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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The relationship between internal and external exploration orientation: the moderating role of the vertical scope of a firm

Hoffmann, Werner H., Wörner, Roman 03 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Using data from the biopharmaceutical industry, this study analyzes the relationship between internal and external exploration (exploitation) and the moderating role of firm characteristics. We argue that the characteristics of a firm - in particular a firm's vertical scope - are an important but so far overlooked contingency factor determining the relationship between internal and external exploration (exploitation). Our findings indicate that differences in vertical scope result in alternative combinations of internal and external exploration. While specialized firms tend to focus either on exploration or exploitation both within the firm as well as with their alliance portfolio, vertically integrated firms prefer to balance exploration and exploitation across firm boundaries. (authors' abstract) / Series: Working Papers / Institute for Strategic Management

Hard Times Call for Strategic Measures : A study of how SMEs seek to increase performance in a declining industry

Blomberg, Emma, Mansikka, Malin January 2013 (has links)
An industry is constantly affected by its environment and the changes that occur within it. These environmental forces are the drivers of the industry’s evolution and throughout its life an industry undergoes irreversible transformations, which creates an industry life cycle. The competitive pressure on firms has increased the importance of developing competitive strategies throughout the industry’s life. This becomes especially important when the industry reaches the decline stage. There are different strategies that are suggested for firms to undertake in a declining industry. However, these strategies do not consider small and medium-sized enterprises, thus they might not be the most suitable for these firms to undertake. In addition, international activities have not been seen as a way to increase performance in a declining industry. The purpose of this study is therefore to fill this gap by investigating how small and medium-sized enterprises seek to increase their performance in a declining industry. To fulfil this purpose, we have conducted a qualitative case study of four SMEs currently operating in a declining industry. The empirical data was collected through interviews at each case company.The theoretical framework includes the theoretical concept of the industry life cycle, strategies specific for declining industries, theories regarding how firm chooses to compete, and different theories regarding international activities. The chapter ends with a theoretical synthesis that is developed from the theories presented earlier in the chapter. The empirical chapter presents the findings from the interviews with the case companies.In the analysis, the theoretical framework is connected to the empirical data, and is the basis for our conclusions. After conducting this study we can conclude that small and medium-sized enterprises seek to increase their performance by undertaking a niche strategy as their end-game strategy, compete with a differentiations strategy, and by a large scope of international markets, which enables them to shift their market focus from unbeneficial markets to more beneficial markets.

Exploration of models in arts schools movement

Tatum, Michael Scott 26 November 2013 (has links)
This report explores example models from nine different operational areas found in the arts schools movement, examines the positive and negative impact of each, and attempts to draw cursory conclusions that could be applied to those seeking to evaluate an existing, or establish a new, arts school. The operational areas included in this report are the purpose of the school, size and scope, finances, governance and administration, faculty and staff, facilities, recruitment/auditions/retention, community involvement, and learning and information resources. Over the past four decades, arts-focused primary and secondary schools have been established to provide students with an alternative to traditional campuses across the country using a variety of operational models and tactics for success but there has been limited documentation of their effectiveness. This report seeks to begin the establishment of such documentation. / text

Emociniai brendo atributai didžiųjų Lietuvos prekybos centrų komunikacijoje / Emotional branding within communication of main lithuanian shopping centers

