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Hur tvätt påverkar stickade elektriska ledningsbanor : En studie om korrelation mellan resistans, kontaktimpedans och böjstyvhet efter tvätt / The impact of laundry on knitted conductive tracksBergström, Malva Cerne January 2024 (has links)
Smarta textilier och e-textilier har, sedan de först började forskas på, haft ett potentiellt användningsområde inom sjukvården, för att användas inom långtidsövervakning av sjuka. Det största hindret som har upptäckts är, förutom att det finns vissa svårigheter med stabiliteten på signalerna från textilierna och att signalerna kan störas av brus, är att de har varit svåra att tvätta. De elektriskt ledande materialen har antagits förstörda av värmen, kemikalierna och det mekaniska arbetet från tvätten. Den här studien fokuserar på hur ledningsbanorna reagerar över lag på tvätt, och om det finns något samband mellan de olika mätmetoderna. Denna rapport testar två olika bindningar för att tillverka en stickad elektrisk ledningsbana, där en ledningsbana ligger exponerad och en ligger isolerad i bakgrundstyget. Flera olika bredder på ledningsbanan tillverkas för att undersöka om det finns någon skillnad mellan dem. Genom att testa resistansen på ledningsbanan, kontaktimpedansen mellan hud och elektrod, och böjstyvheten på fibrerna från det ledande garnet med hjälp av en FAVIMAT+ från TexTechno innan någon tvätt hade utförts, och sedan var femte tvätt upp till 30 tvättar, kan förändringen följas över en längre tid. Med de resultat som samlades in utfördes en ANOVA för varje mätmetod. Sedan utfördes flera korrelationstester, däribland SpearmanRho tester och även ett program för att anpassa en kurva till mätvärdena användes. De resultat som studien kom fram till pekar på att det inte finns något samband mellan ökningen av resistans och ökningen av kontaktimpedans. Resultaten från böjstyvheten var för brusiga för att några slutsatser skulle kunna dras. Det visar sig även att en bredare ledningsbana, och den bindning som isolerade ledningsbanan presterade bättre och hade en mindre ökning över tid än vad de smalare och exponerade ledningsbanorna hade. / Smart textiles and e-textiles have since they first started being researched had a potential to be used in the medical field to monitor sick people over a longer time. The biggest obstacle for the implementation of the smart textiles, except for the difficulty in getting a stable and clean signal, is the conductive yarns inability to handle being washed. The conductive yarn is thought to lose its conductivity due to the heat, chemicals and mechanical work it is exposed to during the wash. The focus of this study is how the conductive tracks react to washing, and if there is any correlation between the different methods of measuring. This report will test two different patterns for creating a knitted conductive track, one where the track will be exposed on the surface of the fabric, and one where it will be isolated between layers of the fabric. Different widths of the track will be tested to see if there is any difference between them. By measuring the resistance of the conductive track, the contact impedance between the skin and electrode and the bending stiffness of the fibers of the conductive yarn before any washes had been carried out, and then after every fifth wash, up to 30 washes, it was possible to track the changes over a longer period. With the results that were collected, an ANOVA was carried out for each of the testing methods. Thereafter several correlation tests were carried out, among others a SpearmanRho and a program that tried to fit a curve to the data points. The results that the study concluded were that there was no correlation between the increase in resistance and the increase of the contact impedance. The results from the bending stiffness were too inconclusive for any conclusions to be made. It also showed that a wider track and the pattern that isolated the track performed better than the thinner tracks and the pattern that exposed the track. The wider isolated track had lower increase of resistance over time that the thin exposed tracks had.
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Textile Integrated Induction : Investigation of Textile Inductors for Wireless Power TransferYring, Malin January 2016 (has links)
This research has its basis in developments within the field of inductive powering and wireless power transfer, WPT, and more specifically one the branch within this field, which is called magnetic resonance coupling. This principle enables efficient power transfer from a transmitting unit to a receiving unit at a distance of some times the unit diameter. The developments within magnetic resonant coupling are together with the possibilities and challenges of today’s smart textile industry the starting point to investigate a novel textile-based product concept for WPT by combining both technologies. Multiple textile samples, consisting of cotton and electrically conductive copper yarns, were produced by weaving technique, additional assembling of electronic components were performed manually and several measurements were carried out to investigate the sample characteristics and the sample performance in terms of power transfer. The produced samples showed to behave similarly to conventional inductors and were able to transfer power over some distance.
