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Technický výklad vybraných ustanovení zákona č. 361/2000 Sb., o provozu na pozemních komunikacích / Technical interpretation of selected provisions of Act No 361/2000 Coll. concerning road trafficStáňa, Ivo January 2016 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with oficial causes of road accidents and their consequences. In the first part are defined basic terms connected with traffic accidents, their classification and statistical records. The second part is focused on analysis of long – term statistics of traffic accidents in the the Czech Republic for the years 1996-2015, which aim has been assed the total number of accidents, their causes and consequences. The results of the analysis have been compared to other European countries or states associated in OECD. In the context of theoretical part have been characterized legal and also technical interpretation of selected terms of act no 361/200 coll. concerning road traffic. Conclusion of the thesis is based on application of legal and also technical interpretation in case studies with real road accident.
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Analýza nebezpečnosti nanočástic v pracovním ovzduší a návrh opatření pro ochranu před jejich nežádoucími účinky / Hazard analysis of nanoparticles in the workplace environment and design of protective measures against their side effectsSkřehotová, Marcela January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on so called new risks, which currently include the risks associated with various nanomaterials - their production, introduction into practice and use. The paper summarizes the up-to-date knowledge about the characteristics of nanoparticles used and it proposes a procedure to estimate potential consequences of their exposure. The experimental part of the paper is represented by a case study, which introduces the practical application of the proposed procedure aiming at estimated exposure to nanoparticles on the workplace where metal working is executed and resulting occupational risks. The aim of this part of the study was to measure selected parameters of aerosols using a special measuring system working on the principle of laser photometry combined with diffusion charger and detector using Faraday cage. The object of the measurements was to determine the numerical concentration of nanoparticles present in working environment and the representation of size groups of submicron particles. The measurement procedure was designed in accordance with ČSN EN 689, ČSN EN ISO 16000-1 and ČSN ISO 8756 standards and data gained were subsequently interpreted. Afterwards the results were used to design the measures to reduce the risk of health damage when facing chronic inhalation...
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Operationsteamets erfarenheter av kommunikation vid ett akut kejsarsnitt : En kvalitativ studie / Operating team’s experiences of communication during an emergency ceasarean section : A qualitative studyAlmsand, Johanna, Johansson, Martina January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Ordet kejsarsnitt kommer från latin och innebär att barnets tas ut genom livmoderväggen med ett snitt långt ner på buken. Det föds närmare 200 000 barn om året i Sverige och av dessa är 17,3 procent förlösta genom kejsarsnitt. Tidigare forskning beskriver vikten av en fungerande och tydlig kommunikation i operationsteamet kring patienten, för att patientsäkerheten ska uppfyllas och en säker vård ska kunna bedrivas vid ett akut kejsarsnitt. Syfte: Att beskriva operationsteamets erfarenheter av kommunikation under ett akut kejsarsnitt. Metod: En kvalitativ studie där data inhämtades via 14 stycken frågeformulär utformade enligt critical incident technique. Data analyserades enligt en kvalitativ innehållsanalys och redovisas genom tabell, citat och löpande text. Resultat: Kommunikation är viktigt vid akuta kejsarsnitt, men beroende på vilka som ingår i operationsteamet och vilken erfarenhet de har med sig kan kommunikationen vara mer eller mindre uttalad. Aspekter, förutom yrkeserfarenhet, för en välfungerande kommunikation är tid, samarbete och rutiner. Slutsats: I resultatet framkommer att kommunikationen tar sig olika uttryck i olika team, där rutiner och yrkeserfarenhet påverkar hur man kommunicerar. En fungerande kommunikation behöver operationsteamet arbeta aktivt med, då det medför ett positivt teamarbete, bra stämning på sal och en säker vård. / Background: The word caesarean section is Latin and means that the baby is delivered through the uterine wall with an incision far down on the abdomen. Nearly 200,000 babies are born each year in Sweden and of these, 17.3 per cent are delivered by caesarean section. Previous literature describes the importance of clear and well-established communication in the surgical team responsible for the patient, so that patient safety standards are met, and safe care can be provided in an emergency caesarean section. Aim of the study: To describe the operating team's experiences of communication during an emergency caesarean section. Methodology: A qualitative study where data were collected via 14 questionnaires designed according to the critical incident technique and data were analyzed according to a qualitative content analysis and reported by table, citation and running text. Results: Communication is important in acute caesarean sections, though depending on who is part of the surgical team and what experience they have, the quality of the communication can vary. Elements, besides professional experience, for a well-functioning communication were time, attitude, and clarity. Conclusion: The result shows that the communication patterns varies depending on whom is a part of the team, where routines and professional experience form the communication. The operating team needs to work actively with a functioning communication as it is important for a positive team work, a good atmosphere in the ward and safe care.
