Spelling suggestions: "subject:"3research dnd devevelopment"" "subject:"3research dnd agentdevelopment""
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Growth through innovation and productivity : the case of South AfricaLedwaba, Nthabiseng Anne January 2022 (has links)
Thesis (M.Com. (Economics)) -- University of Limpopo, 2022 / The purpose of this study was to investigate growth through innovation and
productivity in the South African economy. The study employed the Autoregressive
Distributed Lag (ARDL) approach to analyse the annual time series data from the
period 1994 to 2018. The data of the study is quantitative and was collected from the
South African Reserve Bank and the World Bank. Due to a decline in investment in
innovation in South Africa as compared to Brazil, Russia, India and China, the study
recommends increased investment in innovation, which may yield positive results on
economic growth given the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) presence. The results of
the study indicate that there is a long-run relationship between the variables
furthermore, in the short-run research and development (R&D), several patents and
manufacturing: Labour productivity has a positive and is statistically significant on
GDP. However, labour productivity in the non-agricultural sector is positive but
statistically insignificant on GDP. Moreover, the findings, in the long run, reveal that
R&D, number of patents, and manufacturing: labour productivity is positive and
statistically significant on the economic growth in South Africa while labour productivity
in the non-agricultural sector has a negative impact on economic growth. This study
recommends that policymakers should aim at increasing government-funded R&D,
education and human capital to induce productivity and eventually drive up economic
growth in South Africa.
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[pt] O objetivo desta pesquisa de mestrado relaciona-se à proposição de indicadores para orientar a construção de métricas de monitoramento da atividade de PeD visando a agregação de valor aos seus resultados e a sua transposição à inovação. Na qualidade de Gerente do Programa de PeD da Light frente à Aneel, a motivação para desenvolvimento do trabalho reflete o interesse do autor em contribuir para que as empresas brasileiras do setor elétrico percebam o PeD como uma efetiva oportunidade de negócio e de promoção da inovação. O trabalho desenvolveu-se no contexto de um ambiente regulatório e empresarial específicos. A busca da sustentabilidade corporativa e de inovações tornam-se factíveis com a Lei 9991, que impõe às concessionárias distribuidoras de energia elétrica a aplicação de um percentual da sua receita operacional líquida no desenvolvimento de projetos de PeD. Assim, exigências impostas por diferentes segmentos (investidores, financiadores, reguladores, consumidores e governo) estimulam a melhoria da qualidade, a redução de custos e a promoção da inovação. Três são as vertentes que nortearam a metodologia de desenvolvimento do trabalho. Quanto aos fins, a pesquisa faz uso da metrologia como ferramenta para a construção de indicadores de avaliação da apropriação de resultados que permitirá a proposição de métricas. Quanto aos meios de investigação, elabora uma pesquisa bibliográfica em temas relacionados à gestão do PeD e da inovação, como base para encaminhamento do estudo de casos de sucesso e fracasso de experiências das concessionárias. De caráter qualitativo, a pesquisa desenvolve um diagnóstico da carteira de projetos de PeD da Light entrevistando gerentes e gestores de PeD das concessionárias associadas à ABRADEE. O trabalho avalia resultados e disponibiliza ferramentas para a avaliação da apropriação de resultados e monitoramento dos projetos de PeD. Como conclusão sugere um método de análise de projetos que incorpora as lições aprendidas e propõe indicadores como ferramenta gerencial do novo marco do programa de PeD da Aneel, orientado para a inovação. / [en] The main objective of this work is to a propose indicators for supporting the construction of monitoring metrics of RandD activities, with the aim of adding value to their results and of transforming them into innovation. As manager of Light s RandD Program with Aneel (Brazil s electricity regulatory agency) program, the author found the motivation to make a contribution towards assisting Brazilian firms in the electricity distribution sector to perceive RandD as effective business and innovation fostering opportunity. The research was undertaken in the context of particular regulatory and business environments. The pursuit of corporate sustainability and innovations became feasible with the decree law 9,991, requiring electricity distribution concessionaries the expenditure of a percentage of their net operational revenue in the development of RandD projects. Thus, multiple requirements from diverse segments (investors, finance, regulators, consumers and government) promote quality improvement, cost reduction and innovation pursuit. Three vectors guide the work methodology. In regard to the goals, the research, it makes use of metrology as a tool for the definition of results appropriation assessment indicators which will allow the proposition of corresponding metrics. In regard to the research means, it performs a literarure survey on themes related to the management of RandD and innovation, as a basis for the identification of indicators and selection of metrics for the study of cases of success and failure in the concessionaires experiences. Next, in view of the qualitative nature of the research, makes a summary diagnostic of Light s project portfolio, through a series of interviews with researchers and project managers of concessionary firms associated with ABRADEE, the electricity distribution segment trade association. Further, the work assesses results and delineates tools for the monitoring and evaluation of the appropriation of RandD projects results. In its conclusion, the dissertation proposes the contours of a methodology for project assessment which incorporates lessons learned and indicators management tools for the new, innovation-oriented, Aneel RandD program.
