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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The stories of social entrepreneurship : narrative discourse and social enterprise resource acquisition

Roundy, Philip Thomas 16 September 2013 (has links)
Social entrepreneurship is a phenomenon of increasing economic and cultural importance. A key challenge for social enterprises is resource acquisition. However, how social entrepreneurs acquire the resources needed to grow their ventures is not clear. Moreover, social enterprises differ from traditional ventures in several key ways which suggest that research developed from studying traditional entrepreneurs does not fully apply to social entrepreneurs. The focus of this dissertation is how social entrepreneurs use narratives to gather resources. This topic is examined using a multi-study, inductive, theory-building design based on 121 interviews, observation, and archival data. In Study 1, I interview 75 entrepreneurs, investors, and ancillary participants in the social enterprise sector. In Study 2, I construct case studies of eight technology-focused social ventures. The result is a framework explaining how differences in entrepreneurs' narrative tactics and characteristics are associated with differences in their resource acquisition success. Specifically, from Study 1 I develop a typology of social enterprise narratives, identify three narrative-types (personal, social-good, and business), and show that they possess unique elements. Findings from Study 2 demonstrate that the three narrative-types serve as the building blocks for communication with external stakeholders, particularly investors and the media. I find that successful social entrepreneurs used narratives to engage in two tactics -- tailoring and linking -- and constructed narratives with a unique characteristic: multiplexity. These findings contribute to three literatures that formed the basis of the study -- social entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial resource acquisition, and organizational narrative theory -- and have implications for work on competing institutional logics and emotion in stakeholder evaluations. / text


White, James Michael 01 January 2006 (has links)
This dissertation describes the results of archaeological survey and excavationsundertaken on the Mesa el Chaparral in the county of Mina in Nuevo Leon, Mexicoduring 2001. Sixty-six previously undocumented archaeological sites were discovered onthe arid surface. Excavations found no intact subsurface deposits, but a wealth of surfacedata was collected. Subsequent analyses demonstrated a forager lifeway for the majorityof the Holocene human occupation of the region in a remarkably stable pattern.To understand sites found on the deflated modern surface necessitatedcontemplation of the basic theories and models used in hunter-gatherer research. Thisallowed for the construction of new diagrams designed to hypothesize fundamentalrelationships between general aspects of the lifeway including environmental factors, sitesize and visibility issues, and human mobility patterns. From some basic continuums,more detailed diagrams were created that allow understanding and prediction of humanbehavior based upon data found from artifacts and features. After testing their salience,the models were dynamically combined with the site data and ethnographic analogies toarrive at an understanding of the human lifeways represented by the recoveredarchaeological data. This provided a fascinating look into the day-to-day lives of thegeneralized mobile foragers of prehistoric northeastern Mexico.Included in the recovered data are hearth features, lithic debitage and artifacts,and basic site descriptions. Archaeological locations ranged from small with a singlefeature to over a square kilometer with over 100 features, all located on the surface wherethey are subject to wind deflation and water erosion. Most of the sites containeddiagnostic artifacts from the entire Holocene, further compounding the analyticcomplexity of the project. Understanding the context of the data and making use of themodels and ethnographic analogies, it was estimated that every site represented anoccupation by a small band of mobile forgers making generalized use of the resourcesavailable in the region. Making residential moves often allowed people to survive in theharsh environment. Few lifeway changes were noted prior to Spanish influence in theregion from the time the environment became arid at the end of the Pleistocene.

Festival Legitimacy and Resource Acquisition: Strategies for Growth and Survival

Remillard, David 02 September 2014 (has links)
This thesis explores legitimacy and legitimation strategies for resource acquisition using a life cycle approach in the festival and events context. A review of the extant festival and event’s research, suggests this topic is significantly under-covered. For further theoretical development the thesis reviewed the literatures of resource acquisition, with particular attention to resource dependency theory, and institutional theory, with its sub-topic legitimacy. Using an exploratory qualitative case study method, the researcher investigated eight festivals and analyzed them in terms of their efforts to build legitimacy at different stages of their life cycle. The author confirmed earlier research on sources of legitimacy that include, regulatory, pragmatic, normative, and cognitive types, and that four general strategies, conformance, selection, manipulation, and creation are used to achieve legitimacy from these sources. The data in this thesis also suggests that the stage of the festival’s life cycle serves as an important extension to the literature's previously established process model of resource acquisition and legitimacy, including a legitimacy threshold. The thesis concludes with a summary of the findings, limitations of the study, and by suggesting possibilities for future research.

