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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Unga Vuxna

Bolin, Linda, Asplid Davidsson, Therese January 2015 (has links)
Avhopp från gymnasiet får konsekvenser både för den enskilde personen och för samhället. På samhällsnivå blir det sämre skatteintäkter och ökade sociala kostnader. En person som inte fullföljer gymnasieskolan idag får dessutom svårare att ta sig in på arbetsmarknaden, vilket kan leda till långvarigt utanförskap. Syftet med denna studie är att analysera orsakerna till vad det är som gör att våra respondenter, unga vuxna mellan 20-25 år, saknar gymnasieexamen och vad deras motivation är till att börja studera igen. Våra forskningsfrågor handlar om personer som saknar gymnasieexamen, anledningen till att de är tillbaka i studier igen och deras åsikter om vilka följderna blir när man saknar fullständig gymnasieutbildning. Vi kontaktade vuxenutbildningen för att hitta intervjupersoner och genomförde fem stycken intervjuer. Vi har gjort vår analys ifrån teorierna Careership som Hodkinson och Sparkes har formulerat samt Linda Gottfredsons teori om begränsningar och kompromisser. Resultatet visar att den vanligaste orsaken till att våra informanter saknar gymnasieexamen är felval men vi ser även andra orsaker. Majoriteten av informanterna hade någon i sin närhet som motiverade dem tillbaka till studier igen. / Dropping out of school has implications both for the individual person and of society. At the community becomes poorer tax revenue and increased social costs. A person who does not complete upper secondary school today gets more difficult to enter the labor market, which can lead to long-term exclusion. The purpose of this study is to analyze the causes of what it is that makes our respondents, young adults aged 20-25 years, have no upper secondary school and what their motivation is to start studying again. Our research questions are about people who have no upper secondary school, the reason they are back in studies again and their views on the consequences when one lacks full upper secondary school. We contacted adult education to find interview subjects and conducted five interviews. We have done our analysis from the theories Careership Hodkinson and Sparkes has formulated and Linda Gottfredson's theory of circumscription and compromises. The result shows that the most common reason why our informants have no upper secondary school is the wrong choice, but we also see other reasons. The majority of the informants had someone close that motivated them back to study again.

Sistemática de Barnadesioideae (Asteraceae) com ênfase em Dasyphyllum / Systematics of Barnadesioideae (Asteraceae) with emphasis on Dasyphyllum