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Electrically conductive textile coatings with PEDOT:PSSÅkerfeldt, Maria January 2015 (has links)
In smart textiles, electrical conductivity is often required for several functions, especially contacting (electroding) and interconnecting. This thesis explores electrically conductive textile surfaces made by combining conventional textile coating methods with the intrinsically conductive polymer complex poly(3,4-ethylene dioxythiophene)-poly(styrene sulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS). PEDOT:PSS was used in textile coating formulations including polymer binder, ethylene glycol (EG) and rheology modifier. Shear viscometry was used to identify suitable viscosities of the formulations for each coating method. The coating methods were knife coating, pad coating and screen printing. The first part of the work studied the influence of composition of the coating formulation, the amount of coating and the film formation process on the surface resistivity and the surface appearance of knife-coated textiles. The electrical resistivity was largely affected by the amount of PEDOT:PSS in the coating and indicated percolation behaviour within the system. Addition of a high-boiling solvent, i.e. EG, decreased the surface resistivity with more than four orders of magnitude. Studies of tear strength and bending rigidity showed that textiles coated with formulations containing larger amounts of PEDOT:PSS and EG were softer, more ductile and stronger than those coated with formulations containing more binder. The coated textiles were found to be durable to abrasion and cyclic strain, as well as quite resilient to the harsh treatment of shear flexing. Washing increased the surface resistivity, but the samples remained conductive after five wash cycles. The second part of the work focused on using the coatings to transfer the voltage signal from piezoelectric textile fibres; the coatings were first applied using pad coating as the outer electrode on a woven sensor and then as screen-printed interconnections in a sensing glove based on stretchy, warp-knitted fabric. Sensor data from the glove was successfully used as input to a microcontroller running a robot gripper. These applications showed the viability of the concept and that the coatings could be made very flexible and integrated into the textile garment without substantial loss of the textile characteristics. The industrial feasibility of the approach was also verified through the variations of coating methods.
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Récupération d’énergie mécanique pour vêtements connectés autonomes / Human mechanical energy harvesting systems for smart clothesGeisler, Matthias 30 November 2017 (has links)
La fonctionnalisation « intelligente » des vêtements et accessoires portés par la personne est un phénomène à croissance rapide. L’installation des smartphones dans le quotidien des personnes en une décennie à peine en témoigne. L’autonomie énergétique de ces systèmes est un enjeu important, tant en termes d’ergonomie que de ressources : l’usage de piles ou batteries électrochimiques à l’échelle de milliards d’objets connectés est difficilement envisageable. La récupération d’énergie se pose en alternative pour complémenter ou remplacer ces unités de stockages. Cette thèse explore plusieurs approches pour utiliser l’énergie mécanique de la personne afin d’alimenter un vêtement intelligent en énergie électrique.Après avoir identifié le besoin énergétique d’un vêtement connecté typique, et comparé les possibilités des récupérateurs d’énergie de la littérature, trois formats de récupérateurs d’énergie sont étudiés. Le premier est un générateur inertiel à induction résonant non linéaire, de la taille d’une pile AA et permettant l’exploitation des impacts des pas de la personne. L’étude porte essentiellement sur la modélisation et l’optimisation du système pour l’activité humaine. Le prototype associé présente une densité de puissance supérieure à 500µW/cm3 lors de la course à pied. Le second récupérateur étudié est aussi un générateur inertiel à induction. D’une forme « toroïdale », il exploite le balancier des membres de la personne, et est capable de produire des puissances supérieures au milliwatt lorsqu’il est fixé au niveau du pied ou du bras. Enfin, le troisième concept de récupérateur d’énergie proposé s’appuie sur la transduction électrostatique à capacité variable pour exploiter des déformations dans les vêtements. Le système associe la triboélectricité avec un circuit d’auto-polarisation passif, le doubleur de Bennet. Cette combinaison permet de polariser une capacité variable de façon importante, sans source de tension externe, et ainsi de maximiser l’énergie électrostatique générée. Le dispositif réalisé pour faire la preuve du concept produit ainsi plus de 150µJ par cycle. Cette architecture électrostatique ouvre d’intéressantes possibilités en matière d’ergonomie et d’intégration dans les vêtements. En effet, elle laisse entrevoir le développement de structures étirables et flexibles s’adaptant bien aux contraintes de cette application.La comparaison de ces trois approches est instructive quant aux perspectives de développement du domaine de