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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Proaktiv ändringshantering i uppstart av byggprojekt : En fallstudie om hur projektledare kan förebygga kostnader för tillägg i mindre byggprojekt

Kriebel, Matilda, Wolgsjö, Emma January 2019 (has links)
A project can be defined as a temporary work that is within the scope of time and budget in terms of achieving a project goal. Due to the fact that construction projects are unique and usually very complex, project management therefore requires a working method that is adapted to the prerequisites of the project. The project manager's responsibility to follow up on the budget and ensure that resources such as working hours and consulting services are distributed correctly, is becoming increasingly challenging as the change paradox shows that flexibility decreases and costs for changes increase as the project progresses. Exceeding the project budget in construction projects has today become a global phenomenon and involves several negative social effects. Scientific studies show that the increased costs can be derived from deviations such as additions and changes during the construction project. On the other hand, there are perceived gaps in the literature for which factors affect the extent of these and thus became the study's area of ​​investigation. Based on the scientific gap, the study aims to analyze the startup process in smaller construction projects with regard to identifying the factors that have an impact on additions, but also to review how project managers can proactively manage these factors in order to reduce the risk of increased deviations. To answer the research questions and purpose, a qualitative case study has been applied to a global consulting company in the construction industry, where semi-structured interviews were conducted with five project managers at the company.   The result of the study shows that project managers do not take preventive measures or work to prevent deviations in the startup process. Based on a thematic analysis of the results, factors with an impact on deviations have been identified in three areas; systematics, communication and experience and competence. The study has shown that increased costs for additions and changes can be deduced from different approaches to project management and misleading information, inadequate requirement specification that leaves room for own interpretation, unspecified communication channels, conflicts, lack of competence and abrupt completions of the project. In order to achieve a more proactive startup process in order to prevent increased costs for additions and changes, project managers should ensure a clear requirement specification by discussing important issues and decisions, requirements and expectations with support from templates and checklists. To avoid misunderstandings and conflicts, a communication plan can be established. Finally, the choice of project model should be established and routines for final reporting should be introduced to create a learning organisation that increases the project managers' self-insight and competence regarding increased costs for additions and project changes. The theoretical contribution of the study is the identified factors within three areas as well as suggestions for how project managers can facilitate the management of additions in the startup process of construction projects. / Ett projekt kan definieras som ett tillfälligt arbete som förhåller sig inom ramarna för tid, budget och omfattning i avseende att uppnå ett projektmål. Med anledning av att byggprojekt är unika och vanligen mycket komplexa, är projektledare i behov av verktyg och arbetsmetoder som anpassas utifrån projektets förutsättningar. Projektledarens ansvar att följa upp budget och se till att resurser såsom arbetstid och konsulttjänster fördelas rätt, blir allt mer utmanande under projektets gång då ändringsparadoxen påvisar att flexibiliteten minskar och kostnader för ändringar ökar i takt med projektets fortgång. Överskridande av projektbudget inom byggprojekt har idag kommit att bli ett globalt fenomen och innebär flera negativa samhällseffekter. Vetenskapliga studier visar att de ökade kostnaderna kan härledas till tillägg och ändringar under byggprojektet. Däremot upplevs det finnas luckor i litteraturen för vilka faktorer som inverkar på omfattningen för dessa och detta blev således studiens undersökningsområde. Utifrån det vetenskapliga gapet syftar studien till att analysera uppstartsprocessen i mindre byggprojekt i avseende att identifiera de faktorer som har en inverkan på tillägg, men även till att se över hur projektledare kan hantera dessa faktorer för att minska risken för ökade kostnader vid tillägg. För att besvara rapportens frågeställningar och syfte har en kvalitativ fallstudie tillämpats hos ett globalt konsultbolag inom byggbranschen, där semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med fem projektledare på företaget. Resultatet av studien visar att projektledare inte vidtar förebyggande åtgärder eller arbetar för att förhindra tillägg i uppstartsprocessen. Utifrån en tematisk analys av resultatet har faktorer med en påverkan på tillägg kunnat identifieras inom tre områden; systematik, kommunikation samt erfarenhet och kompetens. Studien har visat att ökade kostnader vid tillägg och ändringar går att härleda till olika tillvägagångssätt vid projektledning och vilseledande information, bristfällig kravspecifikation som lämnar utrymme för egen tolkning, ospecificerade kommunikationsvägar, konflikter, bristande kompetens hos projektledaren samt abrupta projektavslut. För att uppnå en mer proaktiv uppstartsprocess i syfte att förhindra ökade kostnader vid tillägg och ändringar bör projektledare säkerställa en tydlig kravspecifikation genom att diskutera viktiga frågor och beslut, krav och förväntningar med stöd från mallar och checklistor. För att undvika missförstånd och konflikter kan en kommunikationsplan upprättas. Avslutningsvis bör val av projektmodell fastställas och rutiner för slutrapportering införas för att skapa en lärande organisation som ökar projektledarnas självinsikt och kompetens vad gäller ökade kostnader för tillägg och ändringar. Studiens teoretiska bidrag är bidragsfaktorer som identifierats inom tre områden samt förslag till hur projektledare kan underlätta hantering av tillägg i uppstartsprocessen av byggprojekt.

