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Комплементарност планинског и бањског туризма на Копаонику / Komplementarnost planinskog i banjskog turizma na Kopaoniku / Complementary mountain and spa tourism on KopaonikBojović Goran 12 April 2011 (has links)
<p>Међу планинама Србије, низом посебних одлика, посебно димензијама и<br />туристичком привлачношћу, истиче се Копаоник. Копаоник (површина 2.758 km²) је<br />планина на југо западном делу Србије позната по низу појава које су ову планину<br />определиле за развој више врста туризма. Да би се као такво природно благо<br />сачувао, Копаоник је 1981. године проглашен националним парком, који захвата<br />површину од 11.810 ha и састављен је од 16 резервата. То га чини туристички и<br />еколошки веома интересантним. На бази постојећих података, из више научних<br />дисциплина, временских периода, као и самосталних истраживања на терену, у<br />докторској дисертацији су истражени сви природни и створени услови за развој<br />туризма на Копаонику, Јошаничкој, Луковској, Куршумлијској и Пролом бањи, као<br />бањама његове подгорине. Наглашавајући потребу комплементарног развоја<br />планинског и бањског туризма на Копаонику и у његовој подгорини, потенцирани су<br />елементи и фактори формирања ове хомогене туристичке регије. Комплементарност планинског и бањског туризма сагледана је кроз swot анализу.</p> / <p>Među planinama Srbije, nizom posebnih odlika, posebno dimenzijama i<br />turističkom privlačnošću, ističe se Kopaonik. Kopaonik (površina 2.758 km²) je<br />planina na jugo zapadnom delu Srbije poznata po nizu pojava koje su ovu planinu<br />opredelile za razvoj više vrsta turizma. Da bi se kao takvo prirodno blago<br />sačuvao, Kopaonik je 1981. godine proglašen nacionalnim parkom, koji zahvata<br />površinu od 11.810 ha i sastavljen je od 16 rezervata. To ga čini turistički i<br />ekološki veoma interesantnim. Na bazi postojećih podataka, iz više naučnih<br />disciplina, vremenskih perioda, kao i samostalnih istraživanja na terenu, u<br />doktorskoj disertaciji su istraženi svi prirodni i stvoreni uslovi za razvoj<br />turizma na Kopaoniku, Jošaničkoj, Lukovskoj, Kuršumlijskoj i Prolom banji, kao<br />banjama njegove podgorine. Naglašavajući potrebu komplementarnog razvoja<br />planinskog i banjskog turizma na Kopaoniku i u njegovoj podgorini, potencirani su<br />elementi i faktori formiranja ove homogene turističke regije. Komplementarnost planinskog i banjskog turizma sagledana je kroz swot analizu.</p> / <p> Among Serbia’s lush mountains, with particular qualities, particular dimensions<br /> and many tourist-attractive sights, Mount Kopaonik rises above the rest. Kopaonik, with a<br /> 2,758 m peak, is located in southwestern Serbia, known for its cascading appearance,<br /> which has bestowed upon this mountain the potential to develop several forms of niche<br /> tourism. In order to preserve this immense natural beauty, in 1981 Mount Kopaonik was<br /> officially proclaimed a national park comprised of 16 preserves. This ensures that it will<br /> remain an extremely interesting location, in both touristic and ecological aspects. On the<br /> basis of existing data extrapolated from multiple disciplines, covering the varying seasonal<br /> periods, and including institutional as well as independent field research, this Doctoral<br /> Dissertation explores all the existing natural and man-made conditions within which tourism<br /> can be developed on Mount Kopaonik and its natural spas of Josanic, Lukovo, Kursumlija,<br /> and Prolom. It highlights the need to develop complementary forms of mountain and spa<br /> tourism on Mount Kopaonik and within its forests, and emphasizes the elements and factors<br /> required for forming homogenous tourist regions compatible with the ecological<br /> surroundings. Compementary forms of mountain and spa tourism is wiewed through a swot<br /> analisis.</p>
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Påverkande faktorer vid fastighetsutveckling på skidorter / Affecting factors during real estate development on ski resortsAndersson, Nathalie January 2019 (has links)
