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Real-Time Simulation of Autonomous Vehicle Safety Using Artificial Intelligence TechniqueTijani, Ahmed January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Safe Navigation of a Tele-operated Unmanned Aerial Vehicle / Säker teleoperativ navigering av en obemannad luftfarkostDuberg, Daniel January 2018 (has links)
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) can navigate in indoor environments and through environments that are hazardous or hard to reach for humans. This makes them suitable for use in search and rescue missions and by emergency response and law enforcement to increase situational awareness. However, even for an experienced UAV tele-operator controlling the UAV in these situations without colliding into obstacles is a demanding and difficult task. This thesis presents a human-UAV interface along with a collision avoidance method, both optimized for a human tele-operator. The objective is to simplify the task of navigating a UAV in indoor environments. Evaluation of the system is done by testing it against a number of use cases and a user study. The results of this thesis is a collision avoidance method that is successful in protecting the UAV from obstacles while at the same time acknowledges the operator’s intentions. / Obemannad luftfarkoster (UAV:er) kan navigera i inomhusmiljöer och genom miljöer som är farliga eller svåra att nå för människor. Detta gör dem lämpliga för användning i sök- och räddningsuppdrag och av akutmottagning och rättsväsende genom ökad situationsmedvetenhet. Dock är det även för en erfaren UAV-teleoperatör krävande och svårt att kontrollera en UAV i dessa situationer utan att kollidera med hinder. Denna avhandling presenterar ett människa-UAV-gränssnitt tillsammans med en kollisionsundvikande metod, båda optimerade för en mänsklig teleoperatör. Målet är att förenkla uppgiften att navigera en UAV i inomhusmiljöer. Utvärdering av systemet görs genom att testa det mot ett antal användningsfall och en användarstudie. Resultatet av denna avhandling är en kollisionsundvikande metod som lyckas skydda UAV från hinder och samtidigt tar hänsyn till operatörens avsikter.
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Power Scaling Of Large Mode Area Thulium Fiber Lasers In Various Spectral And Temporal RegimesMcComb, Timothy 01 January 2009 (has links)
High power thulium fiber lasers are interesting for a myriad of applications due to their potential for high average output power, excellent beam quality, compactness, portability, high operating efficiency and broad, eye-safe spectral range from 1.8-2.1 microns. Currently, the majority of thulium laser research effort is being invested into scaling average output powers; however, such output powers are being scaled with no degree of control on laser system output spectrum or temporal behavior. Thulium fiber laser technology is not useful for many of its most important applications without implementation of techniques enabling tunable, narrow spectral widths with appropriate pulse durations for particular applications. This work outlines several techniques for spectral control of thulium fiber lasers and investigates scaling of average laser powers while using these techniques to maintain a desired spectral output. In addition, an examination of operation in both nanosecond and picosecond pulsed regimes and scaling of average powers and pulse energies in these regimes to useful power levels is conducted. The demonstration of thulium fiber laser systems for applications in frequency conversion and spectral beam combination is also discussed. In addition to the experimental results, theoretical modeling of thulium fiber amplifier operation, simple thermal management analysis, as well as practical fiber and system design considerations for future power scaling are presented. Experimental and theoretical results of this work will enable the successful design of future extremely high power spectrally and temporally controlled thulium fiber laser systems.
