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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Memórias do combate à Coluna Paulista no oeste paranaense: a escrita de si nas pajadas de um soldado (1924-1925)

Tecchio, Caroline 20 June 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-20T13:46:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Caroline_Tecchio_Dissertacao.pdf: 1695233 bytes, checksum: 8b02aa3a2291d715bec42e9c7dd9a868 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-06-20 / This study deals with the memories of a legalistic soldier who participated in the combat against Coluna Paulista in western of Paraná, between 1924 and 1925. His military experiencesare narrated in the form of pajadas , which are typical verses from gaucho culture that commonly are presented orally. The written verses show up in the Book of Notes of another soldier, Ernesto Baptista Tecchio. This book does not mention the pajador , creating thus doubts about its intention to forge or not the authorship of the verses. Ernest served in the Army in Cruz Alta, Rio Grande do Sul, while the pajador soldier went into battle leaving Alegrete city in this same state. At some point their paths crossed and Ernesto had access to the pajadas . Considering the relations established between the memories of the pajador and Ernesto, who was guardian and partner of this memory, this study examines the written content about himself contained in the registers.In different ways, these individuals keep their opinions through narratives. Using the theory of authors who discuss memorialistic aspects and writing itself, this paper considers the intentions of the pajador to produce the narrative in the form of verses that express the characteristics of his regional culture. It also takes into account that Ernesto was an Italian immigrants son, and despite speaking the language in his daily life, he was literate in Portuguese and appropriated the verses of the gaucho soldier, which seems to demonstrate the fluidity of identities among the soldiers. With this study, we intend to extend the interpretations about the Lieutenants Revolt from the analysis of pajadas , which are the eyes of a soldier on the fighting. The personal documents to which we had access are analyzed by relating them to other sources, such asthe memories of the rebel Lieutenant João Cabanas. Regarding the theoretical and methodological perspectives, it is highlighted the dialogue of the recent cultural history with the micro-historical methodology, as well the discussions about the concepts of memory and representation. The historiography about the Lieutenants Revolt helps in understanding the critical of the pajador soldier who, despite being legalistic, question the military hierarchy and the conditions in which the soldiers lived. Ernesto, in turn, may have been interested in pajadas because of the taste for reading and, as a soldier, possibly identified himself with critics to the military hierarchy / Esse estudo trata das memórias de umsoldado legalista que participou do combate à Coluna Paulista no oeste paranaense entre 1924 e 1925. Suas experiências militares são narradas em forma de pajadas, versos típicos da cultura gaúcha que comumente apresentam-se oralmente. Os versos escritos aparecem no Caderno de Anotações de outro soldado raso: Ernesto Baptista Tecchio. Este não nomeia, em nenhum momento, o pajador, criando dúvidas sobre sua intenção em forjar ou não a autoria dos versos. Ernesto serviu ao Exército em Cruz Alta, Rio Grande doSul, enquanto o soldado pajador partiu para o combate saindo de Alegrete nessemesmo estado. Emalgum momento suas trajetórias se cruzaram e Ernestoteve acesso às pajadas. Considerando as relações estabelecidas entre as memórias do pajador e de Ernesto, que foi guardião e interlocutor dessa memória, esse estudo analisa asescritas de si contidas nas fontes. De maneiras distintas, esses indivíduos conservam suas opiniões através de narrativas. Utilizando-se teoricamente de autores que discutem aspectos memorialísticos e a escrita de si, esse trabalho considera as intencionalidades do pajadorem produzir a narrativa na forma de versos que expressam características de sua cultura regional. Leva em conta também que Ernesto era filho de imigrantes italianos, e apesar de falar essa língua em seu cotidiano, foi alfabetizado em portuguêse se apropriou dos versos do soldado gaúcho, o que parece demonstrar a fluidez de identidades entre os soldados. Com esse estudo, pretende-se ampliar asinterpretações sobre as Revoltas Tenentistas a partir da análise das pajadas, que constituem o olhar de um soldado raso sobre os enfrentamentos. Os documentos pessoais a que se teve acesso são analisados relacionando-os à outras fontes, como por exemplo as memórias do tenente revoltoso João Cabanas. Quanto às perspectivas teórico-metodológicas, destaca-se o diálogo dahistória cultural recente com a metodologia micro-histórica, bem como as discussões acerca dos conceitos de memória e representação. A historiografia sobre Revoltas Tenentistas auxilia na compreensão das críticas do soldado pajador que, mesmo sendo legalista, questiona a hierarquia militar e as condições em que se encontravam os soldados rasos. Ernesto, por sua vez,pode ter se interessado pelas pajadas devido ao gosto pela leitura e, na condição de soldado raso, possivelmente se identificou com as críticas à hierarquia militar

