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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Synthesis and Characterization of Heusler Compounds with Non-Collinear Magnetic Structure - From Spin Glasses to Spin Reorientation

Kroder, Johannes Christoph 17 September 2020 (has links)
Heusler compounds form a large class of intermetallic materials, which attracted a lot of interest in recent years. The reason is their enormous flexibility, which makes it possible to observe almost every physical effect in one of the 1000 members known nowadays. Especially many magnetic Heusler compounds display promising properties, which offer potential application in fields like rare-earth free permanent magnets, magnetocalorics, spin transfer torque devices and tunnel junctions. Apart from that, magnetic Heusler systems are also interesting for fundamental research since some members host skyrmion lattices and other magnetically complex orders. The search for new Heusler compounds is therefore fruitful in many ways. Accordingly, the present thesis followed the approach of synthesizing and characterizing such Heusler compounds that were either entirely new or had unexplored magnetic properties. Exactly this second approach was demonstrated in Chapter 3, namely for IrMnGa. With help of combined neutron and x-ray diffraction experiments it was possible to correct the structural model from literature and show that the compound crystallizes indeed within the half-Heusler space group but with a substantial degree of Y -disorder. In contrast to older suggestions, the subsequent magnetic characterization revealed a robust canonical spin glass state instead of antiferromagnetic order. The magnetic phase diagram was found to be similar to Au1−xFex and thus hinted on a Heisenberg-like spin glass with considerable anisotropy. Contrary to synthesis route and heat treatment, changing the composition allowed to tune the spin glass state extensively. Increasing the Mn content caused a transition from spin to cluster glass behavior and for Mn contents above 40 at%, it was even possible to introduce ferrimagnetic order. Notably, the composition dependence of spin glasses was only studied for binary systems before. It turned out that many trends are quite similar for the Ir-Mn-Ga ternary scenario with the exception of magnetic behavior near the percolation limit being more complex. Generally, spin glass order is rather rare in Heusler compounds and especially for half-Heusler systems a report remained elusive up to IrMnGa. Chapter 4 then summarized investigations on the Heusler series Fe3−xMnxSi, which features a spin reorientation transition at low temperatures. Despite being one of the most studied Heusler systems, the magnetotransport properties were not yet covered systematically in literature. The presented investigations unveiled that the mechanisms of longitudinal as well as Hall resistivity change upon cooling through the spin reorientation transition. For the Hall effect, skew scattering dominates above TR whereas it is the intrinsic mechanism below. The finding emphasizes the dependency of the intrinsic Hall contribution on the magnetic structure and it should be possible to generalize this change of the Hall mechanism to all magnetic transitions, where the intrinsic contribution is affected. The subsequent Chapter 5 provided a reevaluation of the Fe-Mn-Si phase diagram. The approach seemed well justified since the obtained phase boundaries agreed better with theory than the old experimental studies. Furthermore, it was found that those compounds, which were previously identified as β-Mn, actually crystallize in a superstructure. The ordered version has a Mn3IrSi as prototype and derives from β-Mn by splitting of the 8c site into two 4a sites. Due to the close relation of both structures, this phase was named β’-Mn. Moreover, it turned out that the ’mysterious’ secondary phase, which was mentioned for Mn-rich Fe3−xMnxSi Heusler compounds but never specified, is given exactly by β’-Mn. The investigations of its magnetic properties indicated a transition to a canonical spin glass state at low temperatures. β’-Mn thus adds a further type of magnetic ordering to the Fe-Mn-Si system. Indeed, the latter comprised all kinds of solid state magnetism but no spin glass order was reported before. Finally, the spin glass state was demonstrated to exhibit a similar composition dependence as in Ir-Mn-Ga, which illustrated nicely the universal character of the spin glass concept. The last chapter dealt with the difficult search for entirely new Heusler compounds. It was explained that high-throughput studies struggle to predict phase stabilities, which is why they have to be treated with care. To overcome these issues, some design rules were suggested to evaluate whether a Heusler compound is likely to be experimentally stable or not. Usually, there are no reports for systems, which do not form as single phase. Since this is a highly inefficient habit, 26 multi-phase ’Heusler compounds’ were listed. In the end of the chapter, the successful synthesis of three new compounds was presented, namely Ru2CrAl, Ru2CrGa and Ru2CrSb. Ru2CrGa was identified as Pauli paramagnet whereas Ru2CrSb exhibited an antiferromagnetic transition around 100 K. A second transition at 40 K was accompanied by a small increase of magnetization, which hinted on some more complex magnetic structure at low temperatures.

