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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Persuasive Kommunikation in Computerspielen

Valtin, Georg, Pietschmann, Daniel 27 October 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Seit Menschen miteinander kommunizieren gibt es Persuasion, also das Bestreben, den Kommunikationspartner zu beeinflussen. Bereits in der Antike wurde dieses Handwerk in Form der klassischen Rhetorik systematisiert und gezielt eingesetzt. In den vergangenen Jahren gab es Versuche, diese etablierten Konzepte auf interaktive Medien zu übertragen, was aber nur ansatzweise gelang. Um den Besonderheiten interaktiver Medien gerecht zu werden, sollten ihre prozesshafte Natur und ihre Wechselwirkungen mit den Aktionen des Nutzers im Mittelpunkt stehen. Genau das ist beim Konzept der prozeduralen Rhetorik von Ian Bogost der Fall, weshalb dieser Ansatz als Grundlage der hier vorgenommenen Untersuchungen zu persuasiven Computerspielen dient. Im Rahmen der Arbeit werden zudem die unterschiedlichen Formen der Rhetorik vorgestellt und die Notwendigkeit der Berücksichtigung prozeduraler Rhetorik dargelegt. Anhand der Beispiele The McDonald's Videogame und America's Army verdeutlichen die Autoren den Einsatz verschiedener persuasiver Techniken aus klassischer und prozeduraler Rhetorik.

Supporting Learner Social Relationships with Enculturated Pedagogal Agents

Ogan, Amy 01 February 2011 (has links)
Embodied conversational agents put a “human” touch on intelligent tutoring systems by using conversation to support learning. When considering instruction in interpersonal domains, such as intercultural negotiation, the development of an interpersonal relationship with one’s pedagogical agent may play a significant role in learning. However, there is conflicting evidence in the literature both regarding the ability of agents to cultivate social relationships with humans, and their effect on learning. In this dissertation, I present a model of social dialog designed to affect learners’ interpersonal relations with virtual agents, a development process for creating social dialog, and empirical studies showing that this dialog has significant effects on learners’ perceptions of the agents and negotiation performance. In early work, I explicitly prompted learners to have social goals for the interaction. I found that while students who reported social goals for interacting with the agents had significantly higher learning gains, explicit prompting was not effective at inducing these goals. I thus focused on implicit influence of learner goals, developing a model of social instructional dialog (SID) that integrates conversational strategies that are theorized to produce interpersonal effects on relationships. In two subsequent studies, an agent with the SID model engendered greater feelings of entitativity, shared perspective, and trust, suggesting that the model improved learner social relationships with the agent. Importantly, these effects transferred to other agents encountered later in the environment. The social dialog condition also made fewer errors and achieved more negotiation objectives in a subsequent negotiation than a control group, evidence that the improved social relationship lead to better negotiation performance. These findings regarding interpersonal relationships with agents contribute to the literature on learner-agent interactions, and can guide the future development of agents in social environments.

