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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reflecting on the Ordinary

Conti, Linda 09 November 2013 (has links)
My work is about valuing the ordinary moments in life that can be described as joyful, difficult, beautiful, painful, or even transcendent. My creativity arises from a need to tell the story of these moments, and to share my experience with others. These moments are often evidenced by the objects we leave behind. They are a testament to the life we have lived, or are now living. My attention to small, ordinary details includes honoring and remembering people who have died. They may be artists, writers, friends, or family members but it is important to me to record the unique contributions they have made to this world. To tell my stories I work with clay, paint, wood, wire, photography, jewelry, books, and found objects. I incorporate text to tell the story of the piece. I layer objects and imagery to focus the viewer's attention on the mundane. I use found objects to serve as metaphorical evidence of the path we take. Many symbolic images also recur in my work, such as crows, gravestones, hands, and trees. Finally, I use grids to organize the structure of my pieces and help create a sense of order in the profusion of information. I want my art to be mindful, to elevate the ordinary, and to ask the viewer to join me in reflection on the human experience.

Relação entre reflectância de imagens orbitais e transporte de sedimentos em suspensão em trechos do Rio Doce

VILCHES, T. T. B. 11 March 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-24T22:53:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 tese_6642_Dissertação_ThaniraTBVilches20130624-144420.pdf: 1745357 bytes, checksum: e033e20666031a64ed1bdb9112ac96d4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-03-11 / O transporte de sólidos em suspensão, causado por erosão, é um dos problemas que limitam o uso da água, podendo causar assoreamento nos rios. A concentração de sólidos suspensos pode ser avaliada através do sensoriamento remoto, pois a reflectância da cena, na faixa do visível e do infravermelho, é positivamente nfluenciada. Desta forma, este trabalho visa o conhecimento da variabilidade das concentrações de sedimentos em suspensão no trecho do rio Doce localizada no ES, através de análises de dados espectrais contidos nas imagens orbitais e de resultados de medições em campo. Para tanto, foram avaliados dados concentrações de sólidos suspensos em amostras coletadas em Regência e Colatina, e imagens TM do satélite LANDSAT 5. Para obtenção dos valores de reflectância, foram realizadas as seguintes operações: correção geométrica, conversão dos NDs para valores de FRB aparente, correção atmosférica com uso do modelo 6S (FRB superfície), e transformação de NCs em valores de reflectância. Os resultados mostraram que nas imagens corrigidas dos efeitos atmosféricos, os valores da curva de ND referentes aos FRBs aparentes são superiores aos valores da curva FRB de superfície na região do visível, devido ao fenômeno de espalhamento da radiação eletromagnética. Nas regiões do infravermelho próximo, ocorreu o inverso, uma vez que há absorção da radiação eletromagnética pela atmosfera. Quanto aos sólidos suspensos, foram encontradas correlações positivas entre a reflectância e a concentração dos sólidos suspensos, apesar das dificuldades de obtenção de dados concomitantes das datas de imagens orbitais com datas da coleta de campo. Para os dados de Regência, a melhor correlação ocorreu para banda 1, que se localiza na faixa do visível, da curva dos FRB de superfície, sugerindo menor transporte de sedimentos suspensos. Para Colatina, ocorreu para banda 4, que se encontra na faixa do infravermelho próximo, também para curva dos FRB de superfície, sugerindo maior transporte de sedimentos nesse trecho do rio Doce, para as datas de amostragem. Conclui-se que a reflectância que melhor representa a curva espectral da água é de superfície e os dados correlacionados seguiram o padrão de quanto menores as reflectâncias, menores as concentrações de sólidos suspensos na água.

