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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Serious Games For Overcoming Phobias : The Benefits of Game Elements

Trigo Algar, Antonio Rafael January 2014 (has links)
This thesis analyses the benefits of applying game elements to a Virtual Reality application for overcoming phobias, with a special focus on acrophobia, i.e. the fear of heights. Two different prototypes using the Oculus Rift head-mounted display were developed with a gradually exposure to heights. Both prototypes shared the same acrophobic scenario, but one included extra features from games such as engagement, motivation or goals. Twenty-four participants, divided into two groups of twelve, with moderate aversion to heights tested the prototypes. The participants’ heart rate and the time that they looked down from high altitudes were also measured and evaluated. The study showed slightly higher results regarding motivation for the prototype which included the additional game elements. Future studies should include a different head-mounted display, which would allow a longer time of play without motion sickness, and the participation of people diagnosed with acrophobia.

Are games more than fun? : Motivational aspects on digital games

Jonsson, Sandra January 2009 (has links)
Games are increasingly becoming a powerful and effective tool for training. The use of games as a training tool increase intrinsic motivation which enhances learning. This study concerns why people play and why they continue play. The study consists of two parts; a focus group and a web questionnaire. The results suggest that people prefer playing together with others, and that they play mainly because of entertainment, fellowship and pastime. Results also show that the participants come to an agreement of five different characteristics a game must have in order for the participants to play; a pleasant game feeling  i.e.- effects like sounds, characters and environments, variation in tasks, successively increased difficulty, a exciting story and that the game must be understandable. These findings are important because these are factors that game designers must take into consider when designing training games. After all, entertainment and intrinsic motivation in games is some of the general reasons why people play and why they learn, and therefore, a game only designed for training is doomed to fail.

Presenting learning possibilities through branching storylines : A case study of epic proportions

Wilhelmsson, Andreas January 2011 (has links)
This paper concerns the creation and evaluation of a branching story written by the author. Branching storylines are unique in that each branch delivers a different experience, wherefore this paper poses and attempts to answer the question, is it possible to offer similar learning experiences regardless of which story path is taken in a branching story structure? As a case study, the story is written for a pervasive game, an application for Android phones. Due to the game’s design and wishing to motivate the players to move around on their own, it was written to be segmented and yet have linear, branching storylines. The case study consisted of creating a game set at a historical site, specifically Karlsborg fort, where the story would give the players an idea of how a day in the life of a sergeant could have looked in 1865. After testing and knowledge-based questionnaires, the data body proved minute, wherefore no significant conclusions are reached; however, it is suggested story nodes are useful for giving each player equal possibility of gleaning specific knowledge from the game, gathering all storylines in event scenes where the specific knowledge is presented.

Lärande datorspel som kognitivt stöd för språkinlärning i förskolan : En granskning av datorspelet Klura ut / Computer game-based learning as cognitive support in language learning in preschool : A review of the computer game Klura ut

Meritähti, Anette January 2014 (has links)
Digital spelbaserad inlärning handlar om användningen av spel i undervisningssyfte. Få forskare har undersökt dessa spels inverkan på förskolebarns språkinlärning, speciellt med situerat lärande som utgångspunkt. I denna studie har detta gjorts genom en kvalitativ studie när datainsamlingen består av en teoretisk bakgrund, intervjuer och observationer. Studien har sin utgångspunkt i de teoretiska ansatserna situerad kognition, distribuerad kognition samt embodiment. Genom att triangulera fynden från intervju, observation och den teoretiska bakgrunden får studien fram ett resultat och svar på studiens frågeställning. Resultatet visar att det spel som studien behandlat, Klura ut, kan användas som stöd vid språkinlärning, både när det kommer till att lära sig nya ord, begrepp och spatiala förhållanden. Dock kan vidare studier behövas för att säkerställa generaliserbarheten. Att spela spel är ett bra verktyg för barn i ung ålder då det behandlar konkret problemlösning som främjar språkinlärningen som människor lär sig i tidigare ålder i jämförelse med abstrakt problemlösning som kommer senare i utvecklingen.


