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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Εννοιολογικός προσανατολισμός της αναζήτησης στον Παγκόσμιο Ιστό

Βεργέτη, Δανάη 09 October 2014 (has links)
Tα τελευταία χρόνια, η εξάπλωση του διαδικτύου και το εύρος της πληροφορίας που διατίθεται στο χρήστη, καθιστούν αναγκαία τη χρησιμοποίηση σημασιολογικών τεχνικών προσωποποίησης, προκειμένου να βελτιώσουν την εμπειρία του χρήστη στο διαδίκτυο. Στις μηχανές αναζήτησης, οι χρήστες βελτιώνουν το επερώτημά τους με την προσθήκη, την αφαίρεση ή την αντικατάσταση των λέξεων. Παρ 'όλα αυτά , εκτός από την αλληλεπίδραση με μια μηχανή αναζήτησης, η εμπειρία ενός χρήστη στο διαδίκτυο κατά την αναζήτηση της σωστής πληροφορίας, περιλαμβάνει και την περιήγησή του σε σελίδες ενός δικτυακού τόπου ή μια σειρά από δικτυακούς τόπους. Κατά τη διάρκεια της συνεδρίας του, ο χρήστης αναδιαμορφώνει την αναζήτησή του. Ωστόσο, τόσο ο καθορισμός της σημασιολογίας της αναζήτησής του, όσο και ο προσανατολισμός της αναζήτησής του (γενίκευση ή εξειδίκευση σε ένα σημασιολογικό πεδίο) με βάση την πλοήγηση μέσα από τις σελίδες, δεν είναι τόσο εύκολοι. Κάθε σελίδα περιέχει περισσότερες από μία έννοιες. Επιπλέον, η επιλογή των αντιπροσωπευτικότερων είναι πολύπλοκη διαδικασία. Σκοπός της παρούσας εργασίας είναι η παρουσίαση της μεθοδολογίας SOSACT. Η μεθοδολογία SOSACT αποτελεί μια σημασιολογική μεθοδολογία εξατομίκευσης που παρακολουθεί τις επιλογές του χρήστη κατά τη συνεδρία του και καθορίζει αν ο χρήστης ειδικεύει ή γενικεύει την πλοήγηση του μέσα από τη σημασιολογική ανάλυση των σελίδων, σε ένα εννοιολογικό πεδίο. Η μεθοδολογία SOSACT ορίζει το σημασιολογικό προσανατολισμό της πλοήγησης του χρήστη. Επιπλέον, στην παρούσα εργασία προτείνεται ο αλγόριθμος SOSACT, ο οποίος εντοπίζει το σημασιολογικό προσανατολισμό του χρήστη με τη βοήθεια μίας ταξινομίας. Η μεθοδολογία SOSACT υλοποιείται από το σύστημα SOSACT. Το σύστημα SOSACT εφαρμόζει τον αλγόριθμο SOSACT και προτείνει χρήσιμες συστάσεις προς το χρήστη για τη βελτίωση της διαδικτυακής αναζήτησής του . Το σύστημα SOSACT αξιολογήθηκε με τη χρησιμοποίηση πραγματικής δραστηριότητας χρηστών σε μια ιστοσελίδα, για ορισμένο χρονικό διάστημα. Η μεθοδολογία SOSACT μπορεί να εφαρμοστεί και σε ένα σώμα κειμένων και όχι μόνο σε διαδικτυακές πηγές. Μπορεί να γίνει ένα χρήσιμο εργαλείο για τη βελτίωση της πλοήγησης στο διαδίκτυο. Επιπλέον, η προτεινόμενη μεθοδολογία μπορεί να γεφυρώσει τις τεχνικές αποσαφήνισης του επερωτήματος στις μηχανές αναζήτησης και τις τεχνικές αναδιαμόρφωσης του αντικειμένου περιήγησης. Η μεθοδολογία SOSACT θα μπορούσε να χρησιμοποιηθεί σε μια συγκριτική μελέτη μεταξύ των δύο αυτών τομέων και να οδηγήσει σε νέες τεχνικές και στις δύο περιοχές έρευνας του Σημασιολογικού Ιστού. / In recent years, the spread of the World Wide Web, as well as the range of information available to the user make the use of semantic personalization techniques a necessity in order to enhance the user experience on the web. In search engines, users refine their query by adding, removing or replacing the keywords in their query. Thus, query refinement is easy to be detected and tell whether a user generalizes or specializes his web search. Nevertheless, besides interaction with a search engine, a user web search involves browsing and navigating through the pages of a web site or a number of web sites while seeking the right information. During this session the user reformulates his search. But, defining search orientation (generalization or specialization) based on navigation through web pages is not that easy. Each page contains more than one concept. Furthermore, the concepts may be developed in the same extend and it is difficult to tell about the representative semantics of a certain page and thus a user session’s orientation. In order to define user navigation’s orientation a semantic web personalization methodology is developed, the SOSACT methodology, which tracks user’s hits through a session and defines whether a user specializes or generalizes his navigation through semantics analysis of the pages in his session window. Moreover, the SOSACT algorithm is proposed of capturing user session orientation based on concept taxonomy. The SOSACT methodology is implemented by the SOSACT system. The SOSACT system applies the SOSACT algorithm and proposes useful recommendation to the user to improve his web search. The SOSACT system is evaluated on real user activity in a web site for a certain period of time. The experimental outcomes satisfied the prospective results. The SOSACT methodology could become a useful tool for navigation refinement. Furthermore, this work is proved to bridge search engine query refinement and browsing reformulation techniques. It could be a comparative study between these two fields and lead to new techniques in both areas or migration techniques between both areas.