The reorientation of iranian trade from west to east since 1979

Bilger, Leslie 01 May 2013 (has links)
Iran, with its attractive geographical position and its abundant natural resources, has had an undeniable attraction for the world's greatest powers over the history. Well before the creation of the Islamic Republic of Iran, this country established high level of economic interactions with a great variety of political partners. In recent years, the country's change of regime has had a crucial impact on those relationships. By analysing the trade data between Iran and Western countries (the U.S.A., Canada, the U.K., France, Germany, and Italy) as well as the major Eastern countries (China, Russia, and India), it is possible to establish a better understanding of how political events have impacted Iran's commerce with the world's major economic players. It is also possible to understand how the change of direction of the Iranian's imports and exports can impact the behavior of the other nations studied. This research focuses on the analysis of Iranian trade since 1969, ten years before the revolution and until 2009.

Le parcours de réorientation professionnelle d’immigrantes hautement qualifiées à Montréal : une étude exploratoire

Germain, Danielle 09 1900 (has links)
Les immigrantes hautement qualifiées rencontrent de nombreux obstacles à leur arrivée au Québec face à leur insertion professionnelle et économique. Les difficultés au plan de la reconnaissance des qualifications étrangères, les pratiques discriminatoires des entreprises et les stratégies et obligations familiales placent de nombreuses immigrantes dans une situation de déqualification professionnelle. Malgré un niveau de scolarité déjà élevé, plusieurs immigrantes vont opter pour un retour aux études, dans l’espoir qu’un diplôme local puisse améliorer leur situation professionnelle. Cette recherche porte sur la réorientation professionnelle des immigrantes hautement qualifiées. Elle étudie le parcours de réorientation, tel un continuum se présentant en quatre étapes, soit la décision de participer à une formation, le choix d’orientation professionnelle, le déroulement de la formation et l’accès à un emploi correspondant à cette formation. L’objectif de cette recherche est d’explorer l’impact des obstacles rencontrés par les immigrantes à leur arrivée au Québec sur ce parcours de réorientation. Les résultats obtenus suite à des entretiens réalisés avec douze immigrantes indiquent notamment une diminution importante du degré de déqualification après l’obtention d’un diplôme local. Si cette stratégie d’adaptation semble porter fruit à cet égard, les résultats montrent également la persistance de certains obstacles. L’analyse de la trajectoire de réorientation révèle aussi un effet en cascades d’une étape du parcours sur l’autre. / Highly skilled immigrant women face numerous obstacles upon their arrival in Quebec with regards to their professional and economic integration. A lack of recognition of foreign qualifications, discriminatory business practices, as well as strategies and family obligations represent difficulties that lead to the deskilling of many immigrant women. Despite a high level of education before their arrival, many of them will opt for a return to school in the hope that a local diploma will improve their occupational status. This research paper focuses on the professional reorientation of highly skilled immigrant women. It examines the course of reorientation as a continuum in four stages, namely, the decision to undergo training, career choices, training process and access to employment related to that training. The objective of this research paper is to explore the impact of the barriers that immigrant women face upon arrival in Quebec and along the course of reorientation. The results obtained from interviews conducted with twelve immigrant women indicate an important decrease in the degree of deskilling upon attainment of a local diploma. Although this coping strategy seems to be working in this regard, the results also depict the persistence of certain obstacles. Trajectory analysis reveals a cascading effect from one step of the process to the next.

