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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evasão nos cursos a distância: curso de extensão TV na Escola e os desafios de hoje

Neves, Yára Pereira da Costa e Silva 25 May 2006 (has links)
The distance Education in the teacher s formation and the introduction of the technology of information and communication is the educative innovator example in the global world. That research about the run away of the course in school and the nowadays challenges is characterized as the distance formation destined to the teachers, coordinators and directors of public schools of the world s public net, with the objective of favour the necessary base to the Technologies of Information and Communication utilization, in Special TV and video. This work had as aim to investigate the causes that took the frequenter teacher to run away from the course, once in Alagoas as the other states, there were a meaningful number of ran away. We look for area s references and subsidies to increase the quality of EAD, especially the extension course of TV in school and nowadays challenges. The utilized methodology was the study of a case, based in many sources of evidences, as documentation, consultations, interviews and questionnaires to the data collecting. The realized research involved the bibliographical data research, data collecting, to compute and data analysis. The obtained results demonstrate that the causes of the run away is related with the personal origin problems, substructure problems and problems with the pedagogic support, being the timeless for the activities excess the principal factor of the run away, taking us to rethink about the existence of the social structures that place between the education and the whole society. The research identified the causes of the run away is the context of the EAD, contributing as source of the informative knowledge that allow the decisions made and joined to the futures editions of the course offered to the teachers in work. / A Educação a distância (EAD) na formação de professores faz parte de um modelo educativo inovador no mundo globalizado. Esta pesquisa sobre evasão nos cursos a distância enfoca o Curso de Extensão TV na Escola e os Desafios de Hoje, destinado a capacitação de professores, coordenadores e gestores de escolas públicas de Ensino Médio e Fundamental da rede pública do país, com o objetivo de favorecer o embasamento necessário para utilização das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação, em especial TV e vídeo. Este trabalho teve como objetivo investigar as causas que levaram o professor-cursista a se evadir do curso, uma vez que em Alagoas, como nos demais estados, houve um número significativo de evadidos. Buscamos referenciais na área, e subsídios para aumentar a qualidade da EAD, especialmente do Curso de Extensão TV na Escola e os Desafios de Hoje. A metodologia utilizada foi um estudo de caso, baseando-se em várias fontes de evidências, como documentação, consultas, entrevistas e questionários para coleta dos dados. A pesquisa envolveu levantamento de dados bibliográficos, coleta de dados, tabulação, análise dos dados. Os resultados demonstram que as causas da evasão estão relacionadas com problemas de origem pessoal, problemas de infra-estrutura e problemas com o suporte pedagógico, sendo falta de tempo por excesso de atividades os fatores principais da evasão, levando-nos a um repensar sobre a existência das estruturas sociais que permeiam a educação e a sociedade como um todo. A pesquisa identificou as causas da evasão no contexto de EAD, de modo a contribuir como fonte de conhecimento informativo que permitam tomadas de decisões acertadas junto às futuras edições dos cursos ofertados aos professores em serviço.

Wegloopverskynsel by kinderhuiskinders

Botha, Karel Johannes 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die doel van hierdie studie was om te bepaal waarom kinders uit kinderhuise wegloop en om voorstelle ter voorkoming daarvan te maak. Ten opsigte van die fenomeen "wegloop" stateer die literatuur dat kinders wegloop vanaf onaangename omstandighede en/of wegloop na aangename omstandighede. Die belewing van gesinstres, gesinskonflik, portuurgroepdruk, utopiese voorstellings van wegloop, onaangename skoolbelewing en tiener swangerskap is aangeduide rolspelers onderliggend aan bogenoemde. Die empiriese studie na wegloop uit kinderhuise bet aan die lig gebring dat kinders uit kinderhuise wegloop weens traumatiese belewing van verwydering uit die ouerhuis, etikettering en inrigtingsversadiging. Voorts is bevind dat faktore wat onderliggend aan bogenoemde is, tot 'n groot mate voorkom kan word. Sekere aanbevelings ter voorkoming van wegloop uit kinderhuise is na aanleiding van die studie gedoen en kan gebruik word in die volwassene se bemoeienis met die kinderhuiskind. / The object of the study was to identify the reasons why children run away from children's homes and to make recommendations on how to prevent them from running away. On considering "run away" as a phenomenon, the literature states that children run away from harsh circumstances to acceptable or pleasant circumstances. Experiences such as family stress, conflict in the family, peer group pressure, romanticising the idea, harsh school experiences and teenage pregnancies are roll players subjacent to the above mentioned. The empirical study of "running away from children's homes" has confirmed that children run away because of traumatic separation from parental homes, labelling and institutional intolerance. Furthermore it was also found that factors subjacent to the above mentioned can be neutralised to a large extent. Certain guidelines have been recommended for adults when confronted with children in children's homes. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Voorligting)