The Role of Functional Traits and Trade-offs in Seasonal Succession of Phytoplankton Community Structuring : A numerical investigation of resource acquisition traits of Lake Constance

Nagahage, Ayesha January 2024 (has links)
Long-term ecological research in deep lakes offers valuable insights into understanding changes in trophic states and organization of phytoplankton assemblages. Utilizing five decades of phytoplankton taxonomic trait data from pre-alpine Lake Constance, a confirmed negative relationship was found between phosphate and light affinity at the annual community trait level. Drawing inspiration from the stronger community-level tradeoff observed between the affinity for phosphate and light among phytoplankton species in Lake Constance, I hypothesized that resource acquisition traits, characterized by the half-saturation constants for nutrient-limited growth (Mi) and light-limited growth (Hi), should exhibit a negative trade-off mechanism at the community mean trait level, derived from the traits of the species in Lake Constance. The developed model was parametrized using empirical data from the lake. Intra- and inter-annual variation in environmental conditions were incorporated in the model by considering seasonal changes in temperature, light intensity, temperature-influenced exchange rates of the vertical water column, and decadal changes in nutrients in Lake Constance. Simulations reflected observed seasonal dominance patterns of phytoplankton species and predicted differences in relative abundance under varying nutrient supplies, aligning with resource limitation trends. Consistent with empirical observations, a negative relationship between light and phosphorous affinity is observed in the 60-year simulation of Lake Constance. The elucidation of such a trade-off mechanism is expected to facilitate the understanding of the coexistence of phytoplankton species in Lake Constance amidst the decadal changes in phosphorus loading by selecting for higher light affinity during eutrophic phases and higher phosphorus affinity during oligotrophic phases.

Strukturer och Preferenser inom Konsultmarknaden : En utforskande studie av upphandlingsprocessen för tjänstemannamässig arbetskraft inom tillverkning och logistik / Organizational Structures and Preferences within the Consultancy Industry : An explorative study of the procurement process for engineering services within manufacturing and logistics

Maglica, Daniel January 2017 (has links)
Studiens övergripande syfte är att öka förståelse och förutsättningarna för att studera affärsmöjligheter. Studien har bedrivits induktivt och utgår ifrån 48 stycken intervjuer med verksamhetsspecifika beslutsfattare inom upphandlingsprocessen. Beslutsfattarna är spridda över 11 svenska branscher. Resultatet visar på en stor variation med avseende på upphandlingsmängd för respondentverksamheterna, där en högsta upphandlingsmängd var 110 heltidsanställda konsulter per år och en minsta mängd var 0. Median mängden för de verksamheter som ingick i urvalsgruppen var 3 heltidsanställda konsulter per år. Vidare identifierades 10 stycken konkurrensprioriteringar för urvalsgruppen. 3 konkurrensprioriteringar var exklusiva för den grupp som tillämpade en centraliserad upphandlingsmodell och 3 var exklusiva för den grupp som tillämpade en decentraliserad upphandlingsmodell. Korrelationer mellan leverantörspreferenser med avseende på mängden aktivt bidragande leverantörer och upphandlingsmängder identifierades även. Studien har bidragit med en holistisk bilateral modell som beskriver affärsutbytet mellanen konsultverksamhet och en upphandlande verksamhet. Modellen underlättar vidare studier på så sätt att bakomliggande mekanismer för affärsmöjligheter blir lättare att studera rent systematiskt. Modellen som konstruerats kan användas som ramverk för att bedöma alternativa affärsutbyten. Genom att jämföra relativa värden och preferenser kan olika situationer bedömas för att avgöra vilket alternativ som innebär störst sannolikhet för god affärsmöjlighet. / The primary objective of the study is to increase the knowledge and conditions for studying business opportunities. The study has been conducted inductively and utilizes 48 interviews with firm specific decision-makers within the procurement process. The decision-makers are active in 11 swedish industries. The results show great variation with regards to the procurement volumes for the participating firms, where the largest volume is 110 full-time-equivalent consults per year and smallest is 0. The median value for the sample firms where 3 full-time-equivalent consults per year. 10 factors for driving competition where also identified for the sample group. 3 factors where exclusive to the firms that utilized a centralized procurement model and 3 factors where exclusive to the firms that utilized a decentralized procurement model. Correlations beteen preferences with regards to the amount of active suppliers and procurement volumes were also identified. This study has developed an holistic bilateral model, from the findings, that describes the business trade between a consultancy firm and a procuring firm.

