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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sykepleieres ivaretakelse av pasienter med mistenkt sepsis i et akuttmottak / Nurses´care for patients with suspected sepsis in an Emergency Department

Mathisen, Martine January 2016 (has links)
Slik det norske helsevesenet fungerer er oftest sykepleier tettest på pasienten over tid samt er den første til å møte pasienten ved ankomst i et akuttmottak. Det er sykepleier som triagerer pasienten ved ankomst og det er en sykepleier som gjør de primære undersøkelsene.   Kunnskap om SIRS og sepsis er viktig å inneha for og kunne plukke opp tegnene i en tidlig fase og dermed kunne kommunisere funnene til ansvarlig lege slik at behandling kan igangsettes raskt. I tillegg må sykepleiere ha kunnskap om prioriteringen av de viktigste primære behandlingstiltakene som bør igangsettes hos pasienter med mistanke om sepsis. Kommunikasjon er også viktig opp mot pasienten for jevnlig å kunne vurdere pasientens tilstand og en eventuelt forverring. Om strukturerte metoder for bedømming ikke er tilstede hos ansvarlig sykepleier kan dette få store konsekvenser for pasienten ved at sepsis kan utvikle seg til alvorlig sepsis eller septisk sjokk som har høy mortalitet.  Hensikten med studien var å undersøke sykepleieres ivaretakelse av pasienter med mistenkt sepsis i et akuttmottak. Metoden var kvantitativ og data ble samlet inn ved hjelp av en spørreundersøkelse på ett akuttmottak hvor 36 sykepleiere besvarte skjemaet. Den innsamlede dataen ble analysert ved hjelp av deskriptiv statistikk og presentert i prosentform i tabell, diagrammer og løpende tekst.   Resultatet viste at en stor andel av sykepleierne hadde god kunnskap om evidensbasert forskning og benyttet denne så vel som i undersøkelsen som i behandlingen av pasienten med mistenkt sepsis. Det kom samtidig frem at så mange som ca. 30 prosent ikke var sikre på hva SIRS kriteriene er og hva som er definisjonen på sepsis. Åtti prosent var sikre på primære behandlingstiltak, mens 20 prosent var usikre. Dette viser at det er behov for forbedring. Videre viser undersøkelsen at 75 prosent mener at triage er et godt verktøy for å oppdage mistanke om sepsis i en tidlig fase. I all hovedsak viste undersøkelsen at det var oppfattet å være god kommunikasjonen både mellom sykepleier og lege samt mellom sykepleier og pasient.   Konklusjonen var at det var en høy andel sykepleiere i avdelingen som har god kunnskap om evidensbasert forskning samt lokale og internasjonale retningslinjer for både ivaretakelse og behandling av pasienter med sepsis. Sykepleierne visste hvilke kriterier de skal se etter for å oppdage sepsis i en tidlig fase samt hvilke målinger og tiltak som burde gjøres for å unngå utviklingen av alvorlig sepsis og septisk sjokk. Det er allikevel fortsatt rom for forbedringspotensialet da det burde være tett opp mot 100 prosent som sitter inne med denne kunnskapen. Kommunikasjonen mellom sykepleier og lege ved behandling av pasienter med mistenkt sepsis viste seg å oppfattes som god, bortsett fra ved bruk av medisinsk team hvor det fremgikk at ikke alles roller var godt nok kjent. Når det gjelder kommunikasjonen mellom sykepleier og pasient ble denne oppfattet god fra sykepleiers side ved at de hadde tid til å formidle trygghet via verbal og/eller non-verbal kommunikasjon. Sykepleierne opplevde i stor grad at pasientene forsto informasjonen de ga om sepsis og aktuelle behandlingstiltak, men at legenes informasjon til pasienten ikke ble forstått like godt. / The way the Norwegian healthcare system works most often a nurse is the one that work closest with the patient over time and they are the first to see the patients as they arrive at the emergency department. It´s a nurse that do a triage of the patient at arrival and it´s a nurse that perform the first survey. Knowledge of SIRS and sepsis is important to be able to catch the signs at an early stage and then be able to communicate the findings to a doctor so that the treatment can get started as quick as possible. The nurse must also