L’éveil politique de la société algérienne à travers révoltes, soumission, assimilation et nationalisme, 1830-1936 / The political awakening of Algerian society through revolts, submission, assimilation and nationalism.1830-1936

Gheziel, Abla 30 September 2015 (has links)
Plus de cinquante ans après son indépendance, l’histoire de l’Algérie coloniale est et, demeure toujours un sujet aussi douloureux et sensible des deux côtés de la Méditerranée. Au fur et à mesure de l’expansion coloniale française, les membres de la société de l’ex-régence d’Alger voient le mode de vie et leur statut changer. Et, ce en fonction des réformes et des dispositions de l’administration coloniale qui à la fois dut conduire une politique à deux niveaux: une politique pour les colons , les nouveaux habitants de l’Algérie, et une autre pour les indigènes qui malgré le fait que le Senatus consulte de 1865 leur ait accordé la citoyenneté, ils n’en restaient pas moins des sujets de seconde zone. A travers cette étude, nous proposons de suivre l’évolution et les facteurs qui ont contribué à l’éveil populaire des masses musulmanes durant la période qui s’étend de 1830 à 1936. Un champs d’études ayant pour cadre les révoltes populaires ; symbole de la résistance populaire des milieux ruraux, la notion de soumission qui reflète une position mitigée de la part des population qui vacille entre résistance et cohabitation face à l’administration militaire puis face à l’administration coloniale civile, Également la perception de la question de l’assimilation chez les Algériens musulmans et les Européens qui revêtit diverses interprétations à partir de la question du royaume arabe et du problème de la naturalisation. La question du nationalisme et la problématique de son existence ou non avant le débarquement des Français. Notre théorie est que tous ces facteurs ont aidé à l’éclosion du nationalisme, processus qui n’a pas suivi un développement linaire mais fut le résultat d’un cheminement complexe compte tenu des différents facteurs tels que le panislamisme, les retombées de la Première guerre mondiale et l’engagement des indigènes dans ce conflit qui à la base ne les concernait pas. Puis, entre les années 1920 et 1930, les formations politiques font leur apparition, intellectuels et réformistes musulmans s’affirment sur la scène politique et engage la confrontation avec l’administration coloniale et le gouvernement de la Métropole. Ainsi , la prise de conscience des masses musulmanes allaient se manifester et s’imposer en dépassant les différences des uns et des autres ; c’est à dire passer d’une pensée particulariste, d’un régionalisme à une pensée collective nationale : se reconnaitre dans une seule et unique identité nationale. / The political awakening of Algerian society through revolts, submission, assimilation and nationalism.1830-1936. More than fifteen years after his independence, Algerian colonial history is and stills always a painful and sensitive subject for the two sides of the Mediterranean Sea. As the French colonial expansion took place, members of society of former regency of Algiers see their way of living changing. And, this in function of reforms and measures of colonial administration which drive a two level policy: toward settlers’ policy; the new inhabitants of Algeria. And another one for indigenous whom still second zone citizen even if the ײSenatus consultײ of 1865 gives them citizenship. Throughout this study, we suggest to follow the evolution of these factors which contribute to the popular awakening of Muslim masses during the period between 1830 and 1936. It is a field of study which includes not only popular revolts, the symbol of rural resistance. But also the notion of submission reflecting à mixed position of populations between resistance and cohabitation with military administration first, then with civil colonial one after, thus the assimilation issue of Algerian Muslims and Europeans, which clothed various interpretations starting by the Arab Kingdom of Napoleon III and the problem of naturalization, and finally, the nationalism issue and the issue of its existence or not before the landing of French. Our theory is that all these features helped the hatching of nationalism, a process which did not follow a linear development but was the result of a complex path according to different factors such as Pan Islamism, the consequences of the WWI and the participation of the indigenous in this conflict which was not their conflict. Then, from 1920 and 1930, political groups appear; Muslim reformers and intellectuals assert themselves in political scene and engage the confrontation with the colonial administration and metropolitan government. Thus, the awareness of Muslim masses will appear and lead up on differences between people; in other move from individual or regional thinking towards a collective national thinking.

