Spelling suggestions: "subject:"risk pregnancy"" "subject:"risk regnancy""
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RepercussÃes Maternas e Perinatais de Gestantes com Cardiopatias em Hospital TerciÃrio no Cearà / Maternal and Perinatal Implications of Pregnant Women with Heart Disease in a Tertiary Hospital in CearÃZeus Peron Barbosa do Nascimento 19 February 2010 (has links)
Objetivos. Avaliar as repercussÃes maternas e perinatais das gestantes com cardiopatia, comparando os dados sociodemogrÃficos, obstÃtricos e resultados perinatais pelo tipo de cardiopatia (congÃnita versus adquirida) e pela via de parto (parto vaginal versus abdominal). Metodologia. Trata-se de estudo transversal, retrospectivo, descritivo e analÃtico, realizado por meio da pesquisa de 70 prontuÃrios de pacientes que tiveram o parto no Hospital Geral CÃsar Cals nos anos de 2007 (26 casos) e 2008 (44 casos) por meio do preenchimento de questionÃrios. Foram usados os testes estatÃsticos Qui-quadrado de Yates e de Pearson e Exato de Fisher para anÃlise bivariada dos dados. Foi considerado nÃvel de significÃncia p < 0,05. Resultados. A idade das pacientes variou de 15 a 42 (mÃdia de 25,8Â6,5) anos; 25 (35,7%) eram primigestas, 22 (31,4%) secundigestas e 23 (32,9%) delas eram multigestas, dezesseis pacientes (22,9 %) tinham cardiopatia congÃnita e 45 cardiopatia adquirida (64,3%). Houve 15 partos prematuros (21,7%); 24 (34,3%) delas teve parto vaginal e 46 (65,7%) parto abdominal. A taxa de prematuridade foi de 21,7%. Verificou-se a presenÃa de 27,1% de RN com baixo peso ao nascer, 8,6% de restriÃÃo do crescimento fetal, 17,1% de Apgar < 7 no primeiro e 11,4% no quinto minuto de vida. Houve um Ãbito materno e cinco Ãbitos perinatais. NÃo houve diferenÃa estatÃstica entre as cardiopatias congÃnitas e as adquiridas, exceto pela maior presenÃa de patologias clÃnicas prÃvias à gestaÃÃo no grupo das cardiopatias congÃnitas. As pacientes que tiveram parto vaginal apresentaram maior paridade e menor escolaridade, maior taxa de prematuridade, de RN com baixo peso ao nascer e menores Ãndices de Apgar no primeiro minuto quando comparadas Ãquelas submetidas a parto abdominal. A frequÃncia de descompensaÃÃo clÃnica durante o trabalho de parto e/ou parto foi de 5,7%, sem diferenÃa estatÃstica entre os partos vaginais ou abdominais. ConclusÃes. Houve frequÃncia elevada de cesariana, parto prematuro, baixo peso ao nascer, Apgar < 7 no primeiro minuto de vida e necessidade de internamento em UTI neonatal. NÃo houve diferenÃa clara entre os tipos de cardiopatias. O piores resultados neonatais encontrados para o parto vaginal podem ser atribuÃdos à prÃpria prematuridade; ou seja, nÃo necessariamente à via de parto. / Aims. To evaluate maternal and peri-natal outcomes of pregnant women with heart disease, comparing the socio - demographic, obstetric data and peri-natal results by the type of heart disease (congenital versus acquired) and the route of delivery (vaginal versus abdominal). Methodology. This is a cross sectional, retrospective, descriptive and analytical research carried out by the records of 70 patients who delivered at Hospital Geral Cesar Cals in the years 2007 ( 26 cases) and 2008 (44 cases) by completing questionnaires. We used the Yates chi-square test, Pearson and Fisher Exact test for bi-varied analysis of data. We considered the level of significance p < 0.05. Results. The age of patients ranged from 15 to 42 (mean 25.8 + 6.5) years; on twenty five (35.7%) were first pregnancy, 22 (31.4%) second pregnancy and 23 (32.9%) were multi â pregnancy. Sixteen patients (22.9%) had congenital heart disease and 45 had acquired heart disease (64.3%). There were 15 premature births (21.7%). Twenty four (34.3%) of the women had vaginal deliveries and 46 (65.7%) cesarean section. The rate of pre term births was 21.7%. There was 27.1% of infants with low birth weight, 8.6% of fetal growth restriction, 17.1% of Apgar score < 7 in the first and 11.4% in the fifth minute of life. There was one maternal death and 5 peri-natal deaths. There was no statistical difference between congenital and acquired heart disease except for a greater presence of clinical pathologies previous to the pregnancy in the group of congenital heart disease. Patients who had vaginal deliveries presented higher parity and lower education, higher rates of prematurity in infants with low birth weight and lower Apgar scores in the first minute when compared to those who were submitted to cesarean section. The frequency of clinical discompensation during labor and / or delivery was 5.7% without statistical difference between the vaginal or abdominal. Conclusions. There was a high frequency of cesarean section, premature birth, low birth weight, Apgar score < 7 in the first minute of life and need to be admitted in the neonatal UTI. There was no clear differencebetween the types of heart disease. The worst neonatal results found for the vaginal delivery can be attributed to the very pre-term birth, that is, not necessarily the mode of delivery.