Analyse structurelle des composites tissés prenant en compte le procédé de mise en forme / Textile composite structural analysis taking into account the forming process

Aridhi, Abderrahmen 06 March 2019 (has links)
Durant le procédé de thermoestampage, le renfort tissé/préimprégné peut subir des grandes rotations de fibres dues aux fortes déformations de cisaillement dans le plan. Ces rotations sont importantes surtout dans les zones à géométries complexes telles que celles à double courbure. Par conséquent, la réorientation des fibres dans le nouveau renfort cisaillé affecte significativement la résistance et la performance du produit final. L'objectif de ce travail de thèse est de développer un modèle de comportement qui tient compte des changements d'angle entre les réseaux de mèches (directions chaine et trame). Un modèle de comportement hypo élastique a été proposé afin de simuler la mise en forme des tissés secs. La simulation de la mise en forme permet de déterminer les réorientations finales entre les mèches par l'intermédiaire des angles de cisaillement. Ces derniers sont transférés dans un modèle élastique orthotrope élaboré pour effectuer une analyse structurelle d'un composite durci après sa mise en forme. Le modèle orthotrope a été validé expérimentalement par un test de traction sur des éprouvettes durcies après un bias extension test. Finalement, pour démontrer la performance de ce modèle élastique orthotrope (avec la prise en compte de la réorientation des mèches), des analyses EF sur un hémisphère et un double dôme durcis ont été réalisés. Les résultats obtenus par le modèle orthotrope ont été comparés avec ceux issus d'un modèle sans la prise en compte de la réorientation des mèches. / During the forming process, the woven fabric/prepreg can undergo large fiber rotations due to plane shear deformation. These rotations are mostly important in zones with complexe gometries such as double curvature. Therefore, the fiber reorientations in the new sheared fabric affects significantly the strength and performance of final product. The aim of this thesis work is to develop a constitutive model that taking into account the angle's between the weft and warp yarns. An hypoelastic model has been developed in order to simulate the forming of dry fabric. The forming simulation allows to determine the final reorientations between yarns through the shear angles. The later are transferred into an orthotropic elastic model, developed to perform a structural analysis of a cured composite after its forming. The orthotropic model has been validated by a tensile test on cured specimens after a bias extension test. Finally, to demonstrate the performance of this orthotropic model (taking into account the reorientation of yarns), FE analysis on cured hemisphere and double dome have been performed. The results obtained by the orthotropic model have been compared with those obtained from a model without taking into account the reorientation of yarns.

Os paradigmas da administração pública e as políticas de patrimônio cultural em museus de Brasil e México / The paradigms of public administration and the cultural policies for museums in Brazil and Mexico

