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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza bezpečnosti práce v oblasti dopravy a servisních prací dopravních zařízení u vybrané firmy. / Analysis of safety in transport and servicing of transport facilities for the selected company

ŽAMBERSKÝ, Michal January 2014 (has links)
The thesis, entitled "Analysis of safety in transport and servicing of transport facilities for the selected companies" deals with safety and work-related injuries in transportation and servicing of transport facilities. Occupational injury is caused by a set of several interacting factors. These factors are known as the main source and cause of work-related accidents, which affect the formation of accidents. The most important element in the protection of health and safety is prevention. To evaluate the risks is one of the fundamental principles of the concept of occupational health and safety policy that is enforced in all countries espousing the principles of safe enterprise. The need to protect the health of the individual is already firmly established even in the most basic legal document such as the Constitution of the Czech Republic. The aim of this work is to analyze the factors that are involved in causing accidents at work and on the basis of the analysis, to provide rules and recommendations for farms so that they serve as an aid in the elimination of induced injuries.

Les effets de la loi de 2007 réformant la protection de l'enfance : les relations et les pratiques des intervenants sociaux et des institutions sur des familles dans le cadre du soutien à la parentalité / The 2007’s law's effects reforming child protection : the relationships and the practices of social workers and institutions on families in support of parenthood

Briant, Jeremy 16 September 2019 (has links)
Précédée par le tumulte de multiples scandales médiatiques ayant dévoilé des faits de maltraitances, ignorés ou provoqués par le dispositif de la protection de l'enfance, la loi du 5 mars 2007 se voulait remédier à des dysfonctionnements intrinsèques au service de protection en restructurant sémantiquement et formellement le fonctionnement, la mission et le champ définitionnel recouvrant l'ensemble du dispositif. S'enracinant autour d'une mission de « prévention » des risques de maltraitance et de « soutien à la parentalité », de nouveaux vocables (« risque de danger », « danger »), instruments (« Informations Préoccupantes », « Projet Pour l'Enfant ») et de nouvelles instances (« Cellule de Recueil des Informations Préoccupantes », « Observatoire ») ont accompagné le caractère réformateur de la loi. Au-delà du simple changement et renouvellement sémantique, cette constellation de mots et de syntagmes n'était pas sans produire de profondes altérations dans l'agencement des rôles, des fonctions et des identités de chaque acteur pris dans le réseau énonciatif du dispositif. À partir d'un ensemble d'énoncés prescriptifs, la loi façonnait et engageait les professionnels à faire-avec un nouveau paradigme général sur la représentation du lien parent-enfant. Il ne s'agissait plus pour les professionnels, à l'intérieur de cette vision, de sanctionner un parent potentiellement « carencé », ou de couper un lien jugé « toxique » pour protéger un enfant, mais de permettre au sujet parental de se découvrir (« s'éliciter ») et d'investir son rôle de parent. Soutenu par une médiation institutionnelle, le parent se voyait en cela potentiellement désigné, depuis l'article 375 du Code civil, comme un actant responsable du bon « développement physique, affectif, intellectuel et social » de l'enfant. Réagençant les linéaments sur lesquels reposait la prise en charge d'un usager, la loi réorganisait