Spelling suggestions: "subject:"eye."" "subject:"bye.""
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Hodnocení vybraných obilovin v konvenčním a ekologickém zemědělství z pohledu obsahu bílkovin a dopadu na emise skleníkových plynů / Evaluation of selected cereals in conventional and organic farming - protein content and impact on greenhouse gases emissionsPAVLOVÁ, Ivana January 2018 (has links)
Agriculture is, after fossil fuels, the second largest producer of greenhouse gas emissions, which are responsible for global climate change, and it is necessary to look for ways to reduce this environmental load. Cereals are the most cultivated crops in the world, so it is appropriate to examine their share of this load. The aim of the thesis was to evaluate and compare the environmental aspects of the cultivation of selected cereals (wheat, rye and barley) in the conventional and ecological farming system. The resulting environmental load was first calculated on 1 kg of grain, and then the load was recalculated to a load of 1 kg of protein contained in grain of selected cereals. Protein content in grain is one of the grain quality indicators. A simplified LCA method has been used for the environmental load calculations. This method is used for environmental impact assessments and covers the whole life cycle of the product.
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Upptag av bly, kadmium, tallium, torium och uran i vete, råg, sallat och potatis - resultat från en litteraturstudie och ett dosförsök / Uptake of Lead, Cadmium, Thallium, Thorium and Uranium in Wheat, Rye, Lettuce and Potatoes - Results from a Literature Review and a Dose StudyHallberg, Bengt January 2014 (has links)
Denna studie behandlar upptaget av de hälsovådliga metallerna bly, kadmium, tallium, torium och uran i några viktiga grödor som vete, råg, potatis och sallat som används för humankonsumtion. Syftet var att studera faktorer och mekanismer som kan påverka grödornas upptag av dessa metaller. Målsättningen var även att utröna hur stor påverkan dessa faktorer har på grödornas upptag av Pb, Cd, Tl, Th och U. En litteraturstudie visade att de domesticerade grödorna vete, potatis, råg och sallat tar upp Pb, Cd, Tl, Th och U. Upptaget är störst hos sallat och potatis, förhöjda koncentrationer i åkermarken medför därför en ökad risk för att hälsovådliga koncentrationer återfinns i grödan. En ökad metallkoncentration av dessa grundämnen i marklösning och odlingssubstrat ger oftast högre metallkoncentrationer i aktuell gröda. De högsta koncentrationerna återfinns oftast i rötterna. Oorganiskt fosfatgödsel kan innehålla Pb, Cd, Tl, Th och U beroende på typ av råvara. Studier visar att fosfatgödsels kadmiuminnehåll åtminstone ger en ökad kadmiumhalt i grödor som råg, vete, potatis och sallat. En ökad användning av fosfatgödsel tycks även ge högre halter av torium och uran i vete. Stallgödsel från nötkreatur kan minska upptaget av bly och kadmium och arbuskulär mykorrhizasvamp kan binda metaller som bly och kadmium till rotvävnader och på så vis minska upptaget i växtdelar som används för humankonsumtion. Vetes upptag av kadmium och uran studerades i en experimentell hydroponisk dosstudie. Resultaten från den experimentella studien indikerade att förhöjd kadmiumhalt och urankoncentration i näringslösning kan ha gett upphov till förhöjda halter i vete, vilket i sin tur kan ha påverkat plantans tillväxt. I uranprovserien fastställdes att perlit tog upp uran. Utifrån data från försöken beräknades fördelningskonstanten Kd för löst uran/uranhalt i perlit. I denna provserie visade beräkningar att roten genom en aktiv process tog upp uran från näringslösningen. Resultaten indikerar att det finns risker med att äta grödor som odlats i jordar med höga halter av Pb, Cd, Tl, Th eller U. Hälsovådliga koncentrationer kan nås utan att något synligt symtom på kontaminering eller förgiftning hos grödan. / This study deals with the uptake of noxious metals lead, cadmium, thallium, thorium and uranium in some important crops such as wheat, rye, potatoes, and lettuce that are used for human consumption. The aim was to study factors and mechanisms that influence crop uptake of these metals. Another objective was also to define the impact of these factors on crop uptake of Pb, Cd, Tl, Th and U. According to a literature review domesticated crops such as wheat, potatoes, rye, and lettuce take up Pb, Cd, Tl, Th and U. Lettuce and potatoes are the crop with the highest uptake. Elevated metal concentrations in arable land therefore entails a greater risk for harmful