Reformulations, contacts de langues et compétence de communication : analyse linguistique et interactionnelle dans des discussions entre jeunes Libanais francophones

Kanaan, Layal 01 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse aborde la reformulation dans des discussions entre jeunes Libanais francophones. Après une approche lexicologique de formuler/reformuler/reformulation qui vise à faire émerger leurs spécificités par rapport à dire/redire, énoncer/réénoncer, etc., et une tentative de trouver une unité à l'objet discursif qu'est la reformulation, une double approche des reformulations du corpus est engagée. La première, linguistique, dresse une typologie de ce phénomène dans le corpus. Se voulant globale, elle prend en compte des critères linguistiques (phonologique, sémantique, lexical, morphosyntaxiques) et d'autres qui relèvent de la dimension interactive dans laquelle s'inscrivent les reformulations (instances, initiation et rôle de la reformulation dans le discours). Le principal apport de cette approche qualitative et quantitative est d'avoir montré l'aspect central de la morphosyntaxe dans le marquage des reformulations nuançant ainsi les approches du phénomène à travers les marqueurs lexicaux et les connecteurs. La deuxième approche se centre sur les locuteurs et sur leur statut de non-natifs en s'interrogeant sur le potentiel des reformulations à nous renseigner sur leur compétence de communication. De plus, le travail se penche sur des phénomènes de contacts de langues dans le cadre de l'activité reformulatoire des locuteurs dans le corpus. Cette thèse se consacre enfin, dans le cadre théorique de la grammaticalisation/pragmaticalisation, à l'étude d'un marqueur discursif du dialecte libanais "jæʕne" qui fait irruption dans le discours des locuteurs et témoigne, entre autres emplois, de celui de marqueur de reformulation. Les emplois de jæʕne sont considérés aussi comme des phénomènes de contacts de langue d'une part dans le cadre d'alternance codique et d'autre part, à travers des calques opérés par les locuteurs sur c'est-à-dire.

教師回饋對台灣高中EFL低成就學生段落寫作之效用:「直接訂正法」與「語意重述法」 / The Effects of corrective feedback on Taiwan high school EFL low-achievers' paragraph writing: “direct correction” vs. “reformulation”

許凱絨, Hsu, Kaijung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對台灣EFL低成就學生之段落寫作,比較「直接訂正法」與「語意重述法」兩種寫作回饋之成效。本研究對象為台北市某高職學生,共56名學生全程參與這項從2009年9月到2010年1月的研究。進行修改寫作時,教師對實驗組使用「語意重述法」,學生比較原稿與老師保留學生原意但改寫成符合英文語法的段落,並將發現的文法錯誤記錄並自行訂正;對照組則運用「直接訂正法」,學生審視老師直接在上面訂正的原稿。經過看圖英文段落寫作的前測與後測、實驗組與對照組後測結果比較、以及針對實驗組的訪談,研究結果如下:(1)整體性評量上,「語意重述法」對學生改進寫作較為有效;(2)兩組中程度較差之低成就學生進步程度均優於程度較好之低成就學生,尤其實驗組之程度較差者進步程度猶勝於對照組的;(3) 「直接訂正法」對減少學生文法錯誤之功效優於「語意重述法」;(4)絕大多數參與者認為「語意重述法」有助增進寫作能力。論文最後討論此研究在教學上的意涵與提出對之後研究的建議。 / This study aimed to compare the efficacy of “direct correction” with that of “reformulation” on Taiwan EFL low-achievers’ paragraph writing. Fifty-six students in a vocational high school in Taipei City participated in this study from Sep. 2009 through Jan. 2010. When conducting revision activities, the teacher implemented the “reformulation” technique in the experimental group. The students compared the originals with the reformulated versions given by the teacher, and detected, recorded, and corrected all the grammatical errors mainly on their own. The control group received the “direct correction” treatment, examining their originals with the teacher’s corrections on them. With the pre-test and the post-test on a paragraph-length English picture description, the comparison of the post-test results between the experimental and control groups, and interviews with the experimental group, the results are as follows: First, in holistic rating, “reformulation” was more helpful than “direct correction” in improving the participants’ writing performance. Second, the low-achievers with lower proficiency benefited more from “reformulation” than those with better proficiency. Third, “direct correction” was more effective than “reformulation” in reducing the participants’ grammatical errors. Fourth, the majority in the experimental group were positive of “reformulation” as a way to improve writing. Finally, some implications for pedagogy and suggestions for future studies were made.