Ferreira, Paola de Lima 30 April 2015 (has links)
Barnadesioideae é uma subfamília monofilética subordinada a família Asteraceae, que consiste em 9 gêneros e 85 espécies endêmicos da América do Sul. O interesse em Barnadesioideae vem aumentando consideravelmente desde que resultados em biologia molecular revelaram que constituem o grupo irmão para o restante das Asteraceae. Hipóteses filogenéticas para Barnadesioideae vêm sendo propostas nas últimas duas décadas com resultados incongruentes, especialmente em relação à monofilia de Dasyphyllum e sua classificação infragenérica. O intuito desde projeto é propor hipóteses filogenéticas baseadas em dados moleculares a fim de testar a monofilia de Dasyphyllum, de sua classificação infragenérica e as relações filogenéticas de D. diacanthoides, D. excelsum, D. hystrix (incertae sedis) e D. capixaba. As análises filogenéticas foram baseadas em duas regiões não codificantes do cpDNA, trnL-trnF e psbA-trnH, e uma região nuclear, ITS. As regiões plastidiais e nuclear foram analisadas separadamente e combinadas, sob os critérios de parcimônia e análise Bayesiana. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que Dasyphyllum não é um grupo monofilético pelo posicionamento de D. diacanthoides e D. excelsum em um clado como grupo irmão de Fulcaldea e Arnaldoa e distante filogeneticamente das outras espécies do gênero. Além disso, a monofilia de Dasyphyllum seção Macrocephala e Dasyphyllum seção Dasyphyllum em sua circunscrição atual foram rejeitadas. Visando a monofilia de Dasyphyllum, Dasyphyllum subgênero Archidasyphyllum é elevado ao status de gênero, Archidasyphyllum, com duas novas combinações, Archidasyphyllum diacanthoides e Archidasyphyllum excelsum. / Barnadesioideae is a monophyletic subfamily of Asteraceae, which includes 9 genera and 85 species endemic to South America. The interest in Barnadesioideae increased considerably since results with molecular data revealed this subfamily is the sister group to the other Asteraceae. Phylogenetic hypotheses for Barnadesioideae have been proposed in the last two decades with inconsistent results, especially regarding the monophyly of Dasyphyllum and its infrageneric classification. The objectives of this study were to propose phylogenetic hypotheses based on molecular data to test the monophyly of Dasyphyllum, its infrageneric classification, besides the phylogenetic relationships of D. diacanthoides, D. excelsum, D. hystrix (incertae sedis) and D. capixaba. The phylogenetic analyzes were based on two non-coding regions of cpDNA, trnL-trnF and psbA-trnH, and a nuclear region, ITS. The nuclear and plastid regions were analyzed separately and combined under the parsimony criterion and with Bayesian analysis. The results have shown that Dasyphyllum is not a monophyletic group by the positioning of D. diacanthoides and D. excelsum in a clade as sister group of Fulcaldea and Arnaldoa and phylogenetically distant from the other species of the genus. In addition, the monophyly of Dasyphyllum section Macrocephala and Dasyphyllum section Dasyphyllum in its current circumscription were rejected. In order to achieve the monophyly of Dasyphyllum, Dasyphyllum subgenus Archidasyphyllum is elevated to the status of genus, Archidasyphyllum, with two new combinations, Archidasyphyllum diacanthoides and Archidasyphyllum excelsum.

Estudos taxonômicos em espécies de Ramalina Ach. (Ascomycota liquenizados, Ramalinaceae)

Gumboski, Emerson Luiz January 2016 (has links)
O gênero Ramalina Ach. possui cerca de 250 espécies aceitas e está distribuído por todo o mundo. Desde a circunscrição inicial do gênero em 1809, aceitava-se que boa parte das espécies possuía distintos graus de plasticidade morfológica e até química, resultando em centenas de nomes na literatura e certa confusão a respeito da sistemática do mesmo. Estudos recentes revelaram uma diversidade oculta para o grupo e que, possivelmente, algumas características estavam sendo negligenciadas. Com o objetivo de contribuir para o entendimento da sistemática de Ramalina, o presente estudo utilizou-se de análises morfológicas, anatômicas, químicas e moleculares. No total foram examinados 2415 espécimes de Ramalina, dos quais 332 representam espécimes tipo. Foram geradas 278 novas sequências relativas a 24 espécies, sendo 195 sequências de ITS, 59 de IGS e 24 de rpb2. O estudo identificou 27 espécies distribuídas por doze estados brasileiros e em diversos ambientes, tais como restingas, mata de araucária, campos de altitude, Cerrado e Caatinga. Duas espécies são novas para a ciência. Ramalina anceps foi cofirmada como espécie distinta de R. usnea. A espécie R. subfraxinea foi excluída da micota brasileira. Foram registradas 33 novas ocorrências em vários Estados brasileiros, o que amplia consideravelmente a distribuição das espécies no país. A importância de ter descrições detalhadas sobre a morfologia e anatomia foi comprovada através dos estudos tendo respaldo das análises moleculares. O presente estudo contribui muito para o conhecimento a cerca dos problemas taxonômicos e sistemáticos das espécies de Ramalina, não apenas em nível nacional, mas mundial. Sobe para 38 o número de espécies de Ramalina conhecidas para o Brasil. A Região Sul teve substancial ganho no conhecimento a respeito das espécies presentes, bem como parte da Região Sudeste e Nordeste. As Regiões Centro-Oeste e Norte ainda carecem de coleções suficientes mesmo em herbários nacionais. Descrições, comentários, ilustrações e chaves de identificação são apresentadas. / Ramalina Ach. has ca. 250 species accepted and is distributed worldwide. Since the initial division of the genus in 1809, it was accepted that many of the species had different degrees of morphological and even chemical plasticity, resulting in hundreds of names in literature and some confusion about the systematic of the group. Recent studies have revealed a hidden diversity to the group and possibly some characteristics were being neglected. In aim to contribute to the understanding of systematic of Ramalina, this study used morphological, anatomical, chemical and molecular analyzes. 2415 specimens of Ramalina were examined, of which 332 represent type specimens. 278 new sequences related to 24 species were generated: 195 sequences of ITS, 59 of IGS and 24 of rpb2. The study identified 27 species distributed on twelve Brazilian states and in different environments, such as coastal vegetation, Araucaria forest, high altitude grasslands, savannah and Caatinga vegetation. Two species are new to science. Ramalina anceps was confirmed as a distinct species of R. usnea. The species R. subfraxinea was excluded from the Brazilian mycota. Thirty three new records were found in some Brazilian states, which considerably expand the distribution of species in the country. The importance of having detailed descriptions of morphology and anatomy has been proven through the studies and supported by the molecular analysis. This study contributes to the knowledge about the taxonomic and systematic problems of the species of Ramalina, not only nationally, but worldwide. The number of Ramalina species known to Brazil increases to 38. The South region had substantial gain to the knowledge about the species present, and part of the Southeast and Northeast regions. The North and Midwest regions still lack of sufficient collections even in national herbaria. Descriptions, comments, illustrations and identification keys are given.