Silva, Tarcila Gesteira da 04 April 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This work presents an approach of game-based learning using a serious game called Software Testing Team Game. It is a three-dimensional multiplayer game developed in the virtual world OpenSim. This game simulates the software testing division of a software development company. It aims to provide knowledge related to software testing strategies, motivate students, and encourage skills such as communication and problem solving. The main difference between this game and others is its integration with the Learning Management System Moodle, which allows teacher to edit game challenges throughout each of the levels, using the Questionnaire tool, so that the game adapts to different undergraduate computing curricula. The game also enables students to export test cases created by them in the game to the test management tool TestLink, in order that they are given the opportunity to interact with a tool used by professionals and also to directly apply the knowledge acquired. The assessment of the game was performed in a class of Computer Engineering undergraduate students in the Software Engineering Discipline. This assessment showed positive results, considering that learners succeed to achieve learning objectives. Students enjoyed playing the game more than learning in a traditional way, which in this study corresponds to a list of exercises. So, we conclude that the use of the game can collaborate on software testing education. These positive results got in the assessment motivate other experiments. / Este trabalho apresenta uma abordagem de aprendizagem baseada em jogos utilizando o jogo sério denominado Jogo da Equipe de Teste de Software (JETS), que é um jogo em três dimensões, multiplayer e foi desenvolvido no mundo virtual OpenSim. Esse jogo simula o setor de Teste de Software de uma empresa de desenvolvimento de sistemas e visa a proporcionar conhecimentos relacionados com Estratégias de Teste de Software, motivar os estudantes e estimular habilidades como comunicação e resolução de problemas. O principal diferencial do JETS é sua integração com o Ambiente Virtual de Ensino-Aprendizagem (AVEA) Moodle, que permite ao professor editar os desafios das fases por meio da ferramenta questionário, de modo que o jogo se adapte aos diferentes currículos dos cursos de graduação em computação. O JETS também permite a exportação dos casos de teste criados no jogo para a ferramenta de gerenciamento de Teste de Software TestLink, proporcionando aos estudantes o contato com uma ferramenta utilizada por profissionais e a aplicação direta dos conhecimentos adquiridos. A avaliação do JETS foi realizada em uma turma do curso de Engenharia da Computação na disciplina de Engenharia de Software. Essa avaliação teve resultados qualitativos muito positivos, pois, segundo os próprios estudantes, os objetivos de aprendizagem foram atingidos. Além disso, os estudantes relataram, em sua maioria, gostar de jogar o JETS e disseram, ainda, preferir esse tipo de atividade (jogo sério) à tradicional neste trabalho, representada por uma lista de exercícios. Portanto, foi possível perceber que a utilização do JETS pode ser uma alternativa promissora no processo de ensino-aprendizagem do conteúdo de Teste de Software. De modo que os resultados positivos obtidos na avaliação do JETS incentivam a realização de outros experimentos.

Ett hav av matematikapplikationer, och att hitta rätt : En analys av matematikapplikationer som används i grundskolans tidigare år / An ocean of mathematical applications, and how to find the proper one : An analyze of mathematics applications that are used in primary school

Örtendahl, Jennelie January 2017 (has links)
Applikationer har blivit en tillgång för att utveckla elevernas kunskaper inom taluppfattning. Men innehåller applikationer didaktiska eller pedagogiska styrkor som andra läromedel inte innehåller? Vilka matematiska kunskaper är möjliga att utveckla genom att spela en applikation inom området? Med dessa frågeställningar tog denna studie avstamp som syftar till att studera applikationers layout och innehåll inom taluppfattning. Studien är en kvalitativ innehållsanalys där 39 applikationer har analyserats genom en analysmodell. Alla applikationerna används av elever i förskoleklass eller grundskolans tidigare år 1–3 någonstans bland landets grundskolor inom ramen för matematikundervisningen. Studien visar att applikationerna är utformade med en layout som har en stimulerande och intresseväckande effekt hos eleverna. Applikationernas möjlighet till individuell direkt återkoppling kan dessutom bidra till att elevernas motivation ökar. Vilket matematiskt innehåll som applikationerna erbjuder varierar. De områden inom taluppfattning som minst antal applikationer behandlar är mönster och rimlighetsbedömning. Däremot erbjuder delar av applikationerna möjligheten att utveckla elevernas aritmetiska kunskaper. / Applications have become a resource for developing students' knowledge in number sense. But do applications have didactical or educational strengths that other teaching materials don´t? What mathematical skills are possible to develop by playing an application in the field? With these questions, this study took off with the aim to study applications' layout and content within number sense. The study was conducted thru a qualitative content analysis, where 39 applications were analyzed by a framework. All applications are used by students in pre-school or primary school's somewhere among the country's elementary schools within the framework of mathematics education. The study shows that the applications are designed with a layout, that has a stimulating and interesting effect on the students. What mathematical skills these applications contains varies. Patterns and reasonability are the two most uncommon components of number sense apparent in the applications. However a large part of the applications develop the students' arithmetic skills.