Σημασιολογικές μηχανές αναζήτησης Παγκόσμιου Ιστού / Semantic web clustering engines

Καναβός, Ανδρέας 11 June 2012 (has links)
Οι μηχανές αναζήτησης είναι ένα ανεκτίμητο εργαλείο για την ανάκτηση πληροφοριών από το διαδίκτυο. Απαντώντας στα ερωτήματα του χρήστη, επιστρέφουν μια λίστα με αποτελέσματα, ταξινομημένα κατά σειρά, με βάση τη συνάφεια του περιεχομένου τους προς το ερώτημα. Ωστόσο, αν και οι μηχανές αναζήτησης είναι σίγουρα αρκετά καλές στην αναζήτηση συγκεκριμένων ερωτημάτων, όπως είναι η εύρεση μιας συγκεκριμένης ιστοσελίδας, αντίθετα μπορούν να είναι λιγότερο αποτελεσματικές όσον αφορά την αναζήτηση ασαφών, προς αυτές, ερωτημάτων, όπως για παράδειγμα όταν συναντούμε το φαινόμενο της αμφισημίας, όπου μια λέξη μπορεί να πάρει περισσότερες από μία έννοιες μέσα στα συμφραζόμενα διαφορετικής πρότασης. Άλλο ένα παράδειγμα ερωτήματος είναι όταν υπάρχουν περισσότερες από δύο υποκατηγορίες και νοήματα σ’ ένα ερώτημα, πράγμα που σημαίνει ότι ο χρήστης θα πρέπει να διατρέξει έναν μεγάλο αριθμό αποτελεσμάτων για να βρει αυτά που τον ενδιαφέρουν. Στόχος της παρούσας διπλωματικής εργασίας είναι η ανάπτυξη ενός έμπειρου συστήματος, που θα μετά-επεξεργάζεται τις απαντήσεις μας κλασικής μηχανής αναζήτησης και θα ομαδοποιεί τα αποτελέσματα σε μια ιεραρχία από κατηγορίες με βάση το περιεχόμενο τους. Οι σημαντικότερες σημερινές λύσεις πάνω στο πρόβλημα της αντιστοίχησης των αποτελεσμάτων σε συστάδες είναι τα συστήματα Vivisimo, Carrot, CREDO και SnakeT. Η συνεισφορά που προτείνεται στη παρούσα εργασία, είναι η χρήση μίας σειράς τεχνικών που βελτιώνουν την ποιότητα των ομάδων απάντησης. Μία πρωτότυπη τεχνική που χρησιμοποιήθηκε στην παρούσα εργασία είναι η αναδιατύπωση των ερωτημάτων (query reformulation) μέσω διαφόρων στρατηγικών. Ο λόγος που παρουσιάζονται τέτοιες στρατηγικές, είναι επειδή συχνά οι χρήστες τροποποιούν ένα προηγούμενο ερώτημα αναζήτησης ώστε να ανακτήσουν καλύτερα αποτελέσματα ή κι επειδή πολλές φορές δεν μπορούν να διατυπώσουν σωστά ένα ερώτημα λόγω της μη γνώσης επιθυμητών αποτελεσμάτων. Επιπλέον, επωφεληθήκαμε από τη Wikipedia αντλώντας δεδομένα από τους τίτλους των σελίδων αλλά κι από τις κατηγορίες στις οποίες ανήκουν αυτές οι σελίδες. Αυτό γίνεται μέσω της σύνδεσης των συχνών όρων που ανήκουν στα κείμενα των αποτελεσμάτων αναζήτησης με τη σημασιολογική εγκυκλοπαίδεια Wikipedia, με σκοπό την εξαγωγή των διαφορετικών εννοιών και νοημάτων του κάθε όρου. Ειδικότερα, αναζητείται στη Wikipedia η ύπαρξη σελίδας (ή σελίδων για το φαινόμενο της αμφισημίας) που αντιστοιχίζονται στους όρους αυτούς με αποτέλεσμα τη χρησιμοποίηση του τίτλου και της κατηγορίας ως επιπρόσθετη πληροφορία. Τέλος η Wikipedia χρησιμοποιείται και στην ανάθεση ετικετών στις τελικές συστάδες ως επιπρόσθετη πληροφορία κάθε ξεχωριστού κειμένου που βρίσκεται στη συστάδα. / -