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What Factors Influence the Interest in Working in the Public Health Service in Germany?: Part I of the OeGD-StudisurveyArnold, Laura, Kellermann, Lisa, Fischer, Florian, Gepp, Sophie, Hommes, Franziska, Jung, Laura, Mohsenpour, Amir, Starke, Dagmar, Stratil, Jan M. 28 March 2024 (has links)
As in many European countries, the Public Health Service (PHS) in Germany has had
considerable difficulties in attracting well-qualified personnel for decades. Despite ongoing political
and societal debate, limited empirical research on possible causes and explanations is available. To
identify areas of action, we explored reasons for the (lack of) interest in working in the PHS by
conducting two cross-sectional surveys among 3019 medical students (MS), public health students,
and students from other PHS-relevant fields (PH&ONM) in Germany right before (wave 1, 2019/2020)
and during the COVID-19 pandemic (wave 2, 2021). While interest in working in the PHS among
MS was low, it was considerably higher among PH&ONM. The prevalent underestimation of the
importance of public health and low levels of knowledge about the PHS were identified as potential
barriers. Although core activities of the PHS were often considered attractive, they were repeatedly
not attributed to the PHS. A negative perception of the PHS (e.g., it being too bureaucratic) was
prevalent among students with and without PHS interest, indicating that both a negative image and
potentially structural deficits need to be overcome to increase attractiveness. Based on the findings,
we propose approaches on how to sustainably attract and retain qualified personnel.
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How to Increase the Attractiveness of the Public Health Service in Germany as a Prospective Employer?: Part II of the OeGD-StudisurveyArnold, Laura, Kellermann, Lisa, Fischer, Florian, Hommes, Franziska, Jung, Laura, Mohsenpour, Amir, Strati, Jan M. 06 March 2024 (has links)
The Public Health Service (PHS) in Germany has had difficulties in recruiting enough
qualified staff for years, but there is limited research on what factors drive decisions to (not) join
the PHS workforce. We explored reasons for this perceived (lack of) attractiveness. We conducted
two cross-sectional surveys among medical students (MS), public health students and students from
other PHS-relevant fields (PH&ONM) in Germany before (2019/2020) and during the COVID-19
pandemic (2021). Both waves surveyed self-reported reasons for why students did (not) consider
working in the PHS as attractive and how this could be improved, using open-question items. Qual-
itative and quantitative content analyses were conducted according to Mayring. In total, 948 MS
and 445 PH&ONM provided valid written responses. Reasons for considering the PHS as attractive
were, among others, the perception of a good work-life balance, high impact, population health
focus, and generally interesting occupations. Suggestions to increase attractiveness included reducing
bureaucracy, modernization/digitalization, and more acknowledgement of non-medical profession-
als. Among MS, reasons against were too little clinical/patient-related activities, low salary, and
occupations regarded as boring. Our findings indicate areas for improvement for image, working
conditions in, and institutional structures of the PHS in Germany to increase its attractiveness as an employer among young professionals.