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Införande av devops för SME : Utmaningar och framgångsfaktorer / Introduction of devops for SME : Challenges and success factorsGötlind, Malin January 2020 (has links)
De agila metoderna har under många år varit mycket framgångsrika inom informationssystemutveckling men enligt Balaji och Sundararajan Murugaiyan (2012) finns det även nackdelar med metoderna. En av dessa nackdelar är en flaskhals som kan finnas mellan avdelningarna utveckling och drift på ett företag eftersom dessa avdelningar ofta inte är anpassade till varandra (Laudon & Laudon, 2018). För att hantera dessa nackdelar har element från både agila metoder, Lean utveckling samt ett starkt samarbete mellan utveckling och driftavdelning bildat DevOps som har som syfte att förbättra produktionsflödet inom Informationssystemutveckling. Enligt Hemon, Lyonnet, Rowe och Fitzgerald (2019) är det många företag som planerar ett organisationsskifte mot DevOps eller är mitt uppe i förändringen. Denna förändring har visat sig vara en svår process för företag att få till då det krävs mycket resurser, tid, sociala och organisatoriska förändringar och även förändring av produkten för en del företag (Dornenburg, 2018; Ebert & Paasivaara, 2017; Sreenivasan & Kothandaraman, 2019; Ebert, Gallardo, Hernantes & Serrano, 2016). Detta gör att ämnes- och problemområdet är intressant att undersöka för att hjälpa till att skapa ett bättre utgångsläge för företag att ta sig an förändringen mot DevOps. Med hjälp av en kvalitativ fallstudie med semistrukturerade intervjuer som datainsamlingsmetod var syftet att undersöka frågeställningen: ”Vilka utmaningar och kritiska framgångsfaktorer finns för SME vid införande av DevOps med ramverket SAFe?”. För att hjälpa till att besvara frågeställningen skapades även två delfrågor: 1: ”Vilka systemutvecklingsområden är utmanande i en DevOps-kultur?” och 2: ”Hur upplever anställda som påverkas av övergången att gå över till en DevOps-kultur?”. Den insamlade datan har sedan kodats enligt Gillham (2008) tiostegs-process för att hitta kategorier och teman.Resultatet av denna studies frågor visade att främst tre utmanande områden finns vid ett införande av DevOps, vilka är (1) automatisering, (2) kulturen och nya samarbeten samt (3) om produkten är komplex och utvecklad under många års tid. Resultatet avseende anställdas upplevelser visade att tids- och resursbrist var mycket framträdande hos respondenterna då de inte anser att det finns tid för att arbeta med DevOps-främjande aktiviteter. Ett annat fynd som gjorts var att de sociala förändringarna stärker vi-känslan men kan samtidigt bidra till frustration och stress, samt att inställningen till DevOps är viktig då det krävs en villighet till förändring både från ledning och de anställda när det kommer till en stor organisatorisk förändring.Framgångsfaktorerna som denna studie resulterat i handlar mycket om att vara förberedd, planera och låta förändringen ta den tid som behövs. Det framkom även att det är en framgångsfaktor att investera i och ta vara på interna resurser och deras vilja att arbeta med DevOps-främjande aktiviteter.