Análise de similaridades e diferenças no uso de marcadores de reformulação e frases lexicais, em um corpus paralelo, constituído de contos e romances de Claice Lispector, e as respectivas traduções para o inglês e italiano

Bonalumi, Emiliana Fernandes [UNESP] 09 August 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:32:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2010-08-09Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T21:04:47Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 bonalumi_ef_dr_sjtp.pdf: 1190810 bytes, checksum: 75a5c8c6b902506945b840887cb5ed36 (MD5) / Este estudo envolve uma pesquisa a respeito de marcadores de reformulação (MRs) e frases lexicais (FLs) em um corpus de textos literários constituído de um subcorpus de textos originais (TOs), composto das obras literárias de Clarice Lispector (Perto do Coração Selvagem, Laços de Família, Onde Estivestes de Noite e A Hora da Estrela), um subcorpus dos respectivos TTs para a língua inglesa por Giovanni Pontiero (Near to the Wild Heart, Family Ties e The Hour of the Star) e Alexis Levitin (Where You Where at Night), e um subcorpus dos textos claricianos traduzidos para a língua italiana por Adelina Aletti (Legami Familiari, Dove Siete Stati di Notte e L’Ora della Stella) e Rita Desti (Vicino al Cuore Selvaggio). Este trabalho tem como um dos objetivos principais observar similaridades e diferenças nos respectivos textos traduzidos (TTs) para o inglês e o italiano e nos TOs quanto ao emprego de MRs (i.e. or; for example; I mean) e de FLs (i.e. at the same time; in fact; at that moment). A investigação fundamenta-se na proposta de estudos da tradução baseada em corpus lançada por Baker (1993, 1995, 1996, 2004), nas observações de Berber Sardinha (1999, 2000, 2002, 2004) no tocante à linguística de corpus, nas pesquisas de Blakemore (1993, 1996) e Cuenca (2003) sobre MRs, e no trabalho de Nattinger e DeCarrico (1992) a respeito de FLs. Com o auxílio do programa Wordsmith Tools, estabelecemos comparações em termos de frequência e distribuição entre ambos subcorpora de TTs e TOs. Observamos se tais MRs e FLs formaram padrões significativamente diferentes dos TOs. Pudemos verificar que as obras traduzidas de Clarice Lispector para o italiano, na maioria dos casos, não se mostram significativamente diferentes dos MRs e FLs encontrados em seus respectivos TOs, embora os TTs (135.016 itens) tenham extensão maior que os TOs (131.749 itens). Em contrapartida, no que... / This study involves a research on reformulation markers and lexical phrases in a corpus of literary texts, constituted of a subcorpus of literary works of Clarice Lispector (Perto do Coração Selvagem, Laços de Família, Onde Estivestes de Noite and A Hora da Estrela), a subcorpus of the respective translated texts into English by Giovanni Pontiero (Near to the Wild Heart, Family Ties and The Hour of the Star), and Alexis Levitin (Where You Where at Night), and a subcorpus of original texts translated into Italian by Adelina Aletti (Legami Familiari, Dove Siete Stati di Notte and L’Ora della Stella) and Rita Desti (Vicino al Cuore Selvaggio). This investigation has as one of the main objectives to observe similarities and differences in the target texts (TTs) and source texts (STs) concerning to the use of reformulation markers (i.e. or; for example; I mean) and lexical phrases (i.e. at the same time; in fact; at that moment). The work is focused on the proposal of corpus-based translation studies launched by Baker (1993, 1995, 1996, 2004), on the observations of Berber Sardinha (1999, 2000, 2002, 2004) related to corpus linguistics, on the research studies of Blakemore (1993, 1996) and Cuenca (2003) on reformulation markers, and on the work of Nattinger & DeCarrico (1992) concerned to lexical phrases. With the use of the software Wordsmith Tools, we have established comparisons in terms of frequency and distribution between both subcorpora of TTs and STs. We have observed if such reformulation markers and lexical phrases have formed significantly different patterns from its TTs. We could observe that the translated works into Italian of Clarice Lispector, in most of the cases, are not significantly different from the patterns of reformulation markers and lexical phrases found in their respective STs, even though the TTs (135.016 tokens) are bigger in their length than the... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)

Análise de elementos da gestão do conhecimento nos projetos de reformulação organizacional da Caixa Econômica Federal.