Stanevičius, Rimantas 08 September 2009 (has links)
Magistro darbo objektas – emociniai brendo atributai. Darbo tikslas – išsiaiškinti, ar emocinis marketingas taikytinas Lietuvos prekybos centrų kategorijoje konkurenciniam pranašumui ir diferenciacijai įgyti. Pagrindiniai darbo uždaviniai: išanalizuoti mokslines publikacijas šia tema; išanalizuoti prekybos centrų kategorijos ypatumus ir vartotojų emocinius poreikius; atlikti prekybos centrų komunikacijos analizę; įvertinti emocinio marketingo naudojimo galimybes prekybos centrų atveju. Remiantis mokslinių publikacijų analize, “TNS Gallup” tyrimo “Prekybos centrai Lietuvoje 2003 metai” duomenimis ir prekybos centrų komunikacijos analize, kurios duomenys buvo įvertinti pagal „Need Scope“ metodologiją ir apdoroti SPSS paketo programa, prieita išvados, kad emocinis marketingas tinkamas naudoti prekybos centrų kategorijoje. Emociniai brendo atributai padėtų centrams diferencijuotis, nes pagal vartotojai juos mato toje pačioje emocinės skalės vietoje. Nustatyta, kad beveik pusėje reklamų prekybos centrai nenaudoja emocinių atributų. Aiškiai identifikuojamos emocijos – vos 20 procentų visų tirtų reklamų. Brendai emocijas naudoja beveik vienodai. Kiek mažiau nei „Maxima“ ir „Rimi“ juos eksploatuoja „Iki“ savo reklamoje. „Iki“ dažniausiai komunikuoja apdairumą ir santūrumą. „Rimi“ dažniausiai komunikuoja žaismingumą ir laimę, o „Maxima“ – galią, drąsą ir sėkmingumą. Brendai nėra nuoseklūs komunikuojamų emocijų atžvilgiu, o tai kelia abejonių marketingo komunikacijos integruotumu... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This is a master thesis on emotional branding within communication of main Lithuanian shopping centers. Its object is emotional branding. Its goal is to analyze applicability of emotional branding to the shopping center category. Its main tasks were to analyze scientific publications on the subject; peculiarities of shopping center category and emotive needs of its users; perform a content analysis of communication of main shopping centers; asses the possibility of applying emotional branding in this category. The thesis analyzes advantages and disadvantages of emotional marketing, consumer categories, their needs, relation between emotions and needs and provides an example of “Wal-Mart” emotional branding. Based on analysis of scientific publications, “TNS Gallup” research “Shopping center in Lithuania 2003”, and the analysis of shopping center communication (its data were assessed using “Need Scope” methodology and processed using SPSS program), the thesis was concluded with the statement that emotional branding is totally applicable in the shopping center category. According to the “TNS Gallup” research consumers see no difference between main shopping centers when it comes to emotions. Emotional branding would help the brands to differentiate and create competitive advantages. It was found that almost half of the ads communicate no emotion at all. Clearly identifiable emotions were found in only 20 percent of the ads tested. No brand is more emotional than others. A... [to full text]

Bankų krizės poveikis ekonomikos augimui Centrinėje Europoje / Banking crisis impact on economic growth in Central Europe

Ruikaitė, Laura 03 July 2012 (has links)
Finansų krizė, kuri prasidėjo 2007 m. vasarą JAV, parodė, kad problemos, užgriuvusios vieną banką, gali išplisti visame finansų sektoriuje ir toli peržengti vienos šalies ribas. Bankai yra vieni pagrindinių dalyvių finansų sistemoje ir, kai jie nebegali atlikti savo pagrindinių funkcijų, ekonomikos augimas komplikuojasi. Bankų krizių aktualumas nemenksta jau seniai. Tai iš dalies sąlygoja šių krizių dažnumas. Kita vertus, ne mažiau aktualus ir jų tyrinėjimas. Yra suvokiama, jog praeitų krizių scenarijų supratimas gali šalims padėti pasimokyti iš praeities klaidų, išvengti krizių pasikartojimo ateityje. Atskirų šalių bankų krizių atvejų nagrinėjimai padeda geriau suprasti ryšį tarp bankų veiklos ir ekonomikos raidos. Bankų krizių įtaką šalies ekonomikai būtina išsiaiškinti užtikrinant bankų sektoriaus stabilumą, taip pat bankų krizių įtakos analizė padeda geriau nustatyti, kurie ekonomikos sektoriai krizės metu yra labiau pažeidžiami ir įgalina imtis prevencinių priemonių. Darbe sprendžiama problema – ar bankų krizės vienodai veikia skirtingo išsivystymo lygio šalių ekonomikos augimą? Tyrimo objektas: Atskirų Centrinės Europos atskirų šalių bankų krizės 1990-1998 m. poveikis ekonomikos augimui. Tyrimo tikslas: Įvertinti bankų krizės poveikį ekonomikos augimui, analizuojant atskirų šalių krizės padarinius. Siekiant įgyvendinti tyrimo tikslą, išsikelti šie uždaviniai: 1. Apžvelgti krizės teoriją ir taikomuosius tyrimus; 2. Išskirti bankų krizės atsiradimo priežastis bei jų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The financial crises that began in USA 2007 summer has showed that the problems appeared in one bank can spread throughout the financial sector and far beyond the limits of one country. Banks are key players in the financial system and, when they can no longer perform its basic functions, economic growth becomes complicated. Banking crises is the most popular issue. This is in part determined by the frequency of crises. It is known that understanding of last crises scenario can help countries to learn from past mistakes how to avoid recurrence in future crises. Studies of individual countries experience related with banking crises helps to understand relationship between banks‘ activity and economic development. It is necessary to clarify banking crises impact on economic in case to ensure the stability of the banking sector as well as to determine which sectors of the economy during the crisis are more vulnerable and it enable to take prevention measures. Main problem of final master’s work – do bank crises similar influence economic growth of countries with different development level? The object of research: banking crises in 1990-1998 impact on economic growth in selected Central Europe countries. The purpose of work: to evaluate banking crises impact on economic growth by analysing crises consequences appeared in individual countries. Tasks of the work: 1. To overview crisis theory and research. 2. To distinguish the causes and consequences of banking crises. 3. To... [to full text]

The freedom to farm in an urban environment: a constitutional review of Saskatoon's prohibition on urban micro-livestocking