en profondeur la structure du comportement des différents acteurs. S'interrogeant sur ces diverses modifications normatives, ce travail de recherche se propose de saisir les « effets » opérés par la loi du 5 mars 2007 sur les pratiques, la pensée et les relations entre professionnels, usagers et institutions. À travers les analyses des dossiers de la protection de l'enfance, des évolutions législatives, institutionnelles, discursives et d'entretiens réalisés avec des travailleurs sociaux, nous chercherons à comprendre comment se sont redessinés les rapports de pouvoir entre des familles et des professionnels porteurs d'une intervention « parentaliste ». Se rapportant aux répercussions du discours d'un dispositif de régulation sociale sur des sujets, cette étude empruntera une lecture et une analyse similaire, dans ses principes et ses méthodes, à celles que M. Foucault a effectuées sur la prison ou la sexualité. À l'issue de l'analyse critique, et ce pour dépasser les difficultés rencontrées autour de nouvelles pistes de réflexion, la recherche donnera lieu à la formalisation de préconisations. / Preceded by the tumult of multiple media scandals having unveiled the facts of abuse, ignored or provoked by the child protection system, the law of March 5, 2007 was intented to remedy to intrinsic failures in the protection service by semantically and formally restructuring the operation, the mission and the definitional field covering the entire device. Rooting around the abuses risk « prevention » mission and « parentality support », a few new vocables (« Danger Risk », « Danger »), instruments (« Worrying Information », « Project For the Child ») and new instances (« Cell Collecting Information of Concern », « Observatory ») have accompanied the law's reformist character. Beyond the simple change and semantic renewal, this constellation of words and sentences was not without producing profound alternations in the arrangement of roles, functions and identities of each actor caught in the enunciative network of the device. From a set of normative statements, the law shaped and committed professionals to do-with a new general paradigm on the representation of the parent-child link. It was no longer for the professionals, inside of this vision, to punish a parent potentially « deficiencied », or to cut off a link judged « toxic » to protect a child, but to allow the parental subject to discover itself (« to elicit ») and invest its role of parent. Supported by an institutional mediation, the parent was potentially designated, since Article 375 of the Civil Code, as an protagonist for the good « physical, emotional, intellectual and social development » of the child. Reordering the elementary lines on which was based the care of a user, the law reorganized in depth the behavior's structure of the various actors. Wondering about these various normative changes, this research work offers itself to seize the operated « effects » by the law of March 5, 2007 on practices, the thought and the relationships between professionals, users and institutions. Through analyzes of child protection files, legislative, institutional, discursive evolutions and interviews with social workers, we will seek to understand how did the power reports between the relatives and the professionals carriers of « parentalist » intervention. Referring to the repercussions of the speech of a social regulation device on topics, this study will borrow a similar reading and analysis, in its principles and methods, to what Mr. Foucault has done on prison or sexuality. At the end of the critical analysis, and to overcome the difficulties encountered around new lines of thought, the research will lead to the formalization of recommendations.