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Coração aflito: repercussões emocionais na gestante de feto cardiopata / Afflicted heart: emotional repercussions of fetal heart disease in pregnant womenSimone Kelly Niklis Guidugli 30 June 2015 (has links)
Minha experiência clínica atendendo gestantes com diagnóstico de cardiopatia fetal pôde propiciar a observação de alterações na condição emocional das pacientes que se mantinham em acompanhamento psicológico no hospital de Cardiologia, que passou a recebê-las desde o período pré-natal até o nascimento do bebê, para que estes fossem submetidos às intervenções cardíacas necessárias. Esta percepção motivou a pesquisa sobre a natureza destas repercussões emocionais uma vez que a gestação é considerada um período de transição e de crise para a mulher, no qual precisa se reorganizar emocionalmente devido às mudanças com a vinda do filho, bem como às expectativas e idealizações inerentes. O objetivo foi identificar as repercussões emocionais mais significativas a partir de aspectos da psicodinâmica das gestantes, visando contribuir para a assistência a esta população. O método utilizado foi o clínico qualitativo, tendo como instrumentos: a entrevista semidirigida e as técnicas projetivas, Desenho da Figura Humana (DFH) e Teste de Apercepção Temática (TAT). Foi realizada a análise de conteúdo, conforme Bardin, de uma sessão de atendimento psicológico, gravada, com o consentimento das participantes, e transcrita posteriormente. Os resultados confirmaram a presença de repercussões emocionais significativas, dentre elas: os sentimentos de impotência e de posse em relação ao bebê, sentimento de culpa pelo diagnóstico fetal, angústia de morte, desamparo, não aceitação do diagnóstico e medo do desconhecido. A partir da análise psicodinâmica, identificou-se também: as principais ansiedades das gestantes - conhecer o bebê, de separação e do parto; os mecanismos de defesa atuantes - negação, regressão, identificação, racionalização e idealização- e as principais formas de enfrentamento - confiança na equipe, acreditar que a barriga é a forma possível de proteção do bebê, controle emocional, busca de conhecimento sobre a cardiopatia, identificação com outros pais na mesma situação e oferecimento de ajuda a estes, e a fé. No DFH destacaram-se: a inclinação das figuras femininas e masculinas, que pode estar relacionado à tentativa de manter um equilíbrio corporal em virtude das modificações físicas ao final da gestação; a assimetria apresentada em metade dos desenhos, analisada como possível forma de expressar a percepção das anomalias corporais dos bebês, embora a cardiopatia não possa ser visualmente observada, pode se relacionar às fantasias sobre a aparência do bebê malformado. No TAT perceberam-se importantes conflitos como dependência x independência e maternidade x afiliação, com o uso de mecanismos de defesa tais como a regressão, racionalização e idealização. Concluiu-se que o diagnóstico de cardiopatia fetal traz intensas repercussões emocionais, relacionadas às fantasias de morte sobre o nascimento do filho, sendo atribuída ao parto uma representação simbólica ainda mais angustiante que nas gestações comuns ou não caracterizadas como de alto risco, pois parece ser vivenciada inicialmente como uma situação quase-certa de morte, o que torna importante que o acompanhamento psicológico seja oferecido nas instituições de saúde, por todo o ciclo gravídico-puerperal / My clinical experience serving pregnant women with diagnosis of fetus with heart disease made it possible to observe changes in the emotional condition of the patients who remained in counseling in the Cardiology Hospital, which has been admitting them from the prenatal period to childbirth, so that they were subjected to the necessary cardiac interventions. This realization led to research into the nature of these emotional repercussions since pregnancy is considered a period of transition and crisis to the woman, who needs emotional restructuring due to changes related to the child\'s coming, and the inherent expectations and idealizations. The objective was to identify the most significant emotional repercussions from the psychodynamic aspects of pregnant women, in order to contribute to their assistance. The research followed a clinical-qualitative method, with the following instruments: semi-structured interviews and projective techniques, the Human Figure Drawing Test (HFD) and Thematic Apperception Test (TAT). Content analysis was carried out according to Bardin during psychological counseling sessions, recorded with the consent of the participants, and later transcribed. The results confirmed the presence of significant emotional repercussions, such as: feelings of powerlessness and possession over the baby, guilt over fetal diagnosis, death anxiety, helplessness, denial and fear of the unknown. The psychodynamic analysis also identified: the main anxieties of pregnant women knowing the baby, separation and childbirth; the active defense mechanisms denial, regression, identification, rationalization and idealization; and the main coping mechanisms confidence in the team, belief in the bellys protection, emotional control, pursuit of knowledge about the disease, identification with other parents in similar situations and the ability to extend help to them, and faith. HFD highlighted: the angle of the female and male figures, which may be related to trying to maintain body balance because of physical changes at the end of pregnancy; the asymmetry identified in half of the drawings, analyzed as a possible way to express the perception of bodily abnormalities of babies which, even in the absence of visual observation of the abnormalities, can relate to fantasies about the appearance of a malformed baby. TAT showed important conflicts such as dependence vs. independence and motherhood vs. affiliation with the use of defense mechanisms such as regression, rationalization and idealization. The research concludes that the diagnosis of fetal heart disease causes intense emotional distress, related to death fantasies during childbirth with childbirth having a more distressing symbolic representation than during ordinary or low-risk pregnancies, since it seems to be early experienced as a situation of almost certain death, which makes it important that health institutions offer psychological counseling throughout the pregnancy and childbirth
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Trajetoria de gestantes/puérperas em uma Unidade de Cardiologia Fetal de um Hospital Filantópico: uma abordagem etnográfica / Trajectory of pregnant women /puerpera in a fetal cardiology unit of a philanthropic hospital: an ethnographic approachEnilda Maria de Sousa Lara 14 March 2014 (has links)
