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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”En mä oo mies enkä nainen. Mä oon toimittaja”:sukupuoli ja suomalainen toimittajakunta 1960- ja 1970-luvulla

Kurvinen, H. (Heidi) 14 August 2013 (has links)
Abstract The research observes the profession of reporters in the decades when the field underwent several different changes. The development of editorial hierarchy and the transition to a five day working week increased the need for reporters. At the same time, the strenghtening of trade union politics changed the field towards a more professional direction. In terms of gender, the profession became more balanced when the number of female reporters increased. Female reporters entered the field when the demand for new reporters became higher. However, the change was also connected to the overall development in the Finnish society. It was first and foremost women’s opportunities for work that were negotiated in the role debate that was going on during the 1960s. When the debate turned into an official policy that was maintained through legislation, attention was paid to the gendered structures of working life. During the 1970s, women became a part of career world for good. Finnish working life remained segregated but the profession of reporters was one of the fields where both genders had the same duties. However, the profession was not equal in terms of gender. Female reporters were paid less than their male colleagues and they did not have the same opportunities for promotions. What is more, male reporters worked more often as special reporters whereas females remained as all round reporters. In addition, the vocational culture was still based upon masculine values. Within oral history, the gendered structures of the profession were overshadowed by the rhetorics of sameness. In other words, the profession was seen as equal in terms of gender. The explanation can be found in the Finnish gender culture that maintains the idea of gender neutrality of working life. However, the rhetorics also repeated the ideals of equality that prevailed during the 1960s and 1970s. Furthermore, other factors that divided the profession of reporters like age, political background and education also covered up the question of gender. The source material consists of oral history, archival sources and media texts. Sources form different periods of time are read against each other and the experiences of reporters are connected to the discourses of the 1960s and 1970s. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan toimittajan ammattia vuosikymmeninä, jolloin ala koki useita erilaisia muutoksia. Toimitushierarkian kehittyminen ja siirtyminen viisipäiväiseen työviikkoon lisäsivät toimittajien tarvetta ja samanaikaisesti ammatillisten etujen ajaminen muutti alaa professionaalimpaan suuntaan. Myös ammattikunnan sukupuolirakenne alkoi tasapainoistua, kun alalle tuli aiempaa enemmän naistoimittajia. Toimittajanaisten määrän kasvu vastasi lisääntyneen toimittajatarpeen aiheuttamaan kysyntään, mutta muutos liittyi myös suomalaisessa yhteiskunnassa tapahtuneeseen kehitykseen. 1960-luvun roolikeskustelussa neuvoteltiin ennen kaikkea naisten työssäkäynnin mahdollisuuksista, ja tasa-arvokeskustelun valtiollistuttua päähuomio kiinnittyi työelämän sukupuolittuneisuuteen. Naiset siirtyivätkin 1970-luvulla työelämään jäädäkseen. Suomalainen työelämä säilyi kuitenkin eriytyneenä, ja toimittajan ammatti oli yksi niistä harvoista aloista, joilla naiset ja miehet tekivät samaa työtä. Tämä ei tarkoittanut kuitenkaan sitä, että ala olisi ollut tasa-arvoinen. Toimittajanaisten asema oli miehiä heikompi niin palkkauksessa kuin urakehityksessäkin. Sukupuoli näkyi myös toimitustyössä, jossa erikoistoimittajan tehtävät menivät pääsääntöisesti miehille, kun taas naiset työskentelivät ennen kaikkea uutistoimittajina. Myös ammatillinen kulttuuri rakentui edelleen maskuliinisten piirteiden varaan. Toimittajien muistelupuheessa ammattikunnan epätasa-arvoa tuottaneet käytännöt peittyivät kuitenkin samanlaisuuspuheen alle ja ammatti näyttäytyi tasa-arvoisena. Yhtäältä tämä selittyy suomalaisella sukupuolikulttuurilla, joka ylläpitää ajatusta työelämän sukupuolineutraaliudesta. Toisaalta taustalla on nähtävissä 1960- ja 1970-luvulla vallinnut tasa-arvokäsitys, joka korosti sukupuolten samuutta. Sukupuolta peittivät tutkittavina vuosikymmeninä alleen myös muut toimittajakuntaa erottaneet tekijät, joita olivat ikä, poliittinen tausta ja koulutus. Tutkimuksen lähdeaineisto koostuu muistitiedosta, aikalaisteksteistä ja arkistoaineistoista. Eri aikoina syntyneitä lähteitä luetaan toisiaan vasten, ja toimittajien kokemukset kiinnitetään 1960- ja 1970-luvun ajattelumalleihin.