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Éclatians Assemble! : Trygghet, kreativ utveckling och hierarkier i ett separatistiskt rum för musikproduktion / Eclatians Assemble! : Exploring Safety, Creative Development, and Hierarchies in a Separatist Space for Music ProductionStröm Fahlqvist, Edvina January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker deltagarnas upplevelser av ett separatistiskt tryggt rum för musikproduktion, specifikt för tjejer, transpersoner och ickebinära personer. Målet är att förstå hur deltagandet i dessa rum påverkar individernas självkänsla och kreativa utveckling. Genom intervjuer och deltagande observationer utforskar studien vad ett tryggt rum innebär för deltagarna och hur det bäst kan skapas och upprätthållas. Vidare analyseras hur hierarkier manifesterar sig inom detta rum och hur de påverkar gemenskapsupplevelsen. Fältstudien har baserats på material som insamlats genom öppna, löst strukturerade intervjuer med tre deltagare samt en organisatör av det Berlinbaserade, separatistiska rummet för musikproduktion Éclat Crew. Intervjuerna har kompletterats med öppna deltagande observationer av två workshoptillfällen i rummet som undersöks. Resultaten presenteras i tre huvudavsnitt: analys av Eclat Crew som ett tryggt rum, problematik kring teknisk kunskapsutveckling och kreativitet, samt interaktioner och hierarkier inom Éclat Crews kollektiv. Materialet är tolkat utifrån Focaults teorier om övervakning och självkorrigerande beteende samt Judith Butlers teorier om genus och performativitet. Studien har en teoretisk grund baserad på feministisk teori, queerteori och intersektionalitet. Begreppet tryggt rum undersöks och sätts i förhållande till resultatet. Studien lyfter även fram tidigare forskning inom teknik och komposition i förhållande till makt och genus samt forskning kring rum, kollektiv och subkulturer. Deltagarnas berättelser betonar vikten av en gemenskap som stödjer deras olika identiteter och kreativa uttryck, samtidigt som utmaningar identifieras. Upprepade positiva handlingar och regler, såsom introduktionsrundor och positiv kritik, bidrar till att skapa en lyckad och inkluderande atmosfär. Eclat Crew framstår som övervägande uppfyllande av deltagarnas kriterier för ett tryggt rum, men kan inte klassas som ett rum helt utan hierarkier. / This study explores participants' experiences in a separatist safe space for music production, specifically designed for women, transgender individuals, and non-binary persons. The aim is to understand how engagement in these spaces influences individuals' self-esteem and creative development. Through interviews and participant observations, the study examines what a safe space means for participants and how it can be best established and maintained. Furthermore, it analyzes how hierarchies manifest within this space and affect the sense of community. The field study is based on material collected through open, loosely structured interviews with three participants and an organizer from the Berlin-based separatist music production space, Éclat Crew. The interviews are complemented by open participant observations of two workshop sessions within the examined space. The results are presented in three main sections: an analysis of Éclat Crew as a safe space, issues regarding technical knowledge development and creativity, and interactions and hierarchies within Éclat Crew's collective. The material is interpreted through Foucault's theories of surveillance and self-correcting behavior, as well as Judith Butler's theories of gender and performativity. The study has a theoretical foundation based on feminist theory, queer theory, and intersectionality. The concept of a safe space is examined and related to the results. The study also highlights previous research in technology and composition in relation to power and gender, as well as research on spaces, collectives, and subcultures. Participants' narratives emphasize the importance of a community that supports their diverse identities and creative expressions, while challenges are identified. Repeated positive actions and rules, such as introduction rounds and positive criticism, contribute to creating a successful and inclusive atmosphere. Éclat Crew appears predominantly fulfilling of participants' criteria for a safe space, but it cannot be classified as a space entirely without hierarchies.
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Cовершенствование механизмов гражданской защиты населения муниципального образования : магистерская диссертация / Improvement of mechanisms of civil protection of the population of municipal educationЗубро, А. Б., Zubro, A. B. January 2021 (has links)
В процессе исследований было проанализирована гражданская защита населения муниципального образования города Мегион; уточнены понятия: «гражданская защита», «механизм гражданской защиты населения»; определены роль и место гражданской защиты в городе Мегион, основная функция которой заключается в защите населения города от разрушительного воздействия негативных явлений стихийного и техногенного происхождения; проведенный анализ гражданской защиты населения города показал основные проблемные вопросы касающиеся гражданской защиты населения; разработан проект по совершенствованию механизмов гражданской защиты населения. / During the research, civil protection was analyzed the population of the municipality of the city of megion; clarified concepts:"civil protection", "mechanism of civil protection of the population";defined the role and place of civil protection in the city of megion, the main whose function is to protect the city's population from the destructive impact of negative phenomena of natural and technogenic origin; analysis of civil protection the population of the city showed the main problematic issues concerning civil protection of the population; a project to improve mechanisms of civil protection of the population.