Analysis of the agronomic and economic performances of lentil-spring wheat intercrops in organic farming

Viguier, Loïc Arthur 12 July 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Lentil (Lens culinaris Med.) is an important component of the human diet in the world, but in the meantime, Europe produces only 26% of the lentils it consumes. This is partly due to strong agronomic weaknesses that reduce yield such as lodging, bruchid beetles and weeds, especially in organic farming. Intercropping, the simultaneous growing of two or more species in the same field is tested here as an option to reduce these drawbacks and develop organic lentil production. The aims of this thesis were to (1) assess the potential of lentil-spring wheat intercrops to produce organic lentil, (2) understand the mechanisms that explain their performances, and (3) evaluate the profitability of such intercrops. A two-year field experiment was carried out in southwestern France in 2015 and 2016 under organic farming rules. Four lentil and two wheat cultivars were grown as sole crops and intercrops in multiple additive and substitutive designs. Our results showed that the total intercrop attainable grain yield was higher than the mean of sole crops. Yet, lentil yield in intercrop was lower than in sole crop as the result of a strong competition for resources from wheat in early lentil growth stages reducing the number of branches per plant of lentil. This led to lower gross margins of intercrops. However, lentil lodging was strongly reduced in intercrops thus its mechanical harvest efficiency increased. This led to similar mechanically harvested yields of lentil in intercrop and sole crop. Consequently, after mechanical harvest and grain cleaning, the marketable gross margin of intercrops was higher than that of sole crops. Our results suggest that (1) intercrop had no effect on bruchids, (2) the most effective intercrop is when lentil is at sole crop density and wheat at 15-20%, (3) intercrop performance is due to complementary use of N pools through legume N2 fixation and (4) the intensity of interspecific interactions depends on year, wheat density and genotypes. Our work indicates that lentil-spring wheat intercrop can develop organic lentil production but a better understanding of Genotype x Environment x Cropping system interactions may be useful to design optimized managements.

När pengarna inte räcker : En studie om finansiell bootstrapping och hur det används inom svensk filmproduktion idag / Faced with lack of funds : A study about financial bootstrapping and how it is used within Swedish film production today