Ethical Decision Making in the Indian Mediascape: Reporters and Their Stories

Spencer, Patricia Elizabeth 05 1900 (has links)
Hundreds of reporters gather and interpret news for four English-language newspapers in India's second-largest urban area Kolkata, West Bengal's state capital, which is home to over 4 million people. Journalists from The Statesman, The Telegraph-Kolkata, The Hindustan Times and The Times of India discuss how they collect their stories in Bengali, Hindi, Urdu, and many other languages and write them in English targeting a small but emerging middle-class audience. Whether these articles focus on people-centric urban planning, armed vigilantes in community disputes, dowry death cases, or celebrity culture, all of the reporting involves cultural and ethical challenges. Using semi-structured interviewing and qualitative theme analysis, this study explores how gender, class, and religion affect the decision-making practices of 21 journalists working in Kolkata.

Narrative versus traditional journalism: Appeal, believability, understanding, retention

Emig, John David 01 January 2003 (has links)
Narrative journalism has enjoyed a resurgence of popularity in mainstream daily newspapers in the United States during the last decade. This popularity has encouraged many journalistic experts to proclaim that narrative journalism is well-liked by readers and may well become the savior of daily newspapering. This study attempts to determine reader preferences in four areas : appeal, believability, comprehension, and retention.

Couplage de rapporteurs génétiques et d’une molécule active pour l’étude de la dispersion de biofilms. / Characterization of bacterial adaptation upon biofilm dispersion by the coupling of genetic reporters and the delivery of an active molecule.

Baudin, Marine 28 February 2017 (has links)
Les biofilms sont des communautés de microorganismes adhérant à une surface et encastrées dans une substance polymérique produite par les cellules du système, dite matrice extracellulaire. Du fait de leur nature ubiquitaire, les biofilms colonisent de nombreux environnements et causent souvent de sérieux problèmes dans les secteurs de la santé et de l’industrie. La dispersion par ajout d’agent chimique est l’une des stratégies de lutte contre les biofilms. Un acide gras, l’acide cis-2-décénoique (CDA), semble être prometteur pour ce faire, grâce à l’étendue de son action dispersante sur les espèces et règnes du vivant. L’objectif de ce travail de thèse est d’investiguer les mécanismes de dispersion des biofilms de l’espèce bactérienne Escherichia coli (E. coli) par la molécule modèle CDA. Le CDA modifie-t-il les structures du biofilm ou induit-il une réponse génétique des bactéries lors de la dispersion ? Pour répondre à ces questions, la dispersion des biofilms d’E. coli a été étudiée in situ dans des chambres microfluidiques par microscopie confocale à balayage laser (CLSM). Des souches bactériennes spécifiques ont été construites par clonage de promoteurs d’intérêt en fusion transcriptionnelle avec un gène codant pour une protéine fluorescente verte. Les résultats confirment l’activité dispersante du CDA avec une réduction significative de la biomasse, de l’épaisseur moyenne et de l’aire de recouvrement par couche du biofilm. Un outil innovant d’analyse d’images CLSM a été développé en collaboration dans le but de déterminer les propriétés structurales du biofilm et l’intensité de fluorescence in situ du rapporteur étudié. Les résultats indiquent une augmentation de l’intensité moyenne de fluorescence des biofilms après dispersion avec le CDA, au niveau global en considérant tout le biofilm et au niveau local en considérant une segmentation du biofilm en microcolonies, ainsi qu’en profondeur. Ces résultats évoquent un changement d’expression génique des bactéries en présence de CDA. Par ailleurs, les résultats montrent que le CDA ne semble pas avoir d’effet en culture planctonique, ni sur la croissance bactérienne ni sur l’activité des promoteurs sélectionnés. Ceci suggère que les effets du CDA sont biofilm-dépendants. / Biofilms are microbial communities adhering to a surface and embedded in a self-produced polymeric substance, called extracellular matrix. By being ubiquitous in nature, biofilms colonize numerous environments, and they often cause serious problems for both health and industry sectors. Dispersion is one of the strategies for fighting biofilms. A fatty acid, cis-2-decenoic acid (CDA), seems to be promising for dispersing biofilms by the extent of its action on different species of microbes. The aim of this thesis work is to investigate the mechanisms of biofilm dispersion of the bacterial species Escherichia coli (E. coli) by the model molecule CDA. Does CDA modify the biofilm structures or does it induce a genetic response from bacteria during dispersion? To answer these questions, E. coli biofilm dispersal has been studied in situ in microfluidic chambers by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). Specific bacterial strains have been developed by cloning promoters of interest in transcriptional fusion with a gene encoding for a green fluorescent protein. The results confirm the dispersing activity of CDA with a significant decrease of biomass, biofilm average thickness and area over biofilm depth. A novel tool for analyzing CLSM images has been developed in collaboration in order to measure the biofilm structural properties as a function of in situ fluorescence intensity of the studied reporter. The results indicate an increase in the mean fluorescence intensity of the biofilms after dispersion with CDA, at a global level for the whole biofilm and at a local scale by considering a biofilm segmentation into microcolonies. These results evoke a change in gene expression by bacteria in the presence of CDA. Furthermore, the results show that CDA does not seem to have an effect on planktonic bacteria, neither on the bacterial growth nor on the activity of the selected promoters. This suggests that the CDA effects are biofilm-dependent.