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Internt upparbetade immateriella tillgångar : En komparativ studie aveuropeiska korsnoterade företag på NYSE och NASDAQ / Internally generated intangible assets- A comparison of cross-listed Europeancompanies on NYSE and NASDAQBerg, Alina, Dahlström, Sebastian January 2016 (has links)
Under de senaste decennierna har företag, nationer och ekonomier blivit alltmerkunskapsorienterade. Samtidigt som världsglobaliseringen av ekonomier för multinationellaföretag innebär att innehavet av internt upparbetade immateriella tillgångar ökar och får alltstörre betydelse. Globaliseringen har föranlett till en expansiv tillväxt av börsmarknader samtökat antal korsnoterade multinationella företag. Investeringar i internt upparbetadeimmateriella tillgångar är kapital- och resurskrävande och notering på främmande marknaderses som ett lämpligt alternativ för att finansiera dessa tillgångar. De amerikanskabörsmarknaderna har länge varit attraktiva för utländska korsnoterade företag vid inhämtandeav kapital samt var tidigare förenliga med kraftiga regleringar avseende redovisning ochrapportering. I samband med att IASB blev den ledande normgivaren inom EU valde SEC atteliminera justeringsrekvisitet i Form 20-F för företag verksamma på de amerikanskabörsmarknaderna. Europeiska korsnoterade företag undgår att rapportera enligt US. GAAPförutsatt att de upprättar de konsoliderade finansiella rapporterna enligt IFRS. Borttagandet avjusteringsrekvisitet i Form 20-F sågs som en effekt av IASB:s och FASB:s konvergensprojekt.Åsikter har lyfts om att borttagandet skedde för tidigt då skillnader mellan normgivarna ärväsentliga, specifikt inom området internt upparbetade immateriella tillgångar.Syftet med studien är att redogöra för hur de europeiska korsnoterade företagen på deamerikanska börsmarknaderna NYSE och NASDAQ redovisar och rapporterar interntupparbetade immateriella tillgångar, i förhållande till börsvärde samt bransch- ochnationstillhörighet. Årsrapporteringen ska även ske till SEC med Form 20-F. Dessutom syftarstudien till att urskilja om skillnader i redovisningen och rapporteringen påverkarjämförbarheten mellan företag. Studien omfattar 40 årsrapporter från företag med säte inomEuropa. Ansatsen i studien liknar ett hermeneutiskt tillvägagångssätt där årsrapporternastuderas genom en multipel fallstudie med komparativa inslag, för att ge en djupare förståelseför redovisningen och rapporteringen av internt upparbetade immateriella tillgångar.Studien visar att användandet av IFRS ser olika ut utifrån nations- och branschtillhörighet,gemensamt är att investeringar ses som värdeadderande. Likväl att företagens börsvärdepåverkar benägenheten för upptagandet av en internt upparbetad immateriell tillgång.Företagens branschtillhörighet antyder sig ha en inverkan på benägenheten vid appliceringenav IAS 38 p. 57, vilket indikerar att enhetlighet för företag inom och mellan branscher är enunik företeelse. Ett negativt samband förekommer mellan osäkerhet och tidsåtgång iinvesteringsprocessen, där effekten blir att utgifter hänförliga till interna projekt kostnadsförsi resultatrapporten. Sannolikheten för erhållandet av framtida ekonomiska fördelar är högrevid egenupparbetade tillgångar som är avsedda för internt bruk, det motsatta gäller för externtbruk.Benägenheten att uppta tillgången blir således omgivningens informella påtryckningar, vilkavarierar beroende på branschtillhörighet. Av studien framgår att bedömningen ochuppskattningen av de framtida ekonomiska fördelarna är problematiskt att genomföra. Företaginom sjukvårdsbranschen har signifikanta problem med sådan bedömning, vilket innebär attde missgynnas då IFRS inte kan tillämpas fullt ut. Lämnandet av frivilliga och obligatoriskaupplysningar enligt IFRS varierar mellan branscherna. Jämförbarheten kan ifrågasättas dåredovisningen och rapporteringen av internt upparbetade immateriella tillgångar i storutsträckning sker samblandat med övriga immateriella tillgångar.I studien framtogs en undersökningsmodell för analys av datamaterialet. Modellen är till föratt analysera nationstillhörighetens inverkan på redovisningen och rapporteringen. Studien visar att nationstillhörighet fortfarande har en inverkan samtidigt som resultatet även indikeraratt skillnaderna håller på att suddas ut. / During the last decade companies, nations and economies are increasingly becoming moreknowledge oriented. Meanwhile the world globalization of economies means, to multinationalcompanies, that the holding of internally generated intangible assets is increasing and is ofincreasing importance. The globalization has led to an expansive growth of the stock marketsand has increased the number of cross-listed multinational companies. Investments ininternally generated intangible assets are capital as well as resource intensive and listing onforeign markets is seen as a suitable alternative to finance these assets. The US stock marketshave long been attractive to foreign cross-listed companies in obtaining capital, and wereconsistent with heavy regulations on