have knowledge about how to prioritize which cause of treatment that should be started if they suspect sepsis in a patient. The communication with the patient is also important to be able to continuously assess the patient’s condition and a possible deterioration. If structured methods for assessment are not in place this might have huge consequences for the patient because sepsis can develop in to severe sepsis or septic shock, which have a high mortality rate. The aim of this study was to investigate nurses’ care for patients with suspected sepsis in an Emergency Department. The method used was quantitative and the data was collected by using a survey. The study was set in an emergency department where 36 nurses answered the survey. The collected data was analysed by using descriptive statistic and presented in a table, diagrams and text by using per cent. The result showed that a big share of the nurses had a wide knowledge in evidensebased research and used this in their survey and treatment of the patient with suspected sepsis. At the same time it showed that as many as about 30 per cent was not sure about what the SIRS criteria are nor what´s the correct definition of Sepsis. Eighty per cent was sure about what the primary treatment includes but 20 per cent was unsure. This show there is a need for improvement. Further on the survey shows that 75 per cent sees triage as a good way of detecting suspicion of sepsis at an early stage. All in all the survey showed that the communication was considered good both between nurse and doctor and nurse and patient. The conclusion was that a high share of the nurses at the emergency department had a wide knowledge about evidence based research as well as local and international guidelines for care and treatment of patients with suspected sepsis. The nurses had the accurate knowledge about which criteria’s to look for to be able to detect sepsis at an early stage as well as which measurements and measures that should be done to be able to avoid sepsis to develop in to severe sepsis or septic shock. Even so there is room for improvement as there should be close to a 100 per cent that hold this knowledge. The communication between nurse and doctor during the treatment of patient with suspected sepsis was understood as good except from when they where using what they call the medical team this because the roles in the team was not well known for everybody. The communication between nurse and patient was considered good from a nurse point of view because they felt like they had enough time to express safety to the patient by using verbal and/or non-verbal communication. The nurses mostly experienced that the patients understood the information they gave about sepsis and actual treatment but that the doctor’s information was not understood that well.
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Population Based Model of Gonorrhea and Interventions Against Increased Antibiotic Resistance

Henry, Courtney 07 May 2012 (has links)
Gonnorrhea is an infectious sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae that commonly reproduces in the reproductive tract.The Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that more than 700,000 individuals in the U.S. contract new gonorrheal infections per year. During recent years, there has been a progressive global increase of drug-resistant strains of gonorrhea. Therefore, there exists the necessity for health organizations to encourage the monitoring, research and development of innovative treatment regimens. We have developed multiple mathematical models to explore the gonorrheal disease state. The first objective of model formulation was to fit the model to established disease and population data provided by the CDC and U.S. Census Bureau and then include the presence of antibiotic resistance in the model. Additionally, we discuss intervention methods to combat this resistance. The second objective of model formulation was to use parameter sensitivity to determine specific age groups to target in effort to alter disease dynamics.