Sensitivity to the magnitude of people's help depends on how it is framed

Wingren, Mattias January 2019 (has links)
A study was conducted to examine if people’s sensitivity to the magnitude to which somebody helps depends on how the help is framed. To test this, participants read vignettes about moral agents whose help had one of three different magnitudes: a base level, a medium level (the base level times 5) and a high level (the base level times 10). The moral agents’ help was also framed in one of three ways. They either helped victims, volunteered a number of hours, or donated an amount to charity. To measure the sensitivity, participants rated how likeable they found the agent. It turned out that if the help was framed as helping victims, the participants were not at all sensitive to the different magnitudes of help. That is, an agent was not liked more if they helped a high or medium number of victims than if they helped a low number; neither were they liked more if they helped a high number than if they helped a medium number. However, in the two other types of framing, participants were more sensitive. When help was framed as volunteering a number of hours, participants liked an agent more if they volunteered a medium or high number of hours than if they only volunteered a low number of hours. But they did not like a participant more if they volunteered a high number of hours than if they volunteered a medium number of hours. The same exact pattern was found when framing help as donating to charity. A possible explanation for the result is given in the discussion.

L'impact de l'usage sur l'étendue de la protection des marques : étude de droit comparé Chine - Union européenne / The impact of use on the scope of trademark protection : research of comparative law China-European Union

Huang, Hui 26 April 2018 (has links)
La thèse vise à définir le rôle de l'usage non seulement dans l'obtention du droit de marque par l'enregistrement, mais aussi, d'examiner le rôle de l'usage dans l'étendue de la protection des marques. Cet examen conduira donc à faire une distinction entre, d'une part, l’usage de la marque par le titulaire lui-même, ce qui concerne donc l’existence du droit de marque (première partie), et d'autre part, l'usage de la marque par des tiers, ce qui concerne l'exercice du droit de marque (deuxième partie). La première partie sera elle-même divisée en deux titres. Dans le premier titre, on examinera le rôle de l’usage sur l’existence du droit de marque, dans le deuxième titre, on examinera comment démontrer les effets de l’usage. La deuxième partie, sera, elle aussi, divisée en deux titres : le premier titre est consacré à l'usage qui provoque la confusion entre les signes, autrement dit la contrefaçon au sens strict, et le second titre est consacrée à l'usage qui entraîne un lien entre les signes, et constitue la contrefaçon au sens large. / The thesis aims at defining the role of the use not only in obtaining the right of mark by the registration, but also, to examine the role of the use in the scope of the protection of the marks.This examination will therefore lead to a distinction between, on the one hand, the use of the mark by the proprietor himself, which therefore concerns the existence of the trademark right (part one), and, on the other hand, the use of the mark by third parties, concerning the exercise of the trademark right (part two). The first part will be divided into two titles. In the first title, we will examine the role of the use on the existence of the right of mark, in the second title, we will examine how to demonstrate the effects of the use. The second part, will also be divided into two titles: the first title is devoted to the use that causes the confusion between the signs,in other words the infringement in the strict sense, and the second title is dedicated to the use which causes a link between signs, and constitutes infringement in the broad sense.