Endres, Celso 26 February 2003 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:51:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DissCE.pdf: 4056105 bytes, checksum: 9c25c0c66653e14cd579b9b18d634de5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2003-02-26 / Within a environment of great changes, one believes that the way how a company produces and transmits the knowledge is essencial to its continuity and it has been under the Knowledge Management point of view that this work analyses the organizational reformulation projects in the Agencias da Caixa Economica Federal, started from the Project 500 and followed by the Net of Processes and the Customers Segmentation Strategic Model. To reach the proposed goal, it has been taken from the literature about the study topic, dimensions and elements enabling a tool structure of analysis to identify possible effective practices of Knowledge Management in the company through methodology systematization applied and reported data analysis. This study analyse how the elements of Knowledge Management are in the innovations occurred in the enterprise during the last years. One may realize that the goal has been achieved and the identified elements were classified as string, moderate and weak by its performance and served of reference to propositions of improvements of knowledge use in the organization. This has been the main contribution of this study for the company with the guidelines of how to generate, codify and transfer the tacit knowledge into explicit one. The former in the researched company is predominant and of high quality, developing a necessity of a trained managerial body with defined attributions and responsibilities to lead the knowledge use in the company through Technology, Processes and People. / Num ambiente de grandes mudanças, acredita-se que a maneira como a empresa gera e transmite o conhecimento é essencial para a sua continuidade e é sob o ponto de vista da Gestão do Conhecimento que este trabalho analisa os projetos de reformulação organizacional nas Agências da Caixa Econômica Federal, iniciados a partir do Projeto 500 e seguidos pela Rede de Processos e o Modelo Estratégico de Segmentação de Clientes. Para atingir o objetivo proposto, foram extraídos da literatura sobre o tema do trabalho, dimensões e elementos capazes de estruturar um modelo de análise para identificar possíveis práticas efetivas de Gestão do Conhecimento na empresa através de uma sistematização da metodologia utilizada e da análise dos dados coletados. Um ponto a se destacar é que este trabalho analisou o quão presentes estão os elementos da Gestão do Conhecimento nas inovações ocorridas na empresa nos últimos anos. Pode-se concluir que o objetivo foi atingido e os elementos identificados foram classificados como fortes, moderados e fracos quanto à sua presença e serviram de referência para proposições de melhorias do uso do conhecimento na organização, tornando-se esta a principal contribuição deste trabalho para a empresa em questão, com indicações de como gerar, codificar e transferir o conhecimento e, principalmente, de como transformar o conhecimento tácito em explícito, já que o conhecimento tácito na empresa pesquisada é predominante e de muita qualidade, destacando-se para isso, a necessidade de um corpo gerencial treinado, com atribuições e responsabilidades definidas para conduzir o uso do conhecimento na empresa através da Tecnologia, dos Processos e das Pessoas.

Análise de similaridades e diferenças no uso de marcadores de reformulação e frases lexicais, em um corpus paralelo, constituído de contos e romances de Claice Lispector, e as respectivas traduções para o inglês e italiano /