accounting and reporting. IASB became the leadingstandard setter in the EU and therefore SEC chose to eliminate the conversion of necessaryprerequisite in Form 20-F for the companies operating in the US stock markets. Europeancross-listed companies avoid reporting under US. GAAP as long as they establish theconsolidated financial statements according to IFRS. The removal of Form 20-F was seen asan effect of the IASB and FASB convergence project. Opinions have been raised that theremoval was premature because the difference between the standard setters are essential,particularly in the area of internally generated intangible assets.The purpose of this study is to describe how the European cross-listed companies on the USstock markets, the NYSE and NASDAQ, account and report internally generated intangibleassets relative to market capitalization, industry and nationality. The annual report should alsohave been established with the Form 20-F. Another reason with this study is to identifydifferences in the accounting and reporting, which recognize the effects on comparabilitybetween companies. Our study is based on 40 annual reports of companies based in Europe.The methodology we’ve chosen for this study is similar to a hermeneutic approach and theannual reports are considered using a multiple case study with comparative elements. The aimis to provide a deeper understanding of the accounting and reporting of internally generatedintangible assets.This study shows the use of IFRS varies based on nationality and industry affiliation, howeverthe companies view investment as value added. And, furthermore, how the stock value affectsthe enable and the propensity for an internally generated intangible asset. Companies industryaffiliation suggests to have an impact on the propensity for the application of IAS 38, p. 57,indicating that the uniformity of the company within and between sectors is a uniquephenomenon. A negative correlation exists between uncertainty and the period of time in theinvestment process, where the effect is that the expenses attributable to internal projects areexpensed in the financial statements. The probability of obtaining future economic benefitsare higher for internally generated intangible assets which are intended for internal use, the opposite applies to external use. Informal pressure from the surrounding, which variesaccording to industry affiliation, has effected the possibility to enable the propensity. Thestudy shows that the valuation and the estimate of the future economic benefits are difficult.Companies in the healthcare industry have significant problems with such a valuation, whichmeans that they are disadvantaged as IFRS cannot be fully applied. Publishing of voluntaryand mandatory information under IFRS varies between sectors. The comparability isquestionable when the accounting and reporting of internally generated intangible assets aremerged with other intangible assets.In this study a study model was made for analyzing the data. The model is to analyze thenationality impact on the financial statements and reporting. The study shows that nationalitystill have an impact, while the results also indicate that the differences constantly are beingerased.This thesis is written in Swedish.
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The determinants of corporate growthRosique, Francisco January 2010 (has links)
Corporate Growth is a concept that has been widely treated in a specific way or as part of strategy theories, in definition and in econometric models and has also been studied in many different aspects and approaches. The author describes in depth the main variables affecting corporate growth and the underlying business processes. This empirical research has focused on Sales, Profit-Cash Flow, Risk, Created Shareholder Value, Market Value and Overall Performance econometric models. These panel data models are based on the 500 Companies of the Standard & Poor’s 500. The methodology used has been very strict in identifying exogenous variables, walking through the different alternative econometric models, discussing results, and, in the end, describing the practical implications in today’s business corporate management. We basically assume that the Functions/Departments act independently in the same company, many times with different objectives, and in this situation clear processes are key to clarify the situations, roles and responsibilities. We also assume that growth implies interactions among the different functions in a company and the CEO acts to lead and coach his immediate Directors as a referee of the key conflicts through his Operating Mechanism. The objective of this PhD Dissertation is to clarify the business priorities and identify the most relevant variables in every process leading to the highest efficiency in reaching a sustainable and profitable growth. It covers the lack of academic studies on the nature and specific driving factors of corporate growth and provides a working framework for Entrepreneurs and Management leading to the Company’s success.