Indígenas, escravizados negros e homens livres na fronteira do Mato Grosso, Bolívia e Paraguai: fugas, contrabando e resistência (1750-1850) / Indians, black enslaved and free men on the border of Mato Grosso, Bolivia and Paraguay: escapes, smuggling and resistances (1750-1850)

Lordelo, Monique Cristina de Souza 22 May 2019 (has links)
Os personagens analisados nessa tese são os escravizados negros, indígenas e homens livres no Mato Grosso e suas circulações na fronteira com Bolívia e Paraguai na segunda metade do século XVIII e primeira metade do XIX. Defendemos nessa tese o protagonismo desses escravizados negros e indígenas no processo de colonização portuguesa e espanhola na região. Afirmamos que nenhum desses personagens responderam passivos às submissões de senhores, nem mesmo às instituições coloniais administrativas e religiosas. Durante o século XVIII foram travados vários embates entre indígenas e colonizadores nessa tríplice fronteira e os indígenas responderam a essa colonização desenvolvendo estratégias diversas como enfrentamento ou alianças com aquele que mais lhe convinha, ora com portugueses, ora com espanhóis. E mesmo depois de estabelecida a colonização, com construções de fortalezas e vilas nessa fronteira luso-espanhola e também estabelecidas as reduções jesuíticas em território fronteiriço de domínios hispânicos, os indígenas continuaram fazendo alianças e sendo personagens importantes comercializando seus produtos tanto com portugueses quanto com espanhóis tentando manter seu território conquistado sempre. Os escravizados negros começaram a chegar no Mato Grosso na segunda metade do século XVIII depois de uma longa e penosa viagem desde outras regiões do Brasil e também da África. Percebemos que, por ser uma região de fronteira, os escravizados fugiam para os domínios hispânicos, mas, para isso deveriam atravessar os caudalosos rios Paraguai, Guaporé ou Mamoré que dividiam os domínios das duas coroas ibéricas (Portugal e Espanha) na fronteira oeste do Mato Grosso. Mais do que uma fronteira política que limitava essas duas coroas ibéricas, a fronteira luso-espanhola foi um espaço no qual diferentes grupos sociais inventavam práticas diversas procurando melhores condições de vida e sobrevivência. Esse espaço de convívio de diferentes identidades na fronteira oeste da capitania, assim como as fugas de escravizados negro para os domínios hispânicos e formação de quilombos foram constantes durante todo o período colonial, e não cessaram durante o período imperial. Para avalizar essa tese pesquisamos documentação em três países. No Brasil recorremos ao Arquivo Público do Estado de Mato Grosso (APMT), localizado em Cuiabá. Na Bolívia, pesquisamos dois arquivos: o primeiro foi o Archivo y Biblioteca Nacionales de Bolivia (ABNB), localizado em Sucre; e o segundo foi o Museo de Historia y Archivo Histórico de Santa Cruz (MHAHSC), localizado em Santa Cruz de la Sierra. O último arquivo pesquisado foi no Paraguai, em Assunção, o Archivo Nacional de Asunción (ANA). Por fim, no diz respeito à fronteira oeste do Mato Grosso, para os lusitanos, tratava-se de manter o território conquistado; para os espanhóis, impedir o avanço; e, para ambos era conter a força indígena. Já os escravizados negros viam nos países vizinhos uma oportunidade para conquistar a liberdade e de melhores condições de sobrevivência e trabalho, com menos vigilância institucional, enquanto os proprietários de escravizados deveriam exercer mais vigilância para que não houvesse marginalidades. No caso dos indígenas, essa fronteira também era uma oportunidade de fuga institucional das coroas ibéricas (Portugal e Espanha) e das missões jesuíticas, mas também lutando para manter seu território em situação de conquista, essa fronteira possibilitava negociação, tanto com portugueses quanto com espanhóis. Quanto aos homens livres, essa fronteira facilitava as fugas de soldados desertores dos fortes construídos nesse limite institucional imposto pelas metrópoles, mas também maior possibilidade de comércio, contrabando e negociações entre nações fronteiriças vizinhas. / The characters analyzed during this thesis are black enslaved men, Indians and free men in Mato Grosso and their circulations on the border with Bolivia and Paraguay in the second half of the eighteenth century and the first half of the nineteenth. We defend the protagonism of these enslaved black and indigenous people at the process of the Portuguese and Spanish colonization in the region. We affirm none of those responded passively to the submissions of owners, colonial administration and religious institutions. At the eighteenth century, several clashes between Indians and colonizers, at the triple frontier, were fought, and the indigenous population responded to the colonization by developing diverse strategies such as confrontation or even alliances with the ones who suited them the most, sometimes with the Portuguese others with Spaniards. Even after the colonization was established, with fortress and villages constructed at the Portuguese-Spanish border, and the launch of Jesuitical reductions at borderland territory of the Hispanic domains, the Indians continued to form alliances. They were important figures commercializing their products for both Portuguese and Spanish, always trying to keep their conquered territory. Black enslaved began arriving in Mato Gross in the second half of the eighteenth century after a long and painful journey from other regions of Brazil and also Africa. We realized, because it was a borderland region, the enslaved fled to the Hispanic dominions. However, they had to cross the Paraguay, Guaporé or Mamoré rivers that divided the domain of the two Iberian crowns (Portugal and Spain) on the western border of Mato Grosso. Even more than a political borderland limiting these two Iberian crowns, the Portuguese-Spanish frontier was a space in which different social groups created diverse practices seeking better living conditions and survival. This coexistence space of different identities on the western border of the captaincy, as well as the escapes of black enslaved to Hispanic dominions and the formation of quilombos were constant throughout the colonial period, and did not cease during the imperial period. To support the thesis we researched documentation in three countries. In Brazil we used the Public Archive of the State of Mato Grosso (APMT), located in Cuiaba. In Bolivia, we researched two archives: the first was the National Archive and Library of Bolivia (ABNB), located in Sucre; and the second was the Historical History and Archive Museum of Santa Cruz (MHAHSC), located in Santa Cruz de la Sierra. The last searched one was in Paraguay, in Asuncion, National Archive of Asuncion (ANA). Lastly, concerning the western border of Mato Grosso, for the Portuguese it was a matter of maintaining the conquered territory; for the Spaniards stop the advancements; and for both contain the indigenous people force. Black enslaved, however, saw in neighboring countries an opportunity for freedom and better survival and work conditions with less institutional vigilance. The enslaved owners should exercise more vigilance so there would be no marginalities. Regarding the Indians case, this frontier was also an opportunity for an institutional escape of the Iberian crowns (Portugal and Spain) and the Jesuitical missions, but also the struggle to keep their territory in a conquering situation. Such border allowed the negotiation with both Portuguese and Spanish. Concerning the free men, the frontier facilitated the escape of deserted soldiers from the fortress built in the institutional limit imposed by the metropolises, but also greater possibility of trade, smuggling and negotiations between borderland neighboring nations.