Bonalumi, Emiliana Fernandes. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Diva Cardoso de Camargo / Banca: Célia Maria Magalhães / Banca: Adauri Brezolin / Banca: Cláudia Maria Ceneviva Nigro / Banca: Maria Cláudia Rodrigues Alves / Resumo: Este estudo envolve uma pesquisa a respeito de marcadores de reformulação (MRs) e frases lexicais (FLs) em um corpus de textos literários constituído de um subcorpus de textos originais (TOs), composto das obras literárias de Clarice Lispector (Perto do Coração Selvagem, Laços de Família, Onde Estivestes de Noite e A Hora da Estrela), um subcorpus dos respectivos TTs para a língua inglesa por Giovanni Pontiero (Near to the Wild Heart, Family Ties e The Hour of the Star) e Alexis Levitin (Where You Where at Night), e um subcorpus dos textos claricianos traduzidos para a língua italiana por Adelina Aletti (Legami Familiari, Dove Siete Stati di Notte e L'Ora della Stella) e Rita Desti (Vicino al Cuore Selvaggio). Este trabalho tem como um dos objetivos principais observar similaridades e diferenças nos respectivos textos traduzidos (TTs) para o inglês e o italiano e nos TOs quanto ao emprego de MRs (i.e. or; for example; I mean) e de FLs (i.e. at the same time; in fact; at that moment). A investigação fundamenta-se na proposta de estudos da tradução baseada em corpus lançada por Baker (1993, 1995, 1996, 2004), nas observações de Berber Sardinha (1999, 2000, 2002, 2004) no tocante à linguística de corpus, nas pesquisas de Blakemore (1993, 1996) e Cuenca (2003) sobre MRs, e no trabalho de Nattinger e DeCarrico (1992) a respeito de FLs. Com o auxílio do programa Wordsmith Tools, estabelecemos comparações em termos de frequência e distribuição entre ambos subcorpora de TTs e TOs. Observamos se tais MRs e FLs formaram padrões significativamente diferentes dos TOs. Pudemos verificar que as obras traduzidas de Clarice Lispector para o italiano, na maioria dos casos, não se mostram significativamente diferentes dos MRs e FLs encontrados em seus respectivos TOs, embora os TTs (135.016 itens) tenham extensão maior que os TOs (131.749 itens). Em contrapartida, no que... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This study involves a research on reformulation markers and lexical phrases in a corpus of literary texts, constituted of a subcorpus of literary works of Clarice Lispector (Perto do Coração Selvagem, Laços de Família, Onde Estivestes de Noite and A Hora da Estrela), a subcorpus of the respective translated texts into English by Giovanni Pontiero (Near to the Wild Heart, Family Ties and The Hour of the Star), and Alexis Levitin (Where You Where at Night), and a subcorpus of original texts translated into Italian by Adelina Aletti (Legami Familiari, Dove Siete Stati di Notte and L'Ora della Stella) and Rita Desti (Vicino al Cuore Selvaggio). This investigation has as one of the main objectives to observe similarities and differences in the target texts (TTs) and source texts (STs) concerning to the use of reformulation markers (i.e. or; for example; I mean) and lexical phrases (i.e. at the same time; in fact; at that moment). The work is focused on the proposal of corpus-based translation studies launched by Baker (1993, 1995, 1996, 2004), on the observations of Berber Sardinha (1999, 2000, 2002, 2004) related to corpus linguistics, on the research studies of Blakemore (1993, 1996) and Cuenca (2003) on reformulation markers, and on the work of Nattinger & DeCarrico (1992) concerned to lexical phrases. With the use of the software Wordsmith Tools, we have established comparisons in terms of frequency and distribution between both subcorpora of TTs and STs. We have observed if such reformulation markers and lexical phrases have formed significantly different patterns from its TTs. We could observe that the translated works into Italian of Clarice Lispector, in most of the cases, are not significantly different from the patterns of reformulation markers and lexical phrases found in their respective STs, even though the TTs (135.016 tokens) are bigger in their length than the... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

L’écriture entre imitation et invention à l’école primaire : écrire des épisodes de robinsonnades au cycle 3 / Writing in primary school : between imitation and invention

Rebours-Similowski, Kathy 30 November 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse décrit une recherche qui s’inscrit dans le cadre de l’apprentissage de la rédaction en fin d’école primaire. Il s’agit d’observer comment des scripteurs apprenants confrontés à des textes littéraires les réinvestissent spontanément dans une phase d’écriture ou de réécriture. Plus particulièrement, elle se donne pour objectif d’observer comment les élèves reformulent des textes ressources pour construire un genre, ici la robinsonnade, et comment l’imitation inventive participe de la construction d’une posture d’auteur. Elle s’intéresse aux stratégies mises en œuvre, pour, in fine, en dégager des exploitations didactiques. L’analyse conjugue deux perspectives. La première est celle de la linguistique, s’appuie sur les études portant sur la production verbale écrite et la réorganisation d’un substrat langagier déjà-là, et emprunte à la génétique textuelle ses méthodes pour lire les productions des élèves comme des textes d’écrivains. La seconde perspective est celle de la didactique et interroge les démarches qui cherchent à améliorer les productions d’élèves à partir de l’utilisation de modèles que constituent des textes ressources. / This thesis describes a research conducted within the frame of the learning of writing at the end of primary school. It observes how novice writers exposed to literary texts spontaneously reinvest them in a subsequent writing or rewriting task. In particular, the research aims at observing how pupils reformulate resource texts to build a literary genre (here the robinsonnade), and how inventive imitation participates in the construction of an author's posture. The thesis focuses on the strategies implemented by the pupils to, ultimately, use them to develop didactic strategies. The analysis combines two perspectives. The first of these perspectives is that of linguistics. It relies on studies of written verbal production and of the reorganization of a linguistic substratum "already there". To read the productions of the pupils as actual writers' texts, the analysis borrows methodological approaches from textual genetics. The second analysis perspective is that of didactics. It questions the approaches that seek to improve the productions of pupils from the use of models that constitute resource texts.