Pozzer, Marcio Rogerio Olivato 06 July 2015 (has links)
As políticas públicas de patrimônio cultural em museus adotadas no Brasil e no México exemplificam como os modelos de desenvolvimento, os arranjos institucionais da administração pública e a governança das políticas públicas refletem as mudanças que historicamente ocorreram nos Estados latino-americanos. Esta tese centrou-se na hipótese de que a transformação do \"pequeno\" Estado liberal do século XIX (com função apenas de garantir a propriedade e os contratos) para o \"grande\" Estado social do século XX (com responsabilidade de manter inúmeros serviços sociais) praticamente inviabilizou a racionalidade instrumental defendida pela administração burocrática tradicional weberiana e contribuiu para a crise fiscal dos Estados da América Latina do final do século XX. A investigação recorreu ao estudo comparado de Brasil e México a partir de pesquisa documental e de entrevistas com gestores dos órgãos nacionais de patrimônio, seguidas de um esforço de revisão bibliográfica que forneceu substrato teórico e metodológico para a tese. Os dados coletados, tratados e analisados, levaram à conclusão de que os dois países passaram por processos semelhantes de institucionalização das políticas de museus, em períodos históricos diferentes, sendo que a expansão dessas políticas relacionada, nos dois casos, à consolidação de um projeto nacional que buscava afirmação internacional e que recaem sobre processos de empresariamento urbano que paradoxalmente \"transformam em mercadoria\" a cultura. As crescentes críticas da sociedade à inoperância do modelo burocrático para apresentar respostas às demandas por serviços públicos cada vez mais complexos inseriram o modelo gerencial da administração pública nas agendas políticas locais dos dois países. Inspirado nos paradigmas da administração de empresas, o modelo se estruturou a partir do discurso de que o setor privado teria maior capacidade de atender às demandas sociais quando comparado ao setor público.Contudo, o modelo, que prometia superar as limitações e avançar na qualidade dos serviços e das políticas públicas em geral, não logrou o sucesso preconizado e foi parcialmente abandonado na maioria dos países latino-americanos, como foi o caso do Brasil. Os países que experimentaram governos de esquerda e centro-esquerda construíram uma agenda alternativa de desenvolvimento no início do século XXI, abrindo espaço para a construção e a disputa de novos valores sociais e para a tentativa de se implementar um modelo alternativo de administração pública denominado \"reorientação participativa para os serviços públicos\". Assim, conjuntamente às políticas neodesenvolvimentistas adotadas em parcela da América Latina, caracterizadas por se constituírem como um modelo híbrido, composto por traços liberais e neoliberais, por um lado, e, por outro, de bem-estar social e desenvolvimentista, deram origem a uma administração pública também hibrida. Esse modelo se caracterizou pela retomada do protagonismo do Estado, pela ênfase na construção de sistemas de políticas públicas, pela valorização da qualidade dos serviços públicos prestados, pela radicalização da participação social e pelo destaque às funções e aos valores exclusivos do setor público, com foco na responsabilização. Enquanto isso, o México reforçou sua opção por um modelo neoliberal de desenvolvimento, sem, contudo, implementar plenamente um modelo gerencial de administração pública, mantendo suas políticas públicas de patrimônio cultural em museus estagnadas, mas com ilhas de excelência, com museus de qualidade internacional, desenvolvidos num momento histórico em que o país contava com um projeto desenvolvimentista. / Public policies for cultural assets in museums adopted in Brazil and Mexico are an example of how development models, institutional arrangements of public administration and the government of public policies reflect the changes that historically took place in the Latin American States. This dissertation focused on the assumption that the transformation of the \"little\" 19th-century liberal State (whose function was merely ensure private property and contracts) into the \"great\" 20th-century social State (whose responsibility is to provide a number of social services) virtually made it infeasible to implement the instrumental rationality advocated by Weber´s traditional bureaucratic administration and contributes to deepen the tax crisis in the Latin American States by the end of the 20th century. The investigation compared Brazil and Mexico through documental research and interviews with managers of national asset bodies, followed by an effort of bibliographical review which provided theoretical and methodological substance for the dissertation. Data was collected, treated and analyzed, which led to the conclusion that both countries went through similar processes of institutionalization of their museum policies, at different times, and the expansion of such policies is related, in the two cases, to the consolidation of national project that sought international affirmation and which affect the processes of urban enterpreneurship that paradoxically \"change culture into a commodity\". The increasing criticism by society to the inoperativeness of the bureaucratic model in providing responses to the demands for public services that are more and more complex made way to the managerial models of public administration in local political agendas in both countries. Inspired in the paradigms of business administration, the model was structured around the discourse that the private sector would have greater capacity to meet the social demands when compared to the public sector. However, the model, which promised to overcome the limitations and improve the quality of public services and policies in general, did not achieve the expected success and was partly abandoned in most Latin American countries, as was the case in Brazil. Countries experiencing moderate left- and left-wing governments were able to build an alternate agenda of development in the early 21st century, making room for the construction of and contention for new social values and the attempt to implement an alternate model of public administration called \"participative reorientation of public services\". Thus, together with the neo-developmental policies adopted in part of Latin America, whose main feature is the fact that they are a hybrid model, consisting of liberal and neoliberal traits, on one hand, and developmental social welfare on the other hand, gave rise to a public administration that is also hybrid. This model was characterized by the resume of the State playing the main role, by the emphasis on the building of public-policy systems, by the increase in the quality of the public services provided, by the radicalization of social participation, and by the highlight given to the functions and values that are exclusive of the public sector, focusing on accountability. Meanwhile, Mexico reinforced the country´s option for a neoliberal development model; however the managerial model of public administration was never fully implemented as the public policies of cultural assets in museums stagnated, even if with islands of excellence as in museums of international standard, implemented in a historical moment when the country relied on a developmental project.