la conversion de l’énergie mécanique de la personne. / The functionalization of common objects in the human’s environment with electronics is a fast-growing trend, as demonstrated by the emblematic example of smartphones which became almost essential in the everyday life in less than a decade. One important stake of these systems is their power supply, in terms of ergonomics as well as resources: the use of electromechanical batteries to fuel billions of connected “things” is not the most attractive prospect. Energy harvesting techniques may provide an alternative or a complement to the use of these storage units. This thesis explores different structures of generators to efficiently convert the user’s mechanical energy to ensure the electrical self-sufficiency of smart wearables.Based on power requirement considerations for a typical “smart shirt” and comparing human energy harvesters from the literature, different structures are investigated. The first one is an inertial electromagnetic generator, the size of an AA-battery, designed to convert footsteps impacts. A thoroughly modelled and optimized device is able to generate power densities over 500µW/cm3 while attached on the arm during a run. The second considered energy harvester format is a “looped” inertial structure which is adapted to exploit the swing-type motions of the user’s limbs. This system is able to produce milliwatts-level powers from the motion of a small magnetic ball inside the device. Finally, a third generator concept that relies on electrostatic induction was developed, which uses variable capacitance structures to turn clothes deformations into electricity. The architecture of this energy harvester combines the triboelectric effect with a circuit of built-up self-polarization, Bennet’s doubler. It enables high levels of bias voltages without the need of an external source, and thus to maximize the energy generated per electrostatic cycle. A simple test device is shown to produce over 150µJ per cycle. This approach is promising in terms of integration in smart clothing, because it enables the development of flexible and stretchable devices well complying with the comfort requirements of worn systems.The comparison of those three energy harvesters provides an interesting basis for the future developments of energy harvesters converting one’s mechanical energy.
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Development of a coaxial composite fiber / Développement de filaments composites coaxiauxAfzal, Muhammad Ali 17 November 2016 (has links)
Les filaments composites cœur/peau ont été développés dans le but de proposer des capteurs et de effecteurs textiles pour des applications « smart textiles ». Le filage des filaments a été effectué avec une technique de type extrudeuse à piston. Le travail a porté sur la modification d’une machine de filage par fusion, de la caractérisation de polymères, de la caractérisation des filaments développés et de l’optimisation des techniques d’obtention des filaments. La conception du procédé ainsi que son optimisation ont été effectués avec du PET. La modification de la machine a consisté à concevoir les filières, modifier le piston et à introduire un canal d’alimentation sous forme de tube en inox pour sécuriser le passage du filament métallique d’âme dans le four. Ainsi, 10 filières différentes et trois pistons ont été conçus en se fondant sur les règles industrielles puis leurs performances ont été optimisées. Les polymères ont été caractérisés par DSC, par rhéologie et par techniques analytiques. Ces résultats ont montré la forte influence de la température en particulier une forte réduction de la cristallinité du filament composite. L’optimisation des paramètres d’extrusion a pris en compte la vitesse du piston, la vitesse de bobinage, les modifications de la machine dont le nombre de trous des filières, la position du tube dans la filière, les dimensions internes du tube, le diamètre de sortie de la filière. Il a été montré que la conception de la filière a une influence significative sur la forme des filaments obtenus ainsi que sur la concentricité de l’âme. Les propriétés physiques, morphologiques, tribologiques et mécaniques des filaments ont été mesurés. Ainsi, les filaments ont des diamètres compris entre 350 et 500 µm et peuvent être de formes elliptique, triangulaire, rectangulaire ou circulaire et les meilleures propriétés mécaniques sont obtenues avec les filaments le plus réguliers tandis que les filaments irréguliers présentent un coefficient de frottement plus important. Les résultats concernant la rigidité en flexion se sont avérés peu fiables. A partir des paramètres optimisés, un filament composite de polymère ferroélectrique (PVDF 70%-TrFE 30%) avec une âme cuivre a été filé et a montré de parfaites caractéristiques de forme et de concentricité. Ce filament composite peut maintenant être utilisé pour développer des capteurs et des effecteurs, des transmetteurs de signaux, des boucliers électromagnétiques et de l’électronique intégrable dans les vêtements. / A coaxial composite fiber has been developed for the intended application in textile based sensors, actuators and eletric signal transmissions in wearable textile products. The work focuses on melt extrusion