Flink, Elin, Santesson, Eifra January 2012 (has links)
Svensk filmindustri idag finansieras huvudsakligen genom statliga medel. Dock finns det inte tillräckligt med finansiella medel jämfört det antal svenska filmer som produceras varje år. När finansieringen är otillräcklig kan det vara av största vikt att förstå och kunna arbeta med finansiell bootstrapping som verktyg för att kunna slutföra produktionen av filmen. Finansiell bootstrapping är ett begrepp som kan fungera som ett resursanskaffande verktyg för att tillföra resurser till en produktion till en lägre kostnad än marknadspriset, eller till ingen kostnad alls. Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka om detta verktyg finns inom svensk filmproduktion – och i så fall vilka som använder verktyget och varför. Forskningen avser också att utreda tillvägagångssätt och tankar kring känslor om användandet, både inom kort- och långfilmsproduktioner. Vi har funnit att användning av finansiell boostrapping finns och är generellt sett mer frekvent använt i produktioner som inte är fullt finansierade. Förekomsten av användandet är oftast vanligare i kortfilm än i långfilm, men att det existerar inom båda formerna av filmproduktion samt att verktyget används av olika befattningshavare. Utsagorna om känslor kring användandet av finansiell bootstrapping är tvetydiga – det uppstår enligt respondenterna ofta positiva känslor när det finns en ömsesidig vinning mellan de berörda avtalsparterna, men också negativa känslor när utbytet av överenskommelsen är mest gynnsamt för den ena parten. / Contemporary Swedish film industry is financed mainly by government funding. However, there is potentially not enough funding in comparison to how many films are produced in Sweden every year. When funding is inadequate it could be paramount to master the concept and instrument of financial bootstrapping in order to complete a film. Financial bootstrapping is a term and tool regarding the acquirement of resources, albeit to a lower cost than market value or to no costs at all. This essay aims to investigate whether this phenomenon exist within the Swedish film industry, if so - who is using this tool and why. The research also intends to chart the approach and feelings of users both in short film as well as full feature film. We have found that utilization exists and is generally more frequent amongst films that are not fully financed. The occurrence is often more common in short films than in feature films; also it exists within the different levels of film production and is used by various positions. Thoughts regarding the practice of financial bootstrapping are ambiguous; there are positive approaches when there is a mutual gain between the relevant participants, but also, negative approaches when the benefits from the collaboration are divided unfairly.

Crescimento e uso de nitrogênio e fósforo de quatro gramíneas nativas do Rio Grande do Sul / Growth and nitrogen and phosphous uses of four native grasses of Rio Grande do Sul state

Oliveira, Leandro Bittencourt de 25 March 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This thesis has the aim to evaluate growth of native grasses of natural grasslands Rio Grande do Sul state: Axonopus affinis, Paspalum notatum, Andropogon lateralis e Aristida laevis belonging to plant functional types A, B, C and D, respectively, in response to increasing N and P in soil. For this, the four grasses were grown in greenhouse with different N and P soil availability. The results were presented in two articles: the first evaluated species responses to increase N and P soil availability and relationships with functional traits and with tissue nitrogen concentration. The second article describes species response to increasing soil P availability besides P chemical fractions accumulated on plant tissue and acid phosphatase activity on leaves. All species respond to increase soil N and P availability but it was evidenced that resources capture species presented shorter time responses than conservation species. Independent of soil nutrients availability conditions where species were grown, the grass P. notatum showed the greater N and P use efficiency. The higher potential of relative response to increase N plus P and P availability was found for the grass A. affinis, which has leaf traits of resources capture species. For this, it was suggested that resources capture species have greater potential response to fertilization in relation to resources conservation species. / Esta tese tem o objetivo de avaliar o crescimento das gramíneas nativas das pastagens naturais do Rio Grande do Sul: Axonopus affinis, Paspalum notatum, Andropogon lateralis e Aristida laevis representantes dos tipos funcionais de plantas A e B de captura de recursos, e C e D de conservação de recursos, respectivamente, em reposta ao aumento na disponibilidade de nitrogênio e de fósforo no solo. Para isso, as quatro espécies foram cultivadas em casa de vegetação com diferentes condições de disponibilidade de P e N no solo. Os resultados foram apresentados em dois artigos: O primeiro avaliou a resposta das espécies à disponibilidade de N e P e as relações com atributos funcionais e com as concentrações de nitrogênio no tecido. O segundo artigo trata da capacidade das plantas em responder ao aumento da disponibilidade de P no solo além das frações químicas de acúmulo de P no tecido e da atividade da fosfatase ácida nas folhas. Nos dois artigos, as espécies responderam em massa tanto ao aumento da disponibilidade de N e de P quanto só de P. Porém no primeiro artigo, ficou evidenciado que a resposta foi identificada em um período mais curto para as espécies com características de captura de recursos em relação às de conservação de recursos. Independente das condições de disponibilidade de nutrientes onde as espécies foram cultivadas, a gramínea P. notatum demonstrou a maior eficiência de utilização tanto de N quando de P. O maior potencial de resposta relativo ao aumento da disponibilidade de N e P e de P foi encontrado para a gramínea A. affinis, a qual possui atributos foliares de captura de recursos. Assim, como esperado as espécies de captura de recursos têm maior potencial de resposta a adubação em relação às espécies de conservação de recursos.