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The Receptacle: Cultivating safe space for women at Constitution Hill Precinct, JohannesburgCronje, Jana Roda January 2020 (has links)
Recent statistics have shown that Violence Against Women (VAW) affects one in three women worldwide. Not only is the issue prevalent at a global scale, it is embedded in the societal fabric of South Africa. Women and girls disproportionately experience public and private environments as unsafe due to the fear or threat of violence against them. Thus, limiting their movement, use and occupation of space. In essence, such instances of violence infringe upon a women’s human rights. In 1996, two years after South Africa became a democracy, it was necessary to manifest physically through architecture the symbolic significance of South Africa’s Constitution. An opportunity for architectural intervention is identified at the Constitution Hill Precinct. The aim is to make more visible and practical advocacy of women’s rights through establishing an association of the Precinct as a safe space for women. The study, through mixed qualitative methods, explores the feminist notion of safe space to understand safety, as both a practical and social construct, is integral to reflect the lived experiences of women. Design principles to guide the architectural intervention are subsequently synthetized from primarily theoretical informants, followed by conceptual, contextual and programmatic informants. The result is the translation of safe space into an architecture of lived experience; where the threat of fear or violence does not intimidate nor limit the occupation and use of space by women; but fosters spaces of empowerment, healing and upliftment. By programming underutilized in-between spaces along the East-West thoroughfare of the Precinct, through a transformative approach towards heritage, the advocacy for women’s rights is made visible and attains an association as a place where women are received and celebrated. Focus is placed on the Western edge of the Precinct to explore social and public programmes in support of women and the community at large. The existing parking lot structures, identified as lost space, are adapted to reflect an architectural intent of safe space and become spaces of meaning and contribution towards the Precinct. Finally, technical resolution of the project stems from the conceptual intentions of the design intervention; expressing a transformative approach between old and new. / Mini Dissertation (MArch (Prof))--University of Pretoria, 2020. / Architecture / MArch (Prof) / Unrestricted
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Varför otrygg? : En kvalitativ studie om gymnasietjejers upplevda otrygghet i SkellefteåFredelund Pedersen, Carina, Stenlund, Adam January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att studera otrygghet bland tjejer som går i gymnasiet i Skellefteåkommun. Informationsinsamlingen har skett genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Tidigareforskning i ämnet visar bland annat att den största rädslan bland tjejer är att utsättas försexuella övergrepp. De flesta intervjudeltagarna i denna studie beskrev specifika områden i Skellefteå de väljer att undvika för att de känner sig otrygga på platsen. Mörkret spelade enroll på nästan alla tjejers otrygghet, där avsaknaden av kontroll på omgivningen beskrivs varadet jobbigaste. Även media beskrivs ha en roll i den upplevda otryggheten. Avslutningsvis,och det som kan vara grunden till en stor del av otryggheten, så beskrivs det upplevdaproblemet med samhället som mansdominerat. De främsta förebyggande åtgärderna someftersöks är bättre belysning utomhus, samt tidiga åtgärder för att på sikt förändra mannenssyn på kvinnor. / The purpose of this degree project has been to study levels of insecurity related to fears ofbecoming a victim of crime. Female students of Skellefteå municipality at upper secondarylevel have been the focus of this study. The material has been gathered throughsemistructured interviews. Previous research has shown that one of the greatest fears is thefear of becoming a victim of sexual assault. In this study the interviewees describe certainareas of Skellefteå which they try to avoid due to the fear of becoming a victim of crime.Darkness was a factor which recurringly was described as troublesome and the lack of controlin dark environments as the main cause of distress. The interviewees describe media as a partof their fear of becoming a victim of a crime and understand the society as male dominatedand that certain male behaviour is at the root of the issue. To come to terms with the problem,preventive actions such as better lighting outside and early preventive measures to changehow men behave around women was sought after.
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Who is the Economista? : The Paradox of Feminism: Collectivism and Individualism Within an Online Group for Female Private InvestorsSaller, Nathalie January 2021 (has links)
In the last few years, there has been an explosion of Facebook groups specifically directed at a female audience. One topic that seems to organize and interest Swedish women especially is money. This study explores the biggest Swedish financial group of them all: Economista – women who enjoy stocks and private economy, currently hosting 146 thousand members. The group is studied through a theoretical lens of fourth wave feminism, characterized by the use of digital tools for feminist action, as well as a revival of the feminist collective action from the second wave feminism, and a continuation of a feminist individual empowerment of third wave feminism. The study aims to investigate how feminism, and the empowerment of women is negotiated within the group. It also investigates what defines and delimits the female discursive object of the Economista. Methods used are a critical feminist discourse analysis and an explorative netnography, combined with focus group discussions with members of the group. The study shows that Economista can be seen as a collective space as members experience the group as a safe space where they educate each other about the stock market – a field historically dominated by men, that many are reluctant to enter. It also functions as a space for consciousness raising about patriarchal structures playing out in their everyday economic lives. However, the group can also be viewed as a limited emancipation, as it only includes a limited scope of individuals. The economically liberated subject that comes forth – The Economista – is a neoliberal, feminine version of a Homo economicus, who is responsible for making deliberate, rational decisions regarding her economy. In this postfeminist discourse, feminist analysis is no longer needed, as women have all the possibilities in the world to live a rich and happy life – if they just put their minds into it. The study shows that it is precisely these instances of “empowerment” that are important to dissect, as these often conceal limiting structures. In this case, the implications that this notion of freedom and “lack of governance” has for feminist struggle is that it masks norms, hierarchies and structural power relations producing economic inequality. Economista thus becomes part of the problem that it sets out to solve, as the group pictures itself as a solution to women’s economic inequality, at the expense of other solutions.