Kulturen kring skidåkning i Sverige är väldigt stark, och utförsåkning är ett fritidsintresse som många svenskar delar. Sporten kan utföras på många olika platser runt om i landet, dock finns det vissa unika platser där just skidåkning är det främsta syftet med platsen. Dessa platser kallas skidorter och präglas av att de erbjuder unika möjligheter till skidåkning. För att möjliggöra besöken av dessa orter krävs det även att besökarna har någonstans att bo. De byggnader som upprättas på denna typ av plats kan ha karaktäristiska drag till följd av att de ska vara optimala för skidåkares upplevelse. Vidare kan processen med dess upprättande påverkas av flertal olika faktorer. Syftet med arbetet är att hitta juridiska och tekniska faktorer som påverkar byggandet av fritidsbostäder på skidorter, samt att analysera vilken effekt dessa kan komma att ha på projekt på denna typ av plats. Arbetet inleds med en litteraturstudie varpå områden inom fastighetsjuridik, fastighetsutveckling och omsättning på skidorter berörs. Därefter har det genomförts en fallstudie, varpå tre av de större skidorterna i Sverige har använts som grund för datainsamlingen. Insamlingen av data har gjorts genom analys av detaljplaner för utvalda områden på orterna, samt genom intervjuer med planarkitekter och exploatör som har en kollpling till orterna. Slutsatsen tyder på att det finns såväl juridiska som tekniska faktorer som påverkar exploateringen på skidorter, och att dessa har olika effekt och utgångspunkt. Det kan bland annat röra sig om riksintressen, terrängens utformning eller att marknaden efterfrågar något som exempelvis en bastu. För att erhålla ett optimalt projekt på denna typ av plats bör alla faktorer tas i beaktning. / The culture of skiing is very big in Sweden, and downhill skiing is a popular activity among swedes. The sport can be performed in a lot of different places around the country, but there are some unique places where skiing is the main purpose of the place. These places are called ski resorts and are characterized by the fact that they offer unique opportunities for skiing. To enable the visits of these places, it is also required that the visitors have somewhere to live. The buildings erected on this type of site can have characteristic features as a result of being optimal for skiers' experience. Furthermore, the process of its establishment can be influenced by several different factors. The purpose of the paper is to find legal and technical factors that affect the construction of recreational homes on ski resorts, and to analyze what effect these may have on projects in this type of place. The work begins with a literature study in which areas within real estate law, property development and sales of ski-passes are affected. The work has then been carried out through a case study, whereupon three of the larger ski resorts in Sweden have been used as the basis for the data collection. The collection of data has been done by analyzing zoning for selected areas of the resorts, as well as by interviews with plan architects and developers who have a cluster to the resorts. The conclusion suggests that there are both legal and technical factors that affect the development of ski resorts, and that these have different effects and starting points. In order to obtain an optimal project on this type of site, all factors should be taken into consideration.
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Beyond the biomedical: choosing health and patterns of resort among Latin American immigrant womenWard, Audrey Elizabeth 04 December 2020 (has links)
This thesis explores the health-related decisions Latin American immigrant women make in MetroWest Massachusetts. Within public health and biomedical literature, women from Spanish-speaking communities are often measured by their adherence to biomedical guidelines. Several programs have been designed to increase compliance with recommended cancer screenings like Pap smears and mammograms in an effort to reduce health inequities between Latina populations and their white counterparts in the United States (Peek and Han 2009). Community Health Organizations often prioritize biomedical models of care, as Community Health Workers are typically trained in public health and biomedicine. Yet little research has been done on women’s conception of their own health. Using the theoretical concept of patterns of resort, this research examines what women prioritize for their own health needs, why, and what local resources women use to meet these needs. Women have a broad understanding of their own health, and use varying resources to meet the needs of physical, emotional, mental, social and spiritual health needs. By understanding these specific health needs, researchers and those invested in immigrant communities may create more effective programs with women’s health in mind.