machine modification, characterization of polymers, characterization of developed filaments and optimization techniques for obtaining required results. Melt extrusion machine has been used having piston based mechanism. The process design and optimization was done using polyester polymer. The machine modification includes design of spinnert, piston end modification and introduction of separate feeding channel for core filament in the oven. A number of 10 spinnerets designs were developed according to industrial die design rules and optimized for their performance. The piston end designs developed were 3 in number. A stainless steel tube has been introduced into the oven for a separate secure passage of core filament. The polymer characterization was done by thermal, rheological and analytical techniques. The obtained results exhibited thermal attibutes of the polymer and showed reduction in degree of crystallanity in composite filament. The optimization of extrusion parameters including piston speed, winding speed ; and modifications in machine which includes design parameters of number of holes, tube position, tube internal diameter and spinneret exit diameter were done. It was observed that design parameters have significant effect on cross-sectional shape, eccentricity of core and morphology of filament. The characterization of composite filament has been carried out by physical, morphological, mechanical, tribology and bending techniques. The composite filaments developed were in range of 350-500 µm diameter. The filaments developed have elliptical, triangular, rectangular and circular shapes. The regular filaments showed higher tenacity and breaking strength than irregular shaped filaments. The frictional coefficient values were found higher for irregular shapes. Bending stiffness results obtained were not reliable for irregular cross-sectional shapes. The optimized parameters wers used to develop composite filament using ferroelectric polymer (PVDF-TrFE) having 70 :30 ratio copolymer. The developed filament was very regular in shape with good eccentricity of core. The developed Cu/PVDF-TrFE core/sheath filament can be used for development of sensors and actuators. The Cu/Polyester core/sheath filament can be used for electrical signal transmission lines in wearable electronic textiles and for development of electromagnetic shielding effectiveness fabrics.
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Simulation-based development of adaptive fiber-elastomer composites with embedded shape memory alloysCherif, Ch., Hickmann, R., Nocke, A., Fleischhauer, R., Kaliske, M., Wießner, S. 25 October 2019 (has links)
Fiber-reinforced composites are currently being used in a wide range of lightweight constructions. Function integration, in particular, offers possibilities to develop new, innovative products for a variety of applications. The large amount of experimental testing required to investigate these novel material combinations often hinders their use in industrial applications. This paper presents an approach that allows the layout of adaptive, fiber-reinforced composites by the use of numerical simulation. In order to model the adaptive characteristics of this functional composite with textile-integrated shape memory alloys, a thermo-elastic simulation is considered by using the Finite Element method. For the numerical simulation, the parameters of the raw materials are identified and used to generate the model. The results of this simulation are validated through deflection measurements with a specimen consisting of a glass fiber fabric with structurally integrated shape memory alloys and an elastomeric matrix system. The achieved experimental and numerical results demonstrate the promising potential of adaptive, fiber-reinforced composites with large deformation capabilities.
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A Framework and Prototype of a Telehealth System via Fusion of Advanced Technologies and Open Source ApplicationsNaeemah, Ali Jaber 08 June 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Dispositivos electrónicos impresos sobre sustratos textiles mediante la técnica de flexografíaRodes Carbonell, Ana María 04 November 2022 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] La integración de electrónica en los tejidos para obtener nuevas funcionalidades es una de las apuestas de futuro de la industria textil y de la moda. Al estar compuestos parcialmente por tejido, los textiles electrónicos proporcionan a los usuarios un mayor confort, durabilidad y ligereza que otros dispositivos, manteniendo al mismo tiempo las propiedades electrónicas. No obstante, conseguir estas nuevas funcionalidades, a un coste asequible y asegurando la flexibilidad y ligereza propias de los tejidos, sigue siendo un reto para el sector.
El área de la electrónica impresa ha permitido el desarrollo de una electrónica flexible combinando métodos de impresión tradicionales con el uso de tintas electrónicas. La técnica de impresión flexográfica destaca entre las demás por ofrecer altas velocidades de fabricación, calidad y alta productividad a bajo coste. En el ámbito textil, sin embargo, su incorporación es todavía muy reciente y no hay suficientes estudios para su aplicación.