O sabor agridoce da reforma agr?ria em Pernambuco: reflectindo sobre a experi?ncia de Chico Mendes II e Nova Cana? em Tracunha?m, PE

Am?ncio, Cristhiane Oliveira da Gra?a 19 July 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:13:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2006-Cristhiane Oliveira da Graca Amancio.pdf: 1858390 bytes, checksum: 6b5869847eda4e5e2d9679be5ecd9d3d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-07-19 / This study aimed to study the effect that the "Reflect-Action" approach, spread out by the C?rculo Internacional Reflect-A??o (CIRAC), brought for the empowerment, creation and strengthening of the social capital in two rural communities from the agrarian reform, in the county of Tracunha?m, state of Pernambuco. Our theoretical reference was based on the contributions that the Freireana popular education brought for the construction of methodologies of intervention based on the empowerment of the groups, creation and strengthening of the social capital. Considering the rural world, its particularities and the deep changes observed in its daily routine, particularly in the context of the settlements from the agrarian reform, we tried to understand the strategies reproduced or created by the settlers to insert themselves in a more sustainable way in the relationship with the State, markets, and the civil society. The research was carried out through half-structured interviews, focal groups, and participant observation conducted during a two years interval. We concluded that groups that built a more interactive action with the technical-economic initiatives of entourage and those of participative educational character tended to build social stronger relations of solidarity, reciprocity, and confidence, which resulting in a significant expansion of the conditions for generating social capital. The expansion of such abilities and the development of the individual capacities promoted and increased the bargaining power, contraposition and claim of these groups aiming a more harmonious economic, social, cultural, and environmental development. / Este trabalho visa estudar os efeitos que a abordagem Reflect-Action , difundida pelo C?rculo Internacional Reflect-A??o (CIRAC), trouxeram para o empoderamento, cria??o e fortalecimento do capital social em duas comunidades rurais, fruto da reforma agr?ria, no munic?pio de Tracunha?m em Pernambuco. Nosso referencial te?rico se fundamentou nas contribui??es que a educa??o popular freireana trouxeram para a constru??o de metodologias de interven??o com base no empoderamento dos grupos, cria??o e fortalecimento do capital social. Considerando o mundo rural, suas particularidades e as profundas altera??es que se observam no seu cotidiano, particularmente no contexto dos assentamentos de reforma agr?ria, procurou-se compreender as estrat?gias reproduzidas ou criadas pelos assentados para se inserirem de maneira mais sustent?vel nas rela??es com o Estado, com os mercados e com a sociedade civil. A pesquisa foi realizada com base em entrevistas semi-estruturadas, grupos focais e observa??o participante, realizadas durante o intervalo de dois anos. Pudemos concluir que grupos que constroem uma a??o mais interativa entre as iniciativas de acompanhamento t?cnico-econ?mico e as de car?ter educacional participativo tenderam a construir rela??es sociais de solidariedade, reciprocidade e confian?a mais fortes, o que acarretou em expans?o das condi??es de gera??o de capital social de forma significativa. A expans?o destas habilidades e o desenvolvimento das capacidades dos sujeitos foram capazes de promover e aumentar o poder de barganha, contraposi??o e reivindica??o destes grupos, com vistas ao desenvolvimento econ?mico, social, cultural e ambiental local de forma mais harmoniosa.

Har en lärare kränkt mig släpper jag de aldrig! : En fallstudie om kränkningar mellan elever och lärare på Colin Leclairgymnasiet