concentrations found in potato and lettuce. Increased concentrations of these elements in soil solution and growing medium usually give higher metal concentrations in the current crop. The highest concentrations are found mostly in the roots. Phosphate fertilizers may contain Pb, Cd, Tl, Th and U depending on the type of raw material used for manufacturing. Studies show that the cadmium content in phosphate fertilizer can give an increased cadmium content in crops such as rye, wheat, potatoes and lettuce. An increased use of phosphate fertilizers also appears to give higher levels of thorium and uranium in wheat. Animal manure from cattle may reduce the uptake of lead and cadmium and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi can bind metals such as lead and cadmium to rot tissues and thus reduce the accumulation in plant parts used for human consumption. Wheat uptake of cadmium and uranium was studied in an experimental hydroponic dose study. The results of the experimental study indicated that elevated cadmium and uranium content in the nutrient solution increased the content of the element in the plant, which in turn may have affected the growth of the plant. The uranium sample series showed that perlite adsorbed uranium. Based on data from the trials the distribution constant Kd for dissolved uranium / uranium content in perlite was calculated. The results from the uranium sample series showed that the root through an active process took up uranium from the nutrient solution. The results indicate that there are risks associated with eating crops grown in soils with high levels of Pb, Cd, Tl, Th and U. Hazardous concentrations may be reached in the crops with no visible signs of contamination or poisoning.
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Increasing food, feed, fiber, biofuel production on decreasing amounts of arable land while simultaneously enhancing ecosystem services is challenging. Strategic inclusion of winter rye (<i>Secale cereale</i>) for biomass, silage, grain and Kura clover (<i>Trifolium ambiguum</i>) living mulch into existing Midwestern cropping systems may offer alternative economic income for farmers without displacing or reducing yields of primary crops. Research was conducted at the Purdue Water Quality Field Station (WQFS) where net balances of water, carbon, nitrogen, and radiation can be measured, and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are monitored. The agronomic performance of a corn-soybean rotation and continuous corn (controls) were compared to novel systems that included the use of rye cover cropping and Kura clover co-cropping. Rye was harvested for biomass/silage at heading immediately followed by corn or soybean planting. Continuous corn receiving 69 kg N ha<sup>-1 </sup>was planted into an establishment of Kura clover sod. Controls included these same systems without the rye or clover. GHG samples were taken via the static chamber method and tile-drained water sub-samples were collected, analyzed for nitrate, and load losses calculated. Biomass composition was determined and used to calculate herbage theoretical ethanol (EtOH) yields. Cereal rye did not significantly decrease corn or soybean grain yield. Averaged across years, Kura clover significantly depressed corn grain yields by nearly 70%. Kura clover significantly reduced flow-weighted tile drainage nitrate (NO<sub>3</sub><sup>-</sup>) concentrations, however cereal rye did not. Reductions in flow-weighted tile drainage nitrate (NO<sub>3</sub><sup>-</sup>) concentrations were found to largely occur during Quarter two (April, May, June). Cover crops did not significantly reduce annual tile drained NO<sub>3</sub><sup>-</sup> load losses in most cases, however, they did significantly reduce annual N<sub>2</sub>O emissions. Cumulative annual CH<sub>4</sub> emissions were not significantly altered. Annual CO<sub>2</sub>emissions were higher after the introduction of Kura clover and not significantly altered following the introduction of cereal rye. Averaged across years, theoretical ethanol yields in the Kura clover system produced 2,752 L EtOH ha<sup>-1</sup>, whereas EtOH production in cereal rye systems ranged from 3,245 to 4,210 L EtOH ha<sup>-1</sup>. Theoretical ethanol yields of continuous corn and rotational controls ranged from 2,982 to 3505 L EtOH ha<sup>-1</sup> for these same systems without the cereal rye of Kura clover. These data suggest that a multipurpose approach to cover crop inclusion can provide both environmental and economic advantages worthy of consideration.