2015 June 1900 (has links)
This work considers the legal impediments to farming in an urban environment with a particular focus on the municipal bylaws that prohibit the keeping of hens in Saskatoon. The jurisdictional competency of Saskatoon to prohibit the keeping of urban hens is challenged under both municipal law and constitutional law, and more broadly, under the general premise that liberty interests should often prevail where a bylaw is arbitrary, misinformed, and restricts the pursuit of truth and human flourishing. Saskatoon’s urban hen prohibition is argued to be premised more on a form of moral reasoning that unnecessarily distinguishes between rural and urban environments, and less, if at all, on empirical evidence. Urban agriculture is often undertaken to address the environmental and social shortfalls of the global food system, such as the system’s connection with climate change, animal welfare issues, and challenges associated with the distribution of food. Moreover, urban agriculture is a means of protecting the rights of producers and consumers, as articulated by the food sovereignty movement. In this work, a claimant’s desire to advance food rights (including food sovereignty) through the keeping of urban hens is argued to engage the guarantee to freedom of expression and freedom of conscience under Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms. This work explores the possibility of protecting the manifestation of social and environmental action through the guarantee to freedom of conscience. This work develops a cursory test for determining where a claimant’s guarantee to freedom of conscience is violated, drawing on the well established protection of freedom of expression and freedom of religion.

A disciplina do nome empresarial: natureza e tutela jurídica / The regulation of the business designation: nature and legal protection

Ronald Amaral Sharp Junior 18 August 2014 (has links)
O trabalho analisa o nome empresarial como sinal revelador da personalidade do empresário individual, da sociedade empresária e da empresa individual de responsabilidade limitada. Vincula-se à linha de pesquisa Empresa e Atividades Econômicas. A pesquisa é do tipo teórico e adotou o método dedutivo, tendo objetivo analítico. As fontes utilizadas foram bibliográficas e documentais. Trata da disciplina jurídica do nome empresarial no Brasil, realizando uma evolução histórica legislativa e mostrando o aprimoramento do instituto. Descreve seu regramento jurídico atual e o distingue dos demais sinais integrantes dos elementos da empresa. Aponta as funções exercidas pelo nome empresarial. Discute a posição do nome empresarial como direito fundamental e direito da personalidade e identifica o âmbito da proteção, visando a ampliar sua abrangência material e territorial. Assinala sua proteção de forma absoluta, independentemente do ramo de atividade, e examina a respectiva tutela nos campos administrativo, civil e penal. / This paper analyzes the trade designation of a business entity as a distinctive sign of the personality of the individual entrepreneur, the limited liability company and the limited liability entrerprise. The following research guidelines are linked herein: Entrepreneurship and Economic Activities. The form of research adopted was the theoretical type; the method used was the deductive one, aiming at an objective analysis. Sources used were bibliographic and documentary. The legal regulation of the business designation in Brazil is dissected, and its legislative history, evolution and improvement are shown. The current regulatory framework of the business designation are treated herein, and the distinctions between the business name and other signs constituting the entrepreneurship elements are examined. The functions fulfilled by the business designation are also examined, as well as the status of the business name as a fundamental right. Emphasis is given to its absolute protection, regardless of the branch of activity developed by the entity, and focuses on its administrative, civil and criminal tutelage in our legal system.

Development of organic wine production and its trends in EU countries and the Czech Republic

Beránková, Anita January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on the assessment of the current situation in the industry of organic farming, particularly organic wine production in the Czech Republic and in the selected countries of the European Union. For the thesis, France, Italy and Spain are selected to be compared with the Czech Republic, due to the highest worldwide production of the organic wine in these countries. It compares the national and international environment of organic farming as well as of organic winemaking; compares political, economical, social, technological, legal and ecological factors. Further analyzed is competitive environment (by using of Porter's five forces model), industry life cycle, research on consumers of the industry (organic farming as well as organic winemaking) and information for customers. In the final part of results, SCOPE planning model summarizes the situation. The main goal of the thesis is to suggest changes and recommendations leading to improvements of the organic winemaker's position within the market of organic wine industry and organic industry in general. The main recommendations concentrate on enhancement of customer's awareness when it comes to the word "organic" and on bringing the organic wine closer to customers. The major event happened in 2012, when the legislation of the European Union passed new rules on labeling bottles containing wine made from organically grown grapes. From the 2012 harvest, organic growers are allowed to use the term "organic wine" on their labels. In 2012, total share of organic grape area to the conventioanl grape area in the Czech Republic was 6,1% and grew since 2004 by almost 20 times. French, Italian and Spanish proportion was approximately 2% higher respectively. The potential of the growth of consumption of organic wine in the Czech Republic is very high, but the foreknowledge and purchasing participation of customers on organic products in general is very low. Research on organic products has shown that only 20% of respondents were familiar with organic products. The same situation is represented by results of the research on organic wine, where 23% of conventional wine consumers have consumed organic wine at least once in their life. This is one of the reasons why it is necessary to use modern marketing tools to promote the organic wine and to increase the awareness. The popularity of organic wine is expected to grow steadily in future years.