Järnberg, Nina, Larsgård, Anna January 2006 (has links)
<p>Sammanfattning</p><p>Vårt examensarbete i pedagogik handlar om kränkningar mellan lärare och elever på Colin Leclairgymnasiet i Södertälje. Syftet med studien var att finna när och hur kränkningar mellan lärare och elever förekommer, och i vilken utsträckning kränkningar förekommer.</p><p>Metoden vi har valt att använda i studien är en fallstudie. Studien är gjord med hjälp av en enkätundersökning som både lärare och elever på skolan har besvarat. Tjugo lärare och åttioåtta elever har besvarat vår enkätundersökning. Frågorna handlade bland annat om:</p><p>• Har du känt dig kränkt av någon lärare/elev någon gång?</p><p>• Beskriv händelsen i ord.</p><p>• Har du själv någon gång omedvetet och/eller medvetet kränkt någon lärare/elev?</p><p>• Hur kan man förebygga kränkningar?</p><p>Resultatet i vår undersökning visar att elever svarar ärligare än sina lärare då de ska reflektera över sig själva. Vi tror inte att eleverna på samma sätt känner sig hotade av vår undersökning som vi har upplevt hos lärarna på skolan. Dessutom visar undersökningen att lärarna på skolan vanligtvis inte verkar reflektera över hur de uppträder mot sina elever. Vår rekommendation för att förebygga kränkningar på skolan är att skapa en ömsesidig dialog mellan lärare och elever med hjälp av att ha ett interkulturellt förhållningssätt till varandra.</p><p>Nyckelord: Fallstudie, Elev, Lärare, Kränkningar, Interkulturell, Reflektera</p> / <p>Our degree thesis is about insulting treatment between teachers and students at Colin Leclairgymnasiet in Södertälje. The purpose with this study was to find out when and how insults between teachers and students appear, and to what extent they appear.</p><p>The method we have used for our study is a case study. Twenty teachers and eighty-eight students have filled out a questionnaire. The main questions we asked were:</p><p>• Have you ever felt insulted by a teacher/student?</p><p>• Describe in words the event?</p><p>• Have you ever unconsciously or deliberately insulted a teacher/student?</p><p>• How can we prevent insulted acts?</p><p>The results we have discovered show that students answer more honestly than their teachers do when they are going to reflect over themselves. We believe that the students do not feel threatened by our study, like the teachers seem to be. We also assume that the teachers at Colin Leclairgymnasiet generally do not reflect over how they behave towards the students. Our recommendation to prevent insults among teachers and students is to create a mutual dialogue between teachers and students by practising intercultural ways to meet each other.</p>

Reflekterande läsning och skrivning : Hur man kan förbättra elevers läsförståelse och reflektionsförmåga / Reflective Reading and Writing : How to Improve Students' Reading Comprehension and Ability to Reflect

Bovik, Lotta January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong>Sammanfattning</strong></p><p>För att dagens elever ska kunna möta de krav som samhället ställer på läskunnighet behöver de kunna ta till sig innehållet i det de läser med god läshastighet och förståelse och de behöver kunna reflektera kring det lästa. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att ta reda på hur ett antal elever upplever hur deras reflektionsförmåga och läsförståelse påverkas av att arbeta med skönlitterära texter och textsamtal utifrån en metod som kan kallas <em>reflekterande läsning och</em> <em>skrivning</em>. Anledningen till detta är att jag vill ta reda på om arbetssättet passar att implementera över lag i den skola jag arbetar för närvarande.</p><p>                      Genom en litteraturgenomgång av språkets betydelse för människans utveckling, läs- och skrivutveckling, några olika didaktiska metoder och kvalitativa intervjuer med sex elever i år 9 redogör jag i detta examensarbete för hur man didaktiskt kan arbeta för att utveckla elevernas reflektionsförmåga och läsförståelse. Jag tar också upp svårigheter och kritik som framförts om den didaktiska metoden. Resultatet visar att fem av de sex eleverna upplever att de blivit bättre på att reflektera kring skönlitterära texter och att dessa reflektioner kan leda till en bättre förståelse för det lästa. Utifrån det resultat jag fått fram och den litteratur jag läst, anser jag att metoden, med några små justeringar, går att implementera från förskoleklass och uppåt.</p><p> </p><p>Nyckelord: reflekterande läsning och skrivning, läsförståelse, reflektionsförmåga</p> / <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>In order to meet the requirements on reading acquisition of today’s society, students must know how to understand what they read and keep up their reading speed. They also need to know how to reflect upon what they are reading. The purpose with this examination is to find out how a number of students experience their ability to reflect upon fiction and how their reading comprehension is being improved by reading fiction and working with book talks through a didactic method called <em>reflective reading and writing</em>. The reason for doing this is that I would like to find out whether this method is suitable to implement at the school where I am working at the present.</p><p>                      By studying literature about the importance of language to man’s development, reading and writing acquisition, some different didactic methods and interviewing six students in year 9, I report in this examination on how you can work didactically to develop the students’ ability to reflect and their reading comprehension. I also report on difficulties with and critique on the method. The result shows that five of the six students experience a better ability to reflect upon fiction and that these reflections can lead to a better reading comprehension of the texts they have read. From the gained result and the literature I have studied, I am of the opinion that this method, with some adjustments, can be implemented as early as from pre-school class.</p><p> </p><p>Keywords: reflective reading and writing, reading comprehension, ability to reflect</p>