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The 2010 Winter Olympics: A Mixed-Methods Investigation of the Hotel Industry and Tourism in the Demographic Clusters metro–Vancouver versus the alpine–Resort WhistlerVan der Heyden, Leonard J. January 2014 (has links)
In this thesis, applying an innovative postmodern equal-weight/sequential QUAN→PHEN Mixed-Methods Phenomenological Research (‘MMPR’) approach to study an Olympics’ impact within its two-cluster socio-demographic footprint forms its main contribution to knowledge. Facilitating between-methods triangulation is a novel eclectic pragmatic approach that is used to capture the richness of thematic data flowing from in-depth, open-ended interviews with most – 62 in all – senior Hoteliers spread evenly between distinct urban Metro-Vancouver and rural alpine-Whistler, whilst concurrently capitalizing on the availability of a unique BC Stats proprietary micro-municipal-level secondary data source, i.e., British Columbia’s ‘Additional Hotel Room Tax’ (‘AHRT’). Typically, traditional mono-method-positivist neo-classical economic syntheses are used to quantify an Olympic Games’ ex-ante or ex-post impact. This study’s findings confirm that such syntheses attempts, at the micro-municipal level, lead to inevitable dead-ends. At a sub-national level of micro-granularity, using available economic models is an impossible task due to the insurmountable practical problem of complete lack of, or paucity, of data. When applied to assess mega-events, such modelling is shown to lack credibility; models are insufficiently comprehensive or its users consciously engage in ‘shenanigans’ by force-fitting input/output to produce pre-ordained outcomes for political expedience and meeting agency interests. The ‘MMPR’ approach acknowledges and respects the established and ‘current-thinking’ paradigmatic epistemological and ontological perspectives. ‘Hotel Activity’, measured via ‘AHRT’, is substituted as a ‘Proxy’ for ‘Tourism’ following empirically establishing these three variables as highly correlated. Prevalent academic findings of negative impacts from Winter Olympics are not borne out. Phenomenological issues of ‘illusory correlations’ and ‘data saturation’ are addressed.
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Raising Awareness through Ecotourism ArchitectureAnderson, Kelly 13 July 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Regenerative Design Theory and Practice: A Demonstration of the Integrated Framework in a Resort Development at Mountain Lake, VAHodges, Nancy 24 July 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the theory and practice of regenerative design and how the concepts apply to scales of design. Ultimately, it examines the applicability and limitations of these principles in a non-traditional resort development. The theories of John Lyle, Robert Thayer, and William McDonough are examined to assist in the establishment of a new framework for regenerative design which is can be used in the design process or evaluation. Case studies of the Center for Regenerative Studies, the Ford Rouge Plant and the Loreto Bay Resort were under taken to evaluate the success of current built works utilizing the new framework. Finally, the development of a regenerative resort community at Mountain Lake, in Giles County, Virginia, is undertaken as a vehicle to demonstrate the process of development and evaluation under the integrated regenerative framework.
Regenerative design is a form of sustainable design which incorporates the interlocking of communities with the natural ecological cycles, the larger society and environmental costs. The overall goals for regenerative developments are to design communities which exist within natural limits and are interconnected to the regional society for needs outside the given site. Regenerative design incorporates diverse ecological, cultural, social and economical systems while maintaining their integrity within a dynamic whole. The integrated framework is an effort to direct site specific design through a flexible and extensive structure. There are two parts to this regenerative design framework. The first is a conceptual model for regenerative design, utilizing the existing idea of regenerative design rooted in sustainability, and overlays it with design driven elements of culture, experience, and education. The second element of the framework defines a set of strategies for the design process and a means of evaluating a design. / Master of Landscape Architecture
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Sustainable Beach Resort Development: A Decision Framework for Coastal Resort Development in Egypt and the United StatesAly Ahmed, Bakr Mourad 18 January 2002 (has links)