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Barnen i våldets skugga : En kvalitativ studie om professionellas erfarenheter med barn på skyddat boende / The children in the shadow of violence : A qualitative study of professional experiences with children in women's sheltersHiller, Alexsandra, Larsen, Evelina January 2023 (has links)
The aim of this qualitative study is to investigate how professionals in women’s shelters work to maintain the child's needs and rights. The study also concerns how children exposed to violence are affected by previous experiences of violence in their home environment and how their relationships are affected by staying at the shelter. The study reflects professionals' experiences in their work with children in women's shelters and the problematic aspects of maintaining the child's everyday life. The study's empirical data was collected through semi-structured interviews with four professionals working in women's shelters. Through a thematic analysis the collected data has been processed and linked to previous research in the field. In the results of the study it appears that the child's everyday life is affected to a large extent due to their stay at the shelter. There are problematic aspects regarding the relationship between the need for protection and the maintenance of the child's needs and rights. The results also highlight how the child's social life is affected by moving to the women's shelter and how the experiences of the previous violence can create consequences for the child
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TYSTNAD - time-out : kommunikation i samband med kirurgi / SILENCE- time-out : communication associated with surgeryOlsson, Annika, Börjesson, Susanne January 2023 (has links)
Världshälsoorganisationen (WHO) introducerade 2008 checklistan för säker kirurgi, som ett led i att minska vårdskador i samband med kirurgiska ingrepp och stärka kommunikationen mellan de olika professionerna på operationssalen. Denna checklista är uppdelad i tre delar; kontroll inför anestesistart, kontroll inför operationsstart (time-out), samt avslutning. Eftersom vår profession är operationssjuksköterskor, valde vi att fokusera på time-out, för att beskriva operationssjuksköterskors upplevelser av kommunikationen och följsamheten i samband med time-out. Uppsatsen är en litteraturstudie baserad på tio kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar, vilka granskades och analyserades. I artiklarna sökte vi efter gemensamma nämnare, de kategoriserades till huvudteman och underteman. Under huvudtemat kommunikation återfinns hierarki, som var en starkt bidragande faktor till bristfällig kommunikation inom det interprofessionella operationsteamet och till en låg följsamhet till WHO´s checklista för säker kirurgi. I huvudtemat utbildning framkom problem i samband med implementeringen av WHO´s checklista för säker kirurgi, där det saknas adekvat utbildning och handledning för hela teamet. Resultatet för uppsatsen kan ligga till grund för vidare forskning inom ämnet och bidraga till utbildning i interprofessionell kommunikation och utveckling, samt hantering av de olika hierarkierna på en operationsavdelning. / In 2008, the World Health Organization (WHO) introduced the Surgical Safety Checklist as a means to reduce surgical complications and improve communication among healthcare professionals in the operating room. The checklist is divided into three parts: pre-anesthesia check, time-out before incision, and closing check. As operating room nurses, we chose to focus on the time-out component to describe operating room nurses' experiences with communication and compliance during time-out. This literature review is based on ten qualitative scientific articles, which were reviewed and analyzed. We searched for common themes in the articles, which were categorized into main themes and sub-themes. Under the main theme of communication, we found that hierarchy was a strong contributing factor to poor communication within the interprofessional operating team and low compliance with the WHO's Surgical Safety Checklist. Under the main theme of education, we found problems with the implementation of the WHO's Surgical Safety Checklist, including inadequate education and training for the entire team. The results of this study can form the basis for further research on interprofessional communication and development, as well as the management of different hierarchies in the operating room.
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Fakta konta diskussioner : Elevperspektiv på undervisningsmetoder inom religionskunskap på gymnasienivåTer-Petrosyan, Aleksandr January 2023 (has links)
Abstract This study aims to investigate students' perspectives on three teaching methods within the subject of religious education at upper secondary school: factual teaching, discussions, and meetings with religious representatives. Employing a deductive approach and utilizing Robert Jackson's interpretive approach as the primary theoretical framework, the study explores students' own experiences with these methods. The theory of safe space is employed to further analyse students' perceptions of discussions and their application in secondary education. Research questions delve into how Jackson's interpretive approach can shed light on students' interpretations and how the concepts of Safe and Brave Space can elucidate students' views on discussions as a teaching method. Data are gathered through focus group interviews and analysed using thematic analysis according to Bryman. The results suggest that students' statements align with Jackson's interpretive approach, and that a blend of factual teaching, discussions, and meetings with religious representatives fosters diversity while avoiding the homogenization of religions. Moreover, the results indicate that students yearn for open discussions on contemporary issues, provided they occur in a secure environment to prevent conflicts. The didactic relevance of this study extends to all religious educators, offering insights into student perspectives regarding current teaching methods. Keywords: Religious education, The interpretive approach, Safe space, classroom discussions, teaching strategies
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Beyond the Crisis: A Safe Haven Analysis : Empirical Insights into the Divergence of Gold and Bonds for Portfolio HedgingBaugi, Anthony, Zhang, Eugene January 2024 (has links)
Purpose: This thesis investigates the relationship concerning traditional safe haven assets, gold and US 10-year treasury bonds during periods of market instability, specifically during the economic concerns raised by the COVID-19 pandemic. It assesses the hedging and safe haven properties of these assets and their dynamic nature throughout two periods of unconventional monetary and fiscal policy measures by the Federal Reserve & US Congress respectively. Furthermore, the study explores a unique divergence between the price movements of the two assets, as well as potential changes in their properties and relationships. Theoretical Perspective: The study is anchored in theoretical concepts based on previous research such as Modern Portfolio Theory, Safe Haven Theory and Hedging Theory. These theories explain asset behaviours during financial turmoil and the relationship between gold and US 10-year treasury bonds during financial crises. The research gap and research questions were formulated based on the information gathered. Methodology: The research employs a quantitative, explanatory approach, anchoredin objectivism and realism, focusing on testing established theories through empirical data. Using a deductive methodology, it investigates potential changes in the dynamic between traditional safe haven assets, gold and US 10-year treasury bonds. Empirical Foundation: Based on a thorough literature review, this study integrates insights from past research and with new data emerging from the pandemic's influence on financial markets and subsequent policy action. The empirical evidence is integrated through quantitative analysis, leveraging ARCH/GARCH models and quantile regression to understand asset performance amid market shocks and policy changes. Conclusion: The findings indicate that gold did not initially act as a hedge against bonds but did so against other assets such as Oil, USD, and BTC during the height of COVID-19. In the recovery phase, this relationship shifted, with gold emerging as a hedge against bonds while its hedging capacity against Oil and Real Yield was negated. Additionally, gold's role as a safe haven against bonds was consistently unsupported across both periods studied. Furthermore, a portfolio analysis revealed a shift in investment strategy, from a balanced gold-bonds mix during the crisis to a sole preference for gold in the recovery phase, adapting to the evolving market conditions and policy changes.