Det är bättre med tidigare insatser! : En kvalitativ studie om socialtjänstens förebyggande arbete med ungdomar i riskzon för brottslighet.

Kazemi, Gloria, Krasnici, Arjeta January 2024 (has links)
Youth crime is a topic that has taken place in the media and has engaged politicians as well as researchers. This is a problematic phenomenon that can contribute to various social problems in the future by affecting youth and society. Since youth crime can lead to various social problems, it is important to examine and highlight the problem, how it can lead to various social problems, but also how society can prevent these social problems. The purpose of this study is to create a deeper understanding of how social workers imagine and frame crime among young people and how they work preventively in their practical work. Based on the collected empirical evidence and previous research, we can draw conclusions that juvenile delinquency is very complex and there is no clear explanation about that subject. We have collected empirical evidence through eight semi-structured interviews where the respondents were selected with conscious selection.The results show that the social worker's individual beliefs about risk identification depend on academic discipline, experiences, collaboration and further education. However, the respondents specify that family and dysfunctional schooling is central. The results show that the material we have collected from the respondents is consistent with previous research and theories about juvenile delinquency.

L'évolution du cadre juridique du déclenchement de l'action publique préventive dans le domaine des risques naturels et technologiques. / The evolution of the legal framework of the decision-making process triggering a preventive public action for natural and technological hazards.