Interactions en classe d’espagnol langue étrangère : étude comparative des productions verbales enseignants/apprenants en classe de quatrième et terminale à Libreville / Interactions in spanish as a second language classes : comparative study of teachers and learners' oral productions at 8th and 12th grade level in Libreville-based high schools

Ntsaga Schummer, Elvire Emeline 28 November 2016 (has links)
Le contenu de ce travail de recherche est une analyse comparative des interactions en classe d’espagnol langue étrangère (quatrième et terminale). Il est essentiellement axé sur les productions verbales enseignants/apprenants des classes de quatrième et de terminale, dans des établissements situés à Libreville, capitale du Gabon. Cette analyse prétend répondre à un questionnement sur le déroulement d’une classe de langue espagnole. Applique-t-il les règles préconisées par les institutions gabonaises ? Ce déroulement est-il le même selon les niveaux d’apprentissage des élèves (quatrième-terminale) ? Quels types d’activités sont pratiqués en classe ? Ces types d’activités favorisent-ils l’interaction comme moyen d’échanges et de communication ? Comment coexistent gestion d’interaction, de classe et du cours ? Quel est rôle de chaque interactant (enseignants/apprenants) pour une interaction pluridirectionnelle ? Quelles sont les adoptées stratégies dans la construction des énoncés pour faciliter compréhension des élèves ? Dans une démarche quelque peu sociolinguistique mais fortement didactique, ce travail s’inscrit dans l’enseignement des langues étrangères avec une approche interactionniste. Elle oriente de façon générale la formation des enseignants dans la gestion de la classe. En effet, en Europe comme en Afrique, il se pose, de façon permanente, ce problème de gestion des classes et des effectifs en classe de langue étrangère. Nos résultats montrent que l’enseignant emploie régulièrement les phénomènes langagiers tels que : la reformulation, la répétition et l’allongement syllabique, comme stratégies énonciatifs, afin de solliciter l’attention et la participation des élèves. Il arrive ainsi à assurer la gestion de la classe, des séquences du cours, du matériel et des élèves aussi bien en classe de quatrième qu’en classe de terminale. / A comparative analysis of interactions in Spanish classes at high school level (8th and 12th grade is the basis of this research. Indeed, it provides an insight into the interactions between teachers and students in Libreville-based high schools. So the on-ground research was done in Libreville, Gabon's capital city. This analysis is an attempt at answering questions on the teaching of Spanish as a second language. Does this teaching comply with the rules worked out by the Gabonese Ministry of Education? Is it similar for all grades? What are the various activities during Spanish classes? Do these activities foster interactions as a means of communication and exchange? How does the teacher handle interactions, students' behaviour and the class? How do the teacher and the student contribute to an intense interaction during the class? How do educators do to render their Spanish classes comprehensible for their pupils? By adopting both a sociolinguistic and above all didactic method this work is focused on the teaching of foreign languages. Its objective is to help educators better understand the mechanisms to handle a grade. Handling a grade is more and more complex both in western countries and developing ones due to the ever-growing number of students in language classes. Our findings show that the teacher steadily employs a wide range of teaching strategies like rephrasing, repetition and the prolonged pronunciation of syllables to get students' attention and participation. Thanks to this panoply of teaching techniques, the teacher succeeds in handling the class and students at 8th and 12th grade level.

A intensificação do trabalho docente no ensino superior público federal: o caso da Universidade Federal de Goiás (1996 - 2012) / The intensification of teaching work in federal public higher education: the case of the Federal University of Goiás (1996 - 2012)