Contribution de la motivation dans les jeux sérieux

Derbali, Lotfi 03 1900 (has links)
La motivation incite les apprenants à s’engager dans une activité et à persévérer dans son accomplissement afin d’atteindre un but. Dans les Systèmes Tutoriels Intelligents (STI), les études sur la motivation des apprenants possèdent trois manques importants : un manque de moyens objectifs et fiables pour évaluer cet état, un manque d’évaluation de rôles joués par les facteurs motivationnels conçus dans l’environnement d’apprentissage et un manque de stratégies d’interventions motivationnelles pour soutenir la motivation des apprenants. Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons à mieux comprendre l’état de la motivation des apprenant ainsi que les facteurs et stratégies motivationnels dans un environnement d’apprentissage captivant : les jeux sérieux. Dans une première étude, nous évaluons la motivation des apprenants par l’entremise d’un modèle théorique de la motivation (ARCS de Keller) et de données électro-physiologiques (la conductivité de la peau, le rythme cardiaque et l’activité cérébrale). Nous déterminons et évaluons aussi quelques situations ou stratégies favorisant la motivation dans l’environnement des jeux sérieux étudié. Dans une deuxième étude, nous développons un prototype de jeux sérieux intégrant – dans une première version – quelques éléments motivationnels issus de jeux vidéo et – dans une deuxième version – des stratégies motivationnelles d’un modèle théorique de la motivation. Nous espérons, avec une évaluation motivationnelle de notre prototype, soutenir les apprenants à atteindre des hauts niveaux de motivation, de persévérance et de performance. / Motivation encourages learners to be engaged in an activity and to persevere in its accomplishment in order to achieve a goal. In Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS), different studies of learners’ motivation have showed three major lacks: a lack of objective and reliable means to assess this state, a lack of evaluation of the roles played by motivational factors developed by learning environments, and a lack of motivational interventions to support learners’ motivation. In this thesis, we are interested in understanding the state of motivation, as well as motivational factors and strategies in an exciting learning environment: serious games. First, we carry out an empirical study to assess learners’ motivation using Keller’s ARCS psychological model combined with electro-physiological recordings, namely skin conductance, heart rate, and brain activity. We also identify and evaluate different situations and strategies that promote motivation in a serious game environment. Second, we develop a serious game which has some motivational elements (version 1) as well as different motivational strategies (version 2). Our serious game intends to support learners to rich high levels of motivation, perseverance and performance. We conduct an empirical assessment of learners’ motivation during interaction with our serious game.

Jeux Éducatifs Mobiles : JEM Inventor, un outil auteur fondé sur une approche de conception gigogne / Mobile Learning Games : JEM Inventor, an authoring tool based on a nested design approach

Karoui, Aous 21 September 2018 (has links)
L’essor des périphériques mobiles (ex. tablettes, smartphones) ainsi que leurs applications pédagogiques et ludiques ont contribué à la naissance des Jeux Éducatifs Mobiles (JEM). De nombreux chercheurs ont prouvé les effets positifs de ces JEM sur la motivation des apprenants et même sur certains apprentissages. Cependant, l’utilisation de JEM en contexte scolaire reste très limitée. En effet, les JEM existants, parfois assez coûteux, sont souvent conçus pour un domaine très spécifique, et n’offrent donc pas de possibilités de réutilisation. De plus, les outils auteur existants sont, soit riches en fonctionnalités mais nécessitent un investissement important des enseignants pour être pris en main, soit simples à utiliser mais ne permettent pas de concevoir des JEM qui répondent aux besoins pédagogiques. Pour s’attaquer à ces problématiques, nous proposons JEM iNVENTOR, un outil auteur de JEM, fondé sur une approche de conception gigogne, destiné aux enseignants, conservateurs de musée, ou toute personne non-informaticienne, qui souhaitent scénariser leurs propres JEM et les déployer sur les systèmes mobiles.Le modèle de conception gigogne a été validé par une série d’expérimentations auprès d’une vingtaine d’enseignants ayant des niveaux d’expertises et des domaines d’enseignement très variés. Nous avons également mené des expérimentations de terrain, auprès d’environ 1500 étudiants et élèves, afin d’évaluer la qualité des JEM créés avec JEM iNVENTOR ainsi que leur impact sur les apprenants. / The rise of mobile devices (e.g. tablets, smartphones) and their educational and recreational applications have contributed to the emergence of Mobile Learning Games (MLGs). Indeed, MLGs show great potential for increasing engagement, creativity and authentic learning. Yet, despite their great potential for education, the use of MLGs by teachers, remains very limited. This is partly due to the fact that MLGs are often designed to match a specific learning context, and thus cannot be directly reusable for other contexts. In addition, existing authoring tools are either feature-rich but require a significant investment by teachers to be used, or simple to use but do not offer enough features for the design of MLGs that meet pedagogical needs. To tackle these problems, we propose JEM iNVENTOR, a MLG authoring tool, based on a nested design approach, intended for teachers, museum curators, or any person without computer skills, wishing to script their own MLG and deploy them on mobile systems.The nested design model was approved through a series of experimentations with some twenty teachers from a wide range of expertise levels and teaching fields. We also conducted field experimentations with about 1500 students and pupils in order to evaluate the quality of MLGs created with JEM iNVENTOR as well as their impact on learners.