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Finns det verkligen ingen som förstår vad jag säger?! : Språkbarriärers inverkan på omvårdnad.- En litteraturöversikt utifrån sjuksköterskans och den immigerande patientens perspektiv. / Is there really no one who understands what I am saying?! : The impact of language barriers on nursing. - A literature review, from the nurse and the immigrant patient's perspective.Faghiri, Arozo, Lindberg, Evelina, Persson, Vanessa January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: År 2022 var flyktingsantalet i världen större än någonsin. Enligt svensk lag har flyktingar samt migranter rätt till hälso- och sjukvård precis som patienter med svenskt medborgarskap. Hälso- och sjukvården ska bedrivas på lika villkor och sjuksköterskan har som ansvar att arbeta efter kärnkompetenserna för att ge en god omvårdnad oberoende förekomsten språkligabarriärer. Syfte: Syftet var beskriva språkbarriärers inverkan på omvårdnad utifrån sjuksköterskan och den immigrerande patientens perspektiv. Metod: Metoden var en kvalitativ litteraturöversikt med induktiv ansats. Brukade databaser; Cinahl, PubMed och psycINFO. Sökningen gav 14 resultatartiklar publicerade mellan 2012-2022 som kvalitets-granskades och analyserades med Fribergs femstegsmodell. Resultat: Resultatet utgörs av tre huvudteman och tio subteman. Patienter med språkligabarriärer upplevde otrygghet i mötet med vården. Språkbarriärerna påverkade kvalitén på omvårdnaden och patientsäkerheten äventyrades. Kulturell kompetens förbättrade kommunikationen, patientsäkerhet och den personcentrerade omvårdnaden. Slutsats: Språkbarriärer påverkade kvalitén och säkerheten i vården. Bristerna resulterade i vårdskador, ökat lidande, uteblivna eller felaktiga behandlingar, på grund av utebliven information i vårmötet. Den immigrerande patienten löper där med alltid en ökad utsatthet för risker inom vården. Trotts att tolken är den bästa kommunikationsbryggan mellan sjukvården och den immigrerande patienten brukas den med fördel för vården snarare än patienten. / Backgrund: Year 2022, the number of refugees in the world was greater than ever. According to Swedish law, refugees and migrants have right to healthcare as patients with Swedish citizenship, and aims to be provided equally for the entire population. Nurses have the responsibility to provide good care regardless of encountered language barriers. Aim: The purpose was to describe the impact of language barriers on nursing care from the perspective of the nurse and the immigrant patient. Method: The method used was a qualitative literature review with an inductive approach. Article searches were performed in Cinahl, Pubmed and PsycINFO. 14 quality-reviewed articles between 2012-2022 were used and analyzed with Friberg´s 5-step model. Results: In the results three main themes emerged with ten subthemes. Patients with language barriers experienced anxiety and insecurity when meeting with healthcare providers. Language barriers jeopardized the quality of care and patient safety. Cultural competence was important when establishing communication, safer care and person-centered care. Conclusion: Language barriers affected the quality and patient safety. Medical injuries, increased suffering or incorrect treatments were the consequences. The immigrant patient is constantly at risk. Interpreters were essential in communication with the immigrant patient. Interpreters were mainly used in service for the healthcare system rather than the patient.
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