Spelling suggestions: "subject:"eligious life -- germany"" "subject:"eligious life -- hermany""
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The cross of Christ in the tension between gospel and culture : interpretations of the cross within the context of Bosch's paradigm shift theory / Kreuz Christi im Spannungsfeld von kultur und Evangelium : Deutungen des kreuzes im Rahmen der Paradigmenwechselttheorie von BoschReitz, Christiane 25 July 2014 (has links)
In this research study, the correlation between culture and gospel is investigated by examining changes in the interpretation of the cross of Christ from Early Christianity up to present times, using the method of paradigmatic analysis designed by David J. Bosch. Following the concept of the Missio Dei within mission theology, this study aims to find a perspective on the event of the cross which is relevant for today's practice. With reference to the topics of cultural context, sin, sacrifice, vicariousness, cross and mission, this study shows that in every paradigm the diverse perspectives of the interpretation of Jesus' death were explicable and helpful within their relevant contexts. It can also be seen that in its objectives, message and practice, mission correlates with the respective motifs prevalent at the time. In conclusion, after determining the proper place of the results within the concept of Missio Dei in mission theology, the study examines the relevance of these results for the Missio Christi, in order to offer a contribution to the debate and a potential perspective for explaining the significance of Jesus' death in the current German-speaking cultural context. / Christian Spirituality, Church History & Missiology / M. Th. (Missiology)
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Die Bedeutung der Schriftmeditation für junge Erwachsene freikirchlichen Hintergrunds : eine qualitative Fallstudie / The significance of Scripture meditation for young adults with a free church background : a qualitative case studyKissner, Klemens 06 1900 (has links)
Text in German / No abstract / Practical Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)
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Women's religious speech and activism in German PietismMartin, Lucinda 09 June 2011 (has links)
Not available / text
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Serve the City : eine empirisch-theologische Untersuchung zu Jugendpartizipation aus der Perspektive einer Offentlichen Theologie / Serve the City : An empirical-theological study of adolescent participation from a public theology perspectivePetry, Andreas 04 1900 (has links)
The basis for the work at hand is a look at current and future societal challenges in
living together in communities. Public Theology claims to offer an important contribution
as far as the overcoming of societal issues is concerned. The aim of this
research is to shed light on this theoretical claim by relating it to a practically applied
project while asking the question how the existing challenges can be dealt
with. It is explicitly about participatory structures and their advancement. Participation
is considered a key element for functioning communities in society. The
advancement of participation for young people contains an element of activation,
support and care. This research investigates which access paths the young people
chose for their participatory engagement, how these are designed and experienced,
and finally, how these paths can be strengthened and developed. The response to
these questions resulted in concrete courses of action for the research project
STC-Bremen, and furthermore, in generalized interpretations which can aid the
development of other fields of action. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)
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Die Bedeutung der Schriftmeditation für junge Erwachsene freikirchlichen Hintergrunds : eine qualitative Fallstudie / The significance of Scripture meditation for young adults with a free church background : a qualitative case studyKissner, Klemens 06 1900 (has links)
Text in German / No abstract / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)
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Personlichkeitstraining fur junge erwachsene-eine aufgabe der evangelischen ortsgemeinde : ein gemeindepadagogisches experiment / Personality training for young adults - a challenge for the local protestant church : an experiment in Christian educationMuller, Petra Johanna 11 1900 (has links)
As youngsters become adults, the development of their personality becomes the focus of their attention. However, neither Christian youthwork nor adult education within the Protestant Church in Germany is geared towards accompanying and advising them in the midst of their religious questions and changes. There is virtually no scholarly or church literature that would focus on the age group of 18 to 30 year olds. Thus far, the Protestant Church has not yet published non-commercial programs for personality development.
This dissertation focuses on evaluating a personality training program that was specially developed for young adults. The structures and the content are analyzed in order to gain insights into how such a training can be implemented in the local church. The empirical results will be complemented by insights from different studies on youth, theological and anthropological perspectives on personality and personhood, and two popular models of courses on the Christian faith. / An der Schwelle zum Erwachsenwerden steht die Entwicklung der eigenen Persönlichkeit im Mittelpunkt des Denkens von jungen Menschen. Aber weder die Jugendarbeit noch die Erwachsenenbildung sieht eine Aufgabe darin, junge Erwachsene in ihren religiösen Fragen und Veränderungen zu begleiten und zu beraten. Wissenschaftliche und gemeindepädagogische Literatur, speziell für die Altersgruppe der 18- bis 30-Jährigen, liegt kaum vor und innerhalb der evangelischen Kirche gibt es bislang keine nichtkommerziellen Persönlichkeitsprogramme für diese Personengruppe.