A zebrafish-based system to study the impact of environmental factors in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

Westling, Mikaela January 2020 (has links)
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) is a chronic disorder that affects millions of peopleworldwide. Although the etiology behind the disease is yet unknown, current theoriespropose a complex interplay between genetic susceptibility, exposure to environmentalfactors and exacerbated immune responses. While important efforts have been made to linkgenetics and environmental factors to IBD pathogenesis, a major challenge remains to assignthem a causative role. Particularly since most of the IBD-risk genetic polymorphisms arefound in non-coding regions (NCRs) with unknown regulatory activity, and for the lack ofknowledge about how environmental factors can modulate the function of these elements invivo . A main problem to address this challenge in IBD research is the lack of an appropriatemodel system in vivo that allows for high-throughput experiments with combinations ofdifferent IBD-risk factors, while keeping the in vivo context. In this work, we sought toovercome this issue by using a zebrafish reporter for a specific human IBD-risk NCR, inorder to investigate the modulation of this element by two groups of common environmentalfactors: pollutants, such as PolyFluoroAlkyl Substances (PFASs); and diet, by activation ofdietary sensors. We found that the activity of the WT-NCR in zebrafish larvae was increased in the presenceof PFAS, while the activation of the dietary sensor PPAR δ decreased the activity. These datalead us to suggest that the function of PFAS can be counteracted by PPARδ activation.Therefore, we propose zebrafish as a suitable in vivo model in which we can screen forpotentially harmful or beneficial effects of environmental factors in the activity of humannon-coding regions. / Inflammatorisk tarmsjukdom (IBD) är en kronisk störning som drabbar miljontals människorvärlden över. Även om etiologin bakom sjukdomen fortfarande är okänd, föreslår nuvarandeteorier ett komplext samspel mellan genetisk mottaglighet, exponering av miljöfaktorer ochförvärrat immunförsvar. Även om stora ansträngningar har gjorts för att koppla genetik ochmiljöfaktorer till IBD-patogenes, återstår en stor utmaning att tilldela dem en orsakande roll.Särskilt eftersom de flesta av IBD-riskgenetiska polymorfismer finns i icke-kodande regioner(NCR) med okänd reglerande aktivitet samt för bristen på kunskap om hur miljöfaktorer kanmodulera funktionen hos dessa element in vivo . Ett huvudproblem för att möta dennautmaning i IBD-forskning är avsaknaden av ett lämpligt modellsystem in vivo som möjliggörexperiment med hög kapacitet och kombinationer av olika IBD-riskfaktorer in vivo . I dettaarbete försökte vi få svar på denna fråga genom att använda en zebrafiskreporter för ettspecifikt humant IBD-risk icke-kodande område. Detta möjliggjorde att vi kunde undersökamodulering av två gemensamma miljöfaktorer: föroreningar, såsom PolyFluoroAlkyl-ämnen(PFASs); och diet, genom aktivering av dietsensorer. Vi fann att aktiviteten i WT-NCR hos zebrafisklarver ökade i närvaro av PFAS, medanaktiveringen av dietsensorn PPARδ minskade aktiviteten. Denna data leder till att vi antyderatt funktionen för PFAS kan motverkas genom PPARδ-aktivering. Därför föreslår vizebrafisk som en lämplig in vivo -modell, i vilken vi kan screena för potentiellt skadliga ellergynnsamma effekter av miljöfaktorer i mänskligt icke-kodande DNA.