Meerpoël, Matthieu 21 June 2013 (has links)
La gestion préventive des risques naturels et technologiques constitue un enjeu de premier ordre pour les autorités étatiques que ce soit à l’égard des populations, des biens et de l’environnement ou pour le coût que la réalisation de tels risques peut représenter. Aussi, le décideur public, contraint juridiquement de protéger ces enjeux, est dans l’obligation, après avoir évalué et qualifié le risque, de déclencher une action publique préventive. C’est au cours d’un processus décisionnel complexe qu’il devra déterminer le degré de dangerosité du risque et les mesures préventives appropriées et proportionnées. S’effectue alors, pour le décideur public, la recherche du meilleur compromis possible entre les libertés et les objectifs de sécurité dans le cadre d’un difficile bilan coûts/avantages. Le droit tente d’encadrer ce processus décisionnel en laissant une marge d’appréciation importante et nécessaire au décideur public dans la détermination du degré d’acceptabilité du risque. C’est la recherche de ce compromis qui sera étudiée dans le cadre de cette thèse et plus particulièrement la manière dont le droit encadre cette recherche, gère cette question délicate et éventuellement contrôle les décisions entérinées. / Preventive management of natural and technological hazards is a major issue for state authorities, in regards to the people, property and the environment or in regards to the cost represented by the realization of such risks. Therefore, policy makers legally bound to protect these interests are required to initiate a preventive public action after evaluating and qualifying the risks. The level of hazard and the appropriateness and proportionality of preventive measures will be determined within a complex decision-making process. The policymakers then strive to reach the best possible compromise between freedom and security objectives within the framework of a delicate cost/benefit analysis. The law attempts to regulate this decision-making process by leaving a large and necessary margin of discretion to the public policy makers in determining the acceptability of the risk. This thesis will explore the process to reach this compromise, and in particular how the law governs it, manages this delicate issue and potentially controls the endorsed decisions.

Probace a mediace jako forma práce s mladistvými pachateli trestné činnosti / The probation and mediation as a form of work with juvenile offenders

Benešová, Pavla January 2012 (has links)
The aim of diploma thesis "Probation and mediation as a form of work with juvenile offenders" is to elaborate the social pedagogic aspects of probation and mediation activities. It is intended to be a theoretic study and is divided into five chapters. The opening chapter is concerned for causes of delinquent beaviour and offers an enumeration of factors causing the uprise of this kind of behaviour among youth. The second chapter aims at possibilities of juvenile criminality prevention. The third chapter is employed with an institution of Probation and Mediation Services, which plays an important role on the field of terciary prevention of juvenile criminality. Fourth chapter treats with concrete ways of work of probation officers with their clients. Their work is analysed in the last chapter emphasising the social pedagogic potential of probation and mediation activities. It also mentions a possibility of social support in the work of probation officers.

Processo de trabalho dos profissionais de saúde em vigilância em saúde do trabalhador / Working process of healthcare providers in surveillance of workers\' health