"Och förutom det så ska man ju göra allt som står i läroplanen också…Då blir man svettig!” : Undersökning baserad på intervjuer, observationer och enkäter / "And besides that you have to do everything that curriculum says... That can make you sweat" : Investigation based on  questionnaires, observations and interviews

Schüssler, Nadine, Troyan, Yana, Seferouglou, Sofia January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to gain knowledge about which scope for action and tasks are included in the organisation of educational activities on the preschool and which competences are lifted up by preschool teacher to conduct educational activities. The database consists of questionnaires, observations and interviews at the municipal and multicultural preschools located in Stockholm. The study is anchored in sociocultural theory and  framefaktor theory. Questions and  results are presented thematically and are divided into three thematic sections: How preschool teachers organised pedagogical activities in preschool with their preconditions. How preschool teachers organise education time in preschool. Which are the most important competencies of preschool teacher?   Results show that preschool teachers use their subjective scope of action to create the education that is able to meet the requirements of the curriculum. Subdivision of the children's group into smaller groups often takes place during the day as a necessary tool in terms of teaching and organising of education activities. This article problematizes the teachers' expression of scope of action and planning time in the organisation of educational activities. The competences of the preschool teacher are complex and multidimensional.

Guidelines for scope of work in corporate office building design. / Diretrizes para escopo de serviços de projetos de arquitetura corporativa.

Mariana Lopes Julião 27 November 2018 (has links)
Project process\' hindrances over office architectural design production are common at civil construction sector, implying on schedule loss, reworks and higher costs. Many academic literature approaches to that hindrance resulted from failure in project process. Predominantly failures concern translating customer needs and expectations into design conditions. This research objectives to propose scope of work guidelines, securing customer satisfaction and avoiding unforeseen additional costs, reworks, schedule and project benefit loss. Additionally, for each guideline proposed, it is suggested an accountable for it (project manager, architect or client). The adopted methodology was the research and analysis of project methodologies from academic literatures, contenting responsibilities definitions and design criteria that should be considered on the approved scope of work. Furthermore, the creation and implementation of an interview plan with one Brazilian high concept corporative architecture firm and its three clients, in a way that it is possible to measure client\'s point of view over contracted project process. Results from the interviews identified scope definition and project process planning hindrances. Then, in comparison with academic literatures, main project and scope of work issues were identified and used as base to the scope of work development guidelines. / A produção de projetos de arquitetura e engenharia no setor de construção civil apresenta entraves em seus processos de projeto, que implicam em perda de prazo, aumento de custos de projeto e retrabalhos. Diversos autores abordam falhas na gestão do processo de projeto, principalmente na interpretação das necessidades dos clientes e na definição dos critérios que o projeto deve seguir, alguns não previstos no escopo de contratação entre a empresa de arquitetura e o cliente. Esta pesquisa propõe diretrizes para que as empresas de arquitetura possam, junto ao gerente de projetos dos clientes, definir um escopo de serviços em que retrabalho, custos adicionais, atrasos e a insatisfação do cliente com o processo sejam reduzidos ou evitados. Para cada diretriz, há também a definição de quem é o responsável por executá-la (se o arquiteto ou o cliente). A metodologia utilizada para obtenção desse objetivo foi o levantamento e revisão de bibliografia sobre metodologias de projeto e de contratos de projetos, que auxiliem na definição de responsabilidades, atividades e critérios de projeto. Em acréscimo, foi formulado um roteiro de entrevista e eleita uma empresa de arquitetura corporativa com experiência de mercado no Brasil, assim como três clientes da mesma, de forma a mapear o ponto de vista do cliente sobre o processo empregado pela contratada. Com os resultados das entrevistas, fez-se uma análise comparativa entre os métodos de projeto empregados pela empresa de arquitetura e o encontrado em bibliografia, identificando os principais entraves no desenvolvimento e definição do escopo de serviços. Por fim, tais resultados foram utilizados como base para propor diretrizes para que o escopo de serviços entre arquitetos e clientes prevejam revisões de projeto, traduzam efetivamente as necessidades do cliente e atendam prazos e custos esperados.