Representations of Journalistic Professionalism: 1865-1900

Seidel, Chalet K. 30 July 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Ukucwaningwa kwama-atikili esiZulu ngemibiko yezindaba ezibuhlungu ezisemaphephandabeni

Nsele, Zandile Victoria 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (African Languages))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / This study invesitgates a selection of hard news articles in isiZulu that were published in the newspaper Ilanga within the framework of genre theory. The study invokes in particular the orbital structure approach to the organisation of the structure of hard news articles advanced by White (1997) in analysing the isiZulu articles. Hard news reports are typically associated with eruptive violence, reversals of fortune and socially significant breaches of the moral order. Hard news reports are distinguished in terms of two types, namely those reports which are primarily grounded in a material event such as an accident, natural disaster, riot, or terrorist attack, and those reports grounded in a communicative event such as a speech, interview, or press release. The research in this study presents an analysis of four articles in isiZulu of each of these two types. The analysis of the isiZulu articles presents support for White’s view that both types of hard news reports exhibit the same generic structure, a mode of textual organisation unique to mass media which gives hard news its textual distinctiveness. Both types hard news reports achieve their informational and rhetorical objectives through a non-linear, orbital structure in which dependent ‘satelites’ elaborate, explain, contextualize and appraise a textually dominant nucleus.