Neutrophil priming and host inflammation: The roles of NOX2 and toll-like receptors

Whitmore, Laura Christine 01 May 2014 (has links)
Neutrophils, essential innate immune cells, recognize danger signals through receptors on their surface. Upon receptor ligation, neutrophils may undergo priming, a process involving limited reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and partial degranulation. Priming facilitates neutrophil migration and prepares the cell for an enhanced response to a secondary stimulus, including a spike in ROS generation by NADPH oxidase 2 (NOX2). It is well established that NOX2-derived oxidants are involved in pathogen killing and that off-target effects can cause host tissue damage; however, several lines of recent evidence also support an anti-inflammatory function for NOX2 oxidants. First, patients with chronic granulomatous disease exhibit sterile inflammatory phenomena. Second, neutrophils lacking NOX2 function (genetically or pharmacologically) have an inflammatory phenotype under resting conditions. Finally, NOX2-deficient mice exhibit enhanced localized inflammation in several disease models. The goals of this thesis were to investigate an anti-inflammatory function for NOX2 during systemic inflammation and to further elucidate mechanisms of neutrophil priming, with particular focus on priming through Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2). Using a murine model of sterile systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS), we observed that NOX2-deficient mice had dramatically increased mortality compared to WT mice. While both genotypes developed SIRS, characterized by hypothermia, hypotension, and leukopenia, the WT mice recovered within 48 h whereas the NOX2-deficient mice did not. Moreover, NOX2 function limited the extent of pulmonary pathology as significant lung injury was noted in the NOX2-deficient mice compared to the WT mice. Plasma analysis revealed that several inflammatory cytokines were persistently elevated in the NOX2-deficient mice, likely contributing to the ongoing inflammatory response. One of the complications seen in human SIRS patients is the development of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS). Thus, we next investigated the role of NOX2 in the progression from SIRS to MODS. Cellular analysis revealed continued neutrophil recruitment to the peritoneum and lungs of the NOX2-deficient mice and altered activation states of both neutrophils and macrophages. Histology showed multiple organ pathology indicative of MODS in the NOX2-deficient mice, and several inflammatory cytokines were elevated in lungs of the NOX2-deficient mice. Overall, these data suggest that NOX2 function protects against the development of MODS and is required for normal resolution of systemic inflammation. As we utilized a TLR2/6 agonist (zymosan) to induce SIRS in our in vivo model, we wanted to investigate neutrophil priming through TLR2 in an in vitro model. Notably, we determined that a TLR2/6 agonist, FSL-1, primed neutrophils from all donors to a similar extent, evidenced by direct and primed ROS generation, MAPK signaling, limited degranulation, and cytokine secretion. Surprisingly, Pam3CSK4, a TLR2/1 agonist, primed neutrophils from a subset of donors to a much greater extent than neutrophils from other donors. We demonstrated that the different neutrophil priming responses were the consequence of a common TLR1 polymorphism. In sum, the data presented here significantly advance our understanding of the roles of NOX2 and TLR2 signaling in host inflammation and neutrophil priming. This research could advance the development of therapies that target pathogenic neutrophil subsets in inflammatory conditions without compromising innate immune function
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Tid betyder liv, varje minut räknas när sepsis är närvarande : En kvantitativ retrospektiv journalgranskningsstudie / Time equals life, every minute counts when sepsis is present

Frick, Lina, Johansson, Jennifer January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sepsis är ett tillstånd som årligen drabbar ca 50.000 personer i Sverige. Tillståndet har en hög dödlighet och de som överlever sepsis riskerar långtidskomplikationer efter tillfrisknande. Vanliga symtom vid sepsis är andfåddhet, kräkningar, smärta, feber, frossa och påverkat mental status. Dock kan sepsis vara svårt att identifiera då symtomen ibland är diffusa. Tidig behandling med antibiotika räddar liv. Screeningverktyg som används inom ambulanssjukvården i Region Halland för att identifiera sepsis är qSOFA (Quick Sequential Organ Failure Assessment) och SIRS (Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome). Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka patientkarakteristiska, dödlighet och slutdiagnos hos patienter som triagerats med ESS 44/47 (misstänkt infektion) och ESS 53 (ospecifika symtom) av ambulanspersonal samt patienter som har en positiv qSOFA eller SIRS. Syftet var även att undersöka förekomsten av patienter där ambulanspersonal haft infektionsmisstanke (ESS 44/47) men inte förvarnat (orange, gul eller grön prioritet) in till sjukhus trots positiv qSOFA. Metod: Studien är en kvantitativ retrospektiv journalgranskningsstudie. Den inkluderade populationen var ambulansuppdrag inom Region Halland mellan 2019 och 2022 som triagerats med ESSkoderna 44, 47 och 53. 4860 ambulansuppdrag inkluderades i studien. Resultat: 63% i gruppen ESS 44/47 och 30% i ESS 53 fick en infektionsdiagnos på akutmottagningarna. Ur hela populationen lades 83% in på sjukhus och 15% avled inom 30 dagar. Högsta dödligheten identifierades bland qSOFA positiva (36%) vilket var signifikant högre än dödligheten bland de med positiv SIRS. Slutsats: Majoriteten av populationen läggs in på sjukhus, vilket speglar vårdbehovet. Dödligheten är hög vilket ställer höga krav på den prehospitala vården. Vid sepsis är tid till behandling det som räddar liv, något som prehospital sjukvårdspersonal kan vara med och påverka.