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Crisis in adolescence : identity and choice in selected post-war American fictionFisher, Virginia Ann January 1977 (has links)
No description available.
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Oxic and anoxic transformations of leaf derived organic matter in freshwater systemsConway, Carol Leza, n/a January 2005 (has links)
In Australia, significant effort goes into reducing the amount of nitrogen and phosphorus
entering inland waters from point sources. However, little is known of the extent to
which riparian organic matter may act as a source of these nutrients. Also, whilst the relationships
between the nitrogen, phosphorus and carbon cycles are broadly known, there
is little quantitative data regarding the release of these elements from Australian riparian
organic matter and their subsequent microbial mineralisation within aquatic environments.
In particular, comparatively little is known of their comparative role in nutrient and organic
matter cycling within anoxic zones, and the influence that different riparian organic matter
may have on stream water quality. This lack of such data presently hampers the ability of
water managers to make educated decisions regarding the management of riparian zones
in Australia. In order to improve understanding in this area, a combination of laboratory
and in situ experiments were carried out in order to compare the abiotic release and aerobic/
anaerobic mineralisation of leaf derived dissolved organic carbon (DOC), dissolved
nitrate/nitrite (NOx) and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) under different environmental
conditions. Four plants common to Australian riparian zones were investigated: two native
species, Eucalyptus camaldulensis (gum) and Phragmites australis (common reed), and
two exotic species, Salix babylonica (willow) and Lolium multiflorum (rye grass). After 30
days, formaldehyde inhibited 1g willow and rye grass extracts contained the most SRP (0.7
mg/L), whilst gum extracts contained 0.3 mg/L and common reed 0.1 mg/L of SRP.Willow
and rye grass abiotically released twice as much NOx than gum and common reed, although
concentrations were only between 0.05-0.1 mg/L. Gum and common reed released the most
DOC per gram of leaf matter (14 and 12 mmol/g of leaf matter respectively), but based on
the initial carbon content of each leaf type, the largest percentage contributor of DOC under
abiotic conditions was common reed and rye grass (both 38% mass/mass), with gum (33%
mass/mass) and willow (30% mass/mass) being smaller contributors. The most bioavailable
DOC was released by rye grass and common reed, with between 83 and 94% of this
DOC microbially mineralised after 30 days in oxic conditions. When conditions were not
inhibited, microbial growth was evident almost immediately in willow, rye grass and common
reed leaf extracts. However, microbial growth was suppressed for the first 48 hours
in gum leaf extracts. After this suppression period, the rate of DOC mineralisation was
equal in willow and gum leaf extracts (0.1 day-1). Under anoxic conditions, the rate and
extent of DOC mineralisation of willow and gum leaves depended on the type of electron
acceptor provided. Added nitrate and iron III enhanced the mineralisation of both willow
and gum leaves relative to no terminal electron acceptors (from zero to 0.01-0.04 and 0.002-
0.004 moles/day respectively), but added sulphate only enhanced the mineralisation of gum
leaves (0.04 moles/day). When no additional electron acceptors were provided, particulate
leaf mineralisation was more extensive under oxic than anoxic conditions. However, the
mineralisation of leaf derived DOC were the same regardless of oxygen availability, and
after 35 days in either condition the percentage of leaf DOC mineralised for each leaf type
was of the order common reed > rye grass > willow > gum. All the leaf types tested were
able to sustain the caddis fly larvae Triplectides australis under controlled laboratory conditions,
and survival rates were high using all four leaf types as a food source. Triplectides
australis did not significantly increase the amount of DOC released from each type of leaf
matter, but they did consistently increase the proportion of simple carbohydrates present
within the DOC fraction. The results of these experiments suggest that changes to riparian
vegetation, particularly from the native to exotic species used in this study, will inherently
alter in-stream concentrations of dissolved carbon and nutrients (particularly SRP). This
potentially will affect in-stream, hyporheic and subsurface processes, particularly in areas
where surface water flow is low and riparian leaf inputs are high.