Estudos taxonômicos em espécies de Ramalina Ach. (Ascomycota liquenizados, Ramalinaceae)

Gumboski, Emerson Luiz January 2016 (has links)
O gênero Ramalina Ach. possui cerca de 250 espécies aceitas e está distribuído por todo o mundo. Desde a circunscrição inicial do gênero em 1809, aceitava-se que boa parte das espécies possuía distintos graus de plasticidade morfológica e até química, resultando em centenas de nomes na literatura e certa confusão a respeito da sistemática do mesmo. Estudos recentes revelaram uma diversidade oculta para o grupo e que, possivelmente, algumas características estavam sendo negligenciadas. Com o objetivo de contribuir para o entendimento da sistemática de Ramalina, o presente estudo utilizou-se de análises morfológicas, anatômicas, químicas e moleculares. No total foram examinados 2415 espécimes de Ramalina, dos quais 332 representam espécimes tipo. Foram geradas 278 novas sequências relativas a 24 espécies, sendo 195 sequências de ITS, 59 de IGS e 24 de rpb2. O estudo identificou 27 espécies distribuídas por doze estados brasileiros e em diversos ambientes, tais como restingas, mata de araucária, campos de altitude, Cerrado e Caatinga. Duas espécies são novas para a ciência. Ramalina anceps foi cofirmada como espécie distinta de R. usnea. A espécie R. subfraxinea foi excluída da micota brasileira. Foram registradas 33 novas ocorrências em vários Estados brasileiros, o que amplia consideravelmente a distribuição das espécies no país. A importância de ter descrições detalhadas sobre a morfologia e anatomia foi comprovada através dos estudos tendo respaldo das análises moleculares. O presente estudo contribui muito para o conhecimento a cerca dos problemas taxonômicos e sistemáticos das espécies de Ramalina, não apenas em nível nacional, mas mundial. Sobe para 38 o número de espécies de Ramalina conhecidas para o Brasil. A Região Sul teve substancial ganho no conhecimento a respeito das espécies presentes, bem como parte da Região Sudeste e Nordeste. As Regiões Centro-Oeste e Norte ainda carecem de coleções suficientes mesmo em herbários nacionais. Descrições, comentários, ilustrações e chaves de identificação são apresentadas. / Ramalina Ach. has ca. 250 species accepted and is distributed worldwide. Since the initial division of the genus in 1809, it was accepted that many of the species had different degrees of morphological and even chemical plasticity, resulting in hundreds of names in literature and some confusion about the systematic of the group. Recent studies have revealed a hidden diversity to the group and possibly some characteristics were being neglected. In aim to contribute to the understanding of systematic of Ramalina, this study used morphological, anatomical, chemical and molecular analyzes. 2415 specimens of Ramalina were examined, of which 332 represent type specimens. 278 new sequences related to 24 species were generated: 195 sequences of ITS, 59 of IGS and 24 of rpb2. The study identified 27 species distributed on twelve Brazilian states and in different environments, such as coastal vegetation, Araucaria forest, high altitude grasslands, savannah and Caatinga vegetation. Two species are new to science. Ramalina anceps was confirmed as a distinct species of R. usnea. The species R. subfraxinea was excluded from the Brazilian mycota. Thirty three new records were found in some Brazilian states, which considerably expand the distribution of species in the country. The importance of having detailed descriptions of morphology and anatomy has been proven through the studies and supported by the molecular analysis. This study contributes to the knowledge about the taxonomic and systematic problems of the species of Ramalina, not only nationally, but worldwide. The number of Ramalina species known to Brazil increases to 38. The South region had substantial gain to the knowledge about the species present, and part of the Southeast and Northeast regions. The North and Midwest regions still lack of sufficient collections even in national herbaria. Descriptions, comments, illustrations and identification keys are given.