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Avaliação da tromboelastografia em cães clinicamente normais e na detecção precoce da coagulação intravascular disseminada (CID) em cães com pancreatite / Thromboelastography assessment in clinicaly normal dogs and in early detection of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) in dogs with pancreatitis

Corrêa, Sílvia Verônica de Magalhães e 10 March 2017 (has links)
A Coagulação Intravascular Disseminada (CID) é uma síndrome caracterizada pela ativação sistêmica da coagulação sanguínea, levando à trombose microvascular difusa e podendo comprometer a função de múltiplos órgãos. O acelerado consumo de plaquetas e fatores de coagulação pode, no entanto, dar origem a um estado de hipocoagulabilidade, o que confere à CID uma característica paradoxal na qual o excesso de coagulação pode causar uma diátese hemorrágica. Doenças que levam à Síndrome de Resposta Inflamatória Sistêmica (SIRS) estão entre os principais gatilhos da CID. A pancreatite é uma dessas doenças. O maior desafio para o médico veterinário é diagnosticar a CID na fase precoce, silenciosa e de hipercoagulabilidade, visto que os testes laboratoriais de rotina, como contagem de plaquetas, tempo de protrombina (TP) e tempo de tromboplastina parcial ativada (TTPA), detectam apenas o estado de hipocoaguabilidade, que se estabelece na fase mais avançada da síndrome. Nesse contexto ganham importância os analisadores tromboelastográficos, equipamentos que avaliam a coagulação em sangue total e que, ao menos em tese, podem informar a velocidade de formação do coágulo, a força máxima que ele atinge e os padrões de sua dissolução. Este estudo é o primeiro realizado em cães com o aparelho ReoRox G2 (MediRox), uma da marcas disponíveis no mercado. Limites de referência para as variáveis do aparelho foram definidos a partir da análise do sangue de 49 animais clinicamente saudáveis para três tipos de reação: acelerada com fator tecidual (TF), acelerada com TF e um antagonista de agregação plaquetária (abciximab) e apenas com sangue recalcificado. Em seguida, foram comparados a esse intervalo de referência os valores obtidos pela análise tromboelastográfica do sangue de seis pacientes com pancreatite recém-diagnosticada. Nos três tipos de reação pelo menos 50% dos pacientes do Grupo Pancreatite apresentaram alterações sugestivas de hipercoagulabilidade. A variável MAXELAST (força máxima do coágulo) foi a que esteve alterada com mais frequência entre os animais doentes. Não houve alteração nos marcadores de velocidade de fibrinólise. Estudos prospectivos que associem outras variáveis de trombose, protocolos de tratamento e prognóstico de pacientes com doenças subjacentes que predisponham à CID são necessários para que se possa afirmar que o traçado obtido pela tromboelastografia realmente representa um estado de hipercoagulabilidade in vivo em pacientes com pancreatite. / Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC) is a syndrome characterized by systemic activation of blood clotting, leading to diffuse microvascular thrombosis and may compromise multiple organ function. The accelerated consumption of platelets and coagulation factors may, however, originate a state of hypocoagulability, which gives the DIC a paradoxical characteristic in which excess coagulation can lead to a hemorrhagic diathesis. Diseases which cause Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) are among the major triggers of DIC, including pancreatitis. The greatest challenge for veterinarians is to diagnose DIC in the early, silent and hypercoagulable phase, since routine laboratory tests, such as platelet count, prothrombin time (PT) and activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), detect only the state of hypocoagulability, which occurs in the most advanced stage of the syndrome. In this context, thromboelastography analyzers stand out. They are equipment which evaluate coagulation in whole blood and, at least in theory, inform the speed of clot formation, its maximum force and how it dissolves. This is the first study performed in dogs with the ReoRox G2 (MediRox), one of the brands available in the market. Limits of reference were defined from blood analysis of 49 healthy animals for three reaction types: accelerated with tissue factor (TF), accelerated with TF and a platelet aggregation antagonist (abciximab) and with only recalcified blood. Next, values obtained by blood thromboelastographic analysis of six patients with newly diagnosed pancreatitis were compared to this reference range. In all three types of reactions, at least 50% of patients in the Pancreatitis Group presented alterations suggestive of hypercoagulability. The variable MAXELAST (maximum clot strength) was the one that was most frequently altered among ill animals. There was no change in fibrinolysis rate markers. Prospective studies associating other thrombosis variables, treatment protocols, and prognosis of patients with underlying diseases predisposing to DIC are necessary to confirm that the pathway obtained by thromboelastography actually represents a state of hypercoaguability in vivo in patients with pancreatitis.