Virtual reality environments for the study of decision-making processes in risky contexts through the use of physiological measures and behavioural responses

Juan Ripoll, Carla de 02 September 2021 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] Comprender el comportamiento humano en situaciones de riesgo, cómo los factores individuales y externos influyen en nuestras decisiones y en qué medida es posible influir y modificar nuestros comportamientos, constituye un desafío tanto para los científicos como para la sociedad en general. Desde la perspectiva de la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo (SST), así como en numerosos campos como la sociología y las finanzas, este tema tiene importantes implicaciones ya que las situaciones de riesgo son un aspecto común en diversos ámbitos de nuestra vida. La toma de riesgos (TR) es parte del proceso de toma de decisiones en situaciones de incertidumbre, en las que se conoce de antemano la probabilidad de cada consecuencia positiva o negativa. Si bien el concepto de la TR está bien definido en la literatura, se ha abordado desde diferentes perspectivas, por lo que los factores que se han propuesto para explicar o moderar la TR también son muy diversos. Centrándonos en los factores individuales (procesos cognitivos y emocionales) que influyen en la TR, estos pueden afectar la forma en que se abordan las situaciones peligrosas de dos maneras diferentes. En primer lugar, pueden sesgar la percepción de una situación, de modo que no se lleve a cabo una evaluación adecuada y por tanto esto lleve a conductas sesgadas. En segundo lugar, estos factores configuran una cierta propensión general al riesgo en los seres humanos, de modo que pueden o no sentirse atraídos por situaciones potencialmente peligrosas. De la misma manera que la definición de la TR se ha abordado desde diferentes perspectivas, su evaluación también se ha tratado desde diferentes puntos de vista y constituye hoy en día un desafío para investigadores y profesionales, por lo que no se ha encontrado un consenso claro en cuanto a la existencia de una medida validada para la TR. La evaluación de la TR se ha realizado tradicionalmente mediante cuestionarios; sin embargo, se ha demostrado que estas medidas presentan diversas limitaciones que pueden conducir a resultados alterados. Las tareas comportamentales surgen como una solución alternativa capaz de superar algunas de estas barreras. En cambio, su capacidad de transferencia a situaciones de la vida real parece ser limitada. La realidad virtual (RV) permite recrear situaciones reales simuladas para realizar evaluaciones basadas en el desempeño. La RV presenta numerosas ventajas que pueden aportar beneficios para la evaluación de los comportamientos humanos, ya que aporta una mayor inmersión, fidelidad y un mayor nivel de implicación que los métodos de evaluación tradicionales, y numerosos trabajos en el campo de la psicología aplicada y la neurociencia organizacional han avalado su uso para evaluación humana. En esta investigación, proponemos la RV como tecnología capaz de facilitar el estudio de los procesos de la TR, aprovechando sus numerosas posibilidades, que se pueden resumir como: simulación de situaciones de riesgo realistas, interacciones naturales con el entorno virtual, inclusión de medidas implícitas para evaluación oculta y medición fisiológica en tiempo real. Esta tesis proporciona aportaciones a la definición de la TR, particularmente en la identificación de qué factores constituyen este complejo proceso. Además, investiga el uso de la RV inmersiva en la investigación del comportamiento humano, específicamente para la evaluación de la TR, proporcionando premisas de diseño de entornos virtuales para la evaluación de los constructos psicológicos identificados como determinantes para definir la TR. Finalmente, analiza la validez de la RV en combinación con medidas fisiológicas para la evaluación de la TR de forma implícita. / [CA] Comprendre el comportament humà en situacions de risc, com els factors individuals i externs influeixen en les nostres decisions i en quina mesura és possible influir i modificar els nostres comportaments, constitueix un desafiament tant per als científics com per a la societat en general. Des de la perspectiva de la Seguretat i Salut en el Treball (SST), així com en nombrosos camps com la sociologia i les finances, aquest tema té importants implicacions ja que les situacions de risc són un aspecte comú en diversos àmbits de la nostra vida. La presa de riscos (PR) és part del procés de presa de decisions en situacions d'incertesa, en les quals es coneix per endavant la probabilitat de cada conseqüència positiva o negativa. Si bé el concepte de la PR està ben definit en la literatura, s'ha abordat des de diferents perspectives, per la qual cosa els factors que s'han proposat per a explicar o moderar la PR també són molt diversos. Centrant-nos en els factors individuals (processos cognitius i emocionals) que influeixen en la PR, aquests poden afectar la forma en què s'aborden les situacions perilloses de dues maneres diferents. En primer lloc, poden esbiaixar la percepció d'una situació, de manera que no es duga a terme una avaluació adequada i per tant això porte a conductes esbiaixades. En segon lloc, aquests factors configuren una certa propensió general al risc en els éssers humans, de manera que poden o no sentir-se atrets per situacions potencialment perilloses. De la mateixa manera que la definició de la PR s'ha abordat des de diferents perspectives, la seua avaluació també s'ha tractat des de diferents punts de vista i constitueix hui dia un desafiament per a investigadors i professionals, per la