En este contexto, esta tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo fundamental estudiar la novedosa aplicación de la técnica de la flexografía sobre materiales textiles. Para ello, se ha tomado como base los actuales conocimientos de la autora en el área de la electrónica impresa textil empleando la tecnología serigráfica.
Con este fin, durante el desarrollo de la tesis se realiza, en primer lugar, el estudio de los parámetros necesarios para la aplicación de dicha tecnología en diferentes substratos. Del estudio se obtienen diferentes valores adecuados para la impresión mediante flexografía según si el sustrato se trata de un tejido, un no-tejido, un sustrato polimérico o un papel siliconado.
En segundo lugar, se definen los protocolos que permiten la integración de tintas con características eléctricas en las telas empleando la tecnología flexográfica. Por un lado, se estudia el impacto de los parámetros estructurales de un tejido de calada en la conductividad de la tinta impresa y, por otro lado, la influencia del material de la trama en la conductividad de elementos conductores-resistivos. Para ello, se realiza una impresión controlada sobre tejidos de calada utilizando la misma tinta conductora de plata y se analizan las propiedades físicas y eléctricas de las muestras resultantes. Se concluye que, cuanto mayor sea la densidad del textil, menor es la conductividad final de la impresión, y que el algodón es el material menos recomendable para la impresión electrónica mediante la técnica de la flexografía.
Finalmente, se trabaja en el objetivo de desarrollar un sistema de medición de temperatura continuo mediante impresión electrónica sobre sustratos flexibles y elásticos mediante serigrafía para su traslación a flexografía. Se consigue desarrollar con éxito un sistema robusto, de bajo consumo y confortable para los pacientes que permite la adquisición de los datos de temperatura de forma continua. / [CAT] La integració d'electrònica en els teixits per a obtenir noves funcionalitats és una de les apostes de futur de la indústria tèxtil i de la moda. A l'estar compostos parcialment per teixit, els tèxtils electrònics proporcionen als usuaris un major confort, durabilitat i lleugeresa que altres dispositius, mentre mantenen les mateixes propietats electròniques. No obstant això, aconseguir aquestes noves funcionalitats, a un cost assequible i mantenint la flexibilitat i lleugeresa pròpies dels teixits, continua sent un repte per al sector.
L'àrea de l'electrònica impresa ha permès el desenvolupament d'una electrònica flexible combinant mètodes d'impressió tradicionals amb l'ús de tintes electròniques. La tècnica d'impressió flexogràfica destaca entre les altres per oferir altes velocitats de fabricació, qualitat i alta productivitat a baix cost. En l'àmbit tèxtil, no obstant això, la seua incorporació és encara molt recent i no hi ha suficients estudis per a la seua aplicació.
En este context, esta tesi doctoral té com a objectiu fonamental estudiar la nova aplicació de la tècnica de la flexografia sobre materials tèxtils. Per a això, s'ha pres com a base els actuals coneixements de l'autora en l'àrea de l'electrònica impresa tèxtil emprant la tecnologia serigràfica.
Amb este fi, durant el desenrotllament de la tesi es realitza, en primer lloc, l'estudi dels paràmetres necessaris per a l'aplicació de la dita tecnologia en diferents substrats. De l'estudi s'obtenen diferents valors adequats per a la impressió per mitjà de flexografia segons si el substrat es tracta d'un teixit, un no-teixit, un substrat polimèric o un paper siliconat.
En segon lloc, es defineixen els protocols que permeten la integració de tintes amb característiques elèctriques en les te les emprant la tecnologia flexogràfica. D'una banda, s'estudia l'impacte dels paràmetres estructurals d'un teixit de calada en la conductivitat de la tinta impresa i, d'altra banda, la influència del material de la trama en la conductivitat d'elements conductors-resistius. Per a això, es realitza una impressió controlada sobre teixits de calada utilitzant la mateixa tinta conductora de plata i s'analitzen les propietats físiques i elèctriques de les mostres resultants. Es conclou que, quant major siga la densitat del tèxtil, menor és la conductivitat final de la impressió, i que el cotó és el material menys recomanable per a la impressió electrònica per mitjà de la tècnica de la flexografia.