Har en lärare kränkt mig släpper jag de aldrig! : En fallstudie om kränkningar mellan elever och lärare på Colin Leclairgymnasiet

Järnberg, Nina, Larsgård, Anna January 2006 (has links)
Sammanfattning Vårt examensarbete i pedagogik handlar om kränkningar mellan lärare och elever på Colin Leclairgymnasiet i Södertälje. Syftet med studien var att finna när och hur kränkningar mellan lärare och elever förekommer, och i vilken utsträckning kränkningar förekommer. Metoden vi har valt att använda i studien är en fallstudie. Studien är gjord med hjälp av en enkätundersökning som både lärare och elever på skolan har besvarat. Tjugo lärare och åttioåtta elever har besvarat vår enkätundersökning. Frågorna handlade bland annat om: • Har du känt dig kränkt av någon lärare/elev någon gång? • Beskriv händelsen i ord. • Har du själv någon gång omedvetet och/eller medvetet kränkt någon lärare/elev? • Hur kan man förebygga kränkningar? Resultatet i vår undersökning visar att elever svarar ärligare än sina lärare då de ska reflektera över sig själva. Vi tror inte att eleverna på samma sätt känner sig hotade av vår undersökning som vi har upplevt hos lärarna på skolan. Dessutom visar undersökningen att lärarna på skolan vanligtvis inte verkar reflektera över hur de uppträder mot sina elever. Vår rekommendation för att förebygga kränkningar på skolan är att skapa en ömsesidig dialog mellan lärare och elever med hjälp av att ha ett interkulturellt förhållningssätt till varandra. Nyckelord: Fallstudie, Elev, Lärare, Kränkningar, Interkulturell, Reflektera / Our degree thesis is about insulting treatment between teachers and students at Colin Leclairgymnasiet in Södertälje. The purpose with this study was to find out when and how insults between teachers and students appear, and to what extent they appear. The method we have used for our study is a case study. Twenty teachers and eighty-eight students have filled out a questionnaire. The main questions we asked were: • Have you ever felt insulted by a teacher/student? • Describe in words the event? • Have you ever unconsciously or deliberately insulted a teacher/student? • How can we prevent insulted acts? The results we have discovered show that students answer more honestly than their teachers do when they are going to reflect over themselves. We believe that the students do not feel threatened by our study, like the teachers seem to be. We also assume that the teachers at Colin Leclairgymnasiet generally do not reflect over how they behave towards the students. Our recommendation to prevent insults among teachers and students is to create a mutual dialogue between teachers and students by practising intercultural ways to meet each other.

Reflekterande läsning och skrivning : Hur man kan förbättra elevers läsförståelse och reflektionsförmåga / Reflective Reading and Writing : How to Improve Students' Reading Comprehension and Ability to Reflect