'n Ondersoek na die taalgebruik in Son as verteenwoordigend van Kaapse Afrikaans

Blignaut, Joline 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Kaaps is one of the oldest dialects of Afrikaans that originated in the Cape Colony during the seventeenth century and is still used today by the working class Coloured community of the Cape Peninsula. Although it is mainly used as a spoken dialect, it is also applied in the literature. It is especially the use of Kaaps in the literature by Adam Small that helped to establish Kaaps in the Afrikaans literature and to bring about a newfound interest in this dialect. Kaaps has been undervalued for a long time due to the fact that it is associated with people of colour. For this reason Kaaps has been one of the most stigmatised dialects of Afrikaans. Today academics approach language variation differently by viewing all dialects of a language as equal. For this reason Kaaps is no longer seen as inferior to the standardized form of Afrikaans. Kaaps is also no longer restricted to a spoken dialect, but is also reflected in literature, theatre, music, television, radio and the printed media. The focus of this study is to investigate the use of Kaaps in the Afrikaans tabloid, Son. Son is the first Afrikaans tabloid that appeared in South Africa and is the first Afrikaans newspaper to make use of a dialect of Afrikaans that is not the standardized form, but an informal dialect that some refer to as Kaaps. The aim of the study is to investigate whether the language used in Son is representative of Kaaps and to what extent the written language correlates with the spoken Kaaps, as it is used by its speakers. This is done by a text analysis of Son-articles as well as a questionnaire that was filled in by Kaaps speaking teenagers. Furthermore the study investigated the correlation between language and identity and to what extent the respondents could identify with Kaaps as well as the language that is used in Son. The conclusion of this study is that the language used in Son cannot be viewed as a true representation of Kaaps, but rather as an informal Afrikaans that use elements of Kaaps. Although the language in Son cannot be seen as a true reflection of Kaaps, the study concludes that the teenage speakers of Kaaps can identify with the language that is used in Son. The study also found that the negative perception of Kaaps still exists among the users of Kaaps. Regardless of this negative perception, this research showed that Kaaps can be used effectively in the media and that the success of Son can be attributed to the language used in its newspaper. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Kaaps is een van die oudste variëteite van Afrikaans wat sedert die sewentiende eeu aan die Kaap gepraat is en vandag steeds die taal van die bruin werkersklas in die Kaapse Skiereiland is. Alhoewel dit hoofsaaklik as ʼn gesproke variëteit gebruik word, het dit ook in die letterkunde neerslag gevind. Dit is veral die gebruik daarvan in die werke van Adam Small wat Kaaps as ʼn literêre skryftaal gevestig het en ʼn nuwe belangstelling in dié variëteit van Afrikaans laat ontstaan het. As gevolg van die sterk assosiasie wat Kaaps met bruin mense het, is dit in die verlede geminag as ʼn minderwaardige taalvorm en kan Kaaps ook beskou word as een van die mees gestigmatiseerde variëteite van Afrikaans. Vandag word taalvariasie egter op ʼn gelykevlakbenadering deur akademici ondersoek en moet Kaaps beskou word as deel van Afrikaans en nie as ondergeskik aan die standaardvariëteit nie. Kaaps is ook nie meer beperk tot ʼn gesproke variëteit nie, maar vind neerslag in die letterkunde, teater, musiek, televisie, radio en die gedrukte media. Dit is dan juis die gebruik van Kaaps in die Afrikaanse poniekoerant, Son, wat in hierdie studie ondersoek word. Son is die eerste Afrikaanse poniekoerant wat in Suid-Afrika verskyn het en die eerste Afrikaanse koerant wat nie Standaardafrikaans gebruik nie, maar ʼn informele Afrikaans wat deur baie beskou word as Kaaps. Die doel van die studie is om die taalgebruik in Son te ondersoek as verteenwoordigend van Kaapse Afrikaans in ʼn poging om te bepaal tot watter mate die taalgebruik in Son ooreenstem met Kaaps, soos gebruik deur die sprekers van Kaaps. Dit word gedoen deur ʼn teksanalise van verskeie Son-artikels sowel as ʼn vraelys wat onder ʼn groep Kaapssprekende tieners afgeneem is. Die studie ondersoek ook die verband tussen taal en identiteit deur ʼn ondersoek na die mate waartoe die Kaapssprekende tienerleser identifiseer met Kaaps sowel as die taalgebruik in Son. Die bevindinge van hierdie studie is dat die taalgebruik in Son nie uitsluitlik Kaaps is nie, maar eerder ʼn informele Afrikaans met Kaapse elemente wat voorkom. Alhoewel die taalgebruik nie uitsluitlik Kaaps is nie, identifiseer die Kaapssprekende tienerleser wel met die taal wat in Son gebruik word. Ongeag die negatiewe persepsie wat die sprekers van Kaaps steeds van Kaaps het, toon die navorsing dat Kaaps wel effektief in die media gebruik kan word en dat die sukses van Son ook toegeskryf kan word aan die taal wat dit gebruik.