In recent decades, coastal tourism has grown significantly bringing enormous economic benefits to host communities, and causing many environmental and social impacts to the coastal environment. Beach resort development faces problems due to an inability on the part of stakeholders to make sound decisions about sustainable design due, in part, to the complexity of the sustainability issues and the lack of a comprehensive decision-making tool to assist them. In Egypt, design and planning regulations have not changed for decades, resulting in non-sustainable beach resort development. This study provides a "decision framework," a conceptual "Sustainable Design Model," which shifts the focus of stakeholders from the application of traditional physical carrying capacity procedures to a comprehensive approach linking sustainability indicators and carrying capacities. This approach includes an array of acceptable capacities based on the ecological, social, psychological, physical, economic, and managerial capacity thresholds of a site. This framework assists stakeholders in making rational decisions about what is to be built, where it is located, and how to build it. To test the model, a survey was conducted at 10 beach resort destinations (5 American, 5 Egyptian) to measure the difference in perceptions between stakeholders concerning sustainability indicators and carrying capacities. The instrument was determined valid and reliable using a test/retest procedure. A total of 276 responses were obtained for data analysis. Statistical analyses included frequency distribution, t-tests, analysis of variance (ANOVA), factor analysis, and a stepwise multiple regression analysis. Sample demographic information was also collected. Results revealed a strong link between sustainability indicators and carrying capacity thresholds. While both Egyptian and American respondents recognized the importance of sensitive environmental developments, there were significant differences due to differences in culture, environment, regulations, and priorities. The American sample placed greater importance on the ecological indicators, while the Egyptian sample placed greater importance on the social, psychological, and managerial indicators. The American sample conveyed a positive attitude toward government regulations, design, and management efforts to incorporate sustainability principles into the built environment, while the Egyptian respondents conveyed a more negative attitude. As a result of this study, future Egyptian policy may be better informed of the gap between the theoretical concepts of sustainability and real world coastal development implementation. / Ph. D.
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Koordinovaná rehabilitace dětí s opakovaným onemocněním dýchacích cest / Coordinated Rehabilitation for Recurrent Respiratory Diseases of ChildrenHAKOVÁ, Lenka January 2016 (has links)
Respiratory diseases are ones of the most common diseases, which are treated by general practitioners. Not only the right diagnosis is essential, but the treatment as well. The treatment of respiratory diseases is usually long-term and often requires repeating. Health treatment of young children in a spa improves their life and health quality, inclusion in a collective of similar aged children, reduces complications of their disease, doses of medicine and highly reduces the risk of development of a chronical disease in adulthood. The aim of this thesis is to chart the use of coordinated rehabilitation in spa Lázně Luhačovice, a. s. and to survey coordinated rehabilitation awareness of spa medical and non medical personnel and children's accompaniment. Three hypotheses were set. Hypothesis 1: Children's accompaniment, who has been to spa health resort repeatedly percieves the care of his child as coordinated unlike the one who has been to spa health resort just once. Hypothesis 2: Medical staff of children spa health resorts percieves the most the medical treatment part of coordinated rehabilitation in contrast with non medical staff. Hypothesis 3: Children's accompaniment is satisfied the most with the medical treatment part of coordinated rehabilitation unlike the pedagogical and social one. A strategy of quantitative research was used, data was gathered by standardized questionnaires in June and July 2015. The standardized questionnaires were given to two different research groups. First one was spa health resort personnel, second one children's accompaniment in the spa Lázně Luhačovice, a. s. Based on statistical calculations the hypotheses can not be rejected, the results are not statistically significant. From the data obtained from the questionnaires, it is noticable that from the spa health resort medical and non medical personnel point of view, there is percieved only the part, which they provide. On the other hand, from the children's accompaniment point of view the rehabilitation is percieved as coordinated in all the parts provided. It is thanks to the fact that the accompaniment, who is in the spa health resort on the expenses of health insurance company, can see all the parts of coordinated rehabilitation as they undergo it together with their children. This thesis contributes to widening awareness of using parts of coordinated rehabilitation in children repeated respiratory diseases treatment, which are provided in facilities of spa Lázně Luhačovice, a.s. and in other health resorts, where there is this kind of care provided as well.