Circumscriptive reasoning

Halland, Kenneth John 08 1900 (has links)
We show how the non-monotonic nature of common-sense reasoning can be formalised by circumscription. Various forms of circumscription are discussed. A new form of circumscription, namely naive circumscription, is introduced in order to facilitate the comparison of the various forms. Finally, some issues connected with the automation of circumscriptive reasoning are examined. / Computing / M. Sc. (Computer Science)

A dimensão pedagógica da gestão educacional e a qualidade social da educação básica: um diálogo necessário.

Souza, Heder Amaro Velasques de 18 April 2018 (has links)
Submitted by HEDER AMARO DE SOUZA (magnusvel@hotmail.com) on 2018-08-01T20:02:12Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Heder - Versao final (2).pdf: 1399854 bytes, checksum: 9c7738c2b0a452218934191acea47b88 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Miria Moreira (anamiriamoreira@hotmail.com) on 2018-08-09T17:00:32Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Heder - Versao final (2).pdf: 1399854 bytes, checksum: 9c7738c2b0a452218934191acea47b88 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-09T17:00:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Heder - Versao final (2).pdf: 1399854 bytes, checksum: 9c7738c2b0a452218934191acea47b88 (MD5) / Capes / Esta pesquisa objetivou analisar a dimensão pedagógica da gestão educacional, sua organização institucional, desenvolvimento e repercussão para a oferta de uma educação de qualidade social. Para tanto, foi realizada uma pesquisa empírica, com abordagem qualitativa. A escolha do campo de investigação considerou o critério da relevância social da pesquisa, a partir do pressuposto de que a educação, como política pública de corte social, pode contribuir para a transformação de uma realidade. O estudo se desenvolveu em dois municípios e quatro escolas da Região Metropolitana de Salvador, a partir das categorias analíticas Dimensão Pedagógica da Gestão Educacional e Qualidade Social da Educação. Essas categorias foram contextualizadas no campo maior da Política Educacional enquanto política pública da área social e da Gestão Educacional como a atividade política e administrativa contextualizada, cujo objetivo é transformar metas e projetos em ações, a fim de alcançar os objetivos propriamente educacionais das redes de ensino. A gestão foi considerada como um elemento inerente à qualidade da educação, cuja forma, organização, concepção e desenvolvimento são determinantes para os resultados educacionais produzidos. O estudo demonstrou que a dimensão pedagógica da gestão educacional no campo investigado não tem sido priorizada como deveria, seja pela própria estrutura organizacional da gestão consolidada nessas realidades, seja pela precariedade das condições em que ela se desenvolve. Nessas circunstâncias, não se tem conseguido dispensar a atenção necessária para a dimensão pedagógica. A qualidade social da educação, nos termos em que foi definida para este estudo, ainda é uma construção a ser buscada, uma vez que o arranjo de gestão vigente no campo investigado não tem permitido sua realização plena. Para alcançar esse ideal de qualidade da educação, seria necessário que os municípios pesquisados reorganizassem sua gestão, tendo a dimensão pedagógica como sua instância prioritária, resguardando sua função preponderante de promoção e desenvolvimento da formação humana, através dos processos educativos, ensino e aprendizagem de qualidade socialmente referenciada para todos os alunos. / ABSTRACT The goals of this research were to analyze the scope of educational administration, it's institutional organization and development, and the implications regarding the availability of quality education. With such objectives in mind, an empirical study was conducted, under a qualitative approach. The focus of the research reflects social relevance of the study, based on the principle that education in times of governmental funding cuts, can influence a transformation of reality. The study was carried out in a total of four schools, sourced from two different municipalities within the Metropolitan Region of Salvador. The categories of analysis included scope of educational administration and social quality of education. These categories were examined in light of the politics of education, in addition to the factors of governmental social agencies and educational administration. Also relevant were the political and administrative organizations empowered to transform goals and projects into realities - in order to fulfil the fundamental objectives of the educational system. An inherent element of educational quality, educational administration was studied. Specifically the conception, organization and subsequent development of administration, which contribute to educational results. The study showed that the scope of educational administration in the surveyed field was not prioritized as it should have been, due to the precarious conditions existent within the system. Under such conditions the requisite attention for desirable educational scope was not supplied. The social quality of education, set out by this study remains a construct, yet to be achieved, and not fully realized given current educational administration. In order to accomplish such a level of educational quality, it is recommended that the municipalities studied reorganize their educational administration, with a focus on educational scope - and giving priority to the promotion and development of learning for all students.

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