qual cosa no s'ha trobat un consens clar quant a l'existència d'una mesura validada per a la PR. L'avaluació de la PR s'ha realitzat tradicionalment mitjançant qüestionaris; no obstant això, s'ha demostrat que aquestes mesures presenten diverses limitacions que poden conduir a resultats alterats. Les tasques comportamentals sorgeixen com una solució alternativa capaç de superar algunes d'aquestes barreres. En canvi, la seua capacitat de transferència a situacions de la vida real sembla ser limitada. La realitat virtual (RV) permet recrear situacions reals simulades per a realitzar avaluacions basades en l'acompliment. La RV presenta nombrosos avantatges que poden aportar beneficis per a l'avaluació dels comportaments humans, ja que aporta una major immersió, fidelitat i un major nivell d'implicació que els mètodes d'avaluació tradicionals, i nombrosos treballs en el camp de la psicologia aplicada i la neurociència organitzacional han avalat el seu ús per a avaluació humana. En aquesta investigació, proposem la RV com a tecnologia capaç de facilitar l'estudi dels processos de la PR, aprofitant les seues nombroses possibilitats, que es poden resumir com: simulació de situacions de risc realistes, interaccions naturals amb l'entorn virtual, inclusió de mesures implícites per a avaluació oculta i mesurament fisiològic en temps real. Aquesta tesi proporciona aportacions a la definició de la PR, particularment en la identificació de quins factors constitueixen aquest complex procés. A més, investiga l'ús de la RV immersiva en la investigació del comportament humà, específicament per a l'avaluació de la PR, proporcionant premisses de disseny d'entorns virtuals per a l'avaluació dels constructes psicològics identificats com a determinants per a definir la PR. Finalment, analitza la validesa de la RV en combinació amb mesures fisiològiques per a l'avaluació de la PR de manera implícita. / [EN] Understanding human behaviour in risk situations, how individual and external factors influence our decisions and to what extent it is possible to influence and modify our behaviours, constitutes a challenge both for scientists and for society in general. From the perspective of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH), as well as in numerous fields such as sociology of finance, this topic has important implications since risk situations are a common aspect in various domains of our lives. Risk taking (RT) is part of the decision-making process in uncertain situations, in which the probability of each positive or negative consequence is known in advance. Although the concept of RT is well defined in the literature, it has been approached from different perspectives, so that the factors that have been proposed to explain or moderate RT are also very diverse. Focusing on the individual factors - cognitive and emotional processes - that influence RT, these may affect how hazardous situations are addressed in two different ways. First, they can skew the perception of a situation, so that an adequate evaluation is not carried out and therefore this leads to biased behaviors. Second, these factors shape a certain general propensity towards risk in humans, so that they may or may not be attracted to potentially dangerous situations. In the same way that the definition of RT has been approached from different perspectives, the evaluation of RT has also been treated from different points of view and nowadays constitutes a challenge for researchers and practitioners, so that a clear consensus has not been found regarding the existence of a validated measure for RT. RT evaluation has traditionally been carried out using questionnaires; however, it has been demonstrated that these measures present various limitations that can lead to altered results. Behavioural tasks emerge as an alternative solution capable of overcoming some of these boundaries. Instead, their ability to transference to real life situations appears to be limited. Virtual reality (VR) enables recreating real-simulated situations to carry out performance-based assessments. VR presents numerous advantages that can provide benefits for the evaluation of human behaviours, since it provides greater immersion, fidelity and a higher level of involvement than traditional evaluation methods, and numerous works in the field of applied psychology and organizational neuroscience have endorsed its use for human assessment. In this investigation, we propose VR as technology capable of facilitating the study of RT processes, taking advantage of its numerous possibilities, which can be resumed as: simulation of realistic risk situations, natural interactions with the virtual environment, inclusion of implicit measures for stealth assessment and physiological real-time measurement. This thesis provides novel contributions to the definition of RT, particularly in the identification of which factors constitute this complex process. Moreover, it investigates the use of immersive VR in human behaviour research, specifically for RT assessment, providing design premises of virtual environments for the evaluation of the psychological constructs identified as determinants to define RT. Finally, it analyses the validity of VR in combination with physiological measures for the evaluation of RT in an implicit way. / Contrato predoctoral FPI (BES-2017-079857). Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Madrid, Spain). / Juan Ripoll, CD. (2021). Virtual reality environments for the study of decision-making processes in risky contexts through the use of physiological measures and behavioural responses [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/171236 / TESIS / Compendio