Finalment, es treballa en l'objectiu de desenrotllar un sistema de mesurament de temperatura continu per mitjà d'impressió electrònica sobre substrats flexibles i elàstics per mitjà de serigrafia per a la seua translació a flexografia. S'aconsegueix desenrotllar amb èxit un sistema robust, de baix consum i confortable per als pacients que permet l'adquisició de les dades de temperatura de forma contínua. / [EN] Electronics' integration into textiles to obtain new functionalities is one of the bets for the future of the textile and fashion industry. Electronic textiles provide users greater comfort, durability, and lightness than other devices as they are partially made of fabric, while maintaining the same electronic properties. However, achieving these new functionalities, maintaining the flexibility and flexibility typical of the fabrics with at affordable cost, continues to be a challenge for the sector.
The area of printed electronics has allowed the development of flexible electronics by combining traditional printing methods with the use of electronic inks. The flexographic printing technique stands out among the others for offering high manufacturing speeds, quality, and high productivity at low cost. In the textile field, however, its incorporation is still very recent and there are not enough studies for its application.
In this context, this doctoral thesis fundamental objective is to study the novel application of the flexography technique on textile materials. For this, the current knowledge of the author about printed textile electronics using serigraphic technology has been taken as a basis.
To this end, for the development of the thesis, in the first place the study of the necessary parameters for the application of this technology in different substrates has been carried out. Different suitable values for flexographic printing have been obtained from the study regarding whether the substrate is a fabric, a non-woven, a polymeric substrate or a silicone-coated paper.
Secondly, the protocols that allow the integration of electrical inks with fabrics using flexographic technology have been defined. On the one hand, the impact of the structural parameters of a woven fabric on the conductivity of the printed ink has been studied. On the other hand, also the influence of the weft material on the conductivity of conductive-resistive elements was also studied. To do this, a controlled impression has been made on woven fabrics using the same conductive silver ink. Then both physical and electrical properties of the resulting samples have been analysed. It has been concluded that the higher the density of the textile, the lower final conductivity of the print is. Also, it has been defined that cotton is the least recommended material for electronic printing when using the flexography technique.
Finally, towards the objective of developing a continuous temperature measurement system by electronic printing on flexible and elastic substrates, work has been carried out using screen printing for its translation into flexography. It has been possible to successfully develop a robust, low-consumption and comfortable system for patients that allows the continuous acquisition of temperature data. / Rodes Carbonell, AM. (2022). Dispositivos electrónicos impresos sobre sustratos textiles mediante la técnica de flexografía [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/189164 / Compendio
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Att genom design effektivisera räddningsinsatsen för motorcyklister i trafikolyckaVikström, John January 2012 (has links)
What if the emergency response directly knew exactly where to go and what to do if a road accident occured? During the last ten years the number of motorcyclists in Sweden has doubled. Every year, more than 300 riders are seriously injured and over 40 die in road accidents. Being found in time is critical to increase the chance of survival. The goal of this project is to use design methods to find a solution that enables a fast and adequate emergency response for motorcyclists and other unprotected road users. / Vad hade hänt om akutsjukvårdare direkt kände till var en olycka inträffat och vilken vårdinsats som behövdes? Under de senaste tio åren har antalet motorcyklister i Sverige fördubblats. Varje år skadas över 300 förare allvarligt, och över 40 omkommer i trafikolyckor. Att bli hittad i tid är kritiskt för att öka chansen för överlevnad. Målet med det här projektet är att med designmetoder hitta ett sätt att möjliggöra en snabb och adekvat räddningsinsats för motorcyklister och andra oskyddade motortrafikanter.
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Knitted Circuits for Visual and Tactile Interactive ExpressionsPersson, Anna January 2009 (has links)
As computational technology and new materials are entering the world of textiles, our view on the textile material is challenged; the areas of textiledesign and interaction design start to merge. Designing interactive textiles means communicating new expressional forms through textile material. This thesis aim to contribute to the exploration of designing interactive knitted textiles with focus on linking interactive properties, especially visual and tactile, to different ways of expressing them. Design examples and experiments presented are meant to show new possibilities for designing textile material able to change structure, colour and temperaturein different ways in response to environmental stimuli. As a way of presenting, and reflecting on, these interactive properties, a notion of expression diagrams is introduced. / <p>Photographs on pages 36, 37, 40, by Lars Hallnäs.</p><p>Other photographs by the authors and participants in the projects.</p>
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