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台灣生醫產業之研發評估模式探討 - 以A公司為例 / Exploration of Evaluation Models for R&D Projects in the Biomedical Industry of Taiwan - The Case of Company A邱一帆, Chiu, I Fan Unknown Date (has links)
以藥物開發為例,針對生醫產業的特性,從評估參與人員、質化評估、量化評估、評估要求、評估標準、評估程序等不同的構面去探討與分析可能合適的研發評估模式。本論文進一步以個案訪談的方式,收集實際運作的經驗與意見,瞭解目前業界目前實務上使用的評估方式,並與先前的生醫產業評估模式對照比較,瞭解理論與實務上的落差,探討其關鍵要素,以整體的效益評估觀點,對公司決策者或研發主管提出建議。 / The evaluation for R&D project is usually regarded as an important and complicated issue for enterprises, especially in the biomedical industry. Such a concern may be highly applied to the biomedical industry, which is involved with lengthy R&D process, high level of risk, and large cost. This project, therefore, will attempt to study the appropriate approaches to determine whether a proposed R&D project is worthwhile to be launched for a biomedical enterprise with limited resources.
In general, qualitative research may be involved with the evaluator’s personal experience, negatively influencing the evaluation results. On the other hand, not each of the selected models employed by quantitative research is fully compatible to evaluation process. This study suggests that either qualitative or quantitative research may not be the most appropriate tool to conduct R&D project evaluation.
This study aims to use drug development as a study target and further to discuss the most appropriate evaluation approach from the five aspects, including reviewer’s professional, evaluation items of qualitative research, evaluation items of quantitative research, requirement for evaluation process, and criteria for project approval. This study also assumes that a final review process is required to be proceeded in addition to taking the above five aspects into account. This study begins with related references and collecting the opinions provided by the professionals working in the biomedical industry about real cases. Through the case study method, the study may better understand the difference between the theoretical models and real practices and further to identify the key successful factors for the evaluation model. Finally the study suggests a comprehensive evaluation model to decision makers or research managers.
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筑波大学附属図書館研究開発室ITSUMURA, Hiroshi, 逸村, 裕 31 March 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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京都大学附属図書館研究開発室の活動についてKOGA, Takashi, 古賀, 崇 31 March 2011 (has links)
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Gathering, translating, enacting : a study of interdisciplinary research and development practices in Technology Enhanced LearningRimpiläinen, Sanna K. January 2012 (has links)
This is an ethnographic case-study of research and development practices taking place in an interdisciplinary project between education and computer sciences. The Ensemble-project, part of the Technology Enhanced Learning programme (2008-12), has studied case-based learning in a number of diverse settings in Higher Education, working to develop semantic technologies for supporting that learning. Focussing on one of the six research settings, the discipline of archaeology, the current study has had three purposes. By opening up to scrutiny the practices of research and development, it has firstly sought to understand how a shared research question is answered in practice when divergent research approaches are brought to bear upon it. Secondly, the study has followed the emergence of a piece of semantic technology through these practices. The third aim has been to assess the advantages and disadvantages of Actor-Network Theory (ANT) in studying unfolding, open-ended processes in real time. Through critical ethnographic participation, multiple ethnographic research methods, and by drawing on ANT as theoretical practice, the study has shown the precarious and unpredictable nature of research and development work, the political nature of research methods and how multiple realities can be produced using them, and the need for technology development to flexibly respond to changing circumstances. We have also seen the mutual adoption and extension of practices by the two strands of the project into each others’ domains, and how interdisciplinary tensions resolved, while they did not disappear, through pragmatic changes within the project. The study contributes to the interdisciplinary fields of Science and Technology Studies (STS) where studies on the ‘soft sciences’, such as education, are few, and a new field of Studies in Social Science and Humanities (SSH) which is emerging alongside and from within the STS. Interdisciplinary endeavours between fields pertaining largely to the natural and the social sciences respectively have not been studied commonly within either field.
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