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Exploration transcriptomique et logique de la voie TLR4 dans le contexte physiopathologique du sepsis / Transcriptomic and logic exploration of the TLR4 signaling pathway in the pathophysiology context of sepsis

Monteiro Sousa, Claudio 29 June 2016 (has links)
Le sepsis est un syndrome observé chez des patients associant une infection documentée (microbiologiquement ou cliniquement suspectée) à une réponse inflammatoire systémique (Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome : SIRS).Celui-ci peut évoluer vers un sepsis sévère s'il est associé à la défaillance d'un ou de plusieurs organes. Le choc septique est l'association d'un état septique grave et d'une défaillance hémodynamique caractérisée par une chute aiguë de la pression artérielle ne pouvant pas être corrigée par une procédure standard de remplissage vasculaire. Les syndromes septiques sont aujourd'hui la première cause de mortalité en unités de réanimation. Cette mortalité élevée, en particulier pour les cas les plus graves tels que les chocs septiques, témoigne d'une absence de traitements curatifs pour cette pathologie. Partant de l'hypothèse que les syndromes septiques graves sont la conséquence d'une perte de contrôle précoce de la régulation de la réponse inflammatoire, nous avons étudié, via deux démarches complémentaires, l'initiation de la voie de signalisation TLR4 et les mécanismes intracellulaires contribuant à sa régulation. Dans un premier temps, l'utilisation d'approches transcriptomiques nous a permis d'identifier la voie de signalisation mTOR comme discriminante entre des patients sains (SIRS induit par l'injection d'endotoxines) et des patients souffrant de syndromes septiques graves. Nous avons ensuite développé et utilisé des techniques de modélisation logique pour simuler in silico le rôle joué par la voie mTOR dans la résolution d'une réponse inflammatoire. Ces résultats encourageants ouvrent des perspectives pour de nouvelles applications thérapeutiques dans le domaine du sepsis / Sepsis is a syndrome observed in patients combining a documented infection (microbiologically or clinically suspected) with a systemic inflammatory response (Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome : SIRS). It may progress to severe sepsis if it is associated with failures of one or more organs. Septic shock is the combination of a severe sepsis and a hemodynamic dysfunction characterized by an acute fall in blood pressure that cannot be corrected by a procedure of vascular filling.Sepsis syndromes represent today the first cause of mortality in intensive care units around the world. This poor survival rate, in particular for the most severe cases, such as septic shock, testifies a real curative therapeutic demand.Based on the assumption that severe sepsis syndromes are the consequence of a loss of control in early mechanisms of inflammatory response regulation, we studied via two complementary approaches the initiation of TLR4 signaling pathway and the intracellular mechanisms contributing to its regulation.First, the use of transcriptomic approaches allowed us to identify the mTOR signaling pathway as discriminating between healthy patients (SIRS induced by the infusion of endotoxins) and patients with severe septic syndromes. We then developed and used logic modeling approaches to in silico simulate the role played by the mTOR signaling pathway in the resolution of an inflammatory response. These encouraging results open perspectives for new therapeutic applications in the field of sepsis
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Avaliação da tromboelastografia em cães clinicamente normais e na detecção precoce da coagulação intravascular disseminada (CID) em cães com pancreatite / Thromboelastography assessment in clinicaly normal dogs and in early detection of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) in dogs with pancreatitis

Sílvia Verônica de Magalhães e Corrêa 10 March 2017 (has links)
