special cases of arithmetic and geometric. Then, we introduce some notions about the de recurrence relations and the Principle of Mathematical Induction, allowing a generalization of concepts and results already known intuitively by the student group. / Neste trabalho, apresentamos uma sequência didática de atividades elaboradas para um grupo de alunos do ensino médio, na faixa etária de 15 a 18 anos, tendo como principal objetivo estudar o problema proposto pelo matemático Flávio Josefo, nos meados do ano 64. Conta a lenda que um grupo de rebeldes, dentre eles Flávio Josefo, foi encurralado numa caverna pelo exército inimigo. Preferindo o suicídio à captura, os rebeldes decidiram formar um círculo e, contando ao longo deste, matar cada terceira pessoa restante do grupo. Josefo era contrário a este pacto suicida e, por isso, juntamente com um amigo, calculou muito rapidamente as posições adequadas que ambos deveriam tomar nesse círculo de modo a saírem ilesos desta terrível situação. Para o entendimento desta solução propomos, inicialmente, uma revisão sobre sequências numéricas, incluindo os casos especiais de progressão aritmética e geométrica. Em seguida, introduzimos algumas noções a respeito de relações de recorrência e do Princípio da Indução Matemática, permitindo uma generalização dos conceitos e resultados já conhecidos intuitivamente pelo grupo de alunos.

Význam slavení neděle / The Importance of Sunday´s Observance

KUCHTA, Emil January 2007 (has links)
This literary work is dealing with an importance of a observance and honoring of Sunday as a free day. First part refers to the fact that in essential core of soever human being exist the cravings refering to an urge to transcendence and to periodically wrench himself free out of passing time. This can be filled for instance during the observances. In a folloving part is a progression of a significant sabbath day towards a Lord´s day delineated, also with characterization of what is a Judaic - Christian lore offering on Sundays. A closing third individually names and describes the constituent realms where the intrinsic cravings meet above named offer. In these passages is possible to descry the reasonability of Sunday celebration.

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