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Resort Orlík / Resort OrlíkPavelka, Šimon Václav January 2020 (has links)
The subject of the diploma thesis is the elaboration of project documentation for construction of the Orlík Resort. The buildings are detached and are set in a slightly sloping terrain in the cadastral area Kožlí u Orlíka. The main building has two above-ground floors and one underground floor. In the basement, there is a utility room for the whole building and warehouse. Furthermore, the hall is divided into a section for men and a section for women. In these sections, visitors have a dressing room with cabins with showers and toilets. Then there will be a choice of two exercise halls, two massage rooms or a large gym area. On the ground floor, the building is entered via lee to the vestibule and into the spacious hall. In the entrance, there is a reception with storage area and a room with a kitchenette and toilet. The building is also accessible via a second staircase and large glass sliding windows. There is a conference room with adjustable size, a social hall, warehouses, toilets for women and men as well as an office. For employees there is a day room with kitchenette, changing rooms and showers separate for men and women. The upper floor contains two terraces. These are green roofs, where one is partially fitted with tiles, and there is a recognized reinforced concrete skeleton. There is a cleaning room on each floor. There are also processed two apartment houses, illuminated by roof skylights, which are on the plot four times. All buildings are designed from the reinforced concrete skeleton with lined sandstone blocks. The ceilings are made of prestressed hollow panels, and the roofs are green. Apartment house No. 1 is symmetrical and contains two apartments. There is a storage room, lee, vestibule, utility room, toilet, room, bedroom and a large kitchen with living room and terrace access. The large bathroom has a bathtub, glass shower and one sliding door that closes the room with urinal or toilet. Apartment house No. 2 is divided into three apartment
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Capacity Analysis of Åre Ski Resort: A Jackson Network Approach / Kapacitetsanalys av Åre: En modellering av skidsystemet som ett JacksonnätverkSiberg, Martin, Rasmussen, Viktor January 2023 (has links)
Åre ski resort is the largest and most renowned ski resort in Sweden, offering excellent skiing opportunities, restaurants, and nightlife in a prime location. Meanwhile, it is often subject to heavy traffic during the peak season and has earned a bad reputation for struggling with long lift queues. To address the issue, this paper aimed at analyzing the current capacity of the ski resort with the purpose of identifying areas and cost-efficient measures for improvement. It was done by modeling the ski system as a Jackson Network based on queuing theory, with relevant parameters extracted from actual skier data provided by the operating company Skistar. Several models were constructed to capture varying skiing patterns throughout the day and under different weather conditions. The models suggested that the lift queues first start to form at the lifts VM 8:an, Sadelexpressen, and Bräckeliften when the number of skiers in the system ranges from 3,700 to 6,200. Recommendations were then proposed to Skistar on how to resolve the identified bottlenecks and increase the resort’s capacity to a range of 6,000 to 8,400 skiers. Lastly, the models estimated that the resort could / Åre är en av Sveriges mest populära skidorter, som med utmärkta kommunikationsmöjligheter erbjuder fantastisk skidåkning och ett brett utbud av restauranger och nöjesliv. Skidsystemet belastas samtidigt hårt under högsäsong och har ådragit sig ett rykte om att ofta vara drabbat av långa liftköer. Mot bakgrund av detta ämnade denna rapport att analysera skidsystemets kapacitet och identifiera förbättringsområden för att ta itu med problemet. Analysen grundade sig i en modellering av skidsystemet, utformat som ett Jacksonnätverk i enlighet med köteori. Skistar, som ansvarar för driften av skidsystemet, tillhandahöll data som låg till grund för framtagandet av nätverkets parametrar. Genom jämförelser mellan olika modeller kunde dagliga förändringar i åkmönster och variationer under olika väderförhållanden tas i beaktning i analysen. Modellerna indikerade att liftarna VM 8:an, Sadelexpressen och Bräckeliften först drabbas av köbildning, vilket sker då antalet skidåkare i systemet är mellan 3 700 och 6 200. De identifierade flaskhalsarna låg till grund för de rekommendationer som formulerades till Skistar och som innehöll kostnadseffektiva förslag på förändringar. Dessa skulle förbättra kapaciteten till en nivå mellan 6 000 och 8 400 skidåkare. Till sist estimerade modellerna systemets maximala kapacitet till 14 000 skidåkare, vilket endast uppnås vid ett optimalt nyttjande av samtliga liftar.
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