Création automatisée de Scénarios de Formation pour l'enseignement d'activités métier dans un environnement informatique modulaire / Automated Creation of Learning Scenarios for Professional Activities Training in a Modular Computing Environment

Duval, Yohan 07 April 2017 (has links)
Les travaux effectués durant cette thèse s'inscrivent dans une problématique assez commune de nos jours : proposer de nouvelles méthodes de formation afin de s'adapter à l'évolution des besoins de la société et aux nouvelles technologies disponibles. En particulier, notre étude se focalise sur le besoin de formation à des activités métier de divers domaines (médical, automobile, aéronautique, etc.) de plus en plus complexes. Alors qu'il existe à l'heure actuelle des outils adaptés pour l'enseignement d'activités impliquant des actions avec des objets du monde réel (jeux sérieux), et d'autres outils adaptés pour l'enseignement d'activités se déroulant intégralement dans une application informatique (tutoriels de logiciel), il n'existe pas d'outil permettant d'enseigner des activités mêlant ces deux types d'opération. Dans ce mémoire, nous décrivons donc tout d'abord les différents travaux menés afin de répondre à cette première problématique. Après avoir étudié les caractéristiques respectives des Jeux Sérieux et des tutoriels de logiciel, nous formalisons l'outil de formation que nous avons conçu afin d'homogénéiser l'utilisation de ces deux catégories d'application dans un seul et même environnement. Nous introduisons alors les notions d'Environnement de Formation et de Scénario de Formation, qui font respectivement la distinction entre l'environnement dans lequel évoluent les apprenants au fur et à mesure des leçons, et la description formelle des activités à réaliser ainsi que des éléments pédagogiques et ludiques qui leurs sont liés.Cependant, le développement d'un tel outil représente une tâche particulièrement ardue pour les formateurs qui ne possèdent souvent pas l'expertise informatique requise. Cette observation vient en contradiction avec le fait que ces mêmes formateurs doivent être impliqués dans le processus de développement, du fait qu'ils possèdent à la fois l'expertise métier et l'expertise pédagogique liées aux activités métier à enseigner. Ainsi, l'étude de méthodes et d'environnements permettant de faciliter la création de tels outils constitue un deuxième axe de recherche de notre thèse. Suite à l’analyse un ensemble de langages textuels et graphiques, nous proposons dans un premier temps un langage dédié permettant de décrire nos Scénarios de Formation. Nous introduisons dans un second temps la représentation associée qui, à l'aide de plusieurs entités graphiques aux formes et à l'utilité bien définies, permet aux formateurs de décrire des scénarios en adéquation avec leurs compétences. Enfin, nous présentons l'environnement auteur permettant de faciliter la tâche aux formateurs grâce à diverses fonctionnalités d'automatisation et de capitalisation. L'ensemble de ces concepts forme la méthodologie globale que nous proposons dans cette thèse afin de rendre accessible la création de scénarios de formation aux formateurs.Finalement, ces différents travaux sont illustrés au travers de plusieurs applications ayant été implémentées afin de mettre en application nos contributions dans le contexte industriel du diagnostic automobile. Nous présentons et évaluons alors l'outil de formation et l'environnement auteur correspondants qui, ensemble, garantissent un processus industriel complet et plausible, depuis la création d'un scénario de formation jusqu'à son exécution. / The work carried out during this PhD thesis is related to a common issue these days: offering new training methods to adapt to the evolution of our society and to the new available technologies. Our study focuses on the necessity of training professional activities which take place in various domains (health, automotive, aeronautics, etc.), and which are becoming more and more complex. Nowadays, there are tools that are adapted to the training of activities involving interactions with objects from the real word (serious games), and there are other tools that are suitable for training activities which only involve the use of one or several business software applications (software tutorials). However, there are no fitting tools for training activities which involve both types of operation. In this manuscript, we first describe the work we performed to bring an answer to this problematic. After having studied the respective features of serious games and software tutorials, we formalize the training tool that we have designed to homogenize the use of these two application categories in a unique computer environment. We then introduce two notions. The first one is the notion of Training Environment, which stands for the environment in which trainees will progress to accomplish the different lessons being available through the tool. In a complementary manner, we define the notion of Training Scenario, which precisely is the formal description of one lesson in the Training Environment, with all its components: activities to be performed, pedagogical elements, and playful elements.However, the implementation of such a tool is a very complex task for trainers which often do not have the required computing expertise. This observation comes in contradiction with the fact that these very trainers must be involved in the development process, because they are the ones who own the professional expertise and the pedagogical expertise associated with the activities to be trained. Thus, the study of methods and environments easing the creation of such tools represent a second research axis for this thesis. After having analyzed a set of textual and graphical languages, we first propose a Domain Specific Modeling Language allowing the description of our Training Scenarios. Second, we introduce the associated representation which, thanks to several graphical entities well-defined, allows trainers to describe their own scenarios in line with their skills and expertise. Last, we present the authoring tool that allows to ease the scenario description task for trainers, thanks to various features which aim at automating the process and promoting reutilization. These concepts shape the global methodology that we propose in this manuscript to make training scenarios creation in trainers reach.Finally, these works are illustrated through the implementation of various applications which aims at putting into practice our contributions in the industrial context of automotive diagnostic. We then present and evaluate the corresponding training tool and authoring tool which together assure a complete and plausible industrial process, from the training scenario description to its execution.