Zur Durchführbarkeit eines regelmäßigen Trainings mit der Nintendo Wii Fit Plus bei Frauen nach der Schwangerschaft

Nitzsche, Nico, Schulz, Henry January 2010 (has links)
Kurzfassung: Sport im Sinne eines regelmäßigen körperlichen Trainings sollte aus gesundheitlichen Gründen nach einer Schwangerschaft empfohlen werden. Jedoch müssen an diese Aktivitäten besondere Ansprüche gestellt werden. Die Beanspruchung sollte moderat und mit geringem Risiko sein. Weiters muss die körperliche Aktivität in den Tagesablauf einer jungen Mutter integrierbar sein. Hierzu könnten digitale Spiele mit Ganzkörperaktivitäten sinnvoll eingesetzt werden. Ziel dieser Trainingsstudie war es, möglichen Einsatz und mögliche Wirkung ausgewählter Übungen der Nintendo Wii Fit Plus bei postnatalen Frauen zu überprüfen. Dabei wurden subjektive Eindrücke wie das Spielerleben und wahrgenommene Beanspruchung erhoben. Die Wirkung auf die aerobe Ausdauerleistungsfähigkeit wurde durch eine 6-wöchige Intervention überprüft. An der Studie nahmen 8 Probandinnen (Alter 29,0 ± 4,6 Jahre, Größe 1,7 ± 0,1 m, Body-Mass-Index [BMI] 25,1 ± 3,1 kg/m², postnatal 6,3 ± 1,9 Wochen) teil. Ergebnisse: Die Probandinnen zeigten nach einmaligem Spielen eine hohe bis sehr hohe Motivation, dieses Spiel noch mal zu spielen. Es wurde als nicht stressig mit mittlerer Spielgeschwindigkeit bei einfacher und übersichtlicher Bedienung bewertet. Über den Beobachtungszeitraum nahmen die Frauen eine moderate (etwas anstrengende) Beanspruchung mit hohem Spaßempfinden wahr. Signifikante Gewichtsreduktionen sowie eine Verbesserung der aeroben Leistungsfähigkeit konnten nicht festgestellt werden. Schlussfolgernd bleibt festzuhalten, dass trotz nicht-signifikanter metabolischer und morphologischer Adaptionen eine hohe Motivation zu erwarten ist, was unter gegebenen Übungsvariationen der Nintendo Wii Fit Plus zu regelmäßigem Training führen kann. Da diese Studie nur Pilotcharakter hatte, wäre unter randomisierten kontrollierten Bedingungen eine Untersuchung mit größerem Probandenumfang durchzuführen. / Exercise after pregnancy should be recommended for health reasons. However, special considerations are necessary in the context of physical training. The intensity should be moderate and the activity itself lowrisk. In addition, the exercise has to be capable of being integrated in the daily routine of a young mother. This could also include digital games that involve whole body movements. The aim of this study was to investigate the possible use and the effects of selected exercises of the Nintendo Wii Fit Plus in postnatal women. Data on the subjective impressions of the game experience was collected as well as the perceived exertion during the activity. Furthermore, the effect on the aerobic performance after 6 weeks intervention was investigated. The study involved 8 female subjects (age 29.0 ± 4.6 years, height 1.7 ± 0.1 m, Body Mass Index 25.1 ± 3.1 kg/m², postnatal 6.3 ± 1.9 weeks). Results: The subjects showed a high to very high motivation to play the Wii Fit Plus again after the first game session. The game was assessed as causing no stress at medium speed with a simple and clear operation. During the observation period, the women showed a moderate (somewhat hard physical exertion) with a high sensation of fun. Significant weight reductions and improvements in aerobic capacity could not be proven. Summing up, using the Wii Fit Plus, a high level of motivation can be expected despite any significant metabolic and morphological adaptations, which may lead to a regular participation in exercise activities. Since this study only had pilot-character, it would be advisable to conduct further research using a larger number of subjects under randomized controlled conditions.