VID VÄGLEDNING PÅ EN SNÄV MARKNAD? : En kvalitativ studie om grundskolans studie- och yrkesvägledning i två landsbygdskommuner

Andersson, Christina, Edvards, Madeleine January 2018 (has links)
I styrdokumenten för studie- och yrkesvägledning står att läsa att elever behöver utveckla valkompetens för att kunna göra väl underbyggda val och att ansvaret för detta inte bara ligger på studie- och yrkesvägledare, utan även andra yrkesgrupper inom skolan. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka genomförandet och betydelsen av studie- och yrkesvägledning i vid bemärkelse, inom skolan i två landsbygdskommuner i mellersta Sverige. Arbetet fokuserar på innebörden av vid vägledning via uttrycket “hela skolans ansvar” utifrånpolitikernas, rektorernas samt lärarnas perspektiv. För att undersöka detta genomfördes en kvalitativ studie i form av intervjuer med politiker, rektorer och lärare. Resultatet visar att ingen av yrkesgrupperna är bekanta med begreppet vid vägledning. Vidare tenderar såväl politiker som rektorer och lärare förknippa studie- och yrkesvägledning med den verksamma studie- och yrkesvägledaren. En slutsats är att studie- och yrkesvägledning fortfarande inte är hela skolans ansvar, trots tydliga styrdokument kring detta.

Different Concerns for Different Careers: Doctoral Student Career Trajectories Toward and Away from the Research Professorship

January 2018 (has links)
abstract: Research has revealed that familial concerns and obligations do impact the career decision making of people who shift their career goal away from the research academy and towards careers that are perceived as less intensive in terms of time and productivity demands. However, this same research line does not explain whether or not those who persist in a research professorship career aspiration experience the same familial concerns and obligations as those who shift or compromise on that goal. In line with the theory of circumscription and compromise (TCC), the current study examined specific accessibility concerns, or perceptions of barriers associated with implementing a preferred career, that contribute to doctoral student career decision making. More specifically, two groups including those who shifted their career path away from the research professorship (compromisers) and those whose career paths remain geared towards the research professorship (persisters) were examined by multivariate analysis of variance with a covariate (MANCOVA) to determine how accessibility concerns differ according to group membership. Accessibility concerns were also examined for gender differences. Results from multivariate and between-subjects follow up tests point to significant differences between the two groups on two accessibility concerns, planning for a career and family and some components of work-time flexibility preferences. Compromisers reported significantly higher preferences for work-time flexibility and scored higher on the planning for a career and a family measure when compared to persisters. No gender differences in accessibility concerns were found but female persisters were less likely than male persisters to indicate plans for children/presence of children. This study provides support for the TCC as applied to doctoral student career development and provides evidence that doctoral student persisters and compromisers do not experience accessibility concerns in the same way. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Counseling Psychology 2018