Bovik, Lotta January 2010 (has links)
Sammanfattning För att dagens elever ska kunna möta de krav som samhället ställer på läskunnighet behöver de kunna ta till sig innehållet i det de läser med god läshastighet och förståelse och de behöver kunna reflektera kring det lästa. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att ta reda på hur ett antal elever upplever hur deras reflektionsförmåga och läsförståelse påverkas av att arbeta med skönlitterära texter och textsamtal utifrån en metod som kan kallas reflekterande läsning och skrivning. Anledningen till detta är att jag vill ta reda på om arbetssättet passar att implementera över lag i den skola jag arbetar för närvarande.                       Genom en litteraturgenomgång av språkets betydelse för människans utveckling, läs- och skrivutveckling, några olika didaktiska metoder och kvalitativa intervjuer med sex elever i år 9 redogör jag i detta examensarbete för hur man didaktiskt kan arbeta för att utveckla elevernas reflektionsförmåga och läsförståelse. Jag tar också upp svårigheter och kritik som framförts om den didaktiska metoden. Resultatet visar att fem av de sex eleverna upplever att de blivit bättre på att reflektera kring skönlitterära texter och att dessa reflektioner kan leda till en bättre förståelse för det lästa. Utifrån det resultat jag fått fram och den litteratur jag läst, anser jag att metoden, med några små justeringar, går att implementera från förskoleklass och uppåt.   Nyckelord: reflekterande läsning och skrivning, läsförståelse, reflektionsförmåga / Abstract In order to meet the requirements on reading acquisition of today’s society, students must know how to understand what they read and keep up their reading speed. They also need to know how to reflect upon what they are reading. The purpose with this examination is to find out how a number of students experience their ability to reflect upon fiction and how their reading comprehension is being improved by reading fiction and working with book talks through a didactic method called reflective reading and writing. The reason for doing this is that I would like to find out whether this method is suitable to implement at the school where I am working at the present.                       By studying literature about the importance of language to man’s development, reading and writing acquisition, some different didactic methods and interviewing six students in year 9, I report in this examination on how you can work didactically to develop the students’ ability to reflect and their reading comprehension. I also report on difficulties with and critique on the method. The result shows that five of the six students experience a better ability to reflect upon fiction and that these reflections can lead to a better reading comprehension of the texts they have read. From the gained result and the literature I have studied, I am of the opinion that this method, with some adjustments, can be implemented as early as from pre-school class.   Keywords: reflective reading and writing, reading comprehension, ability to reflect

Diagnose nutricional de enxofre em eucalipto por an?lise n?o destrutiva / Nutritional diagnosis in eucalyptus by non-destructive analysis