Revisiting the security-development nexus : a critical analysis of the international intervention in Afghanistan

Rivas, Althea January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Human security assemblages in global politics : the materiality and instability of biopolitical governmentality in Thailand and Vietnam

Voelkner, Nadine Miriam Tita January 2012 (has links)
This thesis investigates the implications of human security on global politics. While it adopts a Foucauldian analytics of governmentality and biopolitics, the thesis differs from biopolitical accounts of human security. These accounts tend to reduce human security to a coherent, totalizing, and inadvertently successful mode of governance, deemphasizing its situatedness and instability. In contrast, by complementing the Foucauldian approach to the study of human security with a Deleuzian lens of machinic assemblage in which materiality is particularly emphasized, the thesis argues that the governmental logic of human security gives rise to a multiplicity of open-ended vernacular assemblages and associated orders of governance. Though these assemblages are particular, messy, contingent systems which vacillate, undermine themselves, clash and hybridize with surrounding assemblages, this does not render them ineffective. When the object of analysis is the global, a focus on the materiality of events helps to explore how the global is localized. A focus on materiality opens up the opportunity to explore how the local materializes. This interplay between localizations and materializations disrupts the logics that underlie governmental processes. In this way, the thesis demonstrates how the intransigence of life constantly escapes and readjusts the biopolitical imperative. Empirically, the thesis traces the way human security materializes as a situated governmental strategy in emerging assemblages for managing pathogenic and illicit circulations relating to global migrant communities in Thailand and Vietnam. It shows the way the intricate and productive as well as destructive interplay of human and nonhuman elements inherent to the assemblages helped to constitute two vernacular orders of human security and associated political subjectivities.

Guidelines for scope of work in corporate office building design. / Diretrizes para escopo de serviços de projetos de arquitetura corporativa.

Julião, Mariana Lopes 27 November 2018 (has links)
Project process\' hindrances over office architectural design production are common at civil construction sector, implying on schedule loss, reworks and higher costs. Many academic literature approaches to that hindrance resulted from failure in project process. Predominantly failures concern translating customer needs and expectations into design conditions. This research objectives to propose scope of work guidelines, securing customer satisfaction and avoiding unforeseen additional costs, reworks, schedule and project benefit loss. Additionally, for each guideline proposed, it is suggested an accountable for it (project manager, architect or client). The adopted methodology was the research and analysis of project methodologies from academic literatures, contenting responsibilities definitions and design criteria that should be considered on the approved scope of work. Furthermore, the creation and implementation of an interview plan with one Brazilian high concept corporative architecture firm and its three clients, in a way that it is possible to measure client\'s point of view over contracted project process. Results from the interviews identified scope definition and project process planning hindrances. Then, in comparison with academic literatures, main project and scope of work issues were identified and used as base to the scope of work development guidelines. / A produção de projetos de arquitetura e engenharia no setor de construção civil apresenta entraves em seus processos de projeto, que implicam em perda de prazo, aumento de custos de projeto e retrabalhos. Diversos autores abordam falhas na gestão do processo de projeto, principalmente na interpretação das necessidades dos clientes e na definição dos critérios que o projeto deve seguir, alguns não previstos no escopo de contratação entre a empresa de arquitetura e o cliente. Esta pesquisa propõe diretrizes para que as empresas de arquitetura possam, junto ao gerente de projetos dos clientes, definir um escopo de serviços em que retrabalho, custos adicionais, atrasos e a insatisfação do cliente com o processo sejam reduzidos ou evitados. Para cada diretriz, há também a definição de quem é o responsável por executá-la (se o arquiteto ou o cliente). A metodologia utilizada para obtenção desse objetivo foi o levantamento e revisão de bibliografia sobre metodologias de projeto e de contratos de projetos, que auxiliem na definição de responsabilidades, atividades e critérios de projeto. Em acréscimo, foi formulado um roteiro de entrevista e eleita uma empresa de arquitetura corporativa com experiência de mercado no Brasil, assim como três clientes da mesma, de forma a mapear o ponto de vista do cliente sobre o processo empregado pela contratada. Com os resultados das entrevistas, fez-se uma análise comparativa entre os métodos de projeto empregados pela empresa de arquitetura e o encontrado em bibliografia, identificando os principais entraves no desenvolvimento e definição do escopo de serviços. Por fim, tais resultados foram utilizados como base para propor diretrizes para que o escopo de serviços entre arquitetos e clientes prevejam revisões de projeto, traduzam efetivamente as necessidades do cliente e atendam prazos e custos esperados.