Zobrazování historie v seriózních počítačových hrách a simulacích / Displaying history in serious games and computer simulations

Fixl, Matěj January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis aims to analyse problems as well as strongpoints of particular design and narrative approaches used in serious computer games and simulations, and doing so in view of the current interpretation of applied historiographical themes and their influence on formation of collective memory. Suggestions for development of new programs will be a part of the presented work.

Aplicación móvil que permita desarrollar conocimientos y hábitos saludables en la alimentación en niños y adolescentes basados en gamificación y juegos serios / Mobile application that allows the development of knowledge and healthy eating habits in children and adolescents based on gamification and serious games

Herrera Cotrina, Álvaro Manuel, Salazar del Aguila, César Manuel 09 November 2020 (has links)
El presente proyecto consiste en el diseño de una herramienta tecnológica enfocada a niños y adolescentes que permita desarrollar conocimientos y hábitos saludables en la alimentación basados en Gamificación y Juegos Serios. El uso de Gamificación y Juegos Serios es una alternativa a la enseñanza tradicional que nos permite crear un ambiente que resulte no solo entretenido, sino que sea educativo para el usuario. Se emplearán conceptos de nutrición para elaborar un Juego Serio de cartas de estrategia por turno y se utilizará técnicas de Gamificación para diseñar un enfoque de premios, retos, niveles y rangos que motiven a los jugadores durante su experiencia de uso del Videojuego. Así mismo, se incluirán funcionalidades de socialización para generar competitividad sana entre los jugadores y se adicionarán cuestionarios que permitan afianzar conocimientos y hábitos de alimentación saludable. Este proyecto está orientado a las plataformas móviles Android e iOS y usará herramientas de código abierto junto con un potente motor de juegos. Durante el desarrollo del presente proyecto se elaborará una demostración de la temática del juego que refleje los objetivos a cumplir. / This project consists of the design of a technological tool focused on children and adolescents that allows the development of knowledge and healthy habits in eating based on Gamification and Serious Games. The use of Gamification and Serious Games is an alternative to traditional teaching that allows us to create an environment that is not only entertaining, but also educational for the user. Nutrition concepts will be used to develop a Serious Game turn-based strategy card game and Gamification techniques will be used to design an approach to rewards, challenges, levels and ranks that motivate players during their experience using the Video Game. Likewise, socialization functionalities will be included to generate healthy competitiveness among the players, and questionnaires will be added to strengthen knowledge and healthy eating habits. This project is geared towards Android and iOS mobile platforms and will use open source tools along with a powerful game engine. During the development of this project, a demonstration of the theme of the game will be developed that reflects the objectives to be met. / Tesis

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