Chaves, Carolina Mata Machado Barbosa 09 June 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Jos? Henrique Henrique (jose.neves@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-02-28T20:51:46Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) carolina_mata_machado_barbosa_chaves.pdf: 869125 bytes, checksum: f3a73edd9fc230fa83bcba82ad63bf37 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Martins Cruz (rodrigo.cruz@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-03-09T20:12:08Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) carolina_mata_machado_barbosa_chaves.pdf: 869125 bytes, checksum: f3a73edd9fc230fa83bcba82ad63bf37 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-09T20:12:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) carolina_mata_machado_barbosa_chaves.pdf: 869125 bytes, checksum: f3a73edd9fc230fa83bcba82ad63bf37 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / Funda??o de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG) / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico (CNPq) / O enxofre (S) ? um nutriente essencial para crescimento e metabolismo das plantas, e sua defici?ncia pode limitar a produtividade de muitas culturas. A adapta??o de t?cnicas espec?ficas de an?lise espectral para a determina??o do estresse nutricional causado por este nutriente pode permitir a detec??o precoce da sua defici?ncia e suplementa??o de precis?o na aduba??o corretiva das plantas. Esse experimento foi conduzido com o objetivo de determinar se a reflect?ncia foliar obtida atrav?s do mini espectr?metro pode ser utilizada para detectar a defici?ncia de S em mudas de Eucalyptus urophylla. Durante 90 dias as mudas foram cultivadas em solu??o nutritiva de Clark modificada completa (sem omiss?o de S) e com omiss?o de S. Os sintomas visuais de defici?ncia de S foram observados e fotografados semanalmente. A cada 15 dias foram avaliados altura e di?metro das plantas e leituras nas folhas diagn?sticos, com o mini espectr?metro. Ao final de cada avalia??o, amostras de folhas diagn?sticos foram preparadas e submetidas ?s an?lises qu?micas do material vegetal dos teores de nutrientes, posteriormente as mudas foram separadas em ra?zes, caule e folhas para obten??o da massa seca total e dos seus componentes. Ap?s calcular a primeira derivada das reflect?ncias obtidas nas leituras com o mini espectr?metro, obteve-se a posi??o dos pontos de inflex?o. Foi realizado ainda um estudo de regress?o linear m?ltipla entre os teores de nutrientes das folhas diagn?sticos como vari?veis dependentes, e a produ??o de massa seca da parte a?rea e valores obtidos para o IPP como vari?veis independentes. A defici?ncia de S causou altera??es nas propriedades morfol?gicas e fisiol?gicas das plantas de Eucalyptus, o que refletiu nas mudan?as das propriedades espectrais foliares da esp?cie em quest?o. Os sintomas visuais de defici?ncia de S iniciaram-se aos 28 dias ap?s a aplica??o dos tratamentos (DAT), intensificando-se ao longo do experimento. Foi observado clorose nas folhas novas, caule mais delgado e redu??o no crescimento das mudas quando comparados ao tratamento completo. A an?lise nutricional detectou redu??o nas concentra??es de S foliar e defici?ncia do nutriente nas plantas aos 45 DAT. Contudo, somente aos 75 dias a defici?ncia de S alterou a reflect?ncia das mudas com omiss?o de S, deslocando o ponto de inflex?o para comprimentos de ondas mais curtos (? 700 ?m), ou seja, quando o aparelho (mini espectr?metro) conseguiu detectar defici?ncia nutricional de S nas plantas de Eucalyptus. A defici?ncia de S tamb?m reduziu a altura, di?metro e produ??o de massa seca total e dos seus componentes aos 75 DAT. A posi??o do ponto de inflex?o e a massa seca da parte a?rea apresentaram alta correla??o com a concentra??o de S foliar. As an?lises de regress?o linear m?ltipla e de correla??o simples indicaram que os valores de reflect?ncia foliar estimados pelo mini espectr?metro e pela massa seca da parte a?rea estavam estreitamente correlacionados com as concentra??es de S nas folhas das mudas de Eucalyptus (r2=0,99). Os resultados obtidos sugerem que a reflect?ncia espectral demonstra alto potencial como ferramenta diagn?stico para estimar a concentra??o de S foliar em Eucalyptus por meio do mini espectr?metro. / Disserta??o (Mestrado) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Produ??o Vegetal, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2017. / Sulfur (S) is an essential nutrient for plant growth and metabolism, its deficiency can limit the productivity of many crops. The adaptation of specific remote sensing and spectral analysis techniques for the determination of nutrient stress in plants could allow early detection and precise supplementation for corrective fertilization. This experiment was conducted with the objective of determining if the leaf reflectance obtained through the mini spectrometer can be used to detect S deficiency in Eucalyptus urophylla seedlings. During 90 days the seedlings were grown in complete nutrient solution of Clark (without omission of S) and with omission of S. The visual symptoms of S deficiency were observed and photographed weekly. Every 15 days, plants height and diameter were evaluated, and readings on the diagnostic leaf were taken with the mini spectrometer. At the end of each evaluation the samples of the diagnostic leaves were prepared and submitted to the chemical analyzes of nutrient contents of the plant material, later the seedlings were separated into roots, stem and leaves to obtain the mass of total dry matter and its components. After calculating the first derivative of the reflectances obtained in the readings with the mini-spectrometer, the position of the inflection points was obtained. A multiple linear regression study was carried out between the nutrient contents of the diagnostic leaves as dependent variables and the shoot dry matter yield and values obtained for the position of the inflection points as independent variables. Sulfur deficiency caused changes in the morphological and physiological properties of Eucalyptus plants, which reflected changes in the leaf spectral properties of the species. The visual symptoms of S deficiency began at 28 days after application of the treatments, intensifying throughout the experiment. It was observed chlorosis in the new leaves, slender stem and reduction in the growth of the seedlings when compared to the complete treatment. Nutritional analysis detected a reduction in the foliar S concentrations and nutrient deficiency in plants at 45 days after application of the treatments. However, only at 75 days S deficiency altered the reflectance of the seedlings under S omission, shifting the inflection point to shorter wavelengths (? 700 ?m),that is, when the device (mini spectrometer) was able to detect nutritional deficiency of S in Eucalyptus plants. Sulfur deficiency also reduced the height, diameter and yield of total dry mass and its components at 75 days after application of the treatments. The position of the inflection point and the shoot dry mass presented a high correlation with the concentration of leaf sulfur. Multiple linear regression and simple correlation analyzes indicated that leaf reflectance values estimated by the mini spectrometer and through MSPA were closely correlated with the concentrations of S in the leaves of the Eucalyptus seedlings (r2 = 0.99).The results obtained suggest that the spectral reflectance demonstrates high potential as a diagnostic tool to estimate the leaf sulfur concentration in Eucalyptus using the mini-spectrometer.