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Hlášení a evidence nežádoucích událostí v lůžkovém zdravotnickém zařízení / Reporting and recording of adverse events in inpatient health care facilitiesChabrová, Světluše January 2012 (has links)
The current thesis deals with the issue of adverse events. However, it does not concern the number of described and recorded adverse events in healthcare facilities or their spectrum. I am particularly interested in the attitude of the staff at the University Hospital Pilsen and how to respond to the requirements of the TOP management in the recording of adverse events. The theoretical part will concentrate on explaining the concept "adverse event", the description of influences which cause such events to arise and also to summarize the current situation concerning the approach to adverse events in the Czech Republic. The empirical part of the thesis describes the implementation of qualitative research, its results and recommendations for future practice. I am interested in researching the perspective of employees and their level of cooperation and openness in the approach to the reporting of adverse events in the provision of therapeutic, diagnostic and nursing care in inpatient health care facilities. The respondents in my research are employees of the University Hospital in Pilsen. I researched their views using a structured interview. I've contacted 14 employees who are employed in various functional and professional positions at the University Hospital in Pilsen. I believe that the role of...
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Strategies to Sustain Small-and-Medium Sized Business EnterprisesChijioke, Matthias Ikenna 01 January 2016 (has links)
Eighty-five percent of all firms operating in Nigeria are small-and medium-sized business enterprises (SMEs) and contribute almost 55% to the gross domestic product (GDP) in Nigeria. Capital flight and other growth inhibitors pose threats to the sustainability of SMEs in Nigeria. This exploratory multiple-case study was to determine strategies SME leaders use to sustain business operations in Nigeria. The study participants consisted of 15 SME leaders from 3 regional manufacturing firms who had successfully implemented strategies to sustain SMEs in Nigeria. Bertalanffy's general systems theory and Freeman's stakeholder theory were the conceptual frameworks used in the research. The data collection processes included semistructured interviews and reviewing company documents. After analyzing the interview data and validating through member checking, 5 core themes emerged during the data analysis process: creating new markets, encouraging opportunity for sustainable growth, securing additional funding sources, employee participation in decision making, and gaining competitive advantages. The findings may promote social change among the business community leaders by identifying essential characteristics to improve the posterity of SMEs in Nigeria.
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Safe optimization algorithms for variable selection and hyperparameter tuning / Algorithmes d’optimisation sûrs pour la sélection de variables et le réglage d’hyperparamètreNdiaye, Eugene 04 October 2018 (has links)
Le traitement massif et automatique des données requiert le développement de techniques de filtration des informations les plus importantes. Parmi ces méthodes, celles présentant des structures parcimonieuses se sont révélées idoines pour améliorer l’efficacité statistique et computationnelle des estimateurs, dans un contexte de grandes dimensions. Elles s’expriment souvent comme solution de la minimisation du risque empirique régularisé s’écrivant comme une somme d’un terme lisse qui mesure la qualité de l’ajustement aux données, et d’un terme non lisse qui pénalise les solutions complexes. Cependant, une telle manière d’inclure des informations a priori, introduit de nombreuses difficultés numériques pour résoudre le problème d’optimisation sous-jacent et pour calibrer le niveau de régularisation. Ces problématiques ont été au coeur des questions que nous avons abordées dans cette thèse.Une technique récente, appelée «Screening Rules», propose d’ignorer certaines variables pendant le processus d’optimisation en tirant bénéfice de la parcimonie attendue des solutions. Ces règles d’élimination sont dites sûres lorsqu’elles garantissent de ne pas rejeter les variables à tort. Nous proposons un cadre unifié pour identifier les structures importantes dans ces problèmes d’optimisation convexes et nous introduisons les règles «Gap Safe Screening Rules». Elles permettent d’obtenir des gains considérables en temps de calcul grâce à la réduction de la dimension induite par cette méthode. De plus, elles s’incorporent facilement aux algorithmes itératifs et s’appliquent à un plus grand nombre de problèmes que les méthodes précédentes.Pour trouver un bon compromis entre minimisation du risque et introduction d’un biais d’apprentissage, les algorithmes d’homotopie offrent la possibilité de tracer la courbe des solutions en fonction du paramètre de régularisation. Toutefois, ils présentent des instabilités numériques dues à plusieurs inversions de matrice, et sont souvent coûteux en grande dimension. Aussi, ils ont des complexités exponentielles en la dimension du modèle dans des cas défavorables. En autorisant des solutions approchées, une