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Auswirkungen des regionalen Klimawandels auf die Entwicklung der Biomasseerträge ausgewählter landwirtschaftlicher Nutzpflanzen in Niedersachsen / Impacts of regional climate change on the developement of biomass yields of selected crops in Lower Saxony, GermanyDegener, Jan 03 December 2013 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Betrachtung der regionalen Klimawandelfolgen auf die
landwirtschaftlichen Erträge des agrarintensiven Landes Niedersachsen. Zu diesem Zweck wurde
das neuentwickelte robuste Pflanzenmodell BioStar herangezogen um mittels hochaufgelösten
(100 × 100 m) Wettreg Klimadaten des 21. Jahrhunderts die Entwicklung der Biomasseerträge
von vier Wintergetreiden (Weizen, Gerste, Roggen & Triticale), drei Maissorten (differenziert
nach Reifezeitpunkt) und drei weiterer Feldfrüchte (Sonnenblume, Sorghum & Sommerweizen)
zu modellieren.
Bei dem Pflanzenmodell BioStar handelt es sich um ein kohlenstoffbasiertes Pflanzenmodell,
mit dem anhand von Eingangsklimadaten (Niederschlagshöhe, Temperatur, Globalstrahlung,
Luftfeuchte und Windgeschwindigkeit) und dem verfügbaren Bodenwasser (Feldkapazität) der
Ertragszuwachs im Verlauf der Vegetationsperiode simuliert wird. Das Modell eignet sich für
die Thematik insbesondere auch deshalb, da es an der Universität Göttingen entwickelt und auf
Niedersächsischen Standorten validiert wurde.
Die zur Modellierung benötigten Bodenparameter wurden der Niedersächsischen BÜK50n
entnommen. Dabei kamen nur Flächen zur Anwendung, die nach der Corine Landbedeckungserhebung
von 2005 zu den landwirtschaftlich genutzten Flächen in Niedersachsen zählen. Die
mittlere Größe dieser gut 90.000 Flächen liegt damit um 33 ha.
Die Entwicklung wird unter Berücksichtigung des IPCC Szenarios A1B sowie des CO2-Düngeeffekts
bis zum Ende des Jahrhunderts pflanzenabhängig stagnierend bis deutlich positiv verlaufen,
wovon allerdings nicht alle Regionen in gleicher Weise profitieren können. Insgesamt
verschieben sich die landwirtschaftlichen Gunstgebiete weiter nach Westen — was aber durch
die bessere Entwicklung des Westens und nicht in einer negativen Entwicklung der östlichen
Flächen begründet ist. Das Ostbraunschweigische Hügelland ist meist unter den Regionen mit
der besten Entwicklung, kann im absoluten Vergleich aber nie zu den guten landwirtschaftlichen
Standorten aufschließen. Größter Verlierer wird den Ergebnissen nach das südliche Hügelland
sein, das über die kommenden Jahrzehnte zusehends schlechtere Voraussetzungen für den Pflanzenanbau
Die gesamte Entwicklung wird dabei aber erst ab etwa der Jahrhunderthälfte einsetzen, vorher
lassen sich für den Großteil der Pflanzen kaum Veränderungen konstatieren. In den kommenden
20 Jahren zeigt nur die Gerste deutliche Anzeichen eines Ertragszuwachses und mittelreifender
Mais eines Ertragsrückgangs. Bis 2099 kehrt sich dieser Trend dann wieder um. Eigentlich alle
Feldfrüchte zeigen spätestens zum Jahrhundertende eine positive Entwicklungstendenz, wenn
Winterweizen, Winterroggen und Wintertriticale auch nur vergleichsweise schwach.