Reflect and Refuel to Engage the Learner

Evanshen, Pamela 01 April 2008 (has links)
No description available.

"Man kunde höra något nytt och börja tänka annorlunda" : En kvalitativ studie om elevers upplevelser av de fyra mest frekventa metoder som används i etikundervisningen för årskurs 4–6 / ”You could hear something new and start thinking differently” (Engelska) : A qualitative study on pupils experiences of the four most frequent methods used in ethics teaching for grades 4–6.

Holmgren, Malin January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att synliggöra elevers upplevelser av de enligt samtida forskning fyra mest frekventa metoderna som används i undervisningen om etik inom religionskunskap i årskurs 4–6. Metoderna syftar till att utveckla elevernas reflektion- och resonemangsförmåga. För att besvara studiens syfte har metoden didaktiskt experiment samt fokusgruppsintervju där fem elever från årskurs fem medverkat. Studien är kvalitativ och utgår ifrån den sociokulturella teorin. Resultatet visar att eleverna valde metoderna fyra-hörn och samtal som favoritmetod. Elevernas upplevelser av de andra metoderna var att metoden samtal kopplat till film var svår på grund av att klippet eleverna tittade på var kort och därmed var det svårt att hinna skapa sig en uppfattning om karaktären. Metoden etiska dilemman var uppskattad därför att eleverna föredrog att ha en händelse att relatera till och utgå ifrån. Eleverna ansåg att det både var positivt och negativt att höra varandras tankar, negativt för att man kunde luta sig tillbaka och bara hålla med men positivt för att man fick nya sätt att tänka på när man hörde sina kompisars tankar. När det kommer till elevernas upplevelser gällande vilken metod som öppnade upp för reflektion och resonemang svarade eleverna metoden etiska dilemman. / The purpose of this study is to make the pupils experiences of the four most frequent methods according to contemporary research used in the teaching of ethics in religious studies for the grades 4–6. The methods aim to develop the students’ reflection and reasoning ability. To answer the purpose of this study, the method did didactic experiment and as well as focus group interview where five pupils from grade five participated. The study is qualitative and is based on sociocultural theory. The result shows that the pupils chose the four-corner method and conversation as a favourite method. The pupils’ experiences of the other methods were that the method of conversation linked to film was difficult because the clip the students were watching was short and thus it was difficult to get an idea of the character. The ethical dilemma method was appreciated because the pupils preferred having an event to relate to and base on. The pupils felt that it was both positive and negative to hear each other’s thoughts, negative for being able to sit back and just agree but positive for being given new ways of thinking when hearing their friends’ thoughts. When it comes to the pupils experiences regarding which method opened up for reflection and reasoning, the pupils answered the method ethical dilemma.

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