Sexual identity development measured from an identity status perspective

Lewis, Michelle Y. 01 January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore the development of sexuality in relation to one's overall sense of identity. The most popular measures of identity development assess identity in a number of life's domains ( e.g., politics, religion, occupation, values, friendships, dating, gender roles, and recreation/leisure), but none of the measures include an assessment of identity development in the domain of sexuality. Measures of sexuality have typically been limited to measures of sexual orientation or surveys of sexual experiences. The purpose of this research was to explore identity formation and development within the domain of sexuality, but not limited to sexual orientation and sexual experience. Toward that endeavor, a measure was constructed based on Marcia's ( 1966) identity status paradigm and modeled after Balistreri, Busch-Rossnagel, & Geisinger' s (1995) Ego Identity Process Questionnaire (EIPQ). The development of this measure was an attempt to capture a more comprehensive summation of a person's sense of sexuality than has previously been measured, including the areas of sexual knowledge, experience, motivation, values, orientation, relationships, and desire. Participants were undergraduate students (N=121) from a medium size suburban college campus in the Southern U.S. All participants completed an anonymous survey including a demographic questionnaire, our sexual identity survey, the EIPQ, a measure of sexual adjustment, a measure of identity distress, and a psychological symptom measure. Our sexual identity survey had very good internal consistency with a reliability alpha coefficient of .895. Sexual identity was significantly correlated with ego identity and all the sexual adjustment variables. Sexual identity development variables predicted sexual adjustment over and above (and better than) ego identity development variables, even when controlling for psychological adjustment and identity distress, thus providing evidence of incremental validity for our sexual identity construct. These results are encouraging because they suggest that it is appropriate to consider sexuality as another identity domain.

Traditions indigènes et hellénisme en Égypte lagide : le décret de l'an 23 de Ptolémée Épiphane et les décrets des synodes sacerdotaux de son règne (204-180 a.C) / Native Traditions and Hellenism in Ptolemaic Egypt : the Decree of the 23th year of Ptolemy Epiphanes and the Decrees of Priestly Synods under this Reign (204-180 BC)

Nespoulous-Phalippou, Alexandra 10 December 2011 (has links)
Publiées au début du siècle dernier par G. Daressy, les deux stèles conservées au Musée du Caire (RT 2/3/25/7 et JE 44901) constituent les seuls exemplaires connus à ce jour du décret de l’an 23 de Ptolémée Épiphane ; exclusivement rédigées en hiéroglyphique, elles présentent toutefois une parenté formelle et phraséologique avec les décrets des synodes sacerdotaux de ce règne dont certains ont été publiés dans les trois écritures d’usage pour ce type de documents(hiéroglyphique, grec et démotique). Cette étude se propose de fournir une édition normalisée suivant une édition synoptique de ces deux monuments accompagnée d’un apparat critique, d’une traduction, d’un commentaire philologique, de photographies et de fac-similés ; de même, afin d’effectuer l’étude philologique de ces textes, un recueil de traductions réactualisées des trois décrets antérieurs (Décret de Memphis II et les deux décrets dits « de Philae ») est présenté à partir de la version hiéroglyphique. Cette documentation épigraphique officielle, spécifique de l’époque ptolémaïque, constitue des sources de premier ordre pour l’étude des événements politiques qui eurent cours à la fin du règne dePtolémée V Épiphane (204-180 a.C.). L’appréhension de l’évolution des relations entre la Couronne alexandrine et les clergés indigènes s’effectue notamment autour de deux problématiques. La première est constituée par l’hétérogénéité du corpus des actes de ces décrets synodaux. La seconde est celle du paradoxe selon lequel le règne de ce dynaste lagide est présenté comme une étape décisive dans le processus de déclin de l’autorité alexandrine (tant en Égypte qu’en Méditerranée orientale) alors que se multiplie sous son règne la publication de ces décrets mettant toujours plus en avant l’évergétisme dont a fait preuve le souverain envers les divinités et la population égyptiennes. / Published in the early century by G. Daressy, the two stones from the Cairo Museum (RT 2/3/25/7 and JE 44901) are the only known copies to-date of Ptolemy Epiphanes’ decree written in year 23 BC ; although exclusively written in hieroglyphic text, they clearly present formal and phraseological similarities with the decrees from the priestly synods of that reign, decrees which some of them were published in the three used kinds of writing (hieroglyphic, greek and demotic). This study aims to provide a normalized version following a synoptic version of those two monuments. It is accompanied by a critical apparatus, a translation, philological commentaries, photographs and facsimiles. Also, in order to present an accurate philological study of the texts, an upto- date translation of the three previous decrees (Decree of Memphis II and the two other said “Decrees of Philae”) is provided, based on the hieroglyphic version.This official epigraphic documentation, specific to the Ptolemaic period, forms a strong knowledge base that provides valuable insights on the political events which occurred at the end of Ptolemy Epiphanes’ reign (204-180 BC). The understanding of the relationship evolution between the Alexandrian Crown and the indigenous clergies relates to two problems. On one hand, the heterogeneity of the corpus acts these synodal decrees are part of. On the other hand, the paradox that constitutes this Ptolemaic dynast’s reign, presented as a key factor in the decline of the Alexandrian authority (in Egypt as well as in the Eastern Mediterranean regions), when numerous decrees were published stating the openhandeness towards the divinities and the Egyptian people.