The impact of state nurse practitioner scope-of-practice regulations on access to primary care in health professional shortage areas

Salako, Abiodun 01 August 2019 (has links)
Primary care physician (PCP) shortages have been a barrier to accessing care for millions of Americans, particularly those living in areas facing the worst shortages - primary care health professional shortage areas (HPSAs). Increased use of nurse practitioners (NPs) has been proposed as a solution to the shortages as NPs can effectively substitute for PCPs. However, this proposal has been hampered by regulatory restrictions on NP scope-of-practice (SOP) that exist in many states. While some states permit NPs to practice and prescribe medications independent of physicians (NP independence), others require extensive physician supervision that limit NPs ability to provide care and substitute for PCPs. Despite the limitations that restrictive regulations pose to improving access to primary care, research evidence of their effect on access in primary care HPSAs is limited. This dissertation fills this gap in the literature. Using individual-level data from the Medical Expenditure Panel Surveys (1996-2015) and a difference-in-differences approach, I exploit variation in NP independence across states and over time to evaluate the impact of NP independence on access to primary care in HPSAs Further, I examined for heterogeneity in the effect of NP independence between HPSAs and non-HPSAs as well as effect heterogeneity in HPSAs based on individual (age, insurance status, and insurance type) and health system characteristics (availability of primary care facilities and NP Medicaid reimbursement rate) I find that NP independence led to a 5% increase in the number of individuals with a primary care provider and a 2% increase in the use of non-physicians (relative to physicians) as the primary care provider in HPSAs. However, non-HPSAs experienced no significant changes in access to care. Further, I find evidence of heterogeneity in the effect of NP independence in HPSAs for all three individual characteristics but find no significant effect heterogeneity for any of the health system characteristics. Non-elderly individuals experienced greater improvements in access following NP independence compared to their elderly counterparts, and while both insured and uninsured individuals experienced improvements in access to care, uninsured individuals benefitted more from NP independence. Further, I find evidence of greater improvements in access to care among Medicaid beneficiaries relative to their privately insured and Medicare counterparts. These findings imply that removing regulatory restrictions on NP SOP could be an effective policy strategy for mitigating the effects of PCP shortages and improving access to care in HPSAs. Further, they demonstrate that NP independence could be a viable tool for addressing access to care issues in two traditionally underserved populations – the uninsured and Medicaid beneficiaries. Beyond addressing access issues, NP independence could also mitigate rising health care costs. The finding of increased use of lower-cost non-physicians rather than their more costly physician counterparts after NP independence indicates that this policy change could also bring about cost savings for society.

The relationship between internal and external exploration orientation: the moderating role of the vertical scope of a firm

Hoffmann, Werner H., Wörner, Roman 03 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Using data from the biopharmaceutical industry, this study analyzes the relationship between internal and external exploration (exploitation) and the moderating role of firm characteristics. We argue that the characteristics of a firm - in particular a firm's vertical scope - are an important but so far overlooked contingency factor determining the relationship between internal and external exploration (exploitation). Our findings indicate that differences in vertical scope result in alternative combinations of internal and external exploration. While specialized firms tend to focus either on exploration or exploitation both within the firm as well as with their alliance portfolio, vertically integrated firms prefer to balance exploration and exploitation across firm boundaries. (authors' abstract) / Series: Working Papers / Institute for Strategic Management

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