Daldon, Maria Teresa Bruni 13 December 2012 (has links)
Esta pesquisa, de enfoque qualitativo, buscou compreender o processo de trabalho dos profissionais que atuam em Vigilância em Saúde do Trabalhador (VST), lotados na Subgerência de Saúde do Trabalhador da Coordenação de Vigilância em Saúde (COVISA) e nos Centros de Referência em Saúde do Trabalhador (CRST) da Prefeitura Municipal de São Paulo. Procurou conhecer as estratégias, recursos e instrumentos utilizados por esses profissionais, além de identificar as ações reais e os significados atribuídos por eles a sua prática. Pretendeu, ainda, dar visibilidade a sua \"inteligência no trabalho\", acreditando que sua experiência e conhecimento podem colaborar para o aprimoramento e desenvolvimento das políticas públicas de saúde/trabalho e de suas próprias ações em (VST). Baseou-se nos referenciais teóricos da psicodinâmica do trabalho e da escola franco-belga da ergonomia. O método seguido foi o \"estudo de caso\". Foram consultados documentos governamentais, legislações e atas de conferências federais, estaduais e municipais, relativos à Saúde Pública no Sistema Único de Saúde e à área de Saúde do Trabalhador, em especial à VST. Foi feito um estudo da bibliografia pertinente à área, produzida entre 1980 e 2011. Esse material foi utilizado como fonte de dados simples e como informação para a compreensão dos referenciais teóricos, políticas e diretrizes que norteiam o trabalho dos profissionais em VST. A coleta de dados de campo partiu de um questionário, respondido pelos profissionais dos serviços em foco, a fim de caracterizar aquelas equipes multiprofissionais. Os dados permitiram fazer um diagnóstico do universo estudado e funcionaram como norteadores para a escolha, por critérios de representatividade, dos 13 profissionais que seriam convidados a participar de entrevistas semiestruturadas. Os dados das entrevistas realizadas foram tratados pelo método de \"análise de conteúdo\", com foco no processo de trabalho, na dinâmica do planejamento, desenvolvimento e avaliação das ações de VST, a partir da percepção dos profissionais que as realizam. Entre os resultados encontrados, verificamos que a VST não é um processo linear, está sujeita a tensões e conflitos de várias naturezas que deveriam ser considerados no estabelecimento dos critérios adotados para sua avaliação, na busca de avanços no alcance dessas ações. Insuficientes processos de reconhecimento e de troca de experiência e a aproximação da aposentadoria da maioria dos profissionais que atuam em VST no município evidenciam a possibilidade de que o \'saber-fazer\" construído se perca. A carência de recursos matérias, humanos e de processos de capacitação podem trazer prejuízos ao trabalho. A forma desordenada como vem sendo acolhida a demanda de acidentes de trabalho no município e o número insuficiente de autoridades sanitárias para atender à essa demanda podem estar comprometendo a qualidade e a capacidade efetiva das ações de VST. Concluímos que a ausência de clareza sobre o papel dos CRST e da área de Saúde do Trabalhador de COVISA, em tempos de Rede Nacional de Atenção Integral à Saúde do Trabalhador (RENAST), e a defasagem entre trabalho prescrito e trabalho real, podem estar dificultando a construção de programas efetivos em VST. Com a precariedade de planejamento, avaliações e sistematização, as ações de VST podem estar se distanciando de seu objetivo de prevenção e promoção da saúde. / This qualitative research is an attempt to understand working process of public healthcare providers who work in Surveillance of Workers\' Health of the Health Surveillance Coordination and of the Reference Center for Workers\' Health within the city of São Paulo. It has sought to understood the strategies, resources, and tools used by these professionals, in addition to identifying the real actions and the meanings assigned by them for their practice. It Intended to also give visibility to their \"intelligence at work\", believing that their experience and knowledge can contribute to the improvement and development of public health policies/work and their own actions in Surveillance of Workers\' Health. It was developed based on theoretical references of work psychodynamics and those of the French-Belgian school of ergonomics. The methodology used was the \"case study\". Government documents, laws and acts of federal, State and local conferences, relating to Public Health at the Brazilian Unified Healthcare System, and those in the area of Workers\' Health, in particular at the VST, were consulted. A study was made of the relevant bibliography to the area, produced between 1980 and 2011. This material was used as a simple data source, and how to information for the understanding of theoretical references, policies and guidelines that governs the work of professionals in Surveillance of Workers\' Health. The fieldwork started with a questionnaire answered by professionals of services in focus, in order to characterize those multi professional teams. The data allowed making a diagnosis of the universe studied and worked to orient to the choice, by representativeness criteria, of 13 professionals who would be invited to participate in semi-structured interviews. Data from the interviews were treated by the method of \"content analysis\", with focus on work process, in dynamics of planning, development and evaluation of the actions of Surveillance of Workers\' Health, from the perception of professionals that perform. Among the results, we see that the Surveillance of Workers\' Health is not a linear process, is subject to tensions and conflicts of various natures that should be considered in the establishment of the criteria adopted for its evaluation, in the pursuit of advances in reach of these actions. Considering the insufficient recognition processes and lack of exchange of experience, and adding to that, the approaching retirement of most professionals working in Surveillance of Workers\' Health in the municipality, highlighted the possibility that the \' know-how \' built up could be lost. The lack of human and material resources and of training processes can bring harm to work. The disorderly manner as has being accepted the demand of work-related accidents in the municipality and the insufficient number of health authorities to meet this demand may be compromising the quality and the effective capacity of Surveillance of Workers\' Health. We found that the lack of clarity about the actions of workers health developing by the Reference Center for Workers\' Health and by Health Surveillance Coordination, in times of National Network of Integral Attention to the Health of the Worker, and the lag between prescribed and real work, may be making it difficult to build up effective a Surveillance of Workers\' Health. With the precariousness of planning, evaluation and systematization, the \"Surveillance of Workers\' Health\" actions may be moving away from its goal of prevention and health promotion.