Estudo e desenvolvimento de um sistema baseado em jogos para gerenciamento e acompanhamento remoto de terapia para reabilitação motora

Menezes Júnior, Rômulo Costa de 30 July 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-14T12:36:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 3225676 bytes, checksum: e3ecb38e47d11f19e58210311279820b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-07-30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Physical therapy treatment could take advantage of the use of information systems based games to encourage the practice of rehabilitation exercises and monitor therapy. The popularization of devices that capture the motion as Kinect fostered the development of such applications to interact with patients to physical rehabilitation systems, allowing to be used remotely.For these applications could help with physical therapy in the clinic or in the patient s home, remotely, they shall provide motivational characteristics to assist the patient in the correct execution of movements, be adaptable to the needs of patients and help diagnose during the evolution of the treatment. Thus, from research and comparative analysis of published studies, this study aimed to specify and develop the most important elements that a system for physical therapy should include, looking of a complete system-based games. This research resulted in the development of a prototype containing all the desirable characteristics that have been identified and may be used by physical therapists to assist in physical therapy. The features were developed and evaluated by experienced physical therapists from questionnaires to describe the user experience and possible additional needs. The trial and the results of the questionnaire revealed that the system was well accepted among therapists and already could be used to treat various diseases. However, it is still necessary to develop more playful elements in games, to improve motivation; make small corrections in mechanical motion detection and generate a report about the treatment evolution. / O tratamento fisioterapêutico pode se beneficiar da utilização de sistemas de informação baseados em jogos para estimular a prática dos exercícios de reabilitação e gerenciar a terapia do paciente. A popularização de dispositivos de interface natural com o usuário, como o Kinect, fomentou o desenvolvimento destas aplicações, permitindo que o tratamento possa ser gerenciado por tais sistemas. Para que estas aplicações possam contribuir com o tratamento fisioterapêutico na clínica ou no domicílio do paciente, de forma remota, devem apresentar características motivacionais, auxiliar o paciente na execução correta dos movimentos, ser adaptável às necessidades do paciente, auxiliar no diagnóstico e gerenciar a evolução do tratamento. Desta forma, a partir de investigação e análise comparativa de trabalhos publicados na literatura, este trabalho buscou especificar, desenvolver, avaliar e analisar as funcionalidades necessárias para um sistema de informação baseado em jogos para o tratamento fisioterapêutico. O sistema desenvolvido contém todas as características desejáveis para ser utilizado por profissionais de fisioterapia no tratamento fisioterapêutico. A avaliação do sistema foi realizada por profissionais de fisioterapia, a partir de questionários, descrevendo a experiência de utilização. A análise da experimentação revelou que o sistema obteve boa aceitação entre os fisioterapeutas e que poderia ser utilizado no tratamento de diversas patologias. Entretanto, ainda é necessário modificar o comportamento de algumas funcionalidades, como aumentar a quantidade de elementos lúdicos para melhorar a motivação, ajustes dinâmicos na mecânica de detecção de movimentos e gerar relatórios sobre a evolução para um tratamento.