Investigative journalism and the South African government: publishing strategies of newspaper editors from Muldergate to the present

Steyn, Nantie 01 August 2012 (has links)
M.A. University of the Witwatersrand, Faculty of Humanities (Journalism and Media Studies), 2012 / The relationship between governments and the media has historically been an antagonistic one, and investigative journalism – the material manifestation of the role of the press as fourth estate – is central to this antagonism. In their capacity as the fourth estate, those newspapers that pursue and publish investigative journalism stand in opposition to government. Governments have responded to this opposition in a variety of ways; mostly, however, by way of legislated censorship of the press. In South Africa, the legislation that regulated what newspapers could print under apartheid was unusually vast. In spite of this, major exposés of government corruption – and worse – were seen on the front pages of those publications that pursue investigations into political malfeasance. In South Africa’s post-apartheid democracy, with constitutional protection of the freedom of expression, there has been increasing evidence of what Jackson has called the “embedded qualities of intolerance and secrecy” (1993: 164) in the state’s response to revelations of corruption in the press, culminating in the Protection of State Information Bill that was passed in Parliament in November 2011. The passing of the Bill has resulted in widespread concern about the possibility of legislated, apartheid-style censorship of the media and freedom of expression. I interviewed five editors who were part of exposing state corruption during and after apartheid, in order to establish what motivates their decisions to keep on printing stories that brings them into conflict with the political powers of the day, in spite of the financial consequences for their publications. Regardless of the different political landscapes, the strategies that they followed in order to keep on publishing were remarkably similar, as is their reason for continuing to publish investigative stories: they believe it embodies the role of the press in a democracy. Indicators are that editors will keep on publishing, in spite of attempts by the government to gag the press.

Liberdade de informação e proteção ao sigílo de fonte: desafios constitucionais na era da informação digital / Freedom of information and the protection of the reporters privilege: constitucional challenges in the age of digital information

Nitrini, Rodrigo Vidal 20 May 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho procura debater a liberdade constitucional de informação sob um viés não usual ao direito constitucional brasileiro. Seu ponto de partida é a proteção ao sigilo de fonte para jornalistas profissionais, consagrada pelo texto constitucional. Essa regra parece pressupor uma distinção possível e clara entre jornalistas e demais cidadãos. Mas como compreendê-la em um cenário atual no qual: a) as condições tecnológicas permitem que qualquer cidadão, a um custo baixo ou quase inexistente, publique informações para um número indistinto de pessoas, e; b) o Supremo Tribunal Federal tenha reconhecido que o Estado não pode exigir a obtenção de um diploma de ensino superior para diferenciar a categoria de jornalistas? Logo, o pano de fundo deste trabalho é a possibilidade de o Estado diferenciar jornalistas de demais cidadãos com relação à concessão de prerrogativas para o exercício da liberdade de informação. Nos Estados Unidos, esse é um debate relevante ao menos desde a década de 1970. São apresentados seus principais aspectos: por um lado, a jurisprudência de sua Suprema Corte, que se negou sistematicamente a diferenciar direitos próprios à liberdade de imprensa (Press Clause) em comparação com a liberdade de expressão (Speech Clause); por outro, as abordagens funcional e institucional à liberdade de imprensa, composta respectivamente por autores favoráveis e críticos àquela linha jurisprudencial. Ao final, a partir de uma perspectiva crítica e da adoção de fundamentos jurídicos, busca-se analisar a regra constitucional do sigilo de fonte e propor parâmetros interpretativos para sua aplicação. / This paper seeks to debate the constitutional freedom of information under an aspect not common to Brazilian constitutional law. The departure point is the reporters privilege, constitutionally protected for professionals by law. That rule seems assume a possible and clear distinction between journalists and other citizens. But how to understand it under a scenario where: a) the technological conditions allow any citizen, with very cheap or barely existing costs, to publish information for an indistinct number of people, and; b) the Supreme Federal Court has recognized that the State may not license journalists by a college degree diploma? Thus, the background subject of this paper is the possibility that the State differentiates journalists from other citizens in regard to the concession of prerogatives for the exercise of the freedom of information. In the United States, this has been a relevant debate at least since de 1970s. The main aspects are presented: on one hand, the Supreme Courts case law that has systematically denied to differentiate exclusive rights deriving from the Press Clause in comparison to the Speech Clause; on the other hand, the functional and institutional approaches to freedom of the press, respectively representing the authors favorable and critics to that judicial construction. Finally, taking on from a critic perspective and adopting legal fundaments, it seeks to analyze the constitutional rule of the reporters privilege and to propose interpretative standards for it.

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