Os paradigmas da administração pública e as políticas de patrimônio cultural em museus de Brasil e México / The paradigms of public administration and the cultural policies for museums in Brazil and Mexico

Marcio Rogerio Olivato Pozzer 06 July 2015 (has links)
As políticas públicas de patrimônio cultural em museus adotadas no Brasil e no México exemplificam como os modelos de desenvolvimento, os arranjos institucionais da administração pública e a governança das políticas públicas refletem as mudanças que historicamente ocorreram nos Estados latino-americanos. Esta tese centrou-se na hipótese de que a transformação do \"pequeno\" Estado liberal do século XIX (com função apenas de garantir a propriedade e os contratos) para o \"grande\" Estado social do século XX (com responsabilidade de manter inúmeros serviços sociais) praticamente inviabilizou a racionalidade instrumental defendida pela administração burocrática tradicional weberiana e contribuiu para a crise fiscal dos Estados da América Latina do final do século XX. A investigação recorreu ao estudo comparado de Brasil e México a partir de pesquisa documental e de entrevistas com gestores dos órgãos nacionais de patrimônio, seguidas de um esforço de revisão bibliográfica que forneceu substrato teórico e metodológico para a tese. Os dados coletados, tratados e analisados, levaram à conclusão de que os dois países passaram por processos semelhantes de institucionalização das políticas de museus, em períodos históricos diferentes, sendo que a expansão dessas políticas relacionada, nos dois casos, à consolidação de um projeto nacional que buscava afirmação internacional e que recaem sobre processos de empresariamento urbano que paradoxalmente \"transformam em mercadoria\" a cultura. As crescentes críticas da sociedade à inoperância do modelo burocrático para apresentar respostas às demandas por serviços públicos cada vez mais complexos inseriram o modelo gerencial da administração pública nas agendas políticas locais dos dois países. Inspirado nos paradigmas da administração de empresas, o modelo se estruturou a partir do discurso de que o setor privado teria maior capacidade de atender às demandas sociais quando comparado ao setor público.Contudo, o modelo, que prometia superar as limitações e avançar na qualidade dos serviços e das políticas públicas em geral, não logrou o sucesso preconizado e foi parcialmente abandonado na maioria dos países latino-americanos, como foi o caso do Brasil. Os países que experimentaram governos de esquerda e centro-esquerda construíram uma agenda alternativa de desenvolvimento no início do século XXI, abrindo espaço para a construção e a disputa de novos valores sociais e para a tentativa de se implementar um modelo alternativo de administração pública denominado \"reorientação participativa para os serviços públicos\". Assim, conjuntamente às políticas neodesenvolvimentistas adotadas em parcela da América Latina, caracterizadas por se constituírem como um modelo híbrido, composto por traços liberais e neoliberais, por um lado, e, por outro, de bem-estar social e desenvolvimentista, deram origem a uma administração pública também hibrida. Esse modelo se caracterizou pela retomada do protagonismo do Estado, pela ênfase na construção de sistemas de políticas públicas, pela valorização da qualidade dos serviços públicos prestados, pela radicalização da participação social e pelo destaque às funções e aos valores exclusivos do setor público, com foco na responsabilização. Enquanto isso, o México reforçou sua opção por um modelo neoliberal de desenvolvimento, sem, contudo, implementar plenamente um modelo gerencial de administração pública, mantendo suas políticas públicas de patrimônio cultural em museus estagnadas, mas com ilhas de excelência, com museus de qualidade internacional, desenvolvidos num momento histórico em que o país contava com um projeto desenvolvimentista. / Public policies for cultural assets in museums adopted in Brazil and Mexico are an example of how development models, institutional arrangements of public administration and the government of public policies reflect the changes that historically took place in the Latin American States. This dissertation focused on the assumption that the transformation of the \"little\" 19th-century liberal State (whose function was merely ensure private property and contracts) into the \"great\" 20th-century social State (whose responsibility is to provide a number of social services) virtually made it infeasible to implement the instrumental rationality advocated by Weber´s traditional bureaucratic administration and contributes to deepen the tax crisis in the Latin American States by the end of the 20th century. The investigation compared Brazil and Mexico through documental research and interviews with managers of national asset bodies, followed by an effort of bibliographical review which provided theoretical and methodological substance for the dissertation. Data was collected, treated and analyzed, which led to the conclusion that both countries went through similar processes of institutionalization of their museum policies, at different times, and the expansion of such policies is related, in the two cases, to the consolidation of national project that sought international affirmation and which affect the processes of urban enterpreneurship that paradoxically \"change culture into a commodity\". The increasing criticism by society to the inoperativeness of the bureaucratic model in providing responses to the demands for public services that are more and more complex made way to the managerial models of public administration in local political agendas in both countries. Inspired in the paradigms of business administration, the model was structured around the discourse that the private sector would have greater capacity to meet the social demands when compared to the public sector. However, the model, which promised to overcome the limitations and improve the quality of public services and policies in general, did not achieve the expected success and was partly abandoned in most Latin American countries, as was the case in Brazil. Countries experiencing moderate left- and left-wing governments were able to build an alternate agenda of development in the early 21st century, making room for the construction of and contention for new social values and the attempt to implement an alternate model of public administration called \"participative reorientation of public services\". Thus, together with the neo-developmental policies adopted in part of Latin America, whose main feature is the fact that they are a hybrid model, consisting of liberal and neoliberal traits, on one hand, and developmental social welfare on the other hand, gave rise to a public administration that is also hybrid. This model was characterized by the resume of the State playing the main role, by the emphasis on the building of public-policy systems, by the increase in the quality of the public services provided, by the radicalization of social participation, and by the highlight given to the functions and values that are exclusive of the public sector, focusing on accountability. Meanwhile, Mexico reinforced the country´s option for a neoliberal development model; however the managerial model of public administration was never fully implemented as the public policies of cultural assets in museums stagnated, even if with islands of excellence as in museums of international standard, implemented in a historical moment when the country relied on a developmental project.