Design, Development and Evaluation of Collaborative Team Training Method in Virtual Worlds for Time-critical Medical Procedures

January 2014 (has links)
abstract: Medical students acquire and enhance their clinical skills using various available techniques and resources. As the health care profession has move towards team-based practice, students and trainees need to practice team-based procedures that involve timely management of clinical tasks and adequate communication with other members of the team. Such team-based procedures include surgical and clinical procedures, some of which are protocol-driven. Cost and time required for individual team-based training sessions, along with other factors, contribute to making the training complex and challenging. A great deal of research has been done on medically-focused collaborative virtual reality (VR)-based training for protocol-driven procedures as a cost-effective as well as time-efficient solution. Most VR-based simulators focus on training of individual personnel. The ones which focus on providing team training provide an interactive simulation for only a few scenarios in a collaborative virtual environment (CVE). These simulators are suited for didactic training for cognitive skills development. The training sessions in the simulators require the physical presence of mentors. The problem with this kind of system is that the mentor must be present at the training location (either physically or virtually) to evaluate the performance of the team (or an individual). Another issue is that there is no efficient methodology that exists to provide feedback to the trainees during the training session itself (formative feedback). Furthermore, they lack the ability to provide training in acquisition or improvement of psychomotor skills for the tasks that require force or touch feedback such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). To find a potential solution to overcome some of these concerns, a novel training system was designed and developed that utilizes the integration of sensors into a CVE for time-critical medical procedures. The system allows the participants to simultaneously access the CVE and receive training from geographically diverse locations. The system is also able to provide real-time feedback and is also able to store important data during each training/testing session. Finally, this study also presents a generalizable collaborative team-training system that can be used across various team-based procedures in medical as well as non-medical domains. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Biomedical Informatics 2014

Adaptable system for robotic telerehabilitation with serious games / Sistema adaptável para telereabilitação robótica com jogos sérios