A Coagulação Intravascular Disseminada (CID) é uma síndrome caracterizada pela ativação sistêmica da coagulação sanguínea, levando à trombose microvascular difusa e podendo comprometer a função de múltiplos órgãos. O acelerado consumo de plaquetas e fatores de coagulação pode, no entanto, dar origem a um estado de hipocoagulabilidade, o que confere à CID uma característica paradoxal na qual o excesso de coagulação pode causar uma diátese hemorrágica. Doenças que levam à Síndrome de Resposta Inflamatória Sistêmica (SIRS) estão entre os principais gatilhos da CID. A pancreatite é uma dessas doenças. O maior desafio para o médico veterinário é diagnosticar a CID na fase precoce, silenciosa e de hipercoagulabilidade, visto que os testes laboratoriais de rotina, como contagem de plaquetas, tempo de protrombina (TP) e tempo de tromboplastina parcial ativada (TTPA), detectam apenas o estado de hipocoaguabilidade, que se estabelece na fase mais avançada da síndrome. Nesse contexto ganham importância os analisadores tromboelastográficos, equipamentos que avaliam a coagulação em sangue total e que, ao menos em tese, podem informar a velocidade de formação do coágulo, a força máxima que ele atinge e os padrões de sua dissolução. Este estudo é o primeiro realizado em cães com o aparelho ReoRox G2 (MediRox), uma da marcas disponíveis no mercado. Limites de referência para as variáveis do aparelho foram definidos a partir da análise do sangue de 49 animais clinicamente saudáveis para três tipos de reação: acelerada com fator tecidual (TF), acelerada com TF e um antagonista de agregação plaquetária (abciximab) e apenas com sangue recalcificado. Em seguida, foram comparados a esse intervalo de referência os valores obtidos pela análise tromboelastográfica do sangue de seis pacientes com pancreatite recém-diagnosticada. Nos três tipos de reação pelo menos 50% dos pacientes do Grupo Pancreatite apresentaram alterações sugestivas de hipercoagulabilidade. A variável MAXELAST (força máxima do coágulo) foi a que esteve alterada com mais frequência entre os animais doentes. Não houve alteração nos marcadores de velocidade de fibrinólise. Estudos prospectivos que associem outras variáveis de trombose, protocolos de tratamento e prognóstico de pacientes com doenças subjacentes que predisponham à CID são necessários para que se possa afirmar que o traçado obtido pela tromboelastografia realmente representa um estado de hipercoagulabilidade in vivo em pacientes com pancreatite. / Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC) is a syndrome characterized by systemic activation of blood clotting, leading to diffuse microvascular thrombosis and may compromise multiple organ function. The accelerated consumption of platelets and coagulation factors may, however, originate a state of hypocoagulability, which gives the DIC a paradoxical characteristic in which excess coagulation can lead to a hemorrhagic diathesis. Diseases which cause Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) are among the major triggers of DIC, including pancreatitis. The greatest challenge for veterinarians is to diagnose DIC in the early, silent and hypercoagulable phase, since routine laboratory tests, such as platelet count, prothrombin time (PT) and activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), detect only the state of hypocoagulability, which occurs in the most advanced stage of the syndrome. In this context, thromboelastography analyzers stand out. They are equipment which evaluate coagulation in whole blood and, at least in theory, inform the speed of clot formation, its maximum force and how it dissolves. This is the first study performed in dogs with the ReoRox G2 (MediRox), one of the brands available in the market. Limits of reference were defined from blood analysis of 49 healthy animals for three reaction types: accelerated with tissue factor (TF), accelerated with TF and a platelet aggregation antagonist (abciximab) and with only recalcified blood. Next, values obtained by blood thromboelastographic analysis of six patients with newly diagnosed pancreatitis were compared to this reference range. In all three types of reactions, at least 50% of patients in the Pancreatitis Group presented alterations suggestive of hypercoagulability. The variable MAXELAST (maximum clot strength) was the one that was most frequently altered among ill animals. There was no change in fibrinolysis rate markers. Prospective studies associating other thrombosis variables, treatment protocols, and prognosis of patients with underlying diseases predisposing to DIC are necessary to confirm that the pathway obtained by thromboelastography actually represents a state of hypercoaguability in vivo in patients with pancreatitis.