Investigations into the interfacial interaction of graphene with hexagonal boron nitride

Woods, Colin January 2016 (has links)
This thesis, submitted to the University of Manchester, covers a range of topics related to current research in two-dimensional materials under the title: 'Investigations into the interfacial interaction of graphene with hexagonal boron nitride.'In the last decade, two-dimensional materials have become a rich source of original research and potential applications. The main advantage lies in the ability to produce novel composite structures, so-called 'layered heterostructures', which are only a few atomic layers thick. One can utilise the unique properties of several species of crystal separately, or how they interact to realise a diverse range of uses. Two such crystals are graphene and hexagonal boron nitride. Hexagonal boron nitride has, so far, been used primarily as a substrate for graphene, allowing researchers to get the most out of graphene's impressive individual properties. However, in this thesis, the non-trivial van der Waals interaction between graphene and hexagonal boron nitride is examined. The interface potential reveals itself as a relatively large-scale, orientation-dependant superlattice, which is described in chapters 1 and 2.I In Chapter 4, the effect of this superlattice is examined by measurement of its effect upon the electrons in graphene, where its modulation leads to the creation of second and third generation Dirac points, revealing Hofstadter's Butterfly. As well as an excellent example of the physics possible with graphene, it also presents a new tool with which to create novel devices possessing tailored electronic properties. II In chapter 5, the consequential effect of the superlattice potential on the structure of graphene is studied. Results are discussed within the framework of the Frenkel-Kontorova model for a chain of atoms on a static background potential. Results are consistent with relaxation of the graphene structure leading to the formation of a commensurate ground state. This has exciting consequences for the production of heterostructures by demonstrating that alignment angle can have large effects upon the physical properties of the crystals. III In chapter 6, the van der Waals potential is shown to be responsible for the self-alignment of the two crystals. This effect is important for the fabrication of perfectly aligned devices and may lead to new applications based on nanoscale motion.