Leonardo José Consoni 24 February 2017 (has links)
Over the last decades, the worldwide increase in cases of neuromotor health issues, due to overall population aging, motivated a growing research interest in improving rehabilitation processes with robotics. The performed studies opened the possibility to include other auxiliary technologies in physical and occupational therapy, like virtual reality and remote interaction between patients and therapists. Although there are verified and potential benefits to rehabilitation provided by these techniques, there are still few attempts towards tooling and methodology standardization, which could lead to faster developments. This work describes the creation of a proposed common computational platform for robotic rehabilitation studies, with support for virtual games and telecommunication. A preceding literature review helped to determine the requirements and development tools for such multipurpose system. Its modular and configurable design aims to allow components reuse and adaptability to different robotic therapy cases, even ones not initially intended, preventing work duplication. Details about the system\'s structure, components and operation are shown, focusing its provided flexibility. Multiplayer games involving position and force control are also created to test the proposed system in real and simulated environment, in order to demonstrate its usability for application and evaluation of robotic rehabilitation strategies. At the end, the results obtained so far are discussed and considerations about missing points and future developments are made. / Nas últimas décadas, o aumento global nos casos de problemas de saúde neuromotores, devido ao envelhecimento da população, motivou um interesse crescente na pesquisa sobre melhoria de processos de rehabilitação utilizando robótica. Os estudos realizados realizados abriram possibilidade de se incluir outras tecnologias auxiliares na terapia física e ocupacional, como realidade virtual e interação remota entre pacientes e terapeutas. Apesar dos benefícios verificados ou potenciais da aplicação dessas técnicas, ainda há poucas iniciativas no sentido de padronizar ferramentas e metodologias para sua implementação e teste, o que poderia catalisar os avanços na área. Esse trabalho descreve a criação de uma plataforma computacional comum para estudos de Reabilitação Robótica, com suporte a utilização de Jogos Sérios e teleoperação. Uma revisão bibliográfica prévia ajudou a definir os requisitos e ferramentas de desenvolvimento adequadas para tal sistema multipropósito. Seu projeto modular e configurável tem o intuito de permitir reutilização de componentes e sua fácil adaptação a diferentes tipos de terapia, mesmo não inicialmente planejadas, evitando duplicação de trabalho. Jogos multijogador envolvendo controle de força e posição são também criados para testar o sistema proposto em situações reais ou simuladas, de modo a demonstrar sua utilidade para aplicação Detalhes de sua estrutura de operação, protocolos de comunicação e componentes são mostrados, destacando-se a flexibilidade oferecida. Testes simples de viabilidade com indivíduos saudáveis são realizados, a fim de demonstrar sua utilidade para aplicação e avaliação de estratégias de reabilitação robótica. Ao fim, os resultados obtidos até então são discutidos, e considerações sobre informações ainda faltantes e trabalhos futuros são feitas.

Aprendizagem de técnicas financeiras de venda por meio de serious game

Freund, Ari 16 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Georgia Vaz (georgia.vaz@mackenzie.br) on 2016-07-06T19:39:07Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) ARI FREUND.pdf: 2856706 bytes, checksum: 6960d4d721335f7152a54ba441237d9e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-06T19:39:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) ARI FREUND.pdf: 2856706 bytes, checksum: 6960d4d721335f7152a54ba441237d9e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-16 / Considering the games eficiency for learning business this research proposes the development of a simulation game as an education tool for sales executives on financial techniques to sell. These techniques helps to maximize solution value by differentiating the way sales are performed. Initially a literature review has been held on the corporate universities evolution, epistemological and business games, adaptability and business financial structure. Then the SGDD (Serious Game Development Document) has been elaborated and the artificial intelligence technics required for the development of the game PHABRIKA have been defined. Developed in Game Maker Studio, the game is made up of two levels: on the first level the player learns about game dynamics, and on the second level the player is challenged to a series of strategic decisions-making into a competitive market environment. Finally, an observation session with sales executives (of electronic components for industry segment) has been held to validate the education of financial techniques to sell methodology through usage of the game PHABRIKA. Using observation session prior and subsequent questionnaires it was possible to compare participants' knowledge evolution and conclude that the game PHABRIKA is effective as education tool on financial techniques to sell. / Considerando a eficiência da utilização de jogos para aprendizagem de negócios, este projeto propõe o desenvolvimento de um jogo de simulação como instrumento para ensino de técnicas financeiras de venda para executivos de vendas. Estas técnicas auxiliam a maximizar o valor agregado da solução por meio da diferenciação da forma com que a venda é realizada. Em um primeiro momento, foi realizada uma revisão literária a respeito da evolução das universidades corporativas, jogos epistemológicos, jogos de empresas, adaptatividade e estrutura financeira de empresas. Em seguida foi elaborado o SGDD (Serious Game Development Document - Documento para desenvolvimento de serious games) e definidas as técnicas de inteligência artificial necessárias para o desenvolvimento do jogo PHABRIKA. O jogo, desenvolvido na plataforma Game Maker, é composto por dois níveis, sendo o primeiro para que o jogador entenda sua dinâmica e o segundo para que tenha desafio de tomar decisões estratégicas atuando em um mercado competitivo. Por fim, a metodologia de ensino de técnicas financeiras de vendas utilizando o jogo PHABRIKA foi validada por meio de uma sessão de observação com um grupo de executivos de vendas de componentes eletrônicos para segmento industrial. Utilizando-se de questionários anteriores e posteriores à observação foi possível comparar a evolução dos participantes, e concluir que o jogo PHABRIKA foi eficiente como instrumento de ensino de técnicas financeiras de vendas.