Sistemática de Barnadesioideae (Asteraceae) com ênfase em Dasyphyllum / Systematics of Barnadesioideae (Asteraceae) with emphasis on Dasyphyllum

Paola de Lima Ferreira 30 April 2015 (has links)
Barnadesioideae é uma subfamília monofilética subordinada a família Asteraceae, que consiste em 9 gêneros e 85 espécies endêmicos da América do Sul. O interesse em Barnadesioideae vem aumentando consideravelmente desde que resultados em biologia molecular revelaram que constituem o grupo irmão para o restante das Asteraceae. Hipóteses filogenéticas para Barnadesioideae vêm sendo propostas nas últimas duas décadas com resultados incongruentes, especialmente em relação à monofilia de Dasyphyllum e sua classificação infragenérica. O intuito desde projeto é propor hipóteses filogenéticas baseadas em dados moleculares a fim de testar a monofilia de Dasyphyllum, de sua classificação infragenérica e as relações filogenéticas de D. diacanthoides, D. excelsum, D. hystrix (incertae sedis) e D. capixaba. As análises filogenéticas foram baseadas em duas regiões não codificantes do cpDNA, trnL-trnF e psbA-trnH, e uma região nuclear, ITS. As regiões plastidiais e nuclear foram analisadas separadamente e combinadas, sob os critérios de parcimônia e análise Bayesiana. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que Dasyphyllum não é um grupo monofilético pelo posicionamento de D. diacanthoides e D. excelsum em um clado como grupo irmão de Fulcaldea e Arnaldoa e distante filogeneticamente das outras espécies do gênero. Além disso, a monofilia de Dasyphyllum seção Macrocephala e Dasyphyllum seção Dasyphyllum em sua circunscrição atual foram rejeitadas. Visando a monofilia de Dasyphyllum, Dasyphyllum subgênero Archidasyphyllum é elevado ao status de gênero, Archidasyphyllum, com duas novas combinações, Archidasyphyllum diacanthoides e Archidasyphyllum excelsum. / Barnadesioideae is a monophyletic subfamily of Asteraceae, which includes 9 genera and 85 species endemic to South America. The interest in Barnadesioideae increased considerably since results with molecular data revealed this subfamily is the sister group to the other Asteraceae. Phylogenetic hypotheses for Barnadesioideae have been proposed in the last two decades with inconsistent results, especially regarding the monophyly of Dasyphyllum and its infrageneric classification. The objectives of this study were to propose phylogenetic hypotheses based on molecular data to test the monophyly of Dasyphyllum, its infrageneric classification, besides the phylogenetic relationships of D. diacanthoides, D. excelsum, D. hystrix (incertae sedis) and D. capixaba. The phylogenetic analyzes were based on two non-coding regions of cpDNA, trnL-trnF and psbA-trnH, and a nuclear region, ITS. The nuclear and plastid regions were analyzed separately and combined under the parsimony criterion and with Bayesian analysis. The results have shown that Dasyphyllum is not a monophyletic group by the positioning of D. diacanthoides and D. excelsum in a clade as sister group of Fulcaldea and Arnaldoa and phylogenetically distant from the other species of the genus. In addition, the monophyly of Dasyphyllum section Macrocephala and Dasyphyllum section Dasyphyllum in its current circumscription were rejected. In order to achieve the monophyly of Dasyphyllum, Dasyphyllum subgenus Archidasyphyllum is elevated to the status of genus, Archidasyphyllum, with two new combinations, Archidasyphyllum diacanthoides and Archidasyphyllum excelsum.