Introdução: A vivência e a lógica do usuário acerca do atendimento recebido nos serviços de saúde são imprescindíveis para reorganização e implementação das ações de saúde, representando, assim, uma das maneiras de se avaliar a qualidade e a segurança nessas instituições. Objetivo: Compreender a experiência de gestantes/puérperas acerca do atendimento recebido na Unidade de Cardiologia Fetal de um Hospital Filantrópico. Caminho metodológico: Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, de cunho etnográfico, cujo cenário cultural foi a Unidade de Cardiologia Fetal do Hospital do Coração de São Paulo. As participantes foram oito gestantes/puérperas atendidas na referida instituição de saúde. A coleta de dados foi realizada, após anuência dos Comitês de Ética, por meio da observação participante e da entrevista, no período de agosto de 2012 a agosto de 2013. Os dados foram apresentados na forma de narrativa e analisados de acordo com Janesick. Achados: Das narrativas emergiram doze categorias culturais, a saber: A descoberta da gravidez não planejada; O enfrentamento do diagnóstico de cardiopatia congênita; A esperança na sobrevivência do bebê Mudança no estilo de vida; O apoio de familiares e de amigos; O acesso à alta complexidade: para onde ir? A chegada a São Paulo: o medo do desconhecido; Os avanços tecnológicos versus gestação de alto risco; O apego à religiosidade/espiritualidade; O apoio recebido do terceiro setor/rede social; O fortalecimento do vínculo familiar frente às dificuldades advindas com a trajetória da doença; A luta, o luto e as conquistas e A avaliação da Unidade de Cardiologia Fetal. Para a análise interpretativa foi adotado o referencial da Trajetória da Doença Crônica, que tem por pressupostos a ruptura biográfica, o impacto do tratamento na vida diária e no cuidado à saúde e adaptação e o manejo da doença, proposto por Michael Bury. Considerações finais: Esta investigação permitiu ter uma visão compreensiva da percepção das gestantes/puérperas com relação à Unidade de Cardiologia Fetal, interpretar e incorporar suas vivências, de modo a qualificar o cuidado e, consequentemente, o cenário deste estudo. / Introduction: The experience and logic of the health service user about the care received are essential for the reorganization and implementation of health actions, thus representing one way to assess the quality and safety in these services. Objective: To understand the experience of pregnant women/puerpera about the care received in a Fetal Cardiology Unit of a Philanthropic Hospital. Methods: This is a qualitative study using an ethnographic approach, focusing on the cultural scenario of the Fetal Cardiology Unit of the Hospital for the Heart of Sao Paulo. The participants were eight pregnant women/puerpera who received care in this Fetal Cardiology Unit. The data collection was carried out after the Ethics Committees had given their consent, through participant observation and interview, from August 2012 to August 2013. The data were presented in narratives and analyzed according to Janesick. Findings: The following twelve cultural categories emerged from the narratives: The discovery of an unexpected pregnancy; Facing the diagnosis of a congenital heart disease; Hope in the survival of the baby Change in lifestyle; Support of family and friends; Access to high complexity care: Where to go? Arriving at Sao Paulo: fear of the unknown; Advances in technology versus high risk pregnancy; Attachment to religiosity/spirituality; Support of the third sector/social network; Strengthening family relationships to face difficulties arising from the disease trajectory; The fight, the grief and the achievements; and Assessing the Fetal Cardiology Unit. The Chronic Illness Trajectory framework was used for the interpretative analysis, which is based on the assumptions of biographical disruption, the impact of treatment on everyday life and own health care, and adaptation and disease management, proposed by Michael Bury. Final considerations: This study provided a comprehensive view of the perception of the pregnant women/puerpera regarding the Fetal Cardiology Unit; the interpretation and incorporation of their experiences make it possible to qualify the health care, and thus the scenario of this study.
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The perceptions of women regarding obstetric care in public health facilities in a peri-urban area of NamibiaMuntenda, Bartholomeus Mangundu January 2011 (has links)
Magister Public Health - MPH / Namibia has recorded an ascending trend of maternal and neonatal mortality rate from 225 – 449 per 100 000 women from 1992 to 2006, and 38 – 46 per 1000 live births from 2000 to 2006 respectively. Kavango Region in Namibia is one among the top seven regions with high maternal and infant mortality rate. Most pregnant women in peri-urban areas of Rundu District in the Kavango region, where this study was conducted, attend ante-natal care services but do not use public health facilities for delivery. The health records from the public health facilities in Rundu, especially from Nkarapamwe clinic and Rundu Hospital maternity section, reveal that although the pregnant women comply with the required standard policy of
a minimum of three visits per pregnancy or more, over 40% of women who attend public ante-natal care clinics do not deliver in the public health facility.The aim of this study was to explore the perceptions of women regarding obstetric care in
public health facilities in Kehemu settlement, a peri-urban area of Rundu town. The
objectives of the study were to explore the perceptions of women on accessibility and acceptability of maternity services in public health facilities.An explorative qualitative study design using focus group discussion as a data collection method was conducted with three groups of women. A purposeful sampling procedure was
used to select participants. Ethical approval was obtained from the High Degree Committee of University of the Western Cape and permission to use data from local facilities was obtained from the Ministry of Health and Social Services. Participants were recruited on their own free will and they signed an agreement on confidentiality. A data reduction process was used for analysis.The study findings indicate that women wish to use public health facilities for deliveries due to perceived benefits, in particular, safety for the mother and the baby and that those services are affordable. However a number of reasons hinder women to access services including the attitudes of health care providers, inability to afford transport at night and cultural influences.The study recommends that delivery services at the local clinic be expanded from eight to twenty-four hours; an information campaign on pregnancy and birth complications as well as the benefits of delivering in a public facility be implemented; refresher training for nurses to improve their caring practices during delivery should be considered and that a similar research be conducted with care providers to ascertain ways to improve maternity services in the public health facility in the area.