Analysis of the agronomic and economic performances of lentil-spring wheat intercrops in organic farming / Analyse de la performance agronomique et économique des associations de culture lentille-blé de printemps en agriculture biologique

Viguier, Loïc Arthur 12 July 2018 (has links)
La lentille (Lens culinaris Med.) est une composante importante des régimes alimentaires de nombreuses populations à travers le monde mais sa consommation en Europe est relativement faible. L’Europe produit seulement 26% de sa consommation de lentille et ce déficit est en partie causé par d’importants verrous agronomiques comme la verse, les bruches et la compétition des adventices qui réduisent ses rendements, notamment en agriculture biologique. Les associations de cultures, définies comme la culture simultanée d’au moins deux espèces différentes sur une même surface pendant une durée significative, sont considérées comme une option pour lever ces verrous agronomiques et ainsi développer la production de lentille en agriculture biologique. Les objectifs de cette thèse étaient de (1) évaluer le potentiel des associations de lentille et de blé de printemps pour produire de la lentille en conditions d’agriculture biologique et (2) comprendre les principaux mécanismes sous-jacents à la performance des associations. Des essais agronomiques ont été mis en place en 2015 et 2016 en conditions d’agriculture biologique. Quatre variétés de lentille et de blé de printemps ont été conduites en culture pures et en plusieurs associations de type substitutif et additif. Nos résultats montrent que le rendement moyen des associations avant récolte mécanique était plus élevé que le rendement moyen des cultures pures. Néanmoins, le rendement de lentille en association était inférieur à celui de la lentille en culture pure en raison d’une compétition forte et précoce du blé pour les ressources qui a causé la diminution nombre de ramifications par plante de la lentille. Le prix de la lentille étant environ quatre fois plus élevé que celui du blé, la marge brute des associations avant récolte était inférieure à celle de la lentille en culture pure. Cependant, la verse de la lentille a été fortement réduite en association, entrainant une augmentation de l’efficacité de sa récolte mécanique. En conséquence les rendements de lentille issus de la récolte mécanique se sont avérés similaires en association et en culture pure. Enfin, après tri et nettoyage des graines, la marge brute des associations sur le rendement commercialisable était supérieure à celle des cultures pures. Nos résultats montrent que (1) les associations n’ont pas eu d’effet sur le taux de bruchage des lentilles, (2) l’association la plus performante est constituée de lentille à densité équivalente à la culture pure dans laquelle on ajoute 15-20% de blé, (3) la performance des associations est due à une utilisation complémentaire de l’azote rendue possible par la fixation symbiotique de l’azote par la lentille et (4) l’intensité des compétitions entre espèces dépendent de l’année, de la densité de blé et des génotypes. En conclusion, nos travaux indiquent que les associations de lentille et de blé de printemps peuvent permettre de développer la production de lentille en agriculture biologique mais qu’une meilleure compréhension des interactions de type génotype x environnement x conduite pourrait permettre de mettre au point des couverts encore plus performants. / Lentil (Lens culinaris Med.) is an important component of the human diet in the world, but in the meantime, Europe produces only 26% of the lentils it consumes. This is partly due to strong agronomic weaknesses that reduce yield such as lodging, bruchid beetles and weeds, especially in organic farming. Intercropping, the simultaneous growing of two or more species in the same field is tested here as an option to reduce these drawbacks and develop organic lentil production. The aims of this thesis were to (1) assess the potential of lentil-spring wheat intercrops to produce organic lentil, (2) understand the mechanisms that explain their performances, and (3) evaluate the profitability of such intercrops. A two-year field experiment was carried out in southwestern France in 2015 and 2016 under organic farming rules. Four lentil and two wheat cultivars were grown as sole crops and intercrops in multiple additive and substitutive designs. Our results showed that the total intercrop attainable grain yield was higher than the mean of sole crops. Yet, lentil yield in intercrop was lower than in sole crop as the result of a strong competition for resources from wheat in early lentil growth stages reducing the number of branches per plant of lentil. This led to lower gross margins of intercrops. However, lentil lodging was strongly reduced in intercrops thus its mechanical harvest efficiency increased. This led to similar mechanically harvested yields of lentil in intercrop and sole crop. Consequently, after mechanical harvest and grain cleaning, the marketable gross margin of intercrops was higher than that of sole crops. Our results suggest that (1) intercrop had no effect on bruchids, (2) the most effective intercrop is when lentil is at sole crop density and wheat at 15-20%, (3) intercrop performance is due to complementary use of N pools through legume N2 fixation and (4) the intensity of interspecific interactions depends on year, wheat density and genotypes. Our work indicates that lentil-spring wheat intercrop can develop organic lentil production but a better understanding of Genotype x Environment x Cropping system interactions may be useful to design optimized managements.