Die beiden hauptausschlaggebenden Entwicklungsfaktoren werden in Zukunft zum einen die
atmosphärische CO2-Konzentration sein, über deren Düngeeffekt die Erträge positiv beeinfluss
werden. Ihr stehen die abnehmenden Sommerniederschläge gegenüber, die sich deutlich negativ
auf die Erträge auswirken. Vieles wird in Zukunft davon abhängen, inwieweit diese Niederschläge
tatsächlich zurückgehen werden und wie stark der CO2-Düngeeffekt tatsächlich ausfallen wird.
Ungeachtet dessen werden sich aber die Wintergerste und der Sommerweizen dennoch tendenziell
positiv entwickeln können, da beider Entwicklung relativ unabhängig von den CO2-
Konzentrationen verläuft, wobei die Gerste zusätzlich weniger anfällig auf sinkende Sommerniederschläge
Interessant wird auch die Entwicklung des Maises werden. Im Gegensatz zu anderen Studien
die nur mit „Mais“ modellieren, wurde hier auf früh-, mittel- und spätreifende Sorten zurückgegriffen.
Die unterschiedlichen Sorten besitzen über das Jahrhundert deutlich größere Unterschiede
als etwa die Arten Weizen, Roggen und Triticale. Während mittelreifender Mais die
schlechtesten Aussichten, eigentlich unter allen behandelten Pflanzen, besitzt, wird spätreifender
Mais mit den deutlichsten Ertragszuwächsen im kommenden Jahrhundert rechnen können.
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Crisis in adolescence : identity and choice in selected post-war American fictionFisher, Virginia Ann January 1977 (has links)
No description available.
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Exploring the Effects of Cover Crop Use on Farm Profitability in Central IndianaMegan N. Hughes (8775677) 02 May 2020 (has links)
Cover crop use provides a myriad of benefits to soil health. Despite strong agronomic evidence of the benefits of using cover crops, farmers have been slow to adopt cover crop systems. Surveys show that this is due to a lack of understanding on how cover crop use will impact the farm, and limited economic analysis on the effects of cover crop use on the farm. <div> In this thesis, a variable-rate nitrogen study was analyzed to determine the relationship between applied nitrogen fertilizer and corn yields, and how a cover crop treatment impacts that relationship. Data were obtained from a case farm in Central Indiana. Production information was then translated into a partial budget to see how the use of the different cover crop treatments impacted net return per acre for corn production on the farm. Net returns were analyzed using both historical corn and nitrogen prices and stochastic modelling.</div><div> Results showed that the final impact on farm net return per acre associated with adoption of a cover crop system varies among cover crop species. Implementing annual rye resulted in a negative change to net return; while cereal rye and an oats and radish blend resulted in a positive change to net return. When additional benefits of cover crop use; such as drought tolerance, carbon content, and erosion reduction; are included, all three cover crop species resulted in a substantial increase in net return. This information will be of interest to farmers as a source to draw upon when making decisions regarding their own farms. Further research is needed to fully understand the relationship between cover crop use and farm profitability, particularly for farms at the early stages of adoption.</div>
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Kto chytá v žite a Deň ako stvorený pre banánové rybičky - analýza motívov / The Catcher in the Rye and A Perfect Day for Bananafish - Motif analysisHancinová, Sabína January 2016 (has links)
The thesis Catcher in the Rye and A Perfect Day for Bananafish - Motif analysis deals with motif analysis of these two literary works by J. D. Salinger. Analysis of the basic motifs of these works reveals the symbolism of Salinger's literary world, where the main themes are childhood, growing up and alienation. Essential role when presenting motifs goes to the main characters, who in these works are very distinctive, therefore they also need to be analyzed. In question of theory, the thesis is based on Boris Tomashevskyˈs concept of motif and narratological perspective of Tomáš Kubíček or Lubomír Doležel. Apart of the analysis itself the theses deals with questions of the relevance in the genre classification of the novel Catcher in the Rye as a Bildungsroman and whether Salinger idealizes childhood in his works or not.