Polonial, Juscelino Martins 14 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Franciele Moreira (francielemoreyra@gmail.com) on 2018-04-25T12:50:36Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Juscelino Martins Polonial - 2017.pdf: 2323255 bytes, checksum: 91fae67ec3a825c14fb32637f13ff171 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Rejected by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com), reason: NÃO SEI O QUE ESTÁ ERRADO on 2018-04-25T12:59:52Z (GMT) / Submitted by Franciele Moreira (francielemoreyra@gmail.com) on 2018-04-25T13:01:04Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Juscelino Martins Polonial - 2017.pdf: 2323255 bytes, checksum: 91fae67ec3a825c14fb32637f13ff171 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2018-04-26T10:54:05Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Juscelino Martins Polonial - 2017.pdf: 2323255 bytes, checksum: 91fae67ec3a825c14fb32637f13ff171 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-26T10:54:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Juscelino Martins Polonial - 2017.pdf: 2323255 bytes, checksum: 91fae67ec3a825c14fb32637f13ff171 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-12-14 / His thesis entitled The intensification of teaching work in federal public higher education: the case of the Federal University of Goiás (1996 - 2012), is linked to the line of research Labor, Employment and Unions of the Program Postgraduate by Faculty of Social Sciences, Federal University of Goiás. The research aims to analyze the intensification of teaching work in federal public higher education, with a cut in the Federal University of Goiás, between 1996 and 2012, from two aspects: first after the publication of Law no 9394 of 1996 defining the Guidelines and Bases of National Education, which increased the school days from 180 to 200, extended the school calendar in a month, and how this contributed to overwhelm the work of the teacher, especially in relation to the time to develop their professional activity; according to its activity in the postgraduate course, that grew a lot in the period delimited by this research project, favoring the intensification of the teaching work. The research took an approach from the category of totality, so it had as its starting point the analysis of the structural crisis of the capital system and its implications for federal public higher education. We then investigate the changes in national education from the legal reformulation with the Constitution of 1988 and the LDB of 1996 and the governmental policies resulting from this legal change. Then we investigate the reforms at the Federal University of Goiás to adapt to this concrete social condition, notably with the expansion of the institution, both undergraduate and postgraduate. Finally, we talk about the teacher's work in this context and how it has been intensified. In this last part we did an analysis of the work of the UFG teacher based on SICAD and, with the analysis of the data, we verified that the teacher is working more and that, in general, an important part of his work does not appear in the official records of the university. Thus, we conclude that the work of the higher education teacher of the federal public network has been intensified, and this process is related to recent transformations in capitalism, the information revolution, neoliberal politics and legal reforms in education after the 1988 Constitution, as well as with government policies between 1996 and 2012. Among the various aspects of this intensification of teaching work is the need to have an increasingly voluminous and rapid academic production, a fact known as academic productivism. In this way, pressed, the federal public higher education teacher has to produce more and more in the shortest possible time. This is directly related to the expansion of the UFG and to the increase in the workload of teachers in teaching and in the orientations and coorientations of TCCs, scientific initiations, dissertations and theses. It also relates to an increase in workload for academic production, participation in academic newsstands, and research and extension activities. Finally, the teacher started to spend more working hours for administration, coordination and representation activities. All this has contributed and still contributes to the intensification of the teaching work. / Esta tese intitulada A intensificação do trabalho docente no ensino superior público federal: o caso da Universidade Federal de Goiás (1996 - 2012), se vincula a linha de pesquisa Trabalho, Emprego e Sindicatos do Programa de Pós-graduação da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais da Universidade Federal de Goiás. A pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar a intensificação do trabalho docente no ensino superior público federal, com recorte na Universidade Federal de Goiás, entre 1996 e 2012, a partir de duas vertentes: primeiro após a publicação da Lei de no 9394 de 1996 definindo as Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional, que, aumentando os dias letivos de 180 para 200, estendeu o calendário escolar em um mês, e como isso contribuiu para sobrecarregar o trabalho do professor, principalmente em relação ao tempo para desenvolver a sua atividade profissional; segundo a sua atividade na pós-graduação, que cresceu muito no período delimitado por este projeto de pesquisa, favorecendo a intensificação do trabalho docente. A pesquisa fez uma abordagem a partir da categoria da totalidade, por isso teve como ponto de partida a análise da crise estrutural do sistema do capital e suas implicações para a educação superior pública federal. Depois investigamos as mudanças na educação nacional a partir da reformulação jurídica com a Constituição de 1988 e com a LDB de 1996 e as políticas governamentais decorrentes dessa mudança legal. Depois investigamos as reformas na Universidade Federal de Goiás para se adequar a essa condição social concreta, notadamente com a expansão da instituição, tanto na graduação quanto na pós-graduação. Por fim, falamos do trabalho do professor nesse contexto e como ele foi intensificado. Nessa última parte fizemos uma análise do trabalho do docente da UFG com base no SICAD e, com a análise dos dados comprovamos que o professor está trabalhando mais e em que, geral, uma parte importante do seu trabalho não aparece nos registros oficiais da universidade. Assim, concluímos que o trabalho do professor do ensino superior da rede pública federal foi intensificado, estando esse processo relacionado com as transformações recentes no capitalismo, com a revolução informacional, com a política neoliberal e com as reformas jurídicas na educação após a Constituição de 1988, bem como com as políticas governamentais entre 1996 e 2012. Dentre os vários aspectos dessa intensificação do trabalho docente, está a necessidade de se ter uma produção acadêmica cada vez mais volumosa e rápida, fato conhecido como produtivismo acadêmico. Dessa maneira, pressionado, o professor do ensino superior público federal tem que produzir cada vez mais e em menor espaço de tempo possível. Isso tem relação direta com a expansão da UFG e com o aumento da carga horária de trabalho do docente no ensino e nas orientações e coorientações dos TCCs, das iniciações científicas, das dissertações e das teses. Também tem relação com aumento em carga horária para a produção acadêmica, para a participação em bancas acadêmicas e para as atividades de pesquisa e de extensão. Por fim, o professor passou a dispender mais horas de trabalho para as atividades de administração, coordenação e representação. Tudo isso contribuiu e ainda contribui para intensificação do trabalho docente.

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