Der Fokus dieser Arbeit ist auf die Dokumentation und die qualitative Evaluation eines Persönlichkeitstrainings gerichtet, das speziell für junge Erwachsene entwickelt wurde. Untersucht werden die Strukturen und die Inhalte des Programms, um konkrete Gestaltungshinweise für die Durchführung in einer örtlichen Kirchengemeinde zu gewinnen. Die empirischen Ergebnisse werden durch Exzerpte aus verschiedenen Jugendstudien, aus theologisch-anthropologischen Erörterungen zu Persönlichkeit und Person sein und die Bewertung von zwei christlich populären Glaubenskursen ergänzt. / Practical Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)
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Faith, values and social learning in a German intermediate secondary school : an evaluation of the Lions-Quest programme "Skills for Adolescence" from an empirical religious educational perspective / Galuben, Werte und soziales Lernen in der Sekundarstufe I : eine empirisch-religionspädagogische Auswertung des Lions-Quest Programms "Erwachsen werden"Stängle, Gabriel 07 February 2014 (has links)
In this research the use of the Lions-Quest programme “Skills for Adolescence“ at an
intermediate secondary school level is examined qualitatively. It is investigated how pupils
at a German intermediate secondary school perceive the social skills training and how that
training affects the social competencies of the pupils. It is also explored if the pupils can
relate their acquired competencies with their values and beliefs.
Based on the empirical-theological praxis cycle, the planning, carrying out and the results
of thirteen one-to-one interviews and three group interviews are presented. Five types of
adolescents can be distinguished in terms of knowing and applying social skills as result of
different grounded theory coding strategies: the power-conscious, the autonomous, the
ambivalent, the self-confident and the competent.
This study wants to contribute to a better evaluation of the implementation of social skills
programmes at schools and particularly in religious education. / Practical Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)
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Kreuz Christi im Spannungsfeld von kultur und Evangelium : Deutungen des kreuzes im Rahmen der Paradigmenwechselttheorie von Bosch / The cross of Christ in the tension between gospel and culture : interpretations of the cross within the context of Bosch's paradigm shift theoryReitz, Christiane 25 July 2014 (has links)
In this research study, the correlation between culture and gospel is investigated by examining changes in the interpretation of the cross of Christ from Early Christianity up to present times, using the method of paradigmatic analysis designed by David J. Bosch. Following the concept of the Missio Dei within mission theology, this study aims to find a perspective on the event of the cross which is relevant for today's practice. With reference to the topics of cultural context, sin, sacrifice, vicariousness, cross and mission, this study shows that in every paradigm the diverse perspectives of the interpretation of Jesus' death were explicable and helpful within their relevant contexts. It can also be seen that in its objectives, message and practice, mission correlates with the respective motifs prevalent at the time. In conclusion, after determining the proper place of the results within the concept of Missio Dei in mission theology, the study examines the relevance of these results for the Missio Christi, in order to offer a contribution to the debate and a potential perspective for explaining the significance of Jesus' death in the current German-speaking cultural context. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Missiology)
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Woran konfessionslose junge Erwachsene in Ostdeutschland glauben : eine empirisch-theologische Untersuchung der Glaubensvorstellungen von konfessionslosen jungen Erwachsenen in Ostdeutschland und ihre missionarische Ansprechbarkeit am Beispiel von Cottbus / What non-denominational young adults in East Germany believe : an empirical-theological study of the notion of nonconfessional religious young adults in East Germany and its missionary responsiveness, using the example of CottbusSchott, David 11 1900 (has links)