Processo de trabalho dos profissionais de saúde em vigilância em saúde do trabalhador / Working process of healthcare providers in surveillance of workers\' health

Maria Teresa Bruni Daldon 13 December 2012 (has links)
Esta pesquisa, de enfoque qualitativo, buscou compreender o processo de trabalho dos profissionais que atuam em Vigilância em Saúde do Trabalhador (VST), lotados na Subgerência de Saúde do Trabalhador da Coordenação de Vigilância em Saúde (COVISA) e nos Centros de Referência em Saúde do Trabalhador (CRST) da Prefeitura Municipal de São Paulo. Procurou conhecer as estratégias, recursos e instrumentos utilizados por esses profissionais, além de identificar as ações reais e os significados atribuídos por eles a sua prática. Pretendeu, ainda, dar visibilidade a sua \"inteligência no trabalho\", acreditando que sua experiência e conhecimento podem colaborar para o aprimoramento e desenvolvimento das políticas públicas de saúde/trabalho e de suas próprias ações em (VST). Baseou-se nos referenciais teóricos da psicodinâmica do trabalho e da escola franco-belga da ergonomia. O método seguido foi o \"estudo de caso\". Foram consultados documentos governamentais, legislações e atas de conferências federais, estaduais e municipais, relativos à Saúde Pública no Sistema Único de Saúde e à área de Saúde do Trabalhador, em especial à VST. Foi feito um estudo da bibliografia pertinente à área, produzida entre 1980 e 2011. Esse material foi utilizado como fonte de dados simples e como informação para a compreensão dos referenciais teóricos, políticas e diretrizes que norteiam o trabalho dos profissionais em VST. A coleta de dados de campo partiu de um questionário, respondido pelos profissionais dos serviços em foco, a fim de caracterizar aquelas equipes multiprofissionais. Os dados permitiram fazer um diagnóstico do universo estudado e funcionaram como norteadores para a escolha, por critérios de representatividade, dos 13 profissionais que seriam convidados a participar de entrevistas semiestruturadas. Os dados das entrevistas realizadas foram tratados pelo método de \"análise de conteúdo\", com foco no processo de trabalho, na dinâmica do planejamento, desenvolvimento e avaliação das ações de VST, a partir da percepção dos profissionais que as realizam. Entre os resultados encontrados, verificamos que a VST não é um processo linear, está sujeita a tensões e conflitos de várias naturezas que deveriam ser considerados no estabelecimento dos critérios adotados para sua avaliação, na busca de avanços no alcance dessas ações. Insuficientes processos de reconhecimento e de troca de experiência e a aproximação da aposentadoria da maioria dos profissionais que atuam em VST no município evidenciam a possibilidade de que o \'saber-fazer\" construído se perca. A carência de recursos matérias, humanos e de processos de capacitação podem trazer prejuízos ao trabalho. A forma desordenada como vem sendo acolhida a demanda de acidentes de trabalho no município e o número insuficiente de autoridades sanitárias para atender à essa demanda podem estar comprometendo a qualidade e a capacidade efetiva das ações de VST. Concluímos que a ausência de clareza sobre o papel dos CRST e da área de Saúde do Trabalhador de COVISA, em tempos de Rede Nacional de Atenção Integral à Saúde do Trabalhador (RENAST), e a defasagem entre trabalho prescrito e trabalho real, podem estar dificultando a construção de programas efetivos em VST. Com a precariedade de planejamento, avaliações e sistematização, as ações de VST podem estar se distanciando de seu objetivo de prevenção e promoção da saúde. / This qualitative research is an attempt to understand working process of public healthcare providers who work in Surveillance of Workers\' Health of the Health Surveillance Coordination and of the Reference Center for Workers\' Health within the city of São Paulo. It has sought to understood the strategies, resources, and tools used by these professionals, in addition to identifying the real actions and the meanings assigned by them for their practice. It Intended to also give visibility to their \"intelligence at work\", believing that their experience and knowledge can contribute to the improvement and development of public health policies/work and their own actions in Surveillance of Workers\' Health. It was developed based on theoretical references of work psychodynamics and those of the French-Belgian school of ergonomics. The methodology used was the \"case study\". Government documents, laws and acts of federal, State and local conferences, relating to Public Health at the Brazilian Unified Healthcare System, and those in the area of Workers\' Health, in particular at the VST, were consulted. A study was made of the relevant bibliography to the area, produced between 1980 and 2011. This material was used as a simple data source, and how to information for the understanding of theoretical references, policies and guidelines that governs the work of professionals in Surveillance of Workers\' Health. The fieldwork started with a questionnaire answered by professionals of services in focus, in order to characterize those multi professional teams. The data allowed making a diagnosis of the universe studied and worked to orient to the choice, by representativeness criteria, of 13 professionals who would be invited to participate in semi-structured interviews. Data from the interviews were treated by the method of \"content analysis\", with focus on work process, in dynamics of planning, development and evaluation of the actions of Surveillance of Workers\' Health, from the perception of professionals that perform. Among the results, we see that the Surveillance of Workers\' Health is not a linear process, is subject to tensions and conflicts of various natures that should be considered in the establishment of the criteria adopted for its evaluation, in the pursuit of advances in reach of these actions. Considering the insufficient recognition processes and lack of exchange of experience, and adding to that, the approaching retirement of most professionals working in Surveillance of Workers\' Health in the municipality, highlighted the possibility that the \' know-how \' built up could be lost. The lack of human and material resources and of training processes can bring harm to work. The disorderly manner as has being accepted the demand of work-related accidents in the municipality and the insufficient number of health authorities to meet this demand may be compromising the quality and the effective capacity of Surveillance of Workers\' Health. We found that the lack of clarity about the actions of workers health developing by the Reference Center for Workers\' Health and by Health Surveillance Coordination, in times of National Network of Integral Attention to the Health of the Worker, and the lag between prescribed and real work, may be making it difficult to build up effective a Surveillance of Workers\' Health. With the precariousness of planning, evaluation and systematization, the \"Surveillance of Workers\' Health\" actions may be moving away from its goal of prevention and health promotion.