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Selen in der Intensivmedizin

Zimmermann, Thomas, Albrecht, Steffen, Hanke, S., von Gagern, Georg January 2000 (has links)
Mit der Entdeckung des Selens als essentielles Spurenelement und der Glutathionperoxidase als Selenoenzym sowie der Tatsache, daû Selenmangel relativ weit verbreitet ist, wurde erstmals ein Zusammenhang zu einigen schweren Erkrankungen hergestellt (Keshan-Krankheit, Kaschin-Beck-Syndrom). Interessant ist dabei, daû sich trotz dieser und anderer bekannter Selenmangelerkrankungen eine Therapie in der Humanmedizin nur langsam zu etablieren beginnt, waÈ hrend die Selensupplementation in der VeterinaÈ rmedizin bereits Standard ist. Die Autoren beschaÈ ftigen sich seit 1990 mit der Rolle des Spurenelements Selen bei septischen Krankheitsbildern in der Intensivmedizin, beim ReperfusionsphaÈnomen nach gefaÈûchirurgischen Eingriffen und in der Onkologie. Sie konnten zeigen, daû die adjuvante Therapie der akuten Pankreatitis und der Sepsis mit Natriumselenit einen positiven Effekt auf das Outcome der Patienten zu haben scheint (eine multizentrische, doppelblinde, randomisierte Sepsisstudie zur Validierung dieser Ergebnisse ist in Vorbereitung). Neue Erkenntnisse zur Beeinflussung von Transkriptionsfaktoren durch Selen bei systemischem Inflammationssyndrom und Sepsis erlauben eine wissenschaftlich fundierte Interpretation der klinischen Ergebnisse. Weitere molekularbiologische Untersuchungen werden das Spurenelement Selen zu einem der interessantesten Forschungsprojekte der naÈ chsten 10 Jahre in Intensivmedizin und Onkologie machen. / Since selenium was discovered as an essential trace element being widely distributed, and since glutathione peroxidase is known as a selenoenzyme, associations with several severe diseases were established (Keshan disease, Kaschin-Beck syndrome). Despite these known selenium deficiency diseases a related human therapy is still not established so far. In veterinary medicine, however, substitution of selenium is already a standard therapy. Our laboratory investigates the role of selenium since 1990. This includes investigations about the effects of selenium in acute inflammatory diseases in intensive care, in the reperfusion phenomenon following vascular surgery, and in oncology. In acute pancreatitis and sepsis, adjuvant therapy using sodium selenite seems to have positive effects on the overall outcome of patients (a multicenter, double-blind, randomized trial on sepsis is being prepared). New findings concerning the influence of selenium on transcription factors in inflammatory processes will permit a scientifically sound interpretation of clinical results. With further investigations in molecular biology the trace element selenium will become, in the next decade, one of the most interesting topics in intensive care and oncology. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.