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First-time parenting couples' stress associated with at-risk pregnancy and antenatal hospitalizationPolomeno, Viola 12 1900 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l’Université de Montréal / The goals of this study were: (1) to determine the contribution of the stressors (atrisk pregnancy and antenatal hospitalization), the resources (conjugal adjustment and
satisfaction from others) and the perception of the stressors (primary stress appraisal:
threat, challenge, centrality; and secondary stress appraisal: control-self, control-others,
incontroUable) to first-time parenting couples' global stress associated with at-risk
pregnancy and antenatal hospitalization, and (2) to assess congruence between the
partners' perceptions of stress in terms of similarities. Three types of similarities are
considered, produced from combinations of self-perceptions (a person's direct perception)
and metaperceptions (a person's perception of another person): actual similarity,
perceived similarity and understanding. The non-probabilistic sample of 109 couples was
recruited fi'om 12 perinatal units in the Montreal region. The couples completed four
questionnah-es: The Personal and Pregnancy Information Guide, the Dyadic Adjustment
Scale, the Support Behaviors Inventory, and the Stress Appraisal Measure. Using Boss'
model (1988) The Contextual Model of Family Stress to study the first research goal,
52% of the variance regarding the women's global stress was explained by primary stress
appraisal (threat, challenge, centrality), while 60% of the variance regarding the men's
global stress was explained by the stressors (gestation, prenatal classes, education) and
primary stress appraisal (threat, centrality). For the couples' models, 33% of their global
stress at the level of actual similarity was explained by prunary stress appraisal (threat,
centrality), while at the level of perceived similarity, 32% of the explained variance was
due to primary stress appraisal (threat, centrality) and secondary stress appraisal (controlself, control-others). At the level of understanding, 32% of the explained variance is
attributed to the resources (dyadic cohesion) and primary stress appraisal (threat,
centrality). Further analyses were conducted on couples' perceptions since primary stress
appraisal was found to be a significant predictor of thek global stress (second research
goal). In order to attain this, five hypotheses were tested: HI: There is a significant
difference in the perceived similarity of global stress appraisal between women and men
(confirmed); H2: There is a significant difference in understanding of global stress appraisal between women and men (confirmed); H3: There is congruence between
women's and men's perceived smiilarity and actual similarity for global stress appraisal
(partially confirmed); H4: There is congruence between women's and men's
understanding and actual smiilarity for global stress appraisal (partially confirmed); and,
H5: There is congruence between women's and men's understanding and women's and
men's perceived smiilarity for global stress appraisal (partially confirmed). Despite the
couples' moderate stress appraisal, women perceive at-risk pregnancy and antenatal
hospitaUzation as a threat, and their global perception of stress is significantly higher than
that of the men. Men perceive the same stressors as a challenge and being in control of the
situation. The couples are congruent in actual similarity except for the means of challenge
and self-control. Regarding perceived similarity, there are no significant differences for the
women whereas for the men, there are significant discrepancies for the means of threat and
global stress. For women's understanding, there are significant discrepancies between the
means of for threat and global stress, while for the men, there are no significant
differences. Women are more stressed by at-risk pregnancy and antenatal hospitalization
than the men, resulting in a greater lack of congruence between the different sunilarities.