A formação docente em geografia na PUCSP a partir do projeto de reorientação curricular da licenciatura no periodo de 2005 a 2009 / Teacher training intended for Major in Geography at PUCSP based on the Curriculum Reorientation Project between 2005 through 2009

Ramires, Regina Rizzo 04 November 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T14:30:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Regina Rizzo Ramires.pdf: 473924 bytes, checksum: 360ba9f2b846d9504949cc58e342ecb2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-11-04 / Conselho de Ensino e Pesquisas / This thesis follows and analyzes the debates and activities involved in the building of a new Major curriculum by the Geography Department of PUCSP, between 2005 through 2009. It seeks to highlight the resulting conceptions about teacher training in this area of knowledge. It covers the very first discussions about the needs for change in the Major courses across the university in the period studied, starting with its conceptual construction when there was an intense concern with the Brazilian federal legislation for Higher Education, and reaching its approval in the decision-making bodies of the Institution and, afterwards, its implementation made explicit in the new Project for the Major in Geography. This is a theoretical effort based on qualitative research which utilizes the procedure of documental analysis of a portion of the federal legislation on the matter, and also internal documents from PUCSP, required to normalize the several undergraduate courses provided by the university. The thesis is focused on the issue of teacher training, taken from a specific viewpoint: the building of project for curriculum reorientation in the course of Geography as a Major, which sought to give new meanings to the practices of teacher training with the purpose of providing broader thinking over the role of geography teaching / A presente tese trata do acompanhamento do processo de debates e atividades envolvidas na construção de um novo currículo de licenciatura pelo Departamento de Geografia da PUCSP, no período de 2005 a 2009, buscando evidenciar as concepções resultantes sobre formação docente nessa área do conhecimento. Foram abordadas desde as primeiras discussões sobre as necessidades de mudanças nos cursos de licenciatura ocorridas em toda a universidade no período estudado, passando por sua construção conceitual onde houve intensa relação com a legislação federal a respeito do Ensino Superior Brasileiro, até alcançar sua aprovação nas instâncias deliberativas da Instituição e, na seqüência, sua implementação explicitada no novo Projeto de Curso de Licenciatura em Geografia. Trata-se de um trabalho teórico, embasado na pesquisa qualitativa, utilizando como procedimento a análise documental de parte da legislação federal sobre o assunto, além de documentos internos da PUCSP, responsáveis pela normatização dos diversos cursos de graduação na universidade. O eixo central de discussão é a questão da formação docente, estudada a partir de um viés específico que foi a construção de um projeto de reorientação curricular no curso de Geografia, o qual buscou dar novos significados às práticas de formação docente, visando proporcionar uma maior reflexão sobre o papel do ensino de geografia

Computational Modeling of Biological Membrane and Interface Dynamics

Lindahl, Erik January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Size Effects in Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloys

Ozdemir, Nevin 2012 May 1900 (has links)
The utilization of ferromagnetic shape memory alloys (FSMAs) in small scale devices has attracted considerable attention within the last decade. However, the lack of sufficient studies on their reversible shape change mechanisms, i.e, superelasticity, magnetic field-induced martensite variant reorientation and martensitic phase transformation, at the micron and submicron length scales prevent the further development and the use of FSMAs in small scale devices. Therefore, investigating the size effects in these mechanisms has both scientific and technological relevance. Superelastic behavior of Ni54Fe19Ga27 shape memory alloy single crystalline pillars was studied under compression as a function of pillar diameter. Multiple pillars with diameters ranging between 200 nm and 10 µm were cut on a single crystalline bulk sample oriented along the [110] direction in the compression axis and with fully reversible two-stage martensitic transformation. The results revealed size dependent two-stage martensitic transformation which was suppressed for pillar sizes of 1 µm and below. We also demonstrated that the reduction in pillar diameter decreases the transformation temperature due to the difficulty of martensite nucleation in small scales. Size effects in the magnetic field-induced martensite variant reorientation were investigated in the Ni50Mn28.3Ga21.7 single crystals oriented along the [100] direction of the austenite phase. Single crystalline compression pillars were fabricated on the martensite twins between the sizes of 630 nm and 20 µm. It was found that the stress-induced and magnetic field-induced martensite variant reorientation are size dependent and became more difficult with the reduction in sample size. Surprisingly, it was still possible to magnetically activate the shape change in the micropillars which indicates the fact that magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy increases with the reduction in sample dimensions. Ni45Mn36.6Co5In13.4 pillars between the 600 nm and 10 µm diameters were investigated along the [100] direction of the austenite to study the size effects in the magnetic field-induced phase transformation (MFIPT). MFIPT was obtained down to 5 µm size in these pillars with reasonable magnetic field levels similar to their bulk counterparts.

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