Effets des changements d'utilisation des terres sur la biodiversité fonctionnelle des prairies en paysage agricole / Effects of land use intensification on grassland functional biodiversity within agricultural landscapes

Le Provost, Gaëtane 16 January 2017 (has links)
Comprendre comment la biodiversité des prairies répond aux changements d’utilisation des terres constitue un enjeu majeur pour la conservation de la biodiversité et le maintien des services écosystémiques dans les paysages agricoles. Dans ce travail de thèse, nous avons cherché (i) à analyser la réponse simultanée d’un ensemble de taxons appartenant à différents niveaux trophiques (plantes, herbivores, pollinisateurs, prédateurs) aux changements d’utilisation des terres agissant à différentes échelles spatiales et temporelles ; (ii) à approcher les mécanismes impliqués dans cette réponse et notamment le rôle des interactions trophiques. Notre approche est basée sur l’utilisation de multiples traits fonctionnels liés à l’acquisition des ressources, la taille et la mobilité des organismes. Nous avons testé la réponse de ces traits à l’histoire des paysages, leur configuration et leur composition. Nous montrons qu’il existe une réponse générale de la diversité fonctionnelle multitrophique aux changements d’utilisation des terres. Nous mettons en évidence l’importance des effets historiques du changement d’utilisation des terres à l’échelle des paysages agricoles menaçant le maintien de communautés fonctionnellement diversifiées dans ces paysages. En considérant un set de traits multiples, notre travail a permis d’approcher certains mécanismes par lesquels les changements d’utilisation des terres présents et passés impactent différentes facettes de la biodiversité. Enfin, l’utilisation des traits fonctionnels a permis d’appréhender l’importance des interactions trophiques et leur implication dans la structuration des communautés animales dans les milieux agricoles. / Understanding how grassland biodiversity responds to land use intensification is crucial for both biodiversity conservation and the management of key ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes. My PhD aims at (i) identifying and generalising the effects of land use intensification operating at different spatial and temporal scales across multiple taxonomic groups and trophic levels (plants, herbivores, pollinators, predators and top-predators) ; (ii) investigating the underlying mechanisms of biodiversity response, and particularly the role of trophic interactions. We used multiple functional traits related to resource acquisition, the size of the organisms and their mobility. We tested how multitrophic functional trait diversity responded to landscape history, composition and heterogeneity. Considering multiple taxonomic groups simultaneously, our study brings out a clear response of overall biodiversity to land use intensification. We found that legacy effects of land use intensification operating at the landscape scale are major drivers of present-day multitrophic functional trait diversity in agricultural landscapes. By considering a core set of organismal traits reflecting similar functions across trophic levels, our approach reveals multiple dimensions by which land use intensification filters out biodiversity over time and allows us to generalise its effect across multiple trophic levels and trait-spectrum. Finally, trait-based approach allowed us to assess the importance of trophic interactions and their contribution in shaping animal communities in agricultural landscapes.

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