approximation de la courbe des solutions permet de contourner les inconvénients susmentionnés. Nous revisitons les techniques d’approximation des chemins de régularisation pour une tolérance prédéfinie, et nous analysons leur complexité en fonction de la régularité des fonctions de perte en jeu. Il s’ensuit une proposition d’algorithmes optimaux ainsi que diverses stratégies d’exploration de l’espace des paramètres. Ceci permet de proposer une méthode de calibration de la régularisation avec une garantie de convergence globale pour la minimisation du risque empirique sur les données de validation.Le Lasso, un des estimateurs parcimonieux les plus célèbres et les plus étudiés, repose sur une théorie statistique qui suggère de choisir la régularisation en fonction de la variance des observations. Ceci est difficilement utilisable en pratique car, la variance du modèle est une quantité souvent inconnue. Dans de tels cas, il est possible d’optimiser conjointement les coefficients de régression et le niveau de bruit. Ces estimations concomitantes, apparues dans la littérature sous les noms de Scaled Lasso, Square-Root Lasso, fournissent des résultats théoriques aussi satisfaisants que celui du Lasso tout en étant indépendant de la variance réelle. Bien que présentant des avancées théoriques et pratiques importantes, ces méthodes sont aussi numériquement instables et les algorithmes actuellement disponibles sont coûteux en temps de calcul. Nous illustrons ces difficultés et nous proposons à la fois des modifications basées sur des techniques de lissage pour accroitre la stabilité numérique de ces estimateurs, ainsi qu’un algorithme plus efficace pour les obtenir. / Massive and automatic data processing requires the development of techniques able to filter the most important information. Among these methods, those with sparse structures have been shown to improve the statistical and computational efficiency of estimators in a context of large dimension. They can often be expressed as a solution of regularized empirical risk minimization and generally lead to non differentiable optimization problems in the form of a sum of a smooth term, measuring the quality of the fit, and a non-smooth term, penalizing complex solutions. Although it has considerable advantages, such a way of including prior information, unfortunately introduces many numerical difficulties both for solving the underlying optimization problem and to calibrate the level of regularization. Solving these issues has been at the heart of this thesis. A recently introduced technique, called "Screening Rules", proposes to ignore some variables during the optimization process by benefiting from the expected sparsity of the solutions. These elimination rules are said to be safe when the procedure guarantees to not reject any variable wrongly. In this work, we propose a unified framework for identifying important structures in these convex optimization problems and we introduce the "Gap Safe Screening Rules". They allows to obtain significant gains in computational time thanks to the dimensionality reduction induced by this method. In addition, they can be easily inserted into iterative algorithms and apply to a large number of problems.To find a good compromise between minimizing risk and introducing a learning bias, (exact) homotopy continuation algorithms offer the possibility of tracking the curve of the solutions as a function of the regularization parameters. However, they exhibit numerical instabilities due to several matrix inversions and are often expensive in large dimension. Another weakness is that a worst-case analysis shows that they have exact complexities that are exponential in the dimension of the model parameter. Allowing approximated solutions makes possible to circumvent the aforementioned drawbacks by approximating the curve of the solutions. In this thesis, we revisit the approximation techniques of the regularization paths given a predefined tolerance and we propose an in-depth analysis of their complexity w.r.t. the regularity of the loss functions involved. Hence, we propose optimal algorithms as well as various strategies for exploring the parameters space. We also provide calibration method (for the regularization parameter) that enjoys globalconvergence guarantees for the minimization of the empirical risk on the validation data.Among sparse regularization methods, the Lasso is one of the most celebrated and studied. Its statistical theory suggests choosing the level of regularization according to the amount of variance in the observations, which is difficult to use in practice because the variance of the model is oftenan unknown quantity. In such case, it is possible to jointly optimize the regression parameter as well as the level of noise. These concomitant estimates, appeared in the literature under the names of Scaled Lasso or Square-Root Lasso, and provide theoretical results as sharp as that of theLasso while being independent of the actual noise level of the observations. Although presenting important advances, these methods are numerically unstable and the currently available algorithms are expensive in computation time. We illustrate these difficulties and we propose modifications based on smoothing techniques to increase stability of these estimators as well as to introduce a faster algorithm.
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