Wegloopverskynsel by kinderhuiskinders

Botha, Karel Johannes 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die doel van hierdie studie was om te bepaal waarom kinders uit kinderhuise wegloop en om voorstelle ter voorkoming daarvan te maak. Ten opsigte van die fenomeen "wegloop" stateer die literatuur dat kinders wegloop vanaf onaangename omstandighede en/of wegloop na aangename omstandighede. Die belewing van gesinstres, gesinskonflik, portuurgroepdruk, utopiese voorstellings van wegloop, onaangename skoolbelewing en tiener swangerskap is aangeduide rolspelers onderliggend aan bogenoemde. Die empiriese studie na wegloop uit kinderhuise bet aan die lig gebring dat kinders uit kinderhuise wegloop weens traumatiese belewing van verwydering uit die ouerhuis, etikettering en inrigtingsversadiging. Voorts is bevind dat faktore wat onderliggend aan bogenoemde is, tot 'n groot mate voorkom kan word. Sekere aanbevelings ter voorkoming van wegloop uit kinderhuise is na aanleiding van die studie gedoen en kan gebruik word in die volwassene se bemoeienis met die kinderhuiskind. / The object of the study was to identify the reasons why children run away from children's homes and to make recommendations on how to prevent them from running away. On considering "run away" as a phenomenon, the literature states that children run away from harsh circumstances to acceptable or pleasant circumstances. Experiences such as family stress, conflict in the family, peer group pressure, romanticising the idea, harsh school experiences and teenage pregnancies are roll players subjacent to the above mentioned. The empirical study of "running away from children's homes" has confirmed that children run away because of traumatic separation from parental homes, labelling and institutional intolerance. Furthermore it was also found that factors subjacent to the above mentioned can be neutralised to a large extent. Certain guidelines have been recommended for adults when confronted with children in children's homes. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Voorligting)

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