Intelligent Discontent, Agitation, and Progress: A Time-Series Analysis of National Revolts in Central America 1960-1982

David, J. Sky 08 1900 (has links)
Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua have all experienced significant social, economic, and political changes during the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s. Guatemala, El Salvador, and Nicaragua experienced violent national revolts, while Costa Rica and Honduras did not. I tested a process theory that endeavored to account for the origins and intensity of national revolts in Central America. The analysis was formulated in a most-similar-systems (MSS) design. Pooled cross-sectional time-series regression techniques were employed in order to conform with the MSS variation-finding strategy. The findings supported the conclusion that armed attacks against the state were not random occurrences, but rather, that they may have arisen in response to certain economic and political conditions.

O 'vulcão' negro Chapada : rebelião escrava nos sertões diamantinos (Minas Gerais, 1864)

Mota, Isadora Moura 12 December 2005 (has links)
Orientador: Robert Slenes / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-05T10:38:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Mota_IsadoraMoura_M.pdf: 13645568 bytes, checksum: e0417b7bc74ffa0113821a3783fa5e34 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005 / Resumo: Esta dissertação conta a história da rebelião escrava do Serro, movimento que reuniu mais de quatrocentos rebeldes em Minas Gerais, no mês de outubro de 1864. Cientes dos projetos emancipacionistas em debate no Parlamento nacional e da Guerra Civil nos Estados Unidos, escravos das lavras de diamantes, fazendas e cidades do Serro e Diamantina planejaram uma "guerra contra os brancos" para obter sua liberdade. Eles contavam com o apoio de comunidades quilombolas e homens forros. Através da análise desta revolta, esperamos trazer à tona as culturas e experiências da escravidão no nordeste mineiro, assim como suas relações com o cenário político da década de 1860 / Abstract: This dissertation tells the story of the Serro slave rebellion, which gathered more than four hundred rebels in Minas Gerais, during the month of October, 1864. Aware of the emancipationist projects debated in Brazil's National Assembly and the U.S. Civil War, slaves from the diamond mines, farms and the cities of Serro and Diamantina planned a "war against the whites" in order to obtain their freedom. They expected to be supported by maroon communities and black freedmen. Through the analysis of this revolt, we wish to reveal the slave cultures and experiences in the mineiro northeast, as well as its relationship with the political landscape of the 1860 / Mestrado / Historia Social / Mestre em História

Les minorités, l'espace et le droit : Indiens et Morisques dans la configuration territoriale de l'Empire Ibérique / Minorities, territories and law : Peruvian Indians and Moriscos in the territorial configuration of the Iberian Empire (16th century)

Ferri carreres, Natividad 30 November 2017 (has links)
Comment un monarque agit-il pour exercer son pouvoir sur deux territoires éloignés géographiquement, mais tous deux peuplés par des minorités juridiques ? Cette thèse a pour objectif de mener une étude comparative sur la manière dont la Monarchie Hispanique a exercé le contrôle politique, et notamment le contrôle de la mobilité spatiale, sur la minorité morisque du royaume de Valence et sur la minorité indienne péruvienne au cours du XVIe siècle.Notre recherche met l’accent sur l’importance du contrôle de la mobilité spatiale de ces minorités comme un moyen pour mettre en application des objectifs spécifiques au bon fonctionnement de la gouvernance de chaque territoire. De l’analyse de ces objectifs, réalisé en grande partie à partir de l’ordre juridique de l’époque, il découle que les Morisques et les Indiens ont été l’objet d’un traitement différencié, motivé par le contexte politique, social ou économique qui prévalait dans chaque espace géographique. Toutefois, notre travail met en évidence la volonté de déplacer ces minorités pour les éloigner des côtes ou les regrouper dans des villages séparés, afin de les confiner et de les isoler. Paradoxalement, nous avons également observé, à la suite de la mise en place d’un tel contrôle, l’apparition d’effets non prévus, tels que les fuites et d’autres formes de résistance. / How does a monarch exercise his power over two geographically distant territories, both populated by juridical minorities? This thesis intends to carry out a comparative study of the way in which the Hispanic Monarchy exercised political control, and in particular territorial mobility control, over the Morisco minority in the Kingdom of Valencia and the Peruvian Indian minority during the 16th century.This research will show the important role of controlling the territorial mobility of those minorities as the monarchical instrument for reaching its political, social and economic goals in each territory. The analysis of these objectives, based in large part on the legislative rulings of that era, infers that the Moriscos and the Peruvian Indians endured a differentiated control due to the political, social and economic context that prevailed in each of the territories they occupied. Nevertheless, this work reveals the will of the monarchical power in displacing and alienating these minorities from the coasts or grouping them in distant villages, in order to better confine and control them. Paradoxically, it is found that such control ends in creating “undesirable” effects, such as escapes and other forms of resistance.

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