La situation juridique du télétravailleur / Teleworker's legal position

Sourbes, Boris 18 December 2017 (has links)
Le télétravail vient de faire son entrée dans le code du travail par la loi n°2012-387 du 22 mars 2012. Si au regard de la loi, le télétravailleur est considéré comme un salarié à part entière titulaire d’un contrat de travail et subordonné à l’employeur, il accompli cependant ses tâches hors les locaux de l’entreprise en utilisant les technologies de l’information et de la communication. Il en découle que si le travail à distance génère pour le télétravailleur une situation qui se caractérise par une certaine indépendance et une « relative autonomie dans la subordination », il n’en demeure pas moins qu’il reste placé dans une situation de subordination inhérente au contrat de travail. La position singulière du télétravailleur vient ainsi bouleverser le droit des relations individuelles et collectives de travail. Etudier la situation juridique du télétravailleur supposera de se « focaliser » sur la personne en situation de télétravail pour se demander comment sa position singulière peut à la fois le placer dans les liens du salariat, qui suppose l’exercice des droits de tout salarié, mais aussi déterminer les éléments spécifiques de sa situation. / Telework has been introduced in the Labor Code by the Law N° 2012-387 dated march 22d 2012. By law, the teleworker is considered a full-fledged employee holding an employment contract by which he is subordinate to his employer. Yet, thanks to the use of information and communication technologies he performs his labour outside of the company’s premises. It follows that, even though distance working will afford the teleworker a certain degree of independence and “autonomy within his subordination”, he remains nevertheless placed within the state of subordination characteristic of an employment contract. The teleworker’s peculiar situation therefore disrupts the traditional balance of individual and collective rights afforded to employees. Analysing the legal status of the teleworker will involve “focusing” our attention on the person placed within a telework environment to figure out how this singular situation can place him/her both within the employment relationship, which implies enjoying the rights of traditional employees, while still pinpointing elements that are specific to his situation.

L'appréhension juridique du risque d'érosion côtière / The legal understanding of coastal erosion risk

Calvet, Fabrice 17 December 2014 (has links)
L’enjeu de cette étude est d’analyser comment le risque d’érosion côtière est appréhendé d’un point de vue juridique. Ce risque naturel se caractérise par une avancée progressive de la mer sur les terres, appelée à s’accentuer dans les prochaines décennies selon les derniers rapports scientifiques. Cependant, l’on observe que parallèlement à cela, les côtes métropolitaines accueillent une population de plus en plus grandissante ; se produit ainsi la rencontre de deux tendances antinomiques. Dès lors, l’objet de la présente étude est d’observer les conséquences juridiques résultant de cette confrontation. Par conséquent, afin de parvenir à la conciliation de ces différents enjeux, nous allons démontrer l’intérêt de faire évoluer les politiques publiques de gestion de l’érosion côtière en faveur d’une approche intégrée, selon les principes fondamentaux de la GIZC. Notre étude va ainsi proposer une traduction juridique de cette évolution. / The aim of this study is to analyze how the risk of coastal erosion is apprehended at a legal point of view. This natural risk is characterized by a gradual encroachment of the sea on land, intending to grow in the coming decades according to the latest scientific reports. However, it is observed that beside this, the metropolitan coast are home to an increasingly growing population ; so we find the meeting of two contradictory trends. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to observe the legal consequences of this confrontation. So, in order to achieve the reconciliation of these issues, we will demonstrate the importance of the development of public policies for managing coastal erosion in favor of an integrated approach, based on fundamental principles of ICZM. Our study will thus provide a legal expression of this development.

Osoby způsobilé v oblasti rizik / Qualified persons in the field of occupational risks

Fichtner, Jan January 2022 (has links)
Qualified persons in the field of occupational risks Abstract Qualified persons in the field of occupational risks are persons dealing with different levels of risk, different extent and type of risks. In this set is not only the person for health and safety, but there are other qualified persons as well. For example, a qualified person who provides and performs the ccupational health services, a qualified person for fire protection, a construction safety coordinator, as well as an inspection technician of dedicated technical equipment, etc. A key qualified person in occupational risk and health and safety prevention is a person who assist employers in occupational risk prevention by managing risk identification, providing risk assesments, identification of source and risks causes and incidents. This person takes care about risk factors on worplaces such as microclima, chemical and biological hazards, noise, ergonomy and many others risks and continuosly advises employers of identificated risk on workplaces. He leads as a expert in health and safety, but not responsible, for applying right and effective principles of work safety and accident prevention and provide high qualified consultating job for employers. As well as is need to be noticed that employers has a legal obligation to have minimum one these...

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