They are less available for the conjugal relationship, while the men are more understanding
and more available to devote themselves to the relationship: the men's optimism appears
to reduce the women's stress with an impact on the relationship. Regarding couples'
stress, there is a gradual shift in perceiving the strcssors as threatening to perceiving them
as important for their well-being. Also, control and the conjugal relationship become more
unportant at the levels of perceived similarity and understanding respectively. In
conclusion, women and men do not perceive the stressors in the same way, and that nurses
and other health care professionals should consider both partners' perceptions as weU as
that of the couple's in their global evaluation of stress during their interventions. Nurses'
greater challenge is to help a couple to be 'a couple' in the hospital setting in order to help
them protect their love and intimacy. / Les buts de cette étude étaient: (l) d'évaluer la contribution des stresseurs (la grossesse à risque et l'hospitalisation), des ressources (rajustement conjugal et la satisfaction du soutien des autres) et de la perception des stresseurs (évaluation primaire: menace, défi, centralité; évaluation secondaire: contrôle-soi, contrôle-autres, incontrôlable) sur le niveau de stress relié à la grossesse à risque et l'hospitalisation anténatale chez des couples sans enfant; et (2) d'évaluer la congruence entre les perceptions des partenaires en termes de similarités. Trois types de similarités sont analysés, lesquels proviennent de la combinaison des autoperceptions (la perception directe d'une personne) et des méta-perceptions (la perception qu'une personne a de l'autre): la similarité actuelle, la similarité perçue et la compréhension. L'échantillon nonprobabiliste comprend 109 couples recrutés dans 12 unités périnatales de la grande région de Montréal. Les couples ont rempli quatre questionnaires: le Guide d'information personnelle et périnatale, l'Échelle d'ajustement dyadique, l'Inventaire de comportements de soutien, et l'Échelle d'évaluation du stress. Afin d'atteindre le premier but de la recherche, Le modèle contextuel de stress familial de Boss (1988) a été utUisé: 52% de la variance du stress global chez les femmes est expliqué par l’évaluation primaire (menace, défi, centralité), tandis chez les hommes, 60% de la variance de leur stress global est expliqué par les stresseurs (gestation, cours prénataux, éducation) et l’évaluation primaire (menace, centralité). En ce qui concerne les modèles chez les couples, 33% de leur stress global au niveau de la similarité actuelle est expliqué par l’évaluation primaire, tandis qu'au niveau de la similarité perçue, 32% de la variance est expliqué par l’évaluation primaire (menace, centralité) et l’évaluation secondaire (contrôle-soi, contrôle-autres). Au niveau de la compréhension, 32% de la variance est expliqué par les ressources (cohésion dyadique) et l’évaluation primaire (menace, centralité). Les analyses sur la perception des stresseurs ont été approfondies puisque celle-ci expliquait le stress global stress chez les femmes, les hommes et les couples (deuxième but de la recherche). Donc, cinq hypothèses ont été testées: HI: II y a une différence significative entre le niveau de similarité perçue du stress global des femmes et celui des hommes (confirmée); H2: II y a une différence significative entre le niveau de compréhension du stress global des femmes et celui des hommes (confirmée); H3: Il y a congruence entre la similarité perçue chez les femmes et les hommes et la similarité actuelle du stress global (partiellement confirmée); H4: II y a congruence entre la compréhension chez les femmes et les hommes et la similarité actuelle du stress global (partiellement confirmée); et, H5: Il y a congruence entre la compréhension chez les femmes et les hommes et la similarité perçue chez les femmes et les hommes du stress global (partiellement confirmée). Malgré le niveau de stress moyen des couples, les femmes perçoivent la grossesse à risque élevé et l'hospitalisation anténatale comme une menace, et leur niveau de stress global est significativement plus élevé que chez les hommes. Les hommes perçoivent les mêmes stresseurs comme un défi et d'être en contrôle de la situation. Les couples sont congruents quant à la similarité actuelle sauf le défi et le contrôle-de-soi. A l'égard de la similarité perçue, il n'y a pas de différence significative chez les femmes, tandis que pour les hommes, il y a des différences significatives entre les moyennes de la menace et du stress global. Au niveau de la compréhension des femmes, il y a des différences significatives entre les moyennes de la menace et du stress global, tandis qu'il n'y a pas chez les hommes. Les femmes sont plus stressées que les hommes face aux stresseur de la grossesse à risque et de l'hospitalisation anténatale, ayant comme conséquence un plus grand manque de congruence entre les différents niveaux de similarités. Elles sont donc moins disponibles pour la relation conjugale. Tandis que les hommes semblent plus compréhensifs et plus disponibles pour se consacrer à la relation conjugale, leur optimisme semble diminuer le stress ressenti par les femmes. En ce qui concerne le stress global des couples, les résultats suggèrent qu'il y a une transformation graduelle de la perception du stresseur vers une perception basée sur le bien-être du couple. Aussi, le contrôle et la relation conjugale deviennent plus importants aux niveaux de la similarité perçue et de la compréhension respectivement. En conclusion, les femmes et les hommes ne perçoivent pas les stresseurs de la même façon. Les infirmières et les autres professionnels de la santé doivent tenir compte des perceptions de chaque partenaire ainsi que celles du couple dans l’évaluation globale du stress. Le plus grand défi des infirmières est d'aider le couple d'être couple en milieu hospitalier afin de protéger leur intimité.