Complexity Dichotomies for CSP-related Problems

Nordh, Gustav January 2007 (has links)
Ladner’s theorem states that if P ≠ NP, then there are problems in NP that are neither in P nor NP-complete. Csp(Γ) is a class of problems containing many well-studied combinatorial problems in NP. Csp(Γ) problems are of the form: given a set of variables constrained by a set of constraints from the set of allowed constraints Γ, is there an assignment to the variables satisfying all constraints? A famous, and in the light of Ladner’s theorem, surprising conjecture states that there is a complexity dichotomy for Csp(Γ); that is, for any fixed finite Γ, the Csp(Γ) problem is either in P or NP-complete. In this thesis we focus on problems expressible in the Csp(Γ) framework with different computational goals, such as: counting the number of solutions, deciding whether two sets of constraints have the same set of solutions, deciding whether all minimal solutions of a set of constraints satisfies an additional constraint etc. By doing so, we capture a host of problems ranging from fundamental problems in nonmonotonic logics, such as abduction and circumscription, to problems regarding the equivalence of systems of linear equations. For several of these classes of problem, we are able to give complete complexity classifications and rule out the possibility of problems of intermediate complexity. For example, we prove that the inference problem in propositional variable circumscription, parameterized by the set of allowed constraints Γ, is either in P, coNP-complete, or ΠP/2-complete. As a by-product of these classifications, new tractable cases and hardness results for well-studied problems are discovered. The techniques we use to obtain these complexity classifications are to a large extent based on connections between algebraic clone theory and the complexity of Csp(Γ). We are able to extend these powerful algebraic techniques to several of the problems studied in this thesis. Hence, this thesis also contributes to the understanding of when these algebraic techniques are applicable and not.

Praons påverkan på gymnasievalet : Ur elevperspektiv / The influence of the school-based work experience on high school choices : Student’s point of view

Welbert, Tuva, Nikolic, Diana January 2023 (has links)
Allt fler elever väljer de högskoleförberedande programmen framför yrkesprogrammen på gymnasiet. Det kan finnas en del olika faktorer till detta. Det kan exempelvis bero på intresset, status, pengar, förväntningar av andra med mera. På lång sikt kan det leda till att viktiga yrkesgrupper försvinner. Syftet med denna undersökningen är att få en övergripande bild av hur elevers upplevelse av prao påverkar deras tankar kring att välja yrkesprogram eller högskoleförberedande program som gymnasieval. Utifrån detta syfte har följande frågeställningar formulerats: Vilka tankar har elever i årskurs 9 kring PRAO? På vilket sätt har PRAO i årskurs 9 påverkat elevernas tankar kring gymnasievalet? Finns det andra faktorer som spelar roll för elevernas val av fortsatt utbildning eller karriär? Vi har valt att utgå från en del teoretiska begrepp som har fungerat som ett underlag inför denna undersökning. Dessa är Careership, Circumscription and Compromise och Planned Happenstance. Vårt val av metod baseras på de frågeställningar vi har valt att ställa. Därav matchar den kvantitativa metoden i form av en enkätundersökning inför detta arbete. Vi har vänt oss till en grundskola i Skåne där vi har delat ut våra enkäter till elever som går i årskurs 9. Med totalt 102 enkätsvar har vi fått fram ett resultat som visar att eleverna hade olika upplevelser kring praon beroende på vilken arbetplats det var.  Resultatet visade även på hur majoriteten av eleverna menar att de lärt sig något kring sig själva genom deras prao-upplevelse. Vidare visade resultatet att eleverna inte tycker att praon hade någon påverkan på gymnasievalet och att de redan innan praon hade bestämt sig för vad de ville. Dessa resultat har en stor relevans för vår studie där vi utforskar elevernas tankar kring prao och dess påverkan inför gymnasievalet.

Java implementation of Grounded Circumscription for OWL

Akhavan Karbasi, Ali 18 December 2014 (has links)
No description available.

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