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<p>Cereal rye (<i>Secale cereale</i>, L., CR) is the most commonly utilized cover crop
species within the United States. Yet, the total land area planted to CR on an
annual basis remains relatively low despite its numerous proven environmental
benefits. The relatively low rates of CR adoption could be due to a dearth of
knowledge surrounding certain agronomic and economic components of CR adoption.
Currently, there exists knowledge gaps within the scientific literature
regarding CR performance, N cycling, and associated economic risk. <a>Thus, to address the above-mentioned knowledge gaps, three
individual studies were developed to: i) investigate the fate of scavenged CR
nitrogen (N) amongst soil N pools, ii) assess the suitability of
visible-spectrum vegetation indices (VIs) to predict CR biomass and nutrient
accumulation (BiNA), and iii) characterize the economic risk of CR adoption at
a regional scale over time.</a></p>
<p>In the first
study, <sup>15</sup>N, a stable isotope of N, was used in an aerobic incubation
to track the fate of CR root and shoot N among the soil microbial biomass,
inorganic, and organic N pools, as well as explore CR N bioavailability over a
simulated corn growing season. In this study, the C:N ratio of the shoot
residues was 16:1 and the roots was 31:1 and differences in residue quality affected the dynamics of CR N
release from each residue type. On average, 14% of whole plant CR N was
recovered in the soil inorganic N pool at the final sample date.
Correspondingly, at the final sampling date 53%, 33%, and less than 1% of whole plant CR N was
recovered as soil organic N, undecomposed residue, and as microbial biomass N,
respectively. Most CR N remained unavailable to plants during the first cash
crop growing season subsequent to termination. This knowledge could support the
advancement of N fertilizer management strategies for cropping systems
containing cereal rye.</p>
<p>In the second
study, a commercially available unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) outfitted with a
standard RGB sensor was used to collect aerial imagery of growing CR from which
visible-spectrum VIs were computed. Computed VIs were then coupled with weather
and geographic data using linear multiple regression to produce prediction
models for CR biomass, carbon (C), N, phosphorus (P), potassium (K), and sulfur
(S). Five visible-spectrum VIs (Visible Atmospherically Resistant Index (VARI),
Green Leaf Index (GLI), Modified Green Red Vegetation Index (MGRVI), Red Green
Blue Vegetation Index (RGBVI), and Excess of Green (ExG)) were evaluated and
the results determined that MGRVI was the best predictor for CR biomass, C, K,
and S and that RGBVI was the best predictor for CR N and P. Furthermore, the
final prediction models for the VIs selected as the best predictors developed
in this study performed satisfactorily in the prediction of CR biomass, C, N,
P, K, and S producing adjusted R<sup>2</sup> values of 0.79, 0.79, 0.75, 0.81,
0.81, and 0.78, respectively. The results of this study have the potential to
aid producers in making informed decisions regarding CR and fertility
management. </p>
<p>In the final
study, agronomic data for corn and soybean cropping systems with and without CR
was collected from six states (Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri,
and Wisconsin) and used within a Monte-Carlo stochastic simulation to
characterize the economic risk of adopting CR at a regional scale over time.
The results of this study indicate that average net returns to CR are always
negative regardless of CR tenure primarily due to added costs and increased
variability in cash crop grain yields associated with CR adoption. Further, the
results demonstrate that the additional risk assumed by adopting CR is not adequately
compensated for with current CR adoption incentive programs and that the risk
premium necessary can be 1.7 to 15 times greater than existing incentive
payments. Knowledge gained from this study could be used to reimagine current
incentive programs to further promote adoption of CR.</p>
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