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Die Bedeutung der transvaginalen Zervixsonographie für die Vorhersage einer Frühgeburt in low-Risk und high-Risk KollektivenHenrich, Wolfgang 24 March 2004 (has links)
Die vorzeitige Reifung der Zervix steht im engen Zusammenhang mit den komplexen Mechanismen der Frühgeburtlichkeit. Die transvaginalsonographische Evaluation der Zervix ermöglicht im Gegensatz zur digitalen Tastuntersuchung eine objektive Dokumentation des Befundes nach Visualisierung der Zervix. Dies gilt insbesondere für die exakte Messung der Zervixlänge und die Beurteilung des Os internum. Veränderungen wie eine Trichterbildung, ein Fruchtblasenprolaps oder eine (a)-symptomatische vorzeitige Zervixreifung können sichtbar gemacht und im Trend beurteilt werden. Die transvaginalsonographische Befunderhebung ist leicht erlernbar, objektiv und gut reproduzierbar. In ersten Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde untersucht, in wieweit bei einem low-Risk Kollektiv vorzeitige Reifungszeichen der Zervix vor anderen Frühgeburtsmarkern zu beobachten sind. Die Zervixbeurteilung mit 22 oder 32 SSW konnte nicht als valider Frühgeburtsmarker für ein Screening im strikten low-Risk Kollektiv festgesetzt werden. Auch die rechtzeitige und sichere Diagnose einer drohenden Frühgeburt bei symptomatischen oder asymptomatischen Schwangeren mit vorzeitiger Zervixreifung ist bislang nicht verlässlich möglich. Im zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit wurde bei einem high-Risk Kollektiv von Patientinnen mit vorzeitigen Wehen und Zervixreifung die Aussagekraft der transvaginalsonographische Zervixbiometrie untersucht. Die Zervixbiometrie begründet sich auf der Tatsache, dass die Reifezeichen der Zervix, wie Verkürzung der Zervixlänge, Öffnung des inneren Muttermundes und Dilatation des Zervikalkanals, bei nahenden Geburtswehen unabhängig von der Schwangerschaftsdauer zunehmen. Nach diesen Ergebnissen kann der Einsatz der TVS zur frühzeitigen Erkennung einer drohenden Frühgeburt empfohlen werden. Ihr Nutzen liegt in der Identifizierung von symptomatischen und asymptomatischen Patientinnen mit hohem Frühgeburtsrisiko. Ihnen sollte eine Maximaltherapie angeboten werden. Auf der anderen Seite können Patientinnen erkannt werden, deren Frühgeburtsrisiko gering ist. Sie können ambulant betreut und engmaschig kontrolliert werden. Insbesondere bei Patientinnen mit blandem sonographischen Zervixbefund, die bereits ein höheres Gestationsalter erreicht haben, rechtfertigen die guten negativ prädiktiven Werte eine großzügigere ambulante und abwartetende Betreuung. Damit können die Ergebnisse der Studie zu allgemeingültigen Standards zur besseren Risikobeurteilung der symptomatischen Patientinnen beitragen. / The premature cervical ripening has a close connection with the complex mechanism of premature delivery. The transvaginal sonographic evaluation of the cervix enables, unlike the digital examination, an objective documentation of the evidence after visualisation of the cervix. This goes especially for the exact measurement of cervical length and the assessment of the internal os. Changes like funneling, prolapse of the amniotic sac or an (a-)symptomatic premature cervical ripening can be visualised and assessed. The transvaginal sonographic evaluation is easily learned, objective and well reproducible. In the first part of the paper it was examined how far in a low risk group premature ripening signs of the cervix can be observed before other premature delivery markers. The cervix assessment with 22 or 32 weeks of gestation could not be fixed as valid premature delivery marker for a screening in the strict low risk group. Also the timely and sure diagnosis of an imminent premature delivery in symptomatic and asymptomatic pregnant women with premature cervix ripening is not reliably possible until now. In the second part of this paper the meaningfulness of the transvaginal sonographic cervix biometry was examined in a high risk group of patients with premature labour pains and cervix ripening. The cervix biometry is based on the fact that the signs of cervix ripening as shortening of cervix length, opening of the internal os and dilatation of the cervix canal increase when delivery pains are approaching, regardless of the duration of pregnancy. According to these results the use of transvaginal sonography for the early detection of an imminent premature delivery can be recommended. Its benefit lies in the identification of symptomatic and asymptomatic patients with a high risk of premature delivery. A maximum therapy should be offered them. On the other side, patients with a low premature delivery risk can be recognized. They can be treated as an outpatient and controlled closely. Especially in patients with a moderate sonographic cervix result, who have already reached a higher gestational age the good negative predictive values justify a more generous ambulant and expectant care. Because of that, the results of the study can contribute to generally applicable standards for a better risk assessment of symptomatic patients.
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Women's experiences of hypnotherapy as psychological support for high-risk pregnancyVan der Westhuizen, Werner Lukas 29 September 2014 (has links)
In this study, the use of hypnotherapy in high-risk pregnancy is explored from an ecological systems perspective through two case studies. Each case study is described in detail. They explore the experiences of two women during their pregnancy and giving birth, with specific reference to the pregnancy risks and their use of hypnotherapy. The study provides the reader with an in-depth understanding of the use of hypnotherapy before, during and after birth. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)