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SIRS und Sepsis nach kardiochirurgischen Eingriffen / Vergleich verschiedener Modelle zur Risikostratifizierung

Kern, Hartmut 04 December 2001 (has links)
Systemische Inflammation (SIRS) und Sepsis sind bekannte postoperative Komplikationen nach kardiochirurgischen Eingriffen. Bei 77,1 % der untersuchten 3653 kardiochirurgischen Patienten bestanden am ersten postoperativen Tag definierte Symptome eines SIRS. Nur 20 % dieser Patienten entwickelten ein prolongiertes SIRS über mindestens die ersten 72 Stunden postoperativ und 4,4 % eine Sepsis im weiteren primären intensivmedizinischen Verlauf. Aus der Patientengruppe mit prolongiertem SIRS entwickelten immerhin 21,8 % eine Sepsis. Die 564 Patienten mit prolongiertem SIRS waren durch eine signifikant (p< 0,001) verlängerte Beatmungs- und Behandlungsdauer auf der Intensivstation (ICU), eine erhöhte Krankenhausliegedauer sowie eine um den Faktor 10 signifikant erhöhte ICU- und Krankenhausmortalität im Vergleich zu Patienten ohne prolongiertes SIRS gekennzeichnet. Die 135 Patienten mit einer Sepsis während ihrer primären postoperativen intensivstationären Behandlung hatten eine deutlich erhöhte intensivstationäre Mortalität von 40,7 % gegenüber 1,6 % bei Patienten ohne Sepsis. Die Patienten mit prolongiertem SIRS (15,4 % der Gesamtpopulation) benötigten insgesamt 52,9 % der Bettentage und 57,7 % der Gesamtkosten der intensiv-medizinischen Behandlung. Die septischen Patienten (3,7 %) verursachten alleine 24,6 % der intensivstationären Behandlungstage sowie 28,7 % der Gesamtkosten. Die fünf Variablen weibliches Geschlecht, das Auftreten definierter intraoperativer Komplikationen, ein APACHE II- Score > 17 bei Aufnahme auf der Intensivstation, der postoperative Bedarf von mehr als einem Inotropikum sowie das Vorhandensein von definierten, therapiebedürftigen metabolischen Störungen innerhalb der ersten 24 Stunden postoperativ diskriminierten in Bezug auf das Vorhandensein oder Nicht-Vorhandensein der Zielvariablen prolongiertes SIRS (> 3 Tage ) mehr als 88 % der Patienten richtig. Jeweils über 96 % der Patienten konnten durch die aus diesen Variablen entwickelten Regressionsgleichungen richtig zugeordnet werden bezüglich des Auftretens oder Nicht-Auftretens einer Sepsis bzw. eines letalen Ausgangs. Das intern validierten Modell für die Zielvariable prolongiertes SIRS (> 3 Tage) erreichte eine hohe Spezifität von über 97 % bei einer Sensitivität von 39 %. Die vorliegenden Regressionsgleichungen ermöglichen es somit, am Patientengut dieser Institution prospektiv Patienten mit erhöhtem Risiko auf ein prolongiertes SIRS bzw. eine Sepsis mit hoher Spezifität zu selektionieren. / The development of a systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) and sepsis are well known complications after cardiac surgery. In the present study, 77.1 % of the 3653 cardiac surgical patients developed SIRS or SIRS-like symptoms on the first postoperative day. Only 20 % of these patients, however, showed a prolonged SIRS during the first 3 postoperative days. 4.4 % of all patients had septic complications during their stay on the intensive care unit (ICU). However, 21.8 % of the patients with prolonged SIRS developed sepsis. The identified 564 patients with prolonged SIRS showed a significantly (p < 0.001) increased duration of mechanical ventilation, ICU- and hospital treatment, respectively. Their ICU- and hospital mortality was tenfold higher than in patients without prolonged SIRS. The ICU-mortality of 135 septic patients was 40.7 % in contrast to 1.6 % in patients without sepsis. Patients with prolonged SIRS (15.4 % of the study population) accounted for 52.9 % of the bed days on ICU and for 57.7 % of the total costs. Septic patients (3.7 % of the study population) required 24.6 % of the bed days and 28.7 % of the total costs during their ICU-stay. The use of 5 variables including female gender, defined intraoperative complications, an APACHE II- Score of > 17 on ICU-admission, the use of more than one inotrope postoperatively, and the treatment of defined metabolical disorders identified 88 % of the patients with prolonged SIRS (> 3 days) correctly during the first 24 hours postoperativly. The resulting predictive models identified more than 96 % of the patients with sepsis or lethal outcome correctly. The internal validation of the predictive model for prolonged SIRS (> 3 days) demonstrated a specifity of 97 % and a sensitivity of 39 %. Therefore, the early identification of patients at risk for the development of prolonged SIRS or sepsis in our institution seems to be possible using multiple logistic regression of these predictive models.
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Sekundär sklerosierende Cholangitis in kritisch kranken Patienten (SC-CIP) mit zerebraler Pathologie / Secondary sclerosing cholangitis in critically ill patients (SC-CIP) with cerebral pathology

Berger, Laura Christiane 17 September 2018 (has links)
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