Text in German, summaries in German and English / Rund 70% aller Ostdeutschen gehoren keiner Kirche oder Religionsgemeinschaft an, und sind somit uberwiegend konfessionslos. Die Konfessionslosen sind jedoch keine homogene Gruppe. Zudem ist Konfessionslosigkeit ein Negationsbegriff, der lediglich besagt, was jemand nicht glaubt. Um die konfessionslosen Ostdeutschen besser mit dem Evangelium zu erreichen, ist es jedoch hilfreich zu wissen was sie glauben. Denn in dieser Untersuchung wird davon ausgegangen, dass auch Konfessionslose an etwas glauben. Der Fokus dieser Studie, richtet sich auf die Glaubensvorstellungen der ostdeutschen jungen Erwachsenen, im Alter von 18-26 Jahren, die nach der Wende 1989 geboren und sozialisiert wurden und somit ,,postsozialistisch" sind. Von Interesse ist die inhaltliche Fullung, die sinnstiftenden Elemente, die Pragung, sowie die Lebens- und Alltagsrelevanz des Glaubens dieser jungen Erwachsenen, als auch die missionarische Ansprechbarkeit auf der Grundlage dieser Ergebnisse. Dazu wurde in der brandenburgischen Stadt Cottbus, auf die sich diese Studie beschrankt, eine qualitative Studie mit halbstandardisierten Leitfadeninterviews durchgefuhrt. / Approximately 70% of Germans living in East Germany (the former German Democratic Republic) belong neither to a church, nor to a religious fellowship. These "confession-less" are, however, not a homogenous people group. To describe people as confession-less is negative terminology, which says simply that they do not believe. In order to better reach the confessionless East Germans with the Gospel, it is helpful, of course, to know what they believe. This study proceeds from the assumption, that every person believes on something. The focus of this study is on young adults in eastern Germany from 18-26 years of age, who were born and received their socialization after the peaceful revolution of 1989 and who are therefore "post-socialistic''.
The belief of these young adults is analyzed in regard to its content, the elements that give it meaning, its characteristics and its relevance for their lives in general, as well as for their everyday life. In addition, of concern is their level of missional responsiveness, based on the
results of this analysis. In this study, quality-based, partially standardized, guided interviews were employed in the city of Cottbus (Brandenburg, Germany), to which this study is limited. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Missiology)
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Personlichkeitstraining fur junge erwachsene-eine aufgabe der evangelischen ortsgemeinde : ein gemeindepadagogisches experiment / Personality training for young adults - a challenge for the local protestant church : an experiment in Christian educationMuller, Petra Johanna 11 1900 (has links)
As youngsters become adults, the development of their personality becomes the focus of their attention. However, neither Christian youthwork nor adult education within the Protestant Church in Germany is geared towards accompanying and advising them in the midst of their religious questions and changes. There is virtually no scholarly or church literature that would focus on the age group of 18 to 30 year olds. Thus far, the Protestant Church has not yet published non-commercial programs for personality development.
This dissertation focuses on evaluating a personality training program that was specially developed for young adults. The structures and the content are analyzed in order to gain insights into how such a training can be implemented in the local church. The empirical results will be complemented by insights from different studies on youth, theological and anthropological perspectives on personality and personhood, and two popular models of courses on the Christian faith. / An der Schwelle zum Erwachsenwerden steht die Entwicklung der eigenen Persönlichkeit im Mittelpunkt des Denkens von jungen Menschen. Aber weder die Jugendarbeit noch die Erwachsenenbildung sieht eine Aufgabe darin, junge Erwachsene in ihren religiösen Fragen und Veränderungen zu begleiten und zu beraten. Wissenschaftliche und gemeindepädagogische Literatur, speziell für die Altersgruppe der 18- bis 30-Jährigen, liegt kaum vor und innerhalb der evangelischen Kirche gibt es bislang keine nichtkommerziellen Persönlichkeitsprogramme für diese Personengruppe.
Der Fokus dieser Arbeit ist auf die Dokumentation und die qualitative Evaluation eines Persönlichkeitstrainings gerichtet, das speziell für junge Erwachsene entwickelt wurde. Untersucht werden die Strukturen und die Inhalte des Programms, um konkrete Gestaltungshinweise für die Durchführung in einer örtlichen Kirchengemeinde zu gewinnen. Die empirischen Ergebnisse werden durch Exzerpte aus verschiedenen Jugendstudien, aus theologisch-anthropologischen Erörterungen zu Persönlichkeit und Person sein und die Bewertung von zwei christlich populären Glaubenskursen ergänzt. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)
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