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Analiza respiratornih poremećaja tokom spavanja kod žena sa rizičnim trudnoćama / Analysis of respiratory disturbances during sleep in women with high-risk pregnanciesStajić Dragan 20 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Uvod: Tematika ove doktorske teze, usmerena je na analizu respiratornih poremećaja tokom spavanja, uzimajući u obzir činjenicu da se većina trudnica žali na poremećaje u ovoj sferi. Akcenti na ovom polju, odnose se na identifikaciju ovih patoloških stanja u trudnoći. Zato se ovi poremećaji moraju posmatrati integrisano sa rizičnim trudnoćama, ne samo kao njihovi pratioci, već najverovatnije i uzročnici i bitni činioci.<br />Cilj istraživanja: Cilj nam je bio da ukažemo na neophodnost primene neinvazivne ventilacije kod selektovane grupe trudnica, koja ima poremećeno disanje tokom spavanja, prema praktičnom kliničkom protokolu koji će, nadamo se, proisteći iz ovog istraživanja<br />Metodologija: Istraživanje je sprovedeno u formi prospektivne studije, na Klinici za ginekologiju i akušerstvo, Kliničkog centra Vojvodine i u Centru za medicinu sna, Instituta za plućne bolesti Vojvodine, u periodu: od maja 2009. do juna 2011 godine.i obuhvatilo je finalno 110 trudnica. Studija je po tipu bila kohortna i eksperimentalna, pošto je identifikovala ispitanice na osnovu prisustva određenog faktora (SDB) i uticaj prisustva, odnosno odsustva predložene terapijske intervencije na tok i ishod trudnoće.<br />Rezultati:<br />- Respiratorni poremećaji tokom spavanja (SDB) su većinom tranzitornog karaktera tokom trudnoće, bez razlike između rizičnih trudnoća i onih uobičajenog toka;<br />- SDB tokom rizičnih trudnoća, uopšteno gledano, negativno utiču na tok i ishod istih;<br />- Primenom neinvazivne ventilacije (NIV), postiže se signifikatno smanjenje dnevne pospanosti (mereno sa ESS) i poboljšanje oksigenacije, te redukcija kardiovaskularnih i metaboličkih komplikacija bez statistički značajne razlike sa i bez NIV-a;<br />- Trudnice lečene sa NIV (grupa 1) imaju duže trajanje gestacije u odnosu na nelečene (grupa 2) bez statistički značajne razlike;<br />- Rezultati Apgar-skora takođe su viših vrednosti kod grupe 1 u odnosu na grupu 2 (bez NIV-a) bez statistički značajne razlike;<br />- Nije zabeležena statistički značajna razlika telesne mase novorođenčadi između grupe 1 i grupe 2, kao ni kod obe grupe u odnosu na kontrolnu (grupu 3);<br />- Pojava hipertenzivnog sindroma u grupama 1 i 2 je bez signifikantne razlike iako je manje trudnica imalo ovaj sindrom u grupi 1;<br />- Prisustvo SDB nije uticalo na način završetka porođaja u svim ispitivanim grupama, ali su rizične trudnoće češće završavane operativnim putem.<br />Zaključak: Naučna opravdanost disertacije, ogleda se u tome, da se po prvi put, na našim prostorima, uvođenjem neinvazivne ventilacije, kod pacijentkinja sa rizičnim trudnoćama, utiče na parametre perinatalnog ishoda i bolje zdravstveno stanje trudnica i njihovih novorođenčadi. Velika ekspanzija naučnog istraživanja u vodećim svetskim centrima o ovoj problematici, a imajući u vidu izražen trend negativnog prirodnog priraštaja u našoj sredini, navela nas je na neophodnost rešavanja ovog problema na domaćem terenu, kao jednom od prioriteta u naučno-istraživačkom radu i praktičnom medicinskom delovanju.</p> / <p>Background: The theme of this thesis is focused on the analysis of respiratory disorders during sleep, since most pregnant women complain of sleep disturbances. The goal is to identify pathological respiratory disorders in pregnancy, considering them an integral part of high risk pregnancy, being most likely a cause of some of them, not only a side effect.<br />Objective: The aim of the study was to point out the necessity of application of non-invasive ventilation in selected pregnant women who have disrupted breathing during sleep. Based on the results of this research, a clinical protocol is developed.<br />Method: The research was conducted in the form of prospective studies in the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Clinical Center and the Center for sleep medicine, Institute for Pulmonary Diseases of Vojvodina, in the period from May 2009 through June 2011 godine.U covered the final 110 pregnant women. The study by the type of the cohort and experimental, as the respondent identified by the presence of certain factors (SDB) and the effect of the presence or the absence of the proposed therapeutic interventions on the course and outcome of pregnancy.<br />Results:<br />- respiratory disorders during sleep (SDB) are mostly transitory nature during pregnancy, with no difference between risk pregnancies and those ordinary course;<br />- SDB during high-risk pregnancies, in general, negatively affect the course and outcome of the same;<br />- Application of non-invasive ventilation (NIV), achieved statistical significance reduce daytime sleepiness (measured with the ESS) and improve oxygenation and reduce cardiovascular and metabolic complications with no statistically significant differences with and without NIV;<br />- Pregnant women treated with NIV (group 1) have a longer duration of gestation compared to untreated (Group 2) with no statistically significant differences;<br />- Results Apgar-score values were also higher in group 1 compared to group 2 (without NIV) with no statistically significant differences;<br />- Not statistically significant difference in body weight between newborns Group 1 and Group 2, or in both groups compared to the control group (group 3);<br />- The emergence of hypertensive syndrome in groups 1 and 2 is no significant difference although less of pregnant women have this syndrome in group 1;<br />- The presence of SDB did not affect the ending of delivery in all groups, but risk pregnancies often ends with surgically. </p><p>Conclusion: For the first time in the region, non-invasive ventilation in patients with high-risk pregnancies is introduced, which will influence perinatal outcomes and improve health of pregnant women and their newborns. Since there is a negative trend of natural population increase in Serbia, new scientific developments in this field enable better medical care, as one of the priorities of scientific research.</p>
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Women's experiences of hypnotherapy as psychological support for high-risk pregnancyVan der Westhuizen, Werner Lukas 29 September 2014 (has links)
In this study, the use of hypnotherapy in high-risk pregnancy is explored from an ecological systems perspective through two case studies. Each case study is described in detail. They explore the experiences of two women during their pregnancy and giving birth, with specific reference to the pregnancy risks and their use of hypnotherapy. The study provides the reader with an in-depth understanding of the use of hypnotherapy before, during and after birth. / Psychology / M. A. (Psychology)
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Consumo alimentar de ácidos graxos em gestantes com insuficiência placentária / Food intake of fatty acids in pregnant women with placental insufficiencySaffioti, Renata Felipe 12 March 2014 (has links)
Objetivo: analisar o consumo alimentar de energia, macronutrientes e ácidos graxos, de gestantes com insuficiência placentária, comparando com gestantes sem esta complicação obstétrica. Métodos: Estudo prospectivo, transversal e caso-controle realizado no período de fevereiro de 2012 a setembro de 2013, que incluiu gestantes que preencheram os seguintes critérios: gestação com feto único e vivo; idade gestacional superior a 26 semanas completas; diagnóstico de insuficiência placentária caracterizada pelo exame de Doppler de artéria umbilical com índice de pulsatilidade acima do p95; morfologia fetal normal ao exame de ultrassonografia; ausência de diagnóstico de diabetes; não suplementação pré-natal com ácidos graxos. Foram adotados os seguintes critérios de exclusão: diagnóstico pós-natal de anomalia do recém-nascido. O estado nutricional da gestante foi avaliado pelo índice de massa corporal (IMC) e o consumo dietético foi investigado pela aplicação do questionário de frequência alimentar, analisado pelo programa Avanutri Revolution versão 4.0, pelo qual se obteve o consumo de energia, macronutrientes (carboidratos, proteínas e lipídios) e de ácidos graxos (saturados, poli-insaturados e monoinsaturados). Foram analisados os valores absolutos obtidos e a % do valor energético total (VET) da dieta. Resultados: Foram incluídas 21 gestantes no grupo com insuficiência placentária e 21 gestantes no grupo controle. Não se constatou diferença na mediana do IMC na comparação entre os grupos (grupo estudo=26,5 kg/m2, grupo controle=28,0kg/m2; P=0,563). Houve diferença significativa na comparação do grupo com insuficiência placentária com o grupo controle na análise do consumo alimentar de: energia (2002 kcal vs. 1515 kcal, p= 0,021). Com relação ao consumo de ácidos graxos, houve diferença significativa na comparação da % do VET entre os grupos com insuficiência placentária e controle: saturados (11,5% vs. 9,3%; p=0,043); poli saturados (2,7% vs. 3,6%; p=0,029); monoinsaturados (1,2 % vs. 2,1%; p= 0,005). Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas na qualidade da dieta entre os grupos quanto ao consumo avaliado de acordo com a % do VET: carboidratos (51,5% vs. 51,8%; p= 0,831); proteínas (15,3% vs. 16,1%; p= 0,458); lipídios totais (37,8% vs. 33,0%; p=0,831). Conclusão: Gestantes com o diagnóstico de insuficiência placentária relatam consumo alimentar diferente de gestantes que não apresentam esse diagnóstico, com dieta de ácidos graxos com qualidade inferior, notadamente com maior consumo de ácidos graxos saturados, e menor consumo de poli-insaturados e monoinsaturados, além de maior consumo de energia / Objective: To analyze the dietary intake of energy, macronutrients and fatty acids of pregnant women with placental insufficiency, and to compare with pregnant women without this obstetric complication Methods : A prospective, cross-sectional and case -control study from February 2012 to September 2013, which included women who met the following criteria: singleton pregnancy with fetus alive; above 26 weeks gestation; diagnosis of placental insufficiency characterized by umbilical artery Doppler presenting pulsatility index above the p95; normal fetal morphology at ultrasound, absence of diabetes, absence of prenatal supplementation with fatty acids. We used the following exclusion criteria: neonatal diagnosis of malformation. The maternal nutritional status was assessed by body mass index (BMI) and dietary intake was investigated by applying the food frequency questionnaire analyzed by the program Avanutri Revolution version 4.0 , which was obtained by the consumption of energy, macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins and lipids) and fatty acids (saturated, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated). We analyzed the absolute values and the % of total energy value (TEV). Results: We included 21 pregnant women in the study group with placental insufficiency and 21 pregnant women in the control group. There was no difference in median BMI between the groups (study group = 26.5 kg/m2, control group = 28.0 kg/m2, P = 0.563). Significant difference was found when the group with placental insufficiency was compared with the control group in food consumption of energy (2002kcal vs. 1515 kcal, p = 0.021). With regard to the consumption of fatty acids, there was a significant difference in the percentages of daily energy intake between the group with placental insufficiency and control group: saturated fatty acids(11.5% vs. . 9.3% , p = 0.043), polyunsaturated fatty acids(2.7 % vs. 3.6% , p = 0.029), monounsaturated fatty acids(1.2% vs. 2.1% , p = 0.005). There were no significant differences in diet quality between the groups regarding the consumption evaluated according to the % of VET: carbohydrates ( 51.5 % vs. 51.8 %, p = 0.831 ), protein (15.3 % vs. 16.1 %, p = 0.458), total fat (37.8 % vs. 33.0 %, p = 0.831) . Conclusion: Pregnant women with the diagnosis of placental insufficiency reported food consumption other than pregnant women who do not have this diagnosis with lower quality of dietary fatty acids consumption, especially with higher intake of saturated fatty acids , and lower intake of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids, and greater energy consumption
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