Jogo digital para educação financeira de adultos no Brasil: proposta pautada em redes bayesianas e lógica fuzzy

Souza, Rafael Marin Machado de 08 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Rosa Assis (rosa_assis@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-11-16T17:54:17Z No. of bitstreams: 2 RAFAEL MARIN MACHADO DE SOUZA.pdf: 19064762 bytes, checksum: f9a00de414da2f45c51d98d204a31a4f (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Paola Damato (repositorio@mackenzie.br) on 2017-12-07T11:46:27Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 RAFAEL MARIN MACHADO DE SOUZA.pdf: 19064762 bytes, checksum: f9a00de414da2f45c51d98d204a31a4f (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-12-07T11:46:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 RAFAEL MARIN MACHADO DE SOUZA.pdf: 19064762 bytes, checksum: f9a00de414da2f45c51d98d204a31a4f (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-08-08 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Fundo Mackenzie de Pesquisa / The importance of nancial education within families has been placed in evidence for several countries, including Brazil, where the government has instituted a project to bring these issues to teenagers and adults in order to disseminate these concepts within brazilians households. This work has the goal to develop a game in serious game format with the adaptation of book \The Richest Man in Babylon", updating the book's teachings to current literature. The developed application focus on being a personal nance education tool for adults, given that the public has a smaller approach scope on nancial literacy project of the federal government. Aims to unify nancial literacy concepts of the main sources in order to simplify the mathematical concepts and minimize the impact that these lessons can bring. Thus facilitating the understanding and adapting the content to prior knowledge of the player who is constantly being tested during the game's plot. The game was developed in Unity with arti cial intelligence techniques to adapt the content to the player based on choices made in the course of the plot. The use of game was evaluated as intuitive in tests conducted with adults from the age of the target audience , 25 to 44, who also commented on the relevance and practicality of the information / A importância da educação financeira dentro das famílias tem sido colocada em evidência por diversos países do mundo, inclusive no Brasil, onde o governo federal instituiu um projeto para levar estes assuntos a jovens em idade escolar e adultos no intuito de disseminar estes conceitos dentro dos lares brasileiros. Este trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver um jogo no estilo serious game com a adaptação do livro “O Homem mais rico da Babilônia", atualizando seus ensinamentos com literaturas atuais sobre educação financeira. O aplicativo desenvolvido tem como foco ser uma ferramenta de ensino de finanças pessoais a adultos, tendo em vista que este público possui uma abordagem de menor abrangência no projeto de educação financeira do governo federal. Visa unificar os conceitos de educação financeira das principais fontes de forma a simplificar os conceitos matemáticos e minimizar o impacto que estas lições podem trazer. Desta forma, facilitando a compreensão e adaptando o conteúdo ao conhecimento prévio do jogador que é constantemente sendo testado durante o enredo. O jogo foi desenvolvido em Unity utilizando lógica fuzzy e redes bayesianas, técnicas de inteligência artificial, como meio para adaptar o conteúdo ao jogador com base em escolhas realizadas no desenrolar do enredo. Sua utilização foi avaliada como intuitiva em testes realizados com adultos da faixa etária do público-alvo, entre 25 a 44 anos, que também comentam sobre a relevância das informações e sua praticidade, concluindo-